Brilliant Pagoda or Haze Castle/Story/Preschool Team's Neutral Scenario
< | Haze Route | Story | Brilliant Route | > |
You should see the following dialogue in-game whenever you stay on the current route (taking the middle route) or are about to switch back to an already-visited route. Otherwise, you will encounter one of the Haze or Brilliant route bosses, depending on the route you are entering.
For stages 1-5, Neutral route bosses are picked at random. On the 6th stage, each boss can be reliably found on a specific cell, and some bosses can appear randomly on cell 6:0. See remarks about specific bosses for more details.
Stage 1[edit | edit source]
Kurohebi[edit | edit source]
闡裡神社参道 |
Sukune |
ところでさ、セセ |
By th'way, Sese... |
Sese |
おう、どうしたぁ~? スクネ |
Oh, whazzup, Sukune? |
Sukune |
セセってなんなんだにゃ? |
What 'xactly are ya anyway, nyah? |
Sese |
骨だよー! |
I'm bones! |
Tenkai |
要領を得ない問いと答えだな |
A vague answer for a vague question. |
Sukune |
そうじゃなくてさ |
No no, 's not what I meant. |
Sese |
知らない! 気がついたら生まれてた! |
I dunno! I was just minding my own business, and then, poof! There I was! |
Tenkai |
いい加減だな~・・・・後ろで尾行してる奴と同じで |
You really are laid-back, huh? ...Much like the shadow trailing us from behind. |
??? |
えっ! バレてたのか・・・ |
Ack! They spotted me...? |
Sese |
おおっ! 誰か出てきたぞ! |
Ohhh, someone came out! |
Kurohebi ENTERS | ||
??? |
なんでバレるかなー |
How did I get spotted...? |
Tenkai |
便利な能力を持ってるみたいだが |
You may have a useful ability, |
Sukune |
流石だぎゃ、天堺! |
Tha's our Tenkai! |
??? |
ここの住民はやりずらい奴らばっかりだぜ |
Geeze. All the residents of this place are so hard to deal with... |
Sese |
何者だー! |
Who the heck are you!? |
Tenkai |
お前、たしか玄鳥の仲間だな |
You're... ah, yes. A companion of Tsubakura's. |
得手勝手な影 |
Strong-Willed Shadow | |
Kurohebi |
ありゃ、知ってんのか |
Oh? You knew that, huh? |
Tenkai |
巻き込んじまってすまないな、外に出たいか? |
Sorry for dragging you into this along with 'em. Want to go back outside? |
Kurohebi |
えっ!? 出してくれんのか? |
Eh!? You'll send me back? |
Tenkai |
死ぬかもしれないけどな |
Y'might die, though. |
Kurohebi |
じゃあイヤだよ |
Well, no thanks, then. |
Sese |
お前~、なぜセセ達をビコーしてた!? |
Hey, you! Why were you following us!? |
Sukune |
怪しいっちゃ~ |
Yer suspicious... |
Kurohebi |
いやな、そこのメロンみたいな奴に用があってな |
Uh, well, I've got some business with your melon-robed friend there... |
Tenkai |
・・・もしかして僕かい? なにかなぁ? |
...Do you mean me? What do you need? |
Kurohebi |
都から"召喚"されているらしいぞ |
You're being "summoned" by the capital, it seems like. |
Tenkai |
断る |
I decline. |
Sukune |
ビシッと言ってやったっちゃ~♪ |
Wahh! They said it so snapp'ly! ♪ |
Kurohebi |
そういわれてもなぁ・・・こっちも仕事なんでね |
Well, say whatever you want... but I've got orders, you know. |
Tenkai |
だろうね、生死を問わないってやつかな? |
Yes, I'm sure. One of those "wanted dead or alive" things, I imagine? |
BGM: メイドインブラック ~ Double Snake |
BGM: Made in Black ~ Double Snake | |
Kurohebi |
生かして連れてこい、とは言われてない |
Well, they didn't explicitly tell me to bring you alive. |
Kurohebi DEFEATED | ||
Kurohebi |
ちょっと強すぎやしない? |
Aren't you a bit too strong? |
Sese |
流石だな、ずいふぉん! |
Wooo, yeah! That's our Zuifeng! |
Sukune |
天堺は強いにゃ~ |
Tenkai's a strong'un, nyah~. |
Tenkai |
宮使いはごめんだからな |
Sorry. Court service isn't my thing. |
Kurohebi |
あ~あ、こりゃクビかな |
Aw maaaan, they're gonna fire me for this... |
Tenkai |
たぶん私を連れて来いって命令された時点で |
I'm pretty sure that ordering you to bring me to them |
Kurohebi |
マジかぁ・・・ |
Are you kidding me...? |
Jun Amanomiya[edit | edit source]
闡裡神社参道 |
Sukune |
天堺ってしゃ |
Ey, Tenkai. |
Tenkai |
うん? |
Mm? |
Sukune |
にゃんで先代と一緒に異変解決してたんだぎゃ? |
Why'dja solve incidents with th'last priest? |
Tenkai |
んー、まぁ同じ外界出身で共感を覚えたってのもあるし、 |
Mm. Well, I did feel some sympathy for them as a fellow outside-worlder, |
Sese |
へー、先代神主と仲良かったのか |
Ooh. So you were friends with the former priest, then? |
Sukune |
セセは何にも知らないんだっちゅーの? |
Y'don't know anyffin' at all, Sese? |
Sese |
けっこう昔から生きてたみたいだけど、 |
I think I've lived for a pretty long time, |
Tenkai |
・・・成長する妖怪か、中々珍しいな |
...A youkai that can mature? That's quite rare. |
Sukune |
ボクだって成長してるっちゅーに! |
Hey! I'm m'turin' plenty too, yanno! |
??? |
じゃーのめーでおーむかーえ♪ |
...Comes to pick me u~p with a snake-eye u~mbrella~... ♪ |
Sese |
なんだ! このへったくそな歌は!? |
Agh! What's with this godawful singing!? |
Jun Amanomiya ENTERS | ||
??? |
うーれ・・・しくないねぇ・・・ |
And I'm e~ver so... uh, unhappy...? |
Tenkai |
妖怪が歌いながら歩いてやがる |
And here we have a youkai who's singing to themself while taking a stroll. |
Sukune |
ボクもハニワ作るときはよく鼻歌を歌うぎゃー |
I hum t'myself a lot when I make haniwas too, gyah! |
Sese |
ずいぶんと音痴な妖怪だなー |
What a tone-deaf youkai! |
??? |
勝手に人の歌を聞いといて酷評かい |
Well, excuse you! Eavesdropping on someone singing an' then bashing them for it... |
Tenkai |
雨降り妖怪か・・・こいつも中々珍しいな |
A rainfall youkai... those are pretty rare, too. |
Sese |
こいつ知ってるぞ! 潤ってやつだ |
I know them! That's Jun over there! |
進退両難あまがっぱ |
Raincoat between a Rock and a Hard Place | |
Jun |
おぉ、知っとるのかい |
Oh, you know me? |
Sese |
いつも変なナメクジ妖怪と一緒にいるぞ! |
They're always together with that weird slug youkai! |
Jun |
宵はナメクジじゃないんじゃがな |
Shou isn't a slug, though. |
Sukune |
妖怪、死すべし! |
Death upon th'youkai! |
Tenkai |
お前らだって妖怪だろう |
You two are also youkai, you know. |
Sese |
退治してやるぞー! |
We're gonna exterminate youuu! |
BGM: 韓紅に水は括る ~DYE~ |
BGM: The Water Dyed in Crimson ~DYE~ | |
Jun |
なんじゃ、戦うのかい? まぁ遊んでやってもかまわんよ |
Oh, you want to fight? Well, I s'pose I can spare the time to play with you young'uns. |
Tenkai |
なんで3対1でまともに戦えると思ってるんだろうな? |
What makes you think three on one is even remotely fair? |
Sese |
ぼっこぼこだ! |
We're gonna beat'choo up! |
Sukune |
ぐっちゃぐちゃだぎゃ♪ |
We're gonna spread yer guts, gyah! ♪ |
Jun |
ありゃ? |
Oh? Oh dearie me. |
Jun Amanomiya DEFEATED | ||
Jun |
おぉ・・・厳しい戦いだった |
Ooh... what an unrelenting lot you are... |
Tenkai |
良かったな、原型は保ってる |
Ah, good. They at least kept their original shape. |
Sese |
結構頑丈なやつだなー |
They sure are a sturdy one! |
Sukune |
傘型埴輪でも作ってやるぎゃ |
I'mma make an umbrella-shaped haniwa, yah. |
Jun |
それは重そうだなー |
That sounds like it'd be heavy... |
Stage 2[edit | edit source]
Aoji Shitodo[edit | edit source]
迷えずの森 or 闡裡神社参道 or 戦線となる川 |
The Unlost Woods or Senri Shrine Road or The Frontline River | |
Tenkai |
ところで君ら二人はなんで神社の縁側の下にいたんだい? |
By the way, why were you two hiding under the shrine's porch? |
Sese |
よく言うだろー? 『強者は縁の下にいる』って |
You know what they say, right? "Tough guys always hide under the porch." |
Tenkai |
・・・・『縁の下の力持ち』のことかい? |
...You mean "hidden strength underneath the porch"?[a] |
Sukune |
あー、それだぎゃ! |
Yeah, yeah! That! |
Tenkai |
意味もなんか違うしな |
I think you've got the meaning a bit twisted, there. |
Sese |
まぁーニュアンスが伝わればいいのだー! |
Whatevs! As long as you get the nuance across, it's fine! |
Tenkai |
それで、 |
So, anyway, |
Sukune |
あいつらいつも活躍して羨ましいんだぎゃ~ |
Yeah! We're jealoush of how they're always doin' an awesome job! |
Tenkai |
・・・言うほど活躍してるかぁ? |
...Arrrre they? |
Sese |
セセたちもここらで有名になっときたい! |
We want to get famous too! |
Sukune |
んだぎゃ! |
Yeah, gyah! |
Tenkai |
あぁそうかい |
Oh. Do you, now. |
??? |
あー、そこにいる人は・・・ |
Ah, is that one over there... |
Tenkai |
んんっ |
Hmm? |
Aoji Shitodo ENTERS | ||
??? |
ハニワさんじゃないですか! |
Ah, if it isn't the haniwa! Hello there! |
Sukune |
おぉ! 鵐のところの青いのだぷー |
Oh! 'S the blue one from the Shitodo place, puu~. |
Sese |
たしかに青いなー |
Yeah, they're totally blue! |
??? |
他の二人は・・・どなたですか? |
And you two are... um, who are you exactly? |
Tenkai |
僕は知ってるぞ、鵐蒿雀 |
I know of you, Aoji Shitodo. |
意志薄弱な末っ子 |
Weak-Willed Youngest Child | |
Aoji |
えぇ・・・僕は知らないんですが |
Uhh... I do not, though. |
Tenkai |
キミのところの黒い奴とは直接会ってるし、 |
I've met your black sibling in person, |
Aoji |
はぁ・・・? 僕のことはクロから聞いたんですか? |
Wha...? You heard about me from Kuro? |
Tenkai |
いや違う、キミらを无現里に連れてきた犯人には、 |
No, not them. I'm an accomplice to the culprit |
Sukune |
そうだったのかぅ!? |
Buh-wah?! Y'were?! |
Aoji |
へー、知りませんでした |
Huh~. That's news to me. |
Sese |
本人はあんまり興味なさそうだな |
Doesn't seem like they're even all that interested. |
Aoji |
ありますよ! |
Oh, believe me, I am! |
Tenkai |
流石は黒い奴と同じ血筋だな |
They really do share the same blood as that black one, I see. |
Sese |
悪い奴だー! |
They're an evil scoundrelll! |
Sukune |
悪党は退治だぎゃ |
Scoundrels get exterminated, gyah! |
Tenkai |
妖怪じゃない奴も退治するのか? |
You exterminate things besides youkai? Really? |
Sese |
セセたちは正義の味方なのだ! |
Sese and Sukune are allies of justice! |
Sukune |
ハニーワヒーローズだぎゃ! |
Yeah! We're th'Haniwa Heroes, gyah! |
Aoji |
あれー? もしかして僕、襲われるんですか? |
Huh? Wait, am I about to get attacked? |
Tenkai |
どうやらそうらしいな |
Looks like it. |
BGM: 青嵐 ~ Plastic Vortex |
BGM: Blue Storm ~ Plastic Vortex | |
Aoji |
じゃあ正当防衛ですね♪ |
Time for some justified self-defense, then. ♪ |
Tenkai |
やっぱりお前も鵐だな |
Yeah, you're definitely a Shitodo. |
Aoji Shitodo DEFEATED | ||
Aoji |
負けるんですよね、これが |
Yep, looks like I lost. |
Tenkai |
しかしお前ら三人組みは |
It seems like you and your siblings really are |
Sese |
悪がはびこっているぞ! |
Their evil is spreadin'! |
Sukune |
許せないんだぎゃ! |
Iss' unforgivable, gyah! |
Aoji |
まぁいいじゃないですか、誰も損しないんですから |
Well, that's fine, isn't it? Nobody's getting hurt or anything. |
Tenkai |
・・・被害者が続出してるって聞いたけどな... |
...I have heard about your continuous stream of victims, though... |
Aoji |
その分だけ加害者がいるので合わせて±0です |
There's just as many perpetrators as there are victims, so it breaks even. |
Tenkai |
すっごい理論だな |
That's some logic you've got there. |
Shou Amanomori[edit | edit source]
迷えずの森 or 闡裡神社参道 or 戦線となる川 |
The Unlost Woods or Senri Shrine Road or The Frontline River | |
Tenkai |
・・・結局、なんで僕は連れまわされてるんだっけ? |
...So, why did you drag me along? |
Sukune |
天堺は強いからぎゃ |
'Cause y're strong, gyah. |
Sese |
藪雨や玄鳥も強いんだよー |
Yabusame and Tsubakura are strong, too! |
Tenkai |
だから、僕に手を貸せってわけか |
So you want me to help you deal with them? |
Sukune |
んだぎゃ |
Mmyap. |
Sese |
そのとーり |
That's riiight! |
Tenkai |
しかたない奴らだなぁ~ |
You guys are hopeless... |
??? |
お、ま、え、らー! |
Sese |
むっ! |
Mh! |
Shou Amanomori ENTERS | ||
??? |
お前らか!? 潤をいじめた奴らは! |
You guys, yeah!? You're the ones who bullied Jun! |
Tenkai |
・・・記憶にないけど |
...I don't remember anything like that. |
Sukune |
そうだったけかにゃ? |
Did we bully'em, nyah? |
Sese |
覚えてない! |
I don't remember anything like that at all! |
??? |
しらばっくれるな! お前らに決まってるんだ |
Don't play dumb with me! It was definitely you. |
Tenkai |
すごい自信だが、何か根拠があるのかい? |
That sure is a bold claim. Do you have any evidence? |
歩く潤滑剤 |
Walking Lubricant | |
Shou |
潤のことならなんでも分かるからさ! |
I know everything there is to know about Jun! |
Sukune |
潤しゃんの好きゅなたべもんわ? |
So what's Jun-shan'sh fav'rite food? |
Shou |
そば! |
Soba noodles! |
Sese |
趣味はー? |
Their hobby? |
Shou |
裁縫! |
Sewing! |
Tenkai |
本命星は? |
Their birth star? |
Shou |
ほ・・・・な、なんだそれはー!! |
S... wh- what is that supposed to mean!? |
Tenkai |
なんでも分かるってわけじゃないみたいだな |
So you don't know everything about them, after all. |
BGM: アクト・ザ・フール ~ HAHAHA |
BGM: Act the Fool ~ HAHAHA | |
Shou |
バカにしてるな!? |
Making fun of me, are you!? |
Sukune |
妖怪も千差万別にゃもんねぇ~ |
There's a lotta diff'rent types'a youkai, yanno. |
Sese |
弱いやつは弱いんだな |
And the weak ones will always be weak. |
Shou |
好き勝手言って! 後悔させてやる! |
Say whatever you want! I'll make you regret it all! |
Shou Amanomori DEFEATED | ||
Shou |
やっぱり後悔したー |
Now I regret everything! |
Sukune |
すごいヌルヌルしてるんだぎゃ |
They're super slipp'ry, yah. |
Sese |
このヌルヌル、何かに利用できないかー? |
What would you say could that be used for? |
Tenkai |
・・・潤滑剤? |
...Lubricant? |
Shou |
な・・・なんだそれはー!! |
Wh... What the hell is wrong with you!!? |
Tsugumi Umatachi[edit | edit source]
迷えずの森 or 闡裡神社参道 or 戦線となる川 |
The Unlost Woods or Senri Shrine Road or The Frontline River | |
Sese |
セセはなー |
Sese iiiiis... |
Tenkai |
うん? |
Mm? |
Sese |
骨でなー |
A buncha bones, riiight? |
Sukune |
んだぎゃ |
Mmyap. |
Sese |
骨成分不足なんだー |
And there's something my bones don't have enough of! |
Tenkai |
・・・うん? カルシウムのことかな? |
...Really? Maybe it's calcium? |
Sukune |
牛乳を飲むっきゃないっちゃ! |
Ya gotta drink lotsha milk, chyah! |
Sese |
牛乳好きくないー |
But I don't like the milks![b] |
Tenkai |
色々意味が分からないんだけど |
I'm not sure what you mean by that... in several ways. |
Sese |
牛乳以外でなんか骨成分とれるものないかなー? |
Isn't there anything besides milk that can make bones stronger? |
??? |
野菜やで! |
Vegetables, that's what! |
Tenkai |
おう? |
Oh? |
Tsugumi Umatachi ENTERS | ||
??? |
カルシウム摂るんやったら野菜やで! |
If it's calcium yer' after, ya oughta eat some veggies! |
Sese |
野菜って骨成分あるのか? |
So vegetables make bones stronger, huh? |
Sukune |
あんまりそういうイメージないんだぎゃー |
That's not th'first thing that comes t'mind when I think of vegetables, gyah. |
??? |
パセリ食べんかーい! |
How 'bout y'eat some parsley, eh! |
Tenkai |
元気そうだね、ツグミさん |
You seem really chipper today, Tsugumi-san. |
義者張る南瓜のアウリガ |
Honest-Acting Pumpkin Auriga | |
Tsugumi |
な、なんや・・・よく見たらテ...瑞風やないか |
Wha- am I seein' right? If it ain't Ten— uh, Zuifeng. |
Tenkai |
よく見ないと気が付かなかったんですかい |
Well, you wouldn't have realized it was me if you hadn't been seeing right, would you? |
Tsugumi |
なんの用や? もうワシと鶴喰とは縁がないやろ、 |
Whaddaya want? I don't associate with Tsurubami no more, |
Sukune |
あれ? あなたって先代神主と知り合いなの? |
Ahwhat? Y'know the old priesht? |
Tsugumi |
んっ、よく見たらいつかのハニワもおるやないか |
'm I seein' right? If it ain't the haniwa from whenever ago. |
Sese |
老眼なんだなー |
They're getting far-sighted! |
Tsugumi |
だれがジジババやねん! |
Who're ya callin' old, ya little twerp!? |
Tenkai |
まぁ別に用があるわけじゃないですよ、 |
Well, we don't actually want anything from you. |
Tsugumi |
なんや、グチグチとめんどくさい奴やな |
Wha? Ya don't hafta split hairs, ya big oaf. |
Sese |
そっちがめんどくさい奴だろー! |
You're the oaf here! |
Tsugumi |
だがな瑞風、ワシはお前に借りがあんねん |
But anyway, Zuifeng. I got a debt I gotta pay ya back for. |
Tenkai |
あぁそうですか |
Oh, do you? |
Sukune |
へー、天堺ってカボチャさんと仲いいんだぎゃね |
Huh~. So Tenkai 'n the pumpkinface are real close, yah? |
Tsugumi |
よくないわ! これからぶっとばしてやんねん |
No we ain't! I'm about ta blast 'em inta next week, after all. |
Sese |
おー、やんのかー? |
Ohh, you wanna go? |
Tenkai |
ツグミさぁん、そういうのは昔に決着がついたでしょ~? |
Tsugumi, we already settled all that long ago, didn't we~? |
BGM: レッツエンド号 ~ to run away! |
BGM: Let's 'n Go ~ to run away! | |
Tsugumi |
いーんや、お前らいつもタイマンでやらなかったやんけ |
Nah, c'mon. You guys never fought me one-on-one, right? |
Sukune |
・・・こっちは三人いるんだにょ? |
...Uh, but we outn'mber y' three t'one? |
Tsugumi |
・・・・・あっ |
....Erp. |
Tenkai |
やっぱりどこか抜けてるよな |
They're really kind of a dunce, |
Tsugumi Umatachi DEFEATED | ||
Tsugumi |
アンフェアや~ |
Unfair! Completely unfair! |
Tenkai |
まぁツグミさんが元気そうでよかったですよ |
Well, you seem healthy, so it's all good, I'd say. |
Sukune |
カボチャ型ハニワ・・・ |
Pumpkin-shaped haniwa... |
Sese |
どうしたー? すくねー? |
What's the matter, Sukune? |
Sukune |
んんーん、ハロウィンが楽しみだにゃ~ |
Mmmmhmmm, I'm rilly lookin' forward t'Halloween, nyah. |
Tenkai |
・・・この国ってそんな行事あったっけ? |
...Does this land even have festivities like that? |
Stage 3[edit | edit source]
Lumen Celeritas[edit | edit source]
前哨陣地 or 迷えずの森 or 闡裡神社参道 or 戦線となる川 or 夢幻堤防 |
The Outpost Base Camp or The Unlost Woods or Senri Shrine Road or The Frontline River or The Fantasy Seawall | |
Tenkai |
なぁ、ホネっ子やい |
Hey, Boney. |
Sese |
んー? |
Hmmm? |
Tenkai |
お前さんは誰の骨なんだい? |
Whose bones are you, anyway? |
Sukune |
ハニワボーン? |
Haniwa-bone? |
Sese |
セセはな、セセのホネなんだな |
Well, y'see, Sese is... Sese's bones! |
Sukune |
ハニワセセボーン? |
Haniwa-Sesebone? |
Tenkai |
なんかフランス語みたいな響きだな |
Sounds kind of like French. |
Sese |
フランス? |
French? |
Sukune |
なんだぎゃそれはー! |
Yah, whazzat, eh! |
Tenkai |
いや、教えても分からんだろうからいいよ |
Uh, nevermind. Even if I explained it to you, you wouldn't get it. |
??? |
キラーンっ! |
Bling and a flaaaaaaash! |
Sese |
おっ |
Oh. |
Lumen Celeritas ENTERS | ||
??? |
ピッピカチャー! |
Hail to the light, baby! |
Tenkai |
うわぁ、厄介な人が来たよ・・・ |
Gah, someone real pesky showed up... |
??? |
へいへい、天堺じゃーん! |
Hey, hey! If it isn't Tenkaaai! |
Sukune |
おー、偉人さんだぎゃ |
Ohhh, it'sh the hero, gyah. |
無頓着に収束する恩光 |
Carelessly Converging Ray of Sunshine | |
Lumen |
そのとーり! 偉大なる偉人、ルーメンです☆ |
That's right! The amazing hero Lumen has arrived! ☆ |
Tenkai |
この人、どんどんおかしくなってないか・・・? |
Is it just me, or are they getting weirder and weirder...? |
Lumen |
そんなこと言わないでよー天堺ちゃーん! |
Aw, Tenkai-chaaan! Don't say that! |
Sese |
なんかあったのかー? |
Really? What happened? |
Tenkai |
この人の尻拭いで結界を直しただけだがね |
Not much. I just cleaned up after their mess by fixing the barrier that they broke. |
Lumen |
无現里の外までは飛んでいけなかったよぉー |
I didn't manage to fly all the way out of Mugenri, though~. |
Sukune |
けど結界を破損させたんだぎゃよね、すごいっちゃ! |
But ya broke the barrier, didn'tcha? That'sh amazing, yah! |
Lumen |
へへへっ、それほどでも・・・あるね! もっと誉めて! |
Heh heh heh, it was nothing special... psyche! It totally was! Praise me more! |
Tenkai |
ルーメンさん、いい加減に年相応に |
Lumen-san, perhaps you should get off your high horse |
Sukune |
封印されてるからしかたないんじゃないぎゃ? |
But they can't help it, can they? 'Cause of all them sealsh on'em, yah. |
Tenkai |
いや、この人は封印される前から大体こんな調子らしいよ |
Uh, no. I heard they were pretty much like this even before their powers got sealed up. |
Sese |
楽しい人だねー! |
They really know how to have fun! |
Lumen |
偉人は楽しくあるべきなのさ! だからこそ偉大なのさ! |
A hero should be able to have fun! That's exactly what makes them so grand! |
Tenkai |
意味不明な理屈だ・・・ |
What bizarre reasoning... |
Sukune |
偉人ってのは変わった人が多いんだぎゃ |
Seems like there'sh a lot of overlap b'tween "heroes" an' "weirdos". |
Lumen |
そして偉人は強くなければいけない |
Well, unlike weirdos, heroes have to get stronger! |
Sese |
そりゃそーだな! |
I guess that's true! |
Tenkai |
おっ、展開が読めたぞ・・・ |
I can name ten kinds of ways you aren't. |
Sukune |
・・・・・"てんかい"なだけに? |
..."Ten kinds"? Ten-kainds? |
BGM: プリズミックドライブ |
BGM: Prismic Drive | |
Lumen |
偉人はそんなつまらんダジャレは言わないんだな! |
A hero would never whip out a lame pun like that! |
Tenkai |
いや・・・別にダジャレのつもりで言ったわけじゃ・・・ |
Uhh... I didn't even mean to make that one... |
Sukune |
見苦しいんだぎゃ~ |
Such'n ugly pun, yah! |
Sese |
潔くないぞー! |
How utterly ungracious! |
Tenkai |
くそっ、しつこい奴らだなぁ |
Ugh, shut up already. What a stubborn bunch. |
Lumen |
ダジャレが滑って寂しいキミに、光あれー! |
May light shine upon you, and your sorrow at having your joke fall flat! |
Tenkai |
滑ってないっつーの! |
Excuse you! It did not fall flat! |
Lumen Celeritas DEFEATED | ||
Lumen |
ピッカピカだね♪ |
Sparkle an' flash! ♪ |
Tenkai |
相変わらず厄介な偉人だ |
As troublesome of a hero as always. |
Sese |
セセも偉人になりたいなー! |
I want to be a hero, too! |
Lumen |
キミも異変を解決すれば偉人になるさ♪ |
You, too, can become a hero by solving an incident. ♪ |
Sukune |
僕は前に異変解決したっちゃよ! |
I solved 'n incident before, yah! |
Sese |
宿禰は偉人だったのかー!? |
Whoa! Sukune, you're a hero!? Awesome! |
Tenkai |
・・・・・疲れた |
......I am so tired. |
Fujiwara no Iyozane[edit | edit source]
前哨陣地 or 迷えずの森 or 闡裡神社参道 or 戦線となる川 or 夢幻堤防 |
The Outpost Base Camp or The Unlost Woods or Senri Shrine Road or The Frontline River or The Fantasy Seawall | |
Sukune |
ハニワ合戦・・・・ |
A haniwa war... |
Tenkai |
はぁ? |
Ehh? |
Sukune |
ハニワを投げ合って戦うゲームってのはどうだぎゃ? |
Wouldn't it be cool t'have a war game where people're throwin' haniwa at each'ther? |
Sese |
おぉー! いいなー、それ! |
Ohhhh! I like the sound of that! |
Tenkai |
ごめん、何言ってんのか全っ然分からない |
Sorry, but I have absolutely no idea what you're on about. |
Sukune |
ほら、今戦争ブームだぎゃ? |
Well, see, there'sh a big war fad right now, yah? |
Sese |
流行には乗らないとな! |
Yeah! You gotta ride that wave! |
Tenkai |
依然、意味不明 |
I still don't get it. |
??? |
おや、そこにいるのは・・・ |
Oh my, aren't you...? |
Sese |
あー? |
Ahhh? |
Fujiwara no Iyozane ENTERS | ||
??? |
宿禰じゃないか! また会ったね |
If it isn't Sukune! We meet again. |
Sukune |
フジさんだぎゃー! |
It's Fuji-san, gyah! |
Tenkai |
・・・あぁ、あの新皇気取りの部下か |
...Ah, I see. The New Emperor wannabe's favorite subordinate. |
時代錯誤の野心家 |
Anachronistic Ambitious Person | |
Iyozane |
新皇気取り・・・まぁ否定はしませんけどね |
New Emperor "wannabe"... well, I can't deny that. |
Sese |
宿禰はこいつと知り合いなのかー? |
You know this person, Sukune? |
Sukune |
そうだぎゃ! |
Yah, I do! |
Iyozane |
だいたい合ってるけど、なんか違う気がする |
I mean, you're not wrong, but something feels off about that description. |
Tenkai |
新皇もどきは元気かい? |
So how's that excuse for a New Emperor doing these days? |
Iyozane |
・・・あなた誰です? |
...Wait, who are you? |
Sese |
ずいふぉんは噂が好きなんだなー |
Zuifeng's someone who loves rumors, y'see! |
Iyozane |
え・・・? ずいふぉんって、あの恐怖のメロン・・・・ |
Eh...? By "Zuifeng," do you mean that melon of terror...? |
Tenkai |
・・・何に納得した? |
...What do you see, exactly? |
Sukune |
やっぱりメロンみたいだぎゃ~ |
Y'really look like a melon aft'rall, gyah~! |
Sese |
夕張メロンたべたいぞー |
Now I'm hungry for a Yuubari melon! |
Iyozane |
そんな服着てたらそう思われますよー |
Those clothes so make you look like a melon. |
Tenkai |
・・・この色、好きなんだけどなぁ... |
...But these are my favorite colors... |
Sukune |
フジさんはここで何やってるぎゃ~? |
So, Fuji-san, whatcha doin' around here, gyah~? |
Iyozane |
ん~、この戦争ごっこでウチも大変でねぇ |
Mmm, you see, we've been having some trouble with these ongoing war games as well... |
Sese |
戦争ごっこしてんのか? |
You're playing war games too? |
Iyozane |
私らは参戦してないんだけど、ウチの同志が |
We're not participating, but a comrade of ours seems to |
Tenkai |
それで、新皇気取りはどうした? |
So, how is your would-be New Emperor doing? |
Iyozane |
えー・・・・新皇はご乱心でございまして |
Ehhh...? Uh, the New Emperor went a little mad... |
Sukune |
・・・本当に新皇様なの? |
...Are they really an Emp'ror? |
Tenkai |
じゃあ仕方ないな、 |
So much for them, then. |
Iyozane |
んー、身内の情報は一応口止めされてるんで、 |
Mm, well, I am technically bound to secrecy when it comes to |
Tenkai |
・・・・・ |
...... |
Sese |
メロンがプンプンしてるぞー! |
Oooh, the melon's steaming! |
Sukune |
それじゃあ无現里的交渉だぎゃ~ |
Guess it's time fer'some Mugenri-style negotiationsh, gyah~! |
Iyozane |
それって戦うってことかな? イヤだな~ |
You mean you'll beat the information out of me? Oh, no~. Anything but tha~t. |
Tenkai |
そう言いながらやる気マンマンみたいだがな |
Your mouth says no, but your face very much says yes. |
BGM: 幽霊うごく波と風 ~ not steady body |
BGM: Waves and Wind That Sway the Spirits ~ not steady body | |
Iyozane |
いやね、名高いメロンさんと戦えるのは光栄だな~ |
Oh, no, I was just thinking... that it sure would |
Tenkai |
ぶっ飛ばす |
You are so dead. |
Fujiwara no Iyozane DEFEATED | ||
Iyozane |
やっぱりメロンには勝てなかったよ・・・ |
*Sigh*. Of course there was no way I could beat the melon... |
Tenkai |
いいか、もう、二度と、僕を、メロンと、呼ぶな |
Don't. Call me. A melon. Ever. Again. Understand? |
Sukune |
メロンさんすっごくプンプンしてるぎゃ~ |
The melon's really steamin' now, gyah~! |
Sese |
カルシウム足りてないんじゃない? |
Do you need more calcium? |
Iyozane |
ちなみに言いますと・・・ |
Oh, and by the way... |
Tenkai |
・・・じゃあ今の戦いはなんだったんだ? |
...Then what was that fight just now even for? |
Sukune |
天堺のうっぷん晴らし? |
T'let off shome steam? |
Sese |
ホネ、食うか? |
Want a bone? |
Tenkai |
・・・さっさと先に進もう... |
...Ugh, let's just get moving already... |
Stage 4[edit | edit source]
Hooaka Shitodo[edit | edit source]
召喚城郭 or 前哨陣地 or 迷えずの森 or 闡裡神社参道 or 戦線となる川 or 夢幻堤防 or 幽暗海橋 |
The Summonsing Fortress or The Outpost Base Camp or The Unlost Woods or Senri Shrine Road (far) or The Frontline River or The Fantasy Seawall or The Gloomy Sea Bridge | |
Sese |
ずいふぉん、ずいふぉん! |
Zuife~ng! Zuife~ng! |
Tenkai |
な、なんだいホネっこ? |
Uh. What is it, Boney? |
Sese |
セセはなー、ずいふぉんみたいに強くなりたいんだがなー |
Y'see, Sese wants to get really strong like Zuifeng... |
Sukune |
ほー、そうなんだぎゃね |
Ho~h, yeah. That's right, gyah. |
Sese |
そんでなー、どうやったら強くなれるんだー? |
But like, what should Sese do to get stronger? |
Tenkai |
うーん・・・・・才能? |
Mmm..... have talent, I guess? |
Sukune |
すっごく感じ悪い奴だぎゃ~ |
Geeze, you're mean, gyah~! |
Tenkai |
うそうそ、努力努力! |
Sorry, kidding! It just takes effort, I swear! |
Sese |
そうかなー? けど藪雨と玄鳥には勝てないぞー? |
You really think so~? But I still can't beat Yabusame and Tsubakura. |
Tenkai |
玄鳥は特別だからな・・・藪雨は・・・なんなんだろ? |
Well, Tsubakura's a special case... and Yabusame is... actually, what are they? |
Sukune |
天堺にもよく分からんのだぎゃか? |
Ya don't know much about'em either, Tenkai? |
Tenkai |
まぁな、変な生き物だよ、アレは |
Mm, well. They're... a strange creature, at any rate. |
??? |
へいっ! その謎を教えてやろうか! |
'Ey there! How's about I solve that mystery for you?! |
Tenkai |
んんっ、お前は・・・ |
Mmh, you're... |
Hooaka Shitodo ENTERS | ||
頭寒足熱で熱暴走 |
Cool-Headed Hot-Heeled Thermal Runaway | |
Hooaka |
みんなのアイドル頬赤だぜ! |
I'm Hooaka! The people's idol! |
Sukune |
頬赤ってみんなのアイドルだったのぎゃ? |
Whaaa? Y'were th'people'sh idol, Hooaka? |
Hooaka |
そこは深く追求しなくていいぞ! |
Don't think about that too deeply! |
Sese |
誰、こいつ? |
Who the heck's this? |
Hooaka |
ホオアカさ! |
Hooaka! Duh! |
Sese |
ホオアカかー |
Hooaka, huh...? |
Tenkai |
何しに来たんだお前 |
What are you even here for? |
Hooaka |
お前は誰だ!! |
Woah! Who the heck are you?! |
Tenkai |
あぁ、そういえば面と向かって会うのは初めてだっけ? |
Oh, right. This is the first time we've met in person, isn't it? |
Hooaka |
初めてだぞ!! |
Uh, YEAH!! |
Tenkai |
あぁそうかい・・・なんか柔軟な奴だな |
Is it, now...? You certainly are flexible. |
Sukune |
頬赤は藪雨が何で強いのか知ってるのかー? |
D'you know why Yabusame'sh so shtrong, Hooaka~? |
Hooaka |
知ってるぞー! |
Yep, I do! |
Tenkai |
・・・気がする? |
...You think? |
Hooaka |
正直あんまり覚えてないぞ! |
To be honest, I don't remember it that well! |
Tenkai |
黒い奴と同じ血が通ってるとは思えないな・・・ |
Wow. You'd hardly think that they're related to the black one... |
Sese |
おもしろい奴だなー |
They seem pretty interesting! |
Hooaka |
よし、勝負すっか |
A'ight, what'dya say we have a quick match? |
Tenkai |
おい、どうしてそうなるんだい? |
What? Why, though? |
Hooaka |
晴れた空の下で弾幕家2人・・・勝負でしょう |
Two danmakuists facing off under a clear sky... we've just gotta fight, don't we? |
Sukune |
・・・弾幕家ってなんだぎゃ? |
...What's a danmaku-ist, gyah? |
Sese |
よく分からん奴だなー |
I'm not too sure either~. |
Tenkai |
戦えば玄鳥から何を聞いたのか、 |
Do you mean that if we fight you, you'll |
Hooaka |
そういうことだ! |
Exactly! |
Sukune |
すっごい分かりづらい奴だぎゃ |
They're really difficult t'understand, gyah. |
BGM: オーバーヒートダウン |
BGM: Overheat Down | |
Hooaka |
惚れるだろぅ? 火傷するなよ? |
Charming, aren't I? Better not get too close, though, or you'll get burned. |
Tenkai |
むしろ凍傷になりそうだ |
Seems more like you'll get frostbite, honestly. |
Hooaka |
じゃあまとめて未来に永久保存してやるよ! |
All right, then! I'll put all three of you in cold storage for the future! |
Hooaka Shitodo DEFEATED | ||
Hooaka |
いやー、たまには激しい運動がしたいんだよね~ |
Whe~w. It's nice to get some more intense exercise once in a while~. |
Tenkai |
それが目的だったのか |
That was what you were after? |
Sukune |
それで、藪雨ってなんなんだぎゃ? |
So what'sh up with Yabusame, gyah? |
Hooaka |
玄鳥曰く、『唯一の存在』らしいぞ? |
According to Tsubakura, "their existence is one-of-a-kind"? |
Tenkai |
何で疑問符がつくんだい? |
Why's there a question mark on the end? |
Hooaka |
言ったろ? よく覚えてないって |
Didn't I tell you? I don't remember it well. |
Sese |
役に立たないホオアカだなー |
You sure are useless, Hooaka. |
Hooaka |
それがホオアカなのさ! |
What can I say? That's what makes me Hooaka, after all! |
Sese |
そっか! 流石ホオアカだなー! |
Oh, I see! That's our Hooaka! |
Tenkai |
・・・・・子供の扱いがうまい...のか? |
.....They're pretty good at handling kids... I think? |
Hibaru Kokutenshi[edit | edit source]
召喚城郭 or 前哨陣地 or 迷えずの森 or 闡裡神社参道 or 戦線となる川 or 夢幻堤防 or 幽暗海橋 |
The Summonsing Fortress or The Outpost Base Camp or The Unlost Woods or Senri Shrine Road (far) or The Frontline River or The Fantasy Seawall or The Gloomy Sea Bridge | |
Tenkai |
戦争ごっこねぇ・・・ |
These war games... |
Sese |
どうしたん? ずいふぉん? |
Is something the matter, Zuifeng? |
Tenkai |
いや、世の中暢気な奴が多いなぁ、と思ってね |
Not really, I'm just thinking that there are a lot of careless people around these days. |
Sukune |
みんな仲がいいんだぎゃね~ |
Everyone gets along just swell, gyah~ |
Sese |
セセたちも仲がいいぞ! |
Team Sese gets along great! |
Sukune |
んだぎゃ! |
Right, gyah! |
Tenkai |
そーかなぁ~? |
Do we really~? |
??? |
おやっ! そこにいるのは!! |
Oh my! Just what do we have here? |
Sukune |
にゃ? |
Nya? |
Hibaru Kokutenshi ENTERS | ||
??? |
天堺じゃないですか! 久しいですね! |
Well if it isn't Tenkai! Long time no see! |
Tenkai |
うぇ・・・ヒバルさん・・・ |
Ugh... Hibaru-san... |
陽気な取立て屋 |
Cheerful Debt Collector | |
Hibaru |
どうしたのです? |
What's wrong? |
Tenkai |
あまり嬉しい思い出がないんでね |
I don't have many pleasant memories of you. |
Sukune |
この人、取立て屋さんだぎゃ! |
This person's a debt collector, gyah! |
Sese |
悪い奴なのかー! |
So they're a bad guy?! |
Hibaru |
そんなことはございません! |
I am no such thing! |
Tenkai |
暴利だけどね |
Not with those huge profit margins. |
Hibaru |
いえいえ、利用者の方々の笑顔こそが |
Oh, no, no, the smiles of our customers is |
Sukune |
絶対悪い人だぎゃ! |
Most definitely a bad guy, gyah! |
Sese |
ずいふぉんはコイツと知り合いなのかー? |
Zuifeng, do you know this guy? |
Tenkai |
まぁ僕というより、鶴喰との因縁だけどね |
Ah, well, not me per say, but rather we're both connected to Tsurubami. |
Hibaru |
鶴喰がいなくなったというのは本当だったようですね、 |
It seems it's true that Tsurubami has disappeared, |
Tenkai |
あっ、会ったんですか・・・・それで、どうでしたか? |
Ah, so you met them?....And how did that go? |
Hibaru |
なかなか良いんじゃないですか? |
I'd say it went alright? |
Sukune |
んー、だから、この人は一体何者なんだぎゃ? |
Um, so who is this person, gyah? |
Tenkai |
・・・この世には知らないほうがいい事が沢山あるんだよ |
Haniwa... |
Sukune |
むっきゃー! |
Hmph! |
Sese |
ずいふぉんはイジワルだぞー! |
Zuifeng is a meanie! |
Hibaru |
それでは天堺、鶴喰のいない貴方が |
Now then Tenkai, if you would please |
Tenkai |
えー・・・それって必要なことですか? |
Eh... is that really necessary? |
Hibaru |
そろそろ本気の出し方を思い出したほうが |
I just think it's about time that I remember |
Tenkai |
昔、そう言って鶴喰が殺されかけたんですが・・・ |
That's the same thing you said before you nearly killed Tsurubami all that time ago... |
Sukune |
先代が殺されかけたんだぎゃ!? |
They nearly killed the former priest!? |
Sese |
やるなー、お前! |
Don't do it, you! |
BGM: 見切り千両、目玉万両 ~ MONEY GAME |
BGM: Abandoning 1000 Ryo, Eyes On 10,000 Ryo ~ MONEY GAME | |
Hibaru |
そんな昔の話はおいといて、 |
Let's leave that old story in the past. |
Tenkai |
へいへーい、がんばりまーす |
Yeah, yeah, I'll do my best. |
Sese |
戦いだー! |
It's a fight! |
Sukune |
だぎゃー! |
Sure is, gyah! |
Hibaru Kokutenshi DEFEATED | ||
Hibaru |
さすが天堺、強いですね~ |
As expected, Tenkai, you're as strong as ever~. |
Tenkai |
まだまだ本気じゃないんですね |
I didn't even get serious yet. |
Hibaru |
だから本気の出し方は忘れたと言ったじゃないですか |
I already told you that I forgot how to fight seriously... |
Sese |
セセも本気だしたいー! |
Sese wasn't serious either! |
Sukune |
だぎゃな、だぎゃな |
Same, same, gyah. |
Tenkai |
もうこの人とは関わりたくないから |
I really don't want to be involved with this person anymore, |
Hibaru |
御利用ありがとうございましたー |
Thank you for your patronage! |
Adagumo no Saragimaru[edit | edit source]
召喚城郭 or 前哨陣地 or 迷えずの森 or 闡裡神社参道 or 戦線となる川 or 夢幻堤防 or 幽暗海橋 |
The Summonsing Fortress or The Outpost Base Camp or The Unlost Woods or Senri Shrine Road (far) or The Frontline River or The Fantasy Seawall or The Gloomy Sea Bridge | |
Sukune |
んー、どうしても思い出せないことってあるだぎゃ? |
Hmm, have y'ever had something that you just can't remember, no matter what, gyah? |
Sese |
あるあるー! |
Oh totally~! |
Tenkai |
どうしても思い出せないってことは、 |
If you can't remember no matter what, |
Sukune |
んー、そうなのだぎゃ? |
Huuh, ya sure 'bout that, gyah? |
Tenkai |
妖怪は寿命が永いからな、 |
Since youkai have a long life span, |
Sese |
忘れちゃうのかー |
So I'll forget...? |
Sukune |
なんだかさみしいんだっちゃ |
That's a bit lonesome. |
??? |
ん・・・・ ! |
Huh....! |
Tenkai |
あん・・・? あ、お前は・・・ |
Huh... ? Ah, you are... |
Adagumo no Saragimaru ENTERS | ||
??? |
あ~、誰でもないので、失礼します・・・ |
Ah, I'm nobody, so I'll just go away.... |
Sukune |
待つっちゃ!! |
Wait, cha!! |
??? |
! |
! |
Sukune |
おみゃーさんの顔・・・どっかで見た事あるんだぎゃよ~ |
I'm sure I have seen....your face somewhere before, gyo~ |
??? |
か、勘違いじゃないかな~? |
S-surely you must be misunderstanding? |
Tenkai |
・・・・・まぁ、勘違いってことで済ませたいのだろうな |
...Well, then would you like to settle this misunderstanding? |
??? |
あー、あー、何を言ってるのかよく分からない |
I, I don't know what are you talking about. |
Sese |
すっごく必死だぞー? |
What are you acting so skittish for? |
??? |
あ、いつかのホネっ子もいたのか |
Ah, you're Boney from back then. |
Sese |
セセだよー! ホネだよー! |
I'm Sese! A bone youkai! |
Tenkai |
ホネっ子も知り合いなのか? |
So you know Boney? |
??? |
知り合いっていうか・・・ |
I just happen to know who they are.... |
Sese |
あ、思い出したぞー! |
Oh, I remember you now! |
Sukune |
むっ! 悪い奴だったっちゃね! |
How could you! So ya're a bad guy! |
最後の瞳 |
Final Eye | |
Saragimaru |
あー、確かにそんなこともあったねぇ |
Ah, maybe I did something like that... |
Tenkai |
・・・そー言えば玄鳥たちが蛇の妖怪と戦ってたよなー? |
...Now that I think about it, didn't Tsubakura and the others fight against a snake youkai? |
Saragimaru |
ぅあー、あー、聞こえないー |
Ah, I can't hear you! |
Tenkai |
そうとう都合が悪いみたいだな |
You only hear what's convenient for you. |
Sukune |
悪者に慈悲はないだぎゃ! |
We've no mercy fer villains, gyah! |
Saragimaru |
・・・相変わらず単純だね、宿禰は |
...I see you're as simple as ever, Sukune. |
Sese |
宿禰を知ってるのかー? |
So you know Sukune too? |
Saragimaru |
あっ |
Ah. |
Sukune |
おみゃーさん、誰だっちゃ! |
Just tell us who the hell ya are already! |
Tenkai |
弾いてしまえば正体が分かるんじゃないか~? |
Maybe they'll reveal themself after we defeat them~? |
Saragimaru |
えぇ~、なんで戦うんだ? |
Eeh? Why do we have to fight? |
Sese |
お前、気になる |
You look anxious for some reason. |
Sukune |
んだぎゃ! |
Yeah, gyah! |
Tenkai |
ってわけだ |
That's why. |
BGM: 開かれた瞳 ~ Mono EYE |
BGM: Opened Eye ~ Mono EYE | |
Saragimaru |
納得できないけど、どうしようもなさそうだね・・・ |
I don't understand that reasoning at all, but it looks like I have no choice... |
Sukune |
行くだぎゃ! |
Let's get'em gyah! |
Sese |
行くぞー! |
Let's go! |
Adagumo no Saragimaru DEFEATED | ||
Saragimaru |
あーあ、負けちゃった |
Ah, seems that I lost. |
Sukune |
よーし、正体を聞くだぎゃ |
Well then, tell us who ya are, gyah. |
Tenkai |
いや、それはやめてやろう |
No, let's stop now. |
Sese |
えー!? なんでー? |
Eehh?! Why? |
Tenkai |
これ以上はイジワルしないでやる |
That's enough bullying. |
Saragimaru |
えっ、うそ・・・ |
Eh, no way.... |
Sukune |
さては天堺! このヒトが誰か知ってるんだぎゃね! |
Tenkai! So you know who this guy is! |
Sese |
教えるんだ、ずいふぉん! |
Tell us, Zuifeng! |
Tenkai |
いや、内緒にしてやるよ |
No, I'm going to keep it a secret. |
Saragimaru |
! あぁ・・・この世界にも神や仏はいたんだ・・・ |
! Ahh.... So there are still good people in this world.... |
Tenkai |
その代わり、後で色々とコキ使ってやるけどな |
But in exchange, you'll have to do some jobs for me later. |
Saragimaru |
この世に神も仏もいない |
There is no such thing as good people in this world. |
Sukune |
それじゃあ僕達は気になるまんまだぎゃ! |
Anyway, we really want you to tell us, gyah! |
Sese |
そうだぞー! |
Yeah! |
Tenkai |
別にいいじゃないか、 |
Just forget about it. |
Sukune |
むー・・・・こうなったら意地でも思い出してやるだぎゃ! |
Hmph...Even so, I'll definitely remember eventually, gyah! |
Saragimaru |
やめてくれよぉ・・・ |
Please don't.... |
Sukune |
う~ん、たしか僕の仕事に関係あった気が・・・ |
Uh, I think this person was involved with one of my works long ago.... |
Saragimaru |
ぁあー! あっー! 用事を! 思い出した! |
Ah! That's right! I have an errand to run! I must go! |
Sese |
・・・逃げたぞー |
....They ran away. |
Tenkai |
必死だな・・・ |
Desperately too... |
Sukune |
むー、スッキリしないにょ・・・ |
Geez, this is gonna bother me, nyoh... |
Stage 5[edit | edit source]
Kuroji Shitodo[edit | edit source]
蜻蛉乃城 or 召喚城郭 or 前哨陣地 or 迷えずの森 or 闡裡神社参道 or 戦線となる川 or 夢幻堤防 or 幽暗海橋 or デーヴァナガラ |
The Dragonfly Castle or The Summonsing Fortress or The Outpost Base Camp or The Unlost Woods or Senri Shrine Road (far) or The Frontline River or The Fantasy Seawall or The Gloomy Sea Bridge or Devanagara | |
Tenkai |
それにしても・・・ハニワさぁ |
Hey, Haniwa... |
Sukune |
なんだぎゃ、ヤブからスティックに |
What're ya askin' about all the sudden, gyah? |
Tenkai |
キミの仕事って、具体的に何をやっているんだい? |
What exactly is it you do for a living? |
Sukune |
最近はにゃー、子供向けの玩具作って売り回ってるだぎゃ |
These days I've been makin' and sellin' toys for children, gyah. |
Tenkai |
それでよく食っていけてるねぇ |
And you're able to feed yourself enough with that? |
Sukune |
それならセセに言ってあげてぎゃ |
You should ask Sese that instead, gyah. |
Sese |
はー? |
Me? |
Tenkai |
それもそうだな、セセはちゃんとゴハン食べてるのか? |
Good point. Are you eating properly, Sese? |
Sese |
セセはホネだから骨成分あればいいんだぞー |
Since Sese is bones, I can live off of bone meals! |
Sukune |
骨成分ってなにか、天堺に教えてやってにゃ |
What's a bone meal? Tell me, Tenkai, nyah! |
Sese |
セセの骨成分はなー、骨を食べれば摂取できるぞ! |
If you eat bones, then you too can enjoy bone meals! |
Tenkai |
・・・キチンとしたゴハン食べなさい |
...Please eat proper meals. |
Sese |
はーい |
'Kaay. |
??? |
子連れの結界屋か・・・ |
The barrier builder and a couple of kids...? |
Sukune |
あっ! この声は! |
Ah, that voice! |
Kuroji Shitodo ENTERS | ||
??? |
大変だな、コブ付きは |
It must be difficult having to bring your children along with you. |
Tenkai |
あぁ、鵐のところの黒いのか |
Ah, if it isn't the black Shitodo? |
曖昧で紙一重な考古学者 |
Ambiguously Paper-thin Archaeologist | |
Kuroji |
興味深い組み合わせだな、ハニワにホネに |
Very interesting assortment we got here. Haniwa, bones... |
Sukune |
ランチにぴったりだっちゃ! |
I'm perfect for lunch! |
Kuroji |
少々胃にもたれそうだがな |
You wouldn't be easy on the stomach. |
Sese |
ホネは体にいいぞー? |
Aren't bones good for your health? |
Tenkai |
黒いの、お前ら一家は最近あまりいい噂を聞かないぞ |
I haven't been hearing many good rumors about you or your family lately. |
Kuroji |
いい噂なんて流行ったためしがない |
No one is interested in good rumors, after all. |
Sukune |
まだ悪徳商法をしてるんだぎゃ~? |
Still up to dishonest business then, gyah? |
Kuroji |
ビジネスってやつさ、 |
I do business for the |
Tenkai |
片方は不利益しか被ってないんじゃないか? |
Isn't one party suffering a disadvantage, though? |
Kuroji |
見解の違いは認めよう、 |
Let's agree to disagree. |
Sukune |
じゃあやっぱり悪徳だぎゃ! |
As corrupt as ever, then! |
Kuroji |
ハニワに客観的意見が述べられるとは思えない |
I don't believe haniwas can give objective opinions. |
Sese |
こいつ悪い奴だ! 前にセセをいじめたぞ! |
They're a bad guy! They bullied Sese before! |
Kuroji |
ホネが常識に富んでるはずがない |
Bones must not be a good source of common sense. |
Tenkai |
多数決ってことで、お前は悪党だ |
Majority rule declares that you are a scoundrel. |
Kuroji |
いつから无現里は民主主義になったのかな? |
Since when did Mugenri become a democracy? |
Sukune |
むー、減らず口が多いやっちゃ |
Geez, this is a whole lotta big talk. |
Kuroji |
減るのに多いとは、これまた奇怪だな |
Funny how easy you make it to talk big. |
Tenkai |
ところでお前はこんなところで何を企んでいるんだ? |
So what are you scheming here anyways? |
Kuroji |
酷いじゃないか、何も企んでなんかいないさ |
How cruel. I'm not scheming anything. |
Sukune |
嘘だぎゃー! |
Lies! |
Sese |
うそ臭いぞー! |
You reek of suspicion! |
Kuroji |
うるさい奴らだなぁ・・・とっ捕まえて売り飛ばすぞ? |
This is a real pain... Can't I just get rid of them already? |
Tenkai |
一応昔は无現里の風紀を正していた身だからね、 |
As someone who was once responsible for upholding the public morals of Mugenri, |
Kuroji |
負け犬どもが、ハネッ返りおって |
Losers should just run home with their tails between their legs. |
Sukune |
今度はこっちは三人だぎゃ! |
We got three people on our side this time around! |
Kuroji |
雑魚どもがいくら集まろうと、物の数ではない |
It doesn't matter how many little fish gather together, you still amount to nothing. |
Sese |
セセたちは強いぞー! |
Team Sese is powerful! |
Tenkai |
年貢の納め時だ、鵐 黒巫鳥 |
It's time to pay your dues, Kuroji Shitodo. |
BGM: ルームザヒストリー |
BGM: Room the History | |
Kuroji |
やれやれ、どうやら避けては通れない道みたいだな |
It seems that this outcome was inevitable. |
Sukune |
その余裕もこれまでだぎゃ! |
Say goodbye to that composure, gyah! |
Sese |
骨抜きにしてやらー! |
I'll debone you! |
Kuroji |
餓鬼には・・・・躾が必要だな |
Annoying brats... I need to teach you some manners. |
Kuroji Shitodo DEFEATED | ||
Sukune |
なんとか勝っただぎゃーっ! |
We managed to win, gyah! |
Kuroji |
やれやれ、善良な市民を虐げるなんて、なんて悪党だ |
To oppress a good citizen... What a scoundrel. |
Sese |
負け惜しみだぞー! |
You're just a sore loser! |
Kuroji |
一つ教えてやるが、 |
Let me tell you something. |
Tenkai |
まぁ・・・そりゃそうかもね |
Hmm... Perhaps that's true. |
Kuroji |
そして真の悪が、この无現里にやってきたんだよ |
And at last, a true evil has arrived in Mugenri. |
Sukune |
なんの話だぎゃ~? |
What'cha talkin' bout, gyah? |
Kuroji |
お前らもいづれ、身をもって知ることになるさ |
You'll find out soon enough. |
Sese |
・・・なんか三下の捨て台詞みたいだなー |
...Sounds like a petty parting remark from a nobody. |
Tenkai |
セセと意見が合うのは珍しいな |
It's not often that I find myself agreeing with Sese. |
Sukune |
僕も同じこと思ったぎゃ~ |
I was thinkin' the same thing, gyah! |
Kuroji |
・・・・・・・・ |
...... |
Taira no Fumikado[edit | edit source]
蜻蛉乃城 or 召喚城郭 or 前哨陣地 or 迷えずの森 or 闡裡神社参道 or 戦線となる川 or 夢幻堤防 or 幽暗海橋 or デーヴァナガラ |
The Dragonfly Castle or The Summonsing Fortress or The Outpost Base Camp or The Unlost Woods or Senri Shrine Road (far) or The Frontline River or The Fantasy Seawall or The Gloomy Sea Bridge or Devanagara | |
Sese |
宿禰はさー |
Sukune is... |
Sukune |
んだぎゃ? |
Gyah? |
Sese |
もの作りがうまいよねー |
Good at making things! |
Sukune |
そうにゃろ? エッヘンだぎゃ! |
Heh, Aren't I, gyah? |
Tenkai |
宿禰はそれに関してのみは天才的だもんな |
Sukune is gifted in only that regard. |
Sukune |
にゃはは~、照れるにゃ~ |
Heheh, you're makin' me blush. |
Sese |
今じゃっかんバカにしてなかったかー? |
Weren't you just made fun of? |
Tenkai |
セセは馬鹿なくせに耳聡いな |
Sese may be stupid, but they're quick on the uptake. |
Sese |
そんな~、それほどでもないぞー? |
Aww, I wouldn't say that~? |
Sukune |
今確実にバカにしてたにょ? |
Now wasn't it you who was made fun of, nyo? |
??? |
ありゃ、迷子の伊代真かと思ったら・・・ |
Oh, I thought it was poor, lost Iyozane, but it's... |
Sukune |
んにゃ? |
Nyah? |
Taira no Fumikado ENTERS | ||
??? |
いつかのハニワ・・・と、よく分からん二人じゃないか |
The haniwa from the other day and...two people I don't know. |
Sese |
あー! マネっこズルイんだ! |
Ah! That copycat! |
??? |
ま、マネっ子? |
C-copycat? |
Sukune |
あぁ、いつかの新皇しゃんだぎゃ |
Ah, that New Emperor from back then gyah. |
Tenkai |
キミが平 文門か |
You're Taira no Fumikado, right? |
新帝の盃 |
The Vessel for the New Emperor | |
Fumikado |
誰だ貴様、新皇に興味がないなどと言うとは |
Who the hell do you think you are, saying you have no interest in the New Emperor? |
Sese |
セセは興味があるぞー! |
Sese is interested! |
Fumikado |
う、興味をもたれても困るかも・・・ |
Hm, you being interested doesn't really help... |
Tenkai |
前回の異変の時は災難だったようだな、新皇さま |
It sounds like the last incident turned out to be a huge failure, New Emperor. |
Fumikado |
ふふん♪ |
Fufufu! ♪ |
Sese |
頑張ってる人なんだなー |
You're such a hard worker... |
Fumikado |
その・・・マネって? |
Copying...? |
Sese |
セセと同じ髪ーっ! |
Your hair is the same color as Sese's! |
Sukune |
そう言われれば、何となく似てるっちゃね |
It does look similar. |
Tenkai |
・・・・隠し子か? |
...A secret love child? |
Fumikado |
ち、ちがうわ! |
N-no way! |
Sese |
セセにはおとーさんも、おかーさんもいないぞー? |
But Sese has no mom or dad, does Sese? |
Sukune |
妖怪ってのは大抵そういうもんだぎゃね |
That's the way it is for most youkai. |
Tenkai |
そんで新皇さんやい、こんなところでなーにしてるんだい? |
Anyways, what are you doing here, New Emperor? |
Fumikado |
迷子になった知り合いを探してるところだ |
Just searching for some lost children. |
Sese |
迷子かー、大変だな! |
Lost children? That's a big deal! |
Sukune |
それって、さっき言ってた藤原さんだぎゃか? |
Is it that Fujiwara-san you mentioned earlier? |
Fumikado |
そうそう、伊代真とツグミのやつ |
That's right. Iyozane and Tsugumi |
Tenkai |
・・・・迷子はアンタなんじゃないか? |
...Isn't the lost child actually you? |
Fumikado |
ギクっ・・・! |
Ack...! |
Sese |
迷子なのかぁ? |
You're lost then? |
Fumikado |
いや、ちがっ・・・・伊代真と、ツグミがぁ・・・ |
Of course not... Iyozane and Tsugumi are... |
Sukune |
迷子なんだぎゃね~ |
You're lost~. |
Fumikado |
違うってば~ |
Am not~. |
Tenkai |
ここまで威厳が無い新皇ってのも珍しいな |
It's amazing that a New Emperor can have such little dignity. |
Fumikado |
凄いだろっ? |
Aren't I great? |
Tenkai |
珍しいだけで凄いとは言ってないぞ |
That wasn't a compliment. |
Fumikado |
ぐぐっ・・・・私をバカにしおって... |
Kukuku... If you're going to make a fool of me... |
Sese |
なにがー? |
What is? |
Fumikado |
お前ら三人も伊代真とツグミを探すのを手伝え! |
You three are going to help me find Iyozane and Tsugumi! |
Sukune |
イヤだぎゃ |
No thanks, gyah. |
Fumikado |
力づくで探させるから、お前らに拒否権はない! |
I'm going to force you to help me, so you have no right to refuse! |
Tenkai |
つまり弾幕事をするってことね |
Are you saying you want to fight? |
Sese |
戦えるのかー! |
It's a fight! |
Sukune |
こっちは今度は三人だけど、大丈夫なんだぎゃ? |
Are ya goin' to be okay up against three people, gyah? |
BGM: 月には届かぬ手 ~ Moon Child |
BGM: Hands That Can't Reach the Moon ~ Moon Child | |
Fumikado |
相手が三人だろうと、新皇は無敵なのだ! |
It matters not that I have three opponents! The New Emperor is unbeatable after all! |
Tenkai |
バカは死ななきゃ直らないっていうからな、処置してやろう |
Idiocy can only be cured by death, so let me treat that for you. |
Fumikado |
見せてやる! |
Behold! |
Taira no Fumikado DEFEATED | ||
Fumikado |
また負けたよ・・・ |
I lost again... |
Tenkai |
やはり新皇の器ではないね |
Just as I though, you aren't really the vessel of the New Emperor. |
Fumikado |
なにをっ! 超ぉー器だっての! |
What was that!? Oh, you must mean I'm even greater than just a vessel, a super-vessel! |
Sese |
ちょーうつわなのかー! |
A super-vessel!? |
Sukune |
迷子の超ぉー器さんは、これからどうするんだぎゃ? |
What'cha gonna do now, lost super-vessel, gyah? |
Fumikado |
伊代真とツグミ、探す |
Look for Iyozane and Tsugumi... |
Sese |
見つかるといいなー |
I hope you find them. |
Fumikado |
うん・・・ |
Thanks... |
Tenkai |
本当に迷子みたいだな・・・ |
They really are like a lost child... |
Stage 6[edit | edit source]
Yabusame Houlen[edit | edit source]
Yabusame can be encountered on cells 6:-2 and 6:-3, or as one of random bosses on cell 6:0 (if Suzumi is yet to be unlocked) or 6:4.
召喚城郭 or 前哨陣地 or 闡裡神社参道 |
The Summonsing Fortress or The Outpost Base Camp or Senri Shrine Road (far) | |
Sukune |
ところで天堺はさ! |
Hey, Tenkai! |
Tenkai |
ん? |
Yes? |
Sukune |
新しい神主しゃんには会ったんだぎゃか? |
Have ya met the new priests yet, gyah? |
Sese |
藪雨と玄鳥かー |
Yabusame and Tsubakura? |
Tenkai |
あぁ、会ったぞ |
Ah, I have. |
Sukune |
藪雨と玄鳥はどうだったぎゃ~? |
What did ya think, gyah? |
Tenkai |
どうだった、って? |
You're asking me what I think of them? |
Sukune |
むー、だから! 神主として素質はありそうだったきゃ? |
Yup, you think they got what it takes to be priests? |
Tenkai |
どうだろうね? |
I wonder about that? |
Sukune |
そうだったんだぎゃ? まぁ怖い人だったけど |
Really, gyah? But they were so scary. |
Tenkai |
絶対的な力によって人々を纏める |
I do believe there was some merit |
Sese |
王様だったんだなー |
They were pretty much a monarch. |
Tenkai |
けど今の神主にはそれはできないだろうな |
I'm not sure the current priests will be able accomplish the same thing |
??? |
あー! みんなー!! |
Oh! Hey, everyone!! |
Tenkai |
こんな奴だから |
Like that. |
Yabusame Houlen ENTERS | ||
??? |
? なんのこと~? |
Who are you talking about? |
Sukune |
藪雨だぎゃ~ |
It's Yabusame, gyah~! |
天衣無縫の能天気 |
Flawless Thoughtlessness | |
Yabusame |
ハニワちゃ~ん! ホネっ子ちゃ~ん! |
Haniwaaa! Boneyyy! |
Sese |
セセは王様だぞー、ホネっ子"さん"と呼べー! |
Sese is royalty! That's Lord Boney to you! |
Tenkai |
異議を申し立てたいのは僕なんだけど・・・ |
I'd like to raise an objection, but... |
Yabusame |
三人そろってなにしてるの~? |
What are the three of you doing together? |
Sukune |
お弁当ならあるんだぎゃ~ |
We brought our own, gyah~. |
Yabusame |
じゃあオカズ交換しようよ~ |
Let's trade side dishes~! |
Sese |
いいぞー! セセはホネが欲しいぞ! |
Okay! Sese wants bones! |
Yabusame |
手羽先の骨でいい? |
Are the bones from chicken wings alright? |
Sese |
いいぞー! 大好物だぞ! |
Yup! Those are my favorite! |
Tenkai |
藪雨くん・・・名誉神主とはいえ |
Yabusame-kun... You may be just an honorary priest, |
Sukune |
どれがいいだぎゃか? |
Which one would you like? |
Yabusame |
そのタコさんウィンナー、すごーい! |
The octopus weiner, please! It's amazing! |
Sukune |
えっへんだぎゃ! |
Excellent choice, gyah! |
Sese |
食べれるのかー? |
Is it edible? |
Yabusame |
じゃあそれと、ぼくのクトゥグアさんの刺身とを |
Will you trade it for my |
Sukune |
なんだぎゃ~、そのタコみたいの~ |
Wowie, gyah! It's kinda like an octopus. |
Yabusame |
踊り食いが美味しいんだよ♪ |
It's tastier while it's still moving! ♪ |
Sese |
新鮮なんだなー |
It must be fresh~. |
Tenkai |
もうお弁当広げちゃってるよ・・・ |
They're already sharing their bentos... |
Yabusame |
メロンさんも、どお? |
How 'bout you? |
Tenkai |
僕がメロン好きだとでも思ったのかい? |
What makes you think I like melons? |
Yabusame |
じゃあいらないの? |
So, you don't want any? |
Tenkai |
いや、食べるけどさ |
No, I do, but... |
Sese |
天堺は素直じゃないんだぎゃ~ |
Tenkai's not honest with themselves, gyah~. |
Yabusame |
だね~ |
Yup~. |
Sese |
ホネ食べるか? |
Do you want some bones? |
Tenkai |
そうじゃなくて! 藪雨! |
I do not! Yabusame! |
Yabusame |
あれって気持ち良いよね~ |
I've heard that feels nice~. |
Sukune |
いや、熱いだぎゃよ~ |
No, it's hot, gyah! |
Tenkai |
今、无現里は危機的にも関わらず内部で騒乱が起きてる |
Even though Mugenri is currently in a critical state, facing an internal conflict, |
Yabusame |
腹が減っては戦はできん、 |
"You can't fight on an empty stomach" |
Tenkai |
だからそれは言い訳だろ! |
That's why it's an excuse! |
Yabusame |
え~、玄鳥に全部任せれば大丈夫じゃない? |
Eh~, can't I just leave that to Tsubakura? |
Tenkai |
君は玄鳥を過労死させたいのか? |
Do you want Tsubakura to die from overworking? |
Sukune |
玄鳥なら大丈夫なんじゃないきゃ~? |
If it's Tsubakura, they should be fine, right? |
Sese |
そーそー |
Yeah, yeah! |
Tenkai |
ぐっ、こいつら、すっかりお食事してる・・・ |
Tch, who do these people think they are? Eating... |
Yabusame |
まーまーメロンさん、お茶でもどう? |
Now now, Melon-san. How about some tea? |
Tenkai |
あー! もういい!! 君にはもう一度試験が必要だ! |
Argh! That's enough! You need to take the exam again! |
Yabusame |
えー、また戦うのー? |
Eeh, you want to fight again? |
Tenkai |
今回はこっちは三人がかりで戦う、これに打ち勝つんだ |
I have three people on my side, so I'll be able to defeat you this time. |
Sukune |
ってことは、僕たちもやらなきゃならないんだぎゃ? |
Are you sayin' we gotta fight too, gyah? |
Sese |
めんどくさー |
Don't wanna. |
Tenkai |
さぁ、さっさと弁当をしまえ! |
Come on, put your bentos away already! |
Yabusame |
むー、まだ食べかけだったのに・・・ |
Aww, but we're still eating... |
Sese |
また今度だなー |
Let's do this again sometime. |
Sukune |
お刺身おいしかったんだぎゃ |
The sashimi was delicious, gyah. |
Tenkai |
いいかい! 今回は君から仕掛けて来るように! |
Listen up! This time, make sure you come at us with your full force! |
BGM: 常軌の外に飛ぶ羽 ~ Eleven-dimensional |
BGM: Feathers Flying off the Beaten Path ~ Eleven-dimensional | |
Yabusame |
せっかくやるんなら、僕も頑張ってやるよ~ |
We don't fight all that often, so I'll do my best too! |
Sukune |
藪雨は強いんだぎゃ! セセも頑張るんだぎゃよ! |
Yabusame may be strong, but Sese will try their hardest, gyah! |
Sese |
宿禰こそ足手まといになるなよー |
Don't hold us back, Sukune. |
Tenkai |
はーっ、やっと皆やる気になったか・・・ |
Haah, so, are we all finally ready to go...? |
Yabusame |
それじゃあ、さっそく行くよー |
Then what are we waiting for? |
Yabusame |
レッツゴー! |
Let's go! |
BGM: 常軌の外に飛ぶ羽 ~ Eleven-dimensional |
BGM: Feathers Flying off the Beaten Path ~ Eleven-Dimensional | |
Yabusame Houlen DEFEATED | ||
If player has or has not continued | ||
Tsubakura Enraku[edit | edit source]
Tsubakura can be encountered on cells 6:2 and 6:3, or as one of random bosses on cell 6:0 (if Suzumi is yet to be unlocked) or 6:4.
闡裡神社参道 or 夢幻堤防 or 幽暗海橋 |
Senri Shrine Road (far) or The Fantasy Seawall or The Gloomy Sea Bridge or Devanagara | |
Sese |
前の闡裡神社の神主ってさー |
So, about the Senri Shrine's last priest... |
Tenkai |
うん? |
Mm? |
Sese |
どんな人だったんだー? |
What kinda person were they? |
Sukune |
セセは知らないんだぎゃ? |
Sese doesn't know, gyah? |
Sese |
うーん、あんまり覚えてないぞー |
Mmm, I don't remember much. |
Tenkai |
先代神主『闡裡 鶴喰』はとにかく強い奴だった |
The previous priest, Tsurubami Senri, was nothing if not strong. |
Sukune |
ものすっごい強かったらしいんだぎゃね |
Yeah, I hear they were totes strong, gyah! |
Tenkai |
初代はともかく、二代目や三代目に並ぶ強さかもしれない |
Putting the first-gen priest aside, Tsurubami's strength may have been on par with the second- or third-generations. |
Sese |
初代ってそんなに強かったのかー? |
Wow, was the first-gen priest really that strong? |
Tenkai |
そりゃな・・・・・ |
Yes, well... |
Sukune |
无現里って初代が作ったんだぎゃか!? |
Th' first priest MADE Mugenri?! |
Tenkai |
詳しくは知らないけど、それっぽいことを |
I don't know the details, but Jinbei did say |
??? |
闡裡神社にある文献には記されてないけどな |
Not that the literature in the Senri Shrine has any record of it, though. |
Sese |
おっ、誰だー? |
Ooh, who's there? |
Tsubakura Enraku ENTERS | ||
??? |
やっぱり色々と詳しいんだな、お前 |
Looks like you're pretty up to speed on this stuff after all. |
Tenkai |
これはこれは、現・闡裡神社の正式な神主になった |
My, what's this? Why, if it isn't Tsubakura Enraku-san, |
酒嚢飯袋な単彩 |
Loafing Monochrome | |
Tsubakura |
代理なのに正式って、おかしくないか? |
Ain't it a little weird to be 'official' when I'm a substitute? |
Tenkai |
正式に神主に任命しとかないと、色々面倒が多いからな |
Well, we have to officially appoint a priest, or it'll be a pain in various ways. |
Tsubakura |
どんどん泥沼にハマっていってる気がするんだが・・・? |
Is it just me, or am I getting dragged deeper and deeper into this mess...? |
Sukune |
正式採用おめでとだぎゃ~ |
Congratula'shuns on being officially employed~! |
Tsubakura |
ありがとくない |
Thanks. Not. |
Sese |
どういう意味だー? |
What do you mean? |
Tsubakura |
こちとら毎日を自堕落に暮らしたいってのに・・・ |
I'm trying to live my life as slovenly as I can, here... |
Tenkai |
どうしようもない人間だな、お前 |
You're just a total failure of a human being, aren't you. |
Tsubakura |
ご意見番みたいなことしてる奴に言われたくねーな |
Not what I wanna hear from someone who acts like they're a chief confidante. |
Sese |
玄鳥はー 神主で楽しくないのかー? |
Tsubakura, do you not like being the priest? |
Tsubakura |
楽しくない |
Not one bit. |
Sese |
王様なのにー? |
Even though you're basically a king~? |
Tsubakura |
まったく王様感ないぞ? |
Can't say I feel like one at all. |
Sese |
そうなのかー |
Is that so? |
Tsubakura |
しかし闡裡神社については、少し興味がある |
I do have some interest in the Senri Shrine itself, though. |
Tenkai |
へぇ、案外勉強熱心なんだな |
Huh. Guess you're surprisingly passionate about studying. |
Tsubakura |
生活に関わることなんでね |
It's a big part of my life, after all. |
Sukune |
闡裡神社に住んでても分からないことがあるんだぎゃか? |
Wait, so there'sh stuff ya don't know about the shrine, even though you live there? |
Sese |
玄鳥って実は馬鹿なんじゃないのかー? |
Maybe Tsubakura's actually a big idiot or something~? |
Tsubakura |
確かに俺は馬鹿だとは思うが |
I do indeed consider myself an idiot, |
Tenkai |
あぁ、そういえば鶴喰もそんなこと言ってたな |
Oh, now that you mention it, Tsurubami said something to that effect too. |
Tsubakura |
あの式神も秘密主義なのか、何も教えちゃくれねーしな |
That shikigami loves keeping secrets, too. They won't tell me a darn thing. |
Sukune |
ジンベイはイジワルだぎゃねー |
Yeah, Jinbei's a big meanie! |
Sese |
イジワルはよくないぞー! |
Being mean is no good at all! |
Tsubakura |
ってなわけで、色々知ってそうなお前さんから |
So, seein' as you seem to know a lot, |
Sukune |
だってしゃ |
Sho, like... |
Tenkai |
タダで教えてもらえるとは思っちゃいないだろ? |
You don't think I'll tell you anything for free, do you? |
Tsubakura |
そりゃねぇ・・・ここのルールの意味 |
Well, as a matter of fact... I've come to understand |
Sese |
それじゃあ逆襲だー! |
Then it's time for our counterattaaack! |
Sukune |
復讐だぎゃー! |
Time fer reveeeenge! |
Tenkai |
やはりお前には素質があるよ、玄鳥 |
I see you have aptitude for this after all, Tsubakura. |
Tsubakura |
厄介ごとに巻き込まれる素質かな? |
What, you mean aptitude for getting tangled up in trouble? |
Tenkai |
僕からしてみれば羨ましい素質だけどね |
Well, if you ask me, that's something to be jealous of. |
Sukune |
さー! さっさと戦うんだぎゃ! |
Nooow! Let'sh get to fightin', gyah! |
Tsubakura |
まー、そう急かすんじゃない |
Hey now, let's not get too hasty. |
Sese |
早く戦いたいんだー! |
We wanna fight NOW! |
Tenkai |
だとさ、せいぜい頑張りな |
Sounds like that's that. Better get ready to do your best! |
BGM: アナザーマインド |
BGM: Another Mind | |
Tsubakura |
3対1ってのも別に珍しいことじゃないが |
3 on 1 isn't a particularly rare thing for me, |
Tsubakura Enraku DEFEATED | ||
If player has or has not continued | ||
Clause[edit | edit source]
Clause can be encountered on cell 6:-4, or as one of random bosses on cell 6:0 (if Suzumi is yet to be unlocked) or 6:4.
蜻蛉乃城 or 闡裡神社参道 |
The Dragonfly Castle or Senri Shrine Road (far) | |
Sese |
ずいふぉんってさー |
Hey, Zuifeng! |
Tenkai |
ん? なんだい? |
Huh? What is it? |
Sese |
元々は外界から来たんだよなー? |
You were originally from outside, right? |
Tenkai |
うん、そうだけど |
Yes, but... |
Sese |
ならさー、外界では何をしてたんだ? |
What was it like there? What did you do? |
Tenkai |
うーん、昔のことって余り記憶にないんだよね |
Hmm, can't say I remember too much about the past. |
Sukune |
そもそもどうやってここに来たんだぎゃ? |
So how'dja wind up here then, gyah? |
Tenkai |
いやね、実はそれもよく覚えてないんだよね |
Well, truthfully, I don't remember that either. |
Tenkai |
僕が外から来たってのもジンベイから聞いた話だからね |
The only reason I even know I'm from the outside is because that's what Jinbei told me. |
Sukune |
ジンベイって、闡裡神社の式神だぎゃね |
By Jinbei, d'y'mean the Senri Shrine's shikigami? |
Tenkai |
あいつが嘘ついてる可能性もあるけどな |
There is the possibility that they were lying, of course. |
Sese |
そうなのかー? |
For real? |
Tenkai |
鶴喰も知らないみたいだったし、案外ありえるかもな |
Tsurubami didn't seem to know about that either, so yes, it could very well be a lie. |
Sukune |
ジンベイは悪い奴だぎゃな~ |
Jinbei's really mean, yanno~. |
??? |
おや? そこの君達 |
Oh? You there... |
Sese |
なんだー? |
What is it? |
Clause ENTERS | ||
??? |
いや、『手間』はとらせないよ |
Now, I do not wish to take up too much of your "time" |
Tenkai |
! ・・・お前は... |
! ...It's you... |
Sukune |
天堺の知り合いだぎゃ? |
Tenkai, do ya know this person? |
??? |
んん~? ・・・いや、少なくとも僕の『記憶』は |
Hmm~? ...No, I certainly do not "recall" |
Tenkai |
こいつは藪雨と玄鳥の巻き添えで无現里に来た奴だ |
They came to Mugenri along with Yabusame and Tsubakura |
(全略) |
(Title omitted) | |
Clause |
なるほどね、君は『例の神主』の『仲間』ってわけか |
Indeed it is. I see you are "acquainted" with those "priests"... |
Sese |
なんかコイツ喋り方が面倒臭いぞー! |
The way this guy talks is so annoying! |
Clause |
全く、最近の子供は『躾』がなってないな |
Oh dear me, children these days are so "undisciplined"... |
Tenkai |
それで・・・なにか話があるんだろ? |
So then... you do have something to talk about, don't you? |
Clause |
そうそう、思い出させてくれて『感謝』するよ |
Ah, "thank you" for reminding me. |
Clause |
なんせ僕が他人に『感謝』することなんて |
It is, after all, extraordinarily uncommon |
Sukune |
なんかうざったい奴だぎゃね~ |
They're a pain, gyah. |
Tenkai |
・・・・・ |
... |
Clause |
君達に尋ねたいことがあるのさ、この『写真の人物』を |
I am currently searching for the "subject" of this photograph. |
Sukune |
あっ! これは新皇しゃんだぎゃ! |
Ah! That'sh the New Emperor, gyah! |
Tenkai |
あぁ、平 文門か |
Oh, Taira no Fumikado? |
Clause |
知っているというのかい? くっくっく・・・ |
Do you truly mean that you know them? Keh heh heh... |
Sese |
この人セセのマネっ子だぞーー! |
That's the person who's copying Sese! |
Tenkai |
緑髪ってところがね、それだけじゃないか |
Ain' that just because they have green hair? |
Sukune |
けど髪の毛の質も何となく似てるっちゃよね |
Both their hair do have a similar charm though, don'tcha think? |
Clause |
僕の『言葉』を遮ると、どれだけ『面倒』なことになるか |
You do not seem to understand the |
Sukune |
どうなるんだぎゃー? |
What's goin' on, gyah? |
Clause |
『言葉』とは、それ自体が『力』を持っている、 |
"Words" themselves carry an innate "power", |
Clause |
単語一つ一つにそれだけで『強力』なエネルギーを |
Every single word in a sentence carries its own "energy" |
Clause |
そのエネルギーは僕が『言葉』を発し終えると同時に |
As I speak, this energy begins to diverge and my "words" |
Clause |
だが、それを途中で『中断』してしまうと、 |
However, if this process is "interrupted" partway through its execution, |
Clause |
招いてしまう『可能性』があるのだよ |
...could "possibly" invite an "unexpected" misinterpretation. |
Clause |
だから僕の『言葉』を途中で遮ってはいけない、いいね? |
So, would you kindly refrain from interrupting my "words" in the middle of a sentence? |
Sukune |
確かに面倒なことになっただぎゃ~ |
This is really troublesome, gyah... |
Sese |
なんだか眠いぞ~ |
I'm getting sleepy... |
Tenkai |
・・・・・ |
... |
Clause |
さて、それでは教えてもらおうかな |
Now then, would you please enlighten me |
Sukune |
天堺は知ってるだぎゃか? |
D'you know, Tenkai? |
Tenkai |
・・・いや、知らないなぁ |
...No, I don't. |
Sese |
セセも知らないぞー |
Sese doesn't know either. |
Clause |
なるほどね・・・・君達はどうやら『嘘』が苦手なようだね |
I see... It seems that you three are rather unskilled with "lies". |
Sukune |
はぎゃ? |
Whaah? |
Clause |
君達はこの『写真の人物』を知っている |
You three are aware of the identity of the "subject" of this photograph, |
Sese |
言えないっていうか、知らないんだぞー |
I can't tell you if I don't know! |
Clause |
『無粋』な・・・みなまで言わなくていい |
There is no need for such... "boorish" language. |
Clause |
君達はこの『写真の人物』と繋がりがある |
You have some kind of connection to the "subject" of this photograph. |
Sukune |
違うんだぎゃ |
That'sh not right, gyah! |
Clause |
まったく、困った人たちだ・・・・・ |
Indeed, they are a troublesome bunch... |
Sese |
なんだかコイツ面倒くさいぞー! |
This is getting worse and worse! |
Sukune |
天堺もなんか言ってやれだぎゃ! |
C'me on, Tenkai, say something, gyah! |
Tenkai |
・・・・ん? あ、あぁ・・・そうだね |
...Nhh? Ah, yeah.... That's right. |
Sese |
ずいふぉんまでオカシクなったぞー! |
Even Zuifeng got crazy! |
Sukune |
種無しメロンだぎゃー! |
You seedless melon, gyah! |
Tenkai |
人を品種改良みたいに言うんじゃない |
I don't think that kind of selective breeding applies to people. |
Clause |
賑わってるところ悪いが・・・・ |
I apologize for interrupting you all during your merriment... |
Sukune |
ぎゃぷ~、じゃあ戦えば帰ってくれるだぎゃか~? |
Gyooh~... Can we go home 'f we win here? |
Clause |
君達が『勝てれば』、ね |
If you can "achieve victory", that is... |
Tenkai |
・・・・・ |
... |
Sese |
ずいふぉ~ん、黙ってないで何とか言うんだー! |
Don't be quiet, say something Zuifeng! |
Sukune |
まともに喋れるのは天堺だけなんだぎゃよ! |
Tenkai's the only one who speaks sensibly here, gyoh! |
Tenkai |
・・・・なんだろ? |
...I wonder why? |
Clause |
僕の『異端な能力』に戦慄を覚えたんじゃないかな? |
I wonder, have you learned to shudder at my "heretical power"? |
Sese |
よーし、そこまで言うなら相手になってやらー! |
Alright, it's really on now! I'll be your opponent! |
Sukune |
面倒な奴にはハニーワパンチだぎゃ! |
Troublesome people get Haniwa-punched, yanno! |
Tenkai |
まぁいいや、とりあえず戦うとしようか |
Well, fine... Let's just have a fight. |
Clause |
愚かなことだね、この『僕』に勝てる気でいるとは |
How foolish of you all to think you can defeat "me"! |
Sese |
ボーンとやったる! |
I'll do it with my bones! |
Sukune |
だぎゃ! |
Gyah! |
Tenkai |
それじゃあ、いくとしますか |
Well then, shall we begin? |
BGM: エターナルパワー ~ BIG STAR |
BGM: Eternal Power ~ BIG STAR | |
Clause |
見せてあげよう、『星』を支配する『力』をっ! |
Allow me to demonstrate my "power" that commands the "stars"! |
Clause DEFEATED | ||
If player has or has not continued | ||
Adagumo no Yaorochi[edit | edit source]
Yaorochi can be encountered only on cell 6:-1.
とある儀式場 |
A Certain Ritual Site | |
Tenkai |
あーあ |
Aaaaaaah... |
Sukune |
どうしたんだぎゃ、天堺? |
Whattsup, Tenkai? |
Sese |
ため息すると幸せが逃げていくんだぞー! |
Sighing lets the happiness escape out of you~! |
Tenkai |
いやね、僕はこんなところで何やってんだろー |
Nevermind. I was just wondering |
Sukune |
天堺は僕たちと一緒に宝を探すんだしょ! |
Yer helpin' us with a treasure hunt, yanno! |
Sese |
そうだぞー! |
That's right~! |
Tenkai |
大体その宝ってのも怪しいもんだし |
Do you really think there's |
Sukune |
そんなことはないんだぎゃ! |
Don't talk like that! |
Sese |
信じる心が大切なんだぞー! |
You have to believe with all your heart~! |
??? |
なにやら騒がしいと思ったら・・・ |
What's with all this noise....? |
Sukune |
んぎゃ! |
N'gyah! |
Adagumo no Yaorochi ENTERS | ||
??? |
子供を引き連れて、楽しそうじゃないか、結界屋 |
Are you having fun playing with the children, barrier builder? |
Sukune |
オロチンしゃんだぎゃ! |
It's Orochin-shan, gyah! |
Tenkai |
オロチンか |
Orochin, huh. |
Sese |
オロチンかー! |
It's Orochin!! |
大蛇の末裔 |
Descendant of Orochi | |
Yaorochi |
・・・そろいも揃って... |
...Everyone's here, huh... |
Sukune |
オロチンしゃん、こんなところで何しとるんだぎゃ? |
Orochin-shan, what'cha doin' here, gyah? |
Yaorochi |
それはこっちの台詞だ宿禰、探したんだぞ |
It should be me asking you that, Sukune. I was looking for you. |
Sese |
迷子さんかー? |
Are you lost? |
Tenkai |
ハニワは別に迷子じゃないから、オロチンが迷子か |
The haniwa isn't lost, so it's Orochin who is. |
Yaorochi |
迷子じゃない! |
I'm not lost! |
Sukune |
天堺とセセもいるし、別に大丈夫だったんだぎゃ~ |
Tenkai an' Sese are with me. Everythin' is gonna be alright, gyah~. |
Yaorochi |
俺が大丈夫じゃないんだ! 昼飯すら食べてないんだぞ! |
Like hell it would be alright! I haven't even eaten lunch! |
Tenkai |
オロチンは自炊すらできないのか・・・ |
So Orochin can't make even their own food..... |
Yaorochi |
違う! 勝手にメシを食うといつも |
No! It's because the haniwa gets angry at me |
Sukune |
だってご飯用意してるのに、よそで食べて |
It's because Yaorochi-shan goes eating elsewhere |
Yaorochi |
俺の分は別に用意しなくてもいいと |
Like I keep telling you, |
Sukune |
酷いんだぎゃ! せっかく作ってあげてるのに! |
How mean, gyah! Even though I put so much love and care into it! |
Sese |
じゃあセセが食べてあげるよー! |
Then Sese will eat your portion~! |
Yaorochi |
はぁ・・・もういい とにかく |
Haah... Whatever. Anyway, |
Sukune |
イヤだぎゃーー! |
Not yet, gyaah! |
Sese |
まだお宝を見つけてないぞー! |
We haven't found any treasure yet! |
Tenkai |
・・・だとさ |
...You heard 'em. |
Yaorochi |
宝? なんだそれは? |
Treasure? What do you mean? |
Sukune |
オロチンさんには関係ないんだぎゃ~♪ |
It's nothin' you should care about, Orochin-san~♪ |
Sese |
なー♪ |
Right~♪ |
Yaorochi |
・・・・いい加減にしないと、怒るぞ? |
......I'll get mad if you don't spit it out, you know? |
Tenkai |
すっかり保護者きどりだな |
They're acting like a parent. |
Sukune |
イヤだもんにゃー! |
No way, nyah! |
Yaorochi |
こちとら昼飯食ってないから |
I haven't had lunch today, |
Sese |
怖いぞー! オロチン! |
Orochin is scary! |
Tenkai |
まぁ、そう熱くなるなって、オロチン |
As hot-tempered as ever, Orochin. |
Sukune |
そうだぎゃオロチンしゃん、大人気ないんだぎゃ |
You're actin' like a child right now, Orochin-shan! |
Yaorochi |
どいつもこいつも・・・ |
Everyone is fooling around.... |
Sukune |
ぎゃー! オロチンしゃんが怒ったー!! |
Gyaaah! Orochin-shan got mad!! |
Sese |
あれじゃないか! ホネ食えば落ち着くぞ? |
Oh I know! Munch some bones and you'll calm down, okay? |
Tenkai |
相変わらず気の短いやつなんだね |
This guy is as violent as ever. |
Yaorochi |
お前らがその態度を正さないというなら |
So you refuse to change your attitude... |
Sukune |
だけど僕は怯まないんだぎゃ! |
But I'm not scared this time, gyah! |
Tenkai |
はっ? |
Huh? |
Sese |
行けー、ずいふぉん! 負けんなー! |
Let's go, Zuifeng! Don't you dare lose! |
Tenkai |
僕に戦えってこと? |
You want me to fight them? |
Yaorochi |
いいだろう結界屋、お前も以前から気に食わなかった |
It's fine, barrier builder. We'll settle |
Tenkai |
おいおい、勘弁してくれよ~ |
Hey, hey. Give me a break already~. |
Sukune |
僕も手伝うだぎゃ! |
I'll help ya, gyah! |
Sese |
セセも手伝うぞー! |
Sese will help too! |
BGM: 薙ぎ払われた繋がり |
BGM: Mowed-Down Relationship | |
Yaorochi |
どうやら決まりのようだな |
So it's decided. |
Adagumo no Yaorochi DEFEATED | ||
If player has or has not continued | ||
Shion[edit | edit source]
Shion can be encountered only on cell 6:1.
とある枯れ花 |
A Certain Withering Flower | |
Sese |
セセはなー |
Y'know... |
Tenkai |
ん、突然どうしたんだい? |
What it is all of a sudden? |
Sese |
子供の時の記憶があんまりないんだなー |
Sese doesn't have many memories of when I was a little kid~. |
Sukune |
だってセセって今が子供じゃんだぎゃ |
That's 'cuz you are a lil' kid, gyah. |
Sese |
宿禰にいわれたくないぞー! |
You're the last person I want to hear that from! |
Sukune |
なんだぎゃ! 僕が子供だって言うんだぎゃか!? |
What did'ya say, gyah?! That I look like a lil' kid, gyah?! |
Sese |
だってそうだろー! |
You sure do! |
Sukune |
んだぎゃ!? じゃあセセはもっと子供だぎゃ! |
Gyah?! Well, Sese looks even more like a lil' kid, gyah! |
Sese |
じゃあ宿禰は子供ハニワだー! |
Well, you're a haniwa kid! |
Tenkai |
はいはい、どっちも子供だから黙ってくれ |
There, there. You're both kids. Now silence. |
Sukune |
うるさいんだぎゃ! |
Shaddup, gyah! |
Sese |
ヤングな話題に割り込んでくるなー! |
Don't interrupt our youthful discussion! |
Tenkai |
大人メロンて・・・ヤングて・・・ |
Adult melon...? Youthful discussion...? |
??? |
わは~、おいしそうな匂いがプンプンするよー |
Oooh~, there are some good smells coming from this way~. |
Tenkai |
こんなときにまたなんか来たよ・・・ |
And the troubles keep coming... |
Shion ENTERS | ||
??? |
誰が一番おいしそうかな~? |
Who's the most delicious of you~? |
Sukune |
だぎゃ!? シオンだぎゃ! |
Gyah?! It's Shion, gyah! |
??? |
わぁ~、ハニワちゃんだ~ |
Ooh~, it's the haniwa~. |
Tenkai |
子供がまた増えた・・・ |
Another kid... |
Sese |
誰だこいつー? |
Who's that? |
総体から産まれし個体 |
An Individual Born from the Aggregate | |
Shion |
シオンちゃんです♪ |
I'm Shion-chan! ♪ |
Sukune |
神社で飼われてるんじゃにゃかったの? |
Weren't you bein' kept by the shrine? |
Shion |
神社はね、玄鳥がおいしいけど退屈なの |
Oh the shrine, Tsubakura's tasty but it's boring there. |
Sese |
何をいってるんだー! |
What are they talking about!? |
Tenkai |
そうか、コイツがハルジオンから産まれたってやつか |
Ah, that's right. That's the one who was born from the Harujion. |
Shion |
だ~か~ら~、シオンちゃんです♪ |
And~ that's~ why~ I'm Shion-chan. ♪ |
Tenkai |
それじゃ分からんよ |
Who'd get that from your introduction?! |
Shion |
ところでさ、そこのメロンみたいな人・・・ |
Anyway, who's that melon over there....? |
Sukune |
そりゃ、メロンだきゃらにゃ |
Well that'sh 'cuz they're a melon, nyah. |
Tenkai |
関係ないだろ |
How's that relevant? |
Shion |
甘くて、ジューシーで、それに芳醇な匂い~ |
You have a sweet, rich and juicy smell~. |
Sukune |
やっぱり夕張メロンだぎゃ! |
I knew it, like a Yuubari melon, gyah! |
Tenkai |
関係ないって |
Like I said, that's not relevant. |
Sese |
メロンっておいしいのかー? |
Are melons that delicious? |
Shion |
ハニワちゃんやそっちのホネっ子ちゃんも |
The haniwa and Boney |
Tenkai |
すっごい危ない奴だな、この子 |
This kid... is actually very dangerous, aren't they? |
Sukune |
オロチンさんと戦ったときも怖かったんだぎゃ~ |
When I fought them alongside Orochin-san back then, they were like this too, gyah~. |
Sese |
せ、セセは怖くないぞー! |
Se-Sese is not afraid! |
Shion |
ホネっ子ちゃんも、すっごく美味しそうだけど |
Boney looks especially tasty, |
Sese |
セセ、いつか食べられるのかー!? |
Is Sese gonna be eaten someday!? |
Tenkai |
しかし君は神社で軟禁されてるんじゃなかったのかい? |
You were being kept in the shrine, right? |
Shion |
本当は藪雨と玄鳥と一緒にお出かけしてたんだけど |
I was actually let out to help Yabusame and Tsubakura with something. |
Sukune |
絶ワザとだぎゃ |
Sounds like you got lost on purposhe, gyah. |
Sese |
確信犯だ! |
It was a premeditated crime! |
Tenkai |
ちょっと意味が違うと思うが・・・ |
That wording seems a bit wrong... |
Shion |
だって、おかしいでしょ? |
But, isn't it strange to keep me locked up? |
Tenkai |
食べるものが問題なんだろうな |
What you eat is the problem here. |
Shion |
ちょっとだけでいいのに~ |
It's just a little, though~. |
Sukune |
ちょっとだけってどれくらいだぎゃ? |
How much do you eat usually? |
Shion |
ほんの2~30人ぐらい? |
Just 2 to 30 people? |
Tenkai |
スケールのデカイ"ちょっと"だな |
That's way more than "just a little". |
Sukune |
ちっちゃな村なら全滅だぎゃ |
They could deshtroy a small village on their own, gyah. |
Sese |
こいつ、やっぱ怖いぞー! |
This guy is scary! |
Shion |
それで、誰から食べさせてくれるの? |
Anyway, will you let me eat already? |
Tenkai |
いや、今からお前をとっ捕まえて玄鳥に差し出す |
No, I'll catch you and hand you over to Tsubakura. |
Shion |
え~? 玄鳥の魂を食べるまでお預け~? |
Eh~? Should I wait for Tsubakura's soul, instead~? |
Tenkai |
それだけで我慢しろ |
Do you really have enough self-control for that? |
Shion |
美味しいからいいんだけどさ~ |
Their soul is very delicious~. |
Sese |
大食いグルメなんだなー |
You sure are a picky child with a big appetite. |
Sukune |
玄鳥はこんなのに毎日食べられて大丈夫なのきゃ? |
Doesh that mean that Tsubakura's soul gets eaten everyday, gyah? Are they gonna be okay? |
Tenkai |
まぁ、死にはしないだろ |
Well, they won't die. |
Shion |
シオンちゃんはね、こう見えても実は中に何千も |
Shion-chan might look small, but I'm made out of a lot of people. |
Sese |
な、なんだそれー? |
Wha-What do you mean? |
Shion |
だからね、食欲もそれだけ多くなっちゃうの |
That's why my appetite is so big. |
Sukune |
大所帯なんだぎゃね~ |
So yer like a big house, gyah~. |
Tenkai |
苦労の多いことだね |
You seem to be struggling on you own. |
Shion |
でしょ~? だから、サービスしてよ~ |
Right~? That's why you should let me eat now~. |
Tenkai |
ダメ、この无現里では強い者が全てを決められる |
Those who decide things in Mugenri are the strong ones, not the struggling ones. |
BGM: 百の命と一つの縁 ~ Chimera soul |
BGM: One Hundred Lives and One Fate ~ Chimera soul | |
Shion |
ってことは、シオンが勝てば食べさせてくれるの? |
Then, can I eat you if I win? |
Sukune |
天堺~、怖いんだぎゃ~ |
Tenkai~... That's shcary, gyah~... |
Sese |
大丈夫なのか、ずいふぉん~? |
Will you be alright, Zuifeng? |
Tenkai |
まぁ大丈夫だろう |
I should be fine. |
Shion |
じゃあ、おいしくいただきま~す |
Really? Thank you for the meal, then~. |
Shion DEFEATED | ||
If player has or has not continued | ||
Suzumi Kuzu[edit | edit source]
Suzumi can be encountered only on cell 6:0, and you must have beaten all other final bosses. Otherwise, one of the random final bosses will appear here.
闡裡神社参道 |
Senri Shrine Road (far) | |
Tenkai |
・・・・・ |
..... |
Sukune |
どうしたんだぎゃ? 天堺 |
What'sh wrong, Tenkai? |
Tenkai |
いやな、この戦争ごっこに違和感を感じてな |
Nothing, something just feels off about these war games. |
Sese |
それはなんだー? |
What is it? |
Tenkai |
都はトップが代わり |
The capital's top birds changed, |
Tenkai |
それに応戦する形で、妖怪連合どもが |
And as retaliation, the Youkai Coalition |
Tenkai |
・・・っと僕は予想してた | what I think happened. |
Sukune |
じゃあそれが正しいんじゃないんだぎゃか? |
And ya don't think that'sh right? |
Tenkai |
そう、確かに筋が通ってるんだけど・・・ |
Yes, it definitely makes sense, but... |
Sese |
だーかーらー、なんなんだー! それはー! |
Weeell theeen, what is it!? What is it!? |
Tenkai |
そうだな・・・なんかタイミングが良すぎるんだ |
Hmm... the timing was too good. |
Sukune |
どういうことだぎゃ? |
Whaddya mean by that? |
Tenkai |
本来バラバラの組織のはずの妖怪連合がコレだけ |
Originally, the Youkai Coalition was really disorganized. |
Sese |
そうなのかー? |
Is that so? |
Tenkai |
そして聞いた話では都の新しい帝はクーデターによって |
I heard people talking about a coup d'état in the capital. |
Sukune |
そうらしいだぎゃね |
I heard shtuff like that too, gyah. |
Tenkai |
さらに少し前から巷には妙な噂が流れ、 |
Furthermore, a strange rumor started spreading on the streets a while ago. |
Sese |
セセたちも探索してるぞー! |
We're searching too! |
Sukune |
たしかに、偶然にしては出来すぎてる気がするにょ・・・ |
But yeah, it musta been too good to be true, since it came outta nowhere, nyo... |
Tenkai |
偶然・・・・・・? たまたま・・・・? |
Out of nowhere...? Unexpectedly, then...? |
Tenkai |
・・・・・っ! |
... Ah! |
??? |
その通り♪ |
That's right. ♪ |
Sese |
! 誰だー! |
! Who're you!? |
Suzumi Kuzu ENTERS | ||
??? |
全部私の仕業なの♪ |
It was all my doing. ♪ |
Sukune |
だ、誰なんだぎゃ・・・こいつは? 天堺! |
Wh-who're you, gyah...? Tenkai, who's this? |
Tenkai |
・・・・・知らん |
.....I don't know. |
??? |
あら? |
Oh my, really? |
Tenkai |
僕が今、頭に思い浮かべたのはお前じゃない |
You are definitely not who came to mind back there. |
??? |
えー、ひどいー! |
Eeeh, how crueeel! |
Tenkai |
っというか誰だ、あんたは? |
That said, just who are you? |
奸佞邪智な過ぎたる記憶 |
Insidious Superfluous Memory | |
Suzumi |
そういえば今回は始めましてだったっけ? |
Now that you mention it, this is our first meeting, isn't it? |
Tenkai |
あの二人の? 外界の人間か? |
Those two? So you're a human from the outside world? |
Suzumi |
そうなの! |
That's right! |
Tenkai |
玄鳥の知り合いが偶然无現里に迷い込んだ・・・? |
Someone Tsubakura knows wandering into Mugenri by chance...? |
Suzumi |
そんなこと言われたって・・・ |
You say that, but... |
Sese |
そりゃそーだな! しょーがないよなー |
Yeah, yeah! It can't be helped! |
Sukune |
仕方ないんだぎゃね~ |
It really can't be helped, gyah~. |
Tenkai |
それに、さっき全部自分の仕業って言ってたよね? |
And what was that about "it was all my doing"? |
Suzumi |
な、なんのことかしらね~? |
I-I wonder what you're talking about~? |
Tenkai |
とぼけるってことは、何かしら企みがあるってことだね |
Even if you play dumb, I know you're planning something. |
Suzumi |
もちろんあるよ♪ たとえば貴方達を今・・・・ |
Of course I am. ♪ For example, right now, among other things, I'm planning to... |
Sese |
いぁー!? 怖いこと言う人だー! |
Aieee!? This person's saying scary stuff! |
Sukune |
何でそんなこと言うんだぎゃ!? 物騒だにゃにゃ! |
What the hell'sh that!? They're dangerous, nya-nya! |
Suzumi |
私って素直なの♪ ピュアなの♪ 純情なの♪ |
I'm meek. ♪ Pure. ♪ And innocent. ♪ |
Tenkai |
つまり、本気ってことかい? |
So you were serious about that then, right? |
Suzumi |
私って冗談もあまり言わないの♪ |
I'm not really the type of person that tells jokes often. ♪ |
Sese |
やっぱり怖い人だー! |
They really are scary! |
Suzumi |
そんなことないよ!? |
I'm not scary! |
Tenkai |
どうやら嘘をつくのは好きみたいだな、下手だが |
Seems like you really like lying, huh? Too bad you're not any good at it. |
Suzumi |
あれ? バレちゃった? |
Oh? Have I been found out? |
Tenkai |
お前が藪雨や玄鳥のオトモダチだなんて思えないな |
I really don't think you're Yabusame's or Tsubakura's friend. |
Suzumi |
最近は嫌われちゃったけど・・・ |
Well, there's lots of hate between us nowadays, but... |
Sese |
いいからあっちいけー! |
Alright, that's enough, get away from me! |
Sukune |
この人、なんか雰囲気が怖いっちゃ・・・ |
This person's got such a spooky aura, cha... |
Suzumi |
あぁん・・・ここでも私は嫌われ者なのね・・・ |
Aah... I'm becoming hated here, as well... |
Tenkai |
逆にどこでなら人気者なんだ? |
Where on earth could you possibly be popular? |
Suzumi |
まぁいいや、みんな消せば、みんな仲良しだもんね |
Aah, whatever. Once everyone disappears, they'll all be friends! |
Sese |
ひぃ~、怖いよー! |
Eeek, so scary! |
Sukune |
天堺! 追っ払ってぎゃ!! |
Tenkai, chase 'em away! |
Tenkai |
って言われてもなぁ・・・ 素直にどいてくれないのだろ? |
You say that, but... Surely they wouldn't just meekly run off if I tried to? |
Suzumi |
だから言ったじゃない? ここで皆消すって |
Didn't I tell you already? I'm going to erase all of you. |
Tenkai |
目的は? |
For what purpose? |
Suzumi |
玄鳥様の破滅のため♪ |
To ruin Tsubakura-sama. ♪ |
Tenkai |
あいつも随分人気者だな |
Seems Tsubakura's pretty popular too. |
Sese |
じゃーなんで玄鳥じゃなくてセセたちを狙うんだ! |
Why are you going after team Sese and not Tsubakura then?! |
Suzumi |
玄鳥様はね、知り合いが・・・特に親しい人が死ぬと |
Well, you see... Tsubakura-sama gets really sad when someone they know dies, |
Tenkai |
腐りきってるな、お前 |
You're rotten to the core. |
Suzumi |
きゃっ! 褒められちゃった? |
Kyaah! Is that praise I hear? |
Sukune |
こいつ、何とかしないとだぎゃね・・・ |
We've gotta do something about thish person... |
Tenkai |
あぁ、无現里の秩序を乱しかねない |
Yeah, they might throw Mugenri out of order. |
Sese |
セセも、頑張るぞー! |
Sese's here too-! |
Suzumi |
あぁん、いいね! そういう一致団結して共闘する姿 |
Aah, great! Solidarity, the way you all fight together... |
Sukune |
こいつー! ヤバ過ぎるんだぎゃ! |
Wha-! This person's wayy too crazy, gyah! |
Tenkai |
无現里がこんな奴の侵入を許すとはな・・・・ |
To think Mugenri would allow someone like this to invade it... |
BGM: MO-NA-D-2 ~ 記憶偽筆 |
BGM: MO-NA-D-2 ~ Memory Forgery | |
Suzumi |
いいよ、無駄だけど戦ってあげる♪ |
Alright! It's pointless, but I'll give you a fight. ♪ |
Suzumi Kuzu DEFEATED | ||
If player has continued | ||
If player has not continued | ||
Notes[edit | edit source]