List of Spell Cards

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This is a complete list of spell cards from works produced by JynX (as well as Emergency Everyday by Daijin). The characters and spell cards are listed by first appearance in the series in chronological order.

Use The player can use this spell card.
Upgrade The player can purchase this as an upgrade in BPoHC.
St. Stage. The stage it appeared in.
E, N, H, U, Ex Easy, Normal, Hard, Unreal, Extra. The difficulty the spell card appeared in.

Emergency Everyday[edit | edit source]

Serintsu[edit | edit source]

Name Translated Comments Games Stage
Total: 1
歪界「次元爆破」 Distorted World "Dimensional Explosion" Bomb Pre-EE Use

Big Boss and Shinkuu[edit | edit source]

Name Translated Comments Games Stage
Total: 2
爆牌「破砕擲弾」 Explosion Card "Disintegration Grenade" Likely uses Big Boss's power Pre-EE St. 1
霊鳥「スィームルグ」 Sacred Bird "Simurgh"[a] Likely uses Shinkuu's power Pre-EE St. 1

Red-White and White-Black[edit | edit source]

Name Translated Comments Games Stage
Total: 3
霊符「弾幕結界ではない何か」 Spirit Sign "Something that's not a Danmaku Barrier" Used only by Red-White Pre-EE St. 2
妙にうねうねしたレーザー Strangely Sinuous Laser Used only by White-Black Pre-EE St. 2
夢砲「我武者羅」 Dream Cannon "Daredevilry" Pre-EE St. 2

Daijin[edit | edit source]

Name Translated Comments Games Stage
Total: 5
MOD「遠隔操作」 MOD "Remote Control"[b] Pre-EE St. 3
FDS「等級抑圧」 FDS "Grade Suppression"[c] Pre-EE St. 3
FDS「魔術門」 FDS "Black Magic Gate"[c] Pre-EE St. 3
黒牌「ブリック・アウト」 Black Card "Brick-Out"[d] Pre-EE St. 3
裏牌「ソミー・タイマー」 Secret Card "Somy Timer"[e] Pre-EE St. 3

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. Simurgh is a benevolent, mythical bird in Iranian mythology and literature.
  2. "MOD" might be a shorthand for "modulation" or a reference to console modding.
  3. 3.0 3.1 "FDS" stands for "Flying Disk System". It's also a reference to the Famicom Disk System.
  4. This may be a reference to PSP bricking, which renders the machine useless "like a brick". This may happen if one turns off the device during a firmware update, or tries to hack a PSP.
  5. Likely a corruption of "Sony timer".

Evanescent Existence[edit | edit source]

Yabusame Houlen[edit | edit source]

Name Translated Comments Games Stage
Total: 29
「次元剥離」 "Dimensional Detachment" Bomb EE
光牌「レーザーレイン」 Light Card "Laser Rain" EE
St. 3: E/N
St. 6: E/N
光牌「レーザーグリッド」 Light Card "Laser Grid" EE
St. 3: H/U
St. 6 H/U
交差「フラッシュクロス」 Intersection "Flash Cross" EE
St. 3: E/N
St. 6: E/N
交差「スターシェル」 Intersection "Star Shell" EE St. 3: H/U
元牌「空間剥離」 Origin Card "Spatial Detachment" EE
St. 3: E/N
St. 4: H
St. 6: E/N
元牌「顕界遊離」 Origin Card "Reality Separation" EE
St. 3: H/U
St. 6 H/U
飛移「ワープ王国」 Teleport "Warp Kingdom" The Brilliant Pagoda or Haze Castle upgrade is simply titled Warp Kingdom (ワープ王国). EE
St. 3: E/N
St. 6: E/N
反復「ループ王国」 Recurrence "Loop Kingdom" EE
St. 3: H/U
St. 6 H/U
間牌「ターボエリア」 Space Card "Turbo Area" EE
St. 3: E/N
St. 6: E/N
間牌「空間削落」 Space Card "Spatial Erasure" EE
St. 3: H/U
St. 6: H/U
「次元断裂」 "Dimensional Division" EE St. 3: E/N
「次元連裂幻」 "Illusion of Repeated Dimensional Rupture" EE St. 3: H
混元「スクリーンシャッフル」 Confused Origins "Screen Shuffle" EE St. 3: U
「メイデンピット」 "Maiden Pit"[a] [b] Flash bomb EE
『自由奔放』 "Freewheeling" RMI Standby Skill
転移「弾幕クローン」 Transfer "Danmaku Clone" RMI St. 4: E/N
転送「次元複製」 Transmission "Dimensional Duplication" RMI St. 4: H/U
「じげんはくり」 "Dimension Detach"[c] RMI St. 4: E/N
元牌「次元剥離」 Origin Card "Dimensional Detachment"[d] RMI St. 4: U
元玄「墨と銀」 Mysterious Origin "Ink and Silver"[e] Co-owner with Tsubakura RMI St. 4: E/N/H/U
交差「スターシェル」 Glintersection "Star Shell"[f] BPoHC St. 6 H/U
「次元解放」 "Dimensional Liberation" BPoHC St.6: E/N
「次元崩壊」 "Dimensional Destruction" BPoHC St.6: H/U
ヒッグスジュース Higgs Juice BPoHC Upgrade
薄めの次元断層 Slight Dimensional Fracture BPoHC Upgrade
ばーりあ Baaarrier BotC Inherent Trait
次元カッター Dimension Cutter As Yabusame Houlen [Chef Form]; Bomb BotC Use
ばりあー Barrierrr As Yabusame Houlen [Chef Form] BotC Inherent Trait

Tsubakura Enraku[edit | edit source]

Name Translated Comments Games Stage
Total: 27
4 spells only imitated by Tsurubami Senri and never performed themself.
无牌「玄鶴-徒花-」 Nothingness Card "Mysterious Crane -Fruitlessness-"[g] Impersonated by Tsurubami Senri (EE Only) EE
St. 3: E/N
St. 6: E/N
无牌「玄鶴-帚木-」 Nothingness Card "Mysterious Crane -Hahakigi-"[g][h] 〃 (EE Only) EE
St. 3: H/U
St. 6: H/U
墨牌「ピクチャーインク」 Ink Card "Picture Ink" EE St. 3: E/N
墨牌「エンボディインク」 Ink Card "Embody Ink" EE St. 3: H/U
黒牌「暗転車輪」 Black Card "Fadeout Wheel" EE St. 3: E/N
花牌「暗転墨花」 Flower Card "Fadeout Ink Flower" EE St. 3: H/U
闡牌「墨と銀」 Clarity Card "Ink and Silver" 〃 (EE Only) EE
St. 3: E/N
St. 6: E/N
闡牌「墨黒銀雪」 Clarity Card "Ink-Black Silver Snow" 〃 (EE Only) EE
St. 3: H/U
St. 6: H/U
「モノクロムレイ」 "Monochrome Ray"[i] 〃 (EE main game only), Bomb EE
St. 3: E/N
玄牌「モノクロムストーム」 Mysterious Card "Monochrome Storm" 〃 (EE Only) EE
St. 3: H/U
St. 6: H/U
「ブラックアウト」 "Blackout" 〃 (EE only);
Titled "Black Out" (ブラック・アウト) in Reactivate Majestical Imperial and Brilliant Pagoda or Haze Castle.
St. 3: E/N/H
St. 4: H/U
St. 6: E/N/H
終幕「ゲームオーバー」 Curtain Fall "Game Over" 〃 (EE Only) EE
St. 3: U
St. 6: U
「ヴァーテックス・エミット」 "Vertex Emit" Flash bomb EE
『天然次元生物のすゝめ』 "Recommending the Airheaded Dimension Creature" RMI Standby Skill
染彩「黒い帳」 Dye "Black Curtain" RMI St. 4: E/N
「モノクロムレイ・オールレンジ」 "Monochrome Ray -All Range-"[j] RMI
St. 4: E/N
St. 6: E/N
「モノクロムレイ・スパイラル」 "Monochrome Ray -Spiral-"[j] RMI
St. 4: H/U
St. 6: H/U
元玄「墨と銀」 Mysterious Origin "Ink and Silver"[e] Co-owner with Yabusame RMI St. 4: E/N/H/U
「モノクロムレイ・オリジン」 "Monochrome Ray -Origin-" BPoHC St. 6: E/N
玄牌「燕返し」 Mysterious Card "Swallow Reversal"[k] BPoHC St. 6: E/N
燕牌「弐太刀」 Swallow Card "Double Long Sword" BPoHC St. 6: H/U
モノクロムレイ・フラッシュ Monochrome Ray -Flash- Upgraded Flash bomb BPoHC
鳥の目「臙脂色の瞳」 Bird's Eye "Dark Red Eyes" BPoHC Upgrade
黒い翼 Black Wings Upgraded bomb BPoHC
飛燕 Flying Swallow BotC Inherent Trait
ゲテモノクロム・レイ Monochrome Ray of Bizzare Foods[l] As Tsubakura Enraku [Waiter Form]; Bomb BotC Use
へい、おまち Here, sorry 'bout the wait As Tsubakura Enraku [Waiter Form] BotC Inherent Trait
モノクロムレイ・ヒトエ Monochrome Ray -Onefold- Bomb FW Use

Kurohebi[edit | edit source]

Name Translated Comments Games Stage
Total: 7
暗牌「ブラインドショット」 Darkness Card "Blind Shot" Simply titled Blind Shot (ブラインドショット) in Book of the Cafe. EE
St. 1: E/N
St. 1: E/N
暗牌「メラニスティックショット」 Darkness Card "Melanistic Shot"[m] EE
St. 1: H/U
St. 1: H/U
切牌「スリットスネーク」 Cut Card "Slit Snake" Bomb EE
St. 1: E/N
St. 1: E/N
斬牌「スリットドラゴン」 Slash Card "Slit Dragon" EE
St. 1: H/U
St. 1: H/U
「インパーセプティブル」 "Imperceptible" EE St. 1: E/N/H/U
偲ばれる残影 Remembered Remnants BPoHC Upgrade
暗殺 Assassination BotC Inherent Trait

Aoji Shitodo[edit | edit source]

Name Translated Comments Games Stage
Total: 13
流波「クレントブラスト」 Current Wave "Current Blast" Flash bomb (BPoHC) EE
St. 2: E/N
St. 2: E/N
流衝「クレントブラストフル」 Current Rush "Current Blast Full" EE
St. 2: H/U
St. 2: H/U
曲牌「オクトスパイラル」 Curve Card "Octo Spiral" EE
St. 2: E/N
St. 2: E/N
歪牌「スパイラルクラーク」 Distortion Card "Spiral Krake"[n] EE
St. 2: H/U
St. 2: H/U
鵐牌「青風」 Shitodo Card "Blue Wind"[o] Bomb (BotC) EE
St. 2: E/N
鵐牌「青嵐」 Shitodo Card "Blue Storm"[o] Bomb (BPoHC) EE
St. 2: H/U
「リヴァイアサン」 "Leviathan"[p] EE St. 2: E/N/H/U
渦牌「プラスチックボルテックス」 Whirlpool Card "Plastic Vortex"[q] EE
St. 2: E/N
St. 2: E/N
旋牌「イースタンガーベッジパッテ」 Rotation Card "Eastern Garbage Patch"[q] EE
St. 2: H/U
St. 2: H/U
極上の魂 First-rate Soul BPoHC Upgrade
保険ボム Insurance Bomb BPoHC Upgrade
予約された命 Reserved Life BPoHC Upgrade
深きものからの加護 Protection by the Deep Ones BotC Inherent Trait

Hooaka Shitodo[edit | edit source]

Name Translated Comments Games Stage
Total: 15
冷牌「時限式な昇華」 Cold Card "Timed Sublimation"[r] EE
St. 4: E/N
St. 4: E/N
冷牌「シューティングミスト」 Cold Card "Shooting Mist" EE
St. 4: H/U
St. 4: H/U
冷壁「ホワイトアウト」 Cold Wall "Whiteout"[s] The Brilliant Pagoda or Haze Castle upgrade is simply titled Whiteout (ホワイトアウト)
Upgraded Flash Bomb
St. 4: E/N/H/U
St. 4: E/N/H/U
冷華「勿忘草」 Sub-Zero Flower "Scorpion Grass"[t] EE St. 4: E/N
冷華「フォーゲットミーノット」 Sub-Zero Flower "Forget-Me-Not"[t] EE St. 4: H/U
冷熱「五月雨ボイラー」 Hot and Cold "Samidare Boiler"[u] EE
St. 4: E/N
昇華「初春の霜柱」 Sublimation "Frost Needles in Early Spring" EE St. 4: H/U
噴火「水蒸気爆発」 Eruption "Steam-Blast Eruption" Bomb (BotC) EE
St. 4: E/N
St. 4: E/N
村雨「放射冷却熱輻射弾」 Passing Shower "Radiative Heat and Cooling Shot" EE
St. 4: H/U
St. 4: H/U
「ヒートランス【極小】」 "Heat Lance [Minimum]" Bomb (BPoHC) BPoHC
St. 4: E/N
魔槍「ブリューナク・ミニマム」 Demon Lance "Brionac Minimum"[v] BPoHC St. 4: H/U
「両極翼」 "Bipolar Wings" Flash bomb BPoHC Use
ダブルミーニング Double Meaning BPoHC Upgrade
オーラウィンド Aura Wind BPoHC Upgrade
双極 Bipolar BotC Inherent Trait

Kuroji Shitodo[edit | edit source]

Name Translated Comments Games Stage
Total: 23
像現「反転フィルム」 Development Film "Reversed Film"[w] EE
St. 5: E/N
St. 5: E/N
「ネガポジ」 "Positive & Negative" Flash bomb EE
St. 5: H/U
St. 5: H/U
表裏「裏切り三者」 Front and Back "Three Traitors" EE
St. 5: E/N
St. 5: E/N
裏切「表裏者と断罪者」 Backstab "The Two-Faced and the Judge" EE
St. 5: H/U
St. 5: H/U
遺伝「逆転写メッセンジャー」 Heredity "Reverse Transcription Messenger"[x] EE
St. 5: E/N
St. 5: E/N
RNA「レトロウイルス」 RNA "Retrovirus"[y] Bomb (EMS, RMI & BPoHC) EE
St. 5: H/U
St. 5: H/U
乱舞「直角反転乱吹」 Chaotic Dance "Blizzard Revolving at a Right Angle" EE St. 5: E/N
過流「五月雨メイストーム」 Overflow "Samidare May Storm" EE St. 5: H/U
反牌「把握と怪我」 Reverse Card "Understanding and Injury" EE
St. 5: E
St. 5: E
反牌「理解と死」 Reverse Card "Comprehension and Death" EE
St. 5: N
St. 4: E/N
St. 5: N
刺殺「アンチリッパー」 Assassination "Anti-Ripper" EE
St. 5: H
St. 5: H
惨牌「エンドイズエンド」 Disaster Card "End is End" EE
St. 5: U
St. 4: H/U
St. 5: U
「インパートアーチ」 "Invert Arch" EE St. 5: E/N
「栄光の余映」 "Lingering Light of Glory" EE St. 5: H/U
我流「黒い翼【鵐】」 Original Style "Black Wings [Shitodo]" The Brilliant Pagoda or Haze Castle upgrade is simply titled Black Wings [Shitodo] (黒い翼【鵐】). EE
St. 6: E/N/H/U
『強要』 "Coercion" RMI Standby Skill
「ネガポジ【天地】」 "Positive & Negative [Heaven & Earth]"[z] RMI St. 4: E/N
「ネガポジ【裃】」 "Positive & Negative [Kamishimo]"[z] [aa] RMI St. 4: H/U
逆刃「逆燕返し」 Inverse Blade "Inverted Swallow Reversal"[ab] Co-owner with Saragimaru RMI St. 4: E/N
反斬「鵐の爪」 Reverse Slash "Bunting's Claws"[ac] RMI St. 4: H/U
リバースリンキング Reverse Linking BPoHC Upgrade
倹約令 Thrift Ordinance BPoHC Upgrade
先史学者 Scholar of Prehistory BotC Inherent Trait

Clause[edit | edit source]

Name Translated Comments Games Stage
Total: 24
圧迫「ゾーンプレッシャー」 Pressure "Zone Pressure" EE St. 6: E/N
重圧「シュバルツヴァルト」 Intense Pressure "Schwarzwald"[ad] EE St. 6: H/U
浮遊「ジーフリーゼロ」 Floating "G-Free Zero" Flash bomb EE
St. 6: E/N
St. 6: E/N
反力「ティアアース」 Opposing Force "Tier Earth" EE
St. 6: H/U
St. 6: H/U
天譴「五つの惑星」 Divine Punishment "Five Planets" EE
St. 6: E/N
St. 6: E/N
針剣「スロースローイングナイフ」 Needle Sword "Slow Throwing Knife" EE
St. 6: H
St. 6: H
「サウザンドナイフ」 "Thousand Knives"[ae] Lacks quotation marks in Book of the Cafe. EE
St. 6: U
St. 6: U
新星「スーパーノヴァ」 New Star "Supernova" Bomb EE
St. 6: E/N
St. 6: E/N
超星「ハイパーノヴァ」 Super Star "Hypernova" EE
St. 6: H
St. 6: H
煌星「スーパーハイパーノヴァ」 Shining Star "Super Hypernova" EE
St. 6: U
St. 6: U
永久「エターナルパワー」 Eternity "Eternal Power" EE
St. 6: E
St. 6: E
永劫「イモータルパワー」 Infinitude "Immortal Power" EE
St. 6: N
St. 6: N
久遠「エンドレスパワー」 Perpetuity "Endless Power" EE
St. 6: H
St. 6: H
遼遠「エターナルフォーエバー」 Far Reaches "Eternal Forever" EE
St. 6: U
St. 6: U
歪惑「サザンクロス」 Disorientation "Southern Cross"[af] EE
St. Ex
St. 6: E/N
巨星「ラストジュピター」 Giant Planet "Last Jupiter" EE St. Ex
冥王「失われた威名」 Pluto "Lost Fame"[ag] EE St. Ex
歪惑「グランドクロス」 Disorientation "Grand Cross" BPoHC St. 6: H/U
「グラビティウェーブ」 "Gravity Wave"[ah] BPoHC St. 6: E/N
「ラグランジュウェーブ」 "Lagrange Wave"[ai] BPoHC St. 6: H/U
闇の深遠 ~ ワームホール Profundity of Darkness ~ Wormhole BPoHC Upgrade
略式 Abbreviation BotC Inherent Trait
降誕「サンターノヴァ」 Nativity "Santa Nova" As Santa Clause; Bomb BotC Use
聖夜省略 Abbreviation of the Holy Night As Santa Clause BotC Inherent Trait

Tsurubami Senri[edit | edit source]

Name Translated Comments Games Stage
Total: 28
Original spell cards :15   Imitating Tsubakura Enraku: 13
「モノクロムレイ」 "Monochrome Ray" Impersonating Tsubakura Enraku, Bomb (EE) EE
St. 3: E/N
无牌「玄鶴-徒花-」 Nothingness Card "Mysterious Crane -Fruitlessness-"[g] Impersonating Tsubakura Enraku EE St. 3: E/N
无牌「玄鶴-帚木-」 Nothingness Card "Mysterious Crane -Hahakigi-"[g][h] EE St. 3: H/U
墨牌「ピクチャーインク」 Ink Card "Picture Ink" EE St. 3: E/N
墨牌「エンボディインク」 Ink Card "Embody Ink" EE St. 3: H/U
黒牌「暗転車輪」 Black Card "Fadeout Wheel" EE St. 3: E/N
花牌「暗転墨花」 Flower Card "Fadeout Ink Flower" EE St. 3: H/U
闡牌「墨と銀」 Clarity Card "Ink and Silver" EE
St. 3: E/N
闡牌「墨黒銀雪」 Clarity Card "Ink-Black Silver Snow" EE St. 3: H/U
玄牌「モノクロムストーム」 Mysterious Card "Monochrome Storm" 〃, Bomb (BotC) EE
St. 3: H/U
「ブラックアウト」 "Blackout" 〃, Flash bomb (BotC) EE
St. 3: E/N/H
終幕「ゲームオーバー」 Closing Curtain "Game Over" EE St. 3: U
暗牌「サーチクレッセント」 Darkness Card "Search Crescent" Based on Kurohebi's power. EE St. Ex
玄牌「モノクロムビヴァレンス」 Mysterious Card "Monochrome Bivalence" Based on Aoji Shitodo's power; Impersonated by Suzumi Kuzu (Arde) (BPoHC Only) EE
St. Ex
St. Ex+α
影牌「寄る年波と離れぬ血」 Shadow Card "Blood that Cannot Escape from Advancing Age" Based on Tsubakura Enraku and Yabusame Houlen's power;〃 EE
St. Ex
St. Ex+α
冷熱「ディムルーム」 Hot and Cold "Dim Room" Based on Hooaka Shitodo's power. EE St. Ex
隠彩「ブラインドファイアー」 Shrouding Paint "Blind Fire" Based on Kuroji Shitodo's power; Impersonated by Suzumi Kuzu (Arde) (BPoHC Only) EE
St. Ex
St. Ex+α
渦牌「渦状銀河結界」 Whirlpool Card "Spiral Galaxy Barrier" Based on Clause's power. EE St. Ex
鶴唳「鶴鳴の歎」 Crane's Cry "Lamentations of the Crane's Cry"[aj] Impersonated by Suzumi Kuzu (Arde) (BPoHC Only); Bomb (BotC) EE
St. Ex
St. Ex+α
刻牌「時を告げない時計」 Engraving Card "The Clock that Doesn't Tell Time" EE
St. Ex
St. Ex+α
鳥の目「黒い瞳」 Bird's Eye "Pitch-black Eye" Bomb (BotC) EE
St. Ex
「无現刻印【空人】」 "Non-existent Seal [Empty Being]" EE St. Ex
「ヴァーテックス・エミット」 "Vertex Emit" Impersonating Tsubakura Enraku, Flash bomb (EE) EE Use
墨牌「黒曜刀」 Ink Card "Obsidian Blade"[ak] Impersonated by Suzumi Kuzu (Arde) BPoHC St. Ex+α
鶴の一声 The Crane's Verdict[al] BPoHC Upgrade
収穫者 The One who Harvests[am] Impersonating Tsubakura Enraku BotC Inherent Trait
攻撃命令 Attack Command BotC Use
舞踏 Dance BotC Inherent Trait

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. According to JynX, the "Maiden" in Maiden Pit has two meanings, "of the young girl" and "dimensional", with the latter being the more important meaning, although the connection between Maiden and Dimensional was not revealed.
  2. Twitter user @neu1006: "What does Yabusame's flash bomb "Maiden Pit" mean? "xxx of the maiden"???"
    JynX's Twitter: "That's exactly it, but it also means "dimensional xxx" d( ̄▽ ̄)"
  3. Same name as Yabusame's bomb (次元剥離), though written in simple hiragana rather than kanji.
  4. Same name as Yabusame's bomb (次元剥離), with a new card title.
  5. 5.0 5.1 A variation on Tsubakura's third spell card from Evanescent Existence.
  6. A pun on "light" (, kou) and "intersection" (交差, kousa).
  7. 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 The Mysterious Crane (玄鶴, Gengaku) is mentioned in several Chinese texts regarding the mythological longevity of cranes. The Sancai Tuhui mentions that cranes turn black at 360 years of age; while the Gujinzhu writes that they turn white at 1000 years of age and black at 2000. Once a crane turns black, it is referred to as "Mysterious Crane". May be a reference to Tsubakura and Tsurubami's monochrome theme.
  8. 8.0 8.1 Hahakigi (帚木, literally "broom tree") refers to a certain tree which was popularized in a poem by Sakanoue no Korenori as a symbol of something or someone who can't be reached.
  9. According to JynX, Monochrome Ray's immense power comes from it being compressed and released, and thus widening the ray would only weaken it.
  10. 10.0 10.1 A variation on Tsubakura's fourth spell card from Evanescent Existence.
  11. The Swallow Reversal was the favorite technique of Kojiro Sasaki, a prominent Japanese swordsman. Reconstructions of the technique involve a downward strike immediately followed by an upward strike, which is also reflected in this spell card.
  12. A pun on ゲテモノ (getemono, "bizarre food") and モノクロム (monokuromu, "monochrome")
  13. Melanism is the development of melanin in the skin.
  14. A reference to the Kraken, the mythical cephalopod-like sea monster.
  15. 15.0 15.1 A reference to kazeaoshi (風青し) and aoarashi (青嵐), both which refers to "slightly strong winds that blow over where young leaves grow luxuriantly". They belong to a group of phrases used in traditional Japanese poetry to establish the season, called kigo (季語), here invoking the image of summer.
    In addition, 青嵐 is also rarely read as seiran, to mean "mountain air".
  16. A reference to the Biblical Book of Job, where Job witnesses what appears to be a giant creature breaching from the ocean, and names it "Leviathan".
  17. 17.0 17.1 A reference to the Great Pacific garbage patch, of which the Eastern Garbage Patch belongs to, it is also someimtes called the "Pacific trash vortex".
  18. Sublimation is the transition of a solid directly to a gas, without ever being in a liquid state.
  19. A whiteout is a weather condition in which the contours and landmarks in a snow-covered zone become almost indistinguishable.
  20. 20.0 20.1 The spell title reika (冷華), which literally means "cold flower", is also a pun on "sub-zero (temperature)" (零下), pronounced the same way. The more difficult versions of the card use the English phrase "forget-me-not" written in Katakana, whereas the easier versions of the card use the Japanese name of the flower, wasurenagusa (勿忘草).
  21. Samidare refers to an early summer rain, or something repetitive but not long-lasting, which may be a reference to the spell pattern.
  22. "Brionac" is the name of a magical spear owned by the deity Lugh of Irish mythology
  23. The spell's title has the kanji for "film development" (現像) reversed to give 像現, reflected in the English translation as "development film" instead of "film development".
  24. Reverse transcription is a process that retroviruses use to change the RNA of a cell back into DNA, rewriting the pre-existing DNA, and effectively hijacking that cell and using it for their own needs.
  25. Ribonucleic acid (RNA) is a family of molecules that convey genetic information. A retrovirus is a kind of virus that reverts a cell's RNA back into DNA in order to change the genetic information and hijack the cell.
  26. 26.0 26.1 A variation on Kuroji's stage 5 midboss spell card in Evanescent Existence.
  27. A kamishimo () is an outfit that was worn by samurai in the Edo period. The kanji for "kamishimo" is composed of the kanji for "clothing" (), "top" () and "bottom" ().
  28. The "Swallow Reversal" (燕返し) is a sword technique famously used by samurai Kojirō Sasaki.
  29. The kanji mu (, "bunting") is part of Kuroji's name.
  30. Schwarzwald is a wooded mountain range in the German state of Baden-Württemberg, where the theoretical physicist Albert Einstein was born. It may also be a typo of "Schwarzschild" (シュヴァルツシルト), as in "Schwarzschild radius".
  31. This is named after a Yu-Gi-Oh! card of the same name.
  32. Southern Cross is the name of a constellation.
  33. "Lost Fame" probably refers to Pluto's 2006 reclassification as a dwarf planet.
  34. A reference to Gravitational waves, curvatures of spacetime that propagate as waves outward from their source at the speed of light
  35. A reference to the mathmatician and astronomer Joseph-Louis Lagrange, and his contributions to the creation of the wave equation.
  36. "Lamentations of the Crane's Cry" (鶴鳴之歎) is a phrase that refers to the laments of talented people not made use of, typically in the context of service to the royal court.
  37. Despite that Suzumi is the only one seen using this spell, JynX confirms that this is indeed a spell card that the real Tsurubami owns.[1]
  38. A Japanese expression that refers to the words from someone in power that decides a course of action, regardless of any other opinion or ongoing discussion.
  39. Taken from the stage 3 title of Evanescent Existence, The One who Interferes and the One who Harvests (介入者と収穫者) ~Curious Encounter~.

Earthen Miraculous Sword[edit | edit source]

Jun Amanomiya[edit | edit source]

Name Translated Comments Games Stage
Total: 8
番傘「傘対地砲撃」 Bangasa "Umbrella Air-to-Ground Bombardment"[a] EMS St. 1: E/N
傘爆「アマツバメクラスター」 Umbrella Bombing "Amatsubame Cluster"[b] EMS St. 1: H/U
星傘「サテライトパラソル」 Star Umbrella "Satellite Parasol" The Brilliant Pagoda or Haze Castle upgrade is simply titled Satellite Parasol (サテライトパラソル).
Bomb (BotC)
St. 1: E/N
St. 1: E/N
「雨の宮、風の宮」 "Shrines of Rains, Shrines of Winds"[c] EMS
St. 1: H/U
St. 1: H/U
水難「雨に沐い風櫛る」 Hardship in Water "Shower in the Rain, Comb Hair with the Wind"[d] EMS
St. 1: E/N
St. 1: E/N
雨難「櫛風沐雨」 Hardship in Rains "Striving through the Wind and Rain"[e] EMS
St. 1: H
St. 1: H
嵐難「地ハ力也、水ヨリモ濃ク」 Hardship in Storms "Earth is Power, Thicker than Water"[f] EMS
St. 1: U
St. 1: U
雨傘 Umbrella BotC Inherent Trait

Shou Amanomori[edit | edit source]

Name Translated Comments Games Stage
Total: 14
海身「雨波貝ストリート」 Ocean Body "Ubagai Street"[g] EMS St. 2: E/N
貝載砲「青柳コロンビヤード」 Seashell Cannon "Green Willow Columbiad"[h] EMS St. 2: H/U
滑牌「雨だれ石を穿つ」 Mucus Card "Rain Drops Wear Away the Stone"[i] EMS
St. 2: E
St. 2: E/N
滑牌「雨垂れ石を穿つ」 Mucus Card "Raindrops Wear Away the Stone"[j] EMS St. 2: N
垂牌「雨垂れ石を穿てるのか?」 Dripping Card "Can Raindrops Wear Away the Stone?" EMS
St. 2: H
St. 2: H
ヌメ牌「雨垂れじゃ石は穿てない」 Slimy Card "Raindrops Can’t Wear Away Stones" EMS
St. 2: U
St. 2: U
発生「雨後の筍」 Occurance "Bamboo Shoots After the Rain"[k] EMS
St. 2: E/N
St. 2: E/N
筍争「畑から竹、藪から姫」 Bamboo Shoot Battle "Bamboo from the Field, Princess from the Grove"[l] EMS
St. 2: H/U
St. 2: H/U
呼声「雨を偽る者」 Calling Voice "One who Fakes the Rain" EMS St. 2: E/N
響声「雨乞小町」 Echoing Voice "Amagoi Komachi"[m] EMS St. 2: H/U
滑走「スラグクロスロード」 Slinking "Slug Crossroad" Bomb & Flash Bomb EMS
St. 2: E/N
St. 2: E/N
「ナメクジスクランブル」 "Slug Scramble" The Brilliant Pagoda or Haze Castle upgrade lacks quotation marks. EMS
St. 2: H
St. 2: H
「ナメナメスクランブルー」 "Slippery Scramble" EMS
St. 2: U
St. 2: U
アメフラシ Sea Hare BotC Inherent Trait

Lumen Celeritas[edit | edit source]

Name Translated Comments Games Stage
Total: 24
断罪「光彩陸離」 Conviction "Dazzling Radiance" EMS St. 3: E/N
発牌「十字放火」 Shot Card "Crossfire" EMS St. 3: H
放牌「クロスふぁいえる」 Release Card "Cross Fiyah"[n] The Brilliant Pagoda or Haze Castle upgrade is simply titled Cross Fiyah (クロスふぁいえる). EMS
St. 3: U
光牌「ハロー効果の光り物」 Light Card "Shining Object of the Halo Effect"[o] EMS St. 3: E/N
光牌「ちんちくりんレーザー」 Light Card "Stubby Laser" EMS St. 3: H/U
束牌「増幅レール」 Bundle Card "Amplifying Rail" EMS St. 3: E/N
神牌「玉と線」 God Card "Orbs and Lines" EMS St. 3: H/U
咎人「十字架後光」 Criminal "Cross Halo"[p][q] EMS St. 3: E/N
咎人「廻る十字架を背負う者」 Criminal "The One Burdened with the Spinning Cross"[p] EMS St. 3: H/U
光焔「サブリミナルフラッシュ」 Shining Flame "Subliminal Flash" Bomb & Flash Bomb EMS
St. 3: E/N
「フラッシュスパーク」 "Flash Spark" EMS St. 3: H
「ファイナルフラッシュ」 "Final Flash"[r] EMS St. 3: U
光冠「ミラージュストリクチャー」 Corona "Mirage Stricture" EMS St. 3: E/N
太極「光風霽月」 Taiji "Tranquil as a Breeze in Daylight, as the Moon After Rain"[s] EMS St. 3: H
須弥「狭窄する一大三千大千世界」 Sumeru "One Great Constricting Universe of One Billion Worlds"[t] EMS St. 3: U
輝牌「きらめき流星群」 Shining Card "Sparkling Meteor Shower" EMS
St. Ex
St. 3: H/U
光惨「レーザーチェーンソー」 Bright Disaster "Laser Chainsaw" EMS
St. Ex
St. 3: H/U
「とつげきスパーク」 "Blitz Spark" EMS St. Ex
眩牌「きらぴか流星」 Faint Card "Glittering Meteors" BPoHC St. 3: E/N
「フラッシュ・クロス」 "Flash Cross"[u] BPoHC St. 3: E/N
「ファイナル・クロス」 "Final Cross" BPoHC St. 3: H
「フェイタル・クロス」 "Fatal Cross" BPoHC St. 3: U
光斬「レーザーソード」 Bright Slash "Laser Sword" BPoHC St. 3: E
光斬「レーザーブレード」 Bright Slash "Laser Blade" BPoHC St. 3: N
略式 Abbreviation Shared with (Omitted) Clause (Omitted) [EE] BotC Inherent Trait

Hibaru Kokutenshi[edit | edit source]

Name Translated Comments Games Stage
Total: 12
応報「ビルドダメージ」 Payoff "Build Damage" EMS St. 4: E/N
果実「自爆方陣」 Gain "Self-Destruct Formation" EMS St. 4: H
返済「システムイージス」 Repayment "System Aegis" EMS St. 4: U
受益「ピラミッドロンダー」 Receiving Benefits "Pyramid Launder" EMS
St. 4: E/N
St. 4: E/N
利得「有限連鎖講」 Profit "Finite Pyramid Scheme"[v] EMS
St. 4: H/U
St. 4: H/U
禊牌「マネーロンダリング」 Purification Card "Money Laundering" EMS
St. 4: E/N
St. 4: E/N
禊牌「決死返済」 Purification Card "Life or Death Repayment" EMS
St. 4: H/U
St. 4: H/U
包囲「取立て賛歌」 Encirclement "Debt Collection Eulogy" EMS
St. 4: E/N
St. 4: E/N
連盟「冥府への付き人」 Union "Members Going to Hell"[w] EMS
St. 4: H/U
St. 4: H/U
巨利「福利連鎖機構」 Huge Profit "Welfare Chain Organization"[x] EMS
St. 4: E/N
St. 4: E/N
暴利「ビルディングマネー」 Usury "Building Money" EMS
St. 4: H/U
St. 4: H/U
マネービル Money Bill BPoHC Upgrade

Sukune Katano[edit | edit source]

Name Translated Comments Games Stage
Total: 30
建造「サモンクレイ」 Construction "Summon Clay" EMS St. 5: E/N
造成「ピスタージュハニワ」 Production "Pistachio Haniwa" EMS St. 5: H/U
構築「ニードネンド」 Structuring "Knead Clay" EMS St. 5: E/N
研磨「グラインダーアース」 Grinding "Grinder Earth" EMS St. 5: H/U
創造「埴輪分身」 Creation "Haniwa Duplication" EMS
St. 5: E/N
St. 5: E/N
創生「土偶オートマトン」 Formation "Dogū Automaton" EMS
St. 5: H/U
St. 5: H/U
火山「泥舟艦砲射撃」 Volcano "Mud Boat Bombardment"[y] EMS St. 5: E/N
針鼠「宜う候最大戦速」 Hedgehog "Going Steadily on a Swift Onslaught" EMS St. 5: H/U
突撃「アタックハニーワ」 Blitz "Attack Haniwa" EMS
St. 5: E/N
St. 5: E/N
棍砲「フォックスフォー」 Pillar Cannon "Fox Four"[z] EMS
St. 5: H/U
St. 5: H/U
結界「四聖埴輪」 Barrier "The Four Haniwa Sages" EMS St. 6: E/N
護陣「ヘロカルウスの守護神」 Guard Formation "Herokaruusu's Protective Deity"[aa] EMS St. 6: H/U
FAEB「埴輪爆弾」 F.A.E.B.Fuel Air Explosive Bomb "Haniwa Bomb" Bomb RMI
「ロストトーラス」 "Lost Torus" Flash bomb RMI
『スクーネアーム』 "Sukuuuune Aaaaarm"[ab] RMI Standby Skill
泥団子「土偶人形」 Mud Ball "Dogū Dolls" RMI St. 4: E/N
泥塊「土偶戦士」 Mud Cluster "Dogū Warriors" RMI St. 4: H/U
突撃「アタックハニーワ・アイス」 Blitz "Attack Haniwa -Ice-"[ac] RMI St. 4: E/N
突貫「アタックハニーワ・クリスタル」 Charge "Attack Haniwa -Crystal-"[ac] RMI St. 4: H/U
斬調「土偶剪定・グロウ」 Pruning "Dogū Shearing -Grow-"[ad] Co-owner with Yaorochi RMI St. 4: E/N
掘削「ハニーワ・カッター」 Excavation "Haniwa Cutter"[ad] RMI St. 4: H/U
坤砲「強化型埴輪砲」 Earth Gun "Reinforced-Model Haniwa Cannon" BPoHC St. 5: E/N
弩偶「土偶イド・エス」 Crossbow Dogū "Dogū Id-Es"[ae] [af] BPoHC St. 5: H/U
戦闘土偶「ネオ・ハニーワ」 Combat Dogū "NEO HANIWA" BPoHC St. 5: E
巨大土偶「スーパー・ハニーワ」 Giant Dogū "SUPER HANIWA" BPoHC St. 5: N
機動土偶「ウルトラ・ハニーワ」 Mobile Dogū "ULTRA HANIWA" BPoHC St. 5: H
合体土偶「デラックス・ハニーワ」 Fusion Dogū "DELUXE HANIWA" BPoHC St. 5: U
ハニーワケージ Haniwa Cage BPoHC Upgrade
ハニーワハンド Haniwa Hand BPoHC Upgrade
ハニーワナックル Haniwa Knuckle Upgraded flash Bomb BPoHC

Adagumo no Yaorochi[edit | edit source]

Name Translated Comments Games Stage
Total: 25
毒牙「歯軋りする刃」 Poison Fang "The Sword that Grinds its Teeth" EMS St. 6: E/N
「牙噛むは雄叫び天仰ぎ」 "To Gnaw with Fangs is to Wail at the Skies" EMS St. 6: H/U
護牌「七堂伽藍の胎動」 Protection Card "Seven-Structured Temple's Fetal Movement" EMS
St. 6: E/N
St. 6: E/N
「七つの尾」 "Seven Tails" EMS
St. 6: H/U
St. 6: H/U
降誕「割り裂かれる尾」 Birth "The Split Tail"[ag] EMS
St. 6: E/N
St. 6: E/N
「天羽々斬剣」 "Ame-no-Habakiri Sword"[ah] EMS
St. 6: H/U
St. 6: H/U
斬整「土偶剪定」 Trimming "Dogū Shearing" EMS
St. 6: E/N
St. 6: E/N
「斬切舞」 "Frantic Cutting Dance"[ai] EMS
St. 6: H/U
St. 6: H/U
込力「天の構え」 Inward Force "Sky Posture" EMS
St. 6: E
St. 6: E
溜力「蒼天の構え」 Gathered Force "Blue Sky Posture" EMS
St. 6: N
St. 6: N
抑力「雲薙ぎの構え」 Suppressed Force "Cloud-Mowing Posture" EMS
St. 6: H
St. 6: H
「色即是空」 "Form is Emptiness" EMS
St. 6: U
St. 6: U
「空薙ぎ」 "Sky Mowing Sword" EMS
St. 6: E
St. 6: E
「草薙ぎ」 "Grass Mowing Sword"[aj] EMS
St. 6: N
St. 6: N
「雲薙ぎ」 "Cloud Mowing Sword" Bomb; The Brilliant Pagoda or Haze Castle upgrade lacks quotation marks. EMS
St. 6: H
St. 6: H
「天薙ぎ」 "Heaven Mowing Sword" EMS
St. 6: U
St. 6: U
「黒朽縄」 "Black Rotted Ropes" Flash bomb RMI Use
『塵薙ぎ』 "Dust-Mowing Sword" RMI Standby Skill
酔剣「蛇殺酒」 Drunken Swordplay "Serpent-Killing Saké"[ak][al] RMI St. 4: E/N
泥酔剣「酔いどれ眼」 Stuporous Swordplay "Drunkard's Eyes"[ak] RMI St. 4: H/U
「雲薙ぎ【鳥落】」 "Cloud-Mowing Sword [Plunging Bird]"[am] RMI St. 4: E/N
「天薙ぎ【空墜】」 "Heaven-Mowing Sword [Falling Sky]"[am] RMI St. 4: H/U
斬調「土偶剪定・グロウ」 Pruning "Dogū Shearing -Grow-"[ad] Co-owner with Sukune RMI St. 4: E/N
掘削「ハニーワ・カッター」 Excavation "Haniwa Cutter""[ad] RMI St. 4: H/U
「二つの煌き」 "Two Glimmers" BPoHC St. 6: E/N/H/U

Tasouken[edit | edit source]

Name Translated Comments Games Stage
Total: 1
「ただ一つの煌き」 "A Single Glimmer" Activate: have at least three petals in the flower gauge at the end of stage 6 EMS St. 6: E/N/H/U

Adagumo no Saragimaru[edit | edit source]

Name Translated Comments Games Stage
Total: 18
雨雪「奇し雲」 Rain and Snow "Mysterious Cloud" EMS St. Ex
受難「ギャザリングクラウド」 Suffering "Gathering Cloud"[an] EMS St. Ex
去思「鋒に残る面影」 Fleeting Thought "Traces Left on the Blade's Tip" EMS St. Ex
虚栄「雲に架ける梯---【ヒト】」 Vanity "Ladder Built Between Clouds---[Human]" EMS
St. Ex
St 4: E/N
神器「天を映す鏡」 Regalia "The Mirror that Reflects the Heavens"[ao] EMS
St. Ex
St 4: E/N
神器「魂を司る勾玉」 Regalia "The Magatama that Controls Spirits"[ap] EMS St. Ex
神器「縁すら絶てぬ劔」 Regalia "The Sword that Severs Not Even Relations"[aq] EMS St. Ex
天孫「雲に架ける梯---【霓】」 Divine Grandson "Ladder Built Between Clouds---[Rainbow]"[ar] EMS
St. Ex
St. 4: H/U
St 4: H/U
輪廻「樋速日神の瞳」 Transmigration "Eye of Hihayahi"[as] Bomb
Despite sharing the same name, the spell's Reactivate Majestical Imperial iteration features a rather different pattern.
St. Ex
St 4: H/U
St 4: H/U
「決して消えることなき徒雲」 "The Never-Disappearing Vanishing Cloud"[at] EMS
St. Ex
St. 4 E/N/H/U
「雲に架ける梯 --- 【偽】」 "Ladder Built Between Clouds---[Fake]" Flash bomb RMI Use
儀式「雲に架ける梯---【残光】」 Ritual "Ladder Built Between Clouds---[Afterglow]"[au] RMI St. 4: E/N
献身 Self-Sacrificial Devotion RMI
Standby Skill
閃光「ジャノメの点」 Flashing Light "Snake Eye's Dot"[av] RMI St. 4: E/N
逆刃「逆燕返し」 Inverse Blade "Inverted Swallow Reversal"[aw] Co-owner with Kuroji RMI St. 4: E/N
反斬「鵐の爪」 Reverse Slash "Bunting's Claws"[ax] RMI St. 4: H/U
「天を照らす瞳」 "The Eye that Illuminates the Heavens" BPoHC St. 4: H/U
「神の血から産まれし蛇」 "Snake Born From the Blood of a God" BPoHC St. 4: E/N

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. Bangasa is a type of Japanese umbrella made of coarse oil paper.
  2. Amatsubame is a kind of bird, the Pacific Swift.
  3. A Japanese phrase that can refer to:
    a) The literal rain and wind.
    b) To the many auxiliary shrines of the Ise Grand Shrine where gods of rain and wind are enshrined.
    c) The large amount of offertory money they earn, used as a metaphor for great expenditures.
    d) The people who cause such great expenditures.
  4. A Japanese expression which means to strive to make the best of the situation even in hardships.
  5. Another form of the expression, meaning the same thing.
  6. Possibly a play on the phrase "blood is thicker than water", as both "earth" and "blood" can be pronounced chi in Japanese.
  7. Ubagai is a type of clam.
  8. Columbiad is a kind of cannon that was often used by the American army for coastal defense during the 19th century.
  9. This is a Japanese expression which is equivalent to the English phrase "slow but steady wins the race". Fitting for a slug.
  10. The name of this card is almost identical to the Easy mode version, but the spelling is slightly different.
  11. A Japanese expression that refers to certain objects or phenomena showing up or occurring one after another, but is often misused to refer to the quick speed in which something grows or happens.
  12. A reference to the comedic Japanese kyōgen play "Bamboo Shoot" (竹の子), in which two owners of a field and a grove respectively fight over the bamboo shoots growing in the field. "Princess from the Grove" is specifically a reference to the tale of Kaguya-hime, specifically to how she was found as an infant inside a bamboo shoot.
  13. Amagoi Komachi (literally Pray for Rain Komachi) is a legend about the poet Ono no Komachi, in which she writes a poem that brings down rain.
  14. Spelled in a phonetic way to capture the hiragana spelling of the word "fire".
  15. The Halo Effect is a psychological concept in which a person's entire character is judged mainly by a specific trait.
  16. 16.0 16.1 Likely a reference to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
  17. It is also notable that the Japanese word translated as "halo" (後光, lit. "back light") refers almost exclusively the light emanating from or behind buddhas and bodhisattvas, rather than that of Christian figures.
  18. Reference to one of Vegeta's signature attacks from Dragon Ball.
  19. "Taiji" is a Chinese philosophical concept referring to the ultimate principle of the universe.
  20. "Sumeru" is the name of the mountain at the center of the world in Buddhist cosmology. Mt. Sumeru is surrounded by several concentric rings of alternating mountains and oceans which form the world. The entire land where humans live is just an island in one of the outer oceans. The Universe of One Billion Worlds is a space containing one billion of these worlds, each with it's own Mt. Sumeru at its center.
  21. It was confirmed in the second interview that Lumen stole the spell's name from Yabusame Houlen's spell card Intersection "Flash Cross".
  22. Although this card references the concept of a pyramid scheme, the Japanese name is slightly different. Pyramid scheme is normally written mugenrensakou, literally "infinite chain association" but here it's spelled yuugenransakou, literally "finite chain association".
  23. This is a reference to the members of a pyramid scheme who end up in debt over joining the pyramid.
  24. Another slightly different version of the name for a pyramid scheme.
  25. A reference to the story Kachi-kachi Yama.
  26. A possible reference to the Fox brevity code, which purportedly once contained a fourth code word for air-to-air or air-to-surface cannon fire.
  27. Named after the "Herokaruusu Remains" (ヘロカルウス遺跡) in Tomari, Hokkaido.
  28. Likely a reference to Nitori Kawashiro's spell card Kappa "Exteeeending Aaaaarm" (河童「のびーるアーム」).
  29. 29.0 29.1 A variation on Sukune's stage 5 final spell card in Earthen Miraculous Sword.
  30. 30.0 30.1 30.2 30.3 A variation on Yaorochi's fourth spell card in Earthen Miraculous Sword.
  31. Doguu (弩偶): pun on doguu (土偶, figures) and do or ooyumi (), which means "crossbow". "" is also used in the superlative "弩級/ド級" ("do-level"), which originated as a shortening of "dreadnought-level" referring to dreadnought boats.
  32. A reference to Shion's spell card "Id=Es".
  33. This is referencing the origin of the Kusanagi sword, which was found inside one of Orochi's tails.
  34. This is a reference to Ame no Habakiri, a sword which Susanoo used to kill Orochi.
  35. Potentially a pun on きりきり舞い (kirikirimai), which means "to toss about in a panic".
  36. Kusanagi, or "grass mowing", short for Kusanagi no Tsurugi, or "grass mowing sword". The other versions of this card are variations on this name.
  37. 37.0 37.1 A play on "drunken boxing" (酔拳, Lit. "drunken fist"), a style of Chinese martial arts that imitate the movements of a drunk person.
  38. A reference to the Yashiori no Sake (八塩折の酒), used by Susanoo-no-Mikoto to intoxicate Yamata no Orochi, who he killed after the serpent fell asleep.
  39. 39.0 39.1 A variation on Yaorochi's final spell card in Earthen Miraculous Sword.
  40. A reference to the original name of Sword of Kusanagi, Ame-no-Murakumo-no-Tsurugi (天叢雲剣, lit. "Sword of the Gathering Clouds of Heaven").
  41. "Sacred Treasure" refers to the Imperial Regalia of Japan. This card references the Yata no Kagami.
  42. This card references the Yasakani no Magatama.
  43. This card references the Sword of Kusanagi. It also contrasts with Tasouken's ability, "Ability to sever relations".
  44. A reference to Ame-no-ukihashi, a bridge in Shinto mythology that connects the celestial realm of Takamagahara to earth. As well as the Descent of the Divine Grandson, where Ninigi-no-Mikoto, the grandson of the chief goddess of Takamagahara, Amaterasu, was sent to rule over earth on behalf of the heavenly gods.
  45. According to the Kojiki, Hihayahi-no-Kami is one of the gods born from the blood of the fire god Kagutsuchi dripping to the guard of the sword used by his father Izanagi to kill him.
    The Nihon Shoki instead lists him as one of the gods born from the Ukehi divination ritual undertaken by Amaterasu and Susanoo-no-Mikoto, specifically one of the eight gods spewed out by Suzanoo from chewing magatama beads that Amaterasu handed to him.
  46. "Vanishing Cloud" (徒雲, Adagumo) is Saragimaru's family name. It refers to the concept of ephemerality, giving the impression of a cloud that disappears as soon as you reach out to touch it.
  47. A variation on Saragimaru's eighth card in Earthen Miraculous Sword.
  48. A janome (蛇の目, janome, lit. "snake's eye") (ʘ) is a circular symbol with a dot in its centre, called so as it looks similar to a snake's eye.
  49. The "Swallow Reversal" (燕返し) is a sword technique famously used by samurai Kojirō Sasaki.
  50. The kanji mu (, "bunting") is part of Kuroji's name.

Reactivate Majestical Imperial[edit | edit source]

Sese Kitsugai[edit | edit source]

Name Translated Comments Games Stage
Total: 19
投骨「ホネブーメラン」 Thrown Bone "Bonemerang"[a] RMI St. 1: E/N
廻殻「骸ヲ弄ブ骨」 Spinning Husk "Bones That Play With Corpses" RMI St. 1: H/U
骸牌「ムクロハート」 Corpse Card "Cadaver Heart"[b] Flash bomb RMI
St. 1: E/N
St. 3: E/N
兇牌「ネクロとムクロ」 Wicked Card "Carcass & Cadaver"[c] RMI
St. 1: H/U
St. 3: H/U
「まだらリブロース」 "Blotchy Rib Roast" RMI St. 1: E/N
「生死肉骨」 "Life and Death, Flesh and Bone"[d] RMI St. 1: H
「死ヲ生カシテ骨ニ肉ス」 "Bring Life from Death, Put Flesh Upon Bone"[e] RMI St. 1: U
墜骨「大骨回転ボーン」 Falling Bones "Giant Rotary Bone" RMI St. Ex
投骨「ホネブーメラン・H」 Thrown Bone "Bone Boomerang -H- RMI St. Ex
「がしゃドクロの胸の内」 "Within the Gashadokuro's Chest" RMI St. Ex
刺骨「アバラブレイバー」 Piercing Bone "Rib Braver"[f] RMI St. Ex+α
輪唱「骨切り賛歌」 Perpetual Canon "Bone-Cutting Eulogy" RMI St. Ex+α
惨死「骨串刺しの刑」 Cruel Death "Punishment by Bone Skewering"[g] Upgraded Flash bomb RMI
St. Ex+α
髄砲「ボーンバスター」 Marrow Cannon "Bone Buster" Bomb RMI
St. Ex+α
St. 3: H/U
骸牌「ネクロポーテンス」 Corpse Card "Necropotence"[h] The Brilliant Pagoda or Haze Castle upgrade is simply titled Necropotence (ネクロポーテンス). RMI
St. Ex+α
St. 3: H/U
骨砲「ボーンスパーク」 Bone Cannon "Bone Spark" BPoHC St. 3: E/N
骨牌「スーサイドネクロ」 Bone Card "Suicide Necro"[i] BPoHC St. 3: E/N
きゅ~~しゅ~~!! Absooooooorptiooooooooon!! BPoHC Upgrade
ホネ串刺し Bone Skewering BPoHC Upgrade

Tsugumi Umatachi[edit | edit source]

Name Translated Comments Games Stage
Total: 11
廻命「回転木馬」 Revolving Life "Merry-Go-Round" RMI
St. 2: E/N
廻生「レディーゴーアラウンド」 Reincarnation "Ready-Go-Around" Bomb RMI
St. 2: H/U
St. 2: H/U
回獄「ロウディオウヘル」 Spinning Hell "Rodeo Hell" RMI St. 2: E/N
「翻弄永久機関」 "Perpetual Toss-About Machine" RMI St. 2: H/U
蹄牌「純潔遺伝子」 Hoof Card "Pure Genes" RMI
St. 2: E/N
St. 2: E/N
異牌「スローブレッド」 Differing Card "Thoroughbred" RMI
St. 2: H/U
St. 2: H/U
「チープインパクト」 "Cheap Impact"[j] Flash bomb RMI
St. 2: E/N
St. 2: E/N
「ディバインパクト」 "Diva Impact"[j] RMI
St. 2: H/U
St. 2: H/U
カボチャロケット Pumpkin Rocket BPoHC Upgrade
黄色い片瞳 One Yellow Eye BPoHC Upgrade
劣悪遺伝子 Low-Quality Genes BPoHC Upgrade

Fujiwara no Iyozane[edit | edit source]

Name Translated Comments Games Stage
Total: 15
霊牌「誘いの輪廻」 Spirit Card "Enticing Samsara" RMI St. 3: E/N
霊牌「螺旋京極門」 Spirit Card "Spiral Kyougoku Gate"[k] RMI St. 3: H/U
川守「三途川ラッシュ」 River Protection "Sanzu River Rush" RMI St. 3: E/N
黄泉「スティックスオーバーフロー」 Yomi "Styx Overflow"[l] RMI St. 3: H/U
波牌「伊代の波」 Wave Card "Wave of Iyo"[m] Bomb RMI
St. 3: E/N
St. 3: E/N
覇牌「海峡狭窄」 Domination Card "Strait Stenosis"[n] RMI
St. 3: H/U
St. 3: H/U
霊火「ホムラガエシ」 Spirit Fire "Blaze Reversal" RMI
St. 3: E/N
St. 3: E/N
霊焔「蒼蓮の交わり」 Spirit Blaze "Blue Lotus Fellowship" RMI
St. 3: H/U
St. 3: H/U
霊流「黙に消える灯篭」 Spirit Flow "Lanterns Vanishing in Silence"[o] RMI St. 3: E/N
輪霊「海に還る光」 Wheel Spirit "Lights Returning to the Sea"[o] RMI St. 3: H/U
「无帆船【ノア】」 "Sail-less Ship [Noah]"[p] RMI
St. 3: E/N
St. 3: E/N
「大海賊【イヨザネ】」 "Great Pirate [Iyozane]" RMI
St. 3: H/U
St. 3: H/U
叛乱「関白砲」 Uprising "Kampaku Cannon"[q] Flash bomb RMI
St. 5: E/N
霊砲「出世バズーカ」 Soul Cannon "Promotion Bazooka" Upgraded flash bomb RMI
St. 5: H/U
霊体化 Activate Spirit Body BPoHC Upgrade

Taira no Fumikado[edit | edit source]

Name Translated Comments Games Stage
Total: 11
妙見「剣の雨」 Wonderous Sight of Myōken "Rain of Swords"[r] RMI
St. 5: E/N
St. 5: E/N
仏力「天眷の妙剣」 Dharmatic Power "Strange Sword of Myōken's Heavenly Blessing"[s] Bomb RMI
St. 5: H/U
St. 5: H/U
剛体「鉄の肌」 Rigid Body "Skin of Iron"[t] RMI
St. 5: E/N
St. 5: E/N
剛心「受け継がれし鉄身伝説」 Rigid Mind "Inherited Iron-Body Legend"[t] Flash bomb;
The Brilliant Pagoda or Haze Castle upgrade is simply titled Inherited Iron-Body Legend (受け継がれし鉄身伝説).
St. 5: H/U
St. 5: H/U
七星「北に輝く光」 Seven Stars "Lights Shining in the North"[u] RMI St. 5: E/N
妙光「皇を護りし星」 Wonderous Light "Stars Protecting the Emperor"[u] RMI St. 5: H/U
身替「七つの影」 Substitution "Seven Shadows"[v] The Brilliant Pagoda or Haze Castle upgrade is simply titled Seven Shadows (七つの影). RMI
St. 5: E/N
St. 5: E/N
幻影「北極星の影」 Phantasm "Shadows of the Pole Star"[v] RMI
St. 5: H/U
St. 5: H/U
「帝が産まれし温床」 "The Hotbed for the Emperor's Birth"[w] RMI
St. 5: E/N
St. 5: E/N
「フラスコ越しの世界」 "The World Seen Through the Flask"[w] RMI
St. 5: H/U
St. 5: H/U
フラスコの庇護 Flask's Protection[w] BPoHC Upgrade

Shion[edit | edit source]

Name Translated Comments Games Stage
Total: 17
生死「エロスタナトス」 Life and Death "Eros Thanatos"[x] RMI
St. 6: E/N
St. 6: E/N
「生の本能、死の欲望」 "Instinct for Life, Desire for Death" RMI
St. 6: H/U
St. 6: H/U
「イド=エス」 "Id=Es"[y] RMI
St. 6: E/N
St. 6: E/N
本能「スーパーエゴ」 Instinct "Super-ego"[z] RMI
St. 6: H/U
St. 6: H/U
霊子「アベェロンの野霊児」 Ghost Child "Feral Ghost of Aveyron"[aa] Flash bomb RMI
St. 6: E/N
St.6: E/N
霊素「ニア・ヴィクトール」 Bare Ghost "Near Victor"[aa] RMI
St. 6: H/U
St. 6: H/U
吸魂「遠ざかる自我」 Soul Siphon "Fading Sense of Self" Bomb RMI
St. 6: E/N
St. 6: E/N
呑命「薄くなる存在」 Life Engulfer "Vanishing Existence" RMI
St. 6: H/U
St. 6: H/U
咀嚼「マーガレット・マーラー」 Mastication "Margaret Mahler" Stacking card RMI
St. 6: E/N/H/U
St 6. E/N/H/U
消化「エドワード・ソーンダイク」 Digestion "Edward Thorndike" RMI
St. 6: E/N/H/U
St 6. E/N/H/U
吸収「ジャン・ピアジェ」 Absorption "Jean Piaget" RMI
St. 6: E/N/H/U
St 6. E/N/H/U
混交「メラニー・クライン」 Incorporation "Melanie Klein" RMI
St. 6: E/N/H/U
St 6. E/N/H/U
同化「アンナ・フロイト」 Assimilation "Anna Freud" RMI
St. 6: E/N/H/U
St 6. E/N/H/U
「モノクロム・霊」 "Monochrome Wraith"[ab] BPoHC St 6. E/N/H/U
イドくん Id-kun BPoHC Upgrade
エスちゃん Es-chan BPoHC Upgrade
スーパーエゴさん Superego-san BPoHC Upgrade

Tenkai Zuifeng[edit | edit source]

Name Translated Comments Games Stage
Total: 11
陽明「日暮ノ門」 Youmei "Higurashi-no-mon"[ac] RMI St. Ex
「龍頭牌」 "Dragon Head Tiles"[ad] RMI St. Ex
「弾幕結界【不堪】」 "Danmaku Barrier [Incompetent]" RMI
St. Ex
St. 6: H/U
逆柱「グリ紋」 Inverted Pillar "Guri Carving"[ae] RMI
St. Ex
St. 6: H/U
境斬「三池の刀」 Border Slash "Blade of Miike"[af] RMI St. Ex
元牌「次元削除」 Origin Card "Dimensional Deletion" Flash bomb RMI
St. Ex
閉目「眠り猫」 Closed Eyes "Nemuri-Neko"[ag] The Brilliant Pagoda or Haze Castle upgrade is simply titled Nemuri-Neko (眠り猫). RMI
St. Ex
St. 6: E/N
三猿「世は穢れ、全てを閉ざせ」 Three Monkeys "The World is Impure; Shut Everything Out"[ah] RMI St. Ex
「黒衣の宰相」 "Prime Minister in Black Robes"[ai] Bomb RMI
St. Ex
St. 6: E/N/H/U
「番いの鶴」 "The Twin Cranes" RMI
St. Ex
St. 6: E/N/H/U
「十二の柱の二本の逆柱」 "Reversed Second Pillar Among the Twelve"[ae] BPoHC St. 6: E/N
平穏「東西廻廊の雀」 Calm "Sparrow in the East-West Corridor"[aj] BPoHC St. 6: H/U
「弾幕結界【古拙】」 "Danmaku Barrier [Quaint Artlessness]" BPoHC St. 6: E/N
飛間「スライドバリア」 Flight Space "Slide Barrier" BPoHC St. 6: E/N
叩界「断裂ハンマー」 Border Strike "Rupturing Hammer" BPoHC St. 6: H/U
四神断界 Four Gods' Interstice BPoHC Upgrade
強化決死結界 Strengthened Desperation Barrier BPoHC Upgrade
夕張「メロンバリア」 Yubari "Melon Barrier"[ak] As Tenkai [Melon] BotC Use
甜瓜「メーロペポーン」 Oriental Melon "Melopepon"[al] 〃; Bomb (BotC) BotC Use
マスクド・メロン Masked Melon[am] 〃; Flash bomb (BotC) BotC Use
メロンはおいしい Melons are Tasty! BotC Inherent Trait

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. A reference to the Pokémon move of the same name.
  2. Potentially a reference to JynX's December 2011 Re:Mystic Square Extra Stage video (link), which features a similar spell titled Broken Sign "Broken Necro-Heart". The two spells were further referenced in the 2014 April Re:Story of Eastern Wonderland video (link), which features another similar spell titled Wave "Necro-Heart".
  3. Originally a pun on "necro" and "mukuro" (corpse), which rhyme in Japanese. The alliteration of "carcass" and "cadaver" is an attempt to approximate this.
  4. 生死肉骨: a four-kanji idiom, referring to the act of saving someone from a dire predicament.
  5. The extended phrase that "生死肉骨" is condensed from.
  6. Reference to Braver (sometimes Brave Slash), Cloud's Limit Break from Final Fantasy VII.
  7. The phrase kushizashi (串刺し, impalement) specifically refers to execution by skewering.
  8. Possibly a reference to a Magic: The Gathering card of the same name.
  9. Possibly a reference to a Magic: The Gathering deck, used in Japan, of the same name, containing the card "Necropotence".
  10. 10.0 10.1 Possibly a pun on the name of the Japanese race horse Deep Impact.
  11. Kyougoku likely refers to the "Kyougoku Clan" (京極家) of the kuge aristocratic class, famous for their "Kyougoku Style" of Japanese waka poetry. They belonged to the Hokke Branch of the Fujiwara Clan, who Fujiwara no Sumitomo, Iyozane's basis, belonged to as well.
  12. In Greek mythology, the souls of the dead must cross the River Styx, which divides the Earth and Underworld.
  13. A reference to both Iyozane themself and the ancient Iyo Province (伊予国) of Japan, where Fujiwara no Sumitomo, Iyozane's basis, was active around.
  14. A reference to both the Gloomy Strait and the Seto Inland Sea, the latter of which Sumitomo and his pirates had control over during their revolt. It is suggested that the name Seto (瀬戸) came from the word "narrow gate" (狭門 or 迫門, seto), which indicated that it was a narrow strait.
  15. 15.0 15.1 A reference to the Japanese Bon Festival practise of Tōrō nagashi (灯籠流し), where paper lanterns are set afloat on the sea in the belief that they will help guide the souls of the departed to the afterlife.
  16. A reference to the Biblical story of Noah's Ark, as well as Iyozane's own sail-less boat mentioned in Fumikado's profile.
  17. A reference to Sumitomo's revolt against the Japanese royal court, and an accompanying legend that claimed that they were aiming to become Kampaku, chief advisor to the emperor, the position Iyozane themself are aiming for.
  18. While "Myōken" (妙見) is a name of a diety, it may also mean "wonderous sight", fitting for a "rain of swords".
  19. "Strange sword" (妙剣, "Myōken") is a homophone of the diety Myōken.
  20. 20.0 20.1 A reference to the Iron-Body Legend (鉄身伝説), which says Taira no Masakado was born to a giant serpent mother, who licked him all over the body after he was born except at his temple, giving him impenetrable skin made of iron with his temple as the only weakness.
  21. 21.0 21.1 A reference to how Taira no Masakado was said to have had the blessing of Myōken, who was represented by the Big Dipper.
  22. 22.0 22.1 A reference to the Seven Masakdo Legend (七人将門の伝説), which says that Taira no Masakado had six shadow warriors (影武者) who looked exactly like him, some versions claim that they were conjured up by Masakado himself, while others claim that they were granted by Myōken, who is represented by the Pole Star as well.
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 A reference to how Fumikado's body is a homunculus made for housing Taira no Masakado's soul, which are commonly depicted as being made in a flask.
  24. Eros and thanatos are the innate drive towards life and death, respectively, in psychoanalysis.
  25. The id is the base, instinctual part of the mind in psychoanalysis. "Es" is the German word for the id, or may also be read as "S", short for "super-ego", which is the learned "conscience" of the subconscious, opposing the id.
  26. The super-ego is the part of the subconscious mind in psychoanalysis that stems from cultural values and learned experiences, and serves as a conscience.
  27. 27.0 27.1 A reference to the alleged feral child Victor of Aveyron.
  28. A pun on Tsubakura's spell card "Monochrome Ray", as both spell cards are pronounced in the same way in Japanese.
  29. A reference to Yōmeimon, a famous gate at Nikkō Tōshō-gū. Its nickname "higurashi-no-mon" means "gate of a day's rest"; e.g. a gate that one could spend an entire day admiring.
  30. Likely a reference to the decorative carvings of dragons' heads at Nikkō Tōshō-gū.
  31. 31.0 31.1 A reference to the practice of sakabashira (逆柱, Lit. "reverse pillar"), in which a pillar is erected inverse to the original growth direction of the tree. The second pillar from the left among the four at the back of Yōmeimon, a famous gate at Nikkō Tōshō-gū, is one such inverted pillar. This is known as the pillars are carved with a spiral pattern called "guri design" (グリ紋) and one of them has the carvings upside-down. This was done on purpose in order to counteract the superstition at the time that "buildings start breaking once completed", thus the pillar is left inverted to leave the gate "incomplete".
  32. A reference to the bladesmith Mitsuyo (光世), who lived in Miike and was sometimes refered to as Miike Tenda (三池典太) and was famous for forging several blades for Tokugawa Ieyasu, including the blade Ieyasu was buried with at Nikkō Tōshō-gū, which is what the "Blade of Miike" may be referring to.
  33. A reference to the famous nemuri-neko (眠り猫, "sleeping cat") carving at Nikkō Tōshō-gū.
  34. A reference to the three wise monkeys, specifically a carving of them at Nikkō Tōshō-gū.
  35. Refers to a Buddhist priest serving in a political position, and originally referred to the very historical figure that Tenkai is loosely based on, the Buddhist monk Tenkai who worked in a political position as an advisor to Tokugawa Ieyasu.
  36. A reference to Yōmeimon, a famous gate at Nikkō Tōshō-gū. At which the east and west corridors of the gate houses the largest carving of flowers and birds in Japan. It may also make reference to the sparrow carvings found behind the Nemuri-neko carving.
  37. A reference to the Yubari King cantaloupe cultivar, one of Tenkai Zuifeng's favourites.
  38. "Melopepon" (μηλοπέπων) is the Greek word for melon.
  39. A reference to a fictional wrestler of the same name from the Japanese comic series Dr. Slump.

Brilliant Pagoda or Haze Castle[edit | edit source]

Mitsumo[edit | edit source]

Name Translated Comments Games Stage
Total: 5
自恐「抉るは自らの傷」 Self Fear "That Which is Gouged is One's Own Wounds" BPoHC St. 1: E/N
無知「ヒトが恐るるは暴るる己」 Ignorance "What People Fear is Their Violent Self" BPoHC St. 1: H/U
心傷「トラウマタイズ」 Mental Scars "Traumatize" BPoHC St. 1: E/N
具現「悪夢再び」 Embodiment "Nightmare Once More" BPoHC St. 1: H/U
照妖鏡 Evil-Illuminating Mirror BPoHC Upgrade

Souko Shirami[edit | edit source]

Name Translated Comments Games Stage
Total: 5
木花「花は美しき故散る」 Konohana "Flowers Are to Wither for Their Beauty"[a] BPoHC St. 1: E/N
「必如木花之移落」 "Certain to Wither and Fall as Flowers Do"[b] BPoHC St. 1: H/U
竜顔「鏡に映る姿」 Dragon's Face "The Form Reflected in the Mirror"[c] BPoHC St. 1: E/N
「龍房山までハンマー投げ」 "Hammer Toss to Mount Ryuubusa"[d] BPoHC St. 1: H/U
岩の寿命 Lifespan of a Rock BPoHC Upgrade

Kujiru Kesa[edit | edit source]

Name Translated Comments Games Stage
Total: 7
滑粘「スラグストップ」 Sliminess "Slug Stop" BPoHC St. 2: E/N
止粘「ぬるぬるほいほい」 Stickiness "Slimy Slug Trap"[e] The Brilliant Pagoda or Haze Castle upgrade is simply titled Slimy Slug Trap (ぬるぬるほいほい). BPoHC
St. 2: H/U
激動「ホーミングナメクジ」 Turmoil "Homing Slugs" BPoHC St. 2: E/N
「ナメクジ大戦争」 "Great Slug War" BPoHC St. 2: H/U
「元祖・ナメクジスクランブル」 "Original Slug Scramble" BPoHC St. 2: E
「真・ナメクジスクランブル」 "True Slug Scramble"[f] BPoHC St. 2: N/H
「カツユ」 "Katsuyu"[g] BPoHC St. 2: U

Medias Moritake[edit | edit source]

Name Translated Comments Games Stage
Total: 8
冷爪「爪先立つ鵝」 Cold Claw "Flightless Bird Standing on its Claws" BPoHC St. 2: E/N
氷爪「エンペラーダンス」 Frozen Claw "Emperor Dance" BPoHC St. 2: H/U
冷道「ペンギンロード」 Cold Path "Penguin Road" BPoHC St. 2: E/N
氷道「ペンギンハイウェイ」 Frozen Path "Penguin Highway"[h] BPoHC St. 2: H/U
冷河「氷山の爪」 Cold River "Iceberg's Claw" BPoHC St. 2: E/N
氷河「皇帝の爪」 Frozen River "Emperor's Claw" BPoHC St. 2: H
王河「皇帝の剣」 Royal River "Emperor's Sword" BPoHC St. 2: U
リ・スリル Re-Thrill BPoHC Upgrade

Kaisen Azuma[edit | edit source]

Name Translated Comments Games Stage
Total: 7
奇術「蝦蟇雨あられ」 Strange Art "Toad Downpour" BPoHC St. 3: E/N
蛙術「月に有るカエル」 Frog Art "The Frog on the Moon" BPoHC St. 3: H/U
跳薬「筑波の蝦蟇油」 Leaping Medicine "Tsukuba Toad Oil"[i] BPoHC St. 3: E/N
酔踊「ぴょんぴょん酔狂道化」 Drunken Dance "Eccentric Boing Boing Antics" BPoHC St. 3: H/U
「シロクのガマ」 "Shiroku Toad"[j] BPoHC St. 3: E/N
霊獣「青蛙神の欲」 Spirit Beast "Desire of Qīng Wā Shén"[k] BPoHC St. 3: H/U
筑波のガマ油 Tsukuba Toad Oil[i] BPoHC Upgrade

Kunimitsu Ooya[edit | edit source]

Name Translated Comments Games Stage
Total: 8
遅技「凡人の斬撃」 Slow Skill "Commoner's Sword Slash" BPoHC St. 3: E/N
遅術「影討ち」 Slow Art "Attack from the Shadows" BPoHC St. 3: H/U
早技「風斬り」 Fast Skill "Wind Slashing" BPoHC St. 3: E/N
早業「音斬り」 Fast Work "Sound Slashing" BPoHC St. 3: H
疾業「景斬り」 Swift Work "View Slashing" BPoHC St. 3: U
「番狂わせ」 "Upset" BPoHC St. 3: E/N
「大番狂わせ」 "Giant-Killing Upset" The Brilliant Pagoda or Haze Castle upgrade lacks quotation marks. BPoHC
St. 3: H
「ジャイアントキリング」 "Giant-Killing" BPoHC St. 3: U

Garaiya Ogata[edit | edit source]

Name Translated Comments Games Stage
Total: 10
「追尾蛞蝓」 "Tracking Slugs" BPoHC
St. 4: E/N
式神「クジル」 Shikigami "Kujiru" BPoHC St. 4: H/U
「跳ねる蛙」 "Leaping Frogs" BPoHC St. 4: E/N
式神「海仙」 Shikigami "Kaisen" BPoHC St. 4: H/U
投槍「鎌十文字」 Throwing Spear "Kama-Juumonji"[l] BPoHC St. 4: E/N
廻槍「巻竜連鱗」 Spinning Spear "Winding Dragon's Linked Scales"[m] BPoHC St. 4: H/U
使牌「三位一体」 Servant Card "Trinitarian" BPoHC St. 4: E/N
式牌「至聖三者」 Shikigami Card "Holy Trinity" BPoHC St. 4: H
「トリニティパワー」 "Trinity Power" BPoHC St. 4: U
影の式 Shadow Shikigami BPoHC Upgrade

Kaoru Kashiwagi[edit | edit source]

Name Translated Comments Games Stage
Total: 11
連射「毒霧の蛇」 Rapid Fire "Snake of Toxic Fog" BPoHC
St. 4: E/N
速射「ヘラクレスの矢」 Quick Fire "Heracles' Arrows"[n] BPoHC St. 4: H/U
毒矢「瘴気の矢」 Poison Arrow "Miasma Arrows" BPoHC St. 4: E/N
毒霧「毒蛇の息」 Poison Fog "Poison Viper's Breath" BPoHC St. 4: H
毒夢「ヒュドラの血」 Poison Dream "The Hydra's Blood"[o] BPoHC St. 4: U
侵風「猛毒の風」 Eroding Wind "Wind of Lethal Poison" BPoHC St. 4: E/N
熱風「シムーン」 Heated Wind "Simoom" BPoHC St. 4: H/U
毒牌「ケミカルアロー」 Poison Card "Chemical Arrow" BPoHC St. 4: E/N
侵牌「バイオアロー」 Erosion Card "Bio Arrow" BPoHC St. 4: H
「血狼煙」 "Bloody Signal Flare" BPoHC St. 4: U
瘴気弾 Miasma Bullets BPoHC Upgrade

Para[edit | edit source]

Name Translated Comments Games Stage
Total: 9
罪科「身から出る錆」 Transgression "Rust Emanating from the Body"[p] BPoHC St. 5: E/N
天誅「因果応報の識」 Divine Retribution "Knowledge of Retributive Justice" BPoHC St. 5: H/U
「ホムンクロス」 "Homun-cross" BPoHC St. 5: E/N
魔剣「アゾット剣」 Devil Sword "Azoth Sword"[q] BPoHC St. 5: H/U
秘密「カードオブアルカナ」 Secret "Card of Arcana"[r] BPoHC St. 5: E/N
神秘「アルケウスフォース」 Mystery "Archeus Force"[s] BPoHC St. 5: H/U
造牌「失われる叡智」 Creation Card "Vanishing Wisdom" BPoHC St. 5: E/N
識牌「賢者の意思」 Knowledge Card "Philosopher's Will"[t] BPoHC St. 5: H/U
複製蘇生 Clone Revival BPoHC Upgrade

Fujiwara no Shirogane no Sanra[edit | edit source]

Name Translated Comments Games Stage
Total: 11
索敵「サーチショット」 Reconnaissance "Search Shot" BPoHC St. 5: E/N
聖弾「銀の弾痕」 Holy Bullet "Silver Bullet Marks" BPoHC St. 5: H/U
撃牌「クイックピーク」 Strike Card "Quick Peek" BPoHC St. 5: E/N
殲牌「カッティングパイ」 Annihilate Card "Cutting Pie"[u] BPoHC St. 5: H/U
開拓「シングルアクション」 Frontier "Single Action"[v] BPoHC St. 5: E/N
蛇銃「ダブルアクション」 Snake Gun "Double Action"[w] BPoHC St. 5: H
「オールラウンドバースト」 "All-Round Burst" BPoHC St. 5: U
連発「セミオートショット」 Burst Fire "Semi-Automatic Shot" BPoHC St. 5: E/N
連射「バンプファイア」 Rapid Fire "Bump Fire" BPoHC St. 5: H
「フルオートバースト」 "Full Auto Burst" BPoHC St. 5: U
ワントリガーキル One-Trigger Kill BPoHC Upgrade

Taira no Chouki[edit | edit source]

Name Translated Comments Games Stage
Total: 13
恨火「魂の煉獄車」 Grudge Fire "Soul's Purgatory Wheel" BPoHC St. 6: E/N
怨炎「断魂烈刃」 Enmity Flame "Soul-Rending Fierce Blade" BPoHC St. 6: H/U
召喚「餓者髑髏」 Summoning "Gashadokuro" BPoHC St. 6: E/N
「相馬の古内裏」 "Soma's Old Imperial Palace"[x] BPoHC St. 6: H/U
斬牌「裂ける魂」 Slash Card "Souls Torn Asunder" BPoHC St. 6: E/N
裂牌「五月咲き」 Tearing Card "May Flowering"[y] BPoHC St. 6: H/U
捕牌「骨格子」 Capture Card "Skeletal Lattice"[z] BPoHC St. 6: E/N
縛牌「霊牢獄」 Binding Card "Spirit Prison" BPoHC St. 6: H/U
「鬼門の蝶」 "Butterfly from the Demon's Gate"[aa] BPoHC St. 6: E/N
「貴船の丑の刻参り」 "Ox-Hour Visit to Kifune Shrine" BPoHC St. 6: H/U
「還る者、帰らぬ者」 "Those Who Return, Those Who Shall Not"[ab] BPoHC St. 6: E/N
「善知鳥の声、その応え」 "The Auklet's Cry, and the Response Thereto"[ac] BPoHC St. 6: H/U
連鎖怨 Chain-Link Grudge BPoHC Upgrade

Ooama no Ake no Mitori[edit | edit source]

Name Translated Comments Games Stage
Total: 15
跳矢「鏡面矢」 Jumping Arrow "Arrows on a Mirror's Surface" BPoHC St. 6: E/N
反射「ミラーシュート」 Reflection "Mirror Shoot" BPoHC St. 6: H/U
五芒「桔梗印砕き」 Pentagram "Bellflower Seal Crush"[ad] BPoHC St. 6: E/N
下克「ダビデ弾き」 Submission "David Barrage"[ae] BPoHC St. 6: H/U
「レインアロー」 "Rain Arrow" BPoHC St. 6: E/N
朱牌「鮮血の雨」 Vermillion Card "Fresh Blood Rain" BPoHC St. 6: H
「朱い千鳥」 "Vermillion Plover" BPoHC St. 6: U
「ミラーブラインド」 "Mirror Blind" BPoHC St. 6: E/N
心牌「急所に立つ一矢」 Heart Card "Arrow Stuck in a Vital Point" BPoHC St. 6: H/U
「瞬きの隙」 "Blink of an Eye" BPoHC St. 6: E/N
「刹那の閃き」 "Split-Second Flash" BPoHC St. 6: H/U
射牌「確殺の矢」 Archery Card "Arrow of Certain Death" BPoHC St. 6: E/N
血牌「ブラッドアロー」 Blood Card "Blood Arrow" BPoHC St. 6: H
朱牌「ルルゥッディルラ」 Vermillion Card "Rudhira"[af] BPoHC St. 6: U
キャンセルアロー Cancel Arrow BPoHC Upgrade

Suzumi Kuzu[edit | edit source]

Name Translated Comments Games Stage
Total: 28
As Hamal Cine: 11   As Arde: 15 (9 original spells & 6 from Tsurubami Senri)   Unattributed: 3
戻時「遡る記憶」 Reverse Time "Memories Moving Upstream" As Hamal Cine BPoHC St. 6: E/N
遡時「逆境歴史」 Retraced Time "Adverse History" BPoHC St. 6: H/U
止時「留まる思い出」 Stopped Time "Halting Remembrance" BPoHC St. 6: E/N
留時「消えていく姿」 Halted Time "Disappearing Figure" BPoHC St. 6: H/U
「欠ける未来」 "The Fragmenting Future" BPoHC St. 6: E/N
「毀れる過去」 "The Crumbling Past" BPoHC St. 6: H/U
憶刃「フラッシュバックナイフ」 Recollection Blade "Flashback Knife" BPoHC St. 6: E/N
過去剣「デジャブキル」 Past Sword "Déjà-Vu Kill" BPoHC St. 6: H/U
再現と体験「リプレイ」 Reproduction and Experience "Replay" 〃, Upgrade BPoHC
St. 6: E/N/H/U
「胎動する記憶」 "Quickening Memories" BPoHC St. 6: E/N/H/U
玄牌「モノクロムビヴァレンス」 Mysterious Card "Monochrome Bivalence" As Arde impersonating Tsurubami Senri BPoHC St. Ex+α
影牌「寄る年波と離れぬ血」 Shadow Card "Blood that Cannot Escape from Advancing Age" BPoHC St. Ex+α
隠彩「ブラインドファイアー」 Shrouding Paint "Blind Fire" BPoHC St. Ex+α
鶴唳「鶴鳴の歎」 Crane's Cry "Lamentations of the Crane's Cry" BPoHC St. Ex+α
刻牌「時を告げない時計」 Engraving Card "The Clock that Doesn't Tell Time" BPoHC St. Ex+α
墨牌「黒曜刀」 Ink Card "Obsidian Blade" BPoHC St. Ex+α
齟齬「致命的な記憶違い」 Discrepancy "Fatal Memory Mismatch" As Arde BPoHC St. Ex+α
惚憶「リバーブメモリアル」 Vague Recollection "Reverb Memorial" BPoHC St. Ex+α
忘刃「フラッシュバックキル」 Forgotten Blade "Flashback Kill" BPoHC St. Ex+α
「濁流に呑まれる記憶」 "Memory Swallowed by Torrid Current" BPoHC St. Ex+α
狭失「瞬きの記憶」 Slight Flaw "Blink Memory" BPoHC St. Ex+α
「背中に突き立てる思い」 "A Thought Jabbed Into the Back" BPoHC St. Ex+α
「迂闊な勇気」 "Foolhardy Courage" BPoHC St. Ex+α
記憶偽筆「オーバーライト」 Memory Forgery "Overwrite" As Hamal Cine, Upgrade
Instead titled "Override (Memory Forgery)" (オーバーライド(記憶偽筆)) in the dialogue mentioning it.
記憶追従「トレース」 Memory Pursuit "Trace" As Arde
Originally titled "Trace (Memory Pursuit)" (トレース(記憶追従)) in the dialogue mentioning it, displayed here in a modified form to stay consistent with Suzumi's spell-naming scheme.
BPoHC Mentioned
??????? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?[ag] Bomb EE
??????? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?[ag] Flash bomb EE
ビッグミステイク Big Mistake As Arde, Upgrade
Upgraded bomb

Yago Ametsukana[edit | edit source]

Name Translated Comments Games Stage
Total: 11
刃牌「斬赤竜」 Blade Card "Red Dragon Slaying" BPoHC St. Ex
曲剣「撓る刃」 Curved Sword "Flexible Blade" BPoHC St. Ex
蛇剣「ソウドバイパー」 Serpent Sword "Sword Viper"[ah] BPoHC St. Ex
芸技「シルエットレンジ」 Trick Art "Silhouette Range" BPoHC St. Ex
剣弾「ケルビムと回る炎の剣」 Sword Shot "The Cherubim and the Whirling Sword of Flame"[ai] BPoHC St. Ex
「皮よりも薄く、爪よりも鋭く」 "Thinner than Skin, Sharper than Nails" BPoHC St. Ex
「幻薙ぎ」 "Illusion-Mowing Sword" BPoHC St. Ex
星剣「テラブレード」 Star Sword "Terra Blade"[aj] BPoHC St. Ex
「天目津金の槍」 "Spear of Ametsukana" BPoHC St. Ex
朱鷺剣「須賀利御太刀」 Crested Ibis Sword "Sugari no Ontachi"[ak] BPoHC St. Ex
血漆の鞘 Blood-Varnished Scabbard BPoHC Upgrade

Xeno a[edit | edit source]

Name Translated Comments Games Stage
Total: 11
賽運「ダイスロール」 Dice Luck "Dice Roll" BPoHC St. Ex
廻運「代償の回転盤」 Revolving Luck "Turntable of Compensation" BPoHC St. Ex
奇跡「偶然の一致」 Miracle "Coincidental Matchup" BPoHC St. Ex
捻運「軋む羅針盤」 Twirling Luck "Creaking Compasses" BPoHC St. Ex
開示「リバースカード」 Disclosure "Reverse Card" BPoHC St. Ex
「ポーカーフェイス」 "Poker Face" BPoHC St. Ex
必然「ジャックポット」 Certainty "Jackpot" BPoHC St. Ex
「ディーラータイム」 "Dealer Time" BPoHC St. Ex
「運命のルーレット」 "Roulette of Destiny" BPoHC St. Ex
「イフ・ザ・ワールド」 "If the World" BPoHC St. Ex
必然的奇跡 Inevitable Miracle BPoHC Upgrade

Haiji Senri[edit | edit source]

Name Translated Comments Games Stage
Total: 11
「何色の无現里」 "Something-Colored Mugenri" Based on Scarlet Gensokyo from Remilia Scarlet BPoHC St. Ex
QEF「500年ぐらいの波紋」 QEF "Ripple of About 500-or-So Years" Based on Q.E.D. "Ripples of 495 Years" from Flandre Scarlet BPoHC St. Ex
霊曲「ナンチャラ・オブ・ヒロカワ」 Spiritual Melody "Whatchamacallit of Hirokawa" Based on Subtle Melody "Repository of Hirokawa -Divine Spirit-" from Yuyuko Saigyouji BPoHC St. Ex
式光「犬猿人間レーザー」 Shikigami's Light "Dog-Monkey Human Laser"[al] Based on Shikigami's Radiance "Fox-Tanuki Youkai Laser" from Ran Yakumo BPoHC St. Ex
魍魎「神社に棲む胡蝶」 Sinister Spirits "Butterfly Lurking in the Shinto Shrine" Based on Evil Spirits "Bewitching Butterfly Living in the Zen Temple" from Yukari Yakumo BPoHC St. Ex
密術「天文殺法術」 Secret Art "Astronomical Killing Art" Based on Esoterica "Astronomical Entombing" from Eirin Yagokoro BPoHC St. Ex
王宝「ライフオータムリミテッド」 Royal Treasure "Life Autumn Limited" Based on Divine Treasure "Life Spring Infinity" from Kaguya Houraisan BPoHC St. Ex
惣菜「フッジッサーンヴォルケイノ」 Side Dish "FU-JI-SAAAAAN! Volcano"[am] [an] Based on Hourai "Fujiyama Volcano" from Fujiwara no Mokou BPoHC St. Ex
崇牌「ミシャミシャさま」 Worship Card "Mishamisha-sama" Based on Scourge Sign "Mishaguji-Sama" from Suwako Moriya BPoHC St. Ex
白牌「オリジンカード」 White Card "Origin Card" BPoHC St. Ex
スペルコレクター Spell Collector BPoHC Upgrade

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. The title of the spell references the Shinto goddess Konohanasakuya-hime (木花咲耶姫), in which "konohana" (木花), used as the spell's title, translates to "tree blossom".
  2. Quote from the legend of Iwanaga and Ninigi in the Nihon Shoki.
  3. A reference to how Iwanagahime (磐長姫), after being rejected by Ninigi-no-Mikoto for being ugly, looked into a mirror one day and saw a hideous dragon's face, which was in reality her own face. She was so scared and distraught that she threw the mirror away.
  4. A reference to how the mirror thrown by Iwanagahime (磐長姫) was said to have landed on Mount Ryuubusa, where the Shiromi Shrine is now located.
  5. Literally "slimy hoi-hoi", a play on the name of "gokiburi hoi-hoi" cockroach traps.
  6. The Japanese name styling might be a reference to Shin Megami Tensei (真・女神転生).
  7. Katsuyu (蛞蝓) is another Japanese word for slug.
  8. Might be a reference to a Japanese novel Penguin Highway.
  9. 9.0 9.1 A local cure-all from Mount Tsukuba.
  10. A rare toad said to live around Mount Tsukuba, named for its four (, shi) and six (, roku) toes.
  11. Qīng Wā Shén (lit. "The Frog God") is in reference to a Chinese short story by Pu Songling.
  12. Kama-juumonji (鎌十文字, lit. "scythe cross"): a type of cross-shaped spear with two scythe-shaped protrusions perpendicular to the blade.
  13. Possibly a reference to the juumonji (十文字) moves "winding spear" (巻槍) and "scales" () from the Hōzōin-ryū school of martial arts, which was founded specifically to teach the use of the juumonji spear.
  14. A reference to the Greek hero and god Heracles, who was said to have arrows dipped in the Lernaean Hydra's blood, which made them poisonous.
  15. The hydra's blood was said to be highly poisonous, to the point where even it's breath was deadly.
  16. A Japanese phrase symbolizing karmic retribution for one's actions; "body" refers to the main shaft of a sword, which becomes rusty (and/or bloodied) after use.
  17. In alchemy, azoth was said to be a universal medication or solvent needed in the creation of a homunculus, and was largely believed to be mercury. The alchemist Paracelsus, Para's namesake and the man who first theorized an outline for creating homunculi, was said to have achieved azoth and is commonly depicted with a sword that reads "Azoth" on the hilt, as seen here.
  18. In alchemy, the arcana were said to be the divine secrets of creation, represented in the physical world through seven chemical compounds and was one of the ultimate goals of alchemy. The arcana were said to symbolize everything from the highest philosophical truths to the most basic of physical principles.
  19. In alchemy, archeus is a term coined by Paracelsus, Para's namesake and the man who first theorized an outline for creating homunculi. It generally refers to the lowest and most dense aspect of the astral plane, where the physical world starts to blend with the spiritual world.
  20. Pun on "philosopher's stone (賢者の石, kenja no ishi), both pronounced "kensha no ishi".
  21. "Cutting the pie" is a technique for moving around corners with a firearm.
  22. Likely a reference to the Colt Frontier Six-Shooter single-action revolver.
  23. Likely a reference to the Colt Python double-action revolver.
  24. Original Japanese name of the woodblock print Takiyasha the Witch and the Skeleton Spectre.
  25. Takiyasha-hime (滝夜叉姫), who Chouki is loosely based on, was originally named Satsuki-hime (五月姫), in which "satsuki" is also the name for the flower rhododendron indicum.
  26. Portmanteau of 骨格 (kokkaku, skeletal structure) and 格子 (koushi, lattice).
  27. Possibly a reference to Taira no Onikado (平 鬼門) and Chouki.
  28. Wordplay on two different ways of writing the word kaeru (帰る, to return). "帰る" connotates "returning" in a physical context, such as returning home from one's workplace. "還る" connotates "returning" in the abstract, such as "returning to nature" or "returning to the earth". (Webpage with explanation of difference)
  29. Reference to the noh play Utou, after the bird of the same name. The adult birds cry out (rendered as "utou" in Japanese), followed by a response ("yasukata") from their chicks to inform their parents of their location. The play features the tormented ghost of a hunter who mimicked the parents' cries to hunt the chicks.
  30. The Bellflower Seal was said to have been created by the onmyōji Abe no Seimei to seal away youkai, and was shaped like a pentagram.
  31. A reference to the Star of David.
  32. Rudhira (रुधिर) is Sanskrit for "blood", and is the name of Mitori's bow.
  33. 33.0 33.1 According to JynX, this is not a spell card but a usage of their ability, thus it doesn't have a spell card name
  34. May be a reference to the Cardfight Vanguard card Star-vader, Sword Viper.
  35. A reference to the story of Genesis in the Bible. After Adam and Eve are cast out of Eden, an angel wielding a flaming sword was sent to guard the entrance.
  36. "Terra Blade" is a possible reference to the Terraria weapon of the same name.
  37. Sugari no Ontachi is a sword which represents the regalia of Japan.
  38. "Dog and monkey" is an idiomatic phrase referring to people who get along poorly. (ex. "fighting like cats and dogs")
  39. souzai (惣菜): pun on the similar-looking kanji Hourai (蓬莱).
  40. Reference to the Japanese internet meme "Fu-ji-saaan" (/^o^\フッジッサーン), originating from the Denki Groove song "Fuji-san".

Book of the Cafe[edit | edit source]

Spells originating from Book of the Cafe can be largely divided into two types:

  • Unit-specific spells typically found on S rank units, and are never or rarely found on any other units.
  • Generic spells that are shared between a number of units, typically available on both A and S rank units.

Spells listed in character-specific sections only include those in the first category, for their generic spells, see the generic spells section.

Rei[edit | edit source]

Name Translated Comments Games Stage
Total: 4
モノクロムレイ Monochrome Ray[a] Both spell slots 1 and 2. BotC Use
ゲロパンチ Vomit Punch BotC Use
レイくんビーム Rei-kun Beam Bomb BotC Use
レイくんフラッシュ Rei-kun Flash Flash Bomb BotC Use
■・v・■ ■・v・■ BotC Inherent Trait

Kurohebi [FEO][edit | edit source]

Name Translated Comments Games Stage
Total: 3
ブラインドショット Blind Shot Shared with Kurohebi [EE]; Flash Bomb BotC Use
スリットスネーク【#REF!】 Slit Snake [#REF!] Based on Kurohebi's Cut Card "Slit Snake"; Bomb BotC Use
暗殺 Assassination Shared with Kurohebi [EE] BotC Inherent Trait

Machine Zero [Slash/Strike][edit | edit source]

Name Translated Comments Games Stage
Total: 1
闘技 Competition BotC Inherent Trait

Veggie Forcefeed Machine[edit | edit source]

Name Translated Comments Games Stage
Total: 1
野菜生活 Vegetable Life BotC Inherent Trait

Generic Spells[edit | edit source]

Generic spells refer to those not unique to S rank combat units in Book of the Cafe.

Name Translated Comments Default Owners
Total: 30
水風船 Water Balloon Aoji Shitodo
Jun Amanomiya
Shou Amanomori
イワ・デ・ナグゥル Hit Wit Rock
闇討ち Sneak Attack Kurohebi
Kuroji Shitodo
正拳突き Karate Punch Yabusame Houlen ([EE] & [Chef Form])
Tsurubami Senri (disguised as Tsubakura Enraku?)
幻想脚 Gensokick[b]
紅蓮剣 Crimson Lotus Sword
雷神剣 Thunder God Sword Jun Amanomiya
二ノ剣 Sword 2 Presumably originates with Tsubakura Enraku in-universe, making use of their ink sword.[2] Tsubakura Enraku ([EE] & [Waiter Form])
Yabusame Houlen ([Chef Form])
Tsurubami Senri (disguised as Tsubakura Enraku? & [EE])
サンダーショット Thunder Shot
ショット岩 Boulderbuss[c] Clause ([EE])
エア・キャノン Air Cannon[d]
チャージビーム Charge Beam Yabusame Houlen ([EE] & [Chef Form])
Lumen Celeritas (EMS)
イグ Ig[e] Hooaka Shitodo
プチヒール Petite Heal Yabusame Houlen ([EE] & [Chef Form])
Clause ([EE] & Santa Clause)
Shou Amanomori
ノエル・ヒール Noel Heal
マイト Might Has 2 variations: [Lv1] and [Lv2].
シェル Shell Shell [Lv2]: Tenkai Zuifeng (Tenkai [Melon])
サイコ Psycho Psycho [Lv2]: Lumen Celeritas (EMS)
バリア Barrier Barrier [Lv2]: Tenkai Zuifeng (Tenkai [Melon])
アクセル[Lv2] Accelerate [Lv2] Clause (Santa Clause)
デ・マイト[Lv1] De-Might [Lv1]
デ・シェル[Lv1] De-Shell [Lv1]
デ・サイコ[Lv1] De-Psycho [Lv1]
デ・バリア[Lv1] De-Barrier [Lv1]
デ・アクセル De-Accelerate Has 2 variations: [Lv1] and [Lv2]. De-Accelerate[Lv2]: Clause (Santa Clause)
扇風機 Electric Fan
プロトンガン Proton Gun Tsubakura Enraku ([EE])
豆電球 Mini-Light Bulb Lumen Celeritas (EMS)
アブレシブジェット Abrasive Jet Flash Bomb (Jun Amanomiya: BotC) Tsubakura Enraku ([EE] & [Waiter Form])
Aoji Shitodo
Hooaka Shitodo
Jun Amanomiya
Shou Amanomori
ポイズンガス Poison Gas Tsubakura Enraku ([Waiter Form])
Kuroji Shitodo
ダメージ無力化 Nullify Damage Unique trait Metal Ghost
Golden Ghost
逃げ癖 Easy Way Out Unique trait Metal Ghost
Golden Ghost

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. The same spell that Tsubakura Enraku has, likely given to Rei as they are based on Tsubakura and because "ray" is identical to "Rei" in Japanese (both レイ).
  2. Literally "Fantasy Feet", but is meant to look visually similar to Gensokyo (幻想郷).
  3. Originally a pun on "shotgun" (ショットガン, shottogan) by combining "shot" (ショット, shotto) and "boulder" (, gan).
  4. A reference to the similarly named "Air Cannon" gadget from the Doraemon series, albeit written differently in Japanese (空気砲).
  5. Likely a contraction of ignite (イグナイト).

False World[edit | edit source]

Nelo[edit | edit source]

Name Translated Comments Games Stage
Total: 1
『XE閃耀【ゼィーせんよう】』[a] "XE Flash"[b][c] Bomb FW Use

Tsurubeni Enraku[edit | edit source]

Name Translated Comments Games Stage
Total: 1
『フランマ』 "Flamma"[d] Bomb FW Use

Notes[edit | edit source]

  1. The inner bracket indicates how the spell is supposed to be read in Japanese, as "zii senyou".
  2. Previously titled Electronic Flash (エレクトロニック フラッシュ) earlier in development, as seen in the 11th Len'en Anniversary: "Trick Nostalgie NexT" video.
  3. "XE" likely refers to the chemical element xenon, used in xenon flashlamps to generate a quick burst of extremely intense white light.
  4. "Flamma" is Latin for "flame", and is the possibly a root for the word "flamingo".

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Peing: 25 February 2019
  2. Interview with JynX (2023-24): Main Characters — Tsubakura, Question 118