Brilliant Pagoda or Haze Castle/Story/Scoundrel Team's Neutral Ending
< | Haze Ending | Story | Brilliant Ending | > |
The following material is hidden away from normal view to prevent spoilers. It contains ending dialogue and thus hidden away so that it meets the requirements provided by JynX. Please read at your own risk! |
~里から少し離れた森のなか |
~In a forest near the Human Village | |
そこには丸太と漆喰でできた素朴なデザインのログハウスが一軒建っていた |
Here stood a simply designed cabin made of logs and plaster | |
数日前に完成したこのログハウスだが、 |
that was completed several days ago. | |
それ以前はもっと杜撰な作りの・・・まるで子供の秘密基地のよう粗末な家であった |
The construction prior to this one was somehow even shoddier, like a child's makeshift secret base. | |
今そこには、三人の住民がいた |
There were currently three inhabitants inside. | |
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日に照らされると少しだけ紫がかっていることが判る黒い髪 |
One of these inhabitants was in a bad mood. | |
窓から吹く風にゆられて、サラリと揺れるその髪の持ち主は不機嫌であった |
The wind blew through their sleek, black hair, its purple tint visible when being shone on by the sun. | |
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黒巫鳥がイライラしているのは、お宝探しがうまくいかなかったからだけではない |
However, the treasure hunt not going as planned was not the only source of Kuroji's irritation. | |
今朝出合ったとある人物・・・・そいつのことが気にかかっていた |
They were also concerned about the individual they had met with that morning. | |
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一瞬だけ、玄鳥の身の心配をしている自分に気がついた黒巫鳥だったが、 |
For just a moment, Kuroji had become aware of their concern for Tsubakura, | |
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To be continued...? |
To be continued...? | |