セセ 「結局なんだか分からないうちに戦争ごっこも終わっちゃったなー」
Sese: "The war ended... But we didn't even get to do anything!"
Tenkai: "That's what you get for straying from the path."
セセ 「寄り道なんてしてないぞ! 道草を食ってただけだぞ!」
Sese: "We weren't straying! We were just loitering!"
Tenkai: "How's that better?"
セセ 「ぬー、まだまだお宝だって見つけられてないぞー・・・」
Sese: "Mmm, we didn't find any treasure either..."
Tenkai: "Can I go home already?"
スクネ 「みゃーみゃー、お茶でも飲んでゆっくり休んでいきにゃされ」
Sukune: "Nyaw, nyaw.[a] Help yourshelf to some tea and rest a lil' bit."
Tenkai: "...Are we going to resume the treasure hunt after this?"
スクネ 「もちろんだぎゃ!」
Sukune: "Of courshe, gyah!"
セセ 「ヤブサメとツバクラより先に見つけてやるんだぞ!」
Sese: "We gotta find it before Yabusame and Tsubakura do!"
Tenkai: "...I wanna go home."
??? 「ならさっさと帰れ」
???: "Go ahead, then."
スクネ 「八尾呂智しゃん! メロンさんにそんな失礼なこと言っちゃダメだぎゃ!」
Sukune: "Yaorochi-shan! Don't be sho rude to Melon-san!
Tenkai: "You're the rude one here, haniwa."
~ここは宿禰の家、 道に迷ったりなんだりしていたらすっかり日が暮れていたものなの
~This was Sukune's house. As the trio wandered around lost, the sun had completely set.
Sukune invited Sese and Tenkai over.
そこには居候である八尾呂智もいたのだが、 当人は招かれざる客に対しての不快感を隠そうとしなかった
Yaorochi, who was also there, didn't try to conceal their disomfort over the uninvited guests' presence.
Yaorochi: "So, why exactly are you here?"
セセ 「セセは宿禰の友達だから家にいるのは当たり前だろー?」
Sese: "Sese is Sukune's friend, so what's the problem with staying at their house?"
Tenkai: "I was forced to come here."
ヤオロチ「ただでさえそんなに広い家じゃないんだ、 狭さが苦痛になる前にさっさと出て行」
Yaorochi: "This is a small house, so leave before it gets too cramped."
Tenkai: "This isn't even your house."
ヤオロチ「なっ・・・! 貴様っ!」
Yaorochi: "Wha- You bastard!"
セセ 「オロチーン、今日は泊まっていくから仲良くしてくれな~♪」
Sese: "We're having a sleepover, whether Orochin likes it or not, so you better get along~! ♪"
Yaorochi: "Huh!?
Tenkai: "Huuuh!?"
スクネ 「あれ、言ってなかったぎゃか? 今日はもう暗いから、宝探しは明日に持ち越しだぎゃ~」
Sukune: "Didn't I say sho? It's already dark today, sho the treasure hunt will resume tomorrow, gyah~."
テンカイ「いや、だったらもう帰してくれよ! 僕だってヒマじゃないんだぞ!」
Tenkai: "Noooo, let me go home! I have work to do!"
Yaorochi: "There isn't enough space for 4 people here!"
スクネ 「ハニワ四段ベッド作るから大丈夫だぎゃ~♪」
Sukune: "I'll make a four-level haniwa bunk bed. No problem, gyah~♪."
Tenkai: "...I suppose I could be convinced to stay over, if I get the very top bunk."
セセ 「えーっ!!! セセが一番上に決まってるだろ!?」
Sese: "What?!! Sese should get the top bunk!"
Yaorochi: "Please... Just go home..."
結局のところ、戦争ごっこの元凶も、お宝のありかも分からぬまま、 天堺たちは手ぶらでの帰還となった
Not having found the culprit behind the war game, nor any treasure, Tenkai and company returned home empty-handed.
何の成果もないまま、努力が徒労に帰すというのは 身体的以上に、精神的にこたえた
Having accomplished nothing, their efforts were completely in vain. Their mental efforts even more so than their physical efforts.
明日も宿禰とセセに付き合うにしろ付き合わないにしろ、 今日のところはゆっくり休みたかった
Tenkai decided to rest for today, regardless of whether they'll go out again with Sukune and Sese tomorrow.
At least in their dream, they'll be able to quietly be on their own...
Tenkai's dreams of their life after retirement would continue to remain a dream.
To be continued...?
To be continued...?
ROUTE:3 ALL CLEAR!! << おやおや? さては寄り道してたな? >>
ROUTE 3 ALL CLEAR!! << Hmmmmmmm? Did you decide to make a detour? >>