Brilliant Pagoda or Haze Castle/Story/Shrine Team's Neutral Scenario
< | Haze Route | Story | Brilliant Route | > |
You should see the following dialogue in-game whenever you stay on the current route (taking the middle route) or are about to switch back to an already-visited route. Otherwise, you will encounter one of the Haze or Brilliant route bosses, depending on the route you are entering.
For stages 1-5, Neutral route bosses are picked at random. On the 6th stage, each boss can be reliably found on a specific cell, and Clause or Tenkai can appear randomly on cells 6:0, 6:-2, 6:-3, 6:1, 6:2 and 6:3. See remarks about specific bosses for more details.
Stage 1[edit | edit source]
Kurohebi[edit | edit source]
闡裡神社参道 |
Tsubakura |
『天が鏡を割る』ってのは |
"Heaven shall split the mirror" refers to kagami-wari... |
Shion |
願望でしょ、それ |
Isn't that just wishful thinking on your part? |
Yabusame |
お酒の雨あられ~ |
Make it rain saké~! |
??? |
おー、なんか変な奴らがいると思ったら |
Aha. I thought I spotted some weirdos around here. |
Tsubakura |
ほう |
Oh. |
Kurohebi ENTERS | ||
??? |
藪雨と玄鳥・・・と、誰かさんじゃないか! |
Why, if it isn't Yabusame and Tsubakura... and, uh, somebody else! |
Shion |
シオンだよぉ♪ |
I'm Shion! ♪ |
Yabusame |
烏蛇だぁー! |
It's Kurohebiii! |
Tsubakura |
なんだ、まだ生きてたのか |
What, you're still alive? |
得手勝手な影 |
Strong-Willed Shadow | |
Kurohebi |
生憎、サバイバルは得意なんだ |
Survival is my specialty, I'm afraid! |
Shion |
へぇ、このヒトも変わったニオイするねぇ |
Hmmm, this person smells pretty weird too... |
Kurohebi |
っで、また養子が増えてるようで |
Looks like you've adopted yet another child, Tsubakura-san. |
Tsubakura |
察してくれるかい? |
Can I take that as sympathy on your part? |
Yabusame |
理解者登場だね! |
A sympathizing person appears! |
Shion |
ヤブサメぇ、加害者がそれを言っちゃダメ! |
Yabusameee, you can't go and say that when you're part of the problem! |
Kurohebi |
察しの悪い二人を連れて大変そうな玄鳥に |
Since you seem to be having such trouble with your two unsympathetic |
Tsubakura |
『死という名のプレゼント』ってのは |
I'm already sick of your whole |
BGM: メイドインブラック ~ Double Snake |
BGM: Made in Black ~ Double Snake | |
Kurohebi |
じゃあ『プレゼントという名の死』 |
Well then, how about "a death called a present"? |
Yabusame |
よーし、やったるぞー! |
Alright, that's it! |
Shion |
やったるでー! |
Let's do it! |
Tsubakura |
やる気があるのはいつも回りの奴らばっかだ |
It's always everyone but me who's so energetic. |
Kurohebi DEFEATED | ||
Kurohebi |
ノルマ達成 |
Quota fulfilled. |
Tsubakura |
コレでしばらく会う事もないだろうな |
A'ight. Guess we probably won't run into you again for a while. |
Yabusame |
お土産があれば神社に遊びに来てもいいよ♪ |
If you've got souvenirs for us, you can come play at the shrine whenever! ♪ |
Shion |
ツバクラぁ、コレ食べていいーの? |
Tsubakuraaa, can I eat them? |
Kurohebi |
ねぇねぇ玄鳥さん、これ、止めてよ |
Hey, woah, Tsubakura-san could you-- could you tell this thing to stop? |
Tsubakura |
さて、酒はどこにあるのかな~? |
Right then, where might the saké be? |
Kurohebi |
おーい、もう襲わんからさぁ~、ねぇ~? |
Heeey! I won't attack you anymore, I promise! C'mon~! |
Jun Amanomiya[edit | edit source]
闡裡神社参道 |
Yabusame |
ねぇねぇツバ |
Say, Tsuba? |
Shion |
『鏡開き』のことだよぉ~♪ |
It means opening a saké cask's seal~! ♪ |
Yabusame |
む~、ツバに聞いたのに~ |
Hmmph. I was asking Tsuba, thank you very much. |
Tsubakura |
まぁキメラの言った通りだ、噂自体はマユツバだがな |
Well, the chimera's right. The rumor itself is probably bunk, though. |
Shion |
『天が』ってところが良く分からないね |
I'm not so sure about the "of Heaven" part, either. |
Tsubakura |
雨のように酒が降ってくるってことかね? |
Maybe that means it'll rain saké from the sky? |
Yabusame |
夢見たいな~光景だねぇ~ |
A spectacle straight out of a dre~am! |
??? |
あ~めあ~めふ~れ~ふ~れ |
The ra~in, the ra~in, is fa~lling, fa~lling...[a] |
Shion |
なんか変な歌が・・・ |
What a weird song... |
Jun Amanomiya ENTERS | ||
??? |
って、なんだい、聞かれてたんかい |
Eh, what, you were listening? |
Yabusame |
あ、雨降り妖怪さんだ |
Ahh, it's the rain youkai! |
進退両難あまがっぱ |
Raincoat between a Rock and a Hard Place | |
Jun |
おおう、お前さんらか |
Ohh, it's you folks? |
Tsubakura |
犯人決定 |
I deem you the culprit. |
BGM: 韓紅に水は括る ~DYE~ |
BGM: The Water Dyed in Crimson ~DYE~ | |
Jun |
おぉーい、またかい |
Heeey, not again! |
Shion |
雨降り妖怪は酒も降らせるのかぁ、覚えとこ |
So rain youkai can make it rain saké too~? I'd better remember this. |
Yabusame |
このヒト犯人です |
This person is the culprit. |
Jun |
わちはいつもこんな扱いじゃな・・・ |
Why does this always happen to me... |
Tsubakura |
ちゃちゃっと終わらせてやんよ |
Let's wrap this up nice an' quick. |
Jun Amanomiya DEFEATED | ||
Jun |
まぁ負けますわい |
Aaaand I've lost. |
Shion |
うーん、そこそこの味 |
Hmm, they taste alright. |
Tsubakura |
ツマミ食いされてんぞ、妖怪 |
Hey, youkai. You're getting snacked on. |
Jun |
にゃに!? |
Buh-what?! |
Yabusame |
お酒のおつまみにどうぞ~ |
Let's have ourselves a saké snack~. |
Tsubakura |
まぁ妖怪なら多少寿命が減っても平気だろう |
Well, they're a youkai, so they should be fine even with a shortened life expectancy. |
Jun |
平気じゃないわい! |
It's NOT fine! |
Stage 2[edit | edit source]
Aoji Shitodo[edit | edit source]
迷えずの森 or 闡裡神社参道 or 戦線となる川 |
The Unlost Woods or Senri Shrine Road or The Frontline River | |
Yabusame |
ところでさ、ツバ |
By the way, Tsuba... |
Shion |
なーに? |
What is iiiit? |
Yabusame |
ツバに聞いてるの! |
I was asking Tsuba! |
Tsubakura |
『どこに向かってるの?』っていう質問はなしだぞ |
Don't even think about asking me "Where are we going?" |
Yabusame |
えぇ~? |
Eeh? |
Shion |
どうせ適当に進んでるんでしょ? |
We're just going wherever the heck, aren't we? |
Tsubakura |
そう思いたければ思えばいい |
Think whatever you want. |
Shion |
図星だ、図星 |
Ha, bull's eye! Bull's eye! |
??? |
あれ、誰かと思ったら |
Oh my, speak of the devil. |
Yabusame |
おーっ! |
Ooh! |
Aoji Shitodo ENTERS | ||
??? |
藪雨さんに玄鳥さんじゃないですか! |
If it isn't Yabusame-san and Tsubakura-san! |
Tsubakura |
あおじか |
Oh. Aoji. |
Shion |
だれだれっ? このすっごく良いニオイのヒト!? |
Ooh, ooh, who's this!? They smell really really good! |
Yabusame |
あおい君だよぉ♪ |
Yaaay, it's Aoi-kun! ♪ |
意志薄弱な末っ子 |
Weak-Willed Youngest Child | |
Aoji |
絶対ワザと間違えてますよね? |
You're getting it wrong on purpose, aren't you? |
Tsubakura |
っで、こんなところで何してる? |
So what are you doing here? |
Aoji |
みんな勝手にやってますよ |
Everyone's doing their own thing. |
Shion |
ダウト |
Doubt! |
Aoji |
うっ、誰ですかこの子? |
Um, who's that child? |
Yabusame |
シオンちゃんだよ♪ |
That's Shion-chan! ♪ |
Shion |
シオンちゃんです♪ よろしくおいしそうなヒト♪ |
I'm Shion-chan! ♪ Nice to smell you. ♪ |
Aoji |
あー、なんか近寄っちゃイケナイ子ですよね? |
Ahh, I get the feeling I shouldn't get too close to this kid? |
Tsubakura |
なぁに、噛み付いたりはしない |
What are you saying? They don't bite. |
Shion |
食べるけどね♪ |
But I do eat! ♪ |
Aoji |
ほらぁ、やっぱり |
See, I knew it. |
Tsubakura |
まぁそれはそうと、とりあえずお前が知ってることを |
Well, that aside, why don't we get you |
Aoji |
えー・・・何のことでしょうかねー? |
Huh...? Whatever could you be talking about? |
Tsubakura |
知らないならそれでいい |
If you don't know anything, that's fine by me. |
BGM: 青嵐 ~ Plastic Vortex |
BGM: Blue Storm ~ Plastic Vortex | |
Aoji |
黙って死にたくないですねぇ |
Well, I certainly don't want to die quietly. |
Yabusame |
おっ、やる気だねぇ~ |
Oh, now it's oooon! |
Shion |
う~ん、いいニオイ~ |
Hmmmm, they smell really good. |
Tsubakura |
三人に勝てると思ってるのか? |
Do you think you can win against us three? |
Aoji |
全く思ってませんが、本気を出せばなんとか |
Not in the slightest, but if I go all-out, I should still manage something? |
Tsubakura |
血は争えんな、考え方があいつにそっくりだ |
Can't fight your blood, huh. You think just like your sibling. |
Aoji |
それじゃあやりますか、久しぶりに |
Well then, here I come! It's been a while. |
Aoji Shitodo DEFEATED | ||
Aoji |
当然の結果です |
That was totally predictable. |
Tsubakura |
偉そうに言ってらぁ |
You say that with such self-satisfaction. |
Yabusame |
それじゃあ尋問ターイム |
Now it's interrogation tiiime! |
Shion |
まだ食べちゃダメ? |
Can I still not eat them? |
Tsubakura |
後でな |
Later. |
Aoji |
僕は何にも知らないのに・・・ |
But I don't even know anything... |
Tsubakura |
やっぱりアイツにまた会う必要があるか・・・ |
Welp, looks like we have to go meet them again... |
Shou Amanomori[edit | edit source]
迷えずの森 or 闡裡神社参道 or 戦線となる川 |
Shion |
ところで... |
By the way... |
??? |
お前らはっ!!! |
Shion |
・・・・・・ |
...... |
Yabusame |
あっ、ナメクジさん |
Ah, it's Sluggie! |
Shou Amanomori ENTERS | ||
??? |
ナメクジじゃねーって! あんなの一緒にすんな! |
I'm NOT a slug! Quit lumping me in with those things! |
Shion |
・・・・・・・・・ |
......... |
Tsubakura |
あぁ、いつかのか |
Ah, you're that thing from whenever ago. |
歩く潤滑剤 |
Walking Lubricant | |
Shou |
お前ら、また潤にヒドイことしただろ! |
You lot went and did something awful to Jun again, didn't you?! |
Tsubakura |
あん? 記憶にないなぁ・・・ |
Huh? I don't recall... |
Shion |
・・・・・・・・・・・・ |
............ |
Shou |
うっさい! とにかく成敗しちゃる! |
Shut up! At any rate, I'm gonna punish you! |
Yabusame |
なんか強引に話を進めるねぇ |
They're kind of pushing the conversation along by themself. |
Tsubakura |
精一杯なんだろ、こいつも |
They seem pretty desperate themself, too. |
Shou |
ぐずぐずすんなよぉ |
Stop dilly-dallying! |
Tsubakura |
じゃあ俺等なんか相手にしなけりゃいいだろ |
Methinks you could easily solve that problem by just not fighting us. |
Shion |
・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ |
............... |
BGM: アクト・ザ・フール ~ HAHAHA |
BGM: Act the Fool ~ HAHAHA | |
Shou |
またそうやってごまかそうとしてるんだろ! |
See? SEE?! You're trying to change the subject again! |
Yabusame |
なんかめんどくさいね |
They're kinda annoying. |
Tsubakura |
さっさと黙らすか |
Shall we shut them up quick? |
Shou |
よし、来い! ちゃちゃっとね |
Alright, come on! Let's get this over with! |
Shou Amanomori DEFEATED | ||
Tsubakura |
これでよし、やっと静かになった |
Right, that should quiet them down. |
Shou |
黙らされた・・・ |
I've been silenced... |
Yabusame |
黙ってる子がもう一人いるよ |
Hey, there's one more person giving us the silent treatment. |
Tsubakura |
後の処遇はそいつにまかせるか |
Shall we leave the rest to said person? |
Shion |
・・・・・・・ |
...... |
Shou |
ひぃぃいいっ!! |
Eeeeeeeek! |
Tsugumi Umatachi[edit | edit source]
迷えずの森 or 闡裡神社参道 or 戦線となる川 |
The Unlost Woods or Senri Shrine Road or The Frontline River | |
Shion |
ツバクラってさー |
Hey, Tsubakura... |
Tsubakura |
ん |
Mm? |
Shion |
何であんなに味音痴なの? |
Why is your sense of taste so busted? |
Tsubakura |
突然なんだよ・・・ |
Out of left field, much...? |
Yabusame |
ツバはねー『味覚も有史以来最高の天才』 |
Tsuba's the "greatest genius in history" when it |
Tsubakura |
いい皮肉だな |
Nice sarcasm. |
Shion |
だから目玉焼きに墨をかけたり、 |
So that's why you put ink on your fried eggs |
Yabusame |
よい子はマネしちゅダメだよ♪ |
Don't try that at home, kids! ♪ |
Tsubakura |
美味いんだから別にいいだろ? |
'Long as it tastes fine, who cares? |
Shion |
墨とかってさ、食べ物にかけるものじゃないよねー? |
You're not supposed to put ink and stuff on food, right? |
??? |
なんやお前さん、目玉焼きは墨派かい |
'Ey, what's that? You put ink on yer eggs? |
Yabusame |
おー、だーれだ? |
Ooh, who could this be~? |
Tsugumi Umatachi ENTERS | ||
??? |
ワイはソース派やで! |
Me, I like puttin' sauce on 'em! |
Shion |
カボチャだー |
It's a pumpkin! |
Yabusame |
ハローウィンだね~ |
It's Halloween~! |
Tsubakura |
・・・ツッコム気にもなれん |
...I can't even muster a retort. |
義者張る南瓜のアウリガ |
Honest-Acting Pumpkin Auriga | |
Tsugumi |
なんや! 文句でもあるんかい!? |
What?! You got any complaints 'bout this?! |
Shion |
最近のカボチャってすごいんだねー |
Pumpkins these days sure are amazing. |
Yabusame |
カボチャってさー、ロケットなの? |
Are pumpkins supposed to have rockets on them? |
Tsubakura |
品種改良じゃないか? |
They call that selective breeding, don't they? |
Tsugumi |
うっさいわぁ、文句があるんなら言ってみぃ!? |
Shut it! If you've got any complaints, just give 'em to me straight already! |
Tsubakura |
別に文句はないがな・・・・ |
I mean, I'm not complaining per se... |
Tsugumi |
そういや、 |
Hey, by the by. |
Yabusame |
そうだよー |
That's right! |
Tsugumi |
前に会った時はそんなこと知らずに戦ってしもうたわ、 |
Last time I ran into you, I fought'cha without knowin' that. |
Tsubakura |
? |
...? |
Tsugumi |
違うで |
Nah, still would've. |
Shion |
じゃあどういうこと? |
So what would be different? |
Tsugumi |
闡裡んとこの神主だって分かっとったら |
If I knew you were the Senri priests, |
Shion |
闡裡神社は恨み辛みが多いみたいだねぇ♪ |
The Senri Shrine sure gets a lot of complaints, I see. ♪ |
Yabusame |
楽しーね♪ |
It sure is fun! ♪ |
Tsubakura |
楽しくねぇよ |
Is not. |
Tsugumi |
せやから、今度は全力で戦ったるで |
So, I'm gonna come at'cha full-strength this time. |
Shion |
けどこっちは三人だよ? |
But we've got three people on our side, you know? |
Tsugumi |
前は手ぇ抜いて二人相手で良い勝負だったからな |
I was holdin' back last time, an' still put up a good fight against two of ya. |
BGM: レッツエンド号 ~ to run away! |
BGM: Let's 'n Go ~ to run away! | |
Tsugumi Umatachi DEFEATED | ||
Tsugumi |
勝てへんわこれー |
Ehh, yep, I'm beat. |
Tsubakura |
前は二人相手に良い勝負だった・・・ねぇ? |
You put up a good fight against two of us last time... right? |
Yabusame |
全然そんなことなかった気がするね~ |
I feel like that totally wasn't the case at all~. |
Shion |
コレならシオンちゃん一人でも余裕だったね♪ |
I could've done this by myself no problem! ♪ |
Tsugumi |
カボチャや・・・カボチャが言うこときかんかったねん・・・ |
'S the pumpkin... th' pumpkin won't listen to me... |
Tsubakura |
カボチャのせいにするなよ・・・ |
C'mon, don't blame the poor pumpkin... |
Stage 3[edit | edit source]
Lumen Celeritas[edit | edit source]
前哨陣地 or 迷えずの森 or 闡裡神社参道 or 戦線となる川 or 夢幻堤防 |
The Outpost Base Camp or The Unlost Woods or Senri Shrine Road or The Frontline River or The Fantasy Seawall | |
Tsubakura |
うーん、例の噂・・・ |
Hmm. About that rumor... |
Yabusame |
『天が鏡を割るだろう』だっけ |
The one about how "Heaven shall surely split the mirror"? |
Shion |
まるで玄鳥を誘き出す為に流したようなもんだね |
Seems like it was spread just to lure Tsubakura out, honestly. |
Tsubakura |
俺がそんな簡単に釣られる訳ないだろ? |
Hey, I'm not reeled in that easily. |
Yabusame |
バッチリ釣られてるね! |
But you were, though. Hook, line and sinker! |
Tsubakura |
クソッ、酒を人質にするとは、汚い真似しやがって |
Damn! How dare they take liquor hostage? What a dirty trick to play... |
Shion |
八岐大蛇より簡単だね |
You're even simpler than Yamata-no-Orochi. |
Tsubakura |
冗談はさておき、この噂を流すことによって |
Jokes aside, there could be someone spreading |
Shion |
得をする? 例えばどんなヒトが? |
Personal gain? What kind of person would do that? |
??? |
やぁやぁ諸君! 相変わらずご機嫌なようだね! |
Hey hey, old chums! You seem as chipper as ever! |
Tsubakura |
こんなヒト・・・ |
This kind... |
Lumen Celeritas ENTERS | ||
??? |
そんなことないさ、 |
Not at all, actually! |
Yabusame |
封印増し増しだねぇ! |
Oh oh, you have a lot more seals now! |
Shion |
大変そうだね、偉人は |
Being a hero sure seems harsh. |
無頓着に収束する恩光 |
Carelessly Converging Ray of Sunshine | |
Lumen |
僕を偉人と呼ぶそのステキな方は誰? |
And just who is this wonderful youngster, who called me a hero? |
Shion |
シオンちゃんです♪ |
The name's Shion-chan. ♪ |
Tsubakura |
あざとい奴だ |
They're a wily one. |
Yabusame |
ピカピカちゃんは、何か用があるの? |
So what are you out for, Sunny? |
Lumen |
君らにはお世話になったからね、 |
Since I was aided by you some time ago, |
Tsubakura |
そうかい、それでわざわざ噂なんか流して |
Ah. So that's why you've been |
Lumen |
噂? あぁ、天がお酒でなんたらかんたらってのね |
Rumor? Oh right, the one about the Heaven and sake. |
Tsubakura |
回りくどいことしやがって |
That was a really roundabout way of doing so. |
Shion |
ずいぶんと直球な気がするけどね |
I get a pretty straightforward impression from them, though. |
Lumen |
? なんだい、なんか文句でもあるのかいっ!? |
Huh? What? You got some kinda problem with me?! |
Yabusame |
ありありありんすよ! |
Yeah! A big, big, big problem! |
Tsubakura |
こちとら酒に釣られてここまで来たんだ、 |
You used sake to lure us all the way out here. |
BGM: プリズミックドライブ |
BGM: Prismic Drive | |
Lumen |
はぁ・・・? なんだか良く分からないけど |
Huh...? I'm not sure what you mean, |
Tsubakura |
お前はやってはならない事をした |
You really crossed a line this time. |
Lumen Celeritas DEFEATED | ||
Lumen |
見事にやられたーねー |
I've been splendidly defeate~ed! |
Tsubakura |
コレに懲りたら、 |
You've learned your lesson. |
Lumen |
え? なんのこっちゃ |
Huh? Do what again? |
Shion |
このヒト、噂について何も知らないよ |
They don't know anything about the rumor. |
Yabusame |
あら、まぁ |
Oh my. |
Tsubakura |
・・・・なんで知らないって言わない? |
...Why didn't you say so? |
Lumen |
だって、何にも聞かなかったじゃない |
Well, you didn't ask! |
Tsubakura |
シオンちゃ〜ん、知ってたならもっと早く言ってよね |
Shion-cha~n, we could have saved time if you had told us earlier! |
Shion |
はーい♪ |
Sorryyy! ♪ |
Sese Kitsugai[edit | edit source]
前哨陣地 or 迷えずの森 or 闡裡神社参道 or 戦線となる川 or 夢幻堤防 |
The Outpost Base Camp or The Unlost Woods or Senri Shrine Road or The Frontline River or The Fantasy Seawall | |
Shion |
ところでさ、『鏡』ってなんなんだろうね? |
By the way, what exactly does "mirror" mean? |
Tsubakura |
それは哲学か? |
Are you philosophizing? |
Shion |
違うよ! 噂にあったでしょ? |
No! It's that rumor, remember? |
Yabusame |
鏡はね、ピカピカでツルツルなの |
Mirrors are these things that are all sparkly and smooth-like. |
Tsubakura |
んー、単なる鏡ってことはないんじゃないか? |
Hmm. 'S probably not just a regular mirror, right? |
Shion |
『空』ってことかな? |
Doesn't that just refer to "sky"? |
Yabusame |
空が鏡を割るの? |
The sky will split a mirror? |
Tsubakura |
とにかく、この噂について詳しく知ってる奴を |
Anyway, we've got to look for someone who knows |
??? |
詳しく知ってるヒト参上! |
Ta-da! Someone who knows more has appeared! |
Yabusame |
あ、ホネっ子ちゃんだ |
Ah, it's Boney! |
Sese Kitsugai ENTERS | ||
??? |
噂について知りたいんでしょ? |
Would you like to know more about this rumor? |
Tsubakura |
おう、そうだけど |
Well, uh, yeah. |
自分探し中の骸 |
A Corpse in Search of Themself | |
Sese |
僕と勝負してくれたら、詳しく教えてあげるよ |
If you defeat me, I'll tell you all about it. |
Yabusame |
ホネちゃんは詳しく知ってるの? |
So you know a lot about it, Boney? |
Sese |
もちろん、もちもち、もちのロンパールーム |
Lots, lice, rice, mochi rice! |
Shion |
ウソを感知しました |
Lie detected. |
Tsubakura |
だってさ、残念だったな、骨 |
Too bad, bonehead. The lie detector has spoken. |
Sese |
えぇ~、何でバレたの~? |
Huh? How could you tell? |
Shion |
自我にまでウソをつけるヒトってのは |
There are not many people around |
Yabusame |
シオンちゃんは便利だね~ |
Shion-chan is so convenient! |
Sese |
なんでぇ~い、折角リベンジできると思ってたのに |
Whyyyyy? I was THIS close to getting revenge on you! |
Tsubakura |
嘘つき妖怪にはお仕置きが必要だな |
Youkai that tell lies need to be punished. |
Sese |
えっ!? やってくれるの!? |
Huh?! You're still gonna fight me!? |
Shion |
お仕置きが好きなの? このヒト? |
Does this person like being punished? |
Yabusame |
近づいちゃダメなヒトだね |
We can't let them get close to us! |
Sese |
誤解だ! ハメたな玄鳥! |
What, NO! You set me up, Tsubakura! |
Tsubakura |
勝手に墓穴掘って、 |
You've fallen into the grave you just dug for yourself, if anything. |
BGM: ネクロマスター |
BGM: Necromaster | |
Sese |
もういい、怒っちゃったもんねー♪ |
Whatever! I'm real mad now~! |
Shion |
かかって来るならサッサとくれば良かったのに |
If you wanted to fight, you should've said so from the start. |
Sese |
もう何にも聞こえなーい! 骨抜きにしたる! |
I can't hear you! I'm gonna pull all your bones out! |
Sese Kitsugai DEFEATED | ||
Sese |
むー、なんでこんなに勝てないかなぁ? |
Urrgh, why do I always lose like this? |
Tsubakura |
勝てると思ってるその |
It's because that soft brain of yours |
Shion |
何で挑んでくるんだろーね? |
Why did they even challenge us? |
Yabusame |
楽しいからいいけどね~♪ |
It was fun, so I don't mind. ♪ |
Sese |
また戦ってね♪ |
Let's fight again sometime! ♪ |
Tsubakura |
・・・いやだ |
...No way. |
Fujiwara no Iyozane[edit | edit source]
前哨陣地 or 迷えずの森 or 闡裡神社参道 or 戦線となる川 or 夢幻堤防 |
The Outpost Base Camp or The Unlost Woods or Senri Shrine Road or The Frontline River or The Fantasy Seawall | |
Shion |
ヤブサメってさ |
Hey, Yabusame... |
Yabusame |
なーに? |
What i~s it? |
Shion |
何でニオイがしないの? |
Why don't you have any smell? |
Yabusame |
んー、なんでだろ? |
Hmm. Why don't I, indeed? |
Tsubakura |
まぁ、無臭な理由は察しがつくけどな |
Well, I can hazard a guess as to why they're odorless. |
Yabusame |
毎日消臭してるから? |
Because I deodorize every day? |
Shion |
そういうニオイじゃないよー |
That's not the kind of smell I'm talking about! |
Tsubakura |
自分のニオイって分かりづらいだろ? |
It's hard to tell what your own smell is, right? |
Shion |
えー? |
Huh? |
Tsubakura |
だから、俺とお前は似てるだけで |
And like I keep saying, we're only similar. |
Shion |
じゃあヤブサメは僕とまったく同じニオイなの? |
So does Yabusame smell the exact same as me? |
Yabusame |
そうだったの? |
Wait, do I? |
Tsubakura |
正確にはちょっと違うけどな |
Technically you're slightly different, though. |
Shion |
ぬー・・・ツバクラは分かりづらい! |
Hmmph... you're so hard to understand, Tsubakura! |
??? |
よーそろー♪ |
Steady as she goes~♪ |
Tsubakura |
おー? |
Oh? |
Fujiwara no Iyozane ENTERS | ||
??? |
やぁー さっきぶりだね~お二人さん |
Hey there, you two. Not long since we last met! |
Shion |
シオンちゃんもいるよ♪ |
I'm here too! ♪ |
??? |
あれ? 誰だいその子? |
Huh? Who's this child? |
Shion |
シオンちゃんです♪ |
I'm Shion-chan! ♪ |
Tsubakura |
お前らの計画を台無しにした張本人だよ |
They're the one responsible for ruining your plan from before. |
時代錯誤の野心家 |
Anachronistic Ambitious Person | |
Iyozane |
あー、この子だったんですかい、 |
Ah, so this kid is the one who |
Yabusame |
伊代真さんは何してるの? |
What are you doing here, Iyozane-san? |
Iyozane |
迷子を探してるんですよ~ |
I'm searching for a lost kid~. |
Tsubakura |
・・・例の新皇か? |
...You mean that New Emperor? |
Iyozane |
残念ながらご名答・・・ |
Unfortunately, yes... |
Yabusame |
イヨさんも大変なんだね~ |
Sure is tough for you, Iyo-san~. |
Iyozane |
苦労が絶えないよ・・ |
The hardships never cease, I'm afraid... |
Shion |
この人は食べやすそうだね |
This person seems pretty easy to eat. |
Iyozane |
はぁ? |
Excuse me? |
Tsubakura |
どういうことだ? |
What do you mean? |
Shion |
飲み物みたいなものかな? |
They're kind of... drinkable? |
Iyozane |
人を飲み物扱いしないでほしいなぁ |
Could you please not treat me like a beverage? |
Yabusame |
イヨさんは食べていい人なの? |
So is Iyo-san someone who's okay to eat? |
Iyozane |
ダメに決まってるでしょ! |
Obviously not! |
Shion |
えー、イジワルー |
Aww, you're so mean. |
Iyozane |
イジワルとは違うでしょ~ |
'Mean' isn't the word you're looking for, surely. |
Tsubakura |
まぁ諦めて ほら、おとなしく飲み込まれてくれ |
Come on, give up. Just behave yourself and get guzzled already. |
Iyozane |
イヤだよ! なんだそりゃ!? |
What?! No! What are you even saying?! |
Yabusame |
もー、あんまり焦らすと嫌われちゃうよ? |
Aw, c'mon. If you tease them too much, they won't like you, you know? |
Shion |
美味しそうだから許してあげるけどね♪ |
I can give them a pass 'cause they look tasty, though♪ |
Iyozane |
なんでこいつらに関わるとろくなことにならないんだ・・・ |
Why do things always turn out bad when this bunch gets involved...? |
Tsubakura |
そういう運命なんだろう、可哀想に |
It must simply be your fate. Poor thing. |
Iyozane |
いいよ、わかったよ |
Fine, I get it. |
Yabusame |
けど前より人数多いよ~ |
But we've got more people on our side than last time~. |
Iyozane |
気にしない! |
I don't mind! |
Tsubakura |
現実逃避してるな |
They're trying to ignore reality. |
Iyozane |
弾幕事でなら三対一でも勝ちうるよ! |
In a danmaku fight, victory is possible even with 3 against 1! |
BGM: 幽霊うごく波と風 ~ not steady body |
BGM: Waves and Wind That Sway the Spirits ~ not steady body | |
Fujiwara no Iyozane DEFEATED | ||
Iyozane |
弾幕事でも勝てないのね |
Seems I can't win, even in a danmaku fight. |
Tsubakura |
ほーら、おやつの時間だぞー |
All right, it's time for supper~. |
Shion |
わぁーい♪ |
Yaaay! ♪ |
Iyozane |
ひぇい~ |
Eeeeeek! |
Yabusame |
魂って美味しいの? |
Are souls tasty? |
Shion |
おいひーよぉ♪ |
Shuper tashtey! ♪ |
Iyozane |
あぁーああ~・・・ |
auUAuuUhhG... |
Yabusame |
後でちょっと分けてね♪ |
Share a little with me later, okay? ♪ |
Tsubakura |
・・・まぁ、死なない程度にしてやれよ |
...Well, just make sure they don't die. |
Stage 4[edit | edit source]
Hibaru Kokutenshi[edit | edit source]
召喚城郭 or 前哨陣地 or 迷えずの森 or 闡裡神社参道[以遠] or 戦線となる川 or 夢幻堤防 or 幽暗海橋 |
The Summonsing Fortress or The Outpost Base Camp or The Unlost Woods or Senri Shrine Road (far) or The Frontline River or The Fantasy Seawall or The Gloomy Sea Bridge | |
Tsubakura |
あー、ウザってー |
God, it's so noisy around here. |
Yabusame |
いつも以上に空がゴチャゴチャしてるね~ |
The sky is way more crowded than usual~. |
Shion |
片っ端から食べていこうか? |
Why don't I go and eat 'em all up? |
Tsubakura |
後処理が面倒になるから止めてくれ・・・ |
It'll be a pain to clean up after, so don't, please... |
Yabusame |
ん~、残念だね♪ |
Mmm, too bad. ♪ |
??? |
おやおや、物騒な話をするヒトがいると思ったら・・・ |
Oh my, my, my! I thought I heard some people having an alarming conversation around here... |
Shion |
うん? |
Hm? |
Hibaru Kokutenshi ENTERS | ||
??? |
闡裡のところの神主さんじゃないですか~ |
And who else would it be but the head priests of Senri~! |
Yabusame |
あっ、いつかの借金鳥さん! |
Oh, it's that debt bird from before! |
Tsubakura |
あ~、いたな~、こんなの |
Ahh, yeah. There was someone like this back then. |
陽気な取立て屋 |
Cheerful Debt Collector | |
Hibaru |
最近はそこそこ活躍しているそうではありませんか |
If I'm not mistaken, you've been pretty active lately, haven't you? |
Shion |
あなた・・・美味しそう |
You... seem tasty. |
Hibaru |
な、なんですか? この子は? |
E-Excuse me? Just who is this child? |
Tsubakura |
ウチの残飯処理係 |
Our disposal unit for leftovers. |
Shion |
なんでも食べるよー! |
Hibaru |
へぇ、闡裡もしばらく見ないうちに随分変わったんですねぇ |
Goodness. It seems Senri, too, has changed quite a bit since I last visited. |
Yabusame |
借金鳥さんは闡裡神社に詳しいの? |
Do you know a lot about the Senri Shrine, Debt Bird? |
Hibaru |
ちょっとだけ因縁があるだけですけどね |
I have just the slightest of relations to them, yes. |
Tsubakura |
まぁ妖怪の恨み買いまくってそうだからな、あの神社 |
It figures. Seems like youkai all over the place hate that shrine. |
Shion |
先代の神主さんもハチャメチャやってたみたいだしね |
I've heard that the previous head priest made a real ruckus, too. |
Hibaru |
まぁそんなところですね・・・・ってことで |
Well, yes, that's about the size of it... |
Yabusame |
・・・どういうこと? |
...Meaning? |
Hibaru |
私が勝ったら、この借用書にサインしてください♪ |
If I win, I'd like you to sign this IOU. ♪ |
Tsubakura |
相変わらず、悪徳だな |
Just as crooked as ever, huh. |
Hibaru |
お褒めの言葉、ありがとうございます♪ |
Thank you ever so much for that compliment♪ |
BGM: 見切り千両、目玉万両 ~ MONEY GAME |
BGM: Abandoning 1000 Ryo, Eyes On 10,000 Ryo ~ MONEY GAME | |
Hibaru Kokutenshi DEFEATED | ||
Hibaru |
勝てないものですねー |
Seems I can't win~. |
Yabusame |
借金はゴメンだー! |
We're gonna have to pass on that loan! |
Tsubakura |
お前がその借用書にサインしてろ |
All right, then. You sign the IOU. |
Hibaru |
へぇえええ!? すっごい高金利ですよー! |
Whaaaa?! But the interest rate is so high! |
Shion |
自業自得だね・・・ |
You reap what you sow... |
Hooaka Shitodo[edit | edit source]
召喚城郭 or 前哨陣地 or 迷えずの森 or 闡裡神社参道[以遠] or 戦線となる川 or 夢幻堤防 or 幽暗海橋 |
The Summonsing Fortress or The Outpost Base Camp or The Unlost Woods or Senri Shrine Road (far) or The Frontline River or The Fantasy Seawall or The Gloomy Sea Bridge | |
Yabusame |
あのさー、黒巫鳥さん達がさっき神社に来てたでしょ? |
Hey, you know... Kuroji-san and the others came to the shrine a little while ago, right? |
Tsubakura |
あぁ、そういえばそうだったな |
Now that you mention it, yeah, they did. |
Yabusame |
頬赤がけっこー真面目にやられてたでしょ? |
Hooaka was pretty seriously injured, right? |
Shion |
シオンちゃんは見てないから分かんないよ~? |
I didn't see it myself, so I wouldn't know. |
Yabusame |
それでさ、頬赤が真面目にやられるような相手って |
So, like... was there anyone here |
Tsubakura |
少数だけどいるだろうな |
There's probably at least a few. |
Shion |
シオンちゃんは~? |
What about Shion-chan~? |
Tsubakura |
どうだろうな、ああ見えてもけっこー強いから、あいつ |
I wonder. Despite how they look, they're pre~etty strong. |
Yabusame |
いったい誰にやられたんだろうな~、って考えてたの |
Which is why I was thinking, hey, who were they fighting~? |
??? |
その疑問、お答えしましょう! |
Allow me to answer that question! |
Shion |
おっ、何か出てきたー! |
Oh, someone popped up! |
Tsubakura |
噂をすれば、なんとやらだな |
Speak of the devil, and the... so on and so forth. |
Hooaka Shitodo ENTERS | ||
??? |
真相を確かめるには、 |
The fastest way to confirm the truth |
Shion |
このヒトだぁれ? ニオイのハーモニーがすっごいよ♪ |
Who's this person? Their smell has an amazing harmony to it! ♪ |
??? |
おぉ、コイツがレイの隠し子か? |
Ah! Could this be the secret lovechild I've heard people being aghast of? |
Tsubakura |
「例の」と「霊の」をかけてるのか・・・ |
Ah because they're a ghost...? |
Shion |
誰の隠し子ってことになるの? |
So whose secret child am I, then? |
??? |
キャベツから産まれてきたのかな? |
Maybe you were born from a cabbage patch? |
Shion |
ハルジオンからだよー! |
No, from the Harujion! |
Yabusame |
ほおあかぁー、元気になったね~ |
Hooaka~! You're all better! |
頭寒足熱で熱暴走 |
Cool-Headed Hot-Heeled Thermal Runaway | |
Hooaka |
むしろ前より元気だぜ! この腕! |
I'm better than I was before, honestly! Thanks to this arm! |
Tsubakura |
その腕は特別製だからな、俺の |
Naturally. That arm's a special product of mine, after all. |
Hooaka |
ペパロニピッツァみたいな臭いがすること以外は完璧だ! |
Yep! Aside from the pepperoni-pizza smell, it's perfect! |
Tsubakura |
原料と製法が同じようなものだから、仕方ないだろ |
Well, the ingredients and construction method are pretty much the same, so you'll just have to deal with that part. |
Shion |
・・・何を言っているのかよく分からないよ? |
...I don't really get what they're talking about? |
Yabusame |
だよね~ |
Me neither~. |
Tsubakura |
そんで、本当は誰にやられたかなんて |
Anyway. You're not actually going to tell us who beat you, are you. |
Hooaka |
口止めされてるからね~、クロじぃに |
'Fraid so~. Kuro-jii's ordered me to stay quiet about it. |
Yabusame |
やったね♪ |
Hooray! ♪ |
Shion |
なんで喜ぶの? |
Why are you happy about that? |
Hooaka |
『これで頬赤をぶっ飛ばせる口実が出来た!』 |
"Now I've got an excuse to send Hooaka packing!" |
Yabusame |
当たり~♪ |
Correcto~♪ |
Tsubakura |
さすがエアマスター、空気を読むな |
That's our Air Master. Always good at reading the atmosphere. |
Shion |
強いヒトと戦うのはシオンちゃんも好きだよ~♪ |
I'm happy that I get to fight someone strong, too~! |
BGM: オーバーヒートダウン |
BGM: Overheat Down | |
Hooaka |
そんじゃーやりますかいな、全力はまだまだ出せないけど |
A'ight then, how about we get started? I can't quite use my full strength yet, but still! |
Tsubakura |
もう"翼"を展開できる段階までこの世界に馴染んだのか |
You've already blended in with this world to the point where you can deploy your "wings"? |
Yabusame |
そういえば頬赤の翼、久しぶりに見たー! |
Now that you mention it, I haven't seen Hooaka's wings in a while! |
Shion |
あれってなんなの? |
What are those things, exactly? |
Hooaka |
少し本気ってこと |
They mean I'm fighting a little bit seriously. |
Hooaka Shitodo DEFEATED | ||
Hooaka |
負けるってのは分かってたけどな |
I did know that I was gonna lose, though. |
Yabusame |
熱ぅ~い |
So hooo~t! |
Shion |
冷たぁい・・・かな? |
So cooo~ld... I think? |
Tsubakura |
それで、質問に答えてもらおうか |
Will you answer our question, then? |
Hooaka |
3対1だったから1/3だけ教えてやろう |
It was 3 on 1, so I'll answer 1/3 of it. |
Tsubakura |
ここのルールってそういうもんなのか? |
Are you sure that's how the rules work here? |
Hooaka |
そうだなぁ・・・『お前ら二人も知っている奴』 |
Let's see... it's "someone you two know very well"! |
Yabusame |
ん~? 誰だろ? |
Hmm? Who could it be? |
Tsubakura |
・・・・・俺はすご~~~~く、嫌な予感がする |
......I have a veeeeeeeery bad feeling about this. |
Adagumo no Saragimaru[edit | edit source]
召喚城郭 or 前哨陣地 or 迷えずの森 or 闡裡神社参道[以遠] or 戦線となる川 or 夢幻堤防 or 幽暗海橋 |
The Summonsing Fortress or The Outpost Base Camp or The Unlost Woods or Senri Shrine Road (far) or The Frontline River or The Fantasy Seawall or The Gloomy Sea Bridge | |
Yabusame |
黒巫鳥さんのところにさー |
You know, at Kuroji-san's place... |
Tsubakura |
ん? |
Hm? |
Yabusame |
クロでもアカでもアオでもないヒトがいたんだー |
There was a person there who wasn't Kuro or Aka or Ao! |
Tsubakura |
お前、黒巫鳥の住処に行ったことあんのか? |
You've been to Kuroji's house, then? |
Yabusame |
お散歩ついでにねー♪ |
When I was out on a walk~. |
Shion |
クロジさんって、あの腹黒いゲテモノさん? |
By 'Kuroji-san,' do you mean that black-hearted cheap food? |
Tsubakura |
そうそう・・・って、あいつゲテモノなのか? |
Yeah, them... wait, they're cheap food? |
Shion |
えんがちょー |
Knock on wood... |
??? |
むっ・・・・お前らは・・・ |
Hm... you two are... |
Yabusame |
あー! ミドリのヒト! |
Ah! The green person! |
Adagumo no Saragimaru ENTERS | ||
最後の瞳 |
Final Eye | |
Saragimaru |
いや、蛇穴丸なんだけど・・・ |
No, um, I'm Saragimaru... |
Tsubakura |
あぁ、蛇っ子か |
Oh, it's Snakeface. |
Saragimaru |
蛇穴丸だ! |
Shion |
サラミさん? |
Salami-san? |
Saragimaru |
さ、ら、ぎ! |
Yabusame |
まぁ知ってるんだけどね~♪ |
Well, we knew that already~♪ |
Saragimaru |
ぬぅぅ・・・貴様ら、僕をからかっているのか? |
Nghh... You louts are making fun of me, aren't you? |
Tsubakura |
お前、まだ黒巫鳥の奴隷やってんのか? |
Are you still slaving away at Kuroji's place? |
Saragimaru |
えっ、な、何故僕が奴隷だと知っている!? |
Wh-- H-How did you know I'm their slave?! |
Yabusame |
え、そうだったの? |
Huh? You were? |
Shion |
可哀想なヒトなのね・・・ |
Poor thing... |
Tsubakura |
釣れた釣れた~♪ |
Haha, got them~. ♪ |
Saragimaru |
ぐぐぐっ・・・くそっ、こいつら~! |
Grrrgghh... You JERKS! |
Shion |
サラギさんは黒いヒトの奴隷なんだね~ |
So Saragi-san's a slave to that black-clothed person~. |
Saragimaru |
別に好きでやってるわけじゃないからな! |
It's not like I'm doing it because I WANT to! |
Tsubakura |
ってことは、黒巫鳥と繋がりがあるってことか・・・ |
So that means they've got some connection to Kuroji... |
Saragimaru |
いや、別にそんなことは・・・ |
No, it's not really like I... |
Yabusame |
じゃあ黒巫鳥さんが何を企んでいるのか知ってるの? |
So they know what Kuroji-san is plotting, then? |
Saragimaru |
えっ? いや、最近のあいつの動向は別に・・・ |
What? No, it's not like I know anything about what they've been doing lately... |
Shion |
どうやら話したくないみたいだねー♪ |
Looks like they don't want to talk~. ♪ |
BGM: 開かれた瞳 ~ Mono EYE |
BGM: Opened Eye ~ Mono EYE | |
Tsubakura |
じゃあ無理やり聞き出すしかないなー |
Nothing to do but hear it from 'em by force, then. |
Yabusame |
可哀想なヒトだねー♪ |
Poor thing~! ♪ |
Saragimaru |
え? もしかして戦うの? |
Huh? Are we going to fight? |
Shion |
このヒト、なんか不憫だね |
This person's kind of pitiable. |
Adagumo no Saragimaru DEFEATED | ||
Saragimaru |
何故、僕がこんな目に・・・? |
What did I do to deserve this...? |
Tsubakura |
黒巫鳥に関わるとロクなことないってことだ |
Nothing good comes of associating with Kuroji, you know. |
Saragimaru |
誰も好きで関わってないわー! |
Who would associate with them on PURPOSE?! |
Yabusame |
じゃあ何も知らないの? |
So you don't know anything? |
Saragimaru |
知りましぇん |
Nothiiiin'. |
Tsubakura |
まぁアイツが奴隷ごときと情報を共有するはずないからな |
Well, it's not like they'd share information with their slave, after all. |
Shion |
それを知っておきながら、何で戦ったの? |
Why'd you fight them if you knew that already? |
Tsubakura |
暇つぶし |
To kill time. |
Saragimaru |
・・・外界の連中は大嫌いだ |
...I hate all you outside-worlders. |
Stage 5[edit | edit source]
Kuroji Shitodo[edit | edit source]
蜻蛉乃城 or 召喚城郭 or 前哨陣地 or 迷えずの森 or 闡裡神社参道[以遠] or 戦線となる川 or 夢幻堤防 or 幽暗海橋 or デーヴァナガラ |
The Dragonfly Castle or The Summonsing Fortress or The Outpost Base Camp or The Unlost Woods or Senri Shrine Road (far) or The Frontline River or The Fantasy Seawall or The Gloomy Sea Bridge or Devanagara | |
Yabusame |
ツバぁ~ |
Tsubaaaa. |
Tsubakura |
あん? |
Ehn? |
Yabusame |
黒巫鳥さんのこと、どう思う? |
What do you think of Kuroji-san? |
Shion |
クロジって、あの腹黒い人のこと? |
By 'Kuroji', do you mean that black-hearted person? |
Tsubakura |
あいつは・・・お節介焼きだな |
They... fuss over other people a lot. |
Shion |
そうなの!? 全く逆だと思ってた・・・ |
Seriously?! I thought the exact opposite... |
Yabusame |
ツバによくちょっかい出してくるもんね |
They do poke their nose into your business a lot, Tsuba. |
Tsubakura |
ウザってぇ、ったらありゃしないけどな |
I mean, they're annoying as hell, I'll give 'em that. |
Shion |
それってお節介って言うの・・・? |
Would you really call that 'fussing over people'...? |
Tsubakura |
実は他人思いのいい奴だったりするんだぜ |
But they're actually a pretty good person sometimes. Considerate of others, an' all that. |
??? |
・・・・・お前はいつも意図して虚偽の情報を |
...You always like feeding people false |
Yabusame |
おー! 黒巫鳥さんだー! |
Oh! It's Kuroji-san! |
Kuroji Shitodo ENTERS | ||
??? |
そしてお前の嘘の大半は、意味のない嘘だ |
And half of your lies don't even have a point to them. |
Tsubakura |
意味が有るのか、無いのか・・・ |
Whether there's a point to them, or whether there isn't... |
曖昧で紙一重な考古学者 |
Ambiguously Paper-thin Archaeologist | |
Kuroji |
無意味に他人を煽るときは何かを隠している時だ |
Whenever you rile other people up for no reason, you're hiding something. |
Tsubakura |
それすらも、俺の印象操作に踊らされているだけかも |
Of course, that could always just be another way |
Kuroji |
それぐらい見抜けないほど、私は節穴じゃない |
I can realize that much. I'm not that stupid. |
Tsubakura |
そいつは初耳だな |
Wow, first I've heard of it! |
Kuroji |
相変わらず減らず口を・・・ |
You always insist on making needless retorts, don't you...? |
Yabusame |
二人ともグチグチうるさい・・・ |
Will you two stop muttering at each other already...? |
Shion |
仲が良いんだね~ |
You sure seem to get along well. |
Kuroji |
腐れ縁なだけだがね |
Our acquaintanceship has gone on so long it's practically gone rotten. That's all. |
Tsubakura |
腐ってるのはお前の性根だろ |
Your personality is what's rotten. |
Yabusame |
そういえば黒巫鳥さ~ん |
By the way, Kuroji-sa~an. |
Kuroji |
例の噂についてかな?・・・別に何も隠していないが |
About that rumor? ...I'm not hiding anything in particular. |
Shion |
ダウトー! |
Kuroji |
そういえば、そこのキメラには嘘があまり通用しないんだったな |
That reminds me. That chimera of yours is pretty hard to lie to, isn't it? |
Tsubakura |
今のはコイツがいなくても嘘だってモロバレだけどな |
Even without them tagging along, the lie you're telling right now would be obvious enough. |
Shion |
えー、シオンちゃん役に立ったと思ったのに |
Aw, what? I thought I was being useful. |
Yabusame |
それで、何を隠してるんですか~? |
So, then. What are you hiding~? |
Kuroji |
知らないほうが身のためさ |
You'll be safer not knowing. |
Tsubakura |
それを判断するのは俺達自身だ |
I'll be the judge of that, thank you very much. |
Kuroji |
傲慢な奴だな |
Arrogant, aren't you? |
Tsubakura |
普段は謙虚なんでね |
I'm quite modest most of the time. |
Kuroji |
もっと昔にその傲慢っぷりを発揮して欲しかったものだ・・・ |
I would've liked it if you could have put that arrogance to use a longer time ago... |
Yabusame |
それじゃあ3対1ってことでいいのー? |
So! Anyway. We're going with a 3-on-1 fight, then? |
Kuroji |
そもそも、決定権は私にないのだろ? |
In the first place, I'm not the one who gets to decide, right? |
Shion |
腹黒なのに潔い人だねー! |
For someone so rotten, you're pretty sportsmanlike! |
Tsubakura |
タイマンでも勝てないのに、三人に勝てるわけないだろ? |
You couldn't even beat me in a one-on-one fight, so I doubt you could care less about trying to beat us one-on-three. |
Kuroji |
私は怠慢という言葉が嫌いなんでね |
"Careless" isn't a word I happen to like.[b] |
Kuroji |
それに、この世界に来て面白い力を得てから |
Also, ever since I came to this world and obtained this interesting power, |
Yabusame |
前よりもっと強くなってるのかな~? |
I wonder if you're stronger than before~? |
Kuroji |
強くなってるかどうかは、すぐ分かる |
Whether I am or not, we'll find out pretty quick. |
BGM: ルームザヒストリー |
BGM: Room the History | |
Kuroji Shitodo DEFEATED | ||
Kuroji |
流石に無理か |
No use, hm? Thought as much. |
Tsubakura |
コレならタイマンでも大丈夫だったな |
With a performance like that, I would've been fine 1-on-1. |
Kuroji |
当たり前だ、お前ごときが私に負けていいはずがない |
Well, obviously. The likes of you should hardly be allowed to lose to me! |
Shion |
この人何を言ってるのか分かんないよー |
I don't get what this person's trying to say. |
Yabusame |
僕も昔から一緒にいるけど、よく分からないんだぁ |
I've been around them for a long time, too, but I still don't really get them. |
Tsubakura |
まぁ、厄介な奴だってことはハッキリしてる |
Well, the fact that they're troublesome is clear enough. |
Kuroji |
褒め言葉として、受け取ろう |
I'll accept that as a compliment. |
Tsubakura |
勝手に受け取ってろ |
Accept whatever you want. |
Yabusame |
・・・っで、何を隠してたの? |
...So, what were you hiding? |
Kuroji |
知らないほうが身のためさ |
You're safer not knowing. |
Shion |
なんか堂々巡りになってない? |
Uh, we kind of just went in a circle? |
Tsubakura |
コイツがそこまで言うなら |
If they're being this stubborn about it, |
Sukune Katano[edit | edit source]
蜻蛉乃城 or 召喚城郭 or 前哨陣地 or 迷えずの森 or 闡裡神社参道[以遠] or 戦線となる川 or 夢幻堤防 or 幽暗海橋 or デーヴァナガラ |
The Dragonfly Castle or The Summonsing Fortress or The Outpost Base Camp or The Unlost Woods or Senri Shrine Road (far) or The Frontline River or The Fantasy Seawall or The Gloomy Sea Bridge or Devanagara | |
Tsubakura |
・・・・・ |
.... |
Yabusame |
どうしたの~? ツバ~? |
What's the matter, Tsuba~? |
Shion |
道に迷ったんでしょ~? |
You went and got lost, didn't you~? |
Tsubakura |
その通りでございます |
'Tis indeed the case. |
Yabusame |
玄鳥はよく人生という名の道に迷ってるもんね~ |
Tsubakura often loses their way on this road we call life~.[c] |
Shion |
そんな酷い言葉、どこで覚えたのー? |
Wow, harsh. Where'd you learn to say that? |
Tsubakura |
黒巫鳥がよく言ってたからな |
Kuroji said that a lot, is where. |
Yabusame |
実はどういう意味かよく分かってないの♪ |
I don't really know what it means, actually. ♪ |
Shion |
ヤブサメは頭が良いんだね♪ |
You're so smart, Yabusame! ♪ |
Yabusame |
そうなのー♪ |
Yeah, I am~! ♪ |
Shion |
皮肉も通用しないもんね♪ |
Sarcasm doesn't even work on you! ♪ |
Yabusame |
でしょー♪ |
Sure doesn't~! ♪ |
Tsubakura |
お前ら・・・実は仲悪いだろ? |
...You two don't actually get along that well, do you? |
??? |
だぎゃ~・・・困ったんだぎゃ~ |
Gyah~... I'm in big trouble, gyah~... |
Yabusame |
あれ? あの鳴き声は・・・ |
Huh? That cry sounds like... |
Sukune Katano ENTERS | ||
??? |
困ったんだぎゃ~ 困りきったんだぎゃ~ |
I'm in trouble, gyah~! I'm in the most trouble ever, gyah~! |
Shion |
なんか露骨に困ってる人がいるね |
Looks like someone's very conspicuously in trouble. |
Tsubakura |
おいハニワ |
Hey. Haniwa. |
無垢なる天才埴輪 |
Pure and Genius Haniwa | |
Sukune |
ぎゃ!? 何だぎゃ! おみゃーらか~ |
Gyah?! What the?! It'sh you guys~? |
Yabusame |
ハニワちゃん、何を困ってるの? |
What's the matter, haniwa? |
Sukune |
うーん |
Mmm. |
Tsubakura |
あっそ、じゃあ俺達もう行くわ |
'Kay. We'd better get going then. |
Sukune |
おいー! |
Shion |
悩みを聞いて欲しいのね |
Looks like you want us to lend an ear. |
Sukune |
そうだぎゃ! ハニワ一世一代の大問題だぎゃ |
That'sh right! Thish is the biggest problem in haniwa history! |
Tsubakura |
そりゃー大変だなー |
Oh my. What a tragedy. |
Sukune |
八尾呂智さんがだぎゃ・・・・ |
Yaorochi-san has... |
Yabusame |
オロチンさんが・・・? |
Orochin-san has...? |
Tsubakura |
死んだか |
Died? |
Sukune |
そんなわけあるきゃー! |
As IF they'd be dead! |
Shion |
じゃあなんなの? |
So what happened? |
Sukune |
八尾呂智さんが・・・・ |
Yaorochi-san has... |
Tsubakura |
いいから早く言え、頭のやつカチ割るぞ |
Just say it already. Else I'll break that thing on your head. |
Sukune |
物騒だぎゃ! 闡裡は物騒だぎゃ!! |
EXCUSE ME?! You Senri people are alwaysh so vicious!! |
Yabusame |
なんかスッゴイもったいぶってるねぇ・・・ |
They're really putting on airs, aren't they...? |
Shion |
どうせ大したことないんでしょ? |
It's bound to be nothing major anyway, right? |
Sukune |
あるんだぎゃ! |
It IS major! |
Tsubakura |
だから、はよ言え |
So speak UP, already. |
Sukune |
八尾呂智さんが・・・・・・ |
Yaorochi-san...... |
Shion |
へー |
Ah. |
Yabusame |
そー |
Huh. |
Tsubakura |
じゃあ俺達行くわ |
And away we go. |
Sukune |
待つんだぎゃー! |
Shion |
えー、めんどうくさいー |
Whaa? Don't wanna. |
Sukune |
お礼にハニワ一年分あげるんだぎゃ! |
I'll give ya a year'sh supply of haniwa as thanks! |
Tsubakura |
かさばる |
Too unwieldly. |
Sukune |
栓抜き一年分でもいいんだぎゃー! |
A year'sh supply of bottle openers, then! |
Yabusame |
えっ? いいの? |
Huh? You sure that's okay? |
Tsubakura |
そんなんで心が揺れるなよ |
I'm not gonna be swayed by something like that. |
Shion |
いらないよー、そんなにー |
We don't need that many! |
Sukune |
うぎゃー! こうなったら・・・ |
Ugyaah! In that case... |
Tsubakura |
へいへい、予定調和だな |
Ah, yes. Pre-established harmony. |
Yabusame |
こういう流れにも慣れたねー♪ |
We're pretty used to this sequence of events by now~♪ |
Shion |
典型的だねー |
Nice and typical~. |
Sukune |
人を陳腐扱いすんだぎゃない! |
Don't you go treatin' me like I'm commonplace! |
Tsubakura |
もはや使い古された過去の遺物なんだが・・・ |
More like a worn-out relic of the past, honestly... |
Sukune |
うるさいんだぎゃ! |
Quiet, you! |
BGM: スーパーハニーワ ~ NEXT FORM!! |
BGM: Super Haniwa ~ NEXT FORM!! | |
Sukune Katano DEFEATED | ||
Sukune |
勝てないんだぎゃぁ・・・ |
I can't win, gyah... |
Yabusame |
かっこよかった! |
That was SO COOL! |
Tsubakura |
なんでコイツ進化してんだ? |
What are they doing, going and evolving like that? |
Shion |
進化してるの? |
They evolved? |
Yabusame |
ロボットになってたよ! |
Yeah! It turned into a robot! |
Sukune |
ハニワは無限の可能性を秘めているんだぎゃ! |
Haniwa contains endless possibilitiesh sealed within! |
Tsubakura |
・・・・・・・・・・あっそ |
..........'Kay. |
Taira no Fumikado[edit | edit source]
蜻蛉乃城 or 召喚城郭 or 前哨陣地 or 迷えずの森 or 闡裡神社参道[以遠] or 戦線となる川 or 夢幻堤防 or 幽暗海橋 or デーヴァナガラ |
The Dragonfly Castle or The Summonsing Fortress or The Outpost Base Camp or The Unlost Woods or Senri Shrine Road (far) or The Frontline River or The Fantasy Seawall or The Gloomy Sea Bridge or Devanagara | |
Tsubakura |
戦争といえば・・・ |
Speaking of wars... |
Shion |
んー? どうしたの? |
Hm? What's up? |
Tsubakura |
前に、平のバカ新皇もどきが都を落とすとか言ってたな |
That dumb Taira wannabe emperor said they'd bring down the capital city, or something. |
Yabusame |
文門さんだね! |
You mean Fumikado-san! |
Shion |
あの人も美味しいんだよね~ |
That person was really tasty, too~. |
Tsubakura |
さっきも、なんか部隊が緊張状態にあるとか言ってたしな |
Back at the shrine, they said their troops were in a really tense state and stuff, too. |
Yabusame |
じゃあこの戦争ごっこも文門さんの仕業なの? |
So these war games are Fumikado-san's work, then? |
Tsubakura |
いや、あいつ自身も制御できてないみたいだからなぁ |
No, it seemed like they couldn't control their own troops very well either... |
Shion |
頼りにならない人だね~♪ |
They sure are unreliable~. ♪ |
??? |
貴様ら・・・黙って聞いていれば・・・ |
You bastards... I've been sitting here and listening...! |
Yabusame |
あ、やっと出てきた |
Oh, here they are at last! |
Taira no Fumikado ENTERS | ||
??? |
私をコケにばかりして・・・ |
How dare you say such distasteful things about me...! |
Shion |
コケじゃなくてコクだよ! |
You're not distasteful! You were richly-flavored! |
新帝の盃 |
The Vessel for the New Emperor | |
Fumikado |
味の話などではないっ! |
I'm not talking about actual TASTE! |
Tsubakura |
別にどうでもいいわ、そんな話 |
It's not like the flavor chat matters, anyway. |
Fumikado |
ぐぐっ、気になるのに・・・ |
Grrgh. But I want to know...! |
Shion |
魂ってのはね、人それぞれ味もニオイも違くてね・・・ |
Well, you see, each person's soul has a different taste and flavor to it... |
Tsubakura |
説明せんでもええがな |
You don't hafta explain. |
Fumikado |
それにしてもお前ら・・・ |
Anyway, you lot... |
Tsubakura |
んなわきゃない |
Like heck we didn't. |
Fumikado |
じゃあ・・・私が聞いているのを承知で、 |
So... You were mocking me while knowing |
Tsubakura |
陰口は嫌いなんでね |
I don't like talking about people behind their backs. |
Yabusame |
ウチではよく陰口言ってるけどね |
But you always badmouth people at our place. |
Tsubakura |
本人に直接言うなんて、可哀想じゃないか |
I would never say it to their faces, though. Wouldn't that just be mean? |
Shion |
瞬時に言っていることが180度変わってるよ・・・ |
Your statement just did a 180-degree turn... |
Tsubakura |
素早い転換だろ? |
Pretty fast conversion, right? |
Fumikado |
そんなことはどうでもいいのだ! |
Who cares about any of that?! |
Shion |
そうなのかー? |
Is that the issue? |
Yabusame |
そんなに問題かなー? |
Is it that much of an issue? |
Tsubakura |
元から無い尊厳を貶めることなど、 |
Not even I could manage to insult dignity |
Fumikado |
ぐー!! |
Shion |
やっぱり尊厳ないじゃん |
See? No dignity at all. |
Tsubakura |
それより、新皇様がこんなところで側近も護衛も |
Anyway. Just what is our New Emperor doing out here |
Fumikado |
うっ・・・・・ |
Ergh..... |
Yabusame |
えっ・・・? |
Huh...? |
Shion |
嘘・・・じゃない? |
You're... not kidding? |
Tsubakura |
・・・・・あー、なんか・・・・すまんな |
.....Oh. Well, uh... man, sorry 'bout that. |
Fumikado |
う、うるさぁぁい!あいつ等が勝手にどこかに行ったんだ! |
S-SHUT UUUUP! Those two just went off on their own somewhere! |
Tsubakura |
いやね、冗談のつもりで言ったんだが・・・ |
No, really, I just meant it as a joke... |
BGM: 月には届かぬ手 ~ Moon Child |
BGM: Hands That Can't Reach the Moon ~ Moon Child | |
Fumikado |
どこまでも私をコケに・・・・もう限界だっ! |
Just how much are you going to ridicule me...?! I've had enough! |
Shion |
え? 本気なの? |
Huh? You serious? |
Tsubakura |
冗談だろ? |
You're joking, right? |
Yabusame |
マジなの~? |
Seriously~? |
Fumikado |
本気さ! いまさら謝ったって許さないからな!! |
I'M SERIOUS! Apologizing won't save you now!! |
Tsubakura |
いや、そう言う意味じゃなくて、こっち3人・・・ |
No, I mean, there's kind of, three of us...? |
Fumikado |
黙れっ! 見せてやる、私の威厳!! |
SILENCE! I shall show you my true majesty!! |
Taira no Fumikado DEFEATED | ||
Fumikado |
威厳、損なわれし・・・ |
My majesty hath been disgraced... |
Shion |
何でシオンちゃん1人に勝てなかったのに、 |
You didn't win against Shion-chan alone, |
Tsubakura |
迷子ってのも冗談じゃないみたいだしな |
They weren't joking about being lost either, apparently. |
Yabusame |
おバカさんなのかな? |
Are they dumb, maybe? |
Fumikado |
頭に血がのぼると、つい冷静な判断が |
I certainly can't make rational decisions |
Tsubakura |
バカに効く薬、処方しましょうか? |
Should I prescribe you a cure for stupidity? |
Yabusame |
玄鳥の薬はよく効くらしいよ! |
I hear that Tsubakura's medicine works wonders! |
Shion |
身体をお大事にね・・・? |
Take care of your health, okay...? |
Fumikado |
・・・なんで急にやさしくなるんだ? |
...Why are you all being nice all of a sudden? |
Stage 6[edit | edit source]
Clause[edit | edit source]
Clause can be encountered on cell 6:-4, or as one of random bosses on cell 6:0 (if Suzumi is yet to be unlocked), 6:-2, 6:-3, 6:1, 6:2 or 6:3.
蜻蛉乃城 or 召喚城郭 or 前哨陣地 or 闡裡神社参道[以遠] or 戦線となる川 or 夢幻堤防 or 幽暗海橋 or デーヴァナガラ |
The Dragonfly Castle or The Summonsing Fortress or The Outpost Base Camp or Senri Shrine Road (far) or The Frontline River or The Fantasy Seawall or The Gloomy Sea Bridge | |
Tsubakura |
・・・・・・・1つ |
......I just remembered something |
Yabusame |
どうしたの~? |
What's wrong~? |
Tsubakura |
烏蛇とか、黒巫鳥とか・・・・ |
You know Kurohebi, and Kuroji, and so on... |
Shion |
ツバクラの知り合いのこと? |
Tsubakura's acquaintances, right? |
Yabusame |
そうだよー、みんなこの世界でどうしてるんだろー? |
That's right! I wonder how everyone is doing here~? |
Tsubakura |
その中にひとーり |
I feel like there was oooone person there |
Shion |
・・・誰? それ? |
...Who would that be? |
??? |
くっくっくっく・・・ |
Keh heh heh heh... |
Tsubakura |
あー、イヤだー、俺帰るー |
Aaaugh, noooo. I'm leaviiiing. |
Clause ENTERS | ||
??? |
おやおや、『気』がついているのだろ? 玄鳥 |
My, my, Tsubakura. You have "realized", have you? |
Yabusame |
あー・・・忘れてた |
Ahh... I'd forgotten. |
??? |
相変わらず、二人で『仲良しごっこ』をしているみたいだね |
It seems that you two are "playing friends" as usual. |
Shion |
だれ・・・・これ? |
Uh... who is this? |
(全略) |
(Title omitted) | |
Clause |
おや? どうやら『初見』となるかな? |
Oh? Perchance this is our "first meeting"? |
Shion |
...シオンちゃんです・・・ |
...I'm Shion-chan... |
Yabusame |
凄いよね、初対面のヒトすら面倒くさがらせるんだから |
Amazing! Even people they've just met get annoyed with them. |
Tsubakura |
もはや貴重な才能といえるな |
At this point you could even call it a valuable talent. |
Clause |
仕方ないことだね、僕ほどの『偉大』な者との『邂逅』 |
It is inevitable! Upon "encountering" one so "magnificent" as I, |
Tsubakura |
そのポジティブ思考、少しでも分けて欲しいもんだ |
It'd be nice if you could share even a little of that positivity with us. |
Clause |
これはこれは、『自称天才』に褒められるとはね |
My word, my word. To think that the "self-professed prodigy" would compliment me... |
Tsubakura |
なんにも思わんでいい |
Think nothing of it. Please. |
Shion |
このヒトがさっき言ってた会いたくないヒト? |
Is this the person who you said you didn't want to meet? |
Yabusame |
これ以外にいると思う? |
Who else could there be? |
Tsubakura |
他にも会いたくない奴はいくらでもいるけど・・・・ |
There's plenty of others who I don't wanna run into again... |
Clause |
おやおや、嫌われてしまったか・・・ |
My, my, it seems I am rather disliked... |
Clause |
僕ほどの『異端』な『能力と才幹』 |
"Talent and capability" as "heretical" as mine |
Yabusame |
エンジンかかってきたね |
Aaand they're firing up the engines. |
Clause |
考えてもみてもごらん? 『先駆者』とは |
Do consider this, if you will? "Pioneers" in any era |
Tsubakura |
狂人ってとこだけは合ってるかもな |
At least the 'madman' part might be fitting. |
Clause |
君達とは長い『縁』だからね、少しは『この僕』のことを |
On account of you and I sharing such a long "acquaintanceship", |
Yabusame |
してないねー したくないねー |
No we dooon't. We don't wannaaa. |
Shion |
永遠の時間をかけても理解できる気がしないよ~ |
I don't think I'd comprehend this even after an eternity~ |
Clause |
それも仕方のないことだね 僕ほどの『超人』になると |
That, too, is inevitable. When one becomes such a "superhuman" as I, |
Tsubakura |
用件があるならはよ言え |
If you have actual business with us then say it already. |
Clause |
おや? 僕と『お話』をするのは嫌かい? |
Oh? Do you perhaps dislike "conversing" with me? |
Clause |
『凡人』にとって『この僕』の『お話』は難し過ぎ... |
To mere "commoners", "conversing" with "one such as I" is surely too difficult... |
Yabusame |
早く言わないと消し飛ばすよ♪ |
If you don't state your business I'm gonna blow you up♪ |
Clause |
ふっ、怖い怖い・・・ |
Hmm, how frightening... |
Yabusame |
クラウゼに対してだけはね |
Just towards you, Clause. |
Shion |
『仕方のないことだね』 |
"Truly, 'tis something that cannot be helped." |
Clause |
まぁいい、用件を話そう・・・・まず僕はこの『世界』に来た |
Very well, I shall state my business... First, I arrived in this "world". |
Tsubakura |
前置きは省略でお願いします |
If you could please shorten the introduction, I would very much appreciate it. |
Clause |
まったく『短慮』だねぇ・・・まぁ仕方のないことだね |
How utterly "short-tempered"... Oh well. |
Tsubakura |
ありがとうございます |
You have my sincerest thanks. |
Shion |
こういう時ってヒトは逆らわなくなるよね |
You people sure get cooperative at times like this, huh? |
Yabusame |
そうした方が話が円卓に進むからね♪ |
It makes the conversation proceed more circularly. ♪ |
Tsubakura |
『円滑』な |
You mean "smoothly". |
Clause |
僕ほどの『能力者』になると・・・・ |
When one becomes "one with ability" on a level such as mine... |
Tsubakura |
どんどん日本語すらおかしくなってきてるな |
Okay, now their basic language structure is getting weird. |
Yabusame |
あーっ! 文門さんだー! |
Ahhh! That's Fumikado-san! |
Shion |
ホントだわは~ |
It is! Haha~! |
Clause |
知っているのか!? |
You know them?! |
Clause |
どうやら『運命の女神』は『今宵』も |
It seems that the "goddess of fortune" has come on "this eve", too, |
Tsubakura |
お前の中の運命の女神ってどんなんだよ・・・ |
What kind of fortune goddess are you even imagining at this point...? |
Clause |
さぁ『導く』のだ! この僕ほどの人間をっ! |
Now, I beseech thee! Offer "guidance" unto this one such as I! |
Yabusame |
えー・・・・・イヤだ |
Ehh..... Don't wanna. |
Shion |
タダじゃダメだよね~ |
We won't do it for free~. |
Clause |
・・・・・ |
..... |
Tsubakura |
なにしてんだ? 気色悪い笑み浮かべて |
What are you doing? That smile is really creepy. |
Clause |
『この僕』ほどの人間の『笑み』は |
The "smile" of a human "such as I" |
Tsubakura |
スマイル0円になりまーす |
That'll be 0 yen for 1 smile, thank yoooou.[d] |
Clause |
まぁ仕方ないことだね、真に『貴重』なものの |
Well, it is inevitable. As you do not understand |
Clause |
僕と戦う『権利』を与えよう |
I grant you the "privilege" of battling me. |
Yabusame |
急にやる気になるよね、こいつ |
They always get ready to fight real suddenly. |
Tsubakura |
コイツに話の脈絡なんてものは、ない |
Not like there's any through-line to their conversations anyway. |
Shion |
面倒くさいね~ |
Sure is annoying~. |
Clause |
『光栄』に思うがいい、この僕の『異端なる能力』を |
Think of it as "an honor"... after all, you may now |
BGM: エターナルパワー ~ BIG STAR |
BGM: Eternal Power ~ BIG STAR | |
Clause DEFEATED | ||
If player has or has not continued | ||
Adagumo no Yaorochi[edit | edit source]
Yaorochi can be encountered only on cell 6:-1.
とある儀式場 |
A Certain Ritual Site | |
Yabusame |
なんだか懐かしい場所だね~ |
What a nostalgic place~. |
Tsubakura |
そんな昔ってわけじゃないけどな |
We were here not too long ago, though. |
Shion |
なにココ? |
What's this place? |
Yabusame |
前にここで、剣が大好きなヒトが |
In this place, a person who loved swords very much |
Tsubakura |
合ってるような・・・間違ってるような・・・ |
I feel like that's sort of right... and sort of not...? |
Shion |
つまり変人さんがいたってことだねー♪ |
So basically there was a complete weirdo around here~♪ |
Yabusame |
そういうことだね♪ |
That's right♪ |
??? |
おいっ |
Hey. |
Shion |
あれ? 誰かいたの? |
Huh? Who's there? |
Adagumo no Yaorochi ENTERS | ||
??? |
随分とヒトを馬鹿にしてくれるな |
You certainly like ridiculing people, don't you? |
Tsubakura |
お前、ヒトじゃなくて蛇だろ |
You're not a 'people'. You're a snake. |
Yabusame |
尻尾が七本の蛇さんだね~ |
A snake with seven tails~! |
Shion |
ハブ酒にするとエキスがいっぱい取れそうだね♪ |
If we turned you into Habu wine, we could get a lot of extract outta you! ♪ |
大蛇の末裔 |
Descendant of Orochi | |
Yaorochi |
ハブなどと一緒にするな! 俺は大蛇だ! |
Don't lump me in with Habu vipers! I'm an Orochi! |
Yabusame |
同じようなもんだよね? |
Aren't they pretty much the same thing? |
Tsubakura |
どちらにせよ爬虫類だしな |
They're both reptiles, at any rate. |
Shion |
じゃあトカゲやヤモリも一緒だね~♪ |
So they're the same as lizards and geckos~! ♪ |
Yaorochi |
蛇は神聖な生き物だということぐらい、知ってるだろ? |
You at least know that snakes are sacred animals, surely? |
Tsubakura |
変身するとやたらイケメンってことぐらいしか知らねぇな |
All I know 'bout snakes is they get weirdly handsome when they turn into humans. |
Yabusame |
八尾呂智さんも美形だよねー♪ |
Yaorochi-san is good-looking too~! ♪ |
Yaorochi |
見え透いた煽てにはのらん・・・ |
I'm not going to fall for your obvious flattery... |
Shion |
内心すっごい喜んでるねぇ |
They're actually super happy inside. |
Tsubakura |
単純なやつ・・・ |
What a simpleton... |
Yaorochi |
それより貴様ら、こんなところに何用だ? |
That aside, what business do you lot have here? |
Yabusame |
何用って? |
Business? |
Yaorochi |
俺がココにいると知って来たのだろ? |
You came here because you knew I was here, yes? |
Tsubakura |
いや、別に |
Well, nothing in particular. |
Yabusame |
単にフラフラしてたらここに着いただけだよ~♪ |
We just sort of wound up here as we were wandering around~♪ |
Yaorochi |
・・・なんだそりゃ? |
...What the heck? |
Shion |
蛇さんはココでなにしてるの? |
What are you doing here, Snakey? |
Tsubakura |
傷心旅行か? |
Going on a journey to mend your wounded heart? |
Yaorochi |
訳の分からんことを言うな! |
Don't say such nonsensical things! |
Yabusame |
分かった! ハニワちゃんのハニワを割ったんだね! |
Oh, I get it! You must have broken the haniwa's haniwas! |
Tsubakura |
ハニワのハニワを割ったのか・・・ |
So you broke the haniwa's haniwas..... |
Shion |
ハニワのハニワを割ったの? |
Did you really break the haniwa's haniwas? |
Yaorochi |
頭が混乱してきたが・・・ハニワは割ってないぞ |
This is getting rather confusing, but... I didn't break any haniwas. |
Yabusame |
じゃあ何を割ったの~? |
Then, what did you break~? |
Yaorochi |
何も割ってない! ヒトの話を聞け! |
I didn't break anything! Just listen to what I'm saying! |
Tsubakura |
誰かを怒らせるようなことでもしたのか? |
Did you offend someone? |
Yaorochi |
違う、今戦争ごっこ中の両陣営から勧誘されてるんだ |
No, both sides of the war are soliciting my help to assist them. |
Shion |
実はちょっと喜んでるみたいね |
Seems like they're actually a little pleased on the inside. |
Tsubakura |
その剣の力を他人に認められたようなもんだからな |
Makes sense. Other people are recognizing their sword's power, after all. |
Yaorochi |
そ、そうではない! 本当に迷惑しているのだ! |
T-That's not it! It really is troublesome! |
Shion |
迷惑してるっていうより、何かを恐れているみたいね |
It seems more like they're scared of something, as opposed to bothered. |
Yabusame |
その人達に剣を盗まれちゃうと思ってるんじゃない? |
Could it be that you're scared that they'll steal your sword? |
Yaorochi |
!!? |
!!? |
Tsubakura |
すっげー分かりやすいやつ |
They're really easy to understand. |
Yaorochi |
うるさいっ! 貴様らに何が分かるっ! |
Silence! You don't understand anything! |
Tsubakura |
分かるつもりもないけどな |
We weren't really tryin' to understand in the first place. |
Yaorochi |
貴様・・・・ いや、怪しいな・・・ |
You bastards... No, there's something off here. |
Shion |
殺意を、感知しました |
Murderous intent detected. |
Yabusame |
何か前より被害妄想が激しくなってるね~ |
You've kind of gotten more paranoid than before~. |
Tsubakura |
もともとヒステリックな奴だったからな |
I mean, they were already prone to hysterics. |
Yaorochi |
以前の借りもまだ返してなかったしな・・・・ |
I still haven't paid you back for last time, either... |
Tsubakura |
なんか俺達の周りってこんな奴らばっかりだよな・・・ |
Why am I always surrounded by people like this...? |
Yabusame |
仕方ないんじゃない? 玄鳥だし |
It's only natural, right? You're Tsubakura, after all. |
Shion |
・・・それって理由なの? |
...How is that a reason for it? |
Yaorochi |
以前に増してさらに洗練された蛇叢剣の力、 |
I shall show you, too, the power of Tasouken, |
Tsubakura |
だから見たくねぇって |
I'm telling you, we don't want to be shown it. |
Yabusame |
もう何を言っても無駄みたいだよ |
I don't think anything we say is going to get through at this point. |
Shion |
このヒトの魂もつまみ食いできるんだね~♪ |
Looks like I can gulp down this person's soul in one go too~! ♪ |
BGM: 薙ぎ払われた繋がり |
BGM: Mowed-Down Relationship | |
Yaorochi |
響き、煌き、全てを薙げ! 蛇叢剣! |
Resound, shine, and mow all down! Tasouken! |
Adagumo no Yaorochi DEFEATED | ||
If player has or has not continued | ||
Tenkai Zuifeng[edit | edit source]
Tenkai can be encountered on cell 6:4, or as one of random bosses on cell 6:0 (if Suzumi is yet to be unlocked), 6:-2, 6:-3, 6:1, 6:2 or 6:3.
召喚城郭 or 前哨陣地 or 闡裡神社参道[以遠] or 戦線となる川 or 夢幻堤防 or 幽暗海橋 or デーヴァナガラ |
The Summonsing Fortress or The Outpost Base Camp or Senri Shrine Road (far) or The Frontline River or The Fantasy Seawall or The Gloomy Sea Bridge or Devanagara | |
Shion |
藪雨の能力ってさー |
Hey Yabusame. About your ability... |
Yabusame |
うん~? |
Hmm~? |
Shion |
次元がなんちゃらなんでしょ? |
It something-or-others dimensions, right? |
Yabusame |
だいたいそうだよー! |
Pretty much! |
Shion |
次元ってどんなものなの? |
What are dimensions made of, exactly? |
Yabusame |
味で言えばタルタルソースが近いかな♪ |
In terms of flavor, I guess they're a lot like tartar sauce♪ |
Tsubakura |
次元の主成分って卵とマヨネーズだったのか・・・ |
So the principal ingredients of dimensions are eggs and mayonnaise... |
Shion |
そもそも次元って味があるものなの・・・? |
Do dimensions even have flavors in the first place...? |
??? |
君達は・・・いつもそんなバカげた会話をしてるのかい? |
Are you people... always having conversations this idiotic? |
Tsubakura |
お前はいつもメロンじみた服装だがな |
Says the person who's always dressed like a melon. |
Tenkai Zuifeng ENTERS | ||
??? |
バカよりかはマシだろ? |
Better than being dressed like an idiot, surely? |
Yabusame |
確かに! |
Certainly! |
Tsubakura |
どっちもどっちだろ |
Neither's great. |
古き独裁者の片割れ |
One of the Old Dictators | |
Tenkai |
しかし次元の味を知っているとはな・・・名誉神主の方は |
However, to think that you'd know what dimensional layers taste like...! |
Tsubakura |
お前だって結界屋のクセに |
What do you know about dimensions, anyway? |
Tenkai |
次元も結界の一種さ、『可能性』の境界を司る結界さ |
Dimensional layers, too, are a type of barrier; the barriers that shape the boundaries of possibility. |
Tsubakura |
・・・まぁ、何となく納得できるが |
...Well, I guess that kind of makes sense. |
Shion |
可能性の結界って、どんなのだろ? |
What are barriers of possibility made of, exactly? |
Yabusame |
夢があるねー♪ |
Whatever they are, they sure sound dreamy~♪ |
Tenkai |
次元の境界を含めて、結界とは厚みを持たない |
Barriers, including dimensional boundaries, have no thickness. |
Tsubakura |
急に科学的な見解だな、无現の住民のクセに |
For a resident of unreality, you're giving a real scientific analysis all of a sudden. |
Tenkai |
質量を持たないってことは、この世に存在しないのと同じ |
Since they have no mass, they can be said to not exist in this world. |
Tsubakura |
どーだろうな? |
I woooonder? |
Tenkai |
そうかな? まぁはじめから科学なんて邪教 |
Has it? Well, science itself is heresy to begin with. |
Tsubakura |
同感だな |
Same, same. |
Shion |
あれ? 玄鳥って科学者じゃなかったの? |
Huh? I thought you were a scientist, Tsubakura? |
Yabusame |
違うよー、もっと胡散臭いのだよね♪ |
Nope, they're way shadier than that! |
Tsubakura |
ぜんぜん胡散臭くないわい |
Ah ain't shady at all. |
Tenkai |
鶴喰も胡散臭い奴だったが、後継者もそれに倣うか・・・ |
Tsurubami was quite the shady individual too. So their inheritor follows in their footsteps...? |
Tsubakura |
人の話を聞かん奴らばっかりだ・・・ |
None of you people ever listen to me, do you...? |
Tenkai |
・・・・・話を戻すが |
...Well, back on topic, |
Shion |
哲学だね~ |
How philosophical~. |
Tenkai |
違う、本当に存在しないんだ |
No, they really don't exist. |
Tsubakura |
裏と表の間には、何もないってことだな |
There's nothing between "front" and "back", basically. |
Tenkai |
そういうことだ、流石に話が早い |
Yes, exactly. You're quick on the uptake. |
Yabusame |
僕はチンプンカンプンなんですかどー! |
It's all gobbledygook to me, though! |
Tenkai |
結界とは、まさに无現的な存在なんだってことさ |
Barriers are truly an "unreal" existence, in the end. |
Shion |
なるほど! |
Aha! |
Yabusame |
よくわかった! |
I understand! |
Tsubakura |
・・・・結局何が言いたいのか、俺には分からんのだが? |
...Although I don't understand what they're trying to say, in the end? |
Yabusame |
えーーっ!? なんでーー!?? |
Whaaa?! Whyyyy?! |
Tenkai |
それで正しいのさ |
As you shouldn't. |
Tsubakura |
どちらかと言えば、お前がどういう意図で |
If I had to say, the part I don't understand |
Tenkai |
結界について『理解した』っと宣ふ奴は、 |
Those who claim to "understand" barriers merely prove |
Shion |
矛盾してなーい? |
Isn't that kind of a paradox? |
Tsubakura |
下らん講義はもういいよ・・・・・ |
Enough stupid lectures already... |
Tenkai |
バードウォッチング |
Birdwatching. |
Shion |
何を盗撮してたのかな~ |
Were you taking pictures of us in secret~? |
Yabusame |
鳥にも人権はあるんだよー? |
Birds have human rights too, you know? |
Tenkai |
何か誤解しているようだが・・・・・ |
It seems you're misunderstanding something, but... |
Tsubakura |
帝を? それがバードウォッチングになるのか? |
The emperor? That counts as birdwatching? |
Tenkai |
そう、鳥ってのは天を翔る者だからな |
Yes. 'Birds' are those that soar through the heavens, after all. |
Tsubakura |
帝が・・・鳥か |
The emperor's... a bird? |
Yabusame |
クルッポ、クルッポ? |
Coo coo, coo coo? |
Shion |
チュンチューン |
Tweet tweet tweeeeet! |
Tenkai |
ガキ共は放っといて、玄鳥 |
Ignoring the kids for now... Tsubakura. |
Tsubakura |
絶賛迷子中だけどな |
Well, I'm magnificently lost at the moment. |
Tenkai |
帝はもう都にはいないぞ |
The emperor is no longer in the capital. |
Yabusame |
えー! そうなの!? |
Huh?! Really?! |
Shion |
じゃあシオンちゃんはどうすればいいの? |
So what are we supposed to do, then? |
Tenkai |
ちょっと遅すぎたんだよ |
You were a bit too late. |
Tsubakura |
耳が痛いねぇー |
It suuure pains me to hear that. |
Tenkai |
まったく、そんなことじゃ闡裡神社神主は務まらんぞ? |
Honestly now. You're hardly fit to be the Senri Shrine's head priest at this rate, you know? |
Yabusame |
えー? そうなの? |
Huh? They're not? |
Tenkai |
いいだろう、いっちょここで僕がシゴいてやろう |
Very well. I'll give you a good whipping here and now. |
Shion |
うわっ |
Woah. |
Yabusame |
うへぇ |
Eegh. |
Tsubakura |
面倒くせぇな |
What a paaain. |
Tenkai |
君達は鶴喰の代わりなんだぞ? |
You're the replacements for Tsurubami, aren't you? |
Tsubakura |
別にやっていけなくていい |
Not that we particularly want to go up ahead. |
Tenkai |
そういうところが怠けていると言っているんだ! |
I'm saying, that loafing attitude is what's wrong here! |
Tsubakura |
働きたくない |
Don't wanna work. |
Yabusame |
頑張りたくない! |
Don't wanna put in effort! |
Shion |
疲れたくない! |
Don't wanna get tired! |
Tenkai |
どれも却下 |
All overruled. |
Tsubakura |
却下の却下は・・・どうやら認められないみたいだな |
And I suppose overruling the overruling is... not going to be possible. |
Tenkai |
キミらにも結界の本質を身をもって理解させてあげよう |
I'll get you to understand the true nature of barriers-- by example! |
BGM: 決壊オーバーフロー |
BGM: Burst Overflow | |
Tenkai Zuifeng DEFEATED | ||
If player has or has not continued | ||
Suzumi Kuzu[edit | edit source]
Suzumi can be encountered only on cell 6:0, and you must have beaten all other final bosses. Otherwise, Clause or Tenkai will appear randomly here. There have been significant changes to the dialogue compared to demo. The old dialogue can be found here.
闡裡神社参道[以遠] |
Senri Shrine Road (far) | |
Tsubakura |
なぁ、気にならないか? |
Hey, doesn't it make you wonder? |
Shion |
なーにが? |
What does? |
Tsubakura |
黒巫鳥が何故、俺に噂を教えたのか |
Why Kuroji told me that rumor. |
Yabusame |
えー? 治療代じゃなかったの? |
Huh? Wasn't it to pay the medical bill? |
Tsubakura |
治療代を払うほどお人好しじゃないだろ、あいつは |
No, no. They're hardly generous enough to pay their bill. |
Shion |
じゃあ何だと思うの? |
Then what was it for? |
Tsubakura |
・・・単純に考えれば、俺を動かすための"エサ"だな |
...If I think about it simply, it was bait to get me to move out here. |
Yabusame |
ツバはいつも釣られてるね~ |
Tsuba always gets reeled in~. |
Shion |
ちょろいね♪ |
You're super easy! ♪ |
Tsubakura |
そ・れ・で だな、エサを撒いたあいつの狙いが |
So. Any. Way. I thought about what their motive could be |
Yabusame |
うんうん、なになに? |
Mm-hm, mm-hm? What is it? |
Tsubakura |
どうやら、その考えた候補の中で |
It seems like the one possibility |
??? |
あんっ♪ どなたかと思ったら! |
Aww!♪ Well, just looky who we have here! |
Tsubakura |
的中したみたいだ |
Was right on the money. |
??? |
玄鳥さまっ! ずっと会いたかったの♪ |
Tsubakura-sama! I've wanted to see you again for soooo long. ♪ |
Yabusame |
うわぁ・・・雀巳だぁ |
Uwah... it's Suzumi... |
奸佞邪智な過ぎたる記憶 |
Insidious Superfluous Memory | |
Suzumi |
藪雨ちゃんも久しぶり~♪ |
Oh, and Yabusame-chan too! Long time no see~. ♪ |
Shion |
誰なの? このヒト? |
Who's that? Who's this person? |
Tsubakura |
外の世界の知り合いだ、ちょっとした腐れ縁でな |
They're from the outside world. Bit of an... old acquaintance of ours. |
Suzumi |
も~ "ちょっと"どころじゃないでしょ~ |
Oh, you! I'd hardly call us just "acquaintances"! |
Tsubakura |
あぁ、ちょっとどころじゃなくて |
Right, right, we're not "acquaintances". |
Suzumi |
情熱的なのね、玄鳥さまは♪ |
Oh, Tsubakura-sama! So passionate! ♪ |
Yabusame |
雀巳は僕たちと一緒に来てないのに・・・ |
But you didn't come here with us, Suzumi... |
Suzumi |
ヒトって謎があるほうが魅力的でしょ? |
It's more alluring if a person has some mystery to them, no? |
Shion |
教える気はないみたいだね~ |
Looks like they don't want to tell us~. |
Tsubakura |
こちとらお前がいないと思って休暇を楽しんでいたのに・・・ |
Here I was, thinking I could enjoy this vacation now that you weren't around... |
Shion |
このヒトがなにかしたの? |
What exactly happened with them? |
Suzumi |
昔色々あっただけ・・・ |
Oh, this and that happened a long time ago... |
Yabusame |
なんか以前にも増して話し方が変になってるね |
The way they talk has gotten weirder than before, too. |
Tsubakura |
今はそういう"気分"なんだろ |
That's just the "mood" they're in right now. |
Suzumi |
これね、都でナウいんだってさ! |
Oh, this? It's all the rage in the capital city! |
Tsubakura |
ぶっ殺したくなるくらいカワイイデスネ |
Yes, yes, it's so a-d-o-r-a-b-l-e as to make me want to kill you right here. |
Shion |
玄鳥はこのヒトがすっごくキライなんだね~ |
You sure hate this person, don't you, Tsubakura~? |
Yabusame |
僕はクラウゼの方が大嫌いだよ♪ |
I hate Clause even more, though♪ |
Tsubakura |
アイツは面倒なだけだが、コイツは有害だ |
Clause is just annoying. This one's outright dangerous. |
Suzumi |
ヒドイッ! あんな事やこんな事までしあった仲なのにっ! |
Oh, how could you! |
Tsubakura |
騙しあったり、殺しあったりな |
Like tricking each other, trying to kill each other, and so on, yes. |
Shion |
そんな酷いヒトなの? |
Are they that bad? |
Yabusame |
シオンちゃんは"まだ"何も知らないからねぇ |
You don't even know half of it, Shion-chan. Not yet. |
Suzumi |
藪雨ちゃんまでそんなこと・・・ |
Even Yabusame-chan hates me... |
Tsubakura |
下らん茶番はやめて、そこをどけ |
Can it with this stupid farce and just go away. |
Suzumi |
さすが玄鳥さま、私の事なら何でも知っているのね♪ |
I expected nothing less from Tsubakura-sama! You know absolutely everything when it comes to me, don't you? ♪ |
Tsubakura |
お前とやるってんなら |
If I'm gonna fight you, I guess I'll have to |
Suzumi |
ん~ あなた達とやり合うにはまだ早いけど・・・ |
Mmm, well, it's still a little early for me to fight you guys... |
BGM: MO-NA-D-2 ~ 記憶偽筆 |
BGM: MO-NA-D-2 ~ Memory Forgery | |
Suzumi |
せっかくここまで来てくれたんだし |
But you came all this way, so all right! |
Yabusame |
シオンちゃん、気をつけたほうがいいよ~ |
You'd better be careful, Shion-chan~. |
Shion |
なになに? 強いの、このヒトっ?? |
Huh? What? Is this person strong or something?? |
Tsubakura |
強いっていうより、ズル賢い、だな |
They're not strong, exactly. Just incredibly cunning. |
Suzumi |
有史以来最高の天才さまに褒められちゃった♪ |
Ooh! I got complimented by the greatest prodigy in all of history~! ♪ |
Tsubakura |
・・・・・・・ |
....... |
Suzumi Kuzu DEFEATED | ||
If player has continued | ||
If player has not continued | ||
Notes[edit | edit source]
- ↑ The opening lines of Rain Falling (あめふり Amefuri), a Japanese children's song.
- ↑ Kuroji is originally making a pun on Tsubakura's "one-on-one" (タイマン) with "negligence/carelessness/laziness" (怠慢), both pronounced "taiman".
- ↑ This line comes from Tsubakura's scenario in Earthen Miraculous Sword.
- ↑ McDonald's outlets in Japan lists smiles for 0 yen alongside other menu items.