Brilliant Pagoda or Haze Castle/Story/Prologue
The following is the prologue of Brilliant Pagoda or Haze Castle, which can be found in story_le04.txt.
Demo Version[edit | edit source]
The trial version of the prologue was unique. Despite being demo content, this is still considered canon to the overall story.[1]
春を迎えた、无現里(むげんり)。 |
Mugenri had welcomed the arrival of spring. | |
そんな情勢の中、とある噂が巷を騒がせていた。 |
At the same time, one particular rumor was making quite a stir. | |
『大空の器に酒を注ぎ入れ、ちゃちな思想にプライドをブレンドした時、 |
"When sake is poured into the vessel of the skies, and cheap ideas and pride are blended in, | |
誰が流したかも分からないこのヘンテコな噂だが、 |
It was a groundless rumor that nobody knew the source of, | |
飲兵衛どもと弾が飛び交う无現里の空。 |
Both drunkards and bullets soared through Mugenri's skies. | |
春の『陽気』とはヒトの頭を侵す『妖気』そのものだと、この時多くの者が悟ったという。 |
They say that around this time, many came to realize that the hazy air of spring had even cast a haze over people's minds.[b] |
Full Version[edit | edit source]
~○---闡裡神社にて---○~ |
~---At the Senri Shrine---~ | |
玄鳥「・・・・っで、へっぽこ新皇は役立たずってわけか」 |
Tsubakura "...So the gist of it, from what I'm getting, is that our New Emperor over here is a total screw-up." | |
―――現実から遊離した世界『无現里(むげんり)』 |
---"Mugenri", a world separated from reality. | |
伊代真「まったくもって、その通りなんです」 |
Iyozane: "Yes. Yes, that is entirely the case." | |
凍てついていた大地も解け、まだ桜こそ咲かぬものの、 |
The frozen land had thawed, and while the cherry blossoms still had yet to bloom, | |
文門「伊代真さぁ、そこはもう少し私の面子を立ててくれないかなぁ?」 |
Fumikado: "Iyozaneee, can't you try a bit harder to save my face?" | |
『平 文門(たいらのふみかど)』『藤原 伊代真(ふじわらのいよざね)』 |
Taira no Fumikado and Fujiwara no Iyozane. | |
藪雨「じゃあその兵隊さん達は文門さんの言うことを聞いてくれないってこと?」 |
Yabusame: "So the soldiers out there aren't listening to what Fumikado-san is telling them?" | |
―――闡裡神社にはもう一人、『名誉神主』という肩書きの神主がいる。 |
---The Senri Shrine also had another resident, bearing the title of "Honorary Priest". | |
そんな新米神主と雑用神主の両名は、来客の面倒くさい相談にのっていたのだった。 |
And so it was that the novice priest and the household-chores priest were begrudgingly listening to their guests' concerns. | |
文門「私の部下っという訳ではないからな」 |
Fumikado: "They're not exactly my minions, after all." | |
うんざり度が増した玄鳥は、すでに二人の相談事など心底どうでもよくなったようだ。 |
Tsubakura, now even more annoyed, seemed to already completely not care about Fumikado and Iyozane's concerns. | |
文門「とにかく! 下手をすれば闡裡神社にも |
Fumikado: "Anyway! Worst-case scenario, we might even | |
―――この闡裡神社には先祖代々の式神がいる。 |
---The Senri Shrine had also employed a shikigami for several generations. | |
文門「それが・・・・まぁ色々あってねぇ」 |
Fumikado: "You see, there's been... uh, stuff, I guess." | |
闡裡神社での多くの会話はたとえ短い用件を伝えるだけのハズのものでも、 |
Most conversations at the Senri Shrine, even ones meant to just convey a short and simple fact, | |
文門「とにかくだ!」 |
Fumikado: "ANYWAY!" | |
そして往々にして、このように誰かが強引に話を元の軌道に戻す様子がまま見られる。 |
And at times, one could be seen thus dragging the conversation back to its original purpose. | |
文門「話はしといたからな! お前らも身の安全を望むなら、 |
Fumikado: "Don't say we didn't warn you! If you value your safety too, | |
その後、二言三言ばかり別れ際にお互いに憎まれ口たたいてようやく、 |
After the two parties traded a handful of parting insults with each other, | |
| |
だが、それと入れ替わりにまた来客があった。 |
However, their departure was punctuated by yet another guest. | |
黒巫鳥「どうした、浮かない顔をしてるじゃないか?」 |
Kuroji: "What's wrong? Pretty long faces you've got there." | |
縁側に座っているその来客は、背が平均より低めな玄鳥よりさらに一回り小さな身長であったが、 |
This new visitor sitting out on the veranda was a whole size shorter than Tsubakura, who was already | |
玄鳥「・・・・・」 |
Tsubakura: "........" | |
『鵐 黒巫鳥(しとど くろじ)』は藪雨と玄鳥の外界での知り合いで、 |
Kuroji Shitodo was an acquaintance that Yabusame and Tsubakura knew from the outside world, | |
玄鳥「なぁ、こういうの諺でなんて言うと思う?」 |
Tsubakura: "This reminds me of that one saying. How'd it go again?" | |
玄鳥の視線の先には、赤い髪をして片腕を押さえながらにやけている人物と、 |
Tsubakura's line of sight pointed towards a smirking, red-haired figure holding one arm, | |
黒巫鳥「そうだ、頬赤がちょっと負傷してな、お前なら治せるだろ? |
Kuroji: "Yeah. Hooaka got roughed up a bit. You can patch them up, right? | |
『鵐 頬赤(しとど ほおあか)』と『鵐 蒿雀(しとど あおじ)』は黒巫鳥と血縁関係にあり、 |
Hooaka Shitodo and Aoji Shitodo were Kuroji's blood relatives. | |
玄鳥は頬赤の怪我の度合いをチラリと見て、一瞬真剣な顔つきになったが、すぐに元の三白眼に戻った。 |
Tsubakura took a glance at Hooaka's injuries. Their expression turned serious for just an instant, but their usual bored look immediately returned. | |
玄鳥「・・・・右腕、肘から先が失くなっただけか、その程度ならすぐ治るだろう、こっちについて来い」 |
Tsubakura: "...You're just missing your right arm from the elbow down? I can fix that in no time. C'mon over this way." | |
痛みに慣れているのか、冷や汗を流してはいるものの表情は柔らかいままの頬赤は、 |
Perhaps having gotten used to the pain, Hooaka's expression was still soft despite their cold sweat. | |
二人が神社内に入っていくのを見送りながら、藪雨は驚いた顔を残りの鵐二人に向けた。 |
While watching the two of them disappear into the shrine, Yabusame turned to the remaining two Shitodos with a look of astonishment. | |
藪雨「頬赤がやられるなんて、すっごい強い奴だったんだね!?」 |
Yabusame: "If Hooaka got hurt that bad, whoever it was must've been SUPER strong, right?!" | |
黒巫鳥はあからさまに何かを隠しているが、『藪雨はバカ』なのでそんなことすら気がつかなかった。 |
Kuroji was obviously hiding something, but "Yabusame was a moron," so they didn't even notice that fact. | |
黒巫鳥「相変わらず仕事が早いな」 |
Kuroji: "You work as fast as ever." | |
蒿雀が頬赤に容態を聞くと、ぎこちない動きをしながら頬赤は答えた。 |
As Aoji asked them about their condition, Hooaka answered while moving around awkwardly. | |
頬赤「オレ、ホオアカ、モウダイジョウブ」 |
Hooaka: "ME. HOOAKA. ME. ALL. BETTER. NOW." | |
この頬赤は本物なのか偽者なのか、玄鳥の場合どちらの可能性もありえる。 |
'It's Tsubakura we're dealing with, so it's equally plausible that this Hooaka could be real or a fake.' | |
黒巫鳥「まぁとりあえず礼を言っておこう、こいつが使えないと色々不便だからな」 |
Kuroji: "Well, I ought to at least thank you. It'd be pretty inconvenient for us if Hooaka wasn't of any use." | |
サラッととんでもないことを言う悪徳神主に対して、極悪党の黒巫鳥は特に驚きもせずに答えた。 |
The crooked priest flippantly said something absolutely absurd, but master scoundrel Kuroji responded with hardly any surprise. | |
黒巫鳥「治療代の代わりに、それ相応の情報をやろう」 |
Kuroji: "In place of the medical fee, I'll give you some equivalent information." | |
玄鳥は信じていないようだった。 |
Tsubakura hardly believed them. | |
だが、この人間が素直に金を払うはずがないことも理解していたため、 |
However, they already understood that Kuroji would never honestly pay money, | |
『大空の器に酒を注ぎ入れ、ちゃちな思想にプライドをブレンドした時、天が鏡を割るだろう』 |
"When sake is poured into the vessel of the skies, and cheap ideas and pride are blended in, Heaven shall surely split the mirror." | |
藪雨「なに、それ?」 |
Yabusame: "What the heck's that?" | |
そんな交渉と呼べるのか分からない話を済ますと、 |
As they finished this negotiation-- though whether one could even call it that | |
黒巫鳥「ところで、キミが闡裡神社の式神か・・・初見となるな」 |
Kuroji: "So, by the way, you're the Senri Shrine's shikigami...? First time we've met." | |
薄ら笑いを浮かべながらも、怒りの眼差しでこちらを見つめるジンベイから、 |
A thin smile drifted across Jinbei's face, but their eyes showed absolute fury. | |
黒巫鳥「・・・・何の話だか」 |
Kuroji: "...What ever could you mean?" | |
話を逸らしたいのか、黒巫鳥は急に話題を玄鳥にふった。 |
Kuroji hurriedly passed the ball to Tsubakura, probably wanting to change the topic. | |
玄鳥「ケチじゃなくて、超々ドレッドノート級のケチだ」 |
Tsubakura: "They're not stingy. They're super hyper dreadnought-class stingy." | |
その言葉を軽く聞き流した黒巫鳥は、さてと、っと言って立ち上がった。 |
"Well then," Kuroji said as they stood up, paying little heed to Jinbei's words. | |
黒巫鳥「それじゃあ、これ以上ここにいる理由もなさそうだし、そろそろ行くとする」 |
Kuroji: "I suppose there's not much reason for us to hang around any longer, so why don't we take our leave?" | |
そうそう、っと黒巫鳥はポケットから小銭を少しだけ取り出し、縁側に向かって放り投げた。 |
"Oh yes, that's right," Kuroji said as they took out some change from their pocket and tossed it toward the veranda. | |
黒巫鳥「流石に全く払わないというのも寝起きが悪いからな、コレだけは払ってやる」 |
Kuroji: "I'd hardly be able to sleep soundly if I didn't pay anything, so help yourself to this much." | |
団子1つも買えそうにないことは、直接見なくても、縁側で跳ねる小銭の音だけで判断できた。 |
Even without looking at the coins, one could tell from the sound of them clattering on the wood that they wouldn't buy even a single dango. | |
黒巫鳥「これで貸し借りなしだな」 |
Kuroji: "And with that, we'll call it even." | |
玄鳥の反論を無視して黒巫鳥は、それじゃあな、っと頬赤と蒿雀を連れて帰ってしまった。 |
Ignoring Tsubakura's retort, Kuroji turned with a brief "well, see you," and left with Hooaka and Aoji in tow. | |
―――異変に気がついたのは藪雨だった。 |
---Yabusame was the first to notice the anomaly. | |
藪雨「ねーねー、ツバ~ これすっごいよー」 |
Yabusame: "Hey, hey, Tsuba~! Come look, this is so cool!" | |
何かを発見した藪雨は玄鳥に話しかけた。 |
It seemed that Yabusame had discovered something. | |
先ほど黒巫鳥が放り投げた小銭・・・・・それら全てが裏も表も出さずに『立っていた』のだ。 |
The change that Kuroji had tossed a second ago... every single coin was standing on its edge, not landing on either heads nor tails. | |
あいつ、くだらねぇ隠し芸を身につけたなぁ・・・ |
Wow, they sure picked up some lame party trick... | |
っと、消極的にだが黒巫鳥を賞賛した。 |
...half-heartedly praising Kuroji. | |
―――だが、その光景を誰よりも驚いて見ていたのはジンベイだった。 |
---However, the one who was most surprised by this sight was Jinbei. | |
そしてジンベイが驚いている理由は、他の二人とは違っていた。 |
And Jinbei was surprised for a far different reason than the other two. | |
ジンベイ「そうですか・・・そろそろ頃合だとは思ってましたが・・・・」 |
Jinbei: "I see... I did think it'd be about time..." | |
そう呟きながら、ジンベイは音も立てずに神社の中へ消えて言った。 |
As Jinbei muttered to themself, they disappeared into the depths of the shrine without a sound. | |
| |
~●---闡裡神社、参道にて---●~ |
~---At the Senri Shrine Road---~ | |
闡裡神社からの帰り道、鵐一家はこれからのことについて話していた。 |
On their way back from the shrine, the Shitodo family discussed what to do next. | |
頬赤「っで、これからどこに行く? 黒じぃ」 |
Hooaka: "So, where are we goin' now? Kuro-jii." | |
その言葉に、蒿雀は意外そうな顔をしていた。 |
Aoji seemed somewhat surprised at Kuroji's words. | |
蒿雀「えっ? けど今日は危険だから遠出はしないんじゃなかったの?」 |
Aoji: "Huh? But I thought we weren't gonna go out very far because it's dangerous today?" | |
蒿雀が"あいつ"っという人称代名詞を使ったとき、黒巫鳥、頬赤両名の顔が少し曇った。 |
Kuroji and Hooaka's expressions both clouded, for they knew exactly who Aoji was referring to. | |
黒巫鳥「まぁ"奴"は玄鳥が動けばそっちに釣られるだろう」 |
Kuroji: "Well, if Tsubakura makes any move, they'll be lured over that way." | |
不安かつ心配する蒿雀をよそに、黒巫鳥は自分の話を進めた。 |
Kuroji continued their own line of conversation, regardless of Aoji's unease. | |
黒巫鳥「どちらにせよ、奴と再び鉢合うようなことがないように警戒しつつ、宝をもらう」 |
Kuroji: "Regardless, we'll just head out to get that treasure while making sure not to run into them again." | |
黒巫鳥の自己正当化が本気でないことは十分に理解しつつも、蒿雀は言わずにはいられなかった。 |
While they understood that Kuroji wasn't honestly trying to justify their actions, Aoji couldn't help but comment. | |
蒿雀「絶対違う」 |
Aoji: "You've definitely got that wrong." | |
| |
~●---再び闡裡神社、境内にて---●~ |
~---Back at the Senri Shrine grounds---~ | |
玄鳥「『立つ鳥跡を濁さず』って言うが・・・ありゃ絶対嘘だな」 |
Tsubakura: "They say 'no bird fouls a nest it soon leaves'... but that's totally bogus, right." | |
本気で言っているのか分からないが、玄鳥は相変わらずやる気のない顔をしていた。 |
While one couldn't tell if they were being serious, Tsubakura's expression was as bored as usual. | |
シオン「シオンちゃんとうじょー!」 |
突然後頭部に重い物体が飛びかかってきて、危うく吹っ飛ばされそうになった玄鳥だったが、 |
Tsubakura was nearly sent flying as something heavy slammed into the back of their head, | |
玄鳥「・・・・・なんでお前が神社の奥から出てきてるんだ?」 |
Tsubakura: "...Why'd you come flying out from the back the shrine?" | |
二人から『シオン』と呼ばれているこの子供は、以前起きた異変が原因で生まれた魂の融合体で、 |
The child that the two called "Shion" was a conglomerate of souls created in a previous incident. | |
ジンベイ「私が封印を緩めました」 |
Jinbei: "I loosened their seal." | |
玄鳥の帽子にしがみつくシオンの体重を首だけ支えながら、玄鳥は何とか体勢を元にもどした。 |
While using their head to support the entire weight of Shion, who was clinging to their hat, Tsubakura somehow managed to straighten back up. | |
ジンベイ「今回はできれば大勢で行ったほうがいいでしょう、ですのでシオンさんも是非」 |
Jinbei: "Right now, it'd be best to travel in large groups if possible, so please take Shion-san along if you please." | |
頭の上でシオンがゆらゆらと揺れる度にそれに追従して頭がゆらゆら揺らされている玄鳥が反論した。 |
Tsubakura argued back, waving their head back and forth in time with Shion floating overhead. | |
藪雨「シオンちゃんは外に出たがってるもんね~?」 |
Yabusame: "Shion-chan must want to go outside too, right~?" | |
やさぐれている玄鳥を横目に、ジンベイは境内の空を見回しながらぼやいた |
As they cast an aside glance at the sulking Tsubakura, Jinbei looked up at the sky over the grounds and murmured something. | |
ジンベイ「それと・・・どうやら厄介なことになってるみたいですので、それを何とかお願いします」 |
Jinbei: "In addition... it seems that something rather dangerous is going on, so I'd like you to do something about it." | |
なんていい加減な指示を出すんだこのガキは・・・・・ |
Ugh, god, can this kid's directions get any more vague...? | |
玄鳥「シオンも使うってことは、神社を空けるほど大げさなことってわけなのかデス?」 |
Tsubakura: "And may I be so bold as to presume that since Shion's coming with us, whatever's happening is important enough to justify leaving the shrine empty?" | |
闡裡神社神主、戦地に向かってようやくの出陣であった。 |
And so the priests of the Senri Shrine finally depart for the battlefield. | |
| |
~●---闡裡神社、とある場所にて---●~ |
~---A particular spot at the Senri Shrine---~ | |
宿禰「しかし、どうやって仕返ししてやろうかにゃー、 |
Sukune "But jusht how should we get back at them, nyah? | |
『片埜 宿禰(かたの すくね)』に『乞骸 セセ(きつがい せせ)』 |
Sukune Katano and Sese Kitsugai. This pair of youkai was currently hiding somewhere | |
宿禰「背後だってダメだったじゃにゃいかー」 |
Sukune: "Yeah, but tryin' to ambush'em from the back didn't work either!" | |
セセの発言に宿禰は首をひねった。 |
Sukune tilted their head at Sese's remark. | |
宿禰「そんぎゃー料理対決でもするってのかぢぇ~? 腕にゃー自身があるんだぎゃのー」 |
Sukune: "Ooh, then how's about we challenge 'em to a cook-off~? I'm real proud of my skills, gyah!" | |
解決策が見つからないまま、妖怪二人は身を隠しながらくすぶっているようだった。 |
The two youkai continued fuming in hiding, unable to find a solution for the time being. | |
| |
~●---闡裡神社、縁側にて---●~ |
~---At the Senri Shrine veranda---~ | |
しばらくして・・・闡裡神社には再び、新しい来客があった。 |
Some time passed... and a new visitor again came to the shrine. | |
天堺「ん~なんだ~? あの二人は留守かい? |
Tenkai: "Mm~? What's this? Those two are out right now? | |
『瑞風 天堺(ずいふぉん てんかい)』は先代神主の『闡裡 鶴喰(せんり つるばみ)』の片腕であった。 |
Tenkai Zuifeng was the right-hand man of the previous head priest, Tsurubami Senri. | |
ジンベイ「・・・おや~、久しぶりですね天堺の糞ガキ、相変わらず結界の扱いが下手糞だと聞いてますよぉ」 |
Jinbei: "...Oh my, if it isn't that brat Tenkai! It's been a while. I hear that you've been handling the barriers as crappily as ever~." | |
天堺を確認するなり、縁側に座っていたジンベイは悪っぽい顔でニヤけた。 |
Jinbei, sitting on the veranda, grinned mischievously as they registered Tenkai's presence. | |
天堺「初手での毒舌、相変わらず惚れ惚れするねぇ、闡裡ってのはいつもこうだ」 |
Tenkai: "Venom right off the bat! As charming as ever, I must say. That's Senri for you." | |
―――天堺がここで言葉を途切らせたのは、視界の中に異変があったからだった。 |
---Tenkai broke off their sentence, as they had noticed something strange in their field of view. | |
その光と"目が合った"とき、その光が何者かの『目』であることがわかった。 |
They realized that those lights were somebody's eyes right as they made eye contact. | |
セセ「天堺だー!!」 |
Sese: "IT'S TENKAAAI!!" | |
影の正体だった二人は、勢いを殺さぬまま天堺の両腕にそれぞれしがみ付いた。 |
The two of them clung to Tenkai's arms, not slowing down in the slightest. | |
天堺「うぉっぷ!」 |
Tenkai: "WAUGH!" | |
不意をつかれた結界師は、ニュートンの運動方程式に従って二人と一緒に後方に吹き飛んだ。 |
Obeying Newton's equation of motion, the surprised barrier builder flew backwards with the two youkai. | |
天堺「ちょ、ちょっと、なぁんなんだぁぁぁあ!!?」 |
Tenkai: "Hey, HEY, WOAH, WHY ARE YOOOOU---?!?" | |
天堺の疑問の叫び声に対する返答は「お前強い、手伝え」「手伝うにゃ」 |
Tenkai's desperately shouting was only answered with nonsensical cries | |
―――かくして、神社から引きずり出されていく天堺を遠方に見遣りながら、 |
---Thus did Jinbei watch from the shrine as Tenkai was dragged far away. | |
ふと、すぐ先の地面に目をやると、紙に包まれた箱が一つぽつんと落ちていた。 |
They then glanced at the ground right in front of them, where a single paper-wrapped box was sitting. | |
ジンベイはジトっとそれを見ながら口からこぼれるように |
Jinbei stared at the box, and muttered: | |
「いつからここは保育園になったんでしょーかね」 |
"Just when, exactly, did this shrine turn into a nursery school?" | |
っと呟いた。 |
---under their breath. | |
そしてジンベイは不敵な笑みを浮かべていた。 |
Then they grinned, audaciously. | |
| |
ここまでが、あの時の出来事のプロローグってとこかな |
---So. I guess that about wraps up the prologue to all the stuff that happened then? | |
"あいつ"は『今回も玄鳥様の活躍を記せるのね♪』 |
They said, "Looks like I've got another opportunity to record Tsubakura-sama's exploits! ♪"... | |
な~んて言ってたけど、それも殺すときの楽しみを増やすためなんだろうね |
...But I figure that's just to make it more fun when they get around to killing 'em. | |
.....いい性格してるよ、ほんとに |
...They have really got a stellar personality, don't they. |
Notes[edit | edit source]
References[edit | edit source]
- ↑ Interview with JynX (2017): Development and Design Decisions, Question 101