Brilliant Pagoda or Haze Castle/Story/Secret Team's Neutral Scenario
< | Haze Route | Story | Brilliant Route | > |
You should see the following dialogue in-game whenever you stay on the current route (taking the middle route) or are about to switch back to an already-visited route. Otherwise, you will encounter one of the Haze or Brilliant route bosses, depending on the route you are entering.
For stages 1-5, Neutral route bosses are picked at random. On the 6th stage, each boss can be reliably found on a specific cell, and some bosses can appear randomly on cell 6:0. See remarks about specific bosses for more details.
Stage 1[edit | edit source]
Kurohebi[edit | edit source]
闡裡神社参道 |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
そういえばあの子はちゃんとここに辿り着いてるかしら? |
...Oh yeah, I wonder if that kid managed to make it here? |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
あの子・・・? |
That kid...? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
ほら・・・・あの子よ・・・・・ |
You know... them... |
??? |
いっ・・・・あんたは・・・ |
Geh... you're... |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あーーーーーっっら!! 偶然ねぇーーー! |
Oh me, oh myyyyy!! What a coincidenceee! |
Kurohebi ENTERS | ||
??? |
白々しい・・・どうせ狙って遭遇したんだろ? |
You really have no shame... You planned for this encounter, didn't you? |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
なんだ、こいつのことだったのか |
Oh, you were talking about them? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
烏蛇ちゃん、仕事のほうはどぉ? |
Kurohebi-chan, how's work going? |
得手勝手な影 |
Strong-Willed Shadow | |
Kurohebi |
別に・・・特に進展はないけど |
Meh... There hasn't been much progress. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あら! いけないわねぇ~ |
Oh my? That's noooo good! |
Kurohebi |
俺に玄鳥を殺せるわけないだろ |
There's no way Tsubakura would be killed by me. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
それは実力的な問題? |
Is it a matter of strength? |
Kurohebi |
・・・・・・・・・・ |
... |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
相変わらず悪趣味だな、お前 |
You're as vulgar as always. |
Kurohebi |
あんたにはもう従いたくない |
I don't want to obey you anymore. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あら、親に向かって随分な口をきくじゃない |
Goodness! The impertinence you show to your parent... |
Kurohebi |
俺の親は玄鳥だ |
Tsubakura is my parent. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
そうね |
That's right! |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
語弊がある言い方だな |
There's something a bit off about that... |
Kurohebi |
うるへー! あんたからの支配から脱却してやるぜ! |
Shut up! I'm gonna free myself from your control! |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
世話のかかる子ねぇ~ |
You're such a troublesome child~. |
Kurohebi |
鳥肌マックス |
You seriously freak me out. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あー、ひっどーい |
Ah, how mean! |
Kurohebi |
ここに来てから随分鍛えられたからな! |
I've trained even harder since coming here! |
Kurohebi DEFEATED | ||
Kurohebi |
勝ってませーんでした~ |
I couldn't win in the end... |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
今日のところはこのへんでお・し・ま・い♪ |
Well, let's just leave things here for today. ♪ |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
こいつの能力は色々と便利だからな |
Their abilities are pretty useful, too. |
Kurohebi |
いやだなー |
I really don't want to... |
Jun Amanomiya[edit | edit source]
闡裡神社参道 |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
はぁ~あ |
Ha~aah. |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
どうした? |
What's up? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
こうも同じことを繰り返してるとノイローゼになりそうだわ |
If I keep doing the same things over and over, I'm gonna have a nervous breakdown! |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
お前はワイヤーのような太い神経してるから安心しとけ |
Your nerves are thick like wires, so don't worry. |
??? |
なんじゃおぬしは? |
Hm? Who are you? |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
あ? |
Huh? |
Jun Amanomiya ENTERS | ||
??? |
一人でブツブツと・・・・怪しい奴じゃの |
Grumbling t'yourself... how suspicious. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
えー、ひっどーい 全然怪しくなんてないわよ? |
Hey, that's mean! How am I the least bit suspicious? |
進退両難あまがっぱ |
Raincoat between a Rock and a Hard Place | |
Jun |
あぁ、すまんの |
Oh, my apologies. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
こんなご時世って? |
The circumstances...? |
Jun |
知らんのかい? いま都の連中が攻めてきとるんじゃよ |
You don't know? The Capital troops are attackin'. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
へぇぇぇぇーーー!??? |
Eeeehhhhh???! |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
お前、演技上手いはずだろ・・・・・? |
Um, weren't you supposed to be good at acting...? |
Jun |
やっぱりなんか妙な奴じゃな・・・ |
Yer as odd as I thought, after all... |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
そんなことより死なない? |
Rather than worrying about that, can't you just die? |
Jun |
は? |
Huh? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
だーかーらー、いい加減目障りなのよ |
I meeeaaan, you're just a total eyesore! |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
お前、ちょっと情緒不安定すぎないか? |
Aren't your emotions a bit too unstable? |
Jun |
や、やっぱり妙なやつだったみたいじゃの |
Y-yer a freak after all! |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あー、もう みんなうるさいわね~ |
Oh, I've had it! Everyone shut up! |
Jun |
まぁ、わちも死にたくないからの、抵抗はさせてもらうよ |
Well, I dun' wanna die. Allow me to put up a fight. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
無駄なことしないのー♪ |
Don't bother with something so pointless! ♪ |
Jun Amanomiya DEFEATED | ||
Suzumi (Hamee) |
はーい終わり~♪ |
Yaaaay! It's over~! ♪ |
Jun |
うっ・・・・なんなんじゃおぬしは・・・ |
Ugh... What are you...? |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
言っておくが、息の根を止めるのは無しだからな |
Look, we can't actually kill them, you know. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
えー? ダメなの~? |
Huh? We caaaan't? |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
お前・・・やっぱり狂ってるよな |
You... really are crazy, aren't you? |
Stage 2[edit | edit source]
Aoji Shitodo[edit | edit source]
迷えずの森 or 闡裡神社参道 or 戦線となる川 |
The Unlost Woods or Senri Shrine Road or The Frontline River | |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
それにしても、役者がそろったって感じよね |
I'm starting to feel like we've assembled our whole cast. |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
なにがだ? |
Our what now? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
この无現里に迷い込んだメンバーよ |
All the members lost here in Mugenri. |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
・・・・まぁそうかな |
....Yeah, I guess. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
玄鳥様と藪雨ちゃんはもちろんとして、 |
Tsubakura-sama and Yabusame-chan, naturally, |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
あいつらはなにかと絡んでくるよな |
They'll always come together, one way or another. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
鳥の名を持つのだから当たり前じゃない? |
They all bear Bird's Names, after all. So isn't it natural? |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
あいつらも侮れないからな、用心しとかなきゃな |
Don't belittle them too much, now. Keep your guard up. |
??? |
うっ・・・・あなたは・・・・ |
Y...You're.... |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あら~? 噂をすればじゃない~ |
Ooh~? Speak of the devil~. |
Aoji Shitodo ENTERS | ||
??? |
雀巳・・・・さん |
Suzumi...san... |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
"さん"だなんて、そんな他人行儀な言い方やめてよ~ |
My, you don't have to be so formal with your old pal~! |
意志薄弱な末っ子 |
Weak-Willed Youngest Child | |
Aoji |
・・・・あなたのこと、もう信じちゃいけないんですか? |
....I can't trust you anymore, right? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
純真ね~、そんなんだからイジメたくなっちゃうのよ |
You're so pure~. It makes me wanna bully you so bad! |
Aoji |
・・・・・もうあなたが敵だというなら、 |
....If you mean to say that you're an enemy, |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あら、素敵な瞳♪ |
Such lovely eyes. ♪ |
Aoji |
うぅ・・・・・なんかやりづらい・・・ |
Ugh, I don't know how to deal with this.... |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
けぇどぉ~、残りの鵐がいない貴方なんて、 |
What's the point of you dealing with me |
Aoji |
はい? |
What? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あなたは鵐の"おまけ"ってことなのよ♪ |
You're the extra Shitodo, after all. ♪ |
Aoji |
・・・・・・・僕がシロやクロやアカのおまけだって? |
......You're saying I'm just deadweight for Shiro, Kuro, and Aka? |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
おまえってほんと悪趣味だけど、 |
For someone with no tact, |
Aoji |
僕は・・・・足手まといなんかじゃない |
I'm.... I'm not a burden! |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
素敵ね~、やっぱり好きよ~ |
What a cutie~. |
Aoji |
僕一人でもおまえぐらい倒せる! |
I can take you on my own! |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
いいよ、おいで・・・・・、殺してあげる♪ |
Yes, come to me.... |
Aoji Shitodo DEFEATED | ||
Aoji |
勝てないよぉ・・・・ |
I couldn't take you after all.... |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あぁ~、気持ちいいぃ~ |
Aaaahh~, oh yeahhh~. |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
ほら、さっさと先にいくぞ |
Alright, let's keep moving. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
少しは余韻に浸らせてよね~? |
Let me stay just a bit longer in the afterglow~. |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
付き合ってられっか |
Who is this, your date? |
Shou Amanomori[edit | edit source]
迷えずの森 or 闡裡神社参道 or 戦線となる川 |
The Unlost Woods or Senri Shrine Road or The Frontline River | |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
え~ |
Hmm~. |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
なんだよ |
What is it? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
このルートってことは、またアレ~? |
Why are we going this way again~? |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
お前って、軟体動物とか嫌いだよな |
Because you hate molluscs. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
だって、ヌルヌルして気持ち悪いじゃない~ |
I can't stand how slimy they are~! |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
烏蛇だって蛇でヌルヌルズルズルだぞ? |
But isn't Kurohebi a slimy snake? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
蛇は別よ |
Snakes are different! |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
はぁ・・・? 僕にはよくわからん |
Uh huh...? I don't get it. |
??? |
お前ーっ! |
Hey you! |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
はぁ・・・始まったわ・・・ |
Ah... Here we go again... |
Shou Amanomori ENTERS | ||
??? |
潤に悪いことしたのはお前か! |
You did something terrible to Jun, didn't you!? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
そうかもしれないわね |
Maybe, maybe not. |
歩く潤滑剤 |
Walking Lubricant | |
Shou |
ゆるさん! |
I won't forgive you! |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
じゃあ死んで |
Then die. |
Shou |
は? い、いや・・・ |
Huh? Hey, wait... |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
さっさと終わらせちゃうわね |
I'll make it quick. |
Shou Amanomori DEFEATED | ||
Shou |
あぅ・・・あっという間にやられた・・・・ |
Haah... That was over so fast... |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あー、つまんない |
Aww, so boring. |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
お前って興味の無いものに対してはどこまでも冷酷だな |
You're so harsh towards things you're uninterested in. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
普通そういうものでしょ? |
Aren't we all like that? |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
・・・・度合ってものがあるだろ |
...To a certain extent. |
Tsugumi Umatachi[edit | edit source]
迷えずの森 or 闡裡神社参道 or 戦線となる川 |
The Unlost Woods or Senri Shrine Road or The Frontline River | |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
鳥の名って・・・ |
So these Bird's Names... |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
うん? |
Yeah? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
結局のところどういう意味なの? |
What do they actually mean? |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
何度その説明をすればいいんだよ・・・・ |
Why do I keep having to explain this to you...? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
だって覚えられないわよ~ |
Because I can't remember~! |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
お前は玄鳥に関係する事以外に興味がなさすぎるんだよ |
You don't care about anything that isn't related to Tsubakura. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あら、鳥の名は玄鳥様に関係ありありじゃない |
Ah, but isn't Tsubakura-sama related to the Bird's Names? |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
だから、お前は玄鳥を破滅させることに関係あることしか |
So what you're saying is, |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あたり~♪ |
Bingo~! |
??? |
なんやお前、ひとりでぶつくさと・・・ |
What're you mumblin' to yourself about? |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
ほら、噂をすれば、鳥の名が来たぞ |
Well, would you look at that? Here's one now. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あらー? |
Ooh? |
Tsugumi Umatachi ENTERS | ||
??? |
なんや、気持ち悪い喋り方するやっちゃな |
The way you talk gives me the creeps. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
えーっ? ひーどーいー |
Ehh? You're horrible! |
義者張る南瓜のアウリガ |
Honest-Acting Pumpkin Auriga | |
Tsugumi |
うっさい、黙れボケェ |
Shut it, dumbass. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あなたも口が悪いわね~ |
You have a sharp tongue too~. |
Tsugumi |
生まれ持った口の悪さや |
I was born with a bad mouth. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
私の知り合いにも口の悪い人がいるけど、 |
My partner also has a bad mouth, |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
なんせそいつは吐瀉物と産業廃棄物をブレンドして |
They live their life like a concentrated |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
おい |
Watch it. |
Tsugumi |
余計なお世話や・・・ ところでお前さんなにもんや? |
It ain't any of my business... So what're you doin' anyway? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
オシャレでしょ~? 都ではイマい服装なのよ~♪ |
Because I'm so fashionable~? These are what's trendy in the Capital~! ♪ |
Tsugumi |
はぁーん、都の人だったのかい |
I see, so you're from the Capital, then? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あぁ・・・・・・死ね |
Ahh... Die. |
Tsugumi |
あぁん? |
Pardon? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
今すぐ死ね |
Time to die. |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
発作が酷すぎないか? 巻き戻しすぎたか・・・? |
What's with this violent outburst? Is it the result of too much rewinding...? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
いいから死ね |
Just die already! |
Tsugumi |
な、なんなんやお前・・・・、頭おかしいんちゃうか? |
Wh-what the hell? Are you out of your damn mind? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あ~、もー・・・・・面倒くさいけど弾幕事してあげるわ |
Ahh, fiiineee... It's a pain, but let's fight with danmaku. |
Tsugumi |
なんや、やるんかい? 別にワシは構わんで |
What, you wanna go? Well, I don't really mind. |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
一応言っておくが、こいつはマジで殺すなよ? |
Do I need to remind you again? Don't kill them. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
しーらなーい♪ |
Whaateveer! ♪ |
Tsugumi Umatachi DEFEATED | ||
Suzumi (Hamee) |
えぇー、もう終わりぃ~? |
Eeh, is it already over~? |
Tsugumi |
お前・・・手加減ってもんを知らんのな・・・ |
You... really don't know how to hold back... |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
いい加減にしろって、こっちはお前の娯楽に |
Enough carelessness. I'm not here with you |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
む~ |
Aww~. |
Tsugumi |
あんたみたいなやつが无現里にいるとは、信じられんな |
Hard to believe there are people like you in Mugenri. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
そりゃそうよ、なんせ私達は无現里を・・・・・ |
But of course, at any rate, what we've done to Mugenri.....[a] |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
おっと、そこまでだぞ |
Hey, that's enough. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
えー |
Fine. |
Stage 3[edit | edit source]
Lumen Celeritas[edit | edit source]
前哨陣地 or 迷えずの森 or 闡裡神社参道 or 戦線となる川 or 夢幻堤防 |
The Outpost Base Camp or The Unlost Woods or Senri Shrine Road or The Frontline River or The Fantasy Seawall | |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
はぁ・・・・ |
Unhhh... |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
なんだよ? |
What's up? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あのさぁ~、なんで毎度毎度違う場所に行くのよ~? |
Why do we keep going to different places all the time~? |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
この騒乱の全体像を把握するためだよ |
We need the big picture |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あなたって物事の全てを掌握しておかないと |
You really can't let a single thing go~. |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
うっさいなー 闡裡に対抗するためには |
Shut it. We're gonna need all the info we can get |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
そんなことしなくても玄鳥様なら |
Tsubakura-sama's gonna roll over nicely |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
あいつは自殺願望なんてないだろ・・・ |
I wouldn't say they have a suicide wish... |
??? |
闇の気配ぴっかーん! |
I spy a glint of darkneeeeess! |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
なんか突然出たわ |
That's a sudden entrance. |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
『三光』の一人だ |
That's one of the Three Lights. |
Lumen Celeritas ENTERS | ||
無頓着に収束する恩光 |
Carelessly Converging Ray of Sunshine | |
Lumen |
君の中に闇を見出したぞ! キラーン! |
I spy darkness within you! *glint* |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
なかなか鋭いわね |
Ain't you a sharp one. |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
アホになっても偉人であることには変わりないんだな |
A moron of a hero is still a hero. |
Lumen |
哀れな子羊たちよー、僕が浄化してあげよう |
Let me cleanse you, o stray lambs. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
この人いつもこんな感じね |
They've always been like this. |
Lumen |
君の闇に、光あれ! |
Let there be light unto the darkness within you! |
Lumen Celeritas DEFEATED | ||
Lumen |
ぴっぴかちゃ~ |
Whizz, tink~! |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
この人と戦う必要ってあったの? |
Did we really have to fight this one? |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
・・・・さぁ? |
...Did we? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あなた、未来を知ろうとしてるんだから |
Look, you're trying to learn about the future, |
Sese Kitsugai[edit | edit source]
前哨陣地 or 迷えずの森 or 闡裡神社参道 or 戦線となる川 or 夢幻堤防 |
The Outpost Base Camp or The Unlost Woods or Senri Shrine Road or The Frontline River or The Fantasy Seawall | |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
前の異変、骨っ子ちゃんが強くなってたわよね |
Oh yeah, didn't Boney grow stronger during the previous incident? |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
そーだなー |
They sure did. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あれからどうなったのかしらね? |
What happened after that? |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
吸い込んだ魂が抜けて、また少し弱くなったみたいだな |
From what I understand, the souls they absorbed escaped, and they became weak again. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
じゃあもっと魂を吸わせればどんどん強くなるのかしら? |
Then, if they keep sucking up souls, they'll become stronger? |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
・・・そういう利用方法はアリだな |
I guess that would work... |
??? |
ボボボーーン! |
Taaa-daaa! |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
それじゃあ捕まえておく? |
Shall we catch some, then? |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
またいつかな |
Some other time. |
Sese Kitsugai ENTERS | ||
??? |
おいー! |
Heey! |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
もう何度も見せられたからね |
You don't even know how many times I've seen it. |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
さすがに飽きたな |
Of course we're tired of it. |
自分探し中の骸 |
A Corpse in Search of Themself | |
Sese |
なんだよそれー |
How can that be? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
いいのよ、あなたは何も知らなくて♪ |
Don't worry about it. It's nothing you'd understand. ♪ |
Sese |
はぁー? |
Huh? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
それよりもっとおかしな事があるんじゃない? |
But isn't there something else you should be asking? |
Sese |
んー・・・・あっ! お前誰だー!? |
Uhh.... Oh yeah! Who are you!? |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
『デジャヴ』を消したのか |
Did you remove their "déjà vu"? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
いちおうね♪ |
Pretty much. ♪ |
Sese |
んー、なんだろ、初めて会った気がしなかったのになぁ~ |
Hmm, why does Sese feel like this isn't the first time Sese's met you? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あら、まだ完全には消せてなかったのね |
Whoopsie, looks like it's not completely gone yet. |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
やっぱりこの骨もなかなか侮れないな |
For a pile of bones, they're actually quite something. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
潜在能力が高いのかしら? |
I wonder how much potential they really have? |
Sese |
まーいい! お前もセセの特訓相手にしてやる! |
Okay! |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あら、私は高いわよ~? |
Oh my, do you not know how strong I am~? |
Sese |
おいくらだー!? |
How strong!? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あなたの頑張り次第ね♪ |
That depends on your own effort. ♪ |
Sese |
よ~し、頑張るぞー! |
Alright, Sese'll give it Sese's all! |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
せいぜい死なないように気を付けてね |
The best you can hope for is to not get killed. |
Sese Kitsugai DEFEATED | ||
Sese |
うぎゃー・・・・ |
Uugh... |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
遊んでないで、もう行くぞー |
Enough messing around. We're leaving. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あら、これからが楽しいところなのに |
Aww, but I want to have my fun. |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
むやみに殺すなっていつも言ってるだろ・・・ |
I keep having to tell you to not kill indiscriminately... |
Fujiwara no Iyozane[edit | edit source]
前哨陣地 or 迷えずの森 or 闡裡神社参道 or 戦線となる川 or 夢幻堤防 |
The Outpost Base Camp or The Unlost Woods or Senri Shrine Road or The Frontline River or The Fantasy Seawall | |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
~~~♪ |
~~~♪ |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
鼻歌なんて歌ってると、気色悪いぞ |
Your humming's as sickening as your singing. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あなた、いつか乙女心に殴り殺されるわよ? |
Is shooting down all you do |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
へいへい・・・・っで、なんでそんな上機嫌なんだ? |
Yeah yeah. ...So what's with the high spirits? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
だってなかなか面白い子を見つけたからね♪ |
I found a real interesting mark this time. ♪ |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
数奇な生涯の記憶に潜るの好きだもんな、お前 |
You really like going through these sob story memories. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
だって面白いじゃない~♪ |
They're interesting~. ♪ |
??? |
おや、こんなところに人ですか |
To see people here... |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
いらっしゃ~い♪ |
Come iiin~. ♪ |
Fujiwara no Iyozane ENTERS | ||
??? |
え? どういうことですか? |
Huh? What kind of greeting is that? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あなたは私と出会う運命だったのよ~♪ |
We were fated to meet, you and I~. ♪ |
時代錯誤の野心家 |
Anachronistic Ambitious Person | |
Iyozane |
う・・・・なんですか? 美人局ですか? |
Wait, what? ....Am I being set up here? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
酷いこと言うわね・・・ |
You wound me so... |
Iyozane |
なんか気味の悪い人ですね・・・ |
What a creepy person... |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
死んだ人間がこうして生きて歩いてる事のほうが |
Isn't it creepier for a dead person to |
Iyozane |
!? どうしてそれを知ってるんですか? |
!? How do you know that? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
貴方のことなら何でも知ってるわよ~♪ |
I know aaaaall about you~. ♪ |
Iyozane |
・・・・・ |
...... |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
可哀そうよね~、やっと死んで自由になったのに |
Poor thing~. Just when you thought you'd find |
Iyozane |
別に・・・今はけっこう楽しく暮らしてるんで |
Not really... I'm having a pretty good life now. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
私がまた自由にして あ・げ・る♪ |
I'll set. You. Free. Again. ♪ |
Iyozane |
間に合ってるんで、けっこうです |
No thanks, I'm good. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
遠慮しなくていいのよ~♪ |
Don't resist~. ♪ |
Iyozane |
いぃ・・・・ 退いてくれそうにない・・・ |
You're not gonna back off on this, are you... |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
おいっ、こいつは殺すなよ、特にな |
Remember, this one in particular |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
聞こえな~い♪ |
I caaan't heeear yoooou~. ♪ |
Fujiwara no Iyozane DEFEATED | ||
Suzumi (Ardey) |
話を聞けっ! |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
もーっ、うるさいわね~ |
Aww, just shut up already~. |
Iyozane |
しぬー |
I'm gonna diiie! |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
逝っちゃえ♪ 逝っちゃえ♪ |
Pass on. ♪ Pass on. ♪ |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
言うこと聞かないともう巻き戻してやらんぞ |
You keep playing deaf and I'm rewinding on the spot. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
えぇ~? なんでよ~? |
Eeh~? But why~? |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
僕は自分の知らない歴史を作りたくないんだよ |
I don't wanna make history we don't know ourselves. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
む~ あなたって、わがままね |
Waaah~. You're so selfish. |
Iyozane |
ひぇ・・・また死ぬとこだった・・・・ |
Eek... I thought I was gonna die again... |
Stage 4[edit | edit source]
Hooaka Shitodo[edit | edit source]
召喚城郭 or 前哨陣地 or 迷えずの森 or 闡裡神社参道 or 戦線となる川 or 夢幻堤防 or 幽暗海橋 |
The Summonsing Fortress or The Outpost Base Camp or The Unlost Woods or Senri Shrine Road (far) or The Frontline River or The Fantasy Seawall or The Gloomy Sea Bridge | |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
・・・そういえばあいつの腕、大丈夫だったかな |
...Hey, do you think their arm is okay? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あら、あなたが他人の心配をするなんて |
Oh my, you're worried about someone else? |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
斬りおとしたのはお前だからな |
It's 'cause you're the one who cut it off. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
斬ったんじゃないわよ~♪ |
I didn't cut it off~! ♪ |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
どっちにしろ同じだろ |
Same difference. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
どうせ玄鳥様がなんとかしてくれるわよ~♪ |
I'm sure Tsubakura-sama's going to do something about it~! ♪ |
??? |
うげっ、やっば・・・・ |
Ugh, thought so... |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あら~、奇遇ね~ |
Oh my, what a coincidence~! |
Hooaka Shitodo ENTERS | ||
??? |
偶然とは思わんがね |
I really don't think this is a coincidence. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
アカちゃん、腕は大丈夫みたいね |
Looks like your arm is doing better, Aka-chan. |
頭寒足熱で熱暴走 |
Cool-Headed Hot-Heeled Thermal Runaway | |
Hooaka |
おかげさまでな |
Thanks to you, |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
焼いて食べたらおいしそうね♪ |
I bet it'd taste good baked~! ♪ |
Hooaka |
あいにく一人分しかないんでな、おすそ分けは無理だぜ |
Sorry, but there's only enough for one person, so I can't share with you. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
もう一度腕の存在を忘れさせてあげれば |
Maybe if I make you forget about your arm's existence again, |
Hooaka |
同じ技は二度とは喰らわんぜ? |
Do you really think I'll fall for the same trick twice? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
それじゃあ別の方法を考えなきゃね♪ |
Then I guess I'll just have to think of something else. ♪ |
Hooaka |
お前さぁ・・・・・ |
So you... |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
さぁね♪ けど、あなたも似たようなものじゃない? |
Pretty much. ♪ But aren't you similar? |
Hooaka |
! |
! |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
一つの体の中に対の精神、対の力 |
Did you really think no one would notice |
Hooaka |
・・・・・ |
..... |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
私だけじゃないわよ? 玄鳥様やクロちゃん・・・・ |
I'm not the only one who knows, alright? Tsubakura-sama and Kuro-chan know too... |
Hooaka |
ま、やっぱりそうだよなー |
Eh, I guess so. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あら? 意外と反応が薄いわね? |
Oh? That reaction was surprisingly dull. |
Hooaka |
なんとなくそうだと思ってたしな |
Somehow, I thought that might be the case. |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
おい、巻き戻せるからって遊びすぎだぞ |
Hey, just cause I can rewind doesn't mean you can goof off so much. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
むー、なんかつまらないわねぇ~ |
Aww, but that's so boring~! |
Hooaka |
俺はつまらない人間なんでね |
That's because I'm a boring person. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
まちなさーいよー こっから楽しくなるんでしょ? |
Why not stay a minute? We'll have a good time together, won't we? |
Hooaka |
・・・やっぱりクロじぃと一緒に行動するべきだったか |
...Guess I should have gone with Kuro-jii after all. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
迂闊ねぇ~ |
So careless~. |
Hooaka |
年増の言うことは素直に聞くもんだな |
Next time, I'll obediently listen to my elders. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あなたは私より先に身内に殺されるかもね |
Your older sibling is probably going to kill you before I do. |
Hooaka |
まぁいいや、どうせやるならできる限り足掻いてやるぜ! |
Okay then, in that case, I'll struggle as hard as I can! |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
今度は腕一本じゃ済まないかもしれないわね♪ |
This time, I might not stop at just one arm. ♪ |
Hooaka Shitodo DEFEATED | ||
Suzumi (Hamee) |
ん~、素敵ね~ |
How wonderful~! |
Hooaka |
こりゃ勝てそうにないな トホホだぜ |
I couldn't win. Too bad, so sad. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
安心して、今日はこの辺で勘弁してあげる♪ |
Don't worry, I'm going to let you off the hook for now. ♪ |
Hooaka |
マジでー? ラッキー! |
Really? Lucky me! |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
? お前にしてはずいぶんと冷静だな |
? I'm amazed you managed to keep your cool. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
だって・・・楽しみは後にとっておいたほうがいいでしょ? |
After all... Isn't it better to save some fun for later? |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
僕は先に食べる派なんで知らんよ |
I'm the type of person who eats without waiting for others, so I wouldn't know. |
Hibaru Kokutenshi[edit | edit source]
召喚城郭 or 前哨陣地 or 迷えずの森 or 闡裡神社参道 or 戦線となる川 or 夢幻堤防 or 幽暗海橋 |
The Summonsing Fortress or The Outpost Base Camp or The Unlost Woods or Senri Shrine Road (far) or The Frontline River or The Fantasy Seawall or The Gloomy Sea Bridge | |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
気になる子がいるのよね |
Y'know, someone caught my attention. |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
なんだ急に? |
Why so suddenly? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
鳥の名なのに素性がわからないのよね~ |
Because they're a Bird's Name whose |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
あぁ、あいつか・・・ |
Oh, them... |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
こうなったら当人から直接聞き出すしかないのかしら? |
Guess we have no choice but to get it from them directly, then? |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
そうなるとここのルールは役に立つな |
The rules here are good for situations like this. |
??? |
おややのや? こんなとこに人間ですかー? |
My, my, my? A human here of all places? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
それじゃあさっそく遊んであげましょ♪ |
Then I guess I'll just have to play with them again. ♪ |
Hibaru Kokutenshi ENTERS | ||
陽気な取立て屋 |
Cheerful Debt Collector | |
Hibaru |
おっとっと? 何故か突然身の危険? |
Whoops? Did I accidentally put myself in danger? |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
やるのはいいが、負けるなよ? |
Go ahead, but make sure you don't lose, okay? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
私が負けると思うの? |
You really think I'd lose? |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
単に未知なる奴を相手取りたくないだけだよ |
I'd just rather not take on someone unknown, that's all. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あなたって・・・・ビビリよね |
You're.... a wimp, now aren't you? |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
殴っぞ |
I'm gonna punch you. |
Hibaru |
ひとりでブツブツ・・・真面目に危ないヒトですね・・・ |
Murmuring to yourself... You're a seriously dangerous person... |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
お待たせしちゃってごめんなさいね♪ |
Sorry to make you wait. ♪ |
Hibaru |
待ってませんよぉ~ 早く帰りたいですよ~ |
I wasn't waiting~. I wish to go home soon~. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
帰る前に、あなたの過去について色々と教えて♪ |
Before you go, tell me all about your past. ♪ |
Hibaru |
・・・そういうことでしたら |
...If that's what you want, |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
やっぱり・・・あなた、気になるわ |
I knew it... I had a good reason to be interested in you. |
Hibaru |
他人から興味をもたれるなんて久しぶりですが |
It's been a while since someone was interested in me, |
Hibaru Kokutenshi DEFEATED | ||
Suzumi (Hamee) |
・・・・・・ |
...... |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
・・・・・・・・・・ |
......... |
Hibaru |
はぁ・・・ |
*pant* |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
これは・・・・ |
This is... |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
思ったより大きな収穫だったな |
A better harvest than I'd imagined. |
Hibaru |
みんなには内緒ですからね~? |
You'll keep this a secret from everyone, yes~? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
安心して、こう見えても私は情報屋なの♪ |
Worry not. I'm an informant, looks be damned. ♪ |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
必要とあらば誰かに売るけどな |
'til it gets sold off when needed. |
Hibaru |
まぁ、その情報は『貸して』おきますよ |
Anyhow, I'm merely "lending" you this information. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
ごめんなさいね、それは無理なのよ♪ |
Apologies, but that's not happening. ♪ |
Hibaru |
あまり私をなめないほうがいいですよ? |
Are you sure you should be belittling me so? |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
覚えてたらの話だがな |
You talk like you're gonna remember any of this. |
Adagumo no Saragimaru[edit | edit source]
召喚城郭 or 前哨陣地 or 迷えずの森 or 闡裡神社参道 or 戦線となる川 or 夢幻堤防 or 幽暗海橋 |
The Summonsing Fortress or The Outpost Base Camp or The Unlost Woods or Senri Shrine Road (far) or The Frontline River or The Fantasy Seawall or The Gloomy Sea Bridge | |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
ところでお前、蛇は大丈夫なのか? |
Just wondering, you don't mind snakes? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
大好きよ~♪ |
I love 'em~. ♪ |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
けどお前ぬるぬる嫌いじゃなかったか? |
But I thought you hated slimy things? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
蛇ちゃんはズルズルだからいいのよ~♪ |
Snakeys are slithery, so they're fine~. ♪ |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
・・・・・相変わらずよくわかんないやつだよな、おまえ |
.....Typical of you to not make any sense. |
??? |
! |
! |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あら、そこにいるのは誰かしら~? |
My, I wonder who's there~? |
Adagumo no Saragimaru ENTERS | ||
??? |
うっ・・・・・あ、よかった・・・・ |
Uwah..... Oh, thank goodness.... |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
クロちゃんじゃなくて安心した? |
Are you relieved it's not Kuro-chan? |
最後の瞳 |
Final Eye | |
Saragimaru |
く、クロちゃん? |
K-Kuro-chan? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
黒巫鳥ちゃんのことよ♪ |
I'm talking about Kuroji-chan. ♪ |
Saragimaru |
いっ! なんであいつの事を知ってるんだ!? |
! Why do you know about them? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
なんでかしらね~♪ |
I wonder why~. ♪ |
Saragimaru |
お前も・・・あいつの仲間なのか? |
Are you... also one of their friends? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
仲間・・・そう呼ばれてたこともあったわねぇ |
Friend of theirs... I guess they might've called me that once. |
Saragimaru |
はぁぁぁ、やっとあいつの下から逃げられたのに |
Ughhh, even though I just escaped from being their slave. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
落ち込まなくていいのよ? |
No need to be so down, y'know? |
Saragimaru |
ほんとか!? |
Really!? |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
こいつも苦労してるな |
They're also going through hard times, huh. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
その代わり、貴方のこと、色々と教えて♪ |
In exchange, tell me all about you. ♪ |
Saragimaru |
? 僕のことを? |
? About me? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
ううん、言葉じゃ伝わないことって、あるでしょ? |
Not tell. There are things you can't convey by words, aren't there? |
Saragimaru |
んー? どういうことだい? |
Hm? What do you mean? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あなたとは身体で語り合いたいわ♪ |
I want our bodies to do the talking. ♪ |
Saragimaru |
えっ! ちょっ、いきなりそんなこと言われても・・・ |
Eh? Th-that's a bit sudden... |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
まぁ生きた身体である必要はないけどね♪ |
Well, I don't necessarily need a living body, though. ♪ |
Saragimaru |
いいっ!? そういう趣味の方? |
Huh!? You have tastes like that? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あなたの力、私に見せてみてね♪ |
Your power. Show it to me. ♪ |
Adagumo no Saragimaru DEFEATED | ||
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あなたがサラギマルちゃんだったのね |
You're Saragimaru-chan, right? |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
気が付いてなかったのかよ |
You didn't notice? |
Saragimaru |
うぅ・・・酷い |
Ughh... How awful. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
ごめんなさいね、今度はもっと優しく苛めてあげる♪ |
I'm sorry, I'll bully you more kindly next time. ♪ |
Stage 5[edit | edit source]
Kuroji Shitodo[edit | edit source]
蜻蛉乃城 or 召喚城郭 or 前哨陣地 or 迷えずの森 or 闡裡神社参道 or 戦線となる川 or 夢幻堤防 or 幽暗海橋 or デーヴァナガラ |
The Dragonfly Castle or The Summonsing Fortress or The Outpost Base Camp or The Unlost Woods or Senri Shrine Road (far) or The Frontline River or The Fantasy Seawall or The Gloomy Sea Bridge or Devanagara | |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
鵐の子たちってさ |
Hey, so, the Shitodo kids... |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
あん? |
Yeah? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
なんでみんな頭いいのかしらね? |
How come they're all smart? |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
頬赤はバカだぞ |
Hooaka's an idiot. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
アカちゃんもバカってほどでもないじゃないー |
Even Aka-chan isn't dumb enough to be an idiot. |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
まぁ血筋なんじゃないか? |
Ah, well, they're all related, aren't they? |
??? |
! |
! |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あら、怖がらなくていいのよ~ 出てきなさい♪ |
Oh my, there's no need to be afraid~! Won’t you please come out? ♪ |
Kuroji Shitodo ENTERS | ||
??? |
ちっ、私も焼きが回ったな |
Tch, I'm losing my edge. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
悪運尽きたの間違いじゃなくて? |
Running out of luck isn't really a mistake, you know? |
曖昧で紙一重な考古学者 |
Ambiguously Paper-thin Archaeologist | |
Kuroji |
そうとも言うな、否定はせんよ |
I wouldn't say that. I don't like to deny my mistakes. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あら、ずいぶんと潔いじゃない? |
Well aren't you oh-so-noble? |
Kuroji |
悪あがきをするのは性に合わないんでね |
I'm not in the business of putting up pointless struggles, that's all. |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
どうせ隙をうかがってるだけだ、油断はするなよ |
They're just looking for an opportunity. Don't get careless. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
わかってるわよぉ クロちゃんは賢いからね~ |
I know, I know. Kuro-chan's so smart, after all~. |
Kuroji |
・・・・もう一人と喋ってるのか? |
...Are you talking to someone else? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あら~ 鋭いわね |
Oh my, so sharp~. |
Kuroji |
それを教えたらその部分の記憶を消すつもりなんだろ? |
If I told you, you'd just erase that part of my memories, right? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
うふふ、賢明ね~ 頭のいい人は好きよ♪ |
Aha, how smart~. I just love people with a good head on their shoulders. ♪ |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
消せたら今こうして苦労してないんだけどな |
If only we erased it, then we wouldn't have to go through all this hassle. |
Kuroji |
それにしてもお前・・・ |
Anyway... |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
私が素直に教えると思うの? |
You really think I'm about to just roll over and tell you? |
Kuroji |
試しに聞いてみただけさ |
It was worth a shot. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
知りたかったら、ここのルールを利用してみるといいわよ♪ |
If you really wanna know, why don't you put the rules of this place to good use? ♪ |
Kuroji |
・・・・どうせ戦わなきゃいけないのなら |
...I guess if I have to fight you, |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
知った仲だからね、サービスで手加減してあげるわよ♪ |
Since we know each other, I'll do you the service of going easy on you! ♪ |
Kuroji |
そいつはありがたいね |
I appreciate that. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
セット価格でも高くつくわよ♪ |
Seems even the base price is too expensive for you! ♪ |
Kuroji Shitodo DEFEATED | ||
Kuroji |
ちっ、こんなところか |
Tch, why did it have to come to this? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
そういえばあなたも妙な能力を身につけちゃったわよね |
Oh that's right, you also received some kind of strange ability. |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
たぶん无現里に来た影響だろうな |
It could be an effect of coming to Mugenri. |
Kuroji |
あんまり役に立たない能力だがな |
It's really not that useful. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あら、能ある鷹は爪を隠すってやつね |
Ah, but don't they say a skilled hawk hides its talons? |
Kuroji |
・・・・・ |
..... |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
ま、本気でやりあうのはまた今度にしましょ♪ |
Whatever, just make sure you're prepared for next time! ♪ |
Kuroji |
そりゃ助かるよ |
Guess I'm safe for now. |
Sukune Katano[edit | edit source]
蜻蛉乃城 or 召喚城郭 or 前哨陣地 or 迷えずの森 or 闡裡神社参道 or 戦線となる川 or 夢幻堤防 or 幽暗海橋 or デーヴァナガラ |
The Dragonfly Castle or The Summonsing Fortress or The Outpost Base Camp or The Unlost Woods or Senri Shrine Road (far) or The Frontline River or The Fantasy Seawall or The Gloomy Sea Bridge or Devanagara | |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
そういえば、今回特筆すべき人物って誰だったかしら? |
So, who's important this time around? |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
もう忘れたのかよ・・・ |
Did you already forget...? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
玄鳥さまと藪雨ちゃんはいつも通りでしょ? |
Tsubakura-sama and Yabusame-chan as usual, right? |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
あとは両陣営の親玉、 |
After that comes the two factions' bosses, |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
多いわね それ全部見るつもり? |
That's a lot. You plan to see'em all? |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
これだけ大規模な騒ぎだ、色々見ておきたいんだよ |
I want to see all kinds of things during such a large-scale uproar. |
??? |
だぎゃ? おみゃーさんは・・・・ |
Hmm, gyah? You are... |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あらハニワちゃん、ご無沙汰ね |
Oh my, it's everyone's favorite haniwa! It's been a while. |
Sukune Katano ENTERS | ||
??? |
え・・・っと、どこのハニワ様でございましたっきゃ? |
Em... Uh, whatcha mean, "it's been a while", kyah? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あ、忘れさせてたの忘れてたわ |
Oh, I forgot I made 'em forget. |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
アホか |
Idiot. |
無垢なる天才埴輪 |
Pure and Genius Haniwa | |
Sukune |
あんた誰だぎゃ~? |
Who are ya~? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
私はしがない情報屋よ♪ |
I am but an informant. ♪ |
Sukune |
そうだったにゃか~ |
Is that so, nyah~? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
でしょうね |
Right? |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
ちなみにこいつも特筆すべき人物だ |
By the way, this one is also quite important. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
そうなの? 意外ね |
Really? What a surprise. |
Sukune |
なにがだぎゃ? |
What is it, gyah? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あ、いや、なんでもないのよ♪ |
Oh... No, it's nothing. ♪ |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
どうした? お前にしてはたどたどしいな |
What's wrong? You're faltering. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
言ったでしょ、子供は苦手なの |
I told you, I'm bad with kids. |
Sukune |
ぼくぁ子供じゃないだぎゃよ! |
I'm not a kid, gyah! |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あぁ・・・そう |
Huh... Sure. |
Sukune |
信じてない顔してるちゃー! |
You don't look like you believe me, cha! |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
子供であることと実力があることとは |
I kinda feel like there's no correlation |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
私、こういう子が特に苦手よ |
I'm especially bad with children like this. |
Sukune |
ニューハニーワアタックを見せちゃるー! |
I'll show you my New Haniwa Attack! |
Sukune Katano DEFEATED | ||
Sukune |
負けぷー |
I lost, puu. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
っで、なんでこんな子が特筆されるの? |
So, why's this kid so important again? |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
こいつは重要人物と繋がりが多いんだ |
They're connected to a lot of key figures. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
・・・それだけ? |
...Is that it? |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
意外とそういうやつは後々成長するんだよ |
They might unexpectedly end up growing in importance in the future. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あっそ・・・なんか興味ないわ |
That so...? I don't really care. |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
お前は愛想ってものがないよな |
You're not amiable at all, huh? |
Taira no Fumikado[edit | edit source]
蜻蛉乃城 or 召喚城郭 or 前哨陣地 or 迷えずの森 or 闡裡神社参道 or 戦線となる川 or 夢幻堤防 or 幽暗海橋 or デーヴァナガラ |
The Dragonfly Castle or The Summonsing Fortress or The Outpost Base Camp or The Unlost Woods or Senri Shrine Road (far) or The Frontline River or The Fantasy Seawall or The Gloomy Sea Bridge or Devanagara | |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
今回の蜻蛉軍の長って、新皇を自称してるんでしょ? |
The current leader of the Dragonfly Army is calling themself the New Emperor, right? |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
そうみたいだな |
It would seem so. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
それじゃあ新皇もどきちゃんはどうなっちゃうのかしらね? |
Then I wonder what our little self-proclaimed New Emperor is gonna do? |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
本当に新皇が現れたのなら従うしかないだろうな |
If the real New Emperor showed up, they'd prolly just have to submit. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あの子が素直に従うかしら? |
You think they would really just meekly obey? |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
・・・無理だろうな、だって・・・・ |
...Not a chance. Still... |
??? |
! 何者だ! |
! Who goes there?! |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
あいつ馬鹿だし |
They are an idiot. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
そうよね~ |
Yeah~. |
Taira no Fumikado ENTERS | ||
??? |
な、なんだ、その哀れんだ目は・・・? |
W-what's with those pitying eyes...? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
いや、なんかかわいそうだと思って・・・ |
Oh, I was just thinking of something pathetic... |
新帝の盃 |
The Vessel for the New Emperor | |
Fumikado |
初対面の相手に哀れまれた・・・ |
Looking down on someone on your first meeting... |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あら? 初対面じゃないわよ? |
Hm? But we've met before, haven't we? |
Fumikado |
ん? そういえばどこかで見たことあるような顔だな |
Now that you mention it... |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
うふふ~♪ |
Ehehe~. ♪ |
Fumikado |
・・・・・いや、気のせいみたいだ |
...No, I must be imagining things. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
ちょっと~酷くない~? |
Isn't that juu~ust a bit too harsh~? |
Fumikado |
貴様・・・知り合いを装い、私に近づこうとするとは・・・・ |
What are you up to, approaching me |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
やっぱりあなた、バカよね |
You really aren't the sharpest tool in the shed. |
Fumikado |
部下のみならず、他人にまで見下されるとはな・・・ |
Ridiculed not only by my servants, but outsiders, too... |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
部下に馬鹿にされてる時点でダメだろ |
You should have noticed once your servants ridiculed you. |
Fumikado |
ここは私の威厳を示すためにも、 |
This calls for a display of my majesty! |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
この人おもしろいヒトね |
This gift just keeps on giving. |
Fumikado |
っというわけで・・・不運だったな! そこのお前! |
And so... Fortune favors you not, crossing me! |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
まぁ別に戦うのはいいんだけど~ |
Eh, might as well fight a little~. |
Fumikado |
いざ! 参るぞ! |
Come! Brace yourself! |
Taira no Fumikado DEFEATED | ||
Suzumi (Hamee) |
まぁこうなるわよね |
And that's that. |
Fumikado |
ぐぐぐ・・・・ |
Gh... |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
部下が見てなくてよかったわね |
Good thing your servants weren't around to see this. |
Fumikado |
思い出したぞ! |
I remember now! |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
うん? |
Hm? |
Fumikado |
・・・・・情報屋だ! |
.....You're the informant! |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
当たりだけど・・・遅いわ |
Bingo. |
Fumikado |
喋り方が違ったからさ・・・・ ごめん |
You spoke rather differently... My apologies. |
Stage 6[edit | edit source]
Yabusame Houlen[edit | edit source]
Yabusame can be encountered on cells 6:-2 and 6:-3, or as one of random bosses on cell 6:0 if Suzumi is yet to be unlocked.
闡裡神社参道 or 夢幻堤防 or 幽暗海橋 or デーヴァナガラ |
Senri Shrine Road (far) or The Summonsing Fortress or The Outpost Base Camp | |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あのさ |
Hey. |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
ん? |
Yeah? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
なんでー、巻き戻し前はヒトを殺しちゃだめなのよ? |
Just wondering, how come we can't kill people before we rewind? |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
何度も言うが、『デジャヴ』が問題になるんだよ |
Like I've already told you a thousand times, the issue is "déjà vu". |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
なんだったかしら? それ |
What ever could that be? |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
お前、ちょっと忘れっぽすぎじゃ・・・ |
Aren't you a bit too forgetful...? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
ちょっとー なんか失礼じゃない? |
Hey! Isn't that kinda rude? |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
・・・・・巻き戻しをすると、 |
...Occasionally when rewinding there will be someone |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あ~、それを『デジャヴ』って言うのね |
Oh! So that's "déjà vu" then. |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
そのとき、自身が死んだという記憶があると |
That person then senses a huge discrepancy between |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
そうなると精神に深刻なダメージを負う可能性があるんだ |
If this happens, their mind may sustain serious damage. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
ふぅ~ん、でもそんなこと私達には関係ないじゃない |
Hmm, but I still don't see how that's our problem. |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
アホ、歴史が元の通りに辿られないと |
If we don't follow the course of history exactly as it happened, |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
へぇー・・・ |
Huh... |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
歴史を巻き戻せるということは、未来を知るのと同じこと |
Our ability to rewind history essentially allows us to know the future. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あら~・・・・・ |
I see... |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
これが終わったらしばらく動けなくなるから |
Once this is over, we won't be able to act for a while, |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
そぉ・・・・・・・・・・ |
That's true... |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
あのな・・・・誰のために説明してると思ってんだ? |
Hey... For whose sake do you think I’m explaining all this? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
どっかの誰かのためでしょ? |
For someone somewhere, I guess? |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
そう、どっかの誰かさんのためだ |
Indeed, for someone somewhere. |
??? |
あーーっ! いたいたー! |
Ahh! It's you, it's you! |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あら・・・・ちょっと面倒なことになりそうね |
Oh my... This will be some trouble. |
Yabusame Houlen ENTERS | ||
??? |
雀巳だー |
It's Suzumi! |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
藪雨は・・・・マズい・・・ |
Yabusame is... problematic... |
天衣無縫の能天気 |
Flawless Thoughtlessness | |
Yabusame |
だーれーがー、なーにーがー、マズいのー?? |
Problematic?? Whooo iiis, whaaat iiis? |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
そういうところがだ |
This is exactly what I mean. |
Yabusame |
むー ツバは雀巳のことのほうが厄介だと思ってるよ |
Mmmm, Tsuba thinks that you're the more problematic one though. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あら♪ 玄鳥様が♪ 私を?♪ |
Oh my! ♪ Tsubakura-sama... ♪ thinks of me? ♪ |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
なんで嬉しそうなんだよ |
Why do you seem so happy about that? |
Yabusame |
だからね、ここで雀巳を捕まえておこうと思ってるの |
That's why I'm thinking I should capture you right here, Suzumi. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あら 藪雨ちゃんが 私を? |
Oh my! Yabusame-chan's gonna... capture me? |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
んー、こいつは面倒だな |
Hmm, they really are troublesome. |
Yabusame |
うっひっひっひ~♪ |
Hee hee hee! ♪ |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
こいつは巻き戻しも効かないし、 |
Rewinding doesn't work on them, |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
ところで・・・・藪雨ちゃんは殺したらどうなるのかしらね? |
By the way... What would happen if we killed them? |
Yabusame |
わぁお 怖いこと言ってるー |
Wow! You just said something scary! |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
んー、巻き戻しが効かない以上、 |
Hm, since rewinding doesn't work, |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あっは♪ 完璧じゃない♪ |
Aha! ♪ Isn't that perfect? ♪ |
Yabusame |
ひぇ~ 相変わらずなんか怖いね、雀巳は |
Eek! You're as scary as ever, Suzumi. |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
おい、分かってると思うが・・・ |
Hey, I'm sure you already know what I'm going to say, but... |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
はいはい、藪雨ちゃんはメインディッシュだからね・・・ |
I know, I know, Yabusame-chan is a part of the main course, after all... |
Yabusame |
痛いのもやだよー |
No pain, please! |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
大丈夫よ♪ 痛くしないから♪ |
It'll be fine. ♪ It won't hurt one bit. ♪ |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
痛くしないように痛い目にあわせるってか・・・ |
A painless painful experience, huh... |
Yabusame |
いいよーだ! |
Bring it! |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
痛いのも好きよ♪ |
I don't mind being on the receiving end! ♪ |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
僕の体でもあるんだから、傷つけるなよ |
It's my body too, so don't get injured! |
Yabusame |
あくとーせいばいっ! あくりょーたいさんっ! |
Punishing evildoers! Expelling evil spirits! |
Yabusame Houlen DEFEATED | ||
If player has or has not continued | ||
Tsubakura Enraku[edit | edit source]
Tsubakura can be encountered on cells 6:2 and 6:3, or as one of random bosses on cell 6:0 if Suzumi is yet to be unlocked.
闡裡神社参道 or 夢幻堤防 or 幽暗海橋 or デーヴァナガラ |
Senri Shrine Road (far) or The Fantasy Seawall or The Gloomy Sea Bridge | |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あぁ~ 玄鳥さまぁ~ |
Aah~, Tsubakura-samaaa~... |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
なんだよ気持ち悪い |
What's with you? You're grossing me out here. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
玄鳥さまをどうしてやろうか想像してたの♪ |
Just thinking of all the things I'd do to them. ♪ |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
玄鳥はいずれ僕が絶対殺す |
I'll definitely kill Tsubakura one day. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
ダメよぉ、玄鳥様を殺すのは私なの♪ |
That's not happening. Tsubakura-sama's mine to kill. ♪ |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
早いもの勝ちだな |
First come, first served. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
それもダーメ♪ 玄鳥様は早く殺しちゃダメなの |
That's no good either. ♪ You can't just let them die off right away. |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
? じゃあどうするつもりだ? |
Huh? So what are you gonna do, then? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
まずね、どん底につき落してから希望を全て消し去って |
Start with crushing all their hopes and dreams, |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
なんとかして寿命も延ばしてあげてね |
Somehow extend their lifespan, |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
そうすると玄鳥様のことだから、いずれ立ち直ると思うけど |
And just when things would look up, |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
仕上げに今までの絶望を失くすほどの希望を |
And in the very end, for a teeny weeny moment, |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
っで、そこでやっと殺してあげるの♪ |
And then, finally, end it all. ♪ |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
・・・・・お前病気だな |
......You're demented, you know that? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
もぉ! 真面目な話してるんだからキチンと聞いてよ! |
Hey! I'm seriously baring my heart here, so listen up! |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
真面目だったのか・・・ |
Seriously, huh... |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
私はいつだって真面目よ? |
When am I ever not serious? |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
とにかく、そんな時間がかかるのは却下だ |
In any case, your overly long and elaborate plan is rejected. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
え~? 一生懸命考えた計画なのに~ |
Eeh~? But this is my precious, |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
お前は今回の作戦だけ考えてればいいんだよ |
You just focus on the here and now. |
??? |
はぁ・・・・ やっぱり、いやがったか |
Ugh... So it's YOU. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あんっ♪ その声は~♪ |
Aaah, ♪ that voice~... ♪ |
Tsubakura Enraku ENTERS | ||
??? |
なんとなくそんな気がしてたんだよな |
I had a feeling this would be the case... |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
玄鳥様ぁ~♪ 会いたかったわぁ~♪ |
Tsubakura-samaaa~! ♪ I wanted to see you so much~! ♪ |
酒嚢飯袋な単彩 |
Loafing Monochrome | |
Tsubakura |
近づくな 殺すぞ |
Back off or you're dead. |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
本当に殺されるだろうからな、気をつけろよ |
We could actually die here, watch it. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
いけずね~♪ |
You tease me so~. ♪ |
Tsubakura |
お前・・・よく俺の前に姿を見せられたな |
Some nerve you got, showin' yourself to me. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
え~? |
Eeh~? |
Tsubakura |
俺は視界にも入れたくないけどな |
And I don't want you anywhere near my line of sight. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
それにしても最近の玄鳥様・・・・・いつもより元気そうね |
You do look a whole lot... livelier than you usually do. |
Tsubakura |
今朝、ヨーグルトを食べたからな |
Yeah, I had yogurt this morning. |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
墨を混ぜたやつをな |
With ink, you'd think. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
なんか楽しそうなのよねぇ・・・・ ここに来てから |
You've been having a good time..... Ever since you came here, that is. |
Tsubakura |
まぁ、色々と楽になったからな |
Well, a whole lotta stuff got a whole lot simpler here. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
ダメね、玄鳥様らしくないわ |
But no, that doesn't fit you at all. |
Tsubakura |
あん? |
Hm? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
玄鳥様はいつも悩みを抱え、不満を抱え、矛盾を抱え |
You're always so troubled, so displeased, so conflicted. |
Tsubakura |
酷ぇイメージだな |
Rough image of me you got there. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
そんな玄鳥様が堕落していく様・・・・ |
Tsubakura-sama falling into depravity like this... |
Tsubakura |
見たくなければ見るな |
You're free to not look, then. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
だから、せめて死だけでも、私が綺麗に飾ってあげる♪ |
So, I'm going to at least make you prettier in death. ♪ |
Tsubakura |
MAXでノーサンキューだ |
Absolutely no, thank you, very, very much. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
汚い言葉も、その美しい肺と喉と口を経て放たれた |
Even the filthiest words drip sweet honey, |
Tsubakura |
・・・殺したいのはお互い様なようだし |
The will to kill's mutual, then. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
焦っちゃダーメ♪ |
You caaan't finish so fast. ♪ |
Tsubakura |
お前は土の味でも楽しんでろ |
You can feel the flavor in the dirt while the worms savor you. |
Tsubakura Enraku DEFEATED | ||
If player has or has not continued | ||
Clause[edit | edit source]
Clause can be encountered on cell 6:-4, or as one of random bosses on cell 6:0 if Suzumi is yet to be unlocked.
蜻蛉乃城 or 闡裡神社参道 |
The Dragonfly Castle or Senri Shrine Road (far) | |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
それにしてもみんな争ってるわね~ |
At any rate, everyone's really going at it, huh~? |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
相互不信の記憶を植え付けてやったからね |
That's because we planted memories of mutual distrust in them. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
具体的な記憶じゃないから、 |
It's not a concrete memory, |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
当人ですら気が付かないレベルの小さな不安感、焦燥感 |
A small sense of unease and anxiety that the people in question won't be able to notice. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
だからここの連中は戦闘狂が多いのね~ |
That's why there are so many combat maniacs in the lot here~. |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
まぁ、もともと弾幕事が好きな奴らばっかりだしな |
Well, they all liked danmaku to begin with, |
??? |
なるほどな、この『騒ぎ』は君の『仕業』だったのか |
I see, so this "uproar" was your "doing"? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あらあら・・・ |
My, my... |
Clause ENTERS | ||
??? |
久しぶりだね・・・雀巳 |
It has been a while... Suzumi. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あなた、なかなか元気そうじゃない |
You seem quite well. |
(全略) |
(Title omitted) | |
Clause |
おかげさまでね、僕ほどの『能力者』なら |
Thank you. "Something like that" is not enough to kill |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
・・・玄鳥さまはあなたことを知っているの? |
...Does Tsubakura-sama know about you? |
Clause |
君が『質問』をするなど、解せないな |
You ask "questions", yet I understand not why. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
・・・・・言っておくけど、玄鳥様は私のものだからね? |
.....I'll just say it now. Tsubakura-sama is mine, do you understand? |
Clause |
玄鳥になんて『興味』はないさ |
I do not hold "interest" in people such as Tsubakura. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
身の程をわきまえたほうがいいわよ? |
You should bear your own standing in mind, you know. |
Clause |
随分と『生意気』な口を利くようだが、この僕が |
You speak quite "brazenly", |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
!! |
!! |
Clause |
くっ・・・・くっはっはっはっはぁぁ・・・・ |
Ku....Kuhahahahaah.... |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
こいつ・・・どこまで知ってる? |
They... How much do they know? |
Clause |
『この僕』がむざむざと『君達』にやられると思ってるとは |
To think that "you lot" believe that "I, Clause" can be defeated easily. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
こいつ、どうしてやりましょ? |
How should we deal with them? |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
今は消せない |
Can't erase 'em now. |
Clause |
『今』、『この僕』を殺すことはできないのだろう? |
You cannot kill "me, Clause," "at the moment", correct? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
むかつくわねぇ・・・・少し痛い目にあわせちゃいましょ♪ |
How annoying.... How about we show them a bit of pain? ♪ |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
まぁ、痛めつけるぐらいならいいだろ |
Well, I guess it's fine if it's just pain. |
Clause |
くっはっはっは!! それもまたいい! |
Kuhahaha!! That, too, is fine! |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
こいつ、いつか殺すわ |
I'll kill them someday. |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
今はおさえろよ |
Just restrain yourself for now. |
Clause |
せっかくだから見せてあげよう、『ここ』にきて『目覚めた』 |
Bear witness to the "true power" of "mine" |
Clause DEFEATED | ||
If player has or has not continued | ||
Adagumo no Yaorochi[edit | edit source]
Yaorochi can be encountered only on cell 6:-1.
とある儀式場 |
A Certain Ritual Site | |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
それにしてもここは見たことのある顔が随分と多いのね~ |
Really though, there sure are a lotta familiar faces 'round here~. |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
『同祖体』って奴だね |
Those would be "homeologues," yeah.[b] |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
同祖体ねぇ・・・ |
Homeologues... |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
簡単に言えばそうなるな |
Put simply enough, yes. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
たとえば? |
Like what? |
??? |
そこにいるのは誰だ!? |
Who goes there?! |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
ほら、あれが良い例えだ |
See, now here's a good example. |
Adagumo no Yaorochi ENTERS | ||
??? |
なに・・・? 何を言っている? |
What...? What are you saying? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あらまぁ、これまた見たことある顔ね |
Ooh, now here's another familiar face. |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
この世界でも名前を『ヤオロチ』というらしい |
Seems like their name's still "Yaorochi", even in this world. |
大蛇の末裔 |
Descendant of Orochi | |
Yaorochi |
! 俺の名前を知っているのか・・・? |
! You know who I am...? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
じゃあサラギマルちゃんもいるのかしら? |
Does that mean Saragimaru-chan's somewhere around here, too? |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
お前、忘れたのか・・・? |
You forgot already...? |
Yaorochi |
貴様ら・・・何の話をしている? |
...What are you two saying? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
けどそれにしても同祖体が多すぎない? |
But there's still, like, a LOT of homeologues here. Isn't that weird? |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
ここは僕たちが産まれた世界の无現里だからね |
It's 'cause this is the Mugenri of the world where we were born in. |
Yaorochi |
貴様・・・どっちの陣営の者だ? 勧誘なら断るぞ |
Which faction's mouthpiece are you? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あらやだ、そんなんじゃないわよ~♪ |
Oh no, it's nothing like that~. ♪ |
Yaorochi |
それなら・・・何の用だ? そもそも何者だ? |
...So what do you want? And who even are you? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
しがない情報屋よ♪ |
Just an unremarkable informant. ♪ |
Yaorochi |
なんだ? |
Like what? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
蛇叢剣の使い方について教えてほしいの♪ |
I'd like you to teach me how to use the Tasouken. ♪ |
Yaorochi |
! ・・・貴様、蛇叢剣を知っているのか? |
! ...You know of the Tasouken? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
風のウワサでね♪ |
I just heard a little rumor on the wind~. ♪ |
Yaorochi |
しかし、『使い方』・・・? |
But "how to use it"...? It's a sword. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
また~、とぼけちゃって~♪ |
Still playing dumb, I see~. ♪ |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
前に記憶を少し探ったときも分からなかったし |
The last time we took a peek into their memories, they didn't know either. |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
しかし、あれだけ拘りのある剣のことを |
Still, you don't just forget like that. |
Yaorochi |
知らないものは知らん |
I don't know what I don't know. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あんまり焦らすと怒るわよ~? |
Come on, now. If you're too much of a tease, I'll get mad, you know~? |
Yaorochi |
・・・・そこまで執拗に聞いてくるということは |
....You must really think you're onto something, |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
うん? |
Mm? |
Yaorochi |
ならば今度はこちらが問おう、 |
My turn for questions now. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あら~? もしかして本当に知らないのかしら? |
Hmmm~? Do you really not know anything...? |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
このヤオロチは知らないのかもしれないなー、ミスったな |
Maybe it's just that this Yaorochi doesn't know. Mighta picked a dud... |
Yaorochi |
蛇叢剣の『使い方』というもの、非常に興味がある |
This subject's got me piqued, though... |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
めんどうなことになったわね 口は災いの元だわ |
And now we have a mess on our hands. Loose lips sink ships. |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
无現里のルールを利用しようと思ったら |
I thought we could use Mugenri's rules to get somethin' outta them, |
Yaorochi |
貴様もこの剣の煌めきにしてやろう! |
You shall be but a gleam off this blade! |
Adagumo no Yaorochi DEFEATED | ||
If player has or has not continued | ||
Shion[edit | edit source]
Shion can be encountered only on cell 6:1.
とある枯れ花 |
A Certain Withering Flower | |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
このハルジオン、もう効果は残ってないのかしら? |
This Harujion no longer has any effect, does it? |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
もう力を使ってしまったからな |
It already used its power, yeah. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あなたはハルジオンにお願いして |
You never think about making a wish to the Harujion |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
ただ殺すだけじゃ意味ないからな |
No. Simply killing them has no meaning, after all. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
その点ではあなたと同意見ね~♪ |
I do agree with you on that~. ♪ |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
別にお前と意見があっても嬉しくない |
Hearing your opinion doesn't make me particularly happy. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
それはそうと・・・・結局、 |
Leaving that aside.... In the end, |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
色々と記憶や歴史を弄ったからな |
Well, we did fiddle with all kinds of memories and histories there, |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あら~、『デジャヴ』ね |
Oh my~. "Déjà vu", right? |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
異変を解決したのは藪雨でも玄鳥でも黒巫鳥でもある |
The ones who solved the incident was Yabusame, but also Tsubakura, and also Kuroji... |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
あと、正確には異変の原因はハルジオンではなく、 |
Also, the true cause of the incident was not the Harujion, |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あら? そうだったかしら? |
Oh? Was that so? |
??? |
あなたは・・・・・どなた? |
You are..... Who are you? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あらら? あなたはシオンちゃんね? |
Oh my my my? You're Shion-chan, right? |
Shion ENTERS | ||
総体から産まれし個体 |
An Individual Born from the Aggregate | |
Shion |
? シオンちゃんはあなたに会った覚えはないけど・・・? |
Huh? Shion-chan doesn't remember ever meeting you, though...? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
そうよね~ 覚えてないわよね~ |
I thought so~. You don't remember, do you? |
Shion |
忘れた・・・ってことはないと思うけど・・・ |
I forgot...? That doesn't seem right, though... |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
そうね~。あなたは生まれたばかりだし、頭もいいからね♪ |
Indeedy~. You were just born, and you're also real smart. ♪ |
Shion |
・・・なんなの? あなた、すっごい不気味なんですけどー |
...What? You're kinda-sorta extremely creepy. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
酷い言われようね~ |
You sure can say some horrible things~. |
Shion |
え~、嘘だー |
Uhh, that's a lie. |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
簡単にバレたな |
You got saw through easily. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
正確には親友だった、かしらね? |
Perhaps it should've been "was" a good friend of your good guardian? |
Shion |
ん~、あなたってニオイがよくわからないのね |
Hm, Shion-chan can't really get a good grasp on your scent. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
乙女に体臭の話をするなんて |
To speak to a maiden about body odour... |
Shion |
ニオイは分からないけど |
Your scent's incomprehensible, |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
それよりシオンちゃんはこんなところで何をしているの? |
More importantly, what's Shion-chan doing here alone? |
Shion |
ツバクラは今頃慌ててると思うよ~ |
Tsubakura's probably panicking now~, |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あら~、それは後で顔を見に行かなきゃね~♪ |
Oh my~, I have to go see their face later~. ♪ |
Shion |
あなたもツバクラのことが好きなのね |
Do you like Tsubakura too? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
好きじゃないわよ |
I don't like them. |
Shion |
え? |
Eh? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
愛してるの♪ |
I love them. ♪ |
Shion |
うげぇ |
Ughh. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
だから、玄鳥様のためならなんでもできるのよ |
Therefore, I can do anything for Tsubakura-sama's sake. |
Shion |
えぇ・・・・・・どういうことなの? |
Eeh...... Why's that? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あなたを消せば、玄鳥様も少しは悲しむと思うのよね~ |
If I erase you, I think Tsubakura-sama would be at least a little bit sad~. |
Shion |
なんか・・・すごい歪んだ愛情表現なんだね |
That's... a really twisted way of expressing love, isn't it. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
気に入ってもらえたかしら? |
Are you interested? |
Shion |
結構好きだよ、そういう考え方 |
Shion-chan's quite fond of that way of thinking. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
流石シオンちゃんね~♪ 悪意の塊♪ |
That's our Shion-chan~! ♪ A cluster of malice! ♪ |
Shion |
そういう言われ方は好きじゃないなぁ~ |
I'm not fond of the way you phrased that though... |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
いいじゃない、悪いもの同士仲良くしましょ♪ |
It's fine. Us malicious ones have to get along. ♪ |
Shion |
僕は悪意の塊だけど、悪人ではないもんね! |
Shion-chan might be a cluster of malice, but I'm no villain! |
Shion DEFEATED | ||
If player has or has not continued | ||
Tenkai Zuifeng[edit | edit source]
Tenkai can be encountered on cell 6:4, or as one of random bosses on cell 6:0 if Suzumi is yet to be unlocked.
闡裡神社参道 or デーヴァナガラ |
Senri Shrine Road (far) or Devanagara | |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
それにしても・・・ |
All things considered... |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
ん? |
Hm? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あなたって随分とせっかちよね |
You're quite impatient. |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
なにが? |
Why's that? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
だって、相手の話をあまり聞かないじゃない |
I mean, you don't really listen when others speak. |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
相手の言葉で得る情報より、記憶から得る情報のほうが |
Information that you get from their memories is much more extensive and higher in quality |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
まぁ・・・そうだけど |
Well... I guess so. |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
だから会話なんて・・・・・ |
That's why..... |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
んー、けどなんかつまらないわ |
Hmm, but that's kinda boring. |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
面白いつまらないの話じゃないだろ |
Whether it's interesting or boring isn't the point. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
えぇ~? 相手と話をしない人生なんてつまらなくない? |
Eehh~? Isn't life boring if you don't talk to people? |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
人生に楽しさなんて求めてねぇよ |
I'm not looking for fun in life. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
ストイックな腐った人生を送ってるのね |
You're living one rotten stoic life. |
??? |
ん~ なんだい、君は? |
Hmm? Who are you? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あら、結界屋さんね |
Oh, it's the barrier builder. |
Tenkai Zuifeng ENTERS | ||
??? |
よく御存じで・・・・・以前にお会いしたことが? |
So you know of me.....? Have we met before? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
まぁあるような・・・ないような |
Well in a sense, yes...but also no. |
古き独裁者の片割れ |
One of the Old Dictators | |
Tenkai |
なんだい? はっきりしない奴だね |
What? How vague. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
この歴史では初めてだったかしら? |
Is this the first time in this history? |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
だったかな |
It might be. |
Tenkai |
歴史・・・? 何を言っているんだい? |
History...? What are you talking about? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
別に、気にしなくていいのよ♪ |
Nothing. No need to pay attention to that. ♪ |
Tenkai |
なんか・・・おかしな奴だね |
You're... certainly an odd one. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
それよりあなたはこんなところで何をしているの? |
More importantly, what are you doing here? |
Tenkai |
見知らぬ君には関係ないことだね |
I don't know you, so why would it concern you? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
お互い秘密主義なのね♪ |
We both like being secretive, don't we. ♪ |
Tenkai |
そういうことになるね |
It would seem so. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
それじゃあヤり合いましょう♪ |
Well then, let's fight. ♪ |
Tenkai |
はぁ? |
Huh? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あなたはちょっと油断できない相手だからね |
You aren't someone I can be careless with, |
Tenkai |
・・・君も人のこと言えないみたいだね |
...It seems you don't plan on talking, |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
言葉の中に結界を仕込むって、いやらしいわよね |
To set up a barrier within speech... Aren't you nasty? |
Tenkai |
僕としては基本戦略なんでね |
It's a basic strategy for me. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あなたも闡裡に加担していた奴だもんね |
You were one of those who assisted Senri, |
Tenkai |
お前・・・闡裡になにか恨みでもあるのか? |
You... have some kind of grudge towards Senri? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
言ったでしょ? 問答はもうおしまいよ |
Didn't I already tell you? Question time is over. |
Tenkai |
そうか、君に興味を持ち始めたんだが、残念だ |
Is that so? What a shame. I've just started to get interested in you. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
あら♪ モテるってのは罪なことね~♪ |
Oh my. ♪ Being too popular truly is a sin~. ♪ |
Tenkai |
闡裡に仇なすものは僕の敵でもあるからね |
Those who wish to do harm to Senri are my enemies, |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
いいわよ、手取り足取り教えてあげる♪ |
Very well, I'll tell you who I am, in great detail. ♪ |
Tenkai Zuifeng DEFEATED | ||
If player has or has not continued | ||
Suzumi Kuzu[edit | edit source]
Suzumi can be encountered only on cell 6:0, and you must have beaten all other final bosses. "Suzumi (Clone)" is the one that the player fights against.
闡裡神社参道 |
Senri Shrine Road (far) | |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
・・・・けっこう情報も集まりきったかしら? |
....So did we gather all the info we can? |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
そうだな |
Yeah, we have. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
じゃあそろそろね? |
Should we head back, then? |
??? |
あら・・・・今度は私の番なのね |
Hey, wait up.... It's my turn now! |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
こんにちは、この歴史の私 |
Greetings, me from this history. |
Suzumi Kuzu ENTERS | ||
??? |
ごきげんよう、他の歴史の私? |
How do you do, me from another history? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
そうよ、お気の毒にね |
Yeah, my condolences. |
奸佞邪智な過ぎたる記憶 |
Insidious Superfluous Memory | |
Suzumi (Clone) |
別に同情はいらないわよ |
I don't need your sympathy. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
自分を消す、ってのは何回やっても慣れないわねぇ~ |
No matter how many times I erase myself, I just can't get used to it~. |
Suzumi (Clone) |
忘れてない? |
Have you forgotten? |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
そういえばそうだったわね、 |
Now that you mention it, that's right. |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
慣れてないんじゃなかったのかよ |
Didn't you say you aren't used to it? |
Suzumi (Clone) |
私があなたを消せば、あなたにとって代われるわけね |
If I erase you, I can take your place. |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
けどお生憎様だけど私、自分に負けたことないのよね |
I've never lost to myself before, though. Too bad for you! |
Suzumi (Clone) |
それは私も同じよ♪ |
Neither have I! ♪ |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
そういえばそういうことになるのよね |
I guess you're right about that. |
Suzumi (Clone) |
ならわかるでしょ? 早く一つになりましょ |
Then, do you understand? Let's hurry and become one! |
Suzumi (Hamee) |
そうね、いまさら自分と話すこともないしね |
Yeah, I have nothing to say to myself at this point. |
Suzumi (Ardey) |
・・・・・ |
..... |
Suzumi (Clone) |
せめて最後ぐらい、お互い楽しみましょ |
Now, it's the end, so let's have some fun together! |
Suzumi Kuzu DEFEATED | ||
If player has continued | ||
If player has not continued | ||
Notes[edit | edit source]
- ↑ The original Japanese text leaves the verb out of the sentence. The grammatical particle を either indicates that "Mugenri" is the direct object that Suzumi did something to, or that it should be followed by a movement verb. Here the former meaning is chosen in the English translation, though it should be noted that the other interpretation is possilbe as well..
- ↑ Originally douso-tai (同祖体), a combination of douso (同祖, lit. "common ancestry") and tai (体) (as in seimeitai (生命体, lit. "life form").