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Brilliant Pagoda or Haze Castle/Official Profiles
This page lists profiles for Brilliant Pagoda or Haze Castle. Unlike previous games, the profiles do not come in a single etc_le04.txt, but rather they appear in the game when selecting Practice Mode, and only then could the character's profile be viewed only if they've been encountered in-game. However, because of the game's functionality to opening the data files for translations, one can view the individual text files in the directories.
Stage 1 Bosses[edit | edit source]
Souko Shirami[edit | edit source]
枯れぬが花 銀鏡 蒼枯 |
Unwithering Flower[a] Souko Shirami |
Mitsumo[edit | edit source]
可視化する心の傷跡 照雲 |
Visualized Mental Trauma Mitsumo |
Kurohebi[edit | edit source]
得手勝手な影 烏蛇 |
Strong-Willed Shadow Kurohebi |
Jun Amanomiya[edit | edit source]
進退両難あまがっぱ 天宮 潤 |
Raincoat Between a Rock and a Hard Place Jun Amanomiya |
Stage 2 Bosses[edit | edit source]
Medias Moritake[edit | edit source]
南方の流星群 守武 メリヤス |
Southern Meteor Shower Medias Moritake |
Kujiru Kesa[edit | edit source]
唯一且つ数多なる者 袈裟 クジル |
The Person Who is One, And Yet Many Kujiru Kesa |
Aoji Shitodo[edit | edit source]
意志薄弱な末っ子 鵐 蒿雀 |
Weak-Willed Youngest Child Aoji Shitodo |
Shou Amanomori[edit | edit source]
歩く潤滑剤 雨杏 宵 |
Walking Lubricant Shou Amanomori |
Tsugumi Umatachi[edit | edit source]
義者張る南瓜のアウリガ 馬立 ツグミ |
Honest-Acting Pumpkin Auriga Tsugumi Umatachi |
Stage 3 Bosses[edit | edit source]
Kunimitsu Ooya[edit | edit source]
宮仕えの妖怪退治屋 大宅 都光 |
Royal Court's Youkai Exterminator Kunimitsu Ooya |
Kaisen Azuma[edit | edit source]
月を仰ぐ三つの足 東 海仙 |
Three-legged Moon Seeker Kaisen Azuma |
Lumen Celeritas[edit | edit source]
無頓着に収束する恩光 ケレリタス・ルーメン |
Carelessly Converging Ray of Sunshine Lumen Celeritas |
Sese Kitsugai[edit | edit source]
自分探し中の骸 乞骸 セセ |
A Corpse in Search of Themself Sese Kitsugai |
Fujiwara no Iyozane[edit | edit source]
時代錯誤の野心家 藤原 伊代真 |
Anachronistic Ambitious Person Fujiwara no Iyozane |
Stage 4 Bosses[edit | edit source]
Kaoru Kashiwagi[edit | edit source]
帝都に佇む濃霧 柏木 薫 |
Dense Fog Standing in the Imperial City Kaoru Kashiwagi |
Garaiya Ogata[edit | edit source]
一叢の英雄 尾形 ガライヤ |
Hero of the Masses Garaiya Ogata |
Hooaka Shitodo[edit | edit source]
頭寒足熱で熱暴走 鵐 頬赤 |
Cool-Headed Hot-Heeled Thermal Runaway Hooaka Shitodo |
Hibaru Kokutenshi[edit | edit source]
陽気な取立て屋 旭天子 ヒバル |
Cheerful Debt Collector Hibaru Kokutenshi |
Adagumo no Saragimaru[edit | edit source]
最後の瞳 徒雲 蛇穴丸 |
Final Eye Adagumo no Saragimaru |
Stage 5 Bosses[edit | edit source]
Fujiwara no Shirogane no Sanra[edit | edit source]
帝都の銀の弾丸 藤原 銀 讃良 |
The Imperial Capital's Silver Bullet Fujiwara no Shirogane no Sanra |
Para[edit | edit source]
奪われた全知全能 パラ |
Stolen Omniscience and Omnipotence Para
Kuroji Shitodo[edit | edit source]
曖昧で紙一重な考古学者 鵐 黒巫鳥 |
Ambiguously Paper-thin Archaeologist Kuroji Shitodo |
Sukune Katano[edit | edit source]
無垢なる天才埴輪 片埜 宿禰 |
Pure and Genius Haniwa Sukune Katano |
Taira no Fumikado[edit | edit source]
新帝の盃 平 文門 |
The Vessel for the New Emperor Taira no Fumikado |
Stage 6 Bosses[edit | edit source]
Ooama no Ake no Mitori[edit | edit source]
朱に染まった玉座 大天 朱 壬鳥 |
The Throne Dyed in Vermillion Ooama no Ake no Mitori |
Taira no Chouki[edit | edit source]
陽炎の内の新皇 平 蝶鬼 |
The New Emperor Amidst the Heat Haze Taira no Chouki
Thus, Chouki's legs and breath were stolen from them. |
Yabusame Houlen[edit | edit source]
天衣無縫の能天気 鳳聯 藪雨 |
Flawless Thoughtlessness Yabusame Houlen |
Tsubakura Enraku[edit | edit source]
酒嚢飯袋な単彩 燕楽 玄鳥 |
Loafing Monochrome Tsubakura Enraku |
Clause[edit | edit source]
「混沌」の異名を持ち重力を自在に操る永遠なる皮相浅薄[e] (前略)クラウゼ(後略) |
Eternal Senselessness Bearing the Alias of "Chaos" who Manipulates Gravity at Will (TOO LONG) Clause (DIDN'T READ) |
Adagumo no Yaorochi[edit | edit source]
大蛇の末裔 徒雲 八尾呂智 |
Descendant of Orochi Adagumo no Yaorochi |
Shion[edit | edit source]
総体から産まれし個体 シオン |
An Individual Born from the Aggregate Shion |
Tenkai Zuifeng[edit | edit source]
古き独裁者の片割れ 瑞風 天堺 |
One of the Old Dictators Tenkai Zuifeng |
Suzumi Kuzu (Hamee)[edit | edit source]
奸佞邪智な過ぎたる記憶 國主 雀巳 |
Insidious Superfluous Memory Suzumi Kuzu |
Extra Stage Bosses[edit | edit source]
Xeno a[edit | edit source]
神に見捨てられ、世界に愛されし眼 ゼノア |
Eyes Forsaken by the Gods, but Loved by the World Xeno a They have the ability to make miracles inevitable: Thanks to this ability, everything in the world went perfectly well for Xeno a, |
Yago Ametsukana[edit | edit source]
千の刃と千の腕 天目津金 ヤゴ |
A Thousand Blades and a Thousand Arms Yago Ametsukana |
Haiji Senri[edit | edit source]
ミーハーなスペルコレクター 千理 牌示 |
Fad-following Spell Collector Haiji Senri |
Tsurubami Senri[edit | edit source]
不可解な袴 闡裡 鶴喰 |
The Inexplicable Hakama Tsurubami Senri |
Suzumi Kuzu (Ardey)[edit | edit source]
幻怪の記憶 國主 雀巳 |
Delusive Memory Suzumi Kuzu |
Notes[edit | edit source]
- ↑ Literally "to not wither is a flower"; this is a play on the phrase "to not speak is a flower" (言わぬが花 iwanugahana), which is similar to the English "silence is golden".
- ↑ The hiragana was not presented in the demo version of the game, but due to asking JynX for the pronunciation on Twitter, this was added in the full version.
- ↑ They are Shirogane no Sanra, Ake no Mitori and perhaps Medias Moritake. Although in Medias' case, "Moritake" is only said to be a kanji name, and not explicitly a courtesy name.
- ↑ Possibly a typo of 不落々々.
- ↑ Shortened to 全略 (zenryaku, basically "TL;DR") when name appears in-game