Brilliant Pagoda or Haze Castle/Story/Demo Dialogue
This is a list of dialogue that appears in the demo version of Brilliant Pagoda or Haze Castle. These have significantly changed in the full version.
Shrine Team vs Suzumi Kuzu[edit | edit source]
In the demo version, Suzumi originally appeared at the end of stage 3 neutral route if you unlocked all other characters. The new version can be found here.
闡裡神社参道 |
Tsubakura |
・・・? 何だかいや~な予感がするぞ? |
...? Uh, I have a reeeally bad feeling all of a sudden? |
Shion |
ん~? 突然どうしたの? ツバクラ |
Hmmm? What's the matter, Tsubakura? |
Yabusame |
あ~、誰か接近中・・・ |
Ahhh, someone's coming this way... |
??? |
あんっ♪ どなたかと思ったら! |
Aww!♪ Well, just looky who we have here! |
Tsubakura |
クソッたれめ、出やがった・・・ |
Augh, it's that bastard! They're here...! |
??? |
玄鳥さまっ! ずっと会いたかったの♪ |
Tsubakura-sama! I've wanted to see you again for soooo long♪ |
Yabusame |
雀巳(すずみ)だぁ~、ここに来てたんだ・・・ |
It's Suzumi~. So they came here too... |
奸佞邪智な過ぎたる記憶 |
Treacherous and Superfluous Memory | |
Suzumi |
藪雨ちゃんも久しぶりっ♪ |
Oh, and Yabusame-chan too! It's been a while♪ |
Shion |
誰なの? このヒト? |
Who's that? Who's this person? |
Tsubakura |
外の世界の奴だ、ちょっとした腐れ縁でな |
They're from the outside world. Bit of an... acquaintance of ours. |
Suzumi |
"ちょっと"どころじゃないでしょ~? |
Aw, I'd hardly call us "just" acquaintances! |
Tsubakura |
殴るぞ? |
You want me to sock you? |
Yabusame |
雀巳は一緒に来てないはずなのに、 |
But you didn't come here with us, Suzumi, |
Suzumi |
それは企業秘密♪ |
That's a trade secret♪ |
Tsubakura |
お前がいないと思って、のんびりしてたってのに |
Ugh. I was getting nice and relaxed, thinking you were gone. |
Shion |
? このヒトがどうかしたの? |
Huh? What exactly happened with them? |
Suzumi |
色々あったの、色々ね♪ |
Oh, this and that happened! This and that. ♪ |
Yabusame |
なんか話し方もオカシイね |
The way they talk is weird. |
Tsubakura |
今は"そういう"モードなんだろ、面倒くせぇ |
That's 'cause they're in that mode right now. Cripes. |
Suzumi |
これね、都でナウいんだってさ! |
Oh, this? It's all the rage in the capital city! |
Tsubakura |
ぶっとばしてぇ・・・ |
God, I want to send them flying... |
Shion |
玄鳥はこのヒトがすっごくキライなんだね~ |
You sure hate this person, don't you, Tsubakura~? |
Yabusame |
僕はクラウゼの方が大嫌いだよ♪ |
I hate Clause even more, though♪ |
Tsubakura |
あいつは面倒なだけだが、コイツは別次元だ |
Clause is just annoying. This one's a whole other can of worms. |
Suzumi |
ヒドイっ! |
Oh, how could you! |
Tsubakura |
騙しあったり、殺しあったりな |
Like tricking each other, trying to kill each other, and so on, yes. |
Shion |
そんな酷いヒトなの? |
Are they that bad? |
Yabusame |
シオンちゃんは何も知らないからねぇ |
You don't even know half of it, Shion-chan. |
Suzumi |
藪雨ちゃんまでそんなこと・・・ |
Even Yabusame-chan hates me... |
Tsubakura |
下らん茶番してないで、そこをどけ |
Can it with this stupid farce and just go away. |
Suzumi |
さすが玄鳥、私のこと知り尽くしてるね♪ |
That's my Tsubakura! You know eeeeverything about me, don't you? ♪ |
Tsubakura |
やるってんだったら、 |
If we're gonna fight, I guess I'll have to |
BGM: MO-NA-D-2 ~ 記憶追蹤 |
BGM: MO-NA-D-2 ~ Memory Pursuit | |
Suzumi |
ん~、君たちとやり合うにはまだ早いけど |
Mmm, well, it's still a little early for me to fight you guys, |
Yabusame |
シオンちゃん、気をつけたほうがいいよ~ |
You'd better be careful, Shion-chan~. |
Shion |
強いの? |
Are they strong? |
Tsubakura |
強いわけじゃない、ずる賢いんだ |
They're not strong, but incredibly cunning. |
Suzumi |
有史以来最高の天才様に誉められちゃった♪ |
Ooh! I got complimented by the greatest prodigy in all of history~! ♪ |
Tsubakura |
・・・・・・ |
...... |
Suzumi Kuzu DEFEATED | ||
Suzumi |
ぐすん・・・ |
Sob... |
Tsubakura |
答えはお前が一番よく知ってるはずだ |
You know the answer to that better than anybody else. |
Suzumi |
ふぇ~ん、分かんないも~ん |
Waaaah, I doon't knooow. |
Yabusame |
もう一回ぐらい弾いてもいいんじゃない? |
I think we should shoot them down at least one more time? |
Tsubakura |
だな |
Definitely. |
Suzumi |
へへっ、それはかんべーん |
Hee-hee. I'll have to pass on tha~at. |
Shion |
? 良く分からないヒト |
...? I don't understand them. |
New Emperor vs Suzumi Kuzu[edit | edit source]
In the demo version, Suzumi originally appeared at the end of stage 3 neutral route if you unlocked all other characters. The new version can be found here.
闡裡神社参道 |
Iyozane |
・・・・・っで、文門さん |
......So, Fumikado-san... |
Fumikado |
・・・さぁ? |
I wonder why myself... |
Tsugumi |
ホンマもんのバカやで、このヒト |
Yer kinda slow in the noggin'. |
Iyozane |
希望を捨てちゃだめさ、 |
You shouldn't give up on them so quickly, |
Fumikado |
随分と酷い言われようだなぁ |
I feel like that was a pretty harsh thing to say... |
??? |
あらあら、 |
Oh dear, |
Iyozane |
・・・? |
...? |
??? |
こんにちは♪ そしてお久しぶり、文門さん♪ |
Hello~♪ It's been a while, Fumikado-san. |
Fumikado |
おまえは・・・・情報屋か! |
You are... the informant! |
Suzumi |
覚えてたの! 嬉しい♪ |
You remembered! I'm so happy~♪ |
Tsugumi |
誰や、この胡散臭いヒト |
Who's this shady person? |
Fumikado |
以前に都であった情報屋だが・・・・ |
They're the informant I met back in the capital... |
Suzumi |
ちょっとお仕事でね♪ |
Just out for a bit of work~♪ |
Iyozane |
なんか気持ち悪い喋り方をするヒトですね・・・ |
They have a really unpleasant way of speaking... |
Fumikado |
前に会ったときはこんなんじゃ |
I seem to recall them not acting quite like this |
Suzumi |
気分を入れ替えたの♪ |
I just had a change in mood is all~♪ |
Tsugumi |
なんや、おかしなやっちゃな |
What the hell... They're really weird. |
Fumikado |
それより、何か我等に用でもあるのか? |
That aside, can we help you with something? |
Suzumi |
そうそう、あなた達にはあまりこの場を |
Oh yes, could you please stop |
Iyozane |
? どういうことだい? |
? What exactly do you mean? |
Suzumi |
これ以上動き回って欲しくないってこと♪ |
That I don't want you prancing about anymore~♪ |
Fumikado |
我々が動くと、何か不都合でも? |
Would it be inconvenient if we did? |
Suzumi |
まぁ色々ね・・・イヤならそれでもいいよ |
In various ways, yes... It's fine if you don't wanna. |
Tsugumi |
やる気みたいやで、何だが知らんけど |
I dunno why, but they wanna fight, all o' a sudden. |
Iyozane |
って言われても、我々も退く訳にはいかないからねぇ |
Even so, we can't exactly just step aside. |
Fumikado |
いいだろう面白い、 |
How interesting, fine. |
Suzumi |
気をつけてね♪ |
Beware~♪ |
Tsugumi |
・・・役立たず? |
...lose with purpose? |
Iyozane |
どういう意味だい? |
What does that even mean? |
Suzumi |
あなた達は初めっから踊らされてたの、私の掌で♪ |
You've been dancing in the palm of my hand, right from the very start~! ♪ |
Fumikado |
・・・よく分からないが、むかつく |
...I don't really get it, but they're really annoying. |
Suzumi Kuzu DEFEATED | ||
Suzumi |
あぁ~ん、流石にこの状態じゃ無理だったぁん |
Awww~ as I thought, there was no hope in the state I'm in. |
Iyozane |
思ったより強いヒトでしたね |
They were stronger than I thought. |
Tsugumi |
躍らされてた、ってどういうことなんや? |
What'd ya mean by us dancin' in the palm o' yer hand? |
Suzumi |
いずれ分かるよ、あせっちゃダメ♪ |
You'll know sooner or later. Don't sweat it~♪ |
Fumikado |
焦らされるのはキライなんだけど・・・まぁいっか |
I don't like this cat-and-mouse game, but oh well... |
Iyozane |
さてと、では次はどちらに進みますかね? |
Well then, where are we off to next? |
Tsugumi |
どうせ真っ直ぐにしか進まんのやろうけどな |
Ya already know. This idiot'll only go straight forward. |
Fumikado |
どいつもこいつも失礼な奴ばっかりだ |
Why does nobody mince their words nowadays... |