Brilliant Pagoda or Haze Castle/Story/Shrine Team's Brilliant Scenario
< | Neutral Route | Story | Extra Route | > |
You should see the following dialogue in the game if you were to always take the brilliant (right) route.
Stage 1[edit | edit source]
闡裡神社参道 |
Tsubakura |
何だか随分と賑やかだな、世間も、ウチも |
Somehow it's really busy today. Both at home, and in the world at large. |
Yabusame |
こっちも三人でぞろぞろしてるしねー |
Even we're busy. Three's a crowd, after all! |
Shion |
わは~、ぞろぞろしてるよ~う |
Yeah! We're a crowd! |
Tsubakura |
それにしても『鏡割り』かぁ・・・ |
That aside, "kagami-wari", huh...? |
Yabusame |
天からお酒が降ってくるんだねぇ |
It's gonna rain saké from the heavens! |
Shion |
餅が降ってくるのも面白そうだわさ |
Raining mochi would be really interesting, too. |
Tsubakura |
死人がでそうだな |
Pretty sure there'd be fatalities from that. |
Shion |
またいっぱい霊魂食べれるかもね~ |
So I might be able to eat tons of souls again~! |
Yabusame |
ね~ |
Yeah, we might~! |
Tsubakura |
・・・お前は食わんよな? |
...You're not gonna eat any, right? |
??? |
ミョウな会話をする人間 |
YOU humans conversing STRANGELY... |
Tsubakura |
んっ |
Uh... |
Mitsumo ENTERS | ||
??? |
ドコのドナタか知らん方やったー |
And I was RIGHT! You're not FAMILiar at ALL... |
Shion |
クサイ |
Eww, they stink. |
Yabusame |
ひどいニオイ |
Yeah, it smells horrible. |
??? |
あー? 初対面相手に失礼なやっちゃなー |
Ahh?! So rude to someone you've just met. |
Tsubakura |
妙ちきりんなもん持ってんな、鏡のつもりか? |
Pretty weird thing you're carrying there. That supposed to be a mirror? |
??? |
この美しき鏡は照妖鏡 |
This beautiful mirror is a Shouyoukyou. |
Shion |
こいつ変だよ、自我を持ってないみたいだよ |
This kid's weird. They don't seem to be self-aware. |
Yabusame |
だからクサイのね |
That's why they stink. |
Tsubakura |
鏡に魅入られたか |
Have they been bewitched by the mirror? |
??? |
違うわい、ワシが鏡だっての |
That's wrong. I AM the mirror! |
Shion |
あぁ、鏡が本体だったのね |
Ahh, so the mirror is their main body then? |
Yabusame |
じゃあ今お話しているのは鏡さん? |
So we're basically talking to the mirror right now? |
可視化する心の傷跡 |
Visualized Mental Trauma | |
Mitsumo |
そうなんよ |
That's right. |
Tsubakura |
今回はコイツを割ってお仕舞い |
Maybe if we just break this thing open, |
Mitsumo |
話が飛びすぎて全然訳が分からんぞい |
That was such a sudden turn that I've totally lost track of this conversation? |
Yabusame |
やってみよー! |
Let's try it! |
Shion |
鏡はおいしくなさそうだなぁ |
A mirror doesn't seem tasty at all... |
BGM: ナイトメアシンドローム |
BGM: Nightmare Syndrome | |
Mitsumo |
これはもしや身の危険? 人間どもは怖いねぇ・・・ |
Am I in danger, perhaps? Humans sure are scary... |
Tsubakura |
人間どもねぇ・・・? |
Humans, huh...? |
Yabusame |
思い知らせてやっちゃおー |
Let's teach them a lesson! |
Shion |
あはぁ~♪ |
Alright~♪ |
Mitsumo DEFEATED | ||
Mitsumo |
負っけ負け~ |
I've lost~ |
Tsubakura |
鏡開きにはやっぱ木槌だよなぁ・・・ |
You definitely need a mallet for "kagami-hiraki"... |
Shion |
持ってないね |
I don't have one. |
Yabusame |
あるよー! |
I do! |
Tsubakura |
うーん、ミョルニルは木槌にカウントされないなぁ・・・ |
Well, I'm not sure if Mjölnir counts as a mallet per se... |
Shion |
どっから出したの、そんなん |
Hey, where did you even get that from? |
Yabusame |
ぽっけ |
My pocket. |
Tsubakura |
これじゃ鏡割りはできないな、残念 |
Can't do kagami-wari with that. Too bad. |
Mitsumo |
どうやら助かったのね、なんかよく分からんが |
Oh god, I'm saved. Not sure why, but still. |
Shion |
じゃあ食べてもいい? |
Well then, can I eat you now? |
Mitsumo |
やめー! |
Stage 2[edit | edit source]
戦線となる川 |
The Frontline River | |
Tsubakura |
なんかいつもに増してザコどもがやかましいなぁ |
The small-fry are way noisier than usual, for some reason. |
Yabusame |
みんなで遊んでるみたいだね~ |
It looks like they're playing with each other! |
Shion |
二つの勢力がぶつかってるみたいだね |
Seems like the two factions are clashing. |
Tsubakura |
そうでない連中? |
"Those not from it"? |
Shion |
文門さんとか♪ |
You know, like Fumikado-san♪ |
Tsubakura |
あー、あいつかぁ、随分と節操のない奴だな |
Ohh, them. They really don't have much integrity. |
Yabusame |
さっき神社に来てたのにね |
But they came to the shrine just a while ago, too. |
Tsubakura |
あいつも現状を良く分かってないのかもな |
They might not be all that aware of the current situation either. |
??? |
うん? なんだい君らは、こんなところで? |
Hm? Who're you? What are you all doing here? |
Tsubakura |
おう? |
Oh? |
Medias Moritake ENTERS | ||
??? |
見たところ賊軍ではないみたいだが・・・ |
You don't look like rebels... |
Yabusame |
ペンギン! |
A penguin! |
Shion |
ペンギンなの、あれ? |
Whaaa? That's a penguin? |
南方の流星群 |
Southern Meteor Shower | |
Medias |
いかにも、私はココより南の彼方にある |
That's right. I'm a penguin deployed |
Shion |
ペンギンには見えないよぉ・・・ |
You sure don't look like a penguin... |
Tsubakura |
随分と熱そうな服を着てるんだな |
Those clothes you're wearing look really hot. |
Medias |
仕方ないだろ、コレでも夏用の戦闘服なんだぞ |
I can't help it. This is already my summer battle uniform. |
Yabusame |
ペンギン飼いたい! ツバ! |
Tsuba, I wanna have a pet penguin! |
Tsubakura |
うーん、 |
Hmm. |
Medias |
私がペットに見えるのかい? |
You see me as a pet? |
Shion |
まぁウチには既にペットがいるしねぇ |
Well, we already have a pet at home, so... |
Tsubakura |
ペットってのはもっと可愛げのあるもののことを |
The word "pet" is supposed to refer to something |
Yabusame |
流石ツバ! 見る目があるね! |
That's our Tsuba! You've got a keen eye! |
Medias |
話が脱線しているが、今日の空は危険だ |
We seem to be getting off topic, but today's skies are perilous. |
Tsubakura |
どうやらこのペンギンは自分の今の状況を |
Doesn't look like this penguin understands |
Medias |
はぁい? |
What? |
Shion |
危険なのは誰なのか、教えてやろっか♪ |
We're gonna teach you who's REALLY perilous♪ |
Yabusame |
とりあえず捕まえちゃおっか♪ |
Let's catch 'em for starters! ♪ |
BGM: エンペラーロード ~ So cute! |
BGM: Emperor Road ~ So Cute! | |
Medias |
く、くるのか!? なんで!? |
Y-you want to fight?! Why? |
Tsubakura |
エサは何がいいんだ? |
What kind of treat do you like the most? |
Medias |
さかなぁああ!! |
Medias Moritake DEFEATED | ||
Medias |
参りました・・・ |
I give... |
Yabusame |
南の彼方にはこんなヒトがたくさんいるのかなぁ? |
Are there a lot of people like you in the far south? |
Shion |
そのうちお邪魔しに行こうね♪ |
Let's invite ourselves over there some time♪ |
Tsubakura |
おい、コイツは飼わないのか? |
Oi, do you still want them as a pet? |
Yabusame |
飽きた♪ |
Nope, got bored♪ |
Medias |
そりゃないでしょ |
I'm not a pet, though... |
Stage 3[edit | edit source]
夢幻堤防 |
The Fantasy Seawall | |
Tsubakura |
なんだぁこりゃ? 随分とデカイ橋・・・なのか? |
What in the world is that? Is that... a gigantic bridge? |
Shion |
まだ建設途中みたいだね |
Still seems to be under construction. |
Yabusame |
このままじゃ海がかくれちゃうね |
The sea's gonna get all covered up at this rate! |
Tsubakura |
海峡を消すつもりか、大胆なことするな |
So they intend to remove the Strait. That's bold. |
??? |
あ~そこのキミら |
Ahh, you three there! |
Shion |
ん? |
Mm? |
Kunimitsu Ooya ENTERS | ||
??? |
こんなところでなにしてるんだい? |
What are you doing here? |
Tsubakura |
また危険中毒者か |
Another danger addict... |
Yabusame |
あなたはだ~れ? |
Who aaare you? |
宮仕えの妖怪退治屋 |
Royal Court's Youkai Exterminator | |
Kunimitsu |
私は『大宅 都光』 |
I'm Kunimitsu Ooya, the youkai exterminator of Devanagara. |
Tsubakura |
デーヴァナガラ? なんだそれ? |
Devanagara? What's that? |
Kunimitsu |
都をご存知でない? よそ者かい、キミら? |
You're not familiar with the capital? Might you be outsiders? |
Shion |
それより、あなたのその冠・・・曰く付きでしょ? |
More importantly, that crown of yours... Sure looks like it's got an interesting story. |
Kunimitsu |
! ・・・どうしてそう思うんだい? 小童 |
...! ...Why would you think that, little one? |
Yabusame |
酷いニオイがするからねー |
It smells absolutely horrible. |
Kunimitsu |
・・・血は付かなかったと思っていたんだがな |
...And here I hoped the blood wouldn't stick to it. |
Tsubakura |
あーぁ、どこで盗ったものなんだか |
Ahh, you stole it from somewhere? |
Kunimitsu |
盗んだのではない! 奪ったのだ! |
I didn't steal it! I robbed it away! |
Yabusame |
もっと性質が悪いね |
That's even worse. |
Kunimitsu |
いや違った、賜ったのだ、コレは |
No, wait, scratch that. It was bestowed upon me. |
Shion |
なんか酷い言い訳を聞いた気がする |
Oh? Do give us more of your terrible excuses. |
Kunimitsu |
言い訳ではない! |
It's not an excuse! |
Tsubakura |
まぁウチの神社は異変と酒専門だから、 |
Well, our shrine specializes in incidents and alcohol, |
Kunimitsu |
・・・神社? |
...Shrine? |
Yabusame |
イカにも! 神主なり! |
Exactly! Behold the head priests! |
Kunimitsu |
そうかい神主かい・・・そりゃいいや |
So you're the priests, are you...? Well, that's good. |
Shion |
変なスイッチが入った音を探知ーっ! |
I'm picking up a weird change in their tone of voice! |
Tsubakura |
どうやら地雷だったようだな |
Looks like we struck a nerve. |
Kunimitsu |
闡裡神社の神主とは |
I've wanted to settle my score with the |
Shion |
やる気満々だね♪ |
Well someone's rilled up! ♪ |
Yabusame |
こっちも準備マンマンだよ! |
I am SO ready for this too! |
Tsubakura |
準備万端ってことなんで、どうぞお好きに |
Well, since you're so ready, just do whatever you want. |
Kunimitsu |
いつでも挑戦を待つってか、舐められたもんだ |
"We're always accepting challengers," then? Don't make light of me. |
Tsubakura |
こっちは日常茶飯事なんでね、そんなこと |
We get this sort of stuff every day, is the thing. |
Kunimitsu |
大した奴だ・・・さすが大物、无現里の柱 |
How bold... As expected from the pillars of Mugenri. |
Shion |
シオンちゃんは神主じゃないけどね |
I'm not a head priest, though. |
BGM: キリングスペリオル ~ Giant killing |
BGM: Killing Superior ~ Giant Killing | |
Kunimitsu |
とはいえ闡裡神社の者と同行しているのなら、 |
However, you accompany the head priests of Senri, |
Tsubakura |
敵ならズバッっとかかってこいよ |
If we're enemies, then come at us already! |
Kunimitsu |
よろしい、ならばこの剣『番狂』・・・ |
Very well, then... |
Kunimitsu Ooya DEFEATED | ||
Kunimitsu |
くそっ、一歩及ばずか・・・ |
Curses! One step too short, it seems... |
Tsubakura |
一万光年より長い一歩だがな |
One step longer than a hundred thousand light-years, that is. |
Yabusame |
んん? 向こうの方になにか見えるよー! |
Huh...? Hey, I can see something ahead! |
Shion |
建物っぽいね、橋の上にあるのかな? |
Looks like there are buildings... on top of the bridge? |
Tsubakura |
そっちに行けばなんか面白いことがあるかもな |
We might find something interesting if we go there. |
Yabusame |
そんじゃ行こーう! |
Then let's gooooo! |
Kunimitsu |
都へ向かうか、それもいい・・・ |
You're going to the capital? |
Shion |
都に通じてるのね |
So it leads to the capital. |
Tsubakura |
そこの責任者を黙らせて、 |
Alright. Let's shut down the person in charge, |
Yabusame |
空がこんな状態じゃ探しにくいもんねー |
It's hard to hunt for any with the sky being this crowded, after all! |
Kunimitsu |
・・・・・酒? |
...Saké? |
Stage 4[edit | edit source]
幽暗海橋 |
Yabusame |
すっごいねー! 橋の上に町があるよ!? |
This is amazing! Look, there's a whole town on top of the bridge! |
Tsubakura |
見たところ、旅館や商店みたいな建物が多いし |
The buildings are mostly inns or shops, far as I can tell. |
Shion |
何で橋の上に建ててるんだろ? |
Why are they building it on top of the bridge? |
Tsubakura |
空を飛べない奴は海峡を渡るのに |
Anybody who can't fly has to cross this bridge if they want to get |
Yabusame |
黒巫鳥さんが聞いたら飛びつきそうな話だねー |
Kuroji-san would come rushing right over if they heard about that~. |
Tsubakura |
っというか、あいつのことだから |
Or really, if it's them we're talking about, |
??? |
待たれよ、侵入者! |
Halt at once, intruders! |
Yabusame |
え? 待てばいいの? |
Huh? We just have to halt? |
Kaoru Kashiwagi ENTERS | ||
??? |
うむ、素直なのはいいことだ! |
Hm! 'Tis a good thing that you're so honest! |
Tsubakura |
そんで、あんた誰? |
A'ight, so, who are you? |
帝都に佇む濃霧 |
Dense Fog Standing in the Imperial City | |
Kaoru |
予の名は『柏木 薫』 光栄に思え |
My name is "Kaoru Kashiwagi". Consider this an honor! |
Shion |
賊軍? シオンちゃんたちが? |
Rebels? Us? |
Kaoru |
聞いているぞ、貴様らが都光を破ったと |
I've heard tell of how you louts shot down Kunimitsu. |
Yabusame |
あ、さっきのヒトかぁ~ |
Oh, that person from before...? |
Shion |
金ピカな冠かぶってたヒトね |
Yeah, the one with the shiny gold crown. |
Kaoru |
賊軍に対して慈悲はない |
I shall show no mercy to rebels. |
Tsubakura |
俺たち、たぶん賊軍じゃないぞ |
Give it a rest. We're not rebels, probably. |
Kaoru |
なにっ!? 馬鹿な、じゃあ何者だというのだ |
What?! Ridiculous! Then just what are you? |
Yabusame |
曲者だー! |
Fiendish rogues! |
Kaoru |
都光からは賊軍だと聞いたぞ! |
I heard from Kunimitsu that you were rebels! |
Tsubakura |
嘘つかれたんじゃね? |
Gonna take a wild guess and say they were lying to you. |
Kaoru |
くそっ・・・アイツも我ら五衛府を蔑ろにするのかっ・・・ |
Curses... so even they make light of we, the Goefu...? |
Yabusame |
五衛府・・・ってなに? |
Goefu...? What's that? |
Kaoru |
ぃよくぞ! 聞いてくれたな、うぬ! |
W-Why yes! A fine question, you rogue! |
Tsubakura |
宮殿の護衛をする、いわば近衛兵みたいな奴らだな |
Basically the bodyguards who defend the imperial palace and stuff. |
Kaoru |
うぬー! 予より先に言うでない! |
Why, yooou! Don't say it before I do! |
Shion |
五衛府はね、都全体の警備も担当してるんだよ |
The Goefu are also in charge of patrolling the city as a whole! |
Kaoru |
うぬもー! 予が説明しようとすること話すなー! |
Not you too! Cease explaining these things before I get the chance! |
Yabusame |
じゃあお巡りさんってことだね♪ |
So you're like a police officer, then♪ |
Kaoru |
うぬもだー! |
And YOU! |
Tsubakura |
そんで、賊軍じゃない俺達をどうするんだ? |
So, what're you gonna do with us not-rebels? |
Kaoru |
たとえ賊軍でなくとも、 |
Even if you are not rebels, |
Shion |
それじゃー、どうしちゃうのかな~? |
Sooo, whatcha gonna do about it~? |
BGM: 死に至る絢爛 ~ Toxic gem |
BGM: Fatal Brilliance ~ Toxic gem | |
Kaoru |
うぬ達を捕らえ、 |
I shall capture the lot of you, |
Tsubakura |
じゃあこっちも必死で抵抗しないとな~ |
Guess we'd better resist as best we can, then~. |
Yabusame |
だね~ |
Yep~! |
Shion |
間食の時間だね♪ |
Time for a snack between meals! ♪ |
Kaoru |
"聖域"の野蛮人に、 |
Behold the beautiful danmaku of we city-dwellers, |
Kaoru Kashiwagi DEFEATED | ||
Kaoru |
馬鹿な・・・ただの侵入者のくせに |
Ridiculous... even though you're just mere intruders...! |
Tsubakura |
その侵入者さんは聞きたいことがあるんだが、 |
Well, these intruders have some questions for you. |
Kaoru |
陛下のことか!? うぬら! 何をするつもりだ!? |
You mean Their Majesty?! You fiends! Just what do you plan to do?! |
Yabusame |
偉い人に戦争ごっこをやめてもらうの~♪ |
We're gonna get those big-wigs to stop playing these war games~! ♪ |
Shion |
それだけ聞くと、なんか正義の味方っぽいね♪ |
Huh. If you put it that way, we kind of sound like heroes. ♪ |
Tsubakura |
陛下・・・ってことは都の帝ってやつか |
"Their Majesty"... you mean the capital's emperor? |
Kaoru |
くそっ・・・まぁいい、うぬ達ごときでは陛下は愚か、 |
Curses... Well, fine. There's no way you can stand up to them, |
Yabusame |
おー? まだまだ誰かいるのかな~? |
Oh? Is there someone else up ahead too~? |
Tsubakura |
コイツの力を見る限り、どうせザコばかりだがな |
If this case is anything to go by, they're all just small fry anyway. |
Kaoru |
うぐ・・・ |
Ugh... |
Stage 5[edit | edit source]
デーヴァナガラ |
Yabusame |
すっごい高い建物ばっかだねー! |
There's sooo many tall buildings here! |
Tsubakura |
この世界にもここまで文明が発達した都市があったとはな |
Kinda surprising that there's a city with such an advanced civilization in this world, too. |
Shion |
すっごいねー、ゴチャゴチャしてるねー |
This is so cool! It's a big, jumbled mess! |
Yabusame |
現代的で親近感わくね~ |
It feels modern and familiar, too~. |
Tsubakura |
まぁ、外の世界とは随分と違う方向で |
That said, though, it still seems to be advancing |
??? |
やれやれ、わざわざ前線から戻ってきたものの・・・ |
Good grief. I went through all that trouble, comin' back from the front lines... |
Tsubakura |
おぅ |
Ah. |
??? |
侵入者がたったの三人だけとは思わなかったのぅ |
But I sure didn't expect there to only be three intruders. |
Yabusame |
おー・・・服がカッコイイ! |
Woah... their clothes are so COOL! |
??? |
そうかのぅ? 堅っ苦しいだけじゃがな |
Are they? They're just kinda stiff t'me. |
Shion |
このヒト、素敵なニオイがするよ~ |
This person smells really beautiful~! |
Tsubakura |
匂いに素敵とかってあるのか? |
Can "beautiful" even be a smell? |
??? |
戦線が局地的に押されているとは聞いておったが・・・ |
I did hear that the battle had been pushed back ta local territory... |
Yabusame |
どーいうこと? |
What does that mean? |
Tsubakura |
俺たちについて来たザコ共のことだな |
They're talking about the small fry following us around. |
??? |
おぬし達に便乗した"人でなし"どもが |
Yes. The inhuman ones piggybacking on you three |
Yabusame |
災難でしたねー |
Wow, sounds like a disaster~! |
Tsubakura |
俺らのせいだからな? |
You do realize they're saying it's our fault, right? |
??? |
マトモな奴が一人はいるようじゃの |
Seems like 'least one of yous has some brains. |
Tsubakura |
そんでさ、お前なんなの? |
So, like, who are you? |
??? |
おぉ、そうじゃった・・・ |
Oh, right... |
Shion |
教えてよー、名前が分かったほうが美味しいじゃんー |
Tell usss! You'll be tastier if I know your name~! |
??? |
美味しい? |
Tastier? |
Yabusame |
気にしちゃダメだよー♪ |
Don't think about that part. It's for your own good. ♪ |
??? |
? まぁ面倒じゃが、礼儀作法としては |
...? Well, it's kinda inconvenient, but it's only |
Tsubakura |
世の中面倒なことだらけだからな |
World's full of inconvenient stuff already. Go on. |
帝都の銀の弾丸 |
The Imperial Capital's Silver Bullet | |
Sanra |
わしは『藤原 銀 讃良』・・・最近は『銀 讃良』とも |
I am "Fujiwara no Shirogane no Sanra"... though lately I tend ta go by |
Shion |
フジワラ ノ シロガネ ノ サンラ? |
Fu-ji-wa-ra no Shi-ro-ga-ne no Sa-n-ra? |
Yabusame |
すっごい名前だね |
Quite the name you've got! |
Tsubakura |
『の』が二つもあるな っというか姓を省略しちゃうのか? |
It's got "no" twice, too-- you saying you abbreviate your surname? |
Sanra |
『銀』は陛下から賜った字じゃ |
"Shirogane" is my courtesy name, bestowed by Their Majesty themself. |
Yabusame |
へー そーなんだー |
Huh, how abo~ut that. |
Sanra |
しかし、侵入者に対して五衛府のマネキンどもでは |
That aside, I did hear that those Goefu mannequins |
Shion |
実際にシオンちゃんを見た感想はどぉ? |
What's your impression of Shion-chan and friends in person? |
Sanra |
こんな奴らに戦線を戻されとったのか・・・ |
These are the ones who pushed the front line back...? |
Tsubakura |
お前らの軍もな |
Your army kind of is, too. |
Sanra |
そもそも五衛府の輩はどうでもいい規則ばからを |
In the first place, the Goefu pay too much attention ta pointless rules. |
Yabusame |
ゴエーフさんは厳しいの? |
Are the Go-Effu really strict? |
Sanra |
やれループタイは首元まで締めろだの、 |
They're all, "oh, keep yer tie tightened to yer neck!" |
Shion |
それはアナタ個人に対して言ったんじゃないかな? |
Isn't that all stuff they've said to you personally? |
Sanra |
そんなもん、人の好きにやらせればよかろうなのじゃ |
Leaving things like that up to personal preference oughta be fine |
Tsubakura |
同感だな、拘束具じゃないんだから、 |
I know, right? They're not supposed to be restraints or anything, |
Sanra |
其の方、よく分かっとるではないか |
See, that one gets it. |
Yabusame |
気が合うんだね~ |
You guys get along well~! |
Sanra |
さてと・・・っで、其の方らはどのような訳があって |
Now then... Just why're you three |
Tsubakura |
この都の帝って奴に用があるんでね |
We've got business with that "emperor" what's-their-name. |
Sanra |
ほうっ・・・其の方らは、陛下に何か具申するつもりかの? |
Oho... Got something to report to Their Majesty? |
Yabusame |
えーっとね、戦争ごっこを止めてくださいって |
Um, you see~, we'd like to ask them to stop this play-fighting war? |
Sanra |
なるほど・・・そういうことか |
I see... I understand now. |
Shion |
シオンちゃんは美味しい魂たくさん食べれるから |
I don't really mind it, though. It gives me |
Sanra |
しかし、それを言うなら海峡のそちら側の連中に |
If that's the case, though, I wish you'd have gone 'n' |
Tsubakura |
・・・つまり、戦端が開かれた原因は |
...So what you're saying is that your army isn't responsible |
Sanra |
まぁ広い目で見れば全くない、っとは言えんがのう |
Well, broadly speakin', we're not completely free of blame either... |
Yabusame |
じゃあ僕たちはどうすればいいの? |
So what should we do, exactly? |
Tsubakura |
よく言うだろ? |
'S simple, right? |
Sanra |
・・・つまり、陛下を討つ、っということじゃな? |
...So, you intend to strike down Their Majesty, then? |
Shion |
帝さんは美味しいかなぁ? |
I wonder how tasty an emperor is~? |
Sanra |
陛下の命はこの都で最も貴重なものじゃ |
Their Majesty's life is the most valuable thing in this entire city. |
Yabusame |
帝さんが噂のお宝だったの!? |
The emperor was the treasure from the rumor all along?! |
Tsubakura |
そういう意味じゃないだろうな |
That's probably not what they mean. |
Sanra |
問答は仕舞いじゃ、ぬしらを消さねばならなくなった |
The time for questions's over. I have ta get rid of you. |
Shion |
地雷踏んじゃったー? |
Did we hit a nerve~? |
Sanra |
闡裡の神主どもが・・・ |
You priests of Senri... |
Yabusame |
ありゃ? 僕らが神主だってバレてるー? |
Hwah? They found out we were the priests~? |
Shion |
さっきの五衛府さんは気が付かなかったのにね |
Even though the Goefu leader from before didn't have a clue... |
Sanra |
そりゃ、マネキンどもの情報網じゃそんなもんじゃろう |
Y'see, the mannequins have a pitiful information network. |
Tsubakura |
色々あるんだな、都にも・・・ |
Looks like the city's got its own problems too... |
Sanra |
闡裡など、もはや時代遅れなのじゃよ |
Things such as Senri are out of date in this era! |
Sanra |
未来は陛下が・・・我らが皇帝がつくられるのじゃ! |
Our future'll be created by Their Majesty... by our Imperial Emperor! |
Fujiwara no Shirogane no Sanra DEFEATED | ||
Sanra |
勝てぬか・・・無念じゃの |
I couldn't win...? What a disgrace. |
Tsubakura |
随分と潔いんだな |
You're more sportsmanlike than I'd expect. |
Sanra |
ま、陛下にも遊び相手が必要じゃからのう |
Well, even Their Majesty needs playmates, 'fter all. |
Shion |
? どういう意味? |
...? What's that supposed to mean? |
Sanra |
陛下は強者と戦うことをこよなく好むのじゃ・・・ |
Their Majesty loves battlin' strong people above all else... |
Yabusame |
僕も甘いの好きだよー! |
I love sweet stuff too~! |
Tsubakura |
お前の好きな"甘い"は |
Your idea of "sweet" is pretty different |
Yabusame |
えー? |
Huh? |
Shion |
絶対まずいよー |
That's GOTTA be gross! |
Tsubakura |
チャンポラード的なものだな、 |
Sort of like champorado, right? |
Sanra |
天才と変人は、やはり同義なんじゃな |
Geniuses and eccentrics are jus' one and the same, eh? |
Stage 6[edit | edit source]
天鏡の塔[天上陵] |
Pagoda of the Heavenly Mirror (Heavenly Mausoleum) | |
Tsubakura |
あー、ようやく抜けたかぁ |
Whew. Finally made it through the clouds, huh? |
Yabusame |
たっかいところだねー! |
We're sooooo high up! |
Shion |
この塔、なんだったの? 五重塔? |
What's this tower? A five-storied pagoda? |
Tsubakura |
五重塔にしちゃ階層が多すぎるんじゃないか? |
Uh, there's way too many floors for it to be a five-story type? |
The mirror breaks | ||
Yabusame |
・・・・・なんか割れたよ? |
......Uh, the thing broke? |
Tsubakura |
なんか割れたな |
The thing sure broke. |
Shion |
今のが噂の『鏡』だったんじゃない? |
Hey, don't you think that was the "mirror" from the rumor? |
Yabusame |
えぇー! お酒はぁ!? |
Whaa?! Where's the saké?! |
Tsubakura |
本当に鏡が割れるだけとはな・・・ |
Wow. It was literally just a mirror breaking... |
Yabusame |
ちょーガッカリです |
What a super let-down. |
??? |
客人ですか・・・・・ |
Oh, guests...? |
Tsubakura |
ここは客人が入ってきていいような場所なのか? |
Is this somewhere where it's okay to have guests? |
Ooama no Ake no Mitori ENTERS | ||
??? |
いえ、ここは皇帝でさえ戴冠の儀の際にしか |
Well, no. Even the Imperial Emperor is only permitted entry |
Yabusame |
じゃあ、アナタが帝様なの? |
So are you the emperor? |
??? |
いかにも、朕が新たな帝位につかせて頂きました |
Indeed! We have newly acceded the imperial throne. |
Tsubakura |
戦端が開いてるってときに、 |
Wait, so have you been idling around and having a |
??? |
臣下にもさんざん止められましたが、 |
Our vassals did try quite hard to stop Us, |
Shion |
戴冠式にしては、服装が随分と質素なんだね |
You're dressed awfully plain for a coronation, though. |
??? |
これは朕の戦闘服です、礼服ではありません |
This is Our combat uniform. It's not formal wear by any means. |
Yabusame |
へー、なんでそんな格好なの? |
Huhhh. And why're you dressed in that? |
??? |
朕は伝統に則った儀礼の為だけではなく、 |
We didn't come here just for tradition and courtesy's sake. |
Tsubakura |
さっきのデカイ鏡のことか |
The big mirror from a minute ago? |
??? |
古い伝統は歴史的な文化財としてのみ残ればいいのです |
Outdated traditions should be preserved only as cultural assets. |
Shion |
壊したから残ってないじゃん |
I mean, it's hardly preserved if you broke the thing. |
??? |
あ・・・・そうですねぇ・・・・・ |
Ah... that's, um, quite true... |
Tsubakura |
・・・・・・恐れ入りますが |
.....I do beg your pardon, |
朱に染まった玉座 |
The Throne Dyed in Vermillion | |
Mitori |
『大天 朱 壬鳥』と名乗っています |
Our name is "Ooama no Ake no Mitori". |
Shion |
変な名前ー |
Weird naaame. |
Tsubakura |
お前もたいがいだけどな |
Like you're one to talk. |
Yabusame |
ツバも言えないでしょー |
You're not one to talk either, Tsuba~. |
Tsubakura |
・・・・それで、弓なんか持って神聖っぽい場所に来て |
...Anyway, y'sure it's okay to just come up to a sacred spot |
Mitori |
大丈夫です、もう必要ないものですから |
It's quite all right. There was no need for it any more, after all. |
Shion |
そう言えば右腕に弓持ってるのね、変なのー |
Speaking of which, you're holding that bow with your right hand. That's weird~. |
Tsubakura |
儀礼用の弓じゃないのか? |
Is that not a ceremonial bow? |
Mitori |
朕は今まで弓は左手で持っており、 |
We've held Our bow in Our left hand until now. |
Shion |
えっ・・・? それってどういうこと? |
Huh...? What's that mean, exactly? |
Mitori |
確かに、朕自身のことながら |
Indeed, even We thought that this habit |
Yabusame |
自分好みのやりかたって大事だよねー♪ |
Well, it's important to do things the way you like~. ♪ |
Tsubakura |
料理の味付けとかな |
Like what you season your food with, f'rexample. |
Mitori |
だが違ったのです、朕が正しかったのです |
They were wrong, however. We were correct all along. |
Shion |
普通は左手に持つもんね |
You do usually hold bows in your left hand! |
Tsubakura |
まぁ他にもツッコミどころが仰山あるけどな |
I mean, there's plenty of other weird stuff to point out here, but whatever. |
Mitori |
先ほどの鏡の呪縛により皆、弓は右手で持つものと |
Thanks to that mirror's curse, everyone believed that |
Mitori |
正しくは、朕のように左手に持つものだったのです |
Holding them in the left hand, as We had done, is what's correct. |
Yabusame |
へー・・・あれ? |
Huh... wait, what? |
Mitori |
これで都の資料と他の常識とが |
With this, We realized why various things – the capital's documents, |
Tsubakura |
ここの住民は左右逆の世界に住んでいたってことか |
So everyone here was living in a world with left and right flipped? |
Mitori |
しかし鏡を割ったことで、今度は朕の持ち手が |
However, by breaking the mirror, Our bow hand has switched |
Yabusame |
そっか、だから今は右手で持ってるのね |
Oh, okay! That's why you're holding it in your right, now. |
Mitori |
呪縛は解けど、 |
The curse has been lifted, |
Shion |
まぁそうなるよね、全部逆転していたのなら |
Well, that figures. Everything got flipped, after all. |
Tsubakura |
そりゃご苦労なことで |
Must be a lot of trouble, I guess. |
Mitori |
しかしそれは滅んだ前王朝での話です! 朕が帝位に |
However, that's only as far as the dead old dynasty is concerned! |
Shion |
はた迷惑な帝だね~ |
What an annoying emperor~. |
Tsubakura |
滅びた前王朝っと言ったが、トップが変わっただけでなく |
You said "the dead old dynasty". So was the dynasty itself |
Mitori |
その通りです、朕がクーデターしてやりました! |
Precisely! We brought about a coup d'état! |
Yabusame |
クーデター? |
A coo-daytah? |
Tsubakura |
権力者どもを殺しまくるアレね |
One of those things where you go around killin' everyone in power. |
Shion |
悪いやつだなー |
Sounds real evil! |
Mitori |
悪いとは失礼な! 私が手をかけたのはせいぜい |
"Evil"? How rude! I only laid hands upon the old dynasty's |
Yabusame |
結構殺してるねー♪ |
Sounds like you killed a lot of 'em♪ |
Mitori |
それに旧皇御軍の一部武官に汚職などに与した財政家 |
Also, some of the officers in the old Imperial Military, politicians who took part in |
Tsubakura |
・・・・・ |
..... |
Mitori |
癒着と捏造に与したマスコミの責任者 |
Mass media representatives who were guilty of forgery and collusion with big businesses, |
Mitori |
人種差別主義の新興宗教団体の教祖に |
The founders of some recent racially-discriminatory religious organizations, |
Shion |
おぉ~♪ |
Woah~! ♪ |
Mitori |
それとぼったくりアイスクリーム屋さんの店長もです!! |
Oh and also the manager of an ice-cream store that charged way too much!! |
Tsubakura |
おい |
Oi. |
Mitori |
・・・まぁ、多くても100人程度です! |
...Well, it was only like, 100 people tops! |
Tsubakura |
大規模なクーデターにしては少ない犠牲かもだが、 |
I mean, that's a pretty low body count for that big of a coup-d'etat, |
Mitori |
相手が弱すぎたから犠牲が少なく済んだのです |
The opposition was far too weak for Us, so We were able to finish with relatively minor sacrifices. |
Shion |
じゃあ帝さんは強いんだね~ |
Guess you're pretty strong, then~. |
Mitori |
そうですよ、こう見えても朕は強いんです |
Why, yes! Despite appearances, We are quite strong. |
Tsubakura |
むしろ、どう見ても帝には見えないんだが |
There isn't anything about your appearance that says "emperor", honestly. |
Mitori |
しかし快勝だった故、朕はいささか物足りませんでした |
However, since it was such an easy victory, it was somewhat unsatisfying for Us. |
Yabusame |
ねーねー、コレっていつものパターン? |
Hey, hey, are we going with the usual formula here? |
Tsubakura |
だろうな |
Looks like it. |
Mitori |
闡裡神社の神主・・・すばらしいブランドですね |
The priests of the Senri Shrine... quite the exquisite brand name you have. |
Shion |
あ、正体もバレてるんだねー |
Whoops, looks like they know who we are! |
Mitori |
闡裡神社、これも過去の遺物ですね・・・ |
The Senri Shrine is yet another legacy of the past... |
Tsubakura |
无現里を支配していたらしいな |
Ruled over all of Mugenri, apparently. |
Mitori |
しかし今では都人の生活を保障し、支え、導いているのは |
However, is it not Our organizations that now provide |
Mitori |
闡裡など、力はあってもそれをパフォーマンスにしか |
Those such as Senri may have power, but they only use |
Yabusame |
おー! 確かに! |
Ooh! That's right! |
Tsubakura |
おっしゃる通りだが、 |
That is true. Although those performances |
Mitori |
そこでいよいよ問います! |
Thus, I would like to finally ask! |
Yabusame |
何用だったんだっけ~? |
What were we doing, again~? |
Tsubakura |
せんそう おわり |
W a r o v e r p l e a s e |
Yabusame |
あぁー! それそれ! |
Aaah! Yeah that! |
Mitori |
皇御軍を撤兵させろ・・・っということですか? |
So, you request that We... withdraw the Imperial Military? |
Tsubakura |
俺達は聖人君主で正義の味方だからねー |
We're saints and allies of justice an' allll. |
Shion |
本当はお酒探しの邪魔だったからだよー |
Actually it's because they're in the way of our saké hunt! |
Yabusame |
けど例の噂はお酒のことじゃなかったんじゃないの? |
Wait, but wasn't that rumor not actually about saké in the end? |
Tsubakura |
噂の『鏡』ってのがさっき割れたアレのことなら |
If the "mirror" in the rumor was the one that got broken over there, |
Mitori |
・・・? |
...? |
Tsubakura |
いやね、こちらとしてもどうすればいいのか分からないの |
Well, actually, we're kind of at a loss as to what to do now too. |
Yabusame |
もう面倒くさいから帰る? |
This is getting to be a pain, so should we just go home? |
Shion |
それもいいねー |
That sounds good too~. |
Mitori |
お待ちなさい、それでは朕の願いが叶えられません |
We beseech thee to wait! Our wish will go unfulfilled if you do that. |
Tsubakura |
そんなに戦いたいのかぁ? |
D'you want to fight that badly? |
Mitori |
もちろん♪ 闡裡というものがいかほどなのか |
Certainly♪ We are quite interested to know |
Yabusame |
あんたも好きね~♪ |
You like that too, huh~? ♪[a] |
Shion |
ちょっとだけよ~♪ |
All right, all right, just a little~♪ |
Tsubakura |
お前ら楽しそうだな |
You three seem to be enjoying this. |
Mitori |
実に楽しみです♪ 闡裡を・・・・ |
We are enjoying this! After all... |
Yabusame |
えー! この人、本気な人じゃん! |
Woah! This person's actually serious! |
Shion |
マジマジバトルなのね~ |
Super-serious battle time~! |
Tsubakura |
まぁいいじゃないか、たまにはスリリングな戦いも |
Well, I s'pose it's fine to have a more thrilling battle from time to time. |
Mitori |
都だけでなく、无現里すべてを統治するというのも |
Ruling over not just the capital, but all of Mugenri... |
BGM: 大天 ~ Spirit of nagara |
BGM: Arch Heaven ~ Spirit of nagara | |
Mitori |
新たなる世界には新たなる王・・・・ |
A new world deserves a new ruler... |
Ooama no Ake no Mitori DEFEATED | ||
If player has or has not continued | ||
Notes[edit | edit source]
- ↑ This and the following line are a reference to a joke from the comedy program Hachiji da yo! Zenin shuugou.