~At the Senri Shrine
无現里に蔓延っていた戦乱は止み、 空は久しぶりの静寂を満喫していた
The turbulence of war that had spread through Mugenri came to a stop, and the skies enjoyed the first silence they'd had in a while.
The Senri Shrine's residents, too, were gorging themselves on another bout of free time.
Yabusame: "So~, in the end, why was everyone play-fighting like that?"
Tsubakura: "Probably 'cause of worthless pride, and for some groundless past an' future they believed in?"
シオン 「なにそれ、どういう意味ー?」
Shion: "What? What's that supposed to mean?"
ツバクラ「帝ってやつは新しい王朝の権威を人民に示すために進軍した それを妖怪たちが迎撃した、ってだけの話ってこ」
Tsubakura: "The emperor sent out their troops to show off the new dynasty's glory to the populace, and the youkai side intercepted 'em. That's about it."
Yabusame: "I understand now~♪"
シオン 「ヤブサメ絶対分かってないでしょー?」
Shion: "There's no way you actually understood that, right, Yabusame?"
戦争ごっこを終結させた当事者である藪雨達は、 この戦争に関して何の興味もないようであった
Despite being the very people who brought an end to the mock war, Yabusame and friends seemed to have absolutely no interest in the battle itself.
Tsubakura: "That said, though, I'm surprised that even this world has places where civilization's advanced so far."
Yabusame: "It kind of reminds me of the outside world~♪"
シオン 「都は外の世界の技術を積極的に取り入れてるらしいからね~」
Shion: "Yeah, I've heard that the capital city is really proactive in adopting outside-world tech~."
Tsubakura: "...I might be able to gather the resources I need for research."
Yabusame: "Are you gonna make something again~?"
Tsubakura: "They say you can never be too prepared, after all."
??? 「流石は玄鳥さん、実に能率的な戦略ですね!」
???: "Just as We'd expect, Tsubakura-san! Quite the efficient battle strategy."
Someone came in and interrupted as the three were talking.
シオン 「なんであなたがここにいるのー?」
Shion: "What are you doing here, anyway?"
ミトリ 「1度この目で闡裡神社というものを見てみたかったのですよ♪」
Mitori: "We wished to see the Senri Shrine We'd so often heard of with Our own two eyes. ♪"
Tsubakura: "If it's that rare of a place, maybe we should start charging for tours."
ミトリ 「讃良がかわりに払ってくれますよ♪」
Mitori: "Sanra will pay the fees in Our stead. ♪"
サンラ 「その分、来月のお小遣いは減らしておくからの 陛下」
Sanra: "Do keep in mind that it'll cut into your monthly allowance, Your Majesty."
ミトリ 「えー、それは困りますね~」
Mitori: "Awww. That's no good~."
Yabusame: "Is the Emperor here to waste time?"
サンラ 「暇なわけあるかい、公務が山ほど溜まっておる」
Sanra: "As if they have any time to waste! There's still mountains of public duties to take care of."
ミトリ 「まぁそんな堅い話はいいじゃないですか」
Mitori: "Well, can't we just put all that serious stuff aside for now?"
シオン 「帝さんがそんなんでいいのかな~?」
Shion: "Are you sure it's okay to have them as the emperor?"
Tsubakura: "So... did you guys resolve the war games peacefully?"
ミトリ 「とりあえず部隊は撤退させましたよ」
Mitori: "We withdrew our forces, for the time being."
サンラ 「しかし橋の建造の妨害工作が断続的に行われていてな、気が抜けぬ」
Sanra: "The bridge construction is still being intermittently sabotaged, however. We mustn't get complacent."
Yabusame: "Let's say 'no thank you' to tough topics like that!"
Tsubakura: "You'd better go talk to the other faction sometime soon, too~."
ミトリ 「仲介役をお願いできますか?」
Mitori: "Perhaps We could request the services of an intermediary?"
Tsubakura: "Our rates run real high, just so you know."
サンラ 「ふん、其の方らが邪魔さえしなければ事は単純だったんじゃがな」
Sanra: "Hmph. If you people hadn't gotten in the way, things would have been very simple."
シオン 「シオンちゃんとしては、戦争でみんな死んでくれたら嬉しかったのにな~♪」
Shion: "I would've preferred it if everyone died in the war, personally~♪"
ヤブサメ「あはぁ♪ シオンちゃんらしいね~♪」
Yabusame: "Ahaha♪ That's our Shion-chan~♪"
ツバクラ「まぁこっちに飛び火されても困るしな 火の元は早めに消しておこ」
Tsubakura: "Well, it'll be a problem for us if any sparks fly this way. Gotta go put out the source of the fire."
As Tsubakura muttered that, there was still one thing they couldn't figure out.
『大空の器に酒を注ぎ入れ、ちゃちな思想にプライドをブレンドした時、 天が鏡を割るだろう』
"When sake is poured into the vessel of the skies, and cheap ideas and pride are blended in, Heaven shall surely split the mirror."
未来の出来事を指していたこの噂は、いったい誰が広め 何を意図していたのだろうか
That rumor had predicted future events, in the end. Just who had spread it, and for what reason?
奥歯の間になにかものがひっかかっているような、 そんな釈然としない違和感を玄鳥は覚えていた・・
Tsubakura felt a strange sense of dissatisfaction, as if something was stuck in their teeth far in the back...
To be continued...?
To be continued...?
ROUTE:2 ALL CLEAR!! << おめでとう! まだなら他のルートにも行ってみよう! >
ROUTE 2: ALL CLEAR!! (Congratulations! If you still haven't yet, try going to the other routes!)