Brilliant Pagoda or Haze Castle/Story/Preschool Team's Haze Ending
< | Bad Ending | Story | Neutral Ending | > |
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The following material is hidden away from normal view to prevent spoilers. It contains ending dialogue and thus hidden away so that it meets the requirements provided by JynX. Please read at your own risk! |
~蜻蛉乃城 |
...At the Dragonfly Castle. | |
蜻蛉の如く儚いものなのか、陽炎の如く幽かなものなのか・・・ |
Was it transient like a mayfly, or faint like a heat haze...? | |
この城のどこが蜻蛉を意味しているのか、知る者は少ない。 |
Few people know just which analogy for ephemerality the castle represents.[a] | |
ここの現在の主を自称する者も、その少数には含まれていなかった。 |
Not even the castle's current self-proclaimed master is among their number. | |
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意思に関わらず、騒乱に巻き込まれた天堺は |
Tenkai, having gotten wrapped up in the war-games despite their best intentions, | |
本来、こういう仕事は闡裡神社に任せるべきだと自覚しながら、 |
Despite being fully aware that such problems should be left to the Senri Shrine, | |
立場に関係なく、自分はそういう縁の下にいるのかもしれない・・・ |
Perhaps, regardless of their own stance on the matter, they are ultimately governed by such a fate... | |
・・・とは言え、天堺は自分に降りかかる火の粉を払ったにすぎないのだが... |
...In the end, though, all Tenkai really did was sweep away some sparks that had flown in their direction. | |
しかし、誰かと共に敵を薙ぎ払っていく感覚、天堺にとっては少し懐かしいものであった。 |
However, while mowing down their enemies together with others, Tenkai couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia. | |
その昔、先代神主と共に无現里を平定していった日々 |
Nostalgia for the distant past, the days in which they subjugated Mugenri together with the former priest. | |
あの日々が懐かしく感じてしまうほど、時間は過ぎ去っていたのか・・・ |
Had enough time really passed for those days to be nostalgic...? | |
そのことに気がついた天堺の心情を理解できる者は |
Perhaps the only one who would share these sentiments with Tenkai, who had just become aware of them... | |
To be continued...? |
To be continued...? | |
- ↑ In reference to both 蜻蛉 and 陽炎 being read as "kagerou"