Brilliant Pagoda or Haze Castle/Story/Preschool Team's Brilliant Scenario
< | Neutral Route | Story | Extra Route | > |
You should see the following dialogue in the game if you were to always take the Brilliant (right) route.
Stage 1[edit | edit source]
闡裡神社参道 |
Tenkai |
・・・・そんで、お宝探しを手伝えって? |
...And so, you want me to help you search for treasure? |
Sukune |
んだぎゃ |
Yep, gyah! |
Sese |
そのとーり! |
That's right! |
Tenkai |
なんでそんなことしなきゃならんのよ |
And I have to do this why, exactly? |
Sukune |
藪雨と玄鳥をぎゃふんと言わせるんだにょ! |
It's so we can leave Yabusame and Tsubakura speechless, nyo! |
Tenkai |
頼めば言ってくれるんじゃないか? |
But they'll do that if you ask them, won't they? |
Sese |
ずいふぉんは分かってないなー |
Zuifeng, you don't get it! |
Tenkai |
あぁそうかい |
Oh, is that right? |
??? |
なんだか変な奴らがいると思ったらー |
I thought that there were some weirdos around... |
Sese |
んん? |
Hm? |
Mitsumo ENTERS | ||
??? |
本当に変な奴らがいたでー |
And it looks like there really are! |
Tenkai |
妖怪・・・と、人間か |
A youkai... and a human? |
??? |
一目で見極めるとは、あんたやるなー |
You figured that out at a glance? Dang, you're good! |
Sukune |
どういうことだょ? |
Whaddya mean? |
Sese |
説明するのだー ずいふぉん! |
Tell us, Zuifeng! Tell us! |
Tenkai |
あっちのでっかい鏡が妖怪 |
That big mirror over there is the youkai, |
可視化する心の傷跡 |
Visualized Mental Trauma | |
Mitsumo |
そうやで! ワシは『照雲』、鏡の妖怪やで |
Yep! The name's Mitsumo. I'm a mirror youkai. |
Sese |
よし、悪い妖怪認定! |
Alright! Bad youkai confirmed! |
Mitsumo |
突然認定されたで |
And suddenly I'm... "confirmed?" Okay? |
Sukune |
やっつけなきゃだぎゃ |
We've gotta put 'em down, gyah! |
Sese |
ずいふぉんゴー! |
Go, Zuifeng! |
Tenkai |
何で僕が退治しなきゃいかんのよ? |
What? Why do I have to exterminate them? |
Sese |
そこに妖怪がいるからだ! |
Because they're THERE![a] |
Tenkai |
キミらも妖怪なんだが・・・ |
Uh, you two are youkai, too... |
BGM: ナイトメアシンドローム |
BGM: Nightmare Syndrome | |
Mitsumo |
なんや? やる気か? |
Eh? You wanna fight? |
Sese |
ひっひっひっ・・・ |
Hee hee hee... |
Sukune |
そうだぎゃよー! |
That's right, gyah! |
Tenkai |
だとさ、ご愁傷様だな |
Well, that's that. My dearest condolences to you. |
Mitsumo |
あっ、え? 3対1? それはちょっと卑怯じゃ... |
Huh? 3 vs. 1? Isn't that kinda unfair...? |
Sukune |
ゴーだぎゃ! |
Leggo, gyah! |
Mitsumo DEFEATED | ||
Mitsumo |
叩きのめされたでー |
Aah, I got a real thrashin'... |
Tenkai |
僕が手伝う必要なかったんじゃないか? |
I didn't need to help you two at all, did I? |
Sese |
圧倒的だった! |
It was an overwhelming victory! |
Sukune |
余裕だぎゃ! |
I've got energy to spare, gyah! |
Mitsumo |
餓鬼ごときにやられるとはな・・・ |
I can't believe a couple a' brats did me in... |
Sese |
次は順番に一対一で戦うか! |
Next, how 'bout we take turns fighting one-on-one?! |
Sukune |
それだぎゃ! |
Let's do it, gyah! |
Mitsumo |
ひぃい~ |
Eeeek! |
Tenkai |
あまり遊びすぎると壊れるぞ・・・ |
If you play too much, you'll break them... |
Stage 2[edit | edit source]
戦線となる川 |
The Frontline River | |
Tenkai |
それで、どこに向かうんだ? |
So, where are we heading? |
Sukune |
どこに行こうかにゃ? |
Where should we go, nyah? |
Sese |
どうしよっか |
What should we do...? |
Tenkai |
なんのアテもないのかい |
You don't have any leads? Seriously? |
Sukune |
えーと、『鏡』を探せばいいんだよにゃ? |
Um, well... we should search for that "mirror," right, nyah? |
Tenkai |
鏡・・・か、 |
The "mirror"...? |
Sese |
それだー! |
That's it! |
Sukune |
いざ、都へだぎゃ |
Come, leggo to the capital, gyah! |
Tenkai |
いいのか、そんな簡単に決めて |
Should we be deciding things so easily? |
Sukune |
どうせ行くとこないしにぇ |
It's not like we have anywhere elshe to go! |
Sese |
なんの問題もなっしー |
No objections here! |
??? |
むっ、そこの変な奴! 止まれっ! |
Hm! Stop, you weird lot! |
Tenkai |
・・・・とびきり変な服装の奴に言われたくないねぇ |
...I don't want to hear that from someone wearing a getup like THAT. |
Medias Moritake ENTERS | ||
??? |
こ、コレはペンギンなんだ! 変じゃない! |
I... I'm a penguin! There's nothing weird about it at all! |
Sese |
・・・ペンギン? |
...A penguin? |
Sukune |
ペンギンだぎゃ・・・? |
A penguin, gyah...? |
??? |
うぅ、誰も信じてくれない・・・ |
Ooh... Nobody will believe me... |
Tenkai |
南の方から来たみたいだな、ペンギン族か |
You seem to have come from the south. Are you from the penguin clan...? |
??? |
あ、信じてくれるんですか? |
Oh, does that mean you believe me? |
Tenkai |
見た目はペンギンっぽくはないけどな |
You don't look much like a penguin, though. |
??? |
ひどい・・・ペンギンなのに・・・ |
How mean... Even though I'm a penguin... |
Sese |
んで、お前は何なんだー? |
Anyway, what do you want? |
南方の流星群 |
Southern Meteor Shower | |
Medias |
私は・・・まてよ! そこのメロンみたいな奴! |
I want... wait! You! The one who looks like a melon! |
Tenkai |
・・・僕のことかい? |
...Are you referring to me? |
Sukune |
他に夕張メロンみたいな人なんていないんだぎゃ |
Nobody else aroun' here looksh like a Yuubari melon, gyah! |
Medias |
貴方は『瑞風 天堺』殿だな? |
You are Master Tenkai Zuifeng, yes? |
Tenkai |
・・・今の帝は結構やり手みたいだな |
...Seems like the current Emperor is a real go-getter. |
Sukune |
召喚ってどういうことだぎゃ? |
What do you mean, "summoned," gyah? |
Sese |
説明するのだー! ずいふぉん! |
Tell u~s! Zuifeng! |
Tenkai |
都の帝が地位や立場に関係なく、 |
It's when the capital's Emperor invites a specific person to be |
Sukune |
ヘッドハンティングってやつだぎゃな! |
So basically headhuntin', gyah! |
Medias |
"聖域"の連中を招くなんて珍しいことだ、 |
It's rare for someone from the "Sanctuary" to be invited. |
Tenkai |
断固として断る |
I steadfastly refuse. |
Medias |
そうは言ってもねぇ・・・知ってるんだろ? |
You say that... but you're well aware, aren't you? |
Sukune |
知らないだぎゃ |
We're not, gyah! |
Sese |
説明するのだー! ずいふぉん! |
Tell u~s! Zuifeng! |
Tenkai |
"召喚"は当人の意思に関係なく強制的に行われる |
"Summoning" is compulsory. It takes place regardless of the will of the person concerned. |
Medias |
そういうことだ、 |
That's right. |
Sukune |
そうはいかないぷー! |
That ain't happenin', puu! |
Sese |
天堺はすでにセセ達の部下だもんねー! |
Tenkai is already a subordinate of Team Sese! |
Tenkai |
そっちも断固として断りたいんだが |
I'd like to refuse you lot too, though... |
Medias |
じゃあペンギン的には |
Then, speaking as a penguin, |
Sukune |
ペンギンじゃないんじゃー |
You're not a penguin! |
Medias |
ペンギンなんです! |
I am a penguin! |
Tenkai |
それじゃあこっちも力づくで拒否しないとな |
Guess we've gotta reject you with brute force too, then. |
BGM: エンペラーロード ~ So cute! |
BGM: Emperor Road ~ So Cute! | |
Medias |
後悔しますよ? |
You'll regret it, you know? |
Sese |
よーし、いっちょやるかー! |
Alright, let's do it! |
Sukune |
天堺は僕らが守るんじゃー |
Tenkai will protect us! |
Medias Moritake DEFEATED | ||
Medias |
よく考えたら、 |
Now that I think about it, |
Tenkai |
しかも3対1だしな |
Plus, it was 3 vs 1. |
Sese |
よしっ! 勝利だ! |
Yes! We won! |
Sukune |
都の連中の好きにはさせないっちゃ |
We won't let them Capitalers do as they please, cha! |
Tenkai |
しかし召喚か・・・面倒なことになったな |
A summoning, though... Things just got way more bothersome. |
Sese |
どうしてだー? |
Why? |
Tenkai |
召喚の布告を発したってことは、 |
If the capital's issued a summoning edict, they must be dead-set |
Medias |
そういうことになるペン |
That's what's gonna hap-penguin! |
Sukune |
とつぜん語尾をペンギンっぽくしたにゃ |
They're tryin' ta make their speech more penguinny all of a sudden, nyah... |
Sese |
じゃあ都をぶっつぶすぞー! |
Alright, let's crush the capital! |
Tenkai |
まぁぶっ潰すかは置いといて、 |
Well, the matter of crushing aside, it does seem |
Sukune |
進路が決まったにゃ |
Our route's decided, nyah! |
Sese |
都をボーンっ! |
We're 'bone' our way to the capital! |
Stage 3[edit | edit source]
夢幻堤防 |
The Fantasy Seawall | |
Tenkai |
都かぁ・・・ |
The capital, huh...? |
Sese |
天堺は都に行ったことがあるんだぎゃー? |
Tenkai, have you been to the capital before, gyah? |
Sukune |
その口調は僕の専売特許だぎゃ!! |
Hey! That's my speech quirk! I've patented it, gyah!! |
Tenkai |
以前に何度か行ったことがあるな |
I've been there several times before. |
Sukune |
へー、だぎゃ! |
Really, gyah? |
Sese |
どんなとこだったー? |
What sort of place was it? |
Tenkai |
んー・・・仰々しい場所だったな |
Mmm... it was a very bombastic place. |
Sese |
ぎょーぎょーしい? |
Bom-bas-tic? |
Sukune |
おっきな建物、光る文字、動く地面、 |
It's got lotsh of tall buildings, lit-up words, ground that moves... |
Tenkai |
あれっ? ハニワも行ったことあるの? |
Hm? Have you been there before, Haniwa? |
Sukune |
だってあの都を作ったの、ボクだもん・・・だぎゃ! |
Of course! I'm the one who built it, after all... uh, gyah! |
Tenkai |
はっ? |
What? |
Sese |
えぇー! |
Woah! |
Sukune |
う・そ~ だぎゃ~♪ |
Just kidding, gyah!♪ |
Tenkai |
・・・・あ、っそ |
...M'kay. |
Sese |
へー |
Aww... |
Sukune |
まぁちょっとだけ本当だけどね、だぎゃ |
Well, that was at least a little bit true, gyah. |
Tenkai |
へ? |
Really? |
??? |
おーい、そこの奴らー |
Hey, you lot! |
Sukune |
ん~? だぎゃ |
Hm? Gyah? |
Kunimitsu Ooya ENTERS | ||
??? |
このへんは立ち入り禁止だよ、さっさとむこうへ行きな |
This area is off limits! Hurry up and move on. |
Tenkai |
ほ~、都は通行禁止なのか |
Huh~. So the capital's off limits now? |
??? |
ん~、あんたの顔はどっかで見たな・・・ |
Hm... I feel like I've seen your face somewhere before... |
Sese |
ずいふぉんのことかー? |
Are you talking about Zuifeng? |
??? |
あー、なんだっけか・・・ ・・・・・ま、いっか |
Aah, where was it...? ...Well, it doesn't matter. |
Sukune |
適当だぎゃ |
How vague, gyah. |
??? |
思い出せんってことはその程度のことなんだろう |
If I can't remember, you must not have been very important. |
Tenkai |
いい加減なやつだな |
That's quite the attitude you've got there. |
Sese |
召喚された、ってやつじゃないのかー? |
Don't you remember Zuifeng because they were summoned? |
??? |
あぁ! それだそれだ |
Ah! That's right, that's right. |
Tenkai |
黙ってればいいものの・・・ |
You should have just kept quiet... |
Sukune |
セセはお喋りだぎゃ~ |
Sese, ya're such a chatterbox, gyah! |
??? |
それじゃあお前さんを逃がすわけにはいかんね、 |
Very well - there's no way I can let you go now. |
Tenkai |
やっぱりアンタも都の者なのか? |
So you're another capital emissary, then? |
宮仕えの妖怪退治屋 |
Royal Court's Youkai Exterminator | |
Kunimitsu |
ま、そんなとこだな 雇われ兵ってやつさ |
Well, something like that. I'm basically a hired merc. |
Sese |
兵隊かぁー、カッコイイなー! |
A soldier?! That's so cool! |
Sukune |
ハニワ戦士だぎゃ! |
Imma' Haniwa soldier, gyah! |
Tenkai |
皇御軍には所属してないってことか、懸命な判断かもな |
So you're not affiliated with the Imperial Military? I suppose that's a wise decision. |
Kunimitsu |
縛られるのは嫌いなんでね、 |
I don't like being tied down, y'see. |
Sese |
おー、やる気らしーぞ! |
Oh, I think they wanna fight! |
Tenkai |
拒否する言葉ぐらい言わせてくれよ |
Geeze. At least let me say a few words of refusal first. |
BGM: キリングスペリオル ~ Giant killing |
BGM: Killing Superior ~ Giant Killing | |
Kunimitsu |
どうせ黙って召喚されるつもりはないんだろ? |
There's no way you'd just keep quiet and obey the summons anyway, right? |
Sukune |
あいつの持ってる剣は、ハニーワソードだぎゃ! |
That sword... that's the Haniwa Sword, gyah! |
Sese |
いや、ボーンブレードだぎゃ! |
No, it's the Bone Blade, gyah! |
Tenkai |
どっちも違うだろうな |
Pretty sure you're both wrong, anyway. |
Kunimitsu |
この剣の名は『番狂』 |
My sword's name is "Bankuruwase!" |
Kunimitsu Ooya DEFEATED | ||
Kunimitsu |
いや~、強いったらありゃしない |
Yeesh~. You can't get much stronger than that! |
Tenkai |
こんなんじゃ都の実力も推し量れるね |
Based on this, I can hazard a guess as to how strong the capital is, too. |
Sese |
セセたちはさいきょーなんだ! |
Team Sese's the strongest arooound! |
Sukune |
天堺はやっぱり強いんだぎゃ~ |
Tenkai, you really are powerful, gyah! |
Kunimitsu |
同じ召喚された身でも、 |
We were both summoned, |
Tenkai |
なんだ、あんたも召喚されたのか |
Hm? You were summoned, too? |
Kunimitsu |
まぁ私はもともと現在の帝とは顔見知りだったからな |
Well, that's 'cause I was already acquainted with the current Emperor. |
Tenkai |
現在の帝・・・か |
The current Emperor, huh...? |
Sese |
これで都への道は開かれたなー! |
With this, the path to the capital is open to us! |
Sukune |
このまま一直線だぎゃ! |
It's just a straight line from here on, gyah! |
Tenkai |
・・・能天気ってのは羨ましいもんだな |
...Must be real nice, being so optimistic. |
Stage 4[edit | edit source]
幽暗海橋 |
Sukune |
町だぎゃねー! |
Wow, a town, gyah! |
Tenkai |
たしか橋の上に商店街を作っているんだよね、 |
Indeed; it seems like they're building a shopping district upon the bridge. |
Sese |
橋の上に作ってるのかー? |
On top of the bridge? |
Sukune |
それは大層すっごい橋だぎゃねー! |
It'sh a real awesome bridge, gyah! |
Tenkai |
・・・壊れそうで怖いな |
...It looks ready to fall apart, though. How frightening. |
Sukune |
そんなわけないっちゃ! 絶対安全だぎゃ! |
No way, cha! It's totally 100% safe, gyah! |
Tenkai |
なんで宿禰が怒るんだ・・・? |
Why are you getting so upset, Sukune...? |
Sukune |
し、知らなーいんだぎゃ~ |
I... I dunno, gyah! |
??? |
待てぇい! 侵入者どもめ! |
Halt! Intruders! |
Sese |
はい、待ったぞ! |
Okay, we're halting! |
Kaoru Kashiwagi ENTERS | ||
??? |
よし、えらいぞ! そのままお縄につけ! |
Excellent! Now, stay there while I tie you up. |
Tenkai |
いやいや、そうはいかんよ |
No, no, we can't let that happen. |
Sukune |
おみゃーさんはだれだぎゃ~? |
Now, who might ya be, gyah? |
??? |
侵入者に名乗るような名などない! |
My name is not one to be given to trespassers such as yourselves! |
Tenkai |
その服・・・・たしか五衛府のだな |
Those clothes... you must be a member of the Goefu. |
??? |
むっ、よく知っているな、侵入者のくせに |
Hmf. For a filthy intruder, you're quite knowledgeable. |
Sese |
五衛府ってなんだー? |
What are the Goefu...? |
Tenkai |
都の警備隊ってとこかな・・・最近は影が薄いが |
They're like the capital's guards, I guess... though they haven't stood out much lately. |
??? |
影が薄いだとっ! ふざけるんじゃない! |
"Haven't stood out"?! Rubbish! |
Sukune |
伝わってきたのはすっごい必死な感じだけだぎゃー |
All I'm gettin' from ya is a super-intense feelin' of desperation, gyah... |
Tenkai |
お前、衛門督だろ? |
Hold on... you're Emon no kami, aren't you?[b] |
??? |
うっ、ギクゥ! |
Gah! |
Sese |
衛門督ってなんだー? |
What's an Emon no kami...? |
Tenkai |
五衛府の一番偉い奴ってとこだ |
They're the Goefu's highest-ranked member. |
??? |
うるさいっ! うぬ等、予をバカにするつもりか!? |
Silence! You lot - do you intend to make a fool of me?! |
Sukune |
バカっぽいですにゃ |
They seem like an idiot, nyah. |
Sese |
バカなんじゃないかー? |
They are one, aren't they? |
Tenkai |
実際バカなんだろうな |
Yes, they're most likely an idiot. |
帝都に佇む濃霧 |
Dense Fog Standing in the Imperial City | |
Kaoru |
我が名は『柏木 薫』!! |
My name... is Kaoru Kashiwagi!! |
Tenkai |
どうしてイキナリ名乗った? |
Why did you suddenly announce your name? |
Kaoru |
我ら五衛府は神聖なる気高き集団! |
We Goefu are a sacred, proud organization! |
Sese |
へー |
Huh~. |
Kaoru |
だがこれより、予は一人の人間として、 |
But starting right now... I shall declare war on you |
Sukune |
・・・なんか演技口調だぎゃな~ |
...They sound like they're puttin' on a play, gyah... |
Kaoru |
つまりっ! 予は予自信の矜持の為に、 |
In short! For the sake of my own pride, |
Tenkai |
へぇ・・・そいつは大変だぁ |
Huh~... Well, good for you, I guess. |
Sese |
また戦えるな! |
Yay! We can fight again! |
BGM: 死に至る絢爛 ~ Toxic gem |
BGM: Fatal Brilliance ~ Toxic gem | |
Kaoru |
恥や外聞などどうでもよい! |
Shame or honor are inconsequential! |
Tenkai |
まぁいいんじゃないか、こっちも道案内人が欲しかったし |
Well, that's fine by me. We wanted someone to guide us, anyway. |
Sukune |
そうだぎゃね、都合がいいんだぎゃ |
That's right! This's real convenient, gyah! |
Kaoru |
都人の戦いを甘く見ないことだな! |
The prowess of the capital-folk is not to be taken lightly! |
Kaoru Kashiwagi DEFEATED | ||
Kaoru |
全力全開で負けた・・・ |
I lost with all my might... |
Tenkai |
衛門督がこの程度とは、都の質も知れたもんだな |
With an Emon no kami this weak, the quality of the capital seems pretty obvious. |
Kaoru |
うぬ等! 予だけならともかく、 |
You! Putting myself aside, |
Sukune |
負けた人から許さんって言われても怖くないんだぎゃ~ |
Hearin' that from a loser doesn't make me scared at all, gyah! |
Kaoru |
ううぅ・・・ |
Oooh... |
Sese |
じゃあ道案内よろしくー! |
Now, guide us, please! |
Kaoru |
・・・ドコに行きたいんだ? |
...Where do you want to go? |
Tenkai |
僕、召喚されたらしいから・・・ |
It appears as though I've been summoned, so... |
Kaoru |
なっ・・・召喚? ・・・っということは |
S-summoned? So that means... |
Sukune |
気づくの遅すぎだぎゃ~ |
Ya're a bit slow on the uptake, gyah... |
Tenkai |
そんなんだから組織が廃れるんだぞ |
That's why their organization is dying out. |
Stage 5[edit | edit source]
デーヴァナガラ |
Sese |
すっげー町だな! |
What a freakin' cool city! |
Sukune |
相変わらず建物の背が高いっちゃね~ |
The buildin's are as tall as ever, chyah! |
Tenkai |
ここの空気は嫌いだな・・・息苦しい |
I can't say I like the air here... it's practically suffocating. |
Sese |
なんか向こうの方でピカピカしてんなー! |
There's a bunch of sparkly things over that way! |
Tenkai |
落ち着きのない街だなぁ |
What a restless city... |
Sukune |
それで、帝さんはどこにいるんだぎゃ? |
So, where's the Emperor, gyah? |
Tenkai |
皇宮か、兵部省の統合作戦本部か、それとも・・・ |
Either at the Palace, at the Military Ministry's joint operational HQ, or... |
??? |
五衛府のマネキンどもから緊急連絡を受けて |
I came all the way back here soon as I got |
Sese |
んーーー |
Mmmm~? |
??? |
侵入者がたった三人とはな・・・ |
But I didn't expect jus' three intruders... |
Tenkai |
! 見た事ある顔だな |
...! I've seen you before. |
??? |
おぉ、其の方は天堺殿じゃな お初にお目にかかる |
Oh, yer' Tenkai-dono, aren't you? It's a pleasure ta finally meet you in person. |
Sese |
セセたちはいつも無視されるのだー |
Geez! Sese and Sukune are always getting ignored! |
Sukune |
誰なのこの人? |
Who'sh this? |
帝都の銀の弾丸 |
The Imperial Capital's Silver Bullet | |
Sanra |
失礼、紹介が遅れてしまったようじゃの |
Ah, I didn't introduce m'self yet. My apologies. |
Tenkai |
藤原・・・やっぱり王室の連中だったか |
Fujiwara... so you're from the royal family after all, huh. |
Sanra |
天堺殿に顔を覚えていただいていたとは、 |
It's truly the highest of honors ta |
Sese |
それで、サンラはなんなんら? |
So what's your story, Sanra? |
Sanra |
わしの役職が知りたいのか? |
You wanna know what my post is? |
Sukune |
元帥さんなのきゃ!? |
The field marshal?! |
Sanra |
制服組の中ではただ一人、 |
Yes. I'm second only ta Their Majesty themself, who's |
Sese |
大っきな元帥がいたのかー |
Wow, there's an even grander field marshal? |
Tenkai |
随分偉い奴が来てくれたようだね、助かったよ |
Looks like we've got a real big-shot on our hands. That's a huge help. |
Sanra |
念のため訊ねるが天堺殿、 |
If I may ask, Tenkai-dono, jus' ta be entirely sure... |
Tenkai |
もう隠居の身なんでね、それに宮使いなんてごめんだよ |
Sorry, but I'm already retired. And I'm hardly keen on being a court official. |
Sukune |
それに天堺には仕事があるんだぎゃよ! |
Plus, Tenkai's already got a job! |
Sese |
そうだーそうだー! |
Yeah, yeah! |
Sanra |
そうか・・・惜しいのう |
I see... what a shame. |
Tenkai |
しかしあんたらもこんな時に暢気に戦争ごっことは |
That aside, you really are a happy-go-lucky lot, aren't you? |
Sanra |
なんじゃと? |
'Scuse me? |
Tenkai |
无現里はそれどころじゃないってのに |
Even though Mugenri has no time for that sort of thing. |
Sukune |
天堺、何か知っているようだにょう |
It seems like Tenkai knows something, nyoh~. |
Sese |
知っているのかずいふぉん!? 教えろー! |
What do you know, Zuifeng?! Expla~in! |
Tenkai |
ハニワと骨が知ったところで無意味だよ? |
There's no point in a haniwa and some bones knowing, you know? |
Sukune |
教えるぎゃ! 気ににゃるじょ |
Tell us! I'm intereshted now, jyoh. |
Sanra |
我々の信念を愚弄するからには、 |
If you're going to mock our convictions, I'd hope |
Tenkai |
いちいちうるさいやつらばっかりだなぁ~ |
Geeze, you're all a bunch of nags... |
Sese |
早く教えろー! |
Hurry up an' tell us! |
Tenkai |
聞きたいのなら力づく、ってのが无現里的だろ? |
If you want to know something, use brute force. That's the Mugenri way, isn't it? |
Sanra |
どちらにせよ、侵入者であるぬしらは |
Alright. I do hafta eliminate you intruders |
Sese |
ちょうどいいじゃーん |
Works out just fine, then! |
Sukune |
じゃあセセ、僕らぁは負けなきゃだぎゃね! |
Okay, Sese! We've gotta lose this one, gyah! |
Sese |
そーだな! |
That's right! |
Tenkai |
いやいや、キミらは味方でしょ |
Hey, no, you're supposed to be on my side! |
Sukune |
えー、だって秘密を知りたいだぎゃ~ |
Aww. But I wanna know the secret, gyah~! |
Sese |
だなー |
Yeah! |
Tenkai |
いつか教えてやるから、今は協力しなさい |
I'll tell you eventually, so for now, just work with me. |
Sukune |
しょうがないにゃ~ |
Okay, fine, nyah... |
Sese |
世話のかかる奴だなー |
You can be such a handful sometimes... |
Sanra |
話は終わったかのう? |
You done talkin' over there? |
Tenkai |
こっちも帝の居場所を知りたかったし、都合がいい |
I wanted to know the Emperor's location too, so this is fine by me. |
Sanra |
そうか、陛下にお会いしたいのか・・・ならばやはり、 |
Ah, so you want to meet Their Majesty...? ...I s'pose |
Sese |
ボーンっといくぞー! |
Let's go! Ka-BOOONE! |
Sukune |
だぎゃー! |
Gya~ah! |
Tenkai |
まぁ一人で戦うよりかはラクできそうだね |
Well, this at least ought to be easier than fighting one-on-one. |
Sanra |
ぬしらの運命、撃ち墜とさせてもらう! |
Allow me to shoot your destinies down! |
Fujiwara no Shirogane no Sanra DEFEATED | ||
Sanra |
流石は天下に名高い鶴喰殿の側近だのう |
Just as I'd expect from Tsurubami-dono's renowned adviser... |
Tenkai |
側近って言い方は好きじゃないなぁ |
Mm. Not sure I like the sound of "adviser." |
Sukune |
これで後は帝だけだぎゃね! |
Okay! All that'sh left is the Emperor, gyah! |
Sese |
一気に行っちゃうぞー! |
Let's head straight there! |
Sanra |
・・・・陛下が楽しむ姿が目に浮かぶわい |
...I can see it now. Their Majesty will be so pleased... |
Tenkai |
は? どうして? |
Huh? Why? |
Sanra |
陛下は"そういう"方なのじゃよ |
Their Majesty's that kind of person. |
Sese |
よく分からんが、行くぞー! |
Not sure whatcha mean, but we're off! |
Sukune |
んだぎゃ! |
Ngyah! |
Tenkai |
・・・なんかいやな予感が... |
...I kind of have a bad feeling about this... |
Stage 6[edit | edit source]
天鏡の塔 [天上陵] |
Pagoda of the Heavenly Mirror - Heavenly Mausoleum | |
Tenkai |
随分登ったが・・・・・・ |
Well, we sure have climbed a lot... |
Sukune |
あれが噂にあった"鏡"だぎゃ? |
Issat the "mirror" from the rumor, gyah? |
Sese |
でっかいなー! |
It's huuuge! |
The mirror breaks | ||
Tenkai |
・・・割れたな |
...It just broke. |
Sukune |
割れただぎゃ |
Broke, gyah. |
Sese |
割れたぞー |
It broke! |
Tenkai |
えーっと、僕たちの所為かな? |
Err. Did we do that? |
Sese |
せ、セセは悪くないぞー! |
S-Sese didn't do anything bad! |
Sukune |
ぼぼぼ、僕だって何もしてないぎゃ! |
Ne-ne-ne-neither did I, gyah! |
??? |
御安心ください、割ったのは朕でございます |
Be at ease. It was We who broke it. |
Tenkai |
! ・・・・お前は... |
...! ....You're.... |
Ooama no Ake no Mitori ENTERS | ||
??? |
あのようなもの、 |
After all, |
Sese |
誰だー? |
Who are you~? |
朱に染まった玉座 |
The Throne Dyed in Vermillion | |
Mitori |
申し遅れました、朕は『大天 朱 壬鳥』 |
Our apologies for not introducing Ourself. Our name is "Ooama no Ake no Mitori". |
Tenkai |
やはり新しい帝はお前だったか |
Ah. So you were the new emperor after all, then... |
Mitori |
おや? 以前にお会いしたことがありましたか? |
Huh? Have We met you before, perhaps? |
Tenkai |
いや・・・だが、お前さんの名前は真名だろ? |
No... But "Mitori" is your true name, right? |
Mitori |
? いかにも、皇位継承者の名付けは |
Hm? Why, of course. All imperial heirs are christened |
Tenkai |
お前のことは以前から注目していた |
I've been keeping an eye on you for a while now, |
Mitori |
そうなんですか、朕にはよく分かりませんが・・・ |
Is... that so? We don't quite get what you're trying to say... |
Tenkai |
何か大きな事をしでかすと思っていたが、 |
I suspected that you'd get up to something big, |
Sukune |
弑逆? 帝しゃんが変わっただけじゃなくて |
Regicide? Wait, so it'sh not just the emperor that changed, |
Mitori |
そういうことです♪ |
That's correct. ♪ |
Sese |
どういうことだー? |
What do you mean? |
Tenkai |
僕の記憶が確かなら |
If my memory serves me correctly... |
Mitori |
その通りです、旧王朝ではそうでしたね |
Yes, according to the old dynasty. |
Tenkai |
ならば順当に行けば帝の座につくことだって |
So you easily could've taken the throne anyway |
Sukune |
そういえば第一皇位継承者が行方不明だって噂を |
Now thatcha' mention it, I've heard some rumors that |
Mitori |
そうですね、あれは"不幸な事故"でした |
Ah, yes. That was a very "unfortunate accident". |
Tenkai |
そんな謀略を重ねてきたにも関わらず |
So why did you take such a huge risk in overthrowing the dynasty, |
Mitori |
朕は皇位が欲しかったのではありません |
We never wanted the throne at all. |
Sese |
おー! ・・・・つまりどういうことだー? |
Ohhh! ......What does that mean? |
Mitori |
王朝を転覆させた後の地位など |
To be honest, We never cared much |
Mitori |
どうやらこの都を纏められるのは |
But it seems that We are the only one currently |
Sukune |
凄い人なんだぎゃね~ |
Ya must be pretty amazin', gyah~! |
Mitori |
それにしても、旧王朝の連中はまるで相手に |
That aside, the old dynasty's forces were |
Tenkai |
・・・旧王朝だって随分と兵力を |
...I mean, even the old dynasty ought to have |
Mitori |
事実上の兵権はすでに朕の手中にありましたから |
The majority of their forces were already in the palm |
Sese |
すっごいなー! おまえ! |
Woah! You're really something! |
Tenkai |
戦う前から勝つ条件は揃えていたわけか |
So the conditions for your victory were already arranged |
Sukune |
かっこいいんだぎゃ! |
That's so cool, gyah! |
Mitori |
しかし不満が一つあります・・・・・ |
However, there is but one thing that dissatisfies Us... |
Sese |
んー? どういうことだー? |
Mmm? What d'you mean? |
Mitori |
朕が打倒したかったものは余りに弱かったのです |
The forces We wished to overthrow were altogether too weak. |
Mitori |
・・・朕はもっと強い者と知略と技術と能力の限りを |
...We wish to battle someone stronger, using all the |
Tenkai |
・・・・・无現里は戦闘ジャンキーが多いが |
.....I know Mugenri is full of battle addicts, |
Mitori |
"聖域"の方々なら・・・ |
Seeing as you three are from the "Sanctuary"... |
Sukune |
そんな理由で進軍してきたっちゃか!? |
Wait, is that why you advanced on our territory, chyah?! |
Mitori |
とんでもないっ! 朕は無用な目的の為に |
Good heavens, no! We didn't dispatch Our troops |
Sese |
じゃあどうしてだー? |
Why, then? |
Mitori |
情報が入ったのです |
We received some information... |
Sukune |
あー・・・そう言えば前に新皇さんがそんなこと言ってたぎゃ |
Ah... Now thatcha mention it, that "New Emperor" weirdo said somethin' like that, gyah. |
Mitori |
信頼のある情報筋からの報告です |
The report came from a very trusted source. |
Tenkai |
それで、先制打を与えるために今回の進軍を行ったと |
And so, you decided to get a head start on them by sending the troops out. |
Mitori |
果断速攻こそが朕の信奉するところであります |
Yes. We believe quite strongly in prompt and swift attacks. |
Mitori |
しかし向こうもあらかじめ陣を展開してましたので |
However, the enemy has also deployed their troops in advance, |
Sukune |
先読みされてたのかなにゃ? |
They foresaw whatcha' you were gonna do, nyah? |
Sese |
みんな頭いいんだなー |
Man, everyone's real smart. |
Mitori |
いまのところ"聖域"の方々は善戦しているようですね |
At the moment, it seems that the Sanctuary forces are putting up a good fight. |
Tenkai |
どうしてだい? |
Why's that? |
Mitori |
ここからは朕が前線に出ます |
Because We will soon head to the front lines. |
Tenkai |
皇帝自らが前線に・・・か? |
The Imperial Emperor is going to the front lines... themself? |
Mitori |
そうです・・・・それに、朕だけではありません |
Yes... and We aren't going alone, either. |
Sukune |
他にも誰か行くんだぎゃか? |
Who else is goin', gyah? |
Mitori |
天堺殿・・・あなたです |
Tenkai-dono... you'll be coming with us. |
Tenkai |
! |
! |
Mitori |
卿の手腕は无現里にいるあらゆる民が知っています |
All citizens of Mugenri know of thy strength. |
Tenkai |
そりゃどうも |
Thanks, I guess. |
Mitori |
朕も卿の実力を高く評価しています |
We, too, hold thy strength in the highest regard. |
Tenkai |
それを断るために |
You're well aware that I came all this way |
Sese |
そうだぞー! 天堺はセセ達の部下だ! |
That's right! Tenkai already works for Team Sese! |
Sukune |
そうだぎゃ!! |
That's right, gyah!! |
Mitori |
そのようですね・・・ では他の御二方はどうですか? |
Yes, it appears so... Then, how about the two of you? |
Mitori |
ここまで来れたのだから、卿らも相当の実力者でしょう |
If you've come all this way, you too must be considerably strong. |
Sese |
えー? |
Eh? |
Sukune |
ど、どうするぎゃ? セセ |
Wh-what'do we do, gyah? Sese? |
Mitori |
我が軍に入れば、お菓子いっぱいもらえますよ♪ |
If you come to Our army, you'll receive lots of candy! ♪ |
Sukune |
ぐぐにゅ~ |
Grghnyu~... |
Sese |
ホネはくれるか? |
Can I receive bones? |
Mitori |
? よく分かりませんが・・・ |
? That's a rather strange request... |
Sese |
ついてくぞー! |
Count me i~n! |
Sukune |
じゃあ僕もー! |
Me too, then~! |
Tenkai |
おいおい |
Hey, hey. |
Mitori |
ほら、天堺殿も考えを改めてみませんか? |
Come now, Master Tenkai. Won't you reconsider, as well? |
Tenkai |
僕は鶴喰とともに働いてたころに |
Sorry. I used up all my motivation |
Mitori |
ヒトの意欲というものには、限度はありません |
Human motivation has no limits. |
Tenkai |
けどね、鶴喰がいなくなった今・・・ |
But now that Tsurubami is gone.... |
Mitori |
そうですか・・・・ |
Is that so....? |
Sukune |
天堺は強情だぎゃねー! |
Tenkai, don't be stubborn, gyah~! |
Sese |
ホネいっぱいもらえるんだぞー! |
Did you even HEAR them?! You can get a ton of bones! |
Tenkai |
キミらは黙っててくれないか |
Could you two shut up? |
Mitori |
それならもう一つ、頼み事があるのですが・・・ |
Then, We have something else to ask you... |
Tenkai |
何かな? なんか嫌な予感がするけど |
What's that? I have a bad feeling about it, though. |
Mitori |
朕と戦ってください |
We desire a fight. |
Tenkai |
やっぱりかぁ・・・ |
I guessed so... |
Mitori |
朕はコレから前線に行くにあたって、 |
We want to do some exercise |
Sese |
運動は大切だもんなー! |
Yeah, exercise is important~! |
Mitori |
それに朕は長年、鶴喰殿や卿と戦ってみたいと |
Also, We've wanted to fight against the likes of |
Tenkai |
鶴喰はもういないからなぁ、消去法ってことかぁ |
And since Tsurubami's gone, by process of elimination...? |
Mitori |
"召喚"を行えば、卿の方から朕の下へ来てくれると |
Indeed. And We knew that by "summoning" you, |
Tenkai |
まんまとのせられたわけか・・・まぁ逃げ道はなかったけど |
Ugh, and I totally fell for it... well, it's not like I could've gotten out of it anyway. |
Sukune |
帝しゃんは頭がいいんだぎゃね! |
The Emperor sure has a good head, gyah! |
Mitori |
よかったら、「帝」ではなく「ミトリ」とお呼びください |
By all means, call Us "Mitori" instead of "Emperor," if you like. |
Sese |
ミトリー! ホネくれー! |
Mitori~! Gimme them bones~! |
Sukune |
ミトリしゃーん、お菓子くだにゃい! |
Mitoreeey! Gimme candy, nyah! |
Tenkai |
すっかり飼い馴らされてるな |
Wow. You've completely tamed the little squirts. |
Mitori |
『将を射んと欲すればまず馬を射よ』 |
"If you want to shoot the general, first shoot their horse." |
Sese |
セセたちはどっちの味方をすればいいんだー?? |
Who are we supposed to side with?? |
Sukune |
うーん、困っただぎゃね~ |
Mmm, this is real tricky, gyah... |
Mitori |
今は天堺殿の味方をしてあげてください |
Side with Tenkai-dono for now. |
Sese |
そういうことならいいぞー! |
Oh, okay! No problem, then! |
Sukune |
天堺、今だけは味方してやるだぎゃ! |
Tenkai, we'll help you out just this once, gyah! |
Tenkai |
はいはい、あんがとね |
Yes, yes. Thanks a bunch. |
Mitori |
ここに来るまでに |
You've had more than enough time to |
Tenkai |
まぁ大体予想がついていたからね |
Well, yeah. I more or less expected this to happen. |
Mitori |
では、まずは小手調べから行きますか |
Very well. Shall we start with some trial exercises? |
Tenkai |
小手調べで終わりにしてやるよ |
Those trial exercises are as far as you're gonna get. |
Mitori |
天に立つ者は、その世界で最も |
Those who stand in Heaven must also stand |
BGM: 大天 ~ Spirit of nagara |
BGM: Arch Heaven ~ Spirit of nagara | |
Mitori |
そう、帝をも超える天の皇帝・・・・・ |
Indeed, the ruler of Heaven, exceeding even the royal emperor... |
Ooama no Ake no Mitori DEFEATED | ||
If player has or has not continued | ||
Notes[edit | edit source]
- ↑ Soko ni youkai ga iru kara (そこに妖怪がいるからだ, lit. "because there's a youkai there"): possibly a play on George Mallory's famous quote "because it's there," often translated to Japanese as soko ni yama ga arukara (そこに山があるから, lit. "because there's a mountain there").
- ↑ The Emon no kami (衛門督 Emon no kami) was the commander/supervisor of the Emonfu (衛門府 Emonfu), the highest ranked guard squad in the Goefu, thus making them the person with the highest status in the Goefu, and effectively the entire Goefu's Leader