オ ト モ ダ チ F R I E N D | |
![]() Thumbnail of the video | |
Publisher | Trick Nostalgie |
Channel | Vtuberアンドロイド・レイくん[Vtuber_Android_Rei-kun] |
Released | 13 May 2018 |
Duration | 3:57 |
Platform | YouTube |
Link | |
FRIEND (オ ト モ ダ チ, stylised as "F R I E N D") is a YouTube video uploaded by Trick Nostalgie. It is the fourth video starring Rei, who reveals their new friend Zelo, making this Zelo's first official appearance.
Video Description[edit | edit source]
オ ト モ ダ チ |
F R I E N D |
Transcript[edit | edit source]
とりっく・のすたるじー ♪ |
Trick Nostalgie♪ | |
Banner |
コケコッ高等学校 |
Cock-a-Doodle-Doo High School |
Rei |
こんにちわ~♪ レイくんです! |
Hello~♪ It's Rei-kun! |
Rei |
お披露目って言っても、もうすでに見えてるよね |
I called it a reveal, but you're already looking at it. |
Rei |
さっさと次にいくよー |
Moving on quickly~. |
Podium |
てんさい用 |
For Geniuses-Only |
Rei |
そうそう、レイくんね! ついにオトモダチができたの! |
Oh yeah! Y'know, Rei-kun finally made a friend! |
Rei |
前からオトモダチ欲しかったし、色々やってもらおうと思ってね~ |
I've been wanting a friend for quite some time and I've come up with all sorts of things I want to do with them~. |
Rei |
それじゃあ紹介するね~ |
So let me introduce you to~. |
Blackboard |
スーパーアンドロイドのオトモダチ |
Super Android's Friend |
Rei |
う~ん、ナイスデザイン |
Yup, looking good. |
Rei |
名前は |
Their name is |
Rei |
案の定、長ったらしいからレイくんは「ゼロちゃん」って呼んでるよ! |
Of course, that's too long so Rei-kun likes to call them "Zelo-chan"! |
Rei |
こんな感じで黒板に絵を描いたんだけどさ、実はね |
This is just a drawing on blackboard, but actually, |
Rei |
さっそく呼んでみよー! |
I'll get them right now~! |
Rei |
んー、大丈夫かな? |
Umm, are you alright? |
Rei |
・・・・・・ |
...... |
Zelo |
にゃーん |
Meow. |
Rei |
あぁー! そっか、まだ音声機能を実装してなかったね |
Oh! That's right, a voice function isn't implemented yet. |
Zelo |
にゃーん |
Meow. |
Rei |
まぁ、そのうち実装してあげるから今は我慢してね~♪ |
Well, I'll get to that eventually, so for now just be patient~. ♪ |
Zelo |
にゃーん |
Meow. |
Rei |
ゼロちゃんはレイくんが作ったアンドロイドなんだよね~? |
Zelo-chan is an android created by Rei-kun, right~? |
Zelo |
・・・にゃーん? |
...Meow? |
Rei |
だからゼロちゃんはレイくんの言うことなら、なんでもきくんだよね? |
So Zelo-chan has to do whatever Rei-kun says, right~? |
Zelo |
にゃ・・・にゃーん |
Me... Meow. |
Rei |
今この場で服を一枚ずつ脱げ、とか |
Stuff like "now strip off one layer of clothing at a time," or |
Zelo |
にゃーんっ!!! |
Meeow!!! |
Rei |
中学時代に書いたポエム集を朗読して、とか |
"recite the poetry collection you wrote during your middle school days," or |
Zelo |
にゃーんっっ!! |
Meeeow!! |
Rei |
パンを尻にはさんで右手の指を鼻の穴に入れて左手でボクシングをしながら『いのちをだいじに』と叫べ、とか |
"hold a piece of bread between your butt, stick your right finger up your nose, box with your left hand, all while shouting 'Cherish life!'," or... |
Zelo |
にゃーんっっ!!! |
Meeeow!!! |
Rei |
も~~、ゼロちゃんはうるさいなぁー |
Geeze~, Zelo-chan is so noisy. |
Rei |
・・・・あんまりうるさいと、ご褒美あげちゃうよ? |
....If you're going to be so noisy, I'll have to give you a treat, is that alright? |
Zelo |
にゃ・・・・ |
Mew.... |
Rei |
にっひひ♪ 大丈夫だよ~ 全部冗談だって~♪ |
Ni-hihi.♪ It's okay~, it was all just a joke~. ♪ |
Zelo |
にゃーん・・・ |
Meow... |
Rei |
・・・まぁ、ご褒美は後であげるけどね♪ |
...Well, I'll still give you that treat later though. ♪ |
Zelo |
にゃ・・・ |
Mew… |
Rei |
それじゃあレイくんの全身のお披露目もゼロちゃんの紹介も終わったことだし |
Now then, that concludes Rei-kun's full-body reveal and Zelo-chan's introduction. |
Rei |
モーションもできたし、相方もできたからそろそろいろんな動画を作っていきたいねー! |
Now that my motion and partner are both ready, I'd like to make all kinds of videos soon! |
Zelo |
にゃー |
Meww~. |
Rei |
ゼロちゃんも早く喋れるようになれるといいね♪ |
Hopefully, Zelo-chan will be able to talk soon. ♪ |
Zelo |
にゃーん |
Meow~. |
Rei |
それじゃあまた、次の動画まで |
Well the, until the next video. |
Rei |
まったねー♪ |
See you soon~. ♪ |
Rei |
にっひひ♪ |
Ni-hihi. ♪ |
Other Images[edit | edit source]