Brilliant Pagoda or Haze Castle/Story/Preschool Team's Brilliant Ending
< | Neutral Ending | Story | Good Ending | > |
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The following material is hidden away from normal view to prevent spoilers. It contains ending dialogue and thus hidden away so that it meets the requirements provided by JynX. Please read at your own risk! |
~天鏡の塔 |
~The Pagoda of the Heavenly Mirror. | |
雲を抜けてもまだ頂の見えないこの塔は、内部を登る者に試練を与えると言う。 |
It's said that this tower, the summit of which cannot be seen even after flying up through the clouds, provides trials to those who climb its interior. | |
そんな塔の途中に存在する『天上陵』 |
Somewhere along that tower's length lies the "Heavenly Mausoleum." | |
デーヴァナガラ皇帝でさえ立ち入りを制限されているこの場所に |
Here in the Mausoleum, to which entry is strictly regulated even for Devanagara's emperor... | |
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目指す先にある高い塔 |
The pagoda that towers high on the horizon... | |
その塔が何階まであるのか、いつ建てられたものなのか |
How many floors did it boast? When was it built? | |
そして何を意味しているのか・・・・ |
And what did it signify...? | |
全てを知る天堺にとって、あの塔は懐かしいものであった。 |
For Tenkai, who knew the whole story, that pagoda was a nostalgic sight. | |
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頭に浮かんだその人物は、いつも不敵な笑みで塔を見上げていた。 |
The individual that they saw in their mind's eye had always looked up at the tower with a dauntless grin. | |
その情景を懐かしみながら、天堺は天上陵を後にした。 |
As they reflected on that nostalgic view, Tenkai departed from the Heavenly Mausoleum. | |
To be continued...? |
To be continued...? | |