This is a list of all characters that appear in Brilliant Pagoda or Haze Castle.
There are up to five teams to choose from with three characters each (only two teams available in the demo); there were only four teams available before v1.20a. Instead of choosing a team as a unit, you choose an individual character from the team who's going to be the one shooting at enemies. Then, within that team, you choose the one who will be using a bomb. Finally, the last person of the team will be a supporter, who is used for additional skills. Each character can also randomly appear as a boss in the Neutral route of the game; you won't encounter any of them if you're playing as them. JynX has also created different portraits for each character; one when they appear as a player, and one when they appear as a boss.
![Yabusame Houlen](//
![Yabusame Houlen](// |
天衣無縫の能天気 Flawless Thoughtlessness |
Yabusame Houlen
Playable Character, Possible Final Boss (Neutral, Stages 6:-2 or 6:-3) |
Statistics |
ボム数 (サブ自機に選択した場合) ★★★ |
Shot Power
Shot Range
Movement Speed
HP Capacity
Barrier Capacity
Bomb Count (if sub character) ★★★ | |
Description |
平均的に能力が高く、使いやすい さらに広範囲攻撃と追尾弾を持つ ボムも普通に強いのでサブでも役立つ 色々楽な初心者向けキャラ |
Average overall, easy to use. Has a wide shot and a homing shot. Bomb has average power. Works well enough as a sub. Overall easy character suited for beginners. |
![Tsubakura Enraku](//
![Tsubakura Enraku](// |
酒嚢飯袋な単彩 Loafing Monochrome |
Tsubakura Enraku
Playable character, Possible Final Boss (Neutral, Stages 6:2 or 6:3) |
Statistics |
ボム数 (サブ自機に選択した場合) ★★ |
Shot Power
Shot Range
Movement Speed
HP Capacity
Barrier Capacity
Bomb Count (if sub character) ★★ | |
Description |
移動速度が速く、高火力だが攻撃範囲が狭い レーザーには実はちょっとした小細工がある ボムが強力なので、サブにまわすのもグー このゲームのノリに慣れてきた中級者向け |
Fast movement speed and huge firepower, but narrow coverage. Frankly, the laser has some cheap tricks to it. Bomb is very powerful, so all's good in the sub slot too. Aimed at intermediates with a good feel for the game. |
![Shion](// |
総体から産まれし個体 An Individual Born from the Aggregate |
Playable Character, Possible Final Boss (Neutral, Stage 6:1) |
Statistics |
ボム数 (サブ自機に選択した場合) ★★★ |
Shot Power
Shot Range
Movement Speed
HP Capacity
Barrier Capacity
Bomb Count (if sub character) ★★★ | |
Description |
ランダム方向に弾をばら撒く不安定火力 ボムは当たり判定に制限があるものの 威力はかなり強力 フラッシュボムもクセがある トリッキーなキャラ |
Inconsistent, randomly scattering shot type. Bomb is powerful, but contracts around your hitbox. Flash bomb has its own little quirks. Tricky li'l bugger. |
![Taira no Fumikado](//
![Taira no Fumikado](// |
新帝の盃 The Vessel for the New Emperor |
Taira no Fumikado
Playable Character, Possible Stage 5 Boss (Neutral) |
Statistics |
ボム数 (サブ自機に選択した場合) ★★★ |
Shot Power
Shot Range
Movement Speed
HP Capacity
Barrier Capacity
Bomb Count (if sub character) ★★★ | |
Description |
通常弾はスキがあり、ボムにはムラがある だが初弾を当てれば高火力 そして一番の特徴はフラッシュボムの代わりに 【装甲モード】が使えること それでもメインで使う? |
Typical shot type with gaps, bomb has irregular coverage. Still, hitting just one shot grants excellent damage. Has a very distinctive flash bomb. Will this be your main character despite Armor Mode? |
![Fujiwara no Iyozane](//
![Fujiwara no Iyozane](// |
時代錯誤の野心家 Anachronistic Ambitious Person |
Fujiwara no Iyozane
Playable Character, Possible Stage 3 Boss (Neutral) |
Statistics |
ボム数 (サブ自機に選択した場合) ★★★ |
Shot Power
Shot Range
Movement Speed
HP Capacity
Barrier Capacity
Bomb Count (if sub character) ★★★ | |
Description |
そこそこの広範囲と集中火力を持つ ボムの効果時間が長いのが一番の魅力 フラッシュボムは強化すれば攻撃力を持つ メインでもサブでも、お好きなほうをどうぞ |
Has good coverage and decent focus fire. Long bomb duration is the main draw here. Upgraded flash bomb deals damage. Main or sub, pick your poison. |
![Tsugumi Umatachi](//
![Tsugumi Umatachi](// |
義者張る南瓜のアウリガ Honest-Acting Pumpkin Auriga |
Tsugumi Umatachi
Playable Character, Possible Stage 2 Boss (Neutral) |
Statistics |
ボム数 (サブ自機に選択した場合) ★★★★ |
Shot Power
Shot Range
Movement Speed
HP Capacity
Barrier Capacity
Bomb Count (if sub character) ★★★★ | |
Description |
画面全体をカバーできる超広範囲攻撃 攻撃位置を気にしない分、避けに徹しられる ボムは広範囲にも集中火力にも使え 非常に汎用性が高く、強く、そして愉快 変なメロディさえ鳴らなければいいのに |
Wide-range specialist with full screen coverage. Can focus on dodging and ignore offensive positioning. Bomb is good for both wide coverage and focused damage. A strong, solid generalist, nice to use. Just don't hum any weird melodies. |
![Tenkai Zuifeng](//
![Tenkai Zuifeng](// |
古き独裁者の片割れ One of the Old Dictators |
Tenkai Zuifeng
Playable Character, Possible Final Boss (Neutral, Stage 6:4) |
Statistics |
ボム数 (サブ自機に選択した場合) ★★ |
Shot Power
Shot Range
Movement Speed
HP Capacity
Barrier Capacity
Bomb Count (if sub character) ★★ | |
Description |
ホーミング弾と高火力レーザーをあわせ持つ ボムも使いやすく、かなり強い ただし、オプションの位置調節などが難しい 中級者向け |
Has both homing shots and high power lasers. Bomb is easy to use and rather strong. Managing your options' position can be tough, though. For intermediates. |
![Sukune Katano](//
![Sukune Katano](// |
無垢なる天才埴輪 Pure and Genius Haniwa |
Sukune Katano
Playable Character, Possible Stage 5 Boss (Neutral) |
Statistics |
ボム数 (サブ自機に選択した場合) ★★★ |
Shot Power
Shot Range
Movement Speed
HP Capacity
Barrier Capacity
Bomb Count (if sub character) ★★★ | |
Description |
中~近距離型のインファイター 強化後のフラッシュボムは上手く当てれば 最高の火力をたたき出せる 中級者向け |
Mid-close range infighter. Consistently hitting with the upgraded flash bomb grants immense damage output. For intermediates. |
![Sese Kitsugai](//
![Sese Kitsugai](// |
自分探し中の骸 A Corpse in Search of Themself |
Sese Kitsugai
Playable Character, Possible Stage 3 Boss (Neutral) |
Statistics |
ボム数 (サブ自機に選択した場合) ★★ |
Shot Power
Shot Range
Movement Speed
HP Capacity
Barrier Capacity
Bomb Count (if sub character) ★★ | |
Description |
近距離特化の超インファイター 自機の当たり判定が小さめなので、敵弾を 潜り抜けて火力を叩きつけよう! 上級者向け |
Very close-range specialized infighter. Has a smaller hitbox than usual. Plow through enemy fire and let 'em have it! For advanced players. |
![Kuroji Shitodo](//
![Kuroji Shitodo](// |
曖昧で紙一重な考古学者 Ambiguously Paper-thin Archaeologist |
Kuroji Shitodo
Playable Character, Possible Stage 5 Boss (Neutral) |
Statistics |
ボム数 (サブ自機に選択した場合) ★★★ |
Shot Power
Shot Range
Movement Speed
HP Capacity
Barrier Capacity
Bomb Count (if sub character) ★★★ | |
Description |
広範囲と集中火力を両立したレーザーを持つ フラッシュボムはクセがあるが強力 使いこなせれば強力なキャラ 中級者向け |
Has a laser capable of both wide coverage and focus fire. Flash bomb is powerful but rather wonky. Very powerful when mastered. Aimed at intermediates. |
![Hooaka Shitodo](//
![Hooaka Shitodo](// |
頭寒足熱で熱暴走 Cool-Headed Hot-Heeled Thermal Runaway |
Hooaka Shitodo
Playable Character, Possible Stage 4 Boss (Neutral) |
Statistics |
ボム数 (サブ自機に選択した場合) ★★ |
Shot Power
Shot Range
Movement Speed
HP Capacity
Barrier Capacity
Bomb Count (if sub character) ★★ | |
Description |
動かない敵に対しては超火力を誇る 場面によって得手不得手が極端に分かれる 強化後のフラッシュボムも特殊で 使いこなすのが難しい 上級者向け |
Incredible firepower against immobile enemies. Very polarized, feast or famine. Unique flash bomb upgrade. Difficult to get a handle on. For advanced players. |
![Aoji Shitodo](//
![Aoji Shitodo](// |
意志薄弱な末っ子 Weak-Willed Youngest Child |
Aoji Shitodo
Playable Character, Possible Stage 2 Boss (Neutral) |
Statistics |
ボム数 (サブ自機に選択した場合) ★★★★ |
Shot Power
Shot Range
Movement Speed
HP Capacity
Barrier Capacity
Bomb Count (if sub character) ★★★★ | |
Description |
遅い弾速に遅い発射頻度。 最終的にはかなりの広範囲攻撃なるけど、 それまでが大変。 なかなかクセのあるキャラ。 ボムは数も多くて普通に強いので使える 普通っていいよね 初心者~中級者向け |
Slow bullet speed and fire rate. Incredible coverage at full power, but a rocky road to get there. Rather quirky character. High bomb stock with average power. Simple really is best. Beginners to intermediates. |
![Suzumi Kuzu](// |
奸佞邪智な過ぎたる記憶 Insidious Superfluous Memory | 幻怪の記憶 Delusive Memory |
Suzumi Kuzu
Playable Character (Unlockable, as of v1.20a onwards) Notes: Suzumi can be unlocked by clearing Extra+α with all four teams. The other two portraits (from the final boss and Ex+α) are used during dialogue, since two of Suzumi's personalities (Hamee and Ardey) both talk to their opponents, as well as to each other. This black-eyed one isn't used. |
Statistics |
ボム数 (サブ自機に選択した場合) ★★★★★ |
Shot Power
Shot Range
Movement Speed
HP Capacity
Barrier Capacity
Bomb Count (if sub character) ★★★★★ | |
Description |
チャージ通常弾、セルをやりなおせるボム (最終セルのボスにはダメージ)、 フラッシュボムはボタンを押してる間だけ ダメージ反射など、特殊な性能が多い。 サブだと敵がボムをドロップしなくなるが、 セル移動時に低確率でボムを入手できる。 (中ボスのセルだと入手確率が上がる) |
Regular shot is charged, bomb resets current cell. Instead does damage to the stage boss. Flash bomb grants invulnerability while held. Has various other unique properties. In the sub slot, enemies no longer drop bombs, but cleared cells have a low chance of granting a bomb. Midboss cells have a higher probability to grant bombs. |
All bosses categorised in the route they appear in. Any of them can also appear randomly as a midboss with one spell card, regardless of route. A character will only appear as a midboss if they originally appeared on a previous stage (e.g. the player is on Stage 3 Haze route and they may encounter Mitsumo, but won't encounter Saragimaru).
![Souko Shirami](// |
Souko Shirami
Stage 1 Boss (Haze (Brillaint in the Demo version)) |
![Kujiru Kesa](// |
唯一且つ数多なる者 The Person Who is One, And Yet Many |
Kujiru Kesa
Stage 2 Boss (Haze) |
![Kaisen Azuma](// |
月を仰ぐ三つの足 Three-legged Moon Seeker |
Kaisen Azuma
Stage 3 Boss (Haze) |
![Para](// |
奪われた全知全能 Stolen Omniscience and Omnipotence |
Stage 5 Boss (Haze) |
![Taira no Chouki](// |
陽炎の内の新皇 The New Emperor Amidst the Heat Haze |
Taira no Chouki
Final Boss (Haze) |
![Mitsumo](// |
可視化する心の傷跡 Visualized Mental Trauma |
Mitsumo and Terumi
Stage 1 Boss (Brilliant (Haze in the Demo version)) |
![Kaoru Kashiwagi](// |
帝都に佇む濃霧 Dense Fog Standing in the Imperial City |
Kaoru Kashiwagi
Stage 4 Boss (Brilliant) |
- NB: All playable characters can also appear as a possible boss.
![Kurohebi](// |
得手勝手な影 Strong-Willed Shadow |
Possible Stage 1 Boss (Neutral) |
![Jun Amanomiya](// |
進退両難あまがっぱ Raincoat Between a Rock and a Hard Place |
Jun Amanomiya
Possible Stage 1 Boss (Neutral) |
![Lumen Celeritas](// |
無頓着に収束する恩光 Carelessly Converging Ray of Sunshine |
Lumen Celeritas
Possible Stage 3 Boss (Neutral) |
![Suzumi Kuzu (Hamee)](// |
奸佞邪智な過ぎたる記憶 Crafty, Treacherous and Superfluous Memory |
Suzumi Kuzu (Hamee)
Hidden Final Boss (Neutral, Stage 6:0 (Hidden Stage 3:0 Boss in the Demo version)) Notes: Suzumi is still encountered even when playing the Secret Team. |
![Xeno a](// |
神に見捨てられ、世界に愛されし眼 Eyes Forsaken by the Gods, But Loved by the World |
Xeno a
Extra Stage Boss (Neutral) |
![Yago Ametsukana](// |
千の刃と千の腕 A Thousand Blades and a Thousand Arms |
Yago Ametsukana
Extra Stage Boss (Haze) |
![Haiji Senri](// |
ミーハーなスペルコレクター Fad-following Spell Collector |
Haiji Senri
Extra Stage Boss (Brilliant) |
![Tsurubami Senri (fake)](// |
不可解な袴 The Inexplicable Hakama |
Tsurubami Senri (fake)
Extra+α Boss #1 Notes: This is not the real Tsurubami, but rather Suzumi imitating as them for the first half of the Extra+α stage. |
Contents associated with Brilliant Pagoda or Haze Castle | Story |
Main Scenario | |
Endings | |
Extra Scenario | |
Characters |
Playable | |
Neutral | |
Haze | |
Brilliant | |
Extra | |
Locations |
Terms | |
| |
Gameplay |
| Spell Cards |
Stage 1 | |
Stage 2 | |
Stage 3 | |
Stage 4 | |
Stage 5 | |
Stage 6 | |
Extra | |
Documentation | |