~The Senri Shrine road.
Just how long does this road continue for? Only a scant few know.
Standing atop this road was a single human, having been cornered.
スズミ 「さすが玄鳥様・・・♪ 以前よりかはずっと弱くなったけど、 それでも魅力的ね」
Suzumi: "Just as expected, Tsubakura-sama... ♪ You've gotten WAY weaker than before, but that's still charming in its own way!"
Yabusame: "Ughh, I really don't like them."
シオン 「不気味だよ~、キモイよー」
Shion: "They're really creepy and gross!"
Tsubakura: "So, what were you planning to do after this?"
スズミ 「・・・・その全てを見透かしたような黒い瞳・・・ いつ見てもステキ」
Suzumi: "...Those black eyes, seeming to gaze straight through everything... No matter how many times I see them, they're wonderful."
ツバクラ「そんなこと言いつつ隙をうかがっているんだろ? お前の能力を使うため」
Tsubakura: "Yes, whatever. You're saying that to distract us while you look for an opening, right? To use your ability."
スズミ 「いやんっ♪ 全部お見通しなのね♪」
Suzumi: "Oh nooo! ♪ You've seen right through me. ♪"
Yabusame: "What exactly was Suzumi's ability, again?"
スズミ 「うーん、できれば玄鳥様や藪雨ちゃんの前で使いたくないんだけどなぁ~」
Suzumi: "Mmm, well, I'd really like to avoid using it in front of Tsubakura-sama and Yabusame-chan~..."
Tsubakura: "If I didn't fully understand your ability, I'd hardly be able to defeat you, after all."
スズミ 「それであえて、私の能力をそのしなやかな肢体で受け止めてくれるわけね! さすが玄鳥様」
Suzumi: "And so you'll take the full brunt of my ability with those supple limbs of yours on purpose! Ah, Tsubakura-sama!"
シオン 「え・・・なにをするつもりなのー?」
Shion: "Huh...? What are they planning to do?"
Tsubakura: "Even if I explained it, you'd forget right away."
シオン 「? どういうこと」
Shion: "Hm? What does that mean--?"
スズミ 「こういうことよ♪」
Suzumi: "It means THIS. ♪"
雀巳はどこからともなく、本を取り出し それを開いて玄鳥たちに見せつけた
Suzumi took out a book from nowhere at all, opened it, and showed it to Tsubakura and the others.
After that, the three of them.........
To be continued ---- EXTRA_STAGE...
To be continued in the Extra Stage...
ROUTE:4 ALL CLEAR!! << ストーリーモード制覇! 残るはEXステージだけだね♪ >
ROUTE 4: ALL CLEAR!! (You've conquered Story Mode! All that's left is the Extra Stage♪)