Illustrations by JynX
The following is a collection of miscellaneous illustrations by JynX related to the Len'en Project.
Anniversary Illustrations[edit | edit source]
JynX occasionally makes illustrations on 11 November for the Len'en Anniversaries.
Seasonal Illustrations[edit | edit source]
JynX occasionally releases illustrations for certain festivals and celebrations, most notably Halloween and Christmas.
9 November 2014[edit | edit source]
An illustration of Sukune Katano & Sese Kitsugai for Halloween 2014.
(骸骨).。oO(ネタが被った・・・)Oo。.(埴輪) | (Corpse).。oO(Our outfits clashed...)Oo。.(Haniwa) |
今日はハローウィンだよ!() 无現里でのハローウィンパーティーってどんな感じなのかね? |
Today's Halloween!() I wonder how Halloween is like in Mugenri? |
25 December 2017[edit | edit source]
An illustration of the Shitodo siblings for Christmas 2017.
メリクリでございます たまにはこの三人組でも |
Merry Christmas. I should draw these three once in a while. |
悪党三人組クリスマスVer | Scoundrel Trio Chrristmas Ver. |
聖夜に金を運ぶ三人組 その金はどこから集めたのかな? |
The trio carrying money around on this Holy Night. Wonder where they got all that money from? |
25 December 2018[edit | edit source]
An illustration of Sukune, Adagumo no Yaorochi and Saragimaru for Christmas 2018 on Twitter, which was also used at the end of the video Androids' Christmas.
動画のエンドカードに使ったイラストこっちにもあげとく〜 めちゃショボ手書きフォント |
I'll post the illustration used for the end card of the video here too~. Messy handwriting font! |
25 December 2020[edit | edit source]
An illustration of a Christmas tree for Christmas 2020 on both Twitter and Pixiv FANBOX, featuring decorations of Rei, Zelo, NiLU and Lin.
生存確認っ! クリスマス絵を描いたのでせっかくだからTwitterにも貼っておきます〜 |
I'm still alive! I made a Christmas drawing so I might as well post it on Twitter too~ |
12 January 2021[edit | edit source]
An illustration made in celebration of New Year 2020 om Pixiv FANBOX, featuring Tsubakura, Yabusame, Shion and Lumen.
25 December 2021[edit | edit source]
An illustration made in celebration of Len'en's 8th anniversary and Christmas 2021 on Pixiv FANBOX, featuring Yabusame Houlen [Chef Form], Tsubakura Enraku [Waiter Form], Shion, Santa Clause and Ghost [X'mas]. The first two were units added to Book of the Cafe in celebration of the anniversary while the final two were added in celebration of Christmas. The completed image was released in the donors-only article of the same day, featuring a textless version as well.
Monochroid Illustrations[edit | edit source]
A collection of illustrations released on Rei and Zelo's Twitter instead of JynX's own accounts.
8 April 2018[edit | edit source]
An illustration of Rei on Twitter, parodying the cover image of the song "Seyana", a part of a popular trend at the time.
- Twitter Post
レイくんは流行なんかに流されないアンドロイドなんだから | Rei-kun's not the type of android to get swept up by trends. |
- Image Text
入力したこと何でも言ってくれるバーチャルアンドロイドレイくん | The virtual android Rei-kun, who says anything you input. |
21 April 2018[edit | edit source]
An illustration of Rei on Twitter, showing Rei working overnight.
- Twitter Post
最近のレイくんはねむけ眼でゲロ吐きながら日夜作業を続けてるよー 軽くホラーだね♪ |
Rei-kun has been working day and night recently, sleepy-eyed and vomiting~. It's light horror! ♪ |
- Image Text
さぎょう おわんない | Work never ends. |
30 April 2018[edit | edit source]
An illustration of Rei on Twitter, showing a full-body image of Rei for the first time.
はいはーい、レイくんの全身を公開したよー! 動くようになるまでもうちょっと時間がかかりそうだけど、のんびり待ってね~ |
Hey there~! Rei-kun's full body has been revealed~! It's going to take a bit longer until I can move, so please wait patiently~. |
30 April 2018[edit | edit source]
An illustration of Rei on Twitter, which was used as the account banner for a period.
とあるキッカケで作ったけど、結局使わないっぽいレイくんのキメ画像 せっかくだからここで供養しとくね~♪ |
A disgusting image that was made for a certain reason, but I don't think it'll ever actually see use... So I guess I might as well post it here~! ♪ |
1 May 2018[edit | edit source]
Three illustrations of Rei from two tweets, showing alternate summer versions of Rei's outfit.
- Tweet 1 (Left Image)
静止画だったら結構うごけるようになったよ! | Looking at this still image, Rei seems quite dynamic now! |
- Tweet 2 (Middle and Right Image)
最近暑くなってきたから、服をいくつかパージして夏仕様! スカートタイプとズボンタイプ けどこれだけじゃさびしいからなにか装飾つけたいね~ |
It's been getting hot recently, so here's a few summer arrangements of Rei's outfit! There's a skirt version and a pants version. But it's kinda plain just like this, so I'd like to add a few accessories~. |
1 May 2018[edit | edit source]
Three illustrations of Rei from Twitter.
はい、あざとーい | Yes! How clever! |
3 May 2018[edit | edit source]
Three illustrations of Rei from Twitter, showing one of Rei's new expressions.
差分を色々作ったからレイくん少し表情豊かになったよ~♪♪♪ | We made a bunch of variations so Rei-kun is a bit more expressive now~! ♪♪♪ |
3 May 2018[edit | edit source]
Three illustrations of Rei from Twitter, showing Rei turning their face along the Y-axis.
顔のY軸回転ができるようになって勝ち誇るレイくん | Rei-kun is proud that their face can now turn along the Y-axis. |
7 May 2018[edit | edit source]
Three illustrations of Rei from Twitter.
GW中に作ろうと思ってプラモ3つも買っちゃった♪(・ω<) テヘペロ ってときの顔(なお結局忙しくて1つも作れなかったもよう) |
"I bought 3 models to spend time building during Golden Week! ♪(・ω<)" is what Rei-kun thought as they made this face (but they were so busy they didn't even build a single one) |
5 Februrary 2018[edit | edit source]
Three illustrations of Rei and Zelo from Twitter, showing Zelo without their hat.
オハヨー!(╹◡╹) 今日は「ゼロちゃんの帽子をひっぺがして」っていうリクエストがあったのでひっぺがしてみたよ! スタジオでゼロちゃんと自撮りいぇーい |
Good morning~!(╹◡╹) Today I got a request to "rip off Zelo-chan's hat" so I did! Selfie with Zelo at the studio~! |
29 March 2022[edit | edit source]
An illustration of Rei and Zelo from Pixiv FANBOX.
Miscellaneous Illustrations[edit | edit source]
20 January 2013[edit | edit source]
An illustration of Sukune on TwitPic.
はんにわぁ~ | Hanniwaa~. |
9 November 2014[edit | edit source]
An illustration of Tsubakura on Twitter.
とりま習作ってことで玄鳥描いたー 結構普段と違う感じになるのね |
I drew Tsubakura as a small study~! They feel quite different from usual. |
17 August 2015[edit | edit source]
Concept art of Tsubakura and Yabusame, revealed in question 3 of the Interview with JynX (2015).
22 June 2016[edit | edit source]
A teaser illustration for Monochrome World featuring Tsubakura on Twitter.
たぶん次々回作の連縁シリーズ 『レンエン モノクロムワールド』 |
This would probably be the next game in the Len'en series: "Len'en Monochrome World". |
内容については一切話せませんが、今までみたいなSTGゲームではないです。 たぶん2Dアクションかな? |
I won't say anything about the content, except that it would not be an STG like the previous games. It would probably be a 2D action game? |
14 October 2016[edit | edit source]
An illustration of Hoojiro Shitodo and Haru on the Wings of Magritte on Twitter, prior to their reintroduction into the Len'en Project in A World Outside Fantasy.
まぁいっか、公開しちゃえー | I'm sure it's fine, I'll release it~! |
連縁にも関係あるかもねぇ〜 あるかもねぇ〜 ある…… ねぇ〜 |
They might be related to the Len'en series~. Maybe~. Perhaps...... yeah~. |
10 March 2017[edit | edit source]
An illustration of Jinbei, as a result of a Twitter poll.
せっかくなんでラフデザインじゃなくてちゃんと絵を描いたよ 普段は顔出しNGなジンベイの貴重なショット |
It's a special occasion so I made a full illustration instead of just releasing a rough draft! A rare shot of Jinbei, who normally prefers to stay off-camera. |
ジンベイくんちゃん | Jinbei-kun-chan |
ツイッターのアンケート結果で描くことになった闡裡神社の式神ジンベイです 普段は顔出しNGなのですが、無理言って一枚撮らせてくれました |
An illustration of the Senri Shrine's shikigami, Jinbei, which I drew based on the results of a Twitter poll. They normally prefer to stay off-camera, but they were forced to have a photo taken of them. |
6 October 2019[edit | edit source]
An illustration teasing NiLU on Twitter, with the phrase "do Not, I Love U".
(世間は例大祭で賑わってるし、さりげなく連縁の意味深げな画像置いといてもバレへんやろ…) | (The world is busy with Reitaisai, so I doubt anyone would notice if I quietly posted this image highly related to Len'en...) |
11 July 2020[edit | edit source]
An illustration featuring Medias Moritake, Yago Ametsukana, Kurohebi, Taira no Chouki, Kujiru Kesa, Para and Kaisen Azuma on Pixiv FANBOX, indicating that they would be excluded from a certain "side project" that JynX was working on at the time. Image is pixellated as the clear image was uploaded as a donors-exclusive image.
30 August 2021[edit | edit source]
An illustration made in reference to a minor source code renovation for Book of the Cafe, from a pixiv FANBOX article.
連縁カフェ 改築中... |
Book of the Cafe Currently under renovation... |