Pixiv FANBOX/2024 Translations
The following is a transcription and English translation of all of JynX's pixiv FANBOX posts from 2024.
2024[edit | edit source]
30 December 2024[edit | edit source]
End of the Year & False World | ||
ちゃ~、JynXです~ |
Heya~, JynX here~! | |
最近、体調をハデに崩しているので全然作業ができていませんでしたが、 |
Recently my health's just been awful so I haven't been able to work at all, | |
そんなわけで最近になって作業を再開したので碌に制作もできてなかったので、急いで頑張って作ったものがこちら |
Anyways, because I only got back to working recently I didn't really work on much. So instead, you can have this, which I worked very hard on in a rush: | |
なんかすごそう!(小並) |
It's like kinda amazing! (← How eloquent.) | |
それでは、今回の記事はこのへんで、 |
Welp, that's about it for today. |
[Donors-Only Article] End of the Year & False World | ||
藪雨のーーーーボムーーーー!!!!!(名前はまだ不明) |
It's Yabusameeeeeeeeeeeee's boooooooooooooooomb!!!!! (Name still unclear.) | |
◆正面から~ |
◆ From the front~! | |
◆うしろーーーからーーー |
◆ Frooooom the baaaaaack! | |
◆アップで~~~~~~~ |
◆ Up clooooooooooose~! | |
◆遠くからああああああああああああああああ |
◆ From faaaaaaaaar awaaaaaaaaaaaaay! | |
範囲内のすべてのイヘンを修正します。 |
It fixes all the anomalies within its range. |
5 December 2024[edit | edit source]
The False World Store Page Is Up! | ||
はろーJynXです~ |
Hello~! JynX here~! | |
ついに! |
Finally! | |
![]() | ||
おぉ~本当にSteamにあるー!!! なんか感動するわぁ |
Woah~! It's actually on Steam~!!! It kinda brings a tear to my eye... |
30 November 2024[edit | edit source]
The False World Store Page Is...? | ||
はろーJynXです~ |
Hello~! JynX here~! | |
FalseWorldの進捗なのですが、 |
So about my progress on False World, | |
そんなわけでその他の作業もできてないため、今回はネロの3Dモデルをキチンと見せちゃおうかな 偽りの獣 ネロ(Nelo) |
Because of all that, I didn't really get to work on anything else. So instead, I thought I might as well let you all get a good look at Nelo's 3D model. False Beast: Nelo | |
![]() | ||
頭の上のレフ板のようなものをアンテナ状に広げて強力な光を広範囲に放つ |
The reflector-like object can extend like an antenna, releasing a powerful light that covers a wide area. | |
今回の限定記事ではネロのボムを放つシーンやエモートしてるところなどの動画を公開します。よかったら見に来てね~ |
I'll release a video of Nelo's bomb animation and some of them doing emotes over in the donors-only post. Go check it out if you'd like~. | |
![]() | ||
そんなわけで、今回の記事はここまで! |
And that concludes today's article! |
[Donors-Only Article] The False World Store Page Is...? | ||
げんていーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー |
Donoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooorssssssssss-onlyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! | |
〇ネロのボム |
〇 Nelo's Bom | |
〇メッシュでネロのボム |
〇 Nelo's bomb animation without textures | |
〇踊るネロ |
〇 Dancing Nelo | |
手を振るネロ |
Waving Nelo | |
よし、ネル![a] |
Welp, time for bed! |
11 November 2024[edit | edit source]
Len'en's 11th Anniversary! A Brand New Game!! | ||
※この記事は11周年記念動画をすでにご視聴になった方向けです。まだの方は先にご視聴ください。 |
*This article is made for people who have already seen the 11th anniversary video. Please watch it before reading the rest. | |
はい、JynXです |
Hey, it's JynX. | |
新作ゲーム「False World」 |
A new game: False World | |
![]() | ||
8番出口ライクな対戦マルチゲームだー! |
It's an online multiplayer versus game inspired by The Exit 8! | |
![]() | ||
誰だおまえ!? |
Who the hell are you?! | |
![]() | ||
動画でもチラっと映ってたね~ |
You got to see a few peeks of them in the anniversary video, too. | |
そしてこのゲーム、Steamにて配信する予定なのですが、 |
By the way, you know how I plan on distributing the game on Steam? | |
間に合わなかったーーーーー!!!!!! |
I didn't make it in time!!! | |
ところで・・・ |
By the way, to the people thinking... | |
そこで! 皆様にも現在の状況が分かりやすいように、 1. False World となっております。 |
So! To lay out the current status of everything in a way easy for everyone to understand, 1) False World That's the plan. | |
そんなわけで今回はこのへんで! |
That's about it for today! |
[Donors-Only Article] Len'en's 11th Anniversary! A Brand New Game!! | ||
ネロネロネロネロネロネロネロネロネロネロネロネロネロネロ |
NeloneloneloNeloNeloNELONELONELONELOnelonelo | |
[An image showing Nelo's design]
| |
君、3Dとちょっと違くない・・・? |
You look kinda different from your 3D model, huh...? |
30 September 2024[edit | edit source]
[Donors-Only Article] Just Over a Month Until the Len'en Anniversary Day! | ||
限定記事だじょおおおおおおおおおおおおお |
藪雨の3Dみせちゃう! |
Here's 3D Yabusame! | |
◇怒ってるヤブ |
◇ Angry Yabu | |
なんのゲーム作ってるんだろうね~? |
What game am I making~? |
12 September 2024[edit | edit source]
[Donors-Only Article] The Sound of the Len'en Anniversary Day's Military Boots Resounds..... | ||
限定記事だぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁあああああああああ!!!!!!!!!! |
◇謎の摩天楼を登っていくミニ玄鳥 |
◇ Mini Tsuba Climbing a Mysterious Skyscraper | |
◇ホラーみたいな無限に続く通路を走るミニ玄鳥 |
◇ Mini Tsuba Walking Through an Infinitely Long Street That Looks Like a Horror Game | |
これはテスト段階なので実際のゲーム画面とは全然違うのですが、 |
The game's still in the testing phase, so the actual game will look completely different. |
31 July 2024[edit | edit source]
It's About That Time I Become So Engrossed in Work I Can Barely Lead a Normal Life | ||
暑い~ 暑い~ |
So hot... so hot... | |
ゆかいなツバ_モザイク.mp4 |
Merry-makingTsuba_Pixelated.mp4 | |
動くことを想定したキャラのモデリングやリギング(キャラを動くようにするための骨格作り)なんて初めてだったのでいろいろ大変でしたが、たくさん知識を蓄えられてホクホクです。 |
It's my first time modelling and rigging (making the bones for a character so they can move) a character with the intention for it to move, so it was a lot of work, but I'm very glad to have learnt so much throughout the process. |
[Donors-Only Article] It's About That Time I Become So Engrossed in Work I Can Barely Lead a Normal Life | ||
ロリ神 |
Loli God.[b] | |
こんな愉快に踊るのは解釈不一致です |
Tsubakura dancing so happily doesn't exactly line up with my interpretation of the character though. |
1 July 2024[edit | edit source]
[Donors-Only Article] As We Move Towards the Len'en Anniversary Day... | ||
3DCGだーーーーー!!!!!! |
It's 3D graphics~~!!!!!!!!! | |
デフォルメかわいいな~ |
Chibis sure are cute~. |
31 May 2024[edit | edit source]
Devanagara's Organisational Structure | ||
どーもJynXです。 |
Hey there, it's JynX. | |
先日、有志の方々による僕に対するインタビューが公開されました~ |
A volunteer-organised interview with me was released, just a few days ago~! | |
そのインタビュー内でデーヴァナガラの組織構造についての質問がありましたが、詳しく説明するには長すぎる・・・ |
There was a question about Devanagara's organisational structure in the interview, but explaining the whole thing there would've been far too long... | |
=== 行政 === |
=== Administration === | |
+++ 軍事 +++ |
+++ Military +++ | |
おおざっぱですがこんな具合なようです。 |
These are just rough outlines, but it's something like this. | |
![]() | ||
そんな感じで、今回の記事はここまでです! |
And that's it for this article! |
[Donors-Only Article] Devanagara's Organisational Structure | ||
元帥だったころの壬鳥と大将だったころの讃良。 |
Mitori back when they were a field marshal, and Sanra back when they were a full general. | |
Right side of image:
[left side of image: All the rank insignia of the Imperial Army, with the ranks from brigadier general and onwards marked as "Stars".]
[right side of image: Mitori as a field marshal in their uniform]
30 April 2024[edit | edit source]
[Donors-Only Article] April Fool's [2024] | ||
れんえんゲーム |
Len'en Game!! | |
四月馬鹿ボツ_02.mp4 |
Scrapped April Fool's_02.mp4 | |
くそゲー |
What a shit game. |
1 March 2024[edit | edit source]
Book of the Cafe: Final Update | ||
こんにちわー JynXです。 |
Hello there, it's JynX. | |
本日連縁カフェの最終アップデートが公開されました。 |
Today, the final update for Book of the Cafe has been released. | |
振り返ってみると開発にメッチャ時間かかったなぁ~ |
Looking back at things, I sure took an insane amount of time developing this game... | |
そして |
Also! | |
![]() | ||
また逢う日まで、しばらくバイバイ連縁カフェ |
Bye bye for now, Book of the Cafe. Till we meet again. | |
・久しぶりのお絵描き |
・It was my first time drawing in a good while. | |
サ終絵タイムラプス(モザイク).mp4 |
End of Service Art Timelapse (Pixellated).mp4 | |
※限定記事ではモザイク無しでもっとゆっくり再生されます |
※The donors-only version isn't pixellated and plays slower. | |
そんなわけでついに終わってしまった連縁カフェ |
And so Book of the Cafe has finally come to an end. | |
あと旅ノ木もよろしくね |
Oh and same thing for Tabinoki too. | |
そんなわけで、今回はこのへんで終わり! |
Welp, that's all for now! |
[Donors-Only Article] Book of the Cafe: Final Update | ||
限定記事ーっ!!!!!! |
Donors-only article!!!!!!!! | |
サ終絵タイムラプス.mp4 |
End of Service Art Timelapse.mp4 | |
線が・・・・線がまっすぐ描けんねん・・・・・ |
I can't.... draw straight lines at all..... |
30 January 2024[edit | edit source]
End-of-Life Arrangements for Book of the Cafe | ||
どーもーJynXです~ |
Heya~, it's JynX. | |
連縁カフェが爆破予告を受けてからもう一ヶ月近く経過し、来月あたりに連縁カフェの「終活」をやっていこうと思っています。 |
It's been nearly a month since we received word that Book of the Cafe is gonna explode, so I think I'll be making "end-of-life arrangements" for the game starting next month. | |
また「新たな連縁カフェ」に向けての制作もボチボチ初めていくつもりです。 |
Also, I plan to slowly but surely start working on the development of "New Book of the Cafe". | |
![]() | ||
赤ーい! |
So red!! | |
あと連縁公認Vtuber「旅ノ木かなえ」の新衣装が発表されましたね。 |
Also, the official Len'en Vtuber "Kanae Tabinoki" revealed his new outfit. | |
![]() | ||
クソオスガキ |
Damn brat. | |
そんなわけで新たな連縁カフェに向けて、連縁カフェの終活がんばっていきます! |
In any case, I'll work hard on the end-of-life arrangements for Book of the Cafe, so that we came move forward onto the new Book of the Cafe. |
[Donors-Only Article] End-of-Life Arrangements for Book of the Cafe | ||
イカレタスなメンマをシュウマイするぜっ! |
The squid and lettuce salad-esque seasoned bamboo shoots are about to siu mai! | |
●えびちゃん |
● Lobbie the lobster | |
●マシンゼロ[射撃&科学] |
● Machine Zero [Shot & Science] | |
●妙に背が高いシオンちゃん |
● Oddly tall Shion-chan | |
続いては旅ノ木かなえのラフとボツ案だーっ!!!! |
Next up is a sketch of Kanae Tabinoki as well as a scrapped concept for him!!!!!! | |
●ラフ画 |
● Rough Sketch | |
こう見るとラフとちょっと違う部分があるねぇ~ |
Looking at it now there are some slight differences in the final thing, compared to this sketch~. | |
●ボツ案 |
● Scrapped Concept | |
ハンバーガージャンキー(この帽子はいつか作りたい) |
A "hamburger junkie". (I do wanna actually make this hat someday.) |
Notes[edit | edit source]
- ↑ A pun between neru (寝る "to sleep") and Nelo's name, especially as neru is also written in katakana.
- ↑ A reference to the song Divine Purge! Requiem of the Loli God, the dance which Tsubakura does in the following video also from the song's music video.
- ↑ The Devanagaran military has three levels of enlisted rank based on that of the Imperial Japanese Army. They are, from highest to lowest, "Superior Soldier" (上等兵 equivalent to private first class in most armies), "First Class Soldier" (一等兵) and "Second Class Soldier" (二等兵 equivalent to Private in most armies).
- ↑ Literally "star-havers/holders" in the original.
- ↑ While tanko (短袴) literally means "short hakama", it actually refers to riding pants used by horse-riding soldiers of the Imperial Japanese Armed Forces.
- ↑ A textual pun on 感無量 (overwhelmed [with emotion]) and 無量空処 (Unlimited Void), the latter being a reference to the anime and manga series Jujutsu Kaisen.