Unreal Indolence Record/2020-Present Translations
The following is a transcription and English translation of all of JynX's blog entries from 2020 to the present.
2021[edit | edit source]
11 November 2021[edit | edit source]
8 Years of Len'en! | ||
こっちのブログを更新するのめっちゃ久しぶり、8年ぶりぐらいに感じますわ。 |
It's been a really long time since I updated this blog... It almost feels like 8 years. | |
今日は連縁記念日ーーー!!! |
Today is the Len'en Anniversary~~~!!! | |
今回は「連縁TV」と称しまして、連縁カフェβ版のアプデ情報を動画で紹介させていただきました。 |
This time we have a video to introduce the contents to the upcoming update to Book of the Cafe β Version, called "Len'en TV"! | |
次の更新はいつかなー |
When will the next update be~? |
1 April 2021[edit | edit source]
The Fools of April are Here! | ||
年に数回しか更新しないブログにいつものやつがやってきました。 |
To this blog that only gets updated several times a year, the usual has come. | |
例年以上になんか・・・こう・・・・疲れてる? |
I'm a bit more... how do I put this... tired than usual this year? |
2020[edit | edit source]
11 November 2020[edit | edit source]
Len'en's 7th Anniversary! | ||
7周年だよ! |
It's the 7th anniversary! | |
例によって動画作ったから、 |
As usual, I'm going to make a video, | |
4 April 2020[edit | edit source]
Len'en Cafe (α version) released!!!!! | ||
こちらの方ではお久しぶりです。 JynXです。 |
It's been a while over here. It's JynX. | |
連縁カフェ(α版)、配信しちゃってた・・・・・ |
Len'en Cafe (α version) got released..... | |
![]() | ||
ああ~~~~、早すぎる音ぉぉぉ~~~ |
Aah~~~~, the sound of being too fast~~~~~~![a] | |
泣いてもいられないので配信先の公開です。 |
Well I can't just whine so here's the links to the game: | |
みんなで「連縁カフェ」を宣伝してデバッガーを増やそう! |
Everyone, help me promote "Len'en Cafe" and get more debuggers! |
Notes[edit | edit source]
- ↑ A reference to a Japanese meme, where a woman exclaims, "Ahh! The sound of hydrogen!".