Len'en Wiki:Interview with JynX (2017)
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Interview with JynX (2017) Len'en Wikiが主催する公式インタビュー / An official interview hosted by the Len'en Wiki
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公開日 / Date Published: 08/03/2017
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連縁コミュニティが設けて、2016年12月19日にJynX氏とツイッターで行われたインタビュー。144問の質問はまとめられ、翻訳され、2017年1月8日にJynX氏にメールで送られた。 | An interview organised by members or the Len'en community, inquired with JynX on 19 December 2016 via Twitter.[1] A total of 144 questions were collected before translated and sent to JynX via e-mail to answer on 8 January 2017. | |
クレジット / Credits | ||
質問 / The Questions | ||
无現里について | Setting | |
Q1.現在の无現里では人間や妖怪は何人くらいいますか? | Q1. Do you have an estimate of the population of humans and youkai currently in Mugenri? | |
无現里全体の数は内緒です! 都の人口は約1000万人程度です。 | The population for all of Mugenri is a secret! But the population of the capital is roughly 10 million. | |
Q2.无現里では半人半妖がいますか? | Q2. Are there any half-human half-youkai in Mugenri? | |
います。 本編に登場するかは未定です。 | There are, but I haven't decided on whether to show any yet. | |
Q3.无現里の人間は生まれた 時から能力を持つか、それとも後で何らかの方法で得ますか?无現里では能力を全然持たない人もいますか? | Q3. Are humans in Mugenri born with powers or do they have to acquire them through some method? Are there people in Mugenri who just don't have any powers at all? | |
様々なパターンがあります。 生まれながらにして能力を持っていたり、訓練や契約などで能力を得たり等々。 しかし殆どの人がなんの能力も持ってない一般人です。 |
There's a variety of ways. You could be born with an ability, obtain one through practice or a contract, etc. However, the vast majority of people are ordinary and have no powers at all. | |
Q4.外の世界にて、能力を持つのは珍しいですか? | Q4. Is it rare to have powers in the outside world? | |
非常に珍しいです。 っというか、一般的には認知されていません。 現実世界と同じ認識だと思ってください。 |
It's extremely rare, or rather, people generally aren't even aware of them. Think of it as the same kind of awareness as in the real world. | |
Q5.无現里では人が死ぬと何が起こりますか?死後の世界とかがありますか? | Q5. What happens if someone dies in Mugenri? Is there any sort of afterlife? | |
一部の例外を除けば、通常では死後は魂が冥界に導かれてそこで49日以内に判決を下され、 刑を受けた後に次の命へと転生させられます。 冥界の所在は後々明らかになるでしょう。 |
Save for a few exceptions, your soul is being led to the Netherworld where it will be judged within 49 days and, after receiving its due punishment, proceeds to its next life via reincarnation. The Netherworld's whereabouts will be shown in the distant future. | |
Q6.人の魂は人の余齢と関係がありますか? | Q6. Is someone's soul directly related to their lifespan? | |
質の良い魂だと寿命が長い、っといったことはありません。 寿命の長さは種族などによって決まります。 |
High-quality souls don't necessarily have a longer lifespan than others. Your lifespan is determined by stuff like your species. | |
Q7.无現里は特別な暦がありますか?もしなければ、どの暦が使われていますか? | Q7. Does Mugenri have a unique calendar system? If not, which one does it use? | |
无現里誕生の年を紀元とした【流離(るり)】という暦があります。 日本の旧暦(天保暦)と似た感じのものです。 ちなみに現在何年なのかは内緒です。 |
Mugenri uses a calendar system called "Ruri"[a] where the current era starts from Mugenri's birth. It's kind of similar to Japan's old lunisolar calendar. What year it currently is is a secret, though. | |
Q8.外の世界の他に无現里と行き来が可能な世界はありますか?(幻想郷が魔界や冥界と行き来が可能のように) | Q8. Are there any other worlds connected to Mugenri aside from the outside world? Mostly like how Gensokyo is also connected to Makai or the netherworld. | |
直接无現里に行ける場所は他にはありません。 冥界や魔界も外の世界のものとは別に存在していま す。 ただし、外の世界を経由すれば大体のところからはアクセスできます。 |
There are no other places from which you can directly reach Mugenri. It has its own Netherworld, Makai, and so on separate from those of the outside world, too. However, you can access Mugenri from most places if you go through the outside world along the way. | |
Q9.闡裡神社の参道は特にどこかへと続いていますか? | Q9. Does the Senri Shrine Road go anywhere in particular? | |
内緒です。 | That's a secret. | |
Q10.无現里はどれぐらい大きいかついに見えました。デーヴァナガラが特に大きいですが、テクノロジーはどれぐらい先進ですか? 1930年代のようですね。それより、周りの村などはどれぐらい後進ですか? | Q10. We've finally seen just how big Mugenri actually is, especially Devanagara, but how advanced is it? It seems to have technology from at least the 1930s. Furthermore, how far behind are the villages around it? | |
詳しくは内緒です。 ただ、都より発達している場所は殆どないです。 ちなみに无現里の大きさはまだまだ見えませんよ~♪ |
I can't go into too much detail. However, there are few places more advanced than the capital. Also, you have so not seen just how big Mugenri actually is.♪ | |
Q11.无現里ではガッポリはどこにありますか? アズマテラスは? | Q11. Where in Mugenri is Gappori located? Where is Azumaterasu? | |
両方とも聖域(闡裡神社周辺の地域)のとある里にあります。 | Both of them are located in a village in the Sanctuary (the geographical area around the Senri Shrine). | |
スペル牌システムについて | Spell Card System | |
Q12.スペル牌を使った勝負の勝者は負け犬に従うしかいけない命令をやれます。その命令に制限がありますか?例えば、壬鳥がその相手に「全てチョコでできてる王宮を建てなさい!」とか命令しても大丈夫ですか?あと、命令に背くとどうなりますか? | Q12. It has been established that the winner of a spell card duel may issue an order to the loser that they must obey. Is there a limit to that or would it be acceptable if, say, Mitori won a duel and ordered their opponent to build a palace made entirely out of chocolate? On that note, what are the consequences of not obeying an order issued this way? | |
基本的に制限はありません、極論を言えば「死ね」と命令することも出来ます。 命令に従わなければ无現里によって存在を抹消されます(詳しくはご想像にお任せします) ただし、命令は撤回することも出来ますし、目の届かない範囲まで逃げれば命令をきかなくてもよくなります。 |
Fundamentally speaking, there are no limitations. You could even tell your opponent to kill themself. Not following an order would result in Mugenri completely erasing your existence. (Any further details are up to your imagination.) However, an order can be withdrawn, and you don't have to listen to the order if you escape from the winner's sight. | |
Q13.无現里に入ったばかりの藪雨たち(特に藪雨)が、どうやってスペル牌やそのルールを知るようになりましたか? | Q13. How did the EE cast (especially Yabusame) learn about spell card rules, having only just arrived in Mugenri? | |
藪雨以外は 鶴喰が作り出した空間の中で自然と学びました。 藪雨は何故か知ってました。 常識が通用しないのです。(理由はちゃんとありますけど) |
Everyone except for Yabusame learned about them intuitively in their respective airspaces. Yabusame just knew somehow. Common sense doesn't apply to them. (There's an actual reason, though.) | |
Q14.牌示はスペル牌屋を経営していますが、これは誰にもどのスペル牌も使えるということですか?それとも何かの制限がありますか? | Q14. Haiji has a spell card shop. Does that mean just about anyone can use whatever spell cards they want or are there restrictions? | |
基本的には使えますが、分不相応な強い牌が使うとほとんど力を発揮できなかったりします。 | Anyone can basically use any card. But if you try to use a strong card that's way out of your league, for example, you won't be able to use its full power, and stuff like that. | |
Q15.无現里において、弾幕攻撃をするにはそのキャラの力ではなく牌が力を持つのですか?また、他人の牌を使って弾幕攻撃をすることは可能ですか? | Q15. Do danmaku attacks in Mugenri depend on the card's power instead of the user's power? Furthermore, is it possible for the cards to be used by someone other than their designated user? | |
通常弾幕のような単純な弾幕なら牌を使わなくても撃てます。 他人の牌でも元の持ち主の力の一部を使うことができますし、弾幕攻撃もできます。 ただし、牌の力を完全に発揮するのは元の持ち主にしかできません。 |
Simple danmaku, like nonspells, can be fired without using a card. Using someone else's card lets you borrow a part of the original owner's power, in addition to the danmaku attack. However, only the original owner can make full use of a card's power. | |
Q16.藪雨のスペルカードに、交差「フラッシュクロス」 ルーメンのスペルカードに、「フラッシュ・クロス」というものがありますが、ほぼほぼスペル名がかぶっても大丈夫なんですか? | Q16. Yabusame has a spell card called Intersection "Flash Cross" and Lumen has a spell card called "Flash Cross". Is it really okay for these two spell cards to have practically identical names? | |
ルーメンが藪雨からパクりましたね! 著作権侵害で訴えときましょう! | Lumen totally ripped it off from Yabusame! They really ought to file a copyright lawsuit! | |
キャラクターについて | Characters | |
一般 | General | |
Q17.藪雨の「次元のかけら」以外の自機の通常ショットに名前がありませんが、今後他のキャラのショットにも名前を付けるつもりがありますか? | Q17. The only player shot type that has ever been officially named was Yabusame's dimensional fragments. What about all of the other characters that have been playable at some point or another? | |
ありますが、今のところ公表する予定がないです。 | They have names, but I don't have any plans to disclose them at this point.
| |
Q18.无現里にやって来た藪雨達は(一部は元の能力に加えて)新たな能力を得ましたが、 これは後で登場したキャラ達も新たな能力を得たり、潜在能力を開放したりすることができるということですか? | Q18. Some characters of the EE cast obtained new powers, some of them in addition to their already-existing ones. Does that mean that other characters from later games could still develop new abilities or have latent abilities inside them? | |
鶴喰の能力を使えば能力を解放できるはずですが、自力で能力を解放できるかはそのキャラ次第ですね~ | Tsurubami can release someone's latent abilities with their own ability, but the ability to do so by oneself depends on the character. | |
Q19.黒巫鳥とクラウゼは无現里に来たことだけで能力を得たか、それとも誰かに能力が与えられましたか? | Q19. Did Kuroji and Clause receive their powers just by entering Mugenri, or did someone give them to them? | |
内緒です。 | That's a secret. | |
Q20.キャラ達はどれぐらい背が高いですか? | Q20. How tall are the characters? | |
明確に身長を決めているわけではありませんが、キャラ同士での身長の高低は大体決めてます。 例えば「藪雨>玄鳥>黒巫鳥」みたいな感じで。 けど適当なんで気にしないでください。 |
I haven't really decided on the characters' heights individually so much as in relation to each other. For example, Yabusame is taller than Tsubakura, who is taller than Kuroji. But don't worry too much about it. | |
Q21.今後キャラ達の年齢を公開する気がありますか? | Q21. Would you be willing to disclose the ages of various characters at some point? | |
公開する気はあまりないです。 一部のキャラは僕にも分かりませんしね | I don't really plan to disclose that at all. I wouldn't even know the age of certain characters. | |
闡裡神社組み | Shrine Team | |
Q22.藪雨はどうして変な物を食べたり、天然な行動をとったりしますか? | Q22. Why does Yabusame have strange food choices and why do they act like a complete airhead? | |
藪雨には常識が通用しないのです! | Common sense does not apply to Yabusame! | |
Q23.藪雨と玄鳥は友達のはずですが、よく玄鳥が藪雨のことを気にならないらしくて、藪雨が隣にいることも知らないらしいです。それは玄鳥の思いを込め方法だけですか? | Q23. Yabusame and Tsubakura are friends, but it often seems like Tsubakura couldn't care less about Yabusame and at times they don't even care that they're there. Is that just Tsubakura's way of showing affection? | |
あの二人の関係はまだ色々と謎にしておきます。 | For the time being, I'll be keeping their relationship a mystery in several ways. | |
Q24.玄鳥は遊ぶべきを楽しむ的な能力を持っているのに最近いつもつまらなそうです。遊ぶべきことが全然ありませんか? | Q24. Tsubakura seems to be getting increasingly bored, even though their ability is "looking forward to having fun". Is there nothing fun going on at all? | |
玄鳥は意図して能力を使っていないのです。 何故かは内緒です。 色々想像してみてくださいな~ |
Tsubakura is purposely not using their ability. The reason why is a secret, but you're welcome to think about it yourself. | |
Q25.玄鳥は頬赤 の新たな腕をどうやって形成しましたか?身体の他の部分も作れますか? | Q25. Tsubakura replaced Hooaka's arm with one they grew. How did they grow it and can they grow other body parts, as well? | |
サンプルさえあれば内臓を含めどの部位も形成できます。 クローン技術みたいなもんです。 |
They can grow any part as long as they have a cell sample, including organs. It's like cloning technology. | |
Q26.玄鳥は卵を墨つけて食べるらしいですね。ナノ微生物の墨だとしたら、それは自分の体の構体を変更する方法の一つですか? (霊烈傳のときに寒さを感じられないようにしたことなど) | Q26. It was mentioned that Tsubakura eats their eggs with ink. Assuming it's nano-microbe ink, is it one of the methods used to alter body structure (such as in RMI, where they made themself numb to the cold)? | |
飲んだり食べたりしているのは普通の墨です。 それを利用して特殊な墨を生成したりもしますが、基本的には燃料補給みたいなもんです。 本人曰く、美味しいらしいですよ(絶対に真似しないでください) |
They eat and drink ordinary ink. Doing this, they can generate special ink, but it basically just seems to be their way of refueling. They personally think it tastes great. (Don't try this at home, kids.) | |
Q27.連縁无現里のとき、本物の玄鳥はEXステージの前に何かしていましたか? | Q27. Was the real Tsubakura doing anything in EE before the events of their extra stage? | |
内緒です~ | 's a secret, guys. | |
Q28.天影戦記でシオンのスペル「モノクロム・霊」は玄鳥の「モノクロムレイ」に似ていますが、これは玄鳥の魂の一部を吸って得た力ですか? そうならば色んな魂を吸うことで技が増えますか? 鶴喰の魂を吸ってめっちゃ強くなることができますか? | Q28. Fighting Shion in BPoHC, their final spell card "Monochrome Wraith" is reminiscent of Tsubakura's signature attack "Monochrome Ray". Did they obtain this power by eating some of Tsubakura's soul? If they did, can they get more abilities like this from consuming other souls? Could Shion consume Tsurubami's soul and become really strong? | |
玄鳥の魂を吸ってある程度強くなってはいますが、玄鳥の能力を得たわけではありません、ただマネしているだけです。 鶴喰の魂を吸えば強くなるでしょうが、鶴喰以上に強くなることはないでしょう。 |
They became somewhat stronger by eating Tsubakura's soul, but they didn't actually obtain their abilities at all. They're just being a copycat. They would likely become stronger by eating Tsurubami's soul, but not as strong as Tsurubami themself. | |
Q29.シオンは魂以外に食べられるものはありますか? | Q29. Can Shion eat anything other than souls? | |
食べ物ならなんでも食べれますが、定期的に魂を食べないと衰弱してしまいます。 | They could eat anything, but if they don't eat souls on a regular basis, they will begin to weaken. | |
Q30.天影戦記では、どうして前作のボスたちの中でシオンだけがまったく違う通常弾幕を使いますか? | Q30. Why is Shion one of the only recurring bosses in BPoHC to have completely different nonspells? | |
霊烈傳→天影戦記にて最も大きな変化があったのがシオンだからです。 産まれたばかりというのもあり、環境が変化すれば力もそれに影響されます。 ただし牌は簡単に作り出せるものではないので、殆どは以前に生成したものを再利用してるだけです。 |
That's because Shion underwent the most change between RMI and BPoHC. They were only just born in RMI for one thing, and a change in their environment influenced their power as well. Spell cards can't be created all that easily, though, so they mostly just re-used the ones they made last time. | |
新皇組み | New Emperor Team | |
Q31.伊代真は壬鳥に暗殺されてからどうやって生き返りましたのか? | Q31. How did Iyozane come back to life after being assassinated by Mitori? | |
内緒です~ いずれ明らかになるでしょう。 | It's a secret! You'll be finding out someday. | |
Q32.ツグミは翼で空飛べますか? 物に乗るしか移動しないみたいですが。 | Q32. Is Tsugumi able to fly with their wings? We only ever see them riding things. | |
飛べますが、物に乗っかったほうが速く飛べます。 | They can, but not nearly as fast as when they ride something. | |
幼稚園組み | Preschool Team | |
Q33.どうして宿禰とセセは天堺を怖がらないんですか? みんなが恐れる鶴喰との関係があるでしょう? | Q33. Why aren't Sukune and Sese scared of Tenkai? Isn't Tenkai associated with Tsurubami, a person whom everybody is afraid of? | |
天堺がみんなから恐れられているのは噂によるもので、 宿禰は天堺の素性を知っているのであんまり怖がっていません。 セセはそもそも天堺についてあんまり知 らなかったからです。 |
People are scared of Tenkai due to word of mouth, but Sukune isn't scared of them because they know of their lineage. Sese just didn't know a whole lot about Tenkai in the first place. | |
Q34.天堺は服装が二つある理由はありますか? | Q34. Is there a reason why Tenkai has two different outfits? | |
作業着と普段着の違いです。 | One is their work uniform and the other is their casual clothing. | |
Q35.天堺は「鶴喰に少しお世話になった」時、何がありましたか?鶴喰はいったい何をしてくれたんですか? | Q35. What happened when Tsurubami "helped out" Tenkai in the past? What exactly did Tsurubami do? | |
本人は「少し」と言ってますが、天堺と鶴喰は過去の異変解決などで互いに多くの貸し借りがあります。 詳しくはいずれ~(ある程度はご想像にお任せします) |
Tenkai said they helped out "a bit", but they and Tsurubami owe each other a whole lot of favors with things like incident resolution in the past. You'll get details someday~. (Somewhat left up to your imagination, though.) | |
Q36.天影戦記の自機立ち絵で宿禰が持っているモノは何ですか? 何かの用途がありますか? | Q36. What are the things Sukune is seen holding in their BPoHC player character portrait and do they have any specific use? | |
自作の玩具です。 くるくる回して遊びます。 | They're self-made toys. They just spin them around. | |
Q37.どうしてセセは強くなることに取りつかれていますか? 秘密な動機がありますか、藪雨と玄鳥に勝ちたいだけですか? | Q37. Why is Sese so obsessed with becoming stronger? Do they have hidden motives or do they really just want to beat Yabusame and Tsubakura? | |
特に理由があるわけではなく、負けるのが悔しいからでしょう。 | There's not a particular underlying reason. They just really hate losing. | |
Q38.もしセセが骸骨のパーツを全て見つけたらどうなりますか? | Q38. What would happen if Sese found their full skeleton? | |
ご想像にお任せします。 | I shall leave that to your imagination. | |
悪党組み | Scoundrel Team | |
Q39.連縁天影戦記のプロローグでヤブサメが「頬赤がやられるなんて、すっごい強い奴だったんだね!?」と言ってますが、文門達が頬赤に勝ったとき、「こいつ、鵐 黒巫鳥ほどではないが、強かったな。」と言っていたのですが、頬赤と黒巫鳥は戦闘ではどちらが強いのですか? | Q39. In BPoHC's prologue, Yabusame says something along the lines of "Someone who could defeat Hooaka must be incredibly strong!" Upon defeating Hooaka with Fumikado's team, the line "That guy is not quite Kuroji Shitodo, but they were quite strong" is uttered. Who is the more powerful one, Hooaka or Kuroji? | |
頬赤がやられた時は牌による弾幕戦ではなく、単なる戦闘でなのですが、 火力や戦術での強さは頬赤のほうが上ですが、弾幕戦や戦略においては黒巫鳥の方が強いかもです。 |
Hooaka got beaten in a straight-up fight, rather than a spell card duel. Hooaka is stronger when it comes to firepower and fighting skill, but when it comes to danmaku and strategy, Kuroji might be stronger. | |
Q40.頬赤が本気になると「翼」が現れるらしいですが、黒巫鳥の「黒い翼【鵐】」はそれと同じようなことですか?蒿雀もいつか翼を得られる日が来れますか? | Q40. Apparently, Hooaka gets wings when they fight more seriously than usually. Is the skill "Black Wings [Shitodo]" the same for Kuroji, i.e. would they also sprout wings? Could Aoji get their wings at some point, too? | |
内緒です~ | A secret, it is. | |
Q41.黒巫鳥は目的のためにひどく邪悪な手段でも使いますが、決してやらないことがありますか? | Q41. Kuroji uses underhanded and corrupt methods of getting what they want, but is there something they would absolutely never do? | |
意外と常識人なのであまりにも酷いことはしない・・・ハズです。 | They're actually more sensible than one would expect, so they wouldn't do anything too horrible... Uh, probably. | |
Q42.无現里に来た前の鵐一家 はどのような生活を送りましたか? 藪雨と玄鳥との関係は一体どういったものですか? | Q42. What was the Shitodo family's life like before coming to Mugenri, and how exactly do Yabusame and Tsubakura tie into it? | |
内緒です~ | Secret, it is a. | |
ボス | Bosses | |
Q43.ヒバル以外の他のガッポリの社員はどれぐらい強いですか? | Q43. How powerful are other employees of Gappori, aside from Hibaru? | |
取立て役以外はそんなに強くないです。 全力ならヒバルが最上級に強いです。 | The ones who aren't debt collectors aren't that strong. If they're going all-out, Hibaru is one of the strongest around. | |
Q44.クラウゼは藪雨と玄鳥との初会はどう起こりましたか? | Q44. How did Clause first meet Yabusame and Tsubakura? | |
内緒です~ | Is a secret it. | |
Q45.八尾呂智は尻尾を自在に伸ばし縮めることが簡単に隠せるほどできますが、どれほど伸ばせますか? そして、蛇穴丸もそんな尻尾の操りができますか? | Q45. You've said at some point that Yaorochi can resize their tails at will, potentially making them small enough that they can be easily concealed. However, what's the upper limit on how big they can make their tails? Also, does Saragimaru have the same control over their own tail? | |
細かな長さは決めてませんが、少なくとも自分の体よりも長く太くすることが可能です。 蛇穴丸もできますが、八尾呂智ほど扱いは上手くありません。 |
I haven't determined any precise length, but they can at least make them bigger and thicker than their own body. Saragimaru can do it too, but they're not as skilled at it as Yaorochi. | |
Q46.蛇穴丸が蛇叢剣を使ったらどれほ ど強くなることができますか? | Q46. How strong would Saragimaru be if they wielded the Tasouken? | |
蛇穴丸は蛇叢剣の能力と使い方を知っているだけで、使いこなせるわけではありません。 どれだけ強くなるかはご想像にお任せします~ |
Saragimaru knows how to use the Tasouken and what it can do, but it's not like they'd be able to master it. It's up to your imagination how strong they would be. | |
Q47.蛇穴丸はいつかは健康的な関係を保つことがあるでしょうか? | Q47. Will Saragimaru ever be in a healthy relationship with anyone? | |
どうでしょうね~ | Hmmm, I wonder about that... | |
Q48.蛇穴丸はヤゴが蛇叢剣を作ったのが知っていますか? 知っていると、意見は何ですか? | Q48. Does Saragimaru know that Yago made the Tasouken? If so, what are their thoughts on that? | |
知っていません。 八尾呂智も知りません。 | They don't know. Not even Yaorochi knows. | |
Q49.ガライヤは本当に海仙とクジルの言う通りに強いんですか? | Q49. Is Garaiya really as powerful as Kaisen and Kujiru make them out to be? | |
強いです。 天影戦記では数多の式を同時に使役していたので本体の力がかなり弱まっています。 | They are. They were using several shikigami at once in BPoHC, so their own power was considerably weakened. | |
Q50.メリヤスはペンギンですが、鳥の名を持たないのはなぜですか? | Q50. Medias is a penguin, but why don't they have a Bird's Name? | |
空を飛べる鳥ではないので、他の鳥ほど特別ではないからです。 けど鳥は鳥なので少し特別・・・かも? |
They're not a bird that can fly, so they're not as special as the other birds in the cast. A bird's a bird, though, so they're a little special... maybe? | |
Q51.都光は冠を被らないで何の格好ですか? | Q51. What does Kunimitsu look like without the crown? | |
次回登場時には冠をかぶってない姿かもしれませんね! | They might not be wearing the crown for their next appearance! | |
Q52.壬鳥は弓を使いすぎて死ねますか? | Q52. Can Mitori die from overusing their bow? | |
一応死ぬまで撃てますが、死ぬ前に貧血で倒れるかも? ちなみに一本の矢に消費する血はそこまで多くはないです。 数百本単位で撃つと貧血になります。 連射して急激に血を失えば死ぬかもしれませんね。 |
They could more or less shoot until they die, but they might collapse from anemia first? A single arrow doesn't consume that much blood, anyway. They'd have to shoot several hundred before they'd become anemic. They might be able to die from suddenly losing a lot of blood in a rapid-fire barrage, though. | |
Q53.壬鳥と蝶鬼の能力は一体どんな仕組みですか? | Q53. How exactly do Mitori's and Chouki's abilities work? | |
この二人は具体的な能力を持っているわけではなく、 持っている【素質】のようなものを能力としています。 |
The two of them don't exactly have concrete abilities. Their abilities are moreso their "inherent qualities". | |
エキストラボス | Extra Bosses | |
Q54.都光の【番狂】もヤゴが作りましたか? | Q54. Did Yago also create Kunimitsu's Bankuruwase? | |
Made in Yagoです。 | Made in Yago™. | |
Q55.牌示は闡裡から文字を取って改名しましたが、それ以前には別の名前があったのですか?また、牌示はどのくらいの時期に改名しましたか? | Q55. Haiji changed their last name to Senri (albeit with different kanji), but did they have a different name prior to that? Also, when did Haiji change their name? | |
別の名前がありましたが、まだ内緒です。 鶴喰が闡裡神社神主の頃に勝手に改名しました。 |
They had a different name previously, but that's a secret. They changed their name on a whim while Tsurubami was the current priest. | |
Q56.牌示は東方のスペルカードを模倣した弾幕を使用してきますが、これは牌示が何らかの方法で幻想郷へ行き、そこでスペルカードを見たのですか? | Q56. Haiji's attacks involve imitations of Touhou spell cards. Does that mean Haiji has been to Gensokyo at some point and witnessed the spell cards there? | |
ご想像にお任せします~ | Up to your imagination. | |
Q57.ゼノアの名前の意味はなんですか?もっと厳密に言うと、"Xeno a"の離れた"a"の部分の意味は? | Q57. What is the basis of Xeno a's name? More specifically, what is the significance of the standalone lowercase "a" at the end of it? | |
考察どころです。 | You're free to theorize. | |
Q58.鶴喰の周りに浮かぶ札は何ですか?何の意味がありますか? | Q58. What are those charms that surround Tsurubami? What significance do they have? | |
鶴喰の武器の一種です。 そこに文字を書いたりします。 | They're Tsurubami's weapons, in a way. They write words on them. | |
Q59.前にも鶴喰が外の世界に休暇に行ったことがありますか? | Q59. Has Tsurubami gone on vacation in the outside world before? | |
无現里から"出る"のは今回が初めてです。 | This is the first time they actually "left" Mugenri. | |
Q60.つまらないことでも、鶴喰は外の世界では何をしているか物語れますか? 日常的な生活を送っていますか? | Q60. Could you give us any indication of what Tsurubami is actually doing in the outside world, even if it's something trivial? Are they living an ordinary life? | |
詳しくはまだ語れませんが、とある目的のために頑張ってると思います。 しかし外の世界に慣れてない上に、今まで頼ってきた能力の多くが使えないので苦労してることでしょう。 |
I can't tell you the details yet, but I think they're working hard for a particular goal of theirs. They're not used to the outside world, though, and since most of the abilities they've relied on aren't usable out there, they're probably having a tough time of it. | |
雀巳 | Suzumi | |
Q61.雀巳のキャラテキストによると「本」で相手の記憶 を再現・改変することが出来ますが、使用中の本を傷つけたり壊したりしてしまうとどうなりますか? | Q61. EX Suzumi's profile mentions that the books they create can be used to replay and/or overwrite a target's memory. However, what would happen if a book were to be somehow damaged during this process? | |
破壊して邪魔することは可能ですが、すぐに再生成できます。 | The book could be damaged and it would be a nuisance, but they can just regenerate it easily. | |
Q62.どうして雀巳は玄鳥の人生を滅ぶに取りつかれていますか? どうして玄鳥のお母さんが亡くなったのを見た顔をもう一度見えたいのですか? | Q62. Why is Suzumi so obsessed with ruining Tsubakura's life? Why are they so hell-bent on once again seeing the face Tsubakura made when their mother died? | |
極秘です~ | T o p s e c r e t ~ | |
Q63.雀巳(裏人格)の服に描いたモナド象形文字に何かの意味がありますか? | Q63. Is there any significance behind the hieroglyphic monad present in EX Suzumi's design? | |
雀巳の能力の象徴です。 力を使うと光ったりします。 | It's a symbol of Suzumi's ability. It glows whenever they use their powers. | |
Q64.EX+αで雀巳の後ろに人影がうっすらと見えますが、これには何かの意味がありますか?(雀巳の攻撃力の増加に関係している、とか?) | Q64. There's a barely-visible silhouette behind Suzumi when they're encountered in stage EX+α. Is there any particular significance to this, such as being related to Suzumi's apparent increase in power? | |
内緒です~ | Secret is a it. | |
Q65.どうして雀巳は鶴喰の容貌を知っていますか? 鶴喰も雀巳のことに気づいていますか? | Q65. How does Suzumi know what Tsurubami looks like? Is Tsurubami aware of Suzumi's existence at all? | |
いずれ明らかになります。 | You'll find out soon. | |
Q66.雀巳が鶴喰に変装した時、鶴喰の能力も使えるようになったか、それとも鶴喰のスペル牌だけでしたか? | Q66. When Suzumi disguised themself as Tsurubami, did they also gain Tsurubami's abilities or were they only able to use their spell cards? | |
鶴喰の能力を一時的に使えるようになっています。 っが、使いこなせるわけではありません。 | They were indeed able to use Tsurubami's abilities for a while. That doesn't mean they were able to master them, though. | |
Q67.連縁シリーズに本当の悪役があるとしたら、雀巳がその役割に当てはまりますか? | Q67. If there are any overarching legitimate villains in Len'en, is Suzumi one of them? | |
絶対悪というのが存在するかどうかは分かりませんが、雀巳が悪役なのかどうかは内緒です~ | It's hard for me to say if there are any absolutely evil people in the story, but whether Suzumi is a villain or not is a secret. | |
Q68.能力にもかかわらず、雀巳を倒すことが可能なんですか? | Q68. Can Suzumi even be defeated, despite their powers? | |
可能です。 っが、非常に難しいです。 | It's possible, albeit extremely difficult. | |
その他 | Miscellaneous | |
Q69.黒巫鳥、蒿雀と雀巳の服に虹色のデザインが見えますが 、これには何かの意味やお互いに関係とかがありますか? 特に雀巳のがモナド象形文字に似ていますから・・・ | Q69. Kuroji, Aoji and EX Suzumi seem to have rainbow-colored adornments on their clothing. Do they have any significance and are they connected to each other? Suzumi's in particular looks like a monad, so... | |
それぞれの能力の象徴みたいなものですね、光ったりします。 | They seem to be their respective symbols of power. They glow 'n stuff. | |
Q70.クジルと海仙は動物の姿に変身できますね。宵などの他の動物妖怪もそうできますか? | Q70. We've seen Kujiru and Kaisen transform into animal forms. Can other animal youkai such as Shou do the same? | |
できます。 人間の姿でいるほうが色々と便利なので普段から人間の姿をしています。 |
They can. It's usually more convenient for them to be in human form, though. | |
Q71.黒巫鳥、クラウゼ、ツグミの種族はそれぞれ「先史学者」「面倒」「お歳暮・収穫祭ジョッキー」という珍しいものです。これには何かの意味がありますか?黒巫鳥とクラウゼはまだ人間ですか? | Q71. Kuroji's, Clause's and Tsugumi's species are unusually defined as "scholar of prehistory", "annoyance" and "eggplant jockey" respectively. Is there any meaning to this? Are Kuroji and Clause still human? | |
意味があったりなかったりです、詳しくは内緒です~ | There may or may not be a meaning to it. That's all I can say. | |
Q72.鵐一家の三人の中に、「ヒト」という種族の ある人は蒿雀しかいません。黒巫鳥は前の質問に述べた通りに「先史学者」であり、頬赤は「魔法使い」であります。これは意味が何ですか? | Q72. Out of the three Shitodo siblings, Aoji is the only one whose species is listed as human. Kuroji's, as stated above, is listed as "scholar of prehistory" and Hooaka's is listed as "magician". What's the significance behind this? | |
内緒なのです~ | It is a secret, it is. | |
Q73.蝶鬼・セセ・都光の元ネタの歴史上の人物がお互いに関係がありましたが、そのキャラ達もお互いに会ったことがありますか? | Q73. Chouki, Sese and Kunimitsu are based off of historical figures that are in relation with each other. Does that mean that the three characters have also had past encounters? | |
詳しくは内緒ですかね~ 連縁の登場キャラはモデルにした人物そのもの、っというわけではないので関係があるとは限りません。 ただコレから関係があるかもしれませんね。 |
Perhaps the details are a secret~. Len'en characters aren't necessarily the literal person they're based on, so they aren't guaranteed to have any relation with each other. But they might have encounters in the future. | |
Q74.伊代真と讃良は銀髪ですが、庶子である壬鳥の髪は金色です。无現里に住んでいる藤原家の嫡子は全員銀髪ですか? | Q74. Both Iyozane and Sanra have silver hair while Mitori, a bastard child of the Fujiwara clan, has golden hair. Do all legitimate members of the Fujiwara clan living in Mugenri have silver hair? | |
全員というわけではありませんが、だいたいは銀or白髪です。 | I wouldn't say all of them, but most do have silver or white hair. | |
Q75.鶴喰と天堺と牌示は戦闘中にたびたび色が白黒に変わることがあります。これらはこの3人のみが使える力のようなものなのですか? | Q75. Tsurubami, Tenkai, and Haiji often turn monochrome while being fought. Is that some kind of power only these three can use? | |
その3人のみが使えるという訳ではありませんが、同じような原理で白黒になってます。 牌示はマネしてるだけです。 | It's not a power that only they can use, but they turn monochrome based on the same principle. Haiji is just being a copycat, though. | |
Q76.パラとセセの名前は得な意味がありますか? 後者の名前は「自分」のラテン語の言葉だと思う人がいますが・・・ | Q76. Are there any special meanings to the names of Para and Sese? Some think that the latter is the Latin word for "themself", but... | |
考察どころです! | You can theorize away! | |
連縁の雑多のこと | Len'en Miscellaneous | |
Q77.外の世界で主人公が消えたって気付いた人はいますか? | Q77. Is there anybody in the outside world who has noticed that the main characters have gone missing? | |
玄鳥達が消えたことは事件になっているので、多くの人が知っています。 | The disappearance of Tsubakura and their friends has turned into a huge news story, so a lot of people are aware. | |
Q78.天影戦記で鵐チームにマグリットとゆう言葉が出てきましたがこれは氏が作ったマグリットの翼のこと ですか?そして最後のほうに動画に出てくる二人が線路か階段らしきものでどこかへ行きますがこれは无現里に向かっているんですか?それともべつのどこかですか? | Q78. The Shitodo team in BPoHC mentions Magritte. Does that have anything to do with the "Wings of Magritte" video you created? Also on the topic of the latter, does the railroad the two people ride lead to Mugenri? If not, where else does it lead? | |
内緒です~ いずれ明らかになるでしょう | 'Tis a secret to be revealed at a later time. | |
Q79.今までの異変は闡裡神社が別に何もしなくても解決できるものでした(例・蛇叢釼で黒巫鳥、霊烈傳で八尾呂智たち)。天影戦記の戦争も玄鳥たちが参道でボーとしても無事に幕が下がります。もし玄鳥たちが仕事をサボりすぎたら、鶴喰が怒り出して二人を无現里から追い出すことがありえますか? | Q79. Apparently, it is technically possible for every incident to be resolved without the Senri Shrine taking any action, e.g. by Kuroji (EMS) or Yaorochi and Sukune (RMI), nor does the Senri Shrine need to get involved in the war between the Imperial and Dragonfly armies. Does that theoretically mean that Yabusame and Tsubakura could slack off on their duties so much that Tsurubami would eventually get upset and kick the two out of Mugenri? | |
たぶんないと思います。 けどサボり過ぎたら色んな人に怒られると思います。 | Probably not, but a lot of other people might get pissed. | |
Q80.自機たちの干渉がなかったら、どちらの軍隊が勝ったはずですか? | Q80. If the protagonists hadn't interfered, which faction would have won the war? | |
痛み分けで勝敗は決まらないでしょう。 | It would have ended up a draw due to severe losses on both sides. | |
Q81.なぜハルジオンはまだ切り捨てられていないのですか? | Q81. Why is the Harujion still standing? | |
現在のハルジオンはシオンに力を吸われて枯れている状態です。 この状態なら再び新しいハルジオンが生えることがないので、そのまま放置しているみたいです。 |
The current Harujion is withering due to Shion drawing power from it. At this rate, there could never be another Harujion blooming, so they just leave it as it is. | |
Q82.都と壬鳥の弓の名は日本語じゃなくて梵語です。それは意味がありますか? | Q82. The capital city's name and Mitori's bow aren't Japanese, but rather Sanskrit. Is there any significance to that? | |
都の主な宗教が仏教で、古代インドがルーツとなっているため 一部の建造物や物品はそこから名前がつけられています。 |
The capital's main religion is Buddhism, which is rooted in ancient India, so some buildings and objects draw their names from there. | |
Q83.「鏈縁无現里」に見える参道は他のゲームの描写とは違うのはなぜですか? | Q83. How come the Shrine Road looks so much different in EE compared to the other Len'en games? | |
无現里内の参道とは意味が違う参道だからです。 | Because it's a Shrine Road with a different significance than the one within Mugenri. | |
Q84.天影戦記で闡裡神社の参道を進み続けると、4 面あたりで色がおかしくなり、エキストラでは完全にモノクロになります。これには何かの意味がありますか? | Q84. Progressing along the Senri Shrine road in BPoHC, the colors start getting weird at stage 4 before going full-on monochrome from the extra stage onward. Is there a reason behind this effect? | |
紫色なのはそういう色の地域なだけです。 モノクロな部分は自機キャラの記憶が曖昧になっている演出で、実際にモノクロな訳ではありません。 |
The purple is just the color of the area. The monochrome portion is due to the player characters' memories getting fuzzy. It's not actually monochrome. | |
Q85.牌示はアップグレード屋を構えて、サブイベントはゼノアのせいだという説がありますが、これには真実がありますか? | Q85. There's a theory that Haiji runs the upgrade shop and Xeno a is the reason for the sub-events. Is there any truth to that? | |
面白い発想ですね! ご想像にお任せしますぜ。 | An interesting theory! I'll leave it up in the air. | |
Q86.前のインタビューのとき、「AB_EXは理論的にNMNBクリアできます」と言いましたが、天影戦記のAB_EXはこれまでよりもずーっと難易度が高いですね。今回のスペルは本当に被弾・ボムせずに攻略可能ですか? | Q86. In the previous interview, you said that Absurdly Extra Mode is theoretically possible. However, BPoHC drove the ridiculousness of that difficulty level up the wall so hard that I want to know if all the spell cards are possible to capture without getting hit or bombing. | |
理論上可能ですが、全ての自機パターンで可能かは検証してません... フラッシュボムを使うことを前提としている弾幕もあります。 |
It should be possible in theory, but I wasn't able to verify it with every single player combination... Not to mention there are bullet patterns that are made with flash bombing in mind. | |
Q87.連縁のメインテーマと呼ぶべき曲がありますか?(東方の「テーマ・オブ・イースタンストーリー」みたいに) | Q87. Is there any particular song you would call Len'en's main theme? Kind of like what "Theme of Eastern Story" is for Touhou. | |
曲はまだありませんが、テーマとなるメロディはあります。 今までの作品でもOP曲で使ってます。 |
There isn't a song per se, but a certain melody definitely fits the bill. Specifically the melody you can hear in all the title themes up until now. | |
開発・デザインの決定について | Development and Design Decisions | |
Q88.ゲーム開発の部分(例えばキャラや、ストーリや、プログラムや、グラフィックなど)をどんな順にしますか? | Q88. In what order do you develop your games (e.g. characters, story, programming, graphics, etc...)? | |
その時の気分で順番がまちまちですが、ストーリーやキャラ設定などは最初の方に作りますね。 ただ、作曲はいまだに苦手意識があるので後回しになりがちですね~ その時のモチベーションで好きな部分が作れるのが個人製作の一番の強みだと思いますね。 |
The order changes depending on how I feel at the time, but I generally start by working on the story and the backstories of the characters. I'm aware that I'm bad at composing themes, so I tend to put that part off until later on... Overall, I think one of the strengths of working alone is that you can work on the parts you like when you feel motivated. | |
Q89.連縁創作の一番難しいのはどれですか? | Q89. Which part about creating Len'en games is the most difficult for you? | |
作曲ですね。 絵やプログラミングは他の事をしながら(音楽やラジオとかを聞きながらなど)でもできますが、 作曲は最初から最後まで全感覚全神経を研ぎ澄ませて作りますので、短時間とはいえ凄く疲れます。 さらに言うと、プログラミングは感性を使う部分より理論を使う部分のほうが多いですし、 絵もある程度は手順が決まっているので確実に完成させられる自信がありますが、 作曲は感性に頼る部分が殆どなので完全に手探りな状態で作ることになり、すごく不安が多いです。 寝て起きたら曲が作れなくなっているかもしれないという不安感が常にありますね~ |
Definitely composing themes. You can draw images or program while you're doing something else, like listening to music or the radio, but when you're composing, you need to focus all of your senses on the one thing from start to finish. It makes you very tired very quickly. Also, when you're programming, you tend to rely on theory more than emotions/a gut instinct, and since I've worked out some sort of process for drawing, I'm confident I can get them done. On the other hand, I end up fumbling around when I compose since so much of it relies on emotions/a gut instinct. It makes me feel really insecure. I'm always afraid that when I wake up, I won't be able to compose themes anymore... | |
Q90.ゲームにはどんな妖怪を使うか、もしくはキャラが人間となるか妖怪となるか、どうやって決めますか? | Q90. How do you decide which youkai to use in each of your games, or whether a character should be a human or youkai? | |
最初に世界観を作ってあるので、それに沿ったストーリーをつくり、そのストーリーに必要な役割を考えます。 そこでその役割に当てはまったモデルは何か、自分の脳内に検索をかけます(見つからない場合は適当に本などを読んで探します) そのモデルを元に、ストーリを踏まえてキャラの過去や設定を考えたうえで種族などを決めていきます。 |
To begin with, I have a certain idea of what the world should be like. Then, I think about a story that fits in with that, and then I consider roles necessary within that story. After that, I rack my brain thinking about model characters that would fulfill those roles (when I can't think of anything, I usually read books and stuff like that). Using those models as a basis, I think up the backstory of the characters (based firmly in the overall story), and I work out their species, etc. | |
Q91.連縁を始めたとき、ストーリーを全部計画していましたか、まだ計画中ですか? | Q91. When you started on Len'en, did you have the whole story planned from the beginning or are you still planning it? | |
天影戦記までのストーリー及び、連縁シリーズの最後の 結末や要所の重要なストーリーなどは既に計画済みですが、 途中の細かな話などはまだ具体的には計画していません。 僕自信も今後、色々と新たな知識を得たり価値観が変わったりするでしょうから、 どんどん新しいものを作っていきたいです。 その為に連縁には新たな世界観を組み込みやすい仕組みがあるのですが、 その仕組みはまだ登場してませんね。 |
I had already planned the story up until BPoHC, along with the series' final conclusion and various other important story elements. I still hadn't worked out the fine details for the middle parts, though. From here on out, I'll probably gain new knowledge and my way of seeing the world will probably change, so I want to make even more new things. Because of this, Len'en contains a certain mechanism that makes it easy to incorporate new ways of looking at the world, though such a mechanism hasn't appeared yet. | |
Q92.連縁Projectを表した昔の2013年のブログでは、最初にご先輩たちの作ったことであって、開発止まってからJynXさんに所有権を差し上げたと言いましたね。連縁のタイトルを除いて、今の連縁の何がその昔の時からですか? | Q92. In one of your blogs from way back in 2013, when you first announced the Len'en Project, you mentioned that it was initially something created by one of your upperclassmen and their friends and you were given the rights to all of it when they stopped working on it. Save for the title name, exactly what of what we know of Len'en now dates back to before you began working on the project yourself? | |
一部キャラのデザインや設定などをお借りしましたが、 僕が大 幅に手を加えているので今では殆ど別物といえるかもしれません。 |
I borrowed parts of the characters' designs and background stories, but I've modified them greatly, so they could be said to be almost completely different by now. | |
Q93.天影戦記にある含量と文量はめっちゃすごいですね! コンセプトを組み立てて難しかったですか、最初から全部計画していましたか? | Q93. The amount of content and character interaction present in BPoHC is nothing short of impressive. Was it hard to put together all these concepts or did you have most of it planned in advance? | |
世界観、ストーリー、キャラ設定などは制作の前段階で殆ど計画してましたが、 会話シーンなどは『そのキャラに絶対に言ってもらいたい台詞や設定』などがありますので、 それを押さえながら「このキャラ達ならこんな会話するだろうな~」って妄想しながら結構スラスラ作ってます。 っていうか脳内で勝手に会話してくれるので、それを文字に書き起こしてるだけです。 |
I had the world, story, character settings etc. planned almost entirely in advance as the first step, and for the dialogue, there were instances where I knew exactly what lines I wanted certain characters to have, so putting all of these concepts together was smooth sailing as I was thinking a lot about what sort of conversation a given group of characters would have on top of that. Suffice to say, my brain was providing all the dialogue, and all I had to do with that was put it to paper. | |
Q94.天影戦記に登場したキャラのデザインが一番楽しかったのは誰ですか? 一番難しかったのは誰ですか? | Q94. Which of the new characters introduced in BPoHC was the most fun to design? Which was the hardest to design? | |
見た目のデザイン作りが楽しかったのは讃良ですかね。 軍服とか好きなので。 難しかったのはヤゴです。 主に持ってる剣とか防具とかが。 ちなみに設定作りが楽しかったのは壬鳥です。 設定などを考えるのが大好きなんですけど、壬鳥の設定は都の設定と結びつきが強いので、 すごく多くの設定を盛り込む必要があったので色々と楽しかったです。 逆に設定が難しかったのは蝶鬼です。 連縁によくいる「のほほん系」なキャラと比べて、かなりガチなキャラなので中々会話が難しかったです。 今後も立ち位置が難しいキャラだと思っています。 |
I enjoyed designing Sanra, because I like military uniforms. I'd say Yago was the hardest, particularly the swords and armor they bear. I had fun setting up Mitori's backstory and how they would fit in. I love thinking about that sort of stuff, but since Mitori is so strongly tied to the Capital, a whole bunch of story elements were involved, which made it really fun. On the other hand, it was harder to set up Chouki in the story. Compared to the nonchalant characters you normally see in Len'en, Chouki is quite serious, which made it considerably difficult to write dialogue for them. I feel like it will be hard to work out their role and status from now on... | |
Q95.天影戦記を普通な弾幕STGとかけ離れるようにしたのはどうしてですか? | Q95. What made you decide to make BPoHC so radically different from a traditional bullet hell shmup? | |
理由は沢山あり過ぎるので、その内の一部だけ・・・・・ 弾幕STGってゲームジャンルの中でも最上級に"万人向けでない"ジャンルだと思うんです。 (だからこそ、そのジャンルであれだけ流行った東方は凄いのですが) その理由として 「ゲームの進行度合いがほぼ100%プレイヤースキルに左右されること」 「ゲームオーバーすると初めからになり、周回必須だということ(死んで覚える)」 などなど これらの要素を魅力に感じられない人にとってはなかなかウケないジャンルだと思います。 中には弾幕STGの魅力に触れる前に脱落してしまう人も多いと思います。 ですので、弾幕の魅力を少 しでも多くの人に体験してもらいたく、 お金(お酒)を稼ぐシステムにより周回する楽しみをつくりだし、 成長システムによりプレイヤースキルだけでなく、確実にゲームが進行していくようにし、 そしてランダム要素をふんだんに入れることで飽きにくくするようにして、 より万人向けなシステムにしてみました。 このゲームをきっかけに弾幕STGの魅力を知ってくれる人がいれば嬉しいですね! |
There are too many reasons for me to count, so here are a few of them... I think that bullet hell games in general aren't exactly suited to a broad audience. (That's the reason why I think Touhou becoming as popular as it did is amazing.) So then I thought of why that is, and came to the following conclusions: "Ability to progress depends almost entirely on player skill" and "It's an endless cycle of trial-and-error as you start from the beginning after every Game Over" etc. Those kinds of factors are what put people off if this genre doesn't already appeal to them. Among those people, I think there are also a lot who don't even so much as give bullet hell games a chance. Therefore, I wanted to bring at least some of the appeal of bullet hell games to the masses, use a money (alcohol) system to make the "endless cycle" part more enjoyable, have a growth system that allows players to rely less on their skill and gradually work towards guaranteed success, and have a randomness factor that keeps the game unpredictable, therefore interesting. In short, I wanted game mechanics that would bring in a greater audience. I'll be happy if more people find the appeal of bullet hell through my game! | |
Q96.天影戦記を纏めた前に自機にしようと思ったキャラがいましたか? 宿禰が自機になって八尾呂智がならなくて少しビックリしました。 | Q96. Were there any other characters you thought about making playable in BPoHC before it was finalized? It was a bit surprising to see Sukune playable, but not Yaorochi. | |
八尾呂智や蛇穴丸も候補にいましたが、他のキャラのほうが優先度が高かったので不採用となりました。 他には特にいませんでした、っというかそれ以上は多くて僕が死にます。 |
Yaorochi and Saragimaru were in the running, but other characters were higher priority, so they got tossed out. There weren't any others in particular... or, rather, if there were any more of 'em I'd be dead right now. | |
Q97.天影戦記では、Easy Extraを除いたのはなぜですか? | Q97. What made you decide to remove the Easy Extra difficulty from BPoHC? | |
Easy Extraはストーリーを手軽に知りたい人向けの難易度だったのですが、 アップグレードがある分、天影戦記のExtraは今までのExtraより簡単だからです。 |
Easy Extra was for people who want to enjoy the story casually, but since there's upgrades this time, BPoHC's Extra is already easier than the other games'. | |
Q98.弾幕のドット絵を変更・磨きしたのは理由がありますか? | Q98. Is there a reason for why you decided to change and improve on the bullet sprites? | |
昔作ったままの粗いものを使っていたので、そろそろ作り直してみたかったからです。 | I was using rough sprites I made long ago, so I thought it was about time I remade them. | |
Q99.天影戦記の完成版では、どうして照雲と蒼枯の場所が体験版に対して逆になりましたか? | Q99. Why were the locations of Souko and Mitsumo switched in the full version of BPoHC? | |
説明するのが難しいので省略しますが、制作段階での問題なので特に理由があるわけではありません~ | It'd be hard to explain in detail, so I'll keep it short, but there was just an issue on the development side of things. So there's no particular reason for it~. | |
Q100.天影戦記では、八尾呂智とシオンはラスボスとして自分の場所とBGがあるのは理由がありますか? 蛇叢釼と霊烈傳のノスタルギアのためだけですか? | Q100. Is there any reason why Yaorochi and Shion have their own locations and backgrounds as final bosses in BPoHC, or is it just for the sake of EMS and RMI nostalgia? | |
6面は特別感を出したかったので、それまでの背景と違うものを使いたかったのと、 会話の内容的にその場所が必要だったからです。 他の6面キャラは場所的に専用背景を使えませんでした。 |
There were a few reasons. Firstly, I wanted Stage 6 to have a unique feel to it, so I wanted to use a different background to what came earlier. In the case of Yaorochi and Shion, their locations are also necessary when you consider their dialogue. I wasn't able to make specialised backgrounds for each area you would face the other Stage 6 bosses in. | |
Q101.完成版で裏ラスボスである雀巳を、体験版の3面裏ボスにしたのはなぜですか? | Q101. If Suzumi is a hidden final boss in BPoHC, what made you decide to reveal them in stage 3 of the trial version? | |
雀巳の能力的に、体験版もストーリーの一部にできるからです。 | It's because, with Suzumi's ability being what it is, the trial version can count as a part of the full story too. | |
Q102.霊烈傳までに、e_03.pngとe_04.pngという無名不明なザコ敵がありましたね。名前などありますか? それより、e_05.pngとe_06.pngという未使用なザコ敵もありました。どこに使いたかったですか、どうして使わなかったですか? | Q102. Up until RMI, there were two unnamed enemies with nothing known about them (e_03.png and e_04.png). Do they have background details, such as names? Additionally, there were unused enemy sprites in the game's files (e_05.png and e_06.png). Where were you going to use them and why did you ultimately decide not to do so? | |
あれは鶴喰の式神の一種などなのですが、なんかピンとこなかったのボツになりました。 単なる消し忘れです。 | Those were supposed to be something like Tsurubami's shikigami, but it wasn't obvious, so I threw them out. I simply forgot to remove them from the game files.
| |
Q103.今となってクラウゼのメッチャ長い名前と二つ名を後悔していますか? | Q103. In hindsight, do you think giving Clause such a long name and title was a bad idea? | |
一応意味があるものなので後悔はしてません。 面倒くさいけど。 | It does have some special meaning to it, so I don't regret it. Sure is a pain, though. | |
インスピレーションについて | Inspirations | |
Q104.デーヴァナガラ(と天鏡の塔)は、どこかの現実の場所が元ネタとなっていますか? | Q104. Is Devanagara (and by extension, the pagoda) in any way based on or inspired by any real-world location? | |
特定の場所だけを元ネタにしている訳ではありませんが、 色んな場所をモチーフにしてます。(東京とか上海とか歴史上・架空の建築物とか) ちなみに地図上での都がある座標は具体的に決めてあります。 |
It's not based on any one location in particular, but it's inspired by various places. (Like Tokyo, Shanghai, historical and fictional buildings, etc.) By the way, the capital does actually have a concrete location on the map in-universe. | |
Q105.玄鳥や壬鳥などのような味のある人格と設定のあるキャラを考えて、キャラクターをそんな風に書くインスピレーションをどこから取っていますか? | Q105. Considering such well-versed characters with interesting personalities and backstories like Tsubakura and Mitori, what inspires you to write characters the way you do? | |
人格を決める前にそのキャラの出生や周りの環境や過去を作りますので、それを踏まえた上でそのキャラの人格を想像してます。 なので特定の作品などからインスピレーションは受けているわけではないのですが、 無意識の内にいままで僕が触れてきた作品が元でキャラ作りはされていると思います。 |
Before I decide on a character's personality, I first come up with their birth, surrounding environments, past, etc., and then think about the personality on the basis of these elements. I don't really draw inspiration from any certain other works, but I think they might play a role in my creativity subconsciously. | |
Q106.作曲中で何を想像していますか? | Q106. What do you imagine while writing music? | |
テーマとしているキャラや世界観の設定などを想像しています。 作曲しているときに新たな設定を思い浮かぶこともよくあります。 |
I imagine something like the character or the scenery that the theme is for. I also tend to come up with new settings a lot while composing. | |
Q107.作曲中では何の目的ですか? 「MO-NA-D-1 ? 記憶追蹤 」や「大天 ~ Spirit of nagara 」などはよく感動していますね。 | Q107. What do you try to go for in your songs? Some of them like "MO-NA-D-1 ~ Memory Pursuit" and "Arch Heaven ~ Spirit of Nagara" seem to elicit a lot of emotion. | |
作曲では何を意図しているか、ってことかな? キャラの曲ではそのキャラの性格や生き様、生い立ちや過去と未来を。 道中などの曲ではその場所の雰囲気や風景を表現するようにしています。 あとはゲーム内での展開などでも大きく表現が左右されますね。(一面ボスは曲を短く、六面ボスは長くとか) |
I guess that's like asking what my intention is when composing, right? When composing themes for characters, I take into account such things as their personality, their way of life, their upbringing, their past, and their future. For stage themes, I think about the atmosphere of the location, and I try to represent the background. Developments within the games themselves also dominate. (e.g. Stage 1 bosses have short themes, Stage 6 bosses have long themes). | |
Q108.独自な服を着ているキャラが大勢いますね。服装のデザインは何のインスピレーションがありますか? | Q108. Many characters wear pretty unique clothing. What inspires you when designing said clothes? | |
色んなところで見た服のデザインやコンセプトなどを覚えて、脳内で組み合わせたりしてます。 けどそのままのデザインを使わないようにデザインを考えてる時は資料を見ないようし、 曖昧な記憶を頼りに自分なりにアレンジしたりしています。 (ただ、どうしても思い出したい細かな箇所などは資料を見たりします) |
I remember various clothing designs and concepts from various places and then put them together in my head. But in order not to just create a carbon copy of what I've seen, I don't look up any of it and just arrange it in my own special way from a vague memory. (However, I do look up references when there are any small details I absolutely need to keep in mind.) | |
Q109.西方ProjectあるいはProject Blankからインスピレーションを取ったことがありますか? 讃良のデザインもデーヴァナガラの背景も西方を思い出しますね。 | Q109. Have you ever drawn inspiration from the Seihou Project and/or Project Blank? Sanra's design and their stage background seem somewhat reminiscent of Seihou. | |
ないですね~ たまたまだと思います。 | I haven't, actually~. Must be a coincidence. | |
Q110.讃良と壬鳥の元となった歴史上の人物はありますか? | Q110. Were there any historical figures serving as a direct inspiration for Sanra and Mitori? | |
います。 この二人は比較的分かりやすいと思います。 |
There are. I think those two are relatively easy to figure out. | |
Q111.讃良と壬鳥のボス戦のアイデアはめっちゃ独創ですね。インスピレーションがありましたか? あったら何のことですか? | Q111. The ideas for Sanra's and Mitori's boss fights are extremely creative. Did you have any inspiration for them? And if so, what? | |
讃良の弾幕は都の設定上、近代兵器をイメージしたものですね。 壬鳥も最小限の範囲で速くて高い火力のある弾幕をイメージしました。 どっちも作るのも避けるのも楽しかったですね。 |
Sanra's attacks are based on the setting of the capital. I had an image of modern-day weaponry in mind. For Mitori, I imagined attacks with a narrow range that made up for it by being both fast and high-power. I greatly enjoyed both designing and fighting the two. | |
Q112.ツグミの恰好は「 ジョニー・ジョースター」にすごく似ていますね。これは意図的でしたか? | Q112. Tsugumi's appearance greatly resembles that of Johnny Joestar. Was that intentional? | |
ほんとだ、言われてみれば似てますねw 意図してないことですが、ツグミは馬乗りをイメージしたデザインなので自然と似てしまったのだと思います。 |
Oh man, now that you mention it they totally do! (lol) It wasn't intentional, but since I designed Tsugumi with horse jockeys in mind, I guess they naturally wound up looking similar. | |
Q113.ゼノアの体形、服装、顔の輪郭、髪型、髪の色、瞳の色(強いて言えば戦闘に道具を使う)が、東方のキャラクターのルナサにそっくりですが、これは偶然でしょうか? | Q113. Xeno a's body type, clothing, face, hairstyle, hair color, eye color (and dare I say it, the "uses items in battle" aspect) are heavily reminiscent of Lunasa from Touhou. Is that a coincidence? | |
意図したものではないので全くの偶然ですね~ そんなに似てるかな? |
I didn't intend as much, so it's a total coincidence~. Do they really look all that similar? | |
Q114.「鏈縁无現里」の鶴喰のポーズは、「東方靈異伝」のコンガラのが元になっていますか? | Q114. Is Tsurubami's character pose in EE based off of Konngara's? | |
なってませんのだ~ | No siree~! | |
Q115.冴月麟と彼女の弾幕を動画に描く元のインスピレーションは何でしょうか? | Q115. What was the source of inspiration for the way you depict Rin Satsuki and her attacks in your videos? | |
彼女に関しては謎の多すぎるキャラなので、僕の想像する部分が多いのですが、 【空白】や【穴】のある弾幕をイメージしてます。 あと当時、新しいレーザー弾幕のプログラミングを実装したばかりだったので、 レーザーを色々使ってみたかったんです。 |
She's a very mysterious and secretive character, so a lot of it was my own imagination, but I imagined danmaku representing "blank spaces" and "holes". Also, at that time, I'd just got done implementing code for a new type of laser, so I wanted to use a lot of lasers as a result. | |
未来について | Future | |
Q116.連縁ゲームを無料にするのを続きますか? 天影戦記はお金払えと言ってももっとものすごく遠大なゲームですよね。ゲームをいつか販売して考えてたことがありますか? | Q116. Why do you still release Len'en games for free? BPoHC is an incredibly ambitious game that you would be very much justified to ask money for. Have you considered selling your games at all at any point? | |
連縁はこれからも基本無料プレイにしていきたいと思っていますが、 何かしらの形でお金をいただける仕組みにはするかもしれません(そうしないと制作が進まないので) けどストーリーや世界観を知るだけなら無料で済むようにするつもりです。 |
I intend to keep Len'en as a fundamentally free game from here on out, but I might incorporate some sort of way of accepting money (if I don't, I won't make progress on the development side of things). Still, I intend to make it so that, if you just want to just learn about the story or how the world is constructed, you can do those things for free. | |
Q117.ファン達がサポートできるためのドネーションプールを構えようと思ったことがありますか? | Q117. Have you ever considered setting up a donation pool in order to enable fans to support your work? | |
何かしらグッズ販売などでやってみたいとは思ってます。 ゲーム自体は無料を続けていきたいですね。 |
I think I'd like to sell merchandise, or something like that. I want the games themselves to remain free. | |
Q118.ゲームのCD版販売をするつもりじゃなくても、カバーアートを製造しようと思いますか? 例えば、ファン達がプリントして自分のCD版を製造するために。 | Q118. Even if you don't intend to release physical copies of your games, would you still consider creating cover art for them? For example, so that fans could print them out and make their own physical copies to put on their shelf. | |
一度考えたことがあります。 いつかやってみるかもしれません。 | I've thought about it once. I might do it at some point, actually. | |
Q119.連縁シリーズのサウンドトラックを製作する予定はありますか?また、作成するとしたらCDで作りますか? DL形式にしますか? | Q119. Do you plan to create OSTs for the Len'en series? If you do, will you sell them as CDs or digital downloads? | |
いつか作ってみたいと思ってますが、CDを刷るのだとしたら需要がもっと必要ですね~ | I've definitely thought about that, but I'd need a lot of demand to consider having CDs pressed.
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Q120.作画や作曲などの依頼を受け取ろうといつか思えますか? | Q120. Would you ever consider taking commissions, such as for artwork or music? | |
いつかやってみたいですが、今は自分の制作でいっぱいいっぱいですね~ | I would love to try it someday, but right now I'm just drowning in Len'en work. | |
Q121.束方恋宴戦記の動画の音楽を発売するつもりですか? | Q121. Do you plan on releasing the music from your 束方恋宴戦記 video? | |
いつか何かしらの形でお届けできると思います。 | I think I should be able to do that someday, in some form. | |
Q122.「東方求聞史紀」のような、連縁シリーズの設定資料集みたいなものを作る予定がありますか? | Q122. Do you have plans for something of a Len'en encyclopedia akin to Perfect Memento in Strict Sense? | |
是非とも作ってみたいですね~ みなさんの応援次第です! | I would absolutely want to make something like that! Hope you'll all cheer me on! | |
Q123.自分のテーマを作曲するつもりですか? (ZUNの「童祭 ~ Innocent Treasures」のように) | Q123. Are you planning on making a character theme for yourself like ZUN did with "Kid's Festival ~ Innocent Treasures"? | |
いずれ作るかもしれませんね! | I might at some point! | |
Q124.東方夢時空や東方花映塚のような連縁ゲームを作ろうと思いますか? | Q124. Have you ever considered the possibility of making a Len'en game in the style of PoDD or PoFV? | |
いつか作るかもしれませんが、今のところ予定はありません。 | I might make one at some point, but I don't have any plans to do so at the moment. | |
Q125.東方文花帖のようなゲームを作ろうと思いますか? | Q125. Do you have plans to create a game like Shoot the Bullet? | |
いつか作るかも? 予定はありません。 | Someday maybe? No plans right now, though. | |
Q126.見せてもいい未使用のキャラクターデザインがありますか? | Q126. Are there any unused character designs you would be willing to show us? | |
なーいーでーす。 | Noooone aaaaat aaaaall. | |
Q127.見せてもいい完成した未使用の曲がありますか? | Q127. Do you have any finished tracks that ended up going unused that you would be comfortable sharing? | |
なーいですー | Noooooooone.
| |
個人的なことと意見について | Personal/Opinions | |
Q128.一番好きな動物は何ですか? | Q128. What is/are your favorite animal(s)? | |
好きな動物が多いので一番は決められませんね~ 鳥類、爬虫類、両生類とかが 主に好きですね。 架空のものでもいいならドラゴンが好きですね、ちっちゃいのがいい。 ちなみにウチではカメとイモリを飼ってます。 |
There's lots of animals I like, so I can't decide on just one! I mainly like birds, reptiles, amphibians and such. If we're talking fictional ones, I like dragons. Especially tiny ones. Incidentally, I have a pet turtle and newt. | |
Q129.一番訪れたい場所(リアルでもフィクションでも)はどこですか? | Q129. Which place, real or fiction, would you like to visit the most? | |
ビールを呑みにドイツに行きたいです。 あと宇宙空間にも行きたいです。 架空の場所ならゲーム「BioShock」のラプチャーとコロンビアを観光してみたいです(住みたくはないけど) |
I'd love to visit Germany for the beer. I also wanna go to outer space. As for fictional places, I'd love to go sightseeing at Rapture and Columbia from BioShock. (Wouldn't necessarily want to actually live there, though.) | |
Q130.楽しむ人気のある、もしくはメインストリームのゲームがありますか? | Q130. Any popular or mainstream games that you enjoy? | |
世界観が作りこまれているゲームが好きですね。 ベゼスタ製のオープンワールドとか。 けど色んなゲームをやるようにしています。 |
I like games with a lot of work put into their setting. Like Bethesda's open-world games and stuff. I try to play a lot of different kinds of games, though. | |
Q131.一番気に入ったゲームの作曲者は誰ですか? | Q131. Who is your favorite video game music composer? | |
とても1人には絞れませんねぇ~ 神主は言うまでもないと思いますが、 他に好きなゲーム作曲家は すぎやまこういちさん、下村陽子さん、桜庭統さん、光田康典さんなどなど 有名な方だけでも数え切れないほどいます! ゲーム以外でも好きな作曲者さんたくさんいますね~ |
I just can't narrow it down to one person~! It goes without saying that ZUN is one of them, but some other composers I'm fond of include Koichi Sugiyama, Yoko Shimomura, Motoi Sakuraba, and Yasunori Mitsuda. Even if you only limit it to famous composers, there's too many to count! There are heaps of composers not involved in video games whose work I like, too~! | |
Q132.東方プロジェクトを知るようになったのはいつでしたか? 東方と出会って自分は何らか変わりましたか? | Q132. When did you first find out about Touhou and how did that change you, if at all? | |
僕が東方を初めて知ったのは文花帖~風神録のあたりですね。 東方と出会ってから、ハッキリ言って人生が変わりましたね。 それ以前からゲームは好きでしたが、ゲ ームというものが個人で作れるものだという発想がなかったので、 創作はおろかオタク文化さえも殆ど触れることのない人生でしたね。 東方と出会ってなければ僕はゲーム作りなんて絶対してなかったでしょうね。 (高校生の頃の将来の夢は物理学者でした) |
I first found out about Touhou around when StB and MoF came out. To be blunt, after encountering Touhou, my life changed. Before then, I liked games, but I never thought of them as something a single person could make, so I lived without experiencing most nerd culture, let alone creating my own work. If I didn't encounter Touhou, I would never have made games of my own. (When I was a senior high school student, I dreamed of becoming a physicist.) | |
Q133.もしJynXさんが无現里に連れ去られたら、どうするでしょうか? | Q133. If you were to be spirited away to Mugenri, what would you do? | |
无現里内の地酒を巡って彷徨い、そのうち妖怪化します。 | I would wander all over the land drinking the local alcohol and end up becoming a youkai. | |
Q134.无現里大体は何が好きですか? | Q134. What do you like about Mugenri in general? | |
僕が无現里で好きなところはなにか、ってことかな? ん~、賑やかだけどどこか侘しいところが好きかな。 登場キャラも重い過去を持ちながらもそれを感じさせないような振る舞いをする奴が多 いですが、 无現里そのものの雰囲気もそれに似た感じだと思います。 そんなところが好きですね。 それに无現里はのんびり生活するには良い場所だと思います。 聖域で暮らしてても、少し足を運べば都で大体のものは手に入りますしね。 |
What I like about Mugenri, huh? Mmm~, I like how it's really lively, but also has this loneliness to it? A lot of the characters have heavy pasts, but they behave in a way that doesn't give that impression at all. The atmosphere of Mugenri itself is sort of like that, I think. I like that kind of place. Also, I think Mugenri's a good place if you want to have a laid-back life. Even if you live out in the Sanctuary, you can get your hands on most stuff with just a quick trip to the capital. | |
Q135.天影戦記は今までの自分の最高傑作だと言えますか? | Q135. Would you go as far as to say that BPoHC is your best work to date? | |
システムやストーリー的には集大成と言えると思います。 けど最高傑作と呼ぶにはまだまだ未熟な部分が多いかと思います。 まだまだ鍛錬していきたいですね。 |
In terms of the game's system and story, you could say it's the sum of everything that came before. Still, I wouldn't go so far as to say it's my best work; there are too many unpolished areas for that. I want to keep improving my skills! | |
Q136.年が経って連縁Projectはかなり大きくなりましたね。ゲームが4弾あり、5弾目のゲームが計画中、世界中のだんだんになるファンベース。何と思いますか? | Q136. The Len'en Project has come quite far over the years. Four games, a fifth one in progress, and a growing worldwide fanbase. How do you feel about that? | |
言葉で表現するには僕の語彙力はあまりに乏しいのですが、 あえて月並みな一言で言うなら、「とても嬉しい」です。 多くの見ず知らずの人が自分の作品のファンアートなどを作ってくださるのはとても不思議な気分です。 これからもファンの方々の期待に応えられるように頑張っていきたいと思います。 |
I can't quite express my feelings in my limited vocabulary, but using a common phrase, "it makes me really happy." It's a mysterious feeling to see lots of unfamiliar people making fanart and other creations based on my work. From here on out, I'd like to work to fulfill the expectations of the fans! | |
Q137.連縁の組み立てられている部分の一番自信のあるのはどれですか? | Q137. Among all the elements that make up Len'en, which one are you the most confident about? | |
キャラの名前はかなりこだわっている自信があります。 他には世界観や様々な設定などもかなりこだわっているつもりです。 |
I'm quite particular about the characters' names, so I'm confident in that. I try to be very particular about the setting details and various backstories, too. | |
Q138.宿禰以外では、自分にとって大切なキャラがいますか? | Q138. Aside from Sukune, are there any characters that hold a special place in your heart? | |
当然、主人公二人はかなり思い入れのあるキャラです。 あとはセセも結構好きです。 最新作では自機化したぐらいですしね。 |
Obviously I'm very attached to the two main characters. Aside from them, I also like Sese quite a lot. I was glad I could make them a playable character in my latest game. | |
Q139.連縁全キャラの能力の一番気に入ったのはどれですか? 一番面白いのは? 一番危険は? 一番便利は? 一番無用は? | Q139. Which of the Len'en characters' abilities is your favorite? Which do you think is the most interesting? The most dangerous? The most useful? The most useless? | |
気に入ってる能力は藪雨と玄鳥かな? 凄く考え抜いた結果で決めた能力なので。 面白いと思うのは鶴喰ですかね。 色々と応用の利く能力ですから。 一番危険なのは藪雨ですね。 何故かは内緒ですが。 便利なのは黒巫鳥かな。 僕もハンバーグひっくり返すときに使いたい。 無用なのはクラウゼですね。 面倒だし。 |
I think my favorites are Yabusame and Tsubakura's? Since I put a lot of thought into what they should be. I think Tsurubami's is the most interesting for me, since it's got a wide variety of applications. The most dangerous would be Yabusame's. (Why, you ask? Secret.) The most useful might be Kuroji's. I wish I could use it for flipping hamburgers. The most useless would be Clause's. It's just, like, so annoying. | |
Q140.まさか海外のファンベースが現れると思いましたか? | Q140. Did you ever expect to have a western fanbase? | |
海外での人気が高くなるとは夢にも思いませんでしたね。 僕自身が英語苦手なのが憎まれることです。 |
Not even in my dreams did I ever think I would have such a huge fanbase outside of Japan. It really makes me hate being so bad at English. | |
Q141.今まで見た・聞いた連縁二次創作の中で、気に入りがありますか? | Q141. Out of all the Len'en fan content you've seen or heard so far, have you got any favorites? | |
どれも凄く気に入ってるのですが、曲のアレンジなどが特に嬉しいですね。 自分も耳コピアレンジをしている身なのでよく分かるのですが、 耳コピをしている時ってその作品のことばかりを考えているんですよね。 それほど僕の作品を考えて頂いて嬉しく思います。 |
I love them all, but I'm particularly happy to see arrangements. I transcribe music to arrange it a lot, so this is something I understand well, but when you're transcribing, you end up only thinking about the work you're transcribing from. It makes me glad to think there are people who think about my works that deeply. | |
Q142.いつかZUNは「呑んだり東方開発したりする以外のことをする自分なんて想像できない」とか言いましたが、JynXさんも同感ですか? | Q142. ZUN has once said something along the lines of "I can't see myself doing anything other than drinking or working on Touhou". Do you feel the same way? | |
まったく同感です。 今となっては制作していない自分なんてありえないですね。 |
I absolutely feel the same. At this point, I couldn't ever see myself not working on Len'en anymore. | |
Q143.ネット上で連縁EDをネタバレしても大丈夫ですか? | Q143. Are you fine with people posting Len'en endings on the internet? | |
禁止するつもりはありませんが、EDの動画などは控えて頂くとありがたいですね。 (できれば実際にプレイして見て頂きたいので) ネタバレに関しては、ネタバレを知りたくない方もいらっしゃるでしょうから、 そのあたりを配慮していただければ個人の自由ということで。 公式でネタバレを含む話をするのは基本的にはゲーム配信から一ヶ月後を目安にするつもりです。 |
I don't intend to ban it, but I'd appreciate it if you would refrain from posting videos of them online. (Because, if you can, I'd prefer you to play the game and see them that way). In regards to spoilers, I understand that there may be people who might not want to be spoiled, so you're also free to consider that, too. Generally, my official standard is to refrain from discussing things including spoilers until at least 1 month after the game has been released. That's how I'd like to operate from now on. | |
省略不可能の最後問 | Mandatory Final Question | |
Q144.最後に鏈縁ファンの皆さんに残したいコメントはありますか? | Q144. Are there any final comments you'd like to give to the fans? | |
いつもゲームのプレイ、応援、ファンアートなどなど本当にありがとうございます。 今回このようなインタビューの場を設けていただくことも二度目となり、非常に光栄に思うと同時に、 企画や翻訳をしていただいた関係者の方には本当に感謝のかぎりです。 また、連縁の制作を続けられていること自体、ファンの方々の応援のおかげです! まだまだ未熟な部分の多い僕ですが、みなさんの期待に応えられるように精一杯頑張りたいと思います! これからも連縁は様々な展開をしていきたいと考えていますが、 それらが実現できるかどうかはファンのみなさんの応援次第ですので、 どうかこれからもよろしくお願いします! ありがとうございました! |
I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for always playing my games, cheering me on, drawing fanart etc. etc. I'm feeling absolutely honored that you guys prepared another interview like this for me, and I'd like to express my gratitude to the organizers and translators of this project. Again, it's all thanks to the support of the fans that I'm able to continue working on Len'en like this! There's a lot of things I'm still being a greenhorn about, but I'm doing the best I can working to live up to your expectations! There are so many different things about Len'en that I want to develop, but I'm dependent on the support of my fans when it comes to implementing them. So once again, and somehow or other, I'm looking forward to our continued relationship! Thank you ever so much! | |
質問 / Archived Questions | ||
Main article: Len'en Wiki:Interview with JynX (2017)/Archive
In the link above is an archive on what questions were asked and the rules that needed to be followed. Thank you to everyone who handed in their questions! If any of your questions did not make it through, feel free to either contact Popfan personally or ask about it on the discussion page. |
- ↑ 流離 (usually pronounced sasurai) is a word with meanings including "exile", "wandering", and "passage" (as in "bird of passage").