Pixiv FANBOX/February 2020 to September 2020
The following is a transcription and English translation of all of JynX's pixiv FANBOX posts from February 2020 to September 2020.
2020[edit | edit source]
28 September 2020[edit | edit source]
[Donors-Only Article] Len'en Cafe Development ~Progress Report #6 (Skills, Shot Distance and Area)~ | ||
こんなん玄鳥ちゃうやろ |
Since it's the donors-only article and all, I took the chance to show off the animations
[Six clips of fake Tsubakura's battle animations.] |
13 September 2020[edit | edit source]
Len'en Cafe Development ~Progress Report #5 (Skills & Types)~ | ||
ぎゃあああぁ連縁記念日恐怖症ぉぉぉぉぅ |
Aaaaahhhhhh Len'en Anniversary-Phobia Gahhhhh | |
今回のテーマは「属性とか」 |
The theme this time is "Elements and stuff". | |
属性同士に相性などはありませんが、キャラそれぞれに弱点とか耐性やらが設定されています。 |
There's no strength and weaknesses between elements, but each character has elements they're strong against and weak to. | |
さらに技には属性のほかに『系統』というものもあります。 |
In addition to elements, skills also belong to certain so-called "Systems". | |
そして上記ですでに記してますが、状態異常もあります。 |
And as I have also already mentioned, there are also Status Effects. | |
属性があるとなれば、 |
Since there's different elements, | |
いつもの |
The usual. | |
さて、連縁カフェではこのゆーれいのマイナーチェンジがあります。 |
Now then, these ghosts have minor variants in Book of the Cafe. | |
とげとげしとるー |
It's all spiky~. | |
それでは! 限定記事で全属性のゆーれい公開っ!! |
So! I've posted images of the ghosts in every element in the donors-only post!! | |
それにしてもいや~、β版の公開までずいぶん時間がかかっていますが、 |
Really though, while I'm still taking quite a bit of time to make the β version, | |
リングフィットアドベンチャーが一生当たらないJynXでした。 |
This has been "I'm never going to get Ring Fit Adventure" JynX. |
[Donors-Only Article] Len'en Cafe Development ~Progress Report #5 (Skills & Types)~ | ||
戦闘テンポをよくするためにエフェクトは基本的に1~2秒のものばかり |
To keep the battle fast-paced, I try to keep most of the effects 1-2 seconds long. |
16 August 2020[edit | edit source]
[Donors-Only Article] Len'en Cafe Development ~Progress Report #4 (The Summer Heat is Hot)~ | ||
動く剣ちゃん |
Swordie is moving! |
11 July 2020[edit | edit source]
[Donors-Only Article] Prayer Picture | ||
慎重に選考を致しました結果、誠に残念でございますが今回は新たな出番を設けられない結 |
I drew this as a sort of prayer for the characters who I couldn't plan an appearance for this time. |
31 May 2020[edit | edit source]
Len'en Cafe: Battle System (Part 1) | ||
あひー、JynXです。 |
Heyo~, it's JynX, | |
そんな制作状況なのですが、せっかくなので今回は連縁カフェの戦闘システムについて詳細な情報をいくつか語ってみたいと思います。 |
Since it's what I'm working on, I'll take the opportunity to explain a few points regarding Len'en Cafe's battle system. | |
以前までの戦闘システムはターンの開始時に味方ユニット全員に命令をして、その後ターン終了までは自動でユニットが順々に命令された行動をしていくというシステムでしたが、 |
In the battle system up till now, you chose the actions for all your party members, and they'll automatically execute the actions in order when you end your turn. | |
何故このような変更をしたかというと、 |
As for why I made the change: | |
このゲームの戦闘システムには"攻撃範囲"があり、その範囲内ではないと技が当たらないという仕様です。 |
In the battle system there's "Attack Ranges", and if the enemy isn't within range, they can't be hit. | |
つまり、ターン開始時に敵や味方の行動を予想して、移動や技を駆使して敵の攻撃を「避ける」ことが重要となっていくシステムでした。 |
In other words, one would need to anticipate how the enemy would act on their turn, and move and use skills accordingly to "dodge" enemy attacks. | |
ですが、実際にある程度作り終わってテストで何度もプレイし続けた結果。 |
However, I came to a conclusion after repeated playtesting once the system was done to a certain extent: | |
ソシャゲという形式上、繰り返し同じ戦闘をするということがままありますが、 |
It's fairly common in online games that you would repeat the same fights over and over again. | |
それではスキンヘッドを防ぐためにはどうしたらいいのか? |
What should I do to avoid this balding problem? | |
その結果、あまり奇を衒わないよくある陳腐なシステムになってしまいましたが、 |
As a result, I decided to not be original and settled for an old-fashioned battle system instead. | |
とは言うもののキチンと独自のシステムは盛り込んでありますし、「避ける」ことも可能なシステムにはなってます。 |
Be that as it may, I still included a unique system of my own, so that "dodging" is still possible. | |
さて、そんなところで今回はこのあたりで、 |
Welp, I believe that's about it for this time. | |
大変な日々ではございますが、戦闘システムを変えたことによってできるようになった様々なアイディアもあって、ウッシッシッって喜びながらプログラミング作業をする日々を過ごしております。 |
It's been really busy for me these few days, but I've come up with several ideas that I could implement now that the battle system is changed, and I'm passing my days working on the program while chuckling with joy. | |
限定記事は絵でも描こうかと思ってたのですが、今日は時間がないぃー! |
I wanted to draw an illustration for the donors-only post, but I don't have time for that today~~! | |
10 May 2020[edit | edit source]
What I Plan to Add to Len'en Cafe's α Version | ||
母の日の贈り物は当日に用意する勢なのにどこの店も閉まっとるんじゃー! |
I'm the type to buy Mother's Day presents on the day but all the stores are closed~! | |
それでは連縁カフェのα版で実装する予定のものについて話しちゃいます。 |
So let's talk about what I still plan to add to the α version of Len'en Cafe. | |
〇店員のレベルの上限解放 |
〇Raising the employees' level limits | |
〇お客様の位置保存 |
〇Saving the customers' positions | |
〇特殊な家具の追加 |
〇Addition of special furniture | |
〇サーバー処理 |
〇Server functionality | |
こんなところです。 |
That's about it. | |
さて、今回は限定記事は何にしましょ? |
Now then, what should I do for the donors-only post? | |
そういえばWeb版の連縁カフェが観覧数10,000超えてたよ! |
Oh yeah, the Web version of Len'en Cafe reached over 10,000 visitors! |
[Donors-Only Article] What I Plan to Add to Len'en Cafe's α Version | ||
強化画面とかショップ画面とかで流れてるアレ、 |
The track that plays at the upgrades screen, shop screen and such. |
19 April 2020[edit | edit source]
The Outlook for Len'en Cafe's Future | ||
どーもー、カフェ制作中のJynXです。 |
Hey there~~, it's JynX, currently making Len'en Cafe. | |
などのテストをさせていただきます。 |
Like the title mentioned, the following are what I have in mind for Len'en Cafe in the future.
In the β version. | |
α版からβ版、β版から製品版へのセーブデータの引継ぎはできませんが、 |
Data cannot be transferred from the α version to the β version, nor from the β version to the full version, | |
ツイッターやメールで不具合や要望のご連絡を沢山いただいておりますが、 |
I got a lot of feedback regarding bugs and requests through Twitter and email, | |
さて、今回の限定記事なのですが、 |
Now then, about the donors-only post this time, | |
さぁーて、頑張って作るぞ~ |
Now then~, I'm going to work hard~.! |
[Donors-Only Article] The Outlook for Len'en Cafe's Future | ||
トリオイド・トウケアット(ONAIR-version) |
The clear version of "Trioid Toykeat (ONAIR-version)"... |
4 April 2020[edit | edit source]
Len'en Cafe (α Version), Released!!! | ||
配信しとるぅぅぅぅぅぅーーー!!! |
It's released~~~~~~~~~!!! | |
早すぎるよぉ~~ |
That's waay too fast~~ | |
っというわけでAndroid版での配信が開始してました。 |
And thus the Android version is released. | |
また、これに合わせてWeb版の配信も開始しました。 |
Also, in accordance to this, I released the web version as well. | |
もしバグなどを発見しましたら、連絡先に知らせてくださいますと助かります。 |
If you find any bugs, it'd really help if you contacted me about them. | |
忙しいのが終わったと思ったら、また急に忙しくなったわ・・・ |
Once you think you're done being busy, it gets busy again... |
3 April 2020[edit | edit source]
Len'en Cafe α Version!!! | ||
連縁カフェα版・・・・配信決定っ!! 完っ全っ決っ定っっ!!! |
Len'en Cafe α version.... confirmed for release!! A h u n d r e d p e r c e n t c o n f i r m e d ! ! | |
Web版・・・2020.04/10 |
Web...2020.04/10 | |
android版は色々あって公開タイミングが僕にもよく分からない状態です。 |
There's a lot happening with the Android version so even I'm not too sure when it'll be released. | |
そんなこんなで、今回の記事ではその「α版」の詳細について記させていただきます。 |
With this and that out of the way, this article will be about the details of the "α version". | |
まずこの「α版」なるもの、 |
First, about this "α version". | |
そんな感じなのであまり内容の量や質に期待しないでいただけると気が楽です・・・・ |
So that's why I think it'll be better if you guys don't expect too much in both quantity and quality of content.... | |
Now, the α version has a lot more restrictions than the complete version,
| |
今回のα版が安定した後に、戦闘要素などを追加したβ版を公開する予定なのですが、 |
Once the α version becomes stable, I plan to release a β version with battle elements added in, | |
限定記事には動画でも使われているカフェのOP曲「連縁カフェ ~ Re:Boot」を公開しますね。 |
In the donors-only article is the opening song for Cafe, the one that was also in the video, "Len'en Cafe ~ Re:Boot". | |
さぁ~て、まだまだがんばるぞーい |
Now then~, I'm going to keep working hard~! |
[Donors-Only Article] Len'en Cafe α Version!!! | ||
連縁カフェのOP曲第一弾「連縁カフェ ~ Re:Boot」 |
The first opening song of Book of the Cafe: "Len'en Cafe ~ Re:Boot". |
15 March 2020[edit | edit source]
[Donors-Only Article] Cafe Development ~Progress Report #3 (The EE Cast)~ | ||
無修正版 |
Here's the unedited version. |
1 March 2020[edit | edit source]
Cafe Development ~Progress Report #2 (Kurohebi)~ | ||
お久しぶりなJynXです。 |
It's been a while, I'm JynX. | |
そう、作業しまくりなんです! みなさんの支援のおかげもあって作業時間を少し増やすことができましたよー! ありがたい!! ありがとうーっ!!! |
Yep, production's going on and on! | |
それではさっそくその進捗具合をお見せします! |
So let's get on with showing you guys the progress report! | |
攻撃待機状態▽ |
Standby Mode▽ | |
移動中▽ |
On the move▽ | |
まごうことなき得手勝手な影っぷり |
Undoubtedly strong-willed shadow-like. | |
限定記事には烏蛇がカンナがけをひたすらするというマニアックな動画でも貼っておきますね。 |
In the donors-only post I posted a crazy video of Kurohebi single‐mindedly planing wood. | |
作業の続きがしたくてたまらないので今回はこのへんで! |
I really want to get back to work, so that's about it this time! |
[Donors-Only Article] Cafe Development ~Progress Report #2 (Kurohebi)~ | ||
うんとこしょー、どっこいしょー |
Ooh, look at them go~. |
16 February 2020[edit | edit source]
[Donors-Only Article] Cafe Development ~Progress Report #1~ | ||
制作用に作ったベース人形君。 |
The base doll that I made for character development. |
Notes[edit | edit source]
- ↑ A line from the novel series Ninja Slayer.
- ↑ A reference to Yukari Yakumo's spell card from the Touhou Project, as her name includes the kanji for purple (紫).
- ↑ A reference to a similar line from the Japanese science-fiction novel series "Legend of the Galactic Heroes".
- ↑ A reference to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) outbreak in 2020.
- ↑ Likely the Kurohebi figure made by @kouki_mono.