Mugenri Revitalization Committee
The "Mugenri Revitalization Committee" (无現里復興委員会 Mugenri Fukkō Īnkai) is a Twitter list containing the conversations between Haru, Hoojiro Shitodo, Rei and Zelo on Twitter. The reason for this name is unclear, but it should be noted that Rei is the goodwill ambassador of Mugenri, which may be related.
Conversations[edit | edit source]
10th November 2018[edit | edit source]
Rei and Zelo reach out to Haru and Hoojiro to learn some information about them. This conversation was released as a part of the 5th Len'en Anniversary on the night prior to the anniversary day. It was partially put into this list, with the exception of Haru's replies and Rei's own tweets, the entire conversation is as follows:
Haru |
垢つくった |
I made an account. |
Haru |
主に昔の友人と話す用 |
It's mainly for talking with my old friend. |
Hoojiro |
てすとてすと。 |
Testingtesting. |
Hoojiro |
おーい、聞こえる? |
Heey, can you hear me? |
Haru |
聞こえるけど、それじゃあ聞こえないわよ |
I can, but obviously I can't hear you. |
Haru |
フォローして |
Follow me. |
Hoojiro |
初めて使ってみたけど、ツイッターって仕組みがよく分からないのよね。 |
It's my first time using it, so I don't really get how Twitter works. |
Hoojiro |
とりあえずハルをフォロー。 |
For now, I'll just follow Haru. |
Hoojiro retweets a Tweet from Rei, from when the Trick Nostalgie website was updated to include Rei and Zelo. | ||
Hoojiro |
ハルが言ってたのってこのアカウントだよね? |
Is this the account you were talking about, Haru? |
Haru |
いえす |
Yes. |
Hoojiro |
ちょっとまって。 |
Wait a second. |
Hoojiro |
なにこれ。 |
What is this? |
Hoojiro |
何者なの? |
Who is this?! |
Hoojiro |
无現里のことも知ってる。 |
They know about Mugenri too. |
Haru |
動画みた? |
You watched the videos? |
Hoojiro |
いくつか見た |
I watched a few. |
Hoojiro |
たしかに昔、研究所にあったAIに似てる気がする。 |
I feel like it's similar to an AI that used to be at the research lab a long time ago. |
Hoojiro |
担当じゃなかったから正確には覚えてないけど、名前もこんな感じだった気がする。 |
I wasn't in charge of it so I don't remember clearly, but I feel like the name's similar too. |
Haru |
ね、言った通りでしょ? |
See, like I told you right? |
Hoojiro |
信じられない。 |
I can't believe it. |
Hoojiro |
どうして閉ざされた技術が顕現してるの? |
Why has a shutdown piece of technology reappeared? |
Hoojiro |
とっくの昔に凍結させたから、関係者が怪しいか… |
It was frozen a long time ago, so the suspect must be someone who has the authority to access it... |
Hoojiro |
けどもうデータだって寿命で残ってるわけないのに、なんで今更。 |
But even the data shouldn't have been able to last for so long, so why now of all times? |
Hoojiro |
もしかしてあなたのドッキリ? |
Is this a prank of yours? |
Haru |
少なくとも私は何も知らないよ |
At the very least, I know nothing about this. |
Hoojiro |
じゃあ何者の仕業だと予想してる? |
Do you have a guess on who the perpetrator is, then? |
Haru |
わかんない |
Nope. |
Hoojiro |
玄鳥博士…なんか懐かしいわね。 |
Dr. Tsubakura... It's kinda nostalgic. |
Haru |
あんたの身内のことも、何か分かるかもね |
Maybe you can find something out about your family too. |
Hoojiro |
ふーん。 |
Huh. |
Haru |
なんでそこで無関心になるのよw |
Why are you so indifferent when it comes to them? lol |
Hoojiro |
それにしても、このAIは何を知ってるのかしら。 |
Leaving that aside, I wonder what this AI knows? |
Haru |
たぶん、私達が知りたい何かを知ってるんじゃないかな? |
Wouldn't they probably know about that something which we want to know about? |
Hoojiro |
………私達の次元歴遊はまだ、 |
...It would seem... |
Haru |
久しぶりにお茶会でもする? |
Wanna have a tea party? It's been a while. |
Hoojiro |
できれば行きたいから、予定整理しとく |
I'd like to go if I can, so let me tidy up my plans. |
Haru |
わかった、それじゃあ日時が決まったら連絡するわ |
Got it, so I'll contact you again when I've confirmed a date. |
Hoojiro |
了解、都合が合えばウチに集まってもいいわよ。 |
Understood, if the circumstances allow it, we can even meet up at my place. |
Haru |
じゃあその時はお邪魔するね、 |
Well I'll be bothering you then, |
Hoojiro |
臭わないものでよろしくね。 |
I'm counting on you to bring the ones that don't stink. |
Rei |
フォローお待ちしておりました、巴様、頬告鳥様 |
I've been waiting for you to follow me, Lady Haru, Lady Hoojiro. |
Rei |
あなた方の活躍はマグリットの翼内部のバックアップにて存じ上げております |
I am aware of your activities through the internal backup on the Wings of Magritte. |
Rei |
つきましては、当時のそれ以外の場所でのご活動をお聞かせ願えませんでしょうか? |
To get to the point, may we know of your activities at the time elsewhere? |
Rei |
積もる話もあると思います |
I'm sure it'll be a long talk, |
Hoojiro |
DMってなに? |
What's DM? |
Haru |
自分で調べなさいな |
Look it up yourself. |
Hoojiro |
どうやってやるの? |
How do I do it? |
Haru |
自分で調べなさいな |
Look it up yourself. |
30th and 31st March 2019[edit | edit source]
Hoojiro and Haru resurfaced on Twitter on the 30th and 31st of March respectively, their conversation acting as a narrative prologue to A World Outside Fantasy, which was released one day later on 1st April. They mainly talk about a certain something that they both received, and Haru encourages Hoojiro to tweet more. Once again, Haru's replies were excluded from the list, with the exception of her final reply. The entire conversation is as follows:
Hoojiro |
おーい、ハルちゃんやーい |
Hey~, Haru-chan! |
Hoojiro |
聞こえてない? |
Can't you hear me? |
The tweet above was made at 4:22 PM on 30th March, Haru only replied to it on the next day at 2:53 PM on 31st March. | ||
Haru |
あー、あー、聞こえない |
Ahhh. Ahhh. I can't hear you. |
Hoojiro |
意地悪しないであげてー |
Don't bully me!! |
Haru |
メアド教えたのに… |
I already told you my E-mail address... |
Hoojiro |
やり方よくわかんないし |
I dunno how to use them. |
Haru |
調べるか、私に聞くかしなさいな |
Then either look it up or ask me. |
Hoojiro |
こういう事を貴方に教わるのってかなり屈辱的なのよね |
It's quite humiliating to have you teach me such things, no? |
Haru |
あなたは私を侮辱してるけどね??? |
You know you're humiliating me, right??? |
Hoojiro |
ところで素敵なハルさん、そっちはもう届いた? |
By the way, has it been delivered to you yet, oh so wonderful Haru? |
Haru |
さっき確認したけど、自分たちがやった事を第三者の解釈を通して見るのってなんか妙な気分になるわ |
I confirmed it just now, but to see what we have done through the interpretation of a third party is a peculiar feeling. |
Hoojiro |
届いたやつの見かたを教えて欲しいです |
I want you to tell me how to view the thing that just came. |
Haru |
自分で調べなさいな |
Look it up yourself. |
Hoojiro |
そんな殺生な……… |
How cruel......... |
Haru |
私に教わるのは屈辱的なんでしょ? |
I thought it was humiliating to be taught by me? |
Hoojiro |
その通りでした |
Oh you're right. |
Haru |
そんな事よりこれ、私たちにギャランティーは入るのかしら? |
More importantly, I wonder if we'll get paid for our part in this? |
Hoojiro |
女王さまはそんなこと気にする必要ないでしょ〜 |
As if Your Ladyship[b] needs to care about that~! |
Haru |
あのね、お金ってのはいくらあってもいいものなの |
Y'know, money is something you can never have too much of. |
Hoojiro |
いくらでも持ってるくせにー |
But you're already loaded... |
Haru |
そうそう、話変わるけど |
Yeah, yeah, moving on. |
Hoojiro |
他人に見られてる訳でもないのに呟く意味なんてあるの? |
What's the point of tweeting if no one is watching? |
Haru |
そう思うのなら気になる人を片っ端からフォローしまくればいいのよ、 |
If that's what you think then just go on a spree systematically following everyone you're interested in, |
Hoojiro |
えぇ…そういうやつですか…… |
Whaat... Like that......? |
Haru |
子供か |
Are you a child? |
Official Sources[edit | edit source]
Notes[edit | edit source]
- ↑ This uses some of the same kanji as the Wings of Magritte's long theme title, specifically 次元歴遊 (dimensional tour)
- ↑ "Your Ladyship" is "Your Majesty" (女王さま) in Japanese, referring specifically to a queen. This was the sole indication that Haru is female before A World Outside Fantasy confirmed both her and Hoojiro's genders.