Pixiv FANBOX/October 2020 to May 2021
The following is a transcription and English translation of all of JynX's pixiv FANBOX posts from October 2020 to Present.
2021[edit | edit source]
30 May 2021[edit | edit source]
Len'en Cafe Development ~Progress Report #13 (The β Version's Still Not Done Yet?)~ | ||
はぁ~い、JynXです。 |
Hey there~, it's JynX! | |
さて、連縁カフェβ版の制作度合ですが |
Now then, regarding progress on BotC's β version: | |
けどもうちょい容量を小さくすればストアに登録できそうなので、 |
Truth be told I can probably submit it onto the app store if it was just a tad smaller, | |
それから今回はちゃんと完成してることを証明するために戦闘シーンの一部始終を見せちゃいます!! |
So this time I can show you this battle scene as proof of completion!! | |
Beta_Battle_AI_lose.mp4 |
Beta_Battle_AI_lose.mp4 | |
負けるんかーい |
Wait they lost~?! | |
かなり難しいステージなのですが、この編成と成長具合だとレイくん操作(自動戦闘)で勝率50%ぐらいですね~ |
Well it's quite the difficult stage, so Rei-kun (auto-battle) really only had a 50% chance of winning with this team at this level~. | |
しかしまだまだ未熟な部分も多いな~(エフェクトの描画深度とか) |
Honestly there's still many unrefined parts (Like the depth of the effects and such.) | |
しかし、せっかくのお披露目動画なのに負けてちゃ恰好がつかないから |
Still, it's kinda lame that the reveal video features a losing battle, huh? | |
いやー、しかし半年以上遅れるとは思わなんだ、死ぬ。 |
Man... I didn't think it'd be delayed over half a year, I'm gonna die. |
[Donors-Only Article] Len'en Cafe Development ~Progress Report #13 (The β Version's Still Not Done Yet?)~ | ||
っしゃぁおらーーっ!!!! |
Let's do this!!!! |
30 April 2021[edit | edit source]
Len'en Cafe Development ~Progress Report #12 (Party Formation)~ | ||
こんにちはJynXですよ |
Hey there it's JynX! | |
今回紹介するのは【編成】 |
This time it's [Party Formation]. | |
っといったように一応名前がついてますが、 |
There are in total 6 types of formations, they are:
Yeah those are their names, | |
編成は各種類それぞれ10パターンまで記憶できるようになってますので、 |
You can save up to 10 patterns for each formation, | |
趣味全開で連縁无現里チームとかもいいですね~(この編成めっちゃ強いけど) |
It might be fun to just make an Evanescent Existence party too~! (This is actually a ridiculously strong party.) | |
記憶できるパターン数は必要に応じて後々増やすかもー? |
I might increase the number of patterns you can save as the need arises~? | |
さて、↑の画像のキャラの下の方に「前衛」やら「後衛」やら書いてありますが、 |
So, you can see "vanguard", "rearguard" and such written under the characters' portraits in the above image, | |
↑さっきの无現里組で戦闘を始めた場合の初期配置の例 |
An example of the starting positions of the Evanescent Existence party back there. ↑ | |
ただこの仕様は製品版で変更する可能性があります。 |
Just keep in mind that this may change in the full version. | |
制作の進捗はといいますと、最近はデータの入力しまくりマシーンと化してこのままでは両手がキーボードになってしまう。 |
Oh, about the development progress, I've been inputting so much data recently I've turned into a machine and my hands are now keyboards. | |
さて! 今回の限定記事の内容ですが。 |
Now then! The donors-only post. | |
いったいどのガライヤなんだ???? |
Who on earth is this Garaiya? | |
それでは、また次回!! |
Well then, until next time!! |
[Donors-Only Article] Len'en Cafe Development ~Progress Report #12 (Party Formation)~ | ||
ガライヤの名字忘れてたやつーーーー |
Who the hell left out Garaiya's name- |
28 March 2021[edit | edit source]
Len'en Cafe Development ~Progress Report #11 (Bombs/Flash Bombs)~ | ||
ああああー、JynXです。 |
Ahhhhh~, It's JynX. | |
さて、今回紹介する連縁カフェ的なバトルのサムシングは |
Today's something from the BotC battle system is: | |
【ボム】 |
[Bombs] | |
このステータス画面にはボムに『次元剥離』と記されていますので、藪雨のボムは『次元剥離』になります。 |
This status screen displays "Dimensional Detachment" at the bomb section, and that's exactly what Yabusame's bomb is. | |
ボム_次元剥離.mp4 |
Bomb_Dimensional Detachment.mp4 | |
そんな良いとこ尽くしなボムですが、例によって使用回数に制限があります。 |
Those are the advantages to bombing, but as usual there's a limit on how many bombs you can use. | |
【フラッシュボム】 |
[Flash bombs] | |
フラッシュボム.mp4 |
Flash_Bomb.mp4 | |
フラッシュボムを使用するには"フラッシュゲージ"を消費します。 |
To use a flash bomb, you need to consume some of your "flash gauges". | |
さて、今回の限定記事の内容ですが、 |
As for the donors-only post, | |
いったどちらサンラなんだ・・・? |
Who could this Sanra be...? | |
それにしてもカフェのゴールポストが全速力で逃げていくのでキツイっ!!! |
The goal post for BotC keeps running away from me at top speed, so it's been tough!!! |
[Donors-Only Article] Len'en Cafe Development ~Progress Report #11 (Bombs/Flash Bombs)~ | ||
帝都の銀の弾丸、参戦決定ぃっっっ!!! |
The Imperial Capital's Silver Bullet joins the battle!!! |
28 February 2021[edit | edit source]
Len'en Cafe Development ~Progress Report #10 (Core Mutation)~ | ||
こんにちは~ |
Good morning~! | |
今回は戦闘ユニットの育成において重要である【コア変異】と【特性】について紹介したいと思います。 |
This time I'll introduce two new aspects crucial to battle units, [Core Mutation] and [Traits]. | |
▼コア変異画面▼ |
▼ Core Mutation Screen ▼ | |
【特性】とは戦闘ユニットに有効な効果をもたらす能力で、 |
[Traits] are powerful special skills that greatly affect battle units. | |
▼特性抽選画面▼ |
▼ Trait Drawing Screen ▼ | |
ZBCの種類によってレアな特性がでやすくなったり、 |
You have an easier chance to pull for rarer traits based on the type of ZBCs used, | |
▼特性選択画面▼ |
▼ Traits Selection Screen ▼ | |
もともと覚えていたものとZBCから抽選で出たものの中から好きな4つを選び、新たに覚えさせることができます。 |
You can choose 4 traits out of those pulled from ZBCs and the inherent traits to teach your unit. | |
▼特性習得▼ |
▼ Traits Learnt ▼ | |
バッコーン |
Tadaa! | |
▼新たな特性を覚えた状態のステータス画面▼ |
▼ Status Screen After Learning New Traits ▼ | |
上の画像で見えてしまっているのでついでに紹介しますが、ユニットには特性とは別に固有の【パーティースキル】というのもあります。 |
The new skills learnt are displayed at the bottom of the screen.
I'll give a brief introduction here since they can be seen on the above image, but each unit has a [Party Skill] separate from their traits. | |
こんな感じで【コア変異】と【特性】の紹介となりました。 |
And that was [Core Mutation] and [Traits]. | |
そうそう、そういえば東方も新作情報が出ましたことですし、 |
Oh right, there's been news of a new Touhou game, | |
も、モザイクだーーー!!! |
Wh- Whaat?? It's pixelated~~~!!! | |
それでは今回はこの辺で、まったね~~~ |
That's about it this time, see you again~~~! |
[Donors-Only Article] Len'en Cafe Development ~Progress Report #10 (Core Mutation)~ | ||
新自機のラフ画だー! |
A rough sketch of the new playable character~! |
31 January 2021[edit | edit source]
Len'en Cafe Development ~Progress Report #9 (Core Convergence)~ | ||
気が付けば1月がもう終わってしまう! |
January is almost over! Where did the time go? | |
さて、以前の記事で「同キャラを複数体所持できなくなりました」 |
Now then, last time we touched on the fact that | |
今回紹介する要素は【コア収束(能力解放)】です。 |
Today's topic is [Core Convergence (Unlocking Abilities)]. | |
【コア収束】 |
【Core Convergence】 | |
(※画面は開発中のものなので実際と異なる場合があります) |
(※Game is still in production, the image may differ from final game.) | |
となります。 |
Abilities unlocked through tiers are separated into "common abilities" and "character-specific abilities".
◇Character-Specific Abilities (Tier abilities unique to Yabusame)
| |
このTierの成長具合を考えると藪雨は无無属性の技を使うと良いキャラになりそうですね。防御と特防も上がるので前線で壁として使うこともできるかも? |
So, it would seem that Yabusame would be good using non-element attacks. Their DEF and S.DEF increases too so they may be good on the frontlines? | |
強いキャラは素の能力は強いですが、なかなかガチャで被らないのでTierが育ちにくく、 |
Strong characters have strong base abilities, but it's difficult to get a duplicate of them in the gacha so it'd be hard to raise their ability tiers. | |
Tier_Up.mp4 |
Tier_Up.mp4 | |
なんか痛そう |
Seems kinda painful. | |
さて、今回の紹介はこのへんで。 |
Welp, I think that's about it this time.
| |
体調は戻ってきているもののおくしゅりの副作用で思考能力が超スローになってて、 |
My thinking speed has gotten really slow, probably as a side effect of my medication, |
[Donors-Only Article] Len'en Cafe Development ~Progress Report #9 (Core Convergence)~ | ||
まだまだ紹介してない技があるのですよ~ |
There are still moves I haven't introduced yet~. |
2020[edit | edit source]
25 December 2020[edit | edit source]
Merry Christmas 2020 | ||
JynXでーす。 |
JynX here~. | |
なんか冷蔵庫に貼ってあるマグネットステッカー的なあれみたい。 |
Looks like the kinda thing you'd find on a fridge magnet. | |
ホンマはクリスマスに連縁カフェβ版を公開する予定だったんだけどなー |
I was actually going to release the β version of BotC for Christmas, but~... | |
療養中とはいえ運動もしなくちゃだし、久しぶりに部屋の大掃除をしたら作業スペースもいい感じにパワーアップしたぞ! これで作業効率が上がるかな? |
Since I'm in healing I can't do any exercises either, so I tidied up my room instead. My workspace has powered up in the "feels good" department! I wonder if I'd work more efficiently now? | |
絵は2枚描く元気がなかったので他にはないし、カフェの制作進捗の記事でもないから制作裏話ってのも変だし・・・・ |
Hmm, what should I do for the donors-only article? | |
それじゃあ今回はここまで。 |
That's about it today. |
[Donors-Only Article] Merry Christmas 2020 | ||
どわぁあああああああああああああああ!!!!! |
Wooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!!!!! | |
◆ラフ |
◆ Rough Sketch | |
◆線画下書き |
◆ Lineart | |
◆ベタ塗り 現在この記事を書いている時点で線画段階でのミスを発見して少々絶望しているときの作者 |
◆ Solid Colour Painting | |
◆テクスチャ&ブラシ&加筆 |
◆ Textures, Brushes and Touching Up | |
◆完成 |
◆ Completion |
6 December 2020[edit | edit source]
An Announcement From Trick Nostalgie | ||
こんにちは、「トリック・ノスタルジー」のJynXです。 |
Greetings, this is JynX from Trick Nostalgie. | |
実のところ長らく体調不良が続いておりまして、先日病院にて検査していただいたところ、少々厄介な病を患っていったらしく「あらまぁー」という事になっていました。 |
The truth is that I've been feeling unwell for a long time, so I went to get it checked out at the hospital a few days ago. | |
さて、堅苦しいのはこのへんにしておいて普段の軽口でざっくり要約させていただきますと |
Now then, switching off formal mode, here's a good old tl;dr: | |
それではまったねー! |
Well then, until next time~! |
23 November 2020[edit | edit source]
Len'en Cafe Development ~Progress Report #8 (Spell Installation)~ | ||
7周年の動画で公開した要素の詳細を紹介しますぞー! |
We're gonna start talking about the elements seen in the 7th Anniversary Video~! | |
スペルインストール! |
Spell Installation! | |
『スペルチップ』というアイテムを消費すると好きなキャラに好きな技(スペル)を覚えさせられるぞ! |
You can make any character learn any move (spell) you like by consuming an item called a "Spell Chip"! | |
スペルチップはミッションやステージ報酬、ショップで購入など |
Spell chips can be obtained from mission and stage rewards, bought from the shop, etc. | |
さらにここで一つ、重要な要素を紹介します。 |
Now, I'm going to introduce another important element of spell installation. | |
そしてスペルチップには番号が設定されており、その番号のスロットに覚えさせることができます。(スロット番号の右の数字は所持数です。テスト用なので実際にこれだけの数を手に入れるには人類の未来を犠牲にする必要があります) |
Each spell chip is assigned a number, and can only be assigned to a corresponding slot. (The number to the right of the slot number shows how many chips you have. This was just made for test purposes, actually getting this many will require sacrificing humanity.) | |
実際に例をあげてみようっっ! |
Let's give a concrete example!!! | |
1、2の・・・ポカン! |
One...two...and...ta-da![b] | |
さて、今回はスペルインストールについて説明しましたが、次回もまだまだ動画で公開した内容について説明していきたいと思ってます。 |
Welp, that about does it for spell installation. Next time we'll continue with more of the content seen in the video. | |
の3つを動画で公開しますね。 |
This time in the donors-only post:
Videos of these 3 moves, unused in the video, are over there. | |
それでは今回はここまで! まったねー |
That's all this time! Until the next one~! |
[Donors-Only Article] Len'en Cafe Development ~Progress Report #8 (Spell Installation)~ | ||
動画で使ったもの以外にも、まだまだたくさん技はあるんです。 |
There's a lot of other moves outside of the ones I showed off in the video. |
15 November 2020[edit | edit source]
Len'en 7th Anniversary Video | ||
連縁も7周年ですって、時の流れさぁ、ちょっとえぐすぎな? |
It's been 7 years of Len'en... Ain't the flow of time harsh? | |
さて、動画を視聴された方々がおそらく一番気になっているであろう |
Well then, I'm sure those of you who have watched the video are the most interested in this: | |
【金章】・・・Google辞書には |
[Golden Chapter]...... According to Google Dictionary:
...Well, it's something along the lines of "words as beautiful as gold". (゜_゜) | |
などなどです。 |
I am going to!
Et cetera, et cetera... | |
Q.アーケードモードとはなんぞや? |
Q. What's this Arcade Mode thing? | |
以上のことで察していただけるかと思いますが、かなり別ゲーになります。 |
I believe you would have gathered as much yourself, but it's to become quite a different game. | |
今の段階で紹介できることはこんなところですかね |
That's about all I can say at the current stage. | |
さて、今回の限定記事では7周年記念動画で使用した楽曲 |
Moving on, this time in the donors-only post is the music used in the 7th Anniversary Video: | |
それじゃあ今回はここまで! |
That's about it for this time! |
[Donors-Only Article] Len'en 7th Anniversary Video | ||
7周年記念動画にて使用した楽曲 |
The song that I used in the 7th Anniversary Video: |
25 October 2020[edit | edit source]
Len'en Cafe Development ~Progress Report #7 (Unit Status)~ | ||
修羅場なう |
Real busy now. | |
それではステータス画面をどうぞ、1ページ目は基本的なステータス画面です。 |
Now then, please take a look at the status menu. The first page you see here is the "Basic Status Screen". | |
※画面は開発中のものなので、記されている数値はデタラメです。 |
※ The game is still in development, so the numerical values here are completely random. | |
| |
会心率、回避率などについては敵キャラは基本的に0になってます。 |
Enemy characters have their Critical Rate, Evasion, etc. set to zero, for the most part. | |
登場作品 |
Appearances | |
の8つがあります。 |
Please refer to the following image for details: | |
作戦は戦闘中にも変えることができますので、状況に応じて切り替えるという事も可能です。 |
Tactics can be changed during battle as well, so you can switch them around according to the situation. | |
さてまだまだ長くなりそうなので2ページ目以降は次回の記事でということで、 |
If I go any further the article's going to get long so I'll leave the next two pages for another time. | |
今作には【擬態オーバーライド】というシステムがあります。 |
This game has a so-called [Appearance Override] system. | |
..等々 |
To be honest, I thought loooooong and hard about this change.
Et. Cetera, Et. Cetera...
Et. Cetera, Et. Cetera... | |
さて、ここで一度頭を整理しよう |
Hmm, let's reorganize all this information. | |
そうそう、アニメーションのテスト用にこんなのを作ったんですよ |
Oh right! I made this as a sort of animation test room. | |
いろんなよーせいがいるー(この他にもまだまだいます) |
There are all sorts of fairies~. (There's even more of them I haven't shown yet.) | |
ボタンを押すと対応したアニメーションをしてくれます。 |
You push the button and it plays the corresponding animation. | |
そんなかんじで今回はここまで、それではまた次回! |
That's about it this time, until the next one! |
[Donors-Only Article] Len'en Cafe Development ~Progress Report #7 (Unit Status)~ | ||
全員で一斉にズッコケるのすき |
I love seeing them all act so silly in unison. |
10 October 2020[edit | edit source]
Len'en Cafe Sneak Peek Corner: 01 | ||
.oO(んー記事の更新頻度を上げたいけど、ゲーム内容についてに話す内容が枯渇しそうだし、どうしても内容が多くなってしまうので作るのに時間がかかりすぎちゃうよな~) |
ooO(Hmm I want to make these posts more frequently, but I've pretty much done with explaining the game for now and since I'm going to add more to the game anyways it's going to take too long to explain~.) | |
そんなわけで、ゲーム内容についても今まで通り記事にしていきますが、 |
So! Up till now, we've been talking about how the game plays, | |
さて第一回目の今回ですが、 |
So for our first time trying this out... | |
玄鳥だよ.mp4 |
It's Tsubakura.mp4 | |
とりゃー、ものくろむれいー |
Eat thiis. Monochrome Raaayyy. | |
そういえば以前ここでも書いていた属性別の「ゆーれいさん」たちが全員できたよー |
Oh yeah I've mentioned these guys before, but here are the "Ghosts" of every element~! | |
これを今回の限定記事で公開しますね~ |
I'll post the clear picture in the donors-only article~. | |
まぁこんな感じでゆるーく短い記事をあげていきます。 |
Welp I'm going to be posting short articles like these from here on out. |
[Donors-Only Article] neSnePe: 01 | ||
コンパクト限定記事、第一弾 |
Compact donors-only article #1 |
Notes[edit | edit source]
- ↑ A reference to a heartwarming Japanese song which spawned a horror game based on the "pien" (ぴえん) emoji.
- ↑ A reference to the Pokémon series, in which the line is displayed when teaching a Pokémon a new move.
- ↑ A reference to the game series "Bishi Bashi", along with the following "Explainations!"
- ↑ The phrase "Tu fui, ego eris" actually means "As you are, I was; as I am, so you shall also be", a reminder that death is unavoidable.
- ↑ The descriptions are taken from the image following this section of the article.
- ↑ A reference to the popular Japanese girl idol group AKB48.
- ↑ Shortened by taking the following parts of the title: Len'e"n" Caf"e" "Sne"ak "Pe"ek Corner.