Pixiv FANBOX/May 2021 to May 2022
The following is a transcription and English translation of all of JynX's pixiv FANBOX posts from May 2021 to May 2022.
2022[edit | edit source]
30 May 2022[edit | edit source]
Len'en Cafe Development ~ Progress Report #25 (Plans for June) | ||
どうも~ JynXです~ |
Hey there... It's JynX... | |
さて、連縁カフェの近状ですが、 |
Welp, moving onto BotC's recent shape: | |
さて、ところで連縁カフェのβ版も6月で1周年ですよー はやー |
Moving on again! Book of the Cafe's β version is going to reach its 1 year anniversary in June~! Already~! | |
◇= 1周年記念ガチャ! =◇ |
◇= 1st Anniversary Gacha! =◇ | |
モザイクー.gif |
Pixelateeed.gif | |
うごいてるー |
It's moooving~! | |
さて、連縁カフェのβ版もだいぶ煮詰まってきましたね。 |
Now then, it seems we're coming up to the end of BotC's β version. |
[Donors-Only Article] Len'en Cafe Development ~ Progress Report #25 | ||
新店員!!! |
New employee!!! | |
〇待機中 |
〇 Idling | |
〇移動中 |
〇 Moving | |
〇配膳中 |
〇 Waiting | |
〇調理中 |
〇 Cooking | |
こいつは一体なんなんだ・・・・・??? |
So what on Earth is this thing.....??? |
29 April 2022[edit | edit source]
Len'en Cafe Development ~ Progress Report #24 (May Update) | ||
こんにちはJynXです。 |
Greetings, it's JynX. | |
ところで5月といえば皆さんは何のイメージがありますか? |
Speaking of which, what does the month of May remind you all of? | |
Like this! | ||
全人類が物心ついたころから深層心理に植え付けられている |
I'm sure many of you didn't know about the curious origin of the great Melon Day, | |
ところでメロンといえば |
And speaking of melons! | |
ところでメロンといえば |
And speaking of melons! | |
ところでメロンといえば |
And speaking of melons! | |
ところでメロンといえば |
And speaking of melons! | |
めろーん |
Melooon! | |
それではまたお会いしましょう! |
Well then, let us meet again! |
[Donors-Only Article] Len'en Cafe Development ~ Progress Report #24 | ||
ここは支援者サマ限定の内緒な記事です。 |
This is the secret article for all you donors only. | |
◇待機 |
◇ Standby | |
◇通常攻撃 |
◇ Normal Attack | |
◇スペル詠唱 |
◇ Spell Casting | |
◇移動:前方 |
◇ Movement: Forwards | |
◇移動:後方 |
◇ Movement: Backwards | |
◇ダメージ |
◇ Taking Damage | |
ところで未だ天堺の頭の棒が何だったのか思い出せてないんです。 |
By the way, I still haven't recalled what that stick on Tenkai's head was supposed to be. |
1 April 2022[edit | edit source]
April Fool's!!! (In the Year Two Thousand and Twenty Two) | ||
JynXの生き別れのペットに三日前に食べられた悲しみのメタファーであるJANです! |
It's JynX, whose current sadness can be explained by using a metaphor in which my long long-lost pet had just been eaten three days ago! | |
今日はエイプリルフールでしたね |
Today was April Fool's. | |
エイプリルフールで嘘ついていいのは午前中だけという地域もあるらしいので、本当は正午12時にでも投稿しようかと思ってたんですが、平日の12時に見れる人なんてほとんどいないやろーと思って20時にしました。 |
I heard that there are some places where you can only lie on April Fool's before noon, so I thought about posting the video at 12 pm as well, but I doubt that most people can watch the video at 12 pm on a weekday so I chose to do it at 8 pm instead. | |
さて、動画の内容を振り返りますが、まずは暗い話題から・・・ |
Look back at the video content, let's start with a gloomy topic... | |
さて、気持ちを切り替えて明るい話題! |
Anyways, let's switch to a happier topic! | |
レイくん_02.gif |
Rei-Kun_02.gif | |
一年前に登場した新ユニット「レイくん」が満を持して連縁カフェに参戦っ! |
The brand new combat unit "Rei-kun", first shown off a year ago, is fully prepared and joining the battle! | |
鶴喰.gif |
Tsurubami.gif | |
四月馬鹿のイベントステージは4月中ならドロップ量が5倍になりますが、4月を過ぎてもステージ自体は残り続けます。 |
The April Fool's event stage drops 5 times the items only during April, but the stage itself remains even after April. | |
さて、今回はエイプリルフール号外記事なので短いですがこんなところで。 |
Welp, this is just an April Fool's extra, so we'll leave it short. |
29 March 2022[edit | edit source]
[Donors-Only Article] Len'en Cafe Development ~ Progress Report #23 | ||
修羅場いぇーーーい!!!!! |
Yaaaaay, it's crunch time!!!!! | |
「この時期のアンドロイドたち」 |
"The Androids During April Fool's" |
HAPPY APRIL FOOL'S DAY! モノクロイド残業中・・・ |
HAPPY APRIL FOOL'S DAY! The monochroids are working overtime... | |
Zelo |
レイく〜ん 〆切過ぎちゃったけど、編集作業は終わった? |
Rei-kun... Time's up, are you done editing yet? |
Rei |
うん!いい色だね! |
Yep! And it's such a nice colour! |
Zelo |
ケーキの感想は明日でいいかなー |
I guess I'm going to have to try that cake tomorrow, huh... |
Rei |
うん!モース硬度は8ぐらいかな! |
Yeah! I'd say it's around an 8 on the Mohs scale! |
Zelo |
ケーキにしては硬すぎない? |
Isn't that a bit too hard for a cake? |
Rei |
うん!あとはゼロちゃんに任せた! |
Yup! I'll leave the rest to Zelo-chan! |
Zelo |
レイく〜ん |
Rei-kun~! |
※モース硬度8は石英より硬い、ちなみに人間の歯は6ぐらい、噛めない |
※An 8 on the Mohs scale is harder than quartz. On that note, human teeth are roughly a 6. You're not gonna be able to eat that cake. | |
文字無しvar |
Textless version: | |
それじゃあ僕は作業に戻りますっっっ!!! |
Now then, I'm gonna get back to work!!! |
27 February 2022[edit | edit source]
[Donors-Only Article] Len'en Cafe Development ~ Progress Report #22 | ||
支援者様限定の記事だ!!!!!! |
It's the donors-only post!!!!!! | |
ふにゃ~(普段隠してる部分などを公開するとこんな気持ちになる) |
Funyaa~... (That's how I feel when I show stuff I usually keep to myself.) |
30 January 2022[edit | edit source]
[Donors-Only Article] Len'en Cafe Development ~ Progress Report #21 | ||
限定記事だあああああああ!!!! |
It's the donors-only articleeeee!!!! | |
ニル&トムの会話 |
A conversation between NiLU and Tom | |
藪雨&烏蛇の会話(内容は本編无現里1面と同じ) |
A conversation between Yabusame and Kurohebi (same as the original) | |
いや~、色々変更があって疲れたー |
Whew, making all those changes sure wore me out~ |
2021[edit | edit source]
25 December 2021[edit | edit source]
Len'en Cafe Development ~ Progress Report #20 (Christmas in Book of the Cafe) | ||
メリクリ! |
Merry Christmas! | |
連縁カフェβ版の昨日のアップデートではクリスマスにちなんだ要素をいろいろと追加しましたので、ここでも紹介させていただきますね。 |
A lot of Christmas-related stuff was added in yesterday's BotC update, so I'll introduce them here as well. | |
Here we have all the furniture added in this update all placed together.
In addition, we also have:
| |
あとはクリスマスバトルとか、クリスマスプレゼントとか、その他変更・修正などなど・・・ |
There also a Christmas battle and Christmas presents and other changes and fixes and such... | |
後半になるにつれて大雑把になってますが、大体の予定がこれです。 |
Now, we had a torrential update this month, but what's in store for the future~?
◇ March
◇ April
◇ June
As for the rest of the year, I only have a rough idea, but this is the general plan. | |
さて、ここで |
Now then, it's time for a... | |
さて、年末なのに世知辛い話をしてしまい申し訳ないので、 |
Goodness, to make up for talking about all this heavy stuff at the year's end, | |
これはラフだ~! ごちゃごちゃしてる! |
That one's the sketch-! It's all messy! | |
これはモザイクだー! |
This one's all pixelated-! | |
さて、今回はなんだか長くなってしまいましたが、 |
Welp, it kind of dragged on this time, |
[Donors-Only Article] Len'en Cafe Development ~ Progress Report #20 | ||
メリークリスマスーーーー!!!!!! |
29 November 2021[edit | edit source]
Len'en Cafe Development ~ Progress Report #19 (Making Christmas) | ||
うわああああああ、年末 |
Waaaaaaaaaaaah, the year's ending! | |
さて、先日のアップデートでセーブデータのバックアップ機能を実装したのですが、これでまれに報告にあったセーブ消失事故がなくなるといいなと願ってます。 |
Anyways, I added a backup save feature in the last update, so I'm praying that this ends the disappearing saves incident that I received reports of. | |
さて、クリスマスに向けてクリスマス用の内装を作っているのですが、そのために床に設置できるインテリアや壁に設置できる内装を実装しようと頑張っておりマス |
Moving on, I've been making some Christmas furniture for the Christmas season. Specifically, I've been working hard on decorations that you can place on the floor and walls. | |
壁に設置できる棚。上に好きなものを置けるようにしたい |
A shelf that you can put on the wall. I'd like to give players free reign to put whatever they'd like on them. | |
※画面は開発中のものなので実際のものと異なる場合がありマス |
※ The game is still in development, so the final outcome may differ from the above images. | |
あとはクリスマス限定キャラとか作りたいなー |
I'd also like to make some sort of Christmas-exclusive characters... | |
人気ランキング1位おめ。 |
Congrats on being no. 1 in the popularity poll. | |
そんなところで今回の記事はここまでです! |
So, that's about it this time! |
[Donors-Only Article] Len'en Cafe Development ~ Progress Report #19 (Making Christmas) | ||
今月の限定記事だー |
It's the November donors-only post~! |
11 November 2021[edit | edit source]
Len'en TV Episode 1 (Commemorating 8 Years of Len'en!) | ||
連縁も8周年ですってよ |
I heard that it's Len'en's 8th anniversary. | |
今回は「連縁TV」という体で、連縁カフェβ版のアプデ情報を動画で公開しました。 |
This year we have a video that introduces the contents of the upcoming Book of the Cafe β version update, through "Len'en TV"! | |
などなどが追加しました。 |
As mentioned in the video,
Et cetera, et cetera... | |
などなどのテストが完了したことになります。 |
Although it's not limited to this update, as usual,
Amongst other elements. | |
今回のアプデ(version0.2.21)はすでにAndroid版は申請を出しているので、 |
I've already applied for the Android update (version 0.2.21), | |
ということで、記念日当日に急遽書いた記事でした。 |
This concludes the article I rushed for the anniversary, on the day of the anniversary. |
29 October 2021[edit | edit source]
[Donors-Only Article] Len'en Cafe Development ~ Progress Report #18 (Hibernation) | ||
こちらは支援者さま限定記事でございまーす。 藪雨:待機 玄鳥:待機 以上でーす。 |
This is the sponsors-only article! Yabusame: Idle Tsubakura: Idle That is all. |
29 September 2021[edit | edit source]
Len'en Cafe Development ~ Progress Report #17 (Big Overhaul) | ||
うわーい、JynXです |
Wahey~, it's JynX! | |
さて、苦労話なら脳みそが焼き切れるぐらいありますが、そんなの聞いたって楽しくもないので、連縁カフェの今後の予定を書いていきます!(順不同) |
Now then, I can complain all day long, but that's no fun. Instead, here's what I plan to do with BotC from here on out! (Not necessarily in order.) | |
それにしても今回の改造でもっと山のように不具合の報告があると思ったらほとんどなかったのがとても意外でした。 |
To be honest, I thought this overhaul would cause a whole lot of bugs but there hasn't been that many reports, so I'm pleasantly surprised. | |
モザイク移動.gif |
Pixelated Movement.gif | |
前回の限定記事でデザインを公開したばかりなので、通常記事ではモザイクでの紹介となります。 |
I only revealed them in the last donors-only post, so I'll be pixelating them in this in article. | |
ところで、気が付けば連縁記念日が近づいてきましたねぇ・・・ |
Oh by the by, it seems the Len'en Anniversary is soon upon us once again... |
[Donors-Only Article] Len'en Cafe Development ~ Progress Report #17 (Big Overhaul) | ||
ようこそ。 毎度恒例の裏記事です。 今回は それぞれ長い動画でもないので、実験的にGIFでやってみました。
ずっと見てたら頭おかしくなりそう |
Welcome back to our monthly Backside Article. This time we'll be getting into the cafe animations of They're not long videos at all, so I experimented with making them GIFs.
It feels like I'd go insane staring at them. |
30 August 2021[edit | edit source]
[Donors-Only Article] Len'en Cafe Development ~ Progress Report #16 (Update Man) | ||
限定記事だ! 『鳳聯 藪雨【調理フォーム】』&『燕楽 玄鳥【給仕フォーム】』 実は描いている途中で記事を書く時間になってしまったので粗すぎるところがちらほら。 そういえば既存キャラの別の服装verってあまり描いたことなかったね 限定記事の画像ですが、この姿の二人のファンアートはバンバン描いていただいてOKですぞ!【期待のまなざし】 |
It's the donors-only post! "Yabusame Houlen [Chef Form]" & "Tsubakura Enraku [Waiter Form]" Actually, it became the time to write these articles as I was halfway through drawing them so there are some really rough spots here and there. Now that I think about it I don't really give existing characters alternate outfits, Although it's an image from the donors-only post, feel free to go ham with the fanart of these two! [Expectant Gaze] |
27 July 2021[edit | edit source]
[Donors-Only Article] Len'en Cafe Development ~ Progress Report #15 (In-Game Calculations) | ||
ここは支援をして下さっているスポンサー様限定の記事。 それではさっそくカフェβ版の今後のロードマップ(未定)をどうぞー! ◆編成画面の操作しにくさを解消 ◆AIの強化と変更 ◆難易度UNREALの実装 ◆一部キャラの上方&下方修正の予定 ◆一部バフの仕様変更、一部スペルにバフを付与 ◆スペルの強化 ◆カフェ店員、戦闘ユニット、家具の追加 ◆歴戦バトルの追加 [image] その他にもまだまだたーくさん、たくさーんあるよー っとまぁ沢山書きましたが、先日Twitterで書いたとおり 今日も制作がんばレイくん! |
This is an article for all of you sponsors that have been supporting me. Well then, take a glance at BotC β version's future roadmap~! (Yet unconfirmed.) ◆ Eliminate the difficulty of using the party formation adjustment screen ◆ Adjustments and enhancements to the AI ◆ Implementing the Unreal difficulty ◆ I plan to buff and nerf certain characters ◆ Change how certain buffs work, make some spells come with buffs ◆ Spell Enhancement ◆ More cafe employees, combat units and furniture ◆ Adding another Memory of Tough Battles [An image of Hooaka.] And much, much more~. Welp, I wrote a lot but like I mentioned on Twitter the other day, I'm still gonna work hard today, just like Rei-kun! |
28 June 2021[edit | edit source]
Len'en Cafe Development ~Progress Report #14 (Almost 3 Weeks Since the β Version's Release)~ | ||
マジんくす???(自らのペンネームを巧みに使った有史以来最高の天才的ギャグで世界が平和になることを祈る嘘です本当は今日の晩御飯なににしようか悩んでるわたくしその名もJynXです、カレーかな) |
Seriously???? | |
あ、連縁カフェのβ版リリースしてます。 |
So yeah, and BotC β is out. | |
さてリリースしてからというもの、不具合の修正やら要素の追加やらで僕の中では激動でした。 |
Now then, even though the game is technically released, I'm still busy fixing errors and adding new elements. | |
Moving on, here's what I plan to do in the future:
| |
あれれ~?? |
Oh, what's this~?? | |
鋭意アプデ中の連縁カフェβ版、これからもよろしくお願いいたします! |
I hope you'd continue supporting BotC β version, which I'm still diligently updating! |
[Donors-Only Article] Len'en Cafe Development ~Progress Report #14 (Almost 3 Weeks Since the β Version's Release)~ | ||
ここは无現の世界を彷徨うものが行き着く処、『限定記事』 |
This is where those who wander in the world of unreality end up: "The donors-only post", | |
◇ Web版に広告が実装できない理由 ◇ |
◇ Why I couldn't implement ads in the browser version ◇ | |
さて、世知辛い話はおいといて、 |
Leaving our harsh reality aside, | |
今回話せる内容はこんなところですかね。 |
That's about all I can say today. |
Notes[edit | edit source]
- ↑ A reference to the Taisho Secret segment featured at the end of most Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba anime episode.
- ↑ A parody of the Demon Slayer protagonist's, Tanjiro Kamado's (竈門 炭治郎), name. In which the first kanji, "tan" (炭), can also be read as "sumi", hence the name "Sumijiro".
- ↑ Sai no Kawara is the river bed of the Sanzu River, a river that serves as the boundary between the living world and the afterlife in Japanese mythology. Instead of crossing the river into the afterlife, souls of children who died before their parents remain at Sai no Kawara, where they must stack stone towers in honor of their parents. These towers are routinely knocked over by oni prior to their completion, forcing them to start over again.