Reactivate Majestical Imperial/Story/Kuroji and Saragimaru's Scenario
Story | Extra Scenario | > |
Stage 1[edit | edit source]
堆積せぬ参道---雪 |
Shrine Road Where Nothing Piles Up — Snow | |
人肌の温もりが恋しくなる |
Despite being the season of longing for | |
BGM: 爛れ過ぎた平穏 〜 be motivated |
BGM: Decayed Tranquility ~ be motivated | |
Sese Kitsugai ENTERS | ||
Sese Kitsugai EXITS | ||
Saragimaru |
はぁ・・・・ |
*Sigh*... |
Kuroji |
どうした? 元気がないじゃないか? |
What's wrong? Are you feeling down? |
Saragimaru |
・・・元気があるほうがどうかしてる |
...Don't you think it would be weirder if |
Kuroji |
まぁこうも寒いとな・・・ |
S'pose so. It's quite cold, after all... |
Saragimaru |
そうじゃない、それもあるけど・・・ |
No, not that— I mean yes, it's cold, but that's |
Kuroji |
脅迫は今回限りにしといてやるよ(大嘘) |
Don't worry. You won't hear any more threats from me after this. (big lie) |
Saragimaru |
1回だけでもイヤなもんはイヤなんだ |
Even if it's just this one time, it's still plenty unpleasant! |
Kuroji |
くどい |
Talkative, aren't you. |
Saragimaru |
まだまだ言い足りないくらいだ |
Oh, believe me, I've barely even gotten started. |
Kuroji |
まっ、言うだけならタダだからな、存分に言ってろ |
Well, talk is cheap. So if talking's all you're doing, do it as much as you like. |
Saragimaru |
うぅ・・・・ |
Ugh... |
??? |
なんだかさー |
Y'know, uh... |
Kuroji |
あ? |
Oh? |
Sese Kitsugai ENTERS | ||
??? |
すごーくギスギスしてるねー、友達じゃないの? |
This is a suuuper prickly conversation you're having? Are you, like, not friends? |
Saragimaru |
・・・なにこいつ? |
...What's with this kid? |
自分探し中の骸 |
A Corpse in Search of Themself | |
Sese |
セセだよー! 骨っ子だよー!! |
I'm Sese! A bone youkai! |
Kuroji |
弾くぞ、生死は問わない |
Shoot 'em down. Dead or alive doesn't matter. |
Sese |
へぇっ!? |
Huh?! |
Kuroji |
問答無用、お前の首には賞金がかかってる |
Nope. There's a bounty on your head. |
Sese |
えーなんで〜 |
Eeh? Why~? |
Kuroji |
墓荒しだったかな・・・ |
For grave robbing, I think it was...? |
Sese |
あれは発掘だもん! |
I was just doing a little excavation! |
Saragimaru |
他人の死体を無断で発掘することを |
I'm pretty sure that excavating other people's corpses |
Kuroji |
ところでこの国は土葬なのか? |
By the way... they bury their dead in this land, do they? |
Saragimaru |
さぁな、人間達の暮らしなんて興味ないし |
Who knows? I couldn't care less 'bout how the humans live. |
Sese |
どっどっどっ、どうしよ〜 |
Wh-wh-wh-what am I gonna do~? |
Kuroji |
まぁ大した額じゃないがな、 |
Well, it's not exactly a huge bounty. Considering how much |
Sese |
じゃー見逃して♪ |
Then lemme off the hook! ♪ |
Kuroji |
目の前に落ちてるのがたとえ小銭でも拾うだろう? |
But if there's money right in front of you, it's only smart to take it, right? |
Saragimaru |
単に意地汚いだけだろ・・・ |
Pretty sure you're just greedy... |
BGM: ムクロマンサー 〜 抜け殻の夢 |
BGM: Cadaveromancer ~ Dream of an Empty Husk | |
Sese |
こうなったら、正当防衛だーっ!! |
You've left me no choice but to defend myself!! |
Kuroji |
その言い訳、もらった |
Nice excuse. I think I'll take it. |
Saragimaru |
あーぁ |
Aaah... |
Sese Kitsugai DEFEATED | ||
Kuroji |
そこそこ霊魂もってたな |
Looks like the bone-kid had some souls on 'em, too. |
Saragimaru |
本当にそんなのが金になるのか? |
Do you really think we'll get any money for these things? |
Kuroji |
価値が無くとも、買い取らせる |
Even if they're worthless, we'll make sure someone buys 'em. |
Saragimaru |
また被害者が増えるのか・・・ |
Looks like there's even more victims on the horizon... |
Kuroji |
霊魂のほうがコイツの首より軽いから、 |
Since the souls are more valuable than their head, |
Sese |
死んでないもん... |
I'm not dead yet...! |
Kuroji |
ほぅ |
Oho. |
Saragimaru |
黙ってればよかったのに・・・ |
You should have just stayed quiet... |
Stage 2[edit | edit source]
堅氷に鎖された川 |
A River Enchained by Ice | |
流水は結氷し難い |
Flowing water rarely freezes. | |
BGM: くぐもる冷気、鎮もる霊気 |
BGM: A Muffled Chill, a Subsiding Aura | |
Tsugumi Umatachi ENTERS | ||
Tsugumi Umatachi EXITS | ||
Saragimaru |
う、うぅ〜、ううぅ〜・・・・寒い |
Uuughh, uuuhh~... It's so cold. |
Kuroji |
そうか・・・・ |
Are you now... |
Saragimaru |
・・・心配してくれるとは思ってなかったが、 |
...I'm hardly surprised by your total lack of concern, |
Kuroji |
『心頭滅却すれば火もまた涼し』ってことだ |
"Extinguish mundane thoughts from one's mind, and even fire will feel cool," as they say. |
Saragimaru |
今は火が熱くてもいい |
I'd rather have the fire feel hot right about now. |
Kuroji |
だいたい寒がる奴がする格好じゃないだろ、 |
Well, if you're so sensitive to cold, |
Saragimaru |
うるっさいなぁ・・・ |
Shut uuup... |
??? |
くぅらぁー! |
Graaaahhh! |
Tsugumi Umatachi ENTERS | ||
Kuroji |
見ろよ、バカが出た |
Hey look, a moron showed up. |
??? |
うっさいわアホんだら! |
Shaddup already, ya dolts! |
Saragimaru |
何であのナス動いてるんだ? |
Why is that eggplant moving? |
茄子を綾なす騎手 |
Eggplant-Decorating Jockey | |
Tsugumi |
ナスちゃうわ! 馬じゃ! |
This ain't an eggplant! This here's a horse! |
Kuroji |
よく今の季節に手に入ったな |
You must've done well to find such a huge eggplant |
Saragimaru |
そういえば意地汚いお前だが、 |
Hey, speaking of. I know you're voraciously greedy, |
Kuroji |
あのナスなら金になりそうだから興味がある |
I'm interested in that eggplant, since I could get a high price for it. |
Tsugumi |
なんや!? やらんで! これはワシんじゃ!! |
What?! Like hell! This here horse is MINE!! |
Saragimaru |
かわいそうに、もうお前のじゃないんだ・・・ |
Oh, you poor thing. It's not gonna be yours for much longer... |
Kuroji |
そういうことだ |
That's how it goes. |
BGM: ゲットレディー号 〜 to_run_around! |
BGM: Get Ready... Go! ~ to run around! | |
Tsugumi |
やるっつーんならやったるで! かかってきな! |
If you want a fight, ah'll sure give you one! |
Saragimaru |
罪が重なっていく・・・ |
And so the crimes pile ever upward... |
Kuroji |
ミルフィーユみたいで魅力的だろ? |
Yeah, like mille-feuille. Don't you think it's got a nice appeal to it? |
Tsugumi |
蹴散らしてやるわい! |
I'll trample ya! |
Tsugumi Umatachi DEFEATED | ||
Tsugumi |
蹴散らされちまったわい |
I got trampled... |
Kuroji |
ナスまでボロカスになっちまった |
Drat, even the eggplant got all beat up. |
Saragimaru |
大体、持って帰るのが難しかったろ |
Carrying it back with us probably woulda been harder, too. |
Tsugumi |
これじゃ仕事が出来んわい・・・ |
How am I gonna do my job now...? |
Kuroji |
どうやら霊魂を集めていたみたいだな |
Looks like our little jockey friend was gathering souls, too. |
Tsugumi |
ライバルやて〜? なんのことじゃ? |
Rival? What're ya talkin' about? |
Saragimaru |
なんだか・・・・・ |
Somehow.... |
Kuroji |
気にする程のことじゃない |
It's nothing worth dwelling on. |
Saragimaru |
その自信はなんなんだ・・・ |
And what makes you so confident...? |
Stage 3[edit | edit source]
巨人の隠れ穴 |
The Giant's Burrow | |
季節はずれの幽霊達は |
Until the hole in the barrier is sealed, | |
BGM: フォーリンゴースト |
BGM: Falling Ghost | |
Fujiwara no Iyozane ENTERS | ||
Fujiwara no Iyozane EXITS | ||
Saragimaru |
そういえばさ |
Hey, now that I think about it... |
Kuroji |
ん? |
Mm? |
Saragimaru |
集めた霊魂は誰に渡せばいいんだ? |
Who exactly are we gonna hand these souls off to? |
Kuroji |
看板に書いてあった連絡先は"藤原伊代真"って |
Well, the contact info on the signboard had |
Saragimaru |
藤原・・・なんかイヤな感じ・・・ |
"Fujiwara"... I've got a bad feeling about this... |
??? |
ヒトを名前だけで判断しないで欲しいなぁ |
Could you not judge someone by their name alone, please? |
Fujiwara no Iyozane ENTERS | ||
Kuroji |
そう言うアンタが伊代真さんか? |
Based on that comment, I assume you're Iyozane-san? |
時代錯誤の野心家 |
Anachronistic Ambitious Person | |
Iyozane |
ごめーとーぅ |
Exa~actly right! |
Saragimaru |
よかった、これで終わるんだな! |
Hooray! Our job here is done! |
Kuroji |
渡す前に聞きたいんだが、霊魂なんか集めて |
Now, before I hand them over, may I ask |
Iyozane |
う〜ん、まぁ折角集めてきてくれたんだし、 |
Mm~m, I guess you did go to the trouble of getting them for us. |
Iyozane |
詳しい方法はよく知らないけど、 |
I'm not quite sure how we're doing it, |
Saragimaru |
ある御方? |
An "exalted personage?" |
Iyozane |
その方が復活して无現里の皇となった暁には |
When the day comes for them to revive and become the emperor of Mugenri, |
Kuroji |
无現里の頂点は闡裡神社じゃないのか? |
I thought Mugenri's summit was the Senri Shrine? |
Iyozane |
そういう見解もあるかもね、 |
I guess you could see it that way. |
Iyozane |
麓も中腹もない山なんて、山とは言わないだろ? |
A mountain with no foothills or midsection can hardly be called a mountain, right? |
Saragimaru |
八尾呂智様以外の頂点なんて存在しないがな |
Yaorochi-sama is the only one at the summit in my book, though. |
Kuroji |
定説には様々な異説が付き物ってわけだな |
Established dogma always comes with dissent, I suppose. |
Iyozane |
それじゃ、霊魂を頂こうか |
A'ight, so how 'bout you gimme those souls? |
Kuroji |
金が先だ |
Payment first. |
Iyozane |
おやや、信用されてないね |
Oh my, it seems you don't trust me. |
Saragimaru |
ふ〜、これでようやく帰れる・・・ |
Whe~w. Now I can finally go home... |
Kuroji |
金はどこだ? |
Where's the money? |
Iyozane |
あ〜、ちょっと今は持ち合わせがなくてね、 |
Oh, u~m, I sort of don't have it with me right now. |
Kuroji |
交渉決裂ってわけか |
So this negotiation is over, then. |
Saragimaru |
ど、どうしてそうなる・・・・? |
W-why's that...? |
Kuroji |
払う気の無い奴に、後払いも先払いもない |
No such thing as "deferred" or "advance" payment if they've got no intention of paying to begin with. |
Iyozane |
バレたかぁ |
So the jig is up, huh...? |
Saragimaru |
おいぃ〜、話をややこしくしないでくれ〜 |
He~ey! Don't go making things more complicate~d! |
Music stops | ||
Kuroji |
騙す相手を間違えたな、 |
You tried fooling the wrong person. |
BGM: 幽暗海峡ヨーソロー |
BGM: In the Gloomy Straits, Steady as She Goes | |
Iyozane |
愚民共にやる銭などない |
I've got no money worthy of you commoners' wallets. |
Kuroji |
金を払う気がないなら、 |
If you're not willing to pay with money, |
Saragimaru |
もう・・・なんでこうなる? |
Geez... why is this happening? |
Iyozane |
平伏すがいい! 卑しい愚民共めっ! |
Prostrate thyselves before me! You pair of lowly commoners! |
Fujiwara no Iyozane DEFEATED | ||
Kuroji |
大したことない関白だったな |
Didn't put up much of a fight for a "Chief Advisor". |
Saragimaru |
偉ぶるのが仕事の奴が強いわけないだろ |
Of course someone whose whole job is to act high and mighty would be a pushover. |
Iyozane |
二対一でよく言うよ |
Excuse you! It was two on one. |
Kuroji |
一対一でもう一回いっとくか? |
Shall we try again, but with one against one? |
Iyozane |
遠慮します・・・ |
I'll have to pass... |
Saragimaru |
それで、どうすんのさ、これから |
So like, now what? |
Kuroji |
なんか復活させるつもりだったんだろ? |
They said they were gonna revive someone, right? |
Iyozane |
それだけは勘弁してくれよぉー |
Spare us that, at least...! |
Kuroji |
黙れ関白 |
Shut it, Chief. |
Iyozane |
すんすん・・・・けどまぁいっか |
*Sniff*... eh, well, whatever. |
Kuroji |
なんだ、先客がいたのか? |
What? We've been preempted? |
Iyozane |
お前らもさっきの奴等と一緒にあの御方に |
You and that other pair can just head on in. |
Iyozane |
そして私は怒られるんだ、どうせ |
Aaaand I'm gonna get scolded anyway, so whatever. |
Kuroji |
黒幕がまだいるんだな、楽しみだ |
Looks like there's still a mastermind in store. I can't wait! |
Saragimaru |
ところで、 |
By the way, |
Kuroji |
別に初めっから頼んだ覚えは無い |
I don't remember ever really asking you to come along. |
Saragimaru |
一緒に行けばいいんだろ・・・・・ |
Yeah, yeah, I just gotta come with. I got it... |
Kuroji |
いやぁ〜、素晴らしく献身的な奴だ、 |
My~, what wonderful devotion you have. |
Saragimaru |
ロクな死に方しないからな、お前 |
You are definitely not gonna have a pleasant death. |
Kuroji |
死ぬなんて器用なこと、出来るわけないだろ |
Oh, no, I could never manage to do something as skillful as dying. |
Iyozane |
なんか忘れられてない・・・私? |
I feel like we're forgetting something here. ...Me, maybe? |
Stage 4[edit | edit source]
結氷が産みし洞窟 |
The Cavern From Which Frost is Born | |
滝壺の奥には大きな洞窟が |
Deep beyond the waterfall basin, a giant | |
BGM: それぞれの思惑と足跡 |
BGM: Each of Their Thoughts and Footprints | |
Saragimaru |
なぁなぁ、もう帰らないかぁ? |
Look, can't we just go back already? |
Kuroji |
直に慣れる |
You'll get used to it soon enough. |
Saragimaru |
報いを受けるべきは誰なんだろうな・・・ |
And just who should be on the receiving end of that revenge, hmm...? |
??? |
あっー!! |
Aaah!! |
Kuroji |
んっ、聞き覚えのある声だ |
Mm. That sure is a familiar voice. |
Yabusame Houlen ENTERS | ||
Yabusame |
黒巫鳥さぁーーん!! |
Kuroji-saaaaaaan!! |
Saragimaru |
神社のバカの方の神主か |
One of the shrine's priests? ...The dumb one, specifically. |
Kuroji |
天才の方はどうした? 留守か? |
Where's the smart one? Are they not here? |
Tsubakura Enraku ENTERS | ||
Tsubakura |
居留守だな |
I'm at least pretendin' I'm not here. |
Kuroji |
そう、その憎たらしい顔だ、 |
Yes, now that's the damnable face I know. |
Saragimaru |
神社の奴等が何してんだ? |
What are you shrine people up to this time? |
Yabusame |
あたたかくしに来たのー! |
We're here to make it warm aga~in! |
Tsubakura |
寒さの原因を探してたんだが・・・ |
Well, we're looking for the source of all this cold... |
Saragimaru |
この先に寒さの原因があるのかっ!? |
Wait, the source of the cold is up ahead?! |
Kuroji |
そんなことはどうでもいい |
That doesn't matter right now. |
Saragimaru |
うん、どうでもよくない! |
Yeah! It definitely DOES matter! |
Tsubakura |
お前らこそ何やってんだよ |
Well, what are you doing here? |
Yabusame |
また悪いこと考えてるでしょー? |
I bet you're up to something re~al nasty again, aren'tcha? |
Saragimaru |
・・・やっぱり有名なのか、そっちの方面で |
...So you really are famous, or should I say infamous? |
Kuroji |
心外だな、昔からの友を中傷するなんて |
Really? Slandering an old friend like that? Unbelievable, honestly. |
Tsubakura |
脅迫して友を増やしてる奴が言うことじゃないな |
That's rich, comin' from someone who makes new friends by threatening 'em. |
Saragimaru |
そのとおり! |
Kuroji |
お前は黙ってろ |
Quiet, you. |
Saragimaru |
はい |
Yes'm. |
Yabusame |
やっぱりいじめてたのね、可哀相なオロチンさん |
Aww. Poor Orochin-san is totally getting bullied... |
Saragimaru |
・・・・・ |
.... |
Tsubakura |
訂正すらしないとはな・・・・・ |
Not even a word of objection, huh... |
Kuroji |
まぁな、・・・だが厄介な事になった |
Eh, well. ...However, it looks like we've got another nuisance on our hands. |
Tsubakura |
だろうな、お前にとっては |
Eeeyup. From your perspective, at least. |
Saragimaru |
・・・・・(嫌な予感) |
....(I have a bad feeling about this.) |
Kuroji |
お前らに先を越されては、私の気が済まない |
I'll hardly be satisfied if I let you two get ahead of us. |
Yabusame |
気が済まないって・・・? |
What do you mean, hardly satisfied...? |
Tsubakura |
つまり俺達に"帰れ"ってことだな |
In other words, they're telling us to scram. |
Kuroji |
流石だな玄鳥、話が早くて助かる |
As quick on the uptake as ever, Tsubakura! You're such a big help. |
Saragimaru |
・・・・・(なんでこうなるんだか...) |
....(Why on earth is this happening...?) |
Music stops | ||
Tsubakura |
けどこっちも仕事だからな〜、面目もあるし |
But y'kno~ow, we still have a job to do here. Plus a reputation to keep. |
BGM: ダブルキーパー 〜 魄い盧のつがひ鳥 |
BGM: Double Keeper ~ White & Black Twin Birds | |
Yabusame |
やるのーっ! |
Let's do iiiiit! |
Kuroji |
たまにはお前の思惑を打ち砕いてやるさ |
I ought to break your expectations at least once in a while. |
Saragimaru |
・・・・・はぁ、やるしかないのね |
....*Sigh*. I guess I have no choice, huh. |
Yabusame Houlen AND Tsubakura Enraku DEFEATED | ||
Yabusame |
やられた〜♪ |
We got be~eat! ♪ |
Tsubakura |
ヤラレター |
We got beeeeat. |
Saragimaru |
なんだ、結構あっさり勝っちゃったな |
Y'know, it feels like we won pretty easily there. |
Kuroji |
燕楽玄鳥を舐めないほうがいい |
A word of advice: don't underestimate Tsubakura Enraku. |
Saragimaru |
ほ? どゆこと? |
Huh? What's that mean? |
Kuroji |
この戦いで誰が一番得をしたか、ってことだ |
Think for a second. Who benefited the most from this fight? |
Tsubakura |
これで帰ってダラダラできるな |
Now we can head back home an' laze around to our hearts' content. |
Yabusame |
だね〜 |
We sure can~! |
Saragimaru |
・・・嵌められたのか、僕達は |
...Did we just get taken for a ride? |
Kuroji |
そもそも、私が燕楽玄鳥に勝てるはずがないだろ |
In the first place, there's no way that I could win against Tsubakura Enraku. |
Saragimaru |
恥ずかしくないのか、それで? |
You're not embarrassed to be saying that? |
Kuroji |
自分より有能な者を称えることは、 |
Nope. There's no shame in praising those |
Saragimaru |
だからって、何で誇らしげなんだか・・・ |
I mean, sure, but why're you saying it like you're boasting about it...? |
Tsubakura |
そんじゃー後は任せたよ〜、俺達は帰って寝るから |
A'i~ght, you two can deal with the rest. Since we're going home t' sleep an' all. |
Yabusame |
その前にご飯食べるの♪ |
But first, we're gonna have supper! ♪ |
Kuroji |
ま、これでコチラもやりやすくなったことには |
Well, this still means that we'll have |
Saragimaru |
・・・協力するって選択肢は初めっからないのか... |
...Was cooperating never an option to begin with...? |
Stage 5[edit | edit source]
禊道〜魂の通り |
Road of Misogi ~ Spirits' Crossing | |
洞窟を進んでいると、 |
After proceeding through the cave, the | |
BGM: 夢に忘れた尊き蛍火 |
BGM: Sacred Fireflies, Forgotten in Dreams | |
Fujiwara no Iyozane ENTERS | ||
Iyozane |
来たね! ここで足止めをさせてもらうよ! |
So you came! I'm gonna have to put a stop to you here! |
Kuroji |
いつの間にか先回りされてたみたいだね |
Looks like they got ahead of us at some point. |
Saragimaru |
あんだけ遊んでればなぁ |
Well, we did spend a while playing around back there... |
Iyozane |
少し予定が狂ってるみたいだが、 |
It looks like our plan's gone a little off-kilter, |
Fujiwara no Iyozane DEFEATED | ||
Kuroji |
さっ、てっ、とぅ・・・ |
We-ll the-n... |
Saragimaru |
はぁ〜、ほんとーにようやく終わるのか〜 |
Haa~aah, really? Is it fi~nally gonna be over...? |
Kuroji |
残念そうだな、 |
Too bad, huh? |
Saragimaru |
お前の自信過剰っぷりに慣らされるほどな |
Long enough for me to get used to your overconfidence, yeah. |
Kuroji |
なんだ、寂しいな |
Aw. That makes me feel kind of lonely. |
Saragimaru |
虚言癖にもな |
Also your habitual lying. |
??? |
なっ、なんだお前らは!? |
W-Who are you two?! |
Kuroji |
おや、どうやらお出ましのようだ |
Oh, it looks like someone's made their big entrance. |
Taira no Fumikado ENTERS | ||
??? |
怪しい奴らめ・・・・ |
You suspicious-looking louts...! |
Saragimaru |
アレ? お前、既にもう何かやったのか? |
"That thing?" Did you do something awful again already? |
Kuroji |
免罪まで許容するほど私は寛大ではないぞ |
Excuse you. I'm not so generous that I'll let false accusations slide. |
??? |
いや、アレは他人が成せる事ではなかったか・・・ |
No, on second thought, that wasn't something someone else could pull off... |
Saragimaru |
なんか勝手に落ち込んでるぞ・・・ |
Uh, they went and calmed down on their own... |
Kuroji |
・・・お前が霊を集めてた黒幕か? |
...Are you the mastermind who wanted all those spirits? |
??? |
あぁ? なんなんだアンタらは? |
Eh? And who're you? |
Saragimaru |
この方こそ、泣く子も騙す悪逆無道の鬼畜皇帝、 |
Behold! The most evil, cunning, and treacherous person you'll ever meet, |
Kuroji |
ノリノリだな、気でも触れたか? |
Wow, someone's excited. Did you lose a screw or two back there? |
Saragimaru |
吹っ切れることにした |
Decided t' blow off some steam. |
??? |
っで、そのクロジ様が私に何のようかな? |
So, what does this Kuroji-sama person want from me? |
Kuroji |
霊魂を集めたんだが、 |
We've collected souls for you, |
??? |
霊魂集め? |
Soul collecting? |
Saragimaru |
そのイヨザネさんが払えないって |
And what we're tryin' to tell you is that |
??? |
そんなこと言われてもなぁ〜 |
Well, y'know, even if you come complainin' to me... |
Kuroji |
部下の失態の責任は上司がとるもんだろ? |
It's the boss's job to take responsibility for their underlings' mistakes, yes? |
Saragimaru |
たっぷりと搾り取ってやろう |
We're gonna wring every last drop of cash outta ya. |
??? |
まぁ話はどうあれ、親皇の復活を邪魔するとあらば |
Well, whatever the case, if you plan on interfering with the |
Kuroji |
親皇、か・・・・ |
The True Emperor, huh...? |
新帝の盃 |
The Vessel for the New Emperor | |
Fumikado |
将門公・・・我等の唯一の皇なり |
Lord Masakado... the one and only emperor fit to rule us. |
Saragimaru |
なっ! 平将門だとっ!!? |
What?! Do you seriously mean Taira no Masakado?! |
Kuroji |
ワカサギ釣りのつもりが、 |
Oh my. We went out to catch some pond smelt, |
Kuroji |
しかし、彼の大怨霊を蘇らせるとは、 |
But reviving a vengeful spirit as great as his? |
Fumikado |
怨霊か.....まったく・・・ |
"Vengeful spirit"...? Tch, the nerve... |
Kuroji |
盲目なのはお前の方じゃないのか? |
Aren't you the one who's blind, here? |
Fumikado |
しかし見たところ、 |
Far as I can tell, though, you two aren't messengers |
Saragimaru |
・・・少しヤバイ奴を相手にしてるかもな |
...I get the feeling we're up against someone who's really bad news. |
Kuroji |
さっきの二人ほどヤバイ奴等はいないさ |
Don't worry. Nobody could be worse than those two from earlier. |
Fumikado |
平民どもめ、そっちにも言い分があるみたいだし |
Well, it seems that you peasants have some complaints against us too, |
Saragimaru |
撤退の許可を願います |
I hereby request permission to withdraw. |
Kuroji |
断固として却下 |
Firmly overruled. |
Fumikado |
どうせ逃げられっこない・・・・ |
Not like I'd let you run at this point anyway... |
Saragimaru |
聞いてる感じでは、どうも上手くいってないようだ |
From what I've heard so far, things don't seem to be going well |
Fumikado |
ちょっとしたアクシデントがあってね・・・復活計画 |
Well, there was a little accident. ...With the resurrection plan. |
Kuroji |
失敗したのか、復活計画 |
So you screwed up? With the resurrection plan. |
Music stops | ||
Fumikado |
ま、貴様等に話したところで何にもならない |
Well, explaining it to the likes of you wouldn't accomplish much anyway. |
BGM: ムーンチャイルド 〜 Homunculus Dream |
BGM: Moon Child ~ Homunculus Dream | |
Fumikado |
しゃーないから、さっさと蹴散らして |
Ain't got much choice, here. I'll trample the both of you |
Saragimaru |
気を引き締める必要がありそうだぞ |
I think we ought to brace ourselves for this one. |
Kuroji |
差し出口を挟むな、私より弱いくせに出しゃばるな |
Can it with the needless comments. Someone weaker than me shouldn't be so uppity. |
Saragimaru |
意見具申も許されないのか・・・ |
What, I can't even offer an opinion...? |
Fumikado |
安心しな、きちんと手加減してやるって |
Don't worry, I'll make sure to go easy on you. |
Taira no Fumikado DEFEATED | ||
Saragimaru |
なんとか勝てたか |
Whew. We won, somehow? |
Kuroji |
威勢に見合った力量だったか |
So they had the skills to match their energetic attitude... |
Fumikado |
せめて片方だけでも落としたかったなぁ〜 |
Bah. I wish I could've at least beaten one of you~... |
Kuroji |
嫌われ者の黒いほうは儀式の邪魔がしたいのだが |
The oh-so-hated one in black would like to mess up your ritual. |
Fumikado |
この先を進めばいいんじゃないか? |
Like, just keep going forward, I guess? |
Saragimaru |
なんか投げやりになってるな・・・ |
It feels like they're just dropping the whole thing... |
Fumikado |
お前らもメチャクチャにされればいい |
I'm looking forward to seeing you get trashed too. |
Kuroji |
・・・まだ何かいるのか、厄介だな... |
...Still something else around, hm? Sounds bad... |
Saragimaru |
閣下、どうしますか? |
What now, Your Excellency? |
Kuroji |
進むしかないだろ 玄鳥達は帰ったみたいだし |
No way to go but forward. Yabusame and Tsubakura already left, |
Saragimaru |
ははぁ〜、御意に従います〜 |
Ah hah ha~ah! As you wish, sire~! |
Kuroji |
・・・バカにしてるのか? |
...Are you mocking me? |
Final Stage[edit | edit source]
木枯れの園 〜往き着く場所〜 |
Withered Grove ~Place of Arrival~ | |
色を失った花。 |
A flower that lost its color. | |
BGM: アフターオール |
BGM: After All | |
Kuroji |
随分と気味の悪い花だな、 |
What a creepy-looking flower. |
Saragimaru |
オマケにデカいな |
Huge, too. |
Kuroji |
それで、そこで寝てる奴が |
And I imagine that kid sleeping down there |
Saragimaru |
寝てる間に闇討ちでも喰らわせてやりましょうか |
Shall we hit 'em with a sneak attack while they're asleep, |
Kuroji |
おいおい、何をそんな卑怯な事を... |
Hey, come on now. Why would we do something so cowardly...? |
Saragimaru |
よかった、流石にそこまで墜ちてなかったか |
Phew, that's good to hear. I guess even you haven't fallen that low. |
Kuroji |
だが化け物相手に卑怯もクソもなかったな |
But there's no such thing as "cowardly" when dealing with a monster. |
Saragimaru |
墜ちる以前に、こいつは生粋の悪魔だった・・・ |
Welp, so much for falling. They were a demon from the moment they were born... |
??? |
う〜ん・・・ |
Mm~mm... |
Kuroji |
ちっ、起きたか |
Tch. They woke up? |
Shion ENTERS | ||
??? |
寝てないよ〜、話は聞こえてたよ |
I wasn't sleeping~! I heard the whole thing. |
Saragimaru |
むこうの方が上手だったようだな、悪魔閣下 |
Looks like you've been outsmarted, Your Demonicness. |
Kuroji |
呼び方をそう頻繁に変えられると |
If you keep changing your terms of address so often, |
Saragimaru |
安心しろ、ここらで悪い奴は閣下しかいないから |
Don't worry, Your Excellency. You're the only demon for miles around. |
??? |
うは〜、生まれたばっかりの赤ん坊に非道いこと |
Waha~h, so you were going to attack a newborn baby? |
Kuroji |
そりゃありがたいが・・・・ |
Well, thanks for the compliment... |
??? |
『ハルジオン』も知らないの〜? |
What, you don't know about the "Harujion"? |
Kuroji |
・・・・・ |
..... |
Saragimaru |
あれが『ハルジオン』なのか・・・初めて見た |
So that's the "Harujion"...? First time I've seen it. |
Kuroji |
『ハルジオン』・・・・・聞いたことがある |
"Harujion"... yeah, I've heard about it. |
??? |
らしーぃね、今回はここに咲いたみたい |
Apparently! And this year, it happened to bloom here. |
Kuroji |
高く売れそうだ |
Bet it'd sell for a high price. |
Saragimaru |
そればっかだな、お前は |
Is there anything else you even think about? |
Kuroji |
死者を蘇らせる力があるんだろ? アレには |
That plant's got the power to resurrect the dead, doesn't it? |
総体から産まれし個体 |
An Individual Born from the Aggregate | |
Shion |
そーだよ、ボクはあの花から生まれたんだ |
Bingo~! I was born from that flower. |
Shion |
ボクは生き返ったわけじゃないから |
But since I didn't exactly come back to life, |
Saragimaru |
さっきの奴らもこの花の力を使えばよかったのにな |
Those two from before should've just used the flower for their plan, really. |
Kuroji |
刈るか |
Shall we chop it down? |
Saragimaru |
そうくると思った、やるかぁ |
Yep, saw that one coming. We gonna go for it...? |
Shion |
いは〜、キミ"達"はキモチいいほど悪党だね♪ |
Ehaha~h, you two really are scoundrels! You feel awesomely bad. ♪ |
Saragimaru |
あれ、おかしい・・・・僕もカウントされてる・・・ |
Huh? That's odd... I'm included in the count... |
Kuroji |
朱に交わって赤くなったな |
One rotten apple spoils the barrel, eh? |
Shion |
あは〜、キミ達もさっきのヒトと同じで、 |
Aha~h. You both have some pretty unusual smells, |
Saragimaru |
何を言ってるんだ? この子は? |
Uh, what is this kid talking about? |
Shion |
ミドリのキミは自己犠牲 |
You there, the green one. You smell of self-sacrifice. |
Shion |
悪くないねぇ、いいニオイだぁよ |
Not bad at all. I like that kind of smell! |
Saragimaru |
う、ニオイを嗅がれたのか・・・ |
Ugh, they smelled me...? |
Kuroji |
私の知り合いにもニオイに敏感な奴がいたな |
One of my acquaintances is pretty sensitive to smell, too. |
Shion |
黒いほうのキミは、生きることも |
And you, in the black... it looks like you've |
Shion |
ゲテモノはエンガチョー、 |
Blech, I'm not touching any gross food like that. |
Kuroji |
他人からはよくそう言われる |
Yes, I get that a lot. |
Music stops | ||
Saragimaru |
何を言ってるんだか |
Okay, what are we even talking about? |
BGM: 縁から外れた名前 |
BGM: A Name Cast Off from Fate | |
Shion |
この花はボクにとって大切なもの |
This flower is very important to me. |
Kuroji |
別に許可を必要としては、いない |
I mean, it's not like we need your permission. |
Saragimaru |
そうだろうな |
Figured as much. |
Shion |
君らのその性根、全部吸い取ってあげるよ!! |
I'll absorb every last bit of those natures of yours!! |
Shion DEFEATED | ||
If player has continued | ||
If player has not continued and defeated Shion | ||
If player has not continued and lost all souls while fighting Shion | ||
Notes[edit | edit source]