Reactivate Majestical Imperial/Story/Yabusame and Tsubakura's Extra Scenario
< | Main Scenario | Story |
Extra Stage[edit | edit source]
光が通りし道 |
アホな偉人が放った光線は |
The ray of light fired by the foolish hero | |
BGM: 空を広くする喪失道 |
BGM: The Road of Loss that Widens the Sky | |
Sese Kitsugai ENTERS | ||
Sese |
ホネが集まってきたからちょっと強くなったよー!! |
I'm a little stronger now that I've gathered more bones!! |
Tsubakura |
どのへんが強くなったんだ? |
What part of you got stronger? |
Sese |
あーっ! 集めたのに家に置いてきた!! |
Oh nooo! I actually left them all back home!! |
Yabusame |
ホネホネしいね♪ |
How very boney of you! ♪ |
Tsubakura |
無理矢理コントに巻き込まんでくれ |
Don't drag me into your comedy routine, please. |
Sese |
もーいい、こうなったら当たって舎利になってやる! |
Argh, fine! I'll hit you with this and turn you into a couple of cremated reliquaries! |
Sese Kitsugai DEFEATED | ||
Yabusame |
すんごい臭いがする・・・・鼻がひん曲がりそう |
What an amazing smell... my nose is gonna get all twisted up! |
Tsubakura |
そうか、ってことはもう目的地か |
Ah. I suppose we've reached our destination, then. |
Yabusame |
むー、心配してくれてもいいじゃん |
Muuu. You could at least worry about me a little... |
Tsubakura |
お前の何を心配すればいいんだ? |
Worry about what part of you, exactly? |
Yabusame |
そうだねぇー、えーっとね・・・ |
Good questio~n. Umm, how about... |
Tsubakura |
おーそりゃー大変だーぁ |
Oh noooo, not thaaaaat. |
??? |
・・・君らはいつも |
...Are you two always having |
Tsubakura |
お前さんの方は随分と実ってるようだな、 |
You certainly seem a lot more fruitful. |
Tenkai Zuifeng ENTERS | ||
??? |
闡裡の鳥ってやつは、 |
Ah, yes. Senri's birds always do |
??? |
君らが新しい神主だろ? |
You're the new priests, yes? |
Yabusame |
そうそう、そうなのー、 |
Yup, yup, that's right~! |
古き独裁者の片割れ |
One of the Old Dictators | |
Tenkai |
名乗るほどじゃないが、 |
I'm hardly anyone of great import, |
Tenkai |
けどまぁ、キミらにとっては |
But, well... as far as you two are concerned, |
Yabusame |
!? あなたも先代の神主さんなの!? |
!? So you're another predecessor priest!? |
Tenkai |
あー、そっか、そうなっちゃうよね・・・ |
Oh. Uhh, yeah, I guess that's what that would mean... |
Tenkai |
残念だけど僕は違うよ、 |
But I'm afraid that no, I'm not. |
Tsubakura |
お前さんも外から来たって事だろ |
So that means you came in from outside too? |
Tenkai |
无現里に"外"も"内"もないよ |
Mugenri doesn't have an "inside" or "outside". |
Tenkai |
その名残で今もそう言われてるってだけで、 |
But those terms are just leftovers nowadays. |
Tsubakura |
だが无現里が隔離されてる以上、 |
Okay, but since Mugenri is separated from everything else, |
Tenkai |
无現里の全貌が見えたとき、君らも理解するさ |
Once you've seen the full picture of Mugenri, you'll understand as well. |
Yabusame |
実際には裏と表みたいなもんだしね〜 |
Yeah, it's actually more like "front" and "back"~. |
Tenkai |
なんだ、バカの方は分かってるじゃないか |
Huh. So the idiot's the one who understands better? |
Tsubakura |
誰にだって取り得はあるってことだ |
Everyone has to have some strong points, after all. |
Yabusame |
えへへ〜、ほめられちった♪ |
Ehehe~h, I got a compliment! ♪ |
Tsubakura |
今のを誉めたように聞こえなら |
If that sounded like a compliment just now, |
Tenkai |
なんか話が脱線してしまったけど、 |
We're getting kind of off topic, but anyway... |
Yabusame |
霊魂ちゃんたちを逃がしてあげるのー |
We're here to set all the little souls free~! |
Tsubakura |
ちがう、結界屋の代わりに閉じて来い |
Wrong. We were told to come close it |
Tenkai |
ジンベイの指図か、それならちょっと待ちな |
Ah, orders from Jinbei? Just wait a little longer, then. |
Yabusame |
あー、もう終わっちゃうの〜 |
Oh, so it's over already~? |
Tsubakura |
なんか骨折り損してばっかりだな |
I can't help but feel like we keep putting in effort for nothing. |
Tenkai |
闡裡神社とその大結界は |
The Senri Shrine and its Great Barrier |
Tenkai |
僕らは数多の結界によって"梁"は作れても |
Even if we build the "crossbeams" with our various barriers, |
Tenkai |
君らは存在してるだけでその価値を示しているのさ |
Your worth is proven simply by your existing here. |
Yabusame |
やったー! |
Yaaay! |
Tsubakura |
ヤッター |
Yaaay. |
Tenkai |
だが、腐って脆くなった"柱"ってのは、一転して |
But conversely, if the "pillar" is rotten and fragile, it becomes |
Yabusame |
そうそう、臭いよー、この穴ー |
Right, right, that hole stiiinks! |
Tsubakura |
話を合わせてやれよ・・・ |
At least try to follow the conversation... |
Tenkai |
まぁいいよ、とにかく君らが"柱"に相応しいか、 |
Well, no matter. At any rate, why don't you let me give you |
Tsubakura |
ぜひぜひ、不良品って事になれば |
Oh, by all means. If we turn out to be defective, |
BGM: 顕界オーバーホール |
BGM: Present World Overhaul | |
Tenkai |
それはやってみれば分かるだろう、 |
You'll find out if you try it. |
Yabusame |
よーし、張り切っていこー! |
Alright, here we go! |
Tsubakura |
やる気を出すタイミングが違うんだよな、いつも |
You're always motivated at the wrong time, aren't you. |
Tenkai |
それじゃ・・・キミらの力を引き出させてもらおう! |
Well then... Allow me to draw out your true strength! |
Tenkai Zuifeng DEFEATED | ||
Tenkai |
くっ・・・・思ってたよりずっと強いじゃないか |
Guh... You're way stronger than I thought, aren't you? |
Tsubakura |
じゃあ勝ったから質問ターイム、 |
So now that we won, it's question time. |
Tenkai |
なぁに、別に大したことじゃない |
Wha~t? It's hardly a big deal, really. |
Yabusame |
先代神主さんのことなのね〜 |
That's the predecessor priest~! |
Tsubakura |
あいつの悪名まで引き継いだ覚えは |
I don't remember inheriting their |
Tenkai |
お世話してやったこともあったがな |
I helped them out here and there, too. |
Tsubakura |
あっそ、期待してたほどの答えじゃなかったな |
M'kay. Hardly a satisfactory answer, then. |
Tenkai |
そんじゃ代わりに老婆心を一つ・・・ |
Alright then. Let me give you some kind advice in exchange... |
Tenkai |
箍が外れた時ってのは、 |
When the collar comes loose, |
Yabusame |
タガー、ハメー |
Colla~ar! Cu~ut! |
Tenkai |
鶴喰がいなくなったことで都合が良くなった連中は |
Tsurubami's disappearance is sure to be convenient |
Tenkai |
だからせいぜい気をつけるこった、神主さん♪ |
So you'd better take care, o priests~. ♪ |
Tsubakura |
ご忠告どうも、 |
Thanks fer' the advice. |
Tenkai |
お前らとやり合ってるうちに終わったよ |
I finished the work while I was fighting with you two. |
Tsubakura |
手際がよろしいようで |
Huh. Pretty deft worker, aren't you. |
Yabusame |
よろしーよーで♪ |
A~ren't you~♪ |
Extra+α Stage[edit | edit source]
大怨霊 |
Great Vengeful Spirit | |
自分を探している者ほど、 |
There exists nothing as troublesome | |
Sese Kitsugai ENTERS | ||
??? |
きゅ〜〜しゅ〜〜!! |
Tsubakura |
! |
! |
Sese Kitsugai TRANSFORMS | ||
Sese |
ふ〜っ、大復活っ! |
Phew~. I've been revived! |
Yabusame |
ホネっ子ちゃん、何か雰囲気変わった? |
There's something different about you, Boney... |
未だ戻らぬ大妖怪 |
A Great Youkai Who Still Hasn't Quite Returned | |
Sese |
本調子には程遠いけど、大分マシになったかな |
I'm far from top form, but I guess this is still a big improvement. |
Tsubakura |
霊魂を取られたか、まぁ別に必要なかったが |
You took the souls? Well, we didn't really need them anyway. |
Sese |
そうそう |
Oh yeah! |
Tsubakura |
? お前は弱かったから別に問題なかったけどな |
? I mean, you were pretty weak, so not really. |
Yabusame |
ね〜 |
Yeah~ |
Sese |
いーや、セセの所為だもん、全部 |
Nuh-uh, it was Sese's fault. Every last bit of it! |
Tsubakura |
まぁそう思いたきゃ思えばいいさ |
Well, if that's what you want to think, then feel free. |
BGM: 无現にて棲む者 |
BGM: Those Lurking in Unreality | |
Sese |
ちょーっと待ったぁ! 帰れると思ったの?? |
Hoooold it right there! Did you think I'd just let you leave?? |
Yabusame |
やる気マンマンだよ! |
They're totally raring to go! |
Tsubakura |
面倒な奴だ |
What a troublemaker. |
Sese |
ちょっと強くなったから、気をつけてね♪ |
I've gotten a bit stronger, so you'd better watch out! ♪ |
Sese Kitsugai DEFEATED | ||
Sese |
結局やられたー・・・ |
In the end, I still lost... |
Tsubakura |
確かに、前よりはマシだったな |
You did get a lot stronger than before. |
Yabusame |
おもしろかった〜 |
That was fun! |
Sese |
今度はもっと強くなって戻ってくるね♪ |
I'll come back again once I get even stronger, okay? ♪ |
Tsubakura |
もう止めとけって・・・ |
Just cut it out already... |
Sese |
あれれ? 何だか力が抜けていく〜〜 |
Huh? W-What? The power's draining out of mee~ee...! |
Yabusame |
霊魂ちゃんも抜けてっちゃってるね〜 |
The little souls are draining out too... |
Sese |
やだやだー、もっと力が欲しいのにー |
Nooo, nooo! I still wanna be strongerrr! |
Tsubakura |
・・・・・バカなのはそのままなんだな |
.....Guess it didn't improve how dumb they were. |