This is a list of all characters that appear in Reactivate Majestical Imperial.
In Reactivate Majestical Imperial, there are three teams to choose from with two characters each in v1.00a, and a fourth team in v1.10a onwards. If you die or cast a bomb, you'll switch partners each time. This has similarities to the structure of teams for Imperishable Night.

天衣無縫の能天気 Flawless Thoughtlessness | 酒嚢飯袋な単彩 Loafing Monochrome |
Yabusame Houlen and Tsubakura Enraku
Playable Characters, Possible Stage 4 Boss |
Statistics |
--攻撃力-- ★★★☆☆ / ★★★★☆ --移動速度-- ★★☆☆☆ / ★★★★★ --攻撃範囲 ★★★★★ / ★★☆☆☆ --ボム-- 「次元剥離」 「モノクロムレイ」 --フラッシュ・ボム-- 「メイデンピット」 「ヴァーテックス・エミット」 |
--Attack Power-- ★★★☆☆ / ★★★★☆ --Movement Speed-- ★★☆☆☆ / ★★★★★ --Attack Range-- ★★★★★ / ★★☆☆☆ --Bomb-- "Dimensional Detachment" "Monochrome Ray" --Flash Bomb-- "Maiden Pit" "Vertex Emit" | |

大蛇の末裔 Descendant of Orochi | 無垢なる天才埴輪 Pure and Genius Haniwa |
Adagumo no Yaorochi and Sukune Katano
Playable Characters, Possible Stage 4 Boss |
Statistics |
--攻撃力-- ★★★★★ / ★★★☆☆ --移動速度-- ★★★★☆ / ★★★☆☆ --攻撃範囲 ★★☆☆☆ / ★★★☆☆ --ボム-- 「雲薙ぎ」 FAEB「埴輪爆弾」 --フラッシュ・ボム-- 「黒朽縄」 「ロストトーラス」 |
--Attack Power-- ★★★★★ / ★★★☆☆ --Movement Speed-- ★★★★☆ / ★★★☆☆ --Attack Range-- ★★☆☆☆ / ★★★☆☆ --Bomb-- "Cloud Mowing Sword" F.A.E.B. "Haniwa Bomb" --Flash Bomb-- "Black Rotted Ropes" "Lost Torus" | |

酒嚢飯袋な単彩 Ambiguously Paper-thin Archaeologist | 最後の瞳 Final Eye |
Kuroji Shitodo and Adagumo no Saragimaru
Playable Characters (Unselectable in the trial version), Possible Stage 4 Boss |
Statistics |
--攻撃力-- ★★★★☆ / ★★★☆☆ --移動速度-- ★★★☆☆ / ★★☆☆☆ --攻撃範囲 ★★★★☆ / ★★★★☆ --ボム-- RNA「レトロウイルス」 輪廻「樋速日神の瞳」 --フラッシュ・ボム-- 「ネガポジ」 「雲に架ける梯 --- 【偽】」 |
--Attack Power-- ★★★★☆ / ★★★☆☆ --Movement Speed-- ★★★☆☆ / ★★☆☆☆ --Attack Range-- ★★★★☆ / ★★★★☆ --Bomb-- RNA "Retrovirus" Transmigration "Eye of Hihayahi" --Flash Bomb-- "Positive & Negative" "Ladder Built Between Clouds---[Fake]" | |

Suzumi Kuzu (Hamee) and Suzumi Kuzu (Ardey)
Playable Characters (Unlockable, as of v1.10a) Notes: Suzumi can be unlocked by clearing the Extra+α Stage with at least one other team. |
Statistics |
--攻撃力-- ★★★☆☆ / ★★★☆☆ --移動速度-- ★★★☆☆ / ☆☆☆☆☆ --攻撃範囲-- ★★★★★ / ★★★★★ --ボム-- ??????? ??????? --フラッシュ・ボム-- ??????? ??????? |
--Attack Power-- ★★★☆☆ / ★★★☆☆ --Movement Speed-- ★★★☆☆ / ☆☆☆☆☆ --Attack Range-- ★★★★★ / ★★★★★ --Bomb-- ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? --Flash Bomb-- ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? | |
自分探し中の骸 A Corpse in Search of Themself | 未だ戻らぬ大妖怪 A Great Youkai Who Still Hasn't Quite Returned |
Sese Kitsugai
Stage 1 Midboss, Stage 1 Boss, Extra Stage Midboss, Extra+α Boss Notes: When they appear as the boss of the Extra+α Stage, the portrait to the right side is presented, instead. |
茄子を綾なす騎手 Eggplant-Decorating Jockey |
Tsugumi Umatachi
Stage 2 Midboss, Stage 2 Boss |
時代錯誤の野心家 Anachronistic Ambitious Person |
Fujiwara no Iyozane
Stage 3 Midboss, Stage 3 Boss, Stage 5 Midboss |
総体から産まれし個体 An Individual Born from the Aggregate |
Final Boss |
Stages 5 and Extra Enemies |