Reactivate Majestical Imperial/Story/Prologue
The following is the prologue of Reactivate Majestical Imperial, which can be found in story_le03.txt.
Prologue[edit | edit source]
~○---闡裡神社にて---○~ |
~---At the Senri Shrine---~ | |
???「起きてください! 藪雨さん!!」 |
? ? ?: "Yabusame-san! Please wake up!" | |
外界から遮断された国、无現里(むげんり)に鎮座する闡裡(せんり)神社。 |
The Senri Shrine. Located in the land called Mugenri, cut off from the outside world. | |
藪雨「ほぇ?」 |
Yabusame: "Hweh?" | |
マヌケな音を喉で奏でながら、藪雨はパチッっと目を開けた。 |
While making a silly sound in their throat, Yabusame snapped open their eyes. | |
藪雨「ん~、もー2、3年寝かせて~」 |
Yabusame: "Mm~, c'mo~on, just lemme sleep for a couple more years~" | |
そう即答すると、子供のような表層の人物は |
The person with the child-like surface appearance answered promptly, | |
藪雨「ぬぅー・・・、有無を言わせず、この惨状・・・・・ |
Yabusame: "Nu~u~... I got treated so awfully without even a chance to speak...... | |
ちゃん付けでジンベイと呼ばれた子は、ムスッと不機嫌な顔をして |
The child thusly referred to Jinbei (albeit with a "-chan") made a sour face | |
ジンベイ「さっさと起きて朝ごはん作ってくださいよ、 |
Jinbei: "Get up already and go make breakfast, will you? | |
ジンベイはこの間も、畳にじかに寝そべっている藪雨の横っ腹を |
All the while, Jinbei continued to kick Yabusame, who was sprawled out lazily on the floor. | |
話を全く聞こうとしない藪雨の頭を強く踏みつけながら、ジンベイは |
As Yabusame continued to ignore them even while having their head trampled on, | |
ジンベイ「お客さんが来てるんです!!」 |
Jinbei: "We have guests!" | |
| |
季節はだいたい冬、外界から遮断されたこの无現里でも、 ・・・・ハズなんだが... 闡裡神社のとある和室にて、そこに鎮座しますコタツには、 一人は代理神主二号、『燕楽 玄鳥』である。 |
The season was roughly winter. Even in Mugenri, cut off as it was from outside, ...Or at least, it should've been. In one of the Senri Shrine's Japanese-style rooms, One was substitute priest #2, "Tsubakura Enraku". | |
玄鳥「・・・っで、それがどうしたって?」 |
Tsubakura: "...Aaand so what's your point?" | |
天才は問うた。 |
The genius asked. | |
???「どうしたではない、お前らの生業は異変解決だろ?」 |
???: "Don't 'what's your point' me. Incident resolution is your livelihood, is it not?" | |
尻尾が喋りだした。 |
...Said the tails. | |
玄鳥「お金が一銭も入らないのに生業ってのは~、 |
Tsubakura: "It's our livelihood, and yet we don't have a single penny to show for it? | |
みかんの皮の山を眺めながら、玄鳥は言った。 |
Tsubakura said, while gazing at the pile of tangerine peels. | |
???「金銭が発生するようなものでもないしな、我慢しろ」 |
???: "Well, yes, it's not exactly something you'd earn money from. Deal with it." | |
尻尾のクセにまた喋りはじめた。 |
The tails, despite being tails, started talking once again. | |
玄鳥「それは置いといて、なんでわざわざお前がここに来てまで |
Tsubakura: "That aside, why'dja come all the way here just to | |
変な呼び名で呼ばれ、尻尾は一際大きな動きをしたと思ったら、 尻尾の持ち主であるこの人物、『徒雲 八尾呂智』は、振り向くと |
Right after the tails made a big movement in response to the weird nickname, The tails' owner, "Adagumo no Yaorochi", turned around | |
八尾呂智「こんな状態を放置しているお前らに腹が立ったからだ!」 |
Yaorochi: "Because! I'm very irritated at how you've left this situation lying around as-is!" | |
无現里の冬は静かなものだ・・・・例年通りだったら。 しかし今年は違った。 それはズバリ! |
Mugenri's winter had been quiet... last year, at least. But this year was different. Namely...!! | |
八尾呂智「なんだこの幽霊どもは!?」 |
Yaorochi: "What's with all these GHOSTS?!" | |
闡裡神社の庭には、至る所に幽霊が蔓延っており、 |
The garden of the Senri Shrine was rife with ghosts, corner to corner. | |
八尾呂智「目障りだというのもあるが、熱を奪うのが何より厄介だ |
Yaorochi: "They're an eyesore, for one thing, but the most dangerous thing about them is that they steal heat. | |
物騒な事をサラッと言いながら、玄鳥はしゃぶっていたみかんを |
As they matter-of-factly said this very alarming thing, Tsubakura bit off | |
八尾呂智「随分と想像力が欠如しているようだな」 |
Yaorochi: "It seems you're sorely lacking in imagination." | |
突然コタツの反対側から妙な言語が聞こえてきた。 |
Suddenly, they heard a strange language coming from the opposite side of the kotatsu. | |
玄鳥「穴惑いもほどほどにな~、蛇なんだから」 |
Tsubakura: "You shouldn't take so long worrying about which hole to crawl into~. 'Cause you're a snake and all." | |
宿禰と呼ばれたその人物は、頭に重そうな帽子を被り、 |
The person thus called "Sukune", who wore a heavy-looking hat on their head, | |
宿禰「だって、暖かいにゅ~、寒いの嫌いだぎょ~」 |
Sukune: "'Cause it's all warm in here, nyu~. I hate the cold, gyo~." | |
玄鳥はバッサリと容赦なく切り捨てたが、宿禰はそれを完全に右耳から |
Tsubakura mercilessly cut them down, but their words went in Sukune's right ear and straight back out their left. | |
八尾呂智「はぁ・・・この神社の主がそう言うんだから、そろそろ御暇するぞ」 |
Yaorochi: "*Sigh*... well, if the shrine's head priest says so, I suppose we should depart soon." | |
その時、パタパタという足音が近づいてきたかと思ったら、 |
Then, just as the pitter-patter of feet drew near, | |
藪雨「あ、オロチンさんにハニワちゃんだ!」 |
Yabusame: "Oh, it's Orochin-san and Haniwa-chan!" | |
藪雨が寝惚け眼を擦りながら入ってきた。 |
Yabusame entered while rubbing their sleepy eyes. | |
八尾呂智「面倒なのが増えたな」 |
Yaorochi: "Another nuisance. Oh joy." | |
藪雨はそれぞれの掛け合いを聞きながら、 |
While listening to each of them shouting back and forth, | |
藪雨「・・・・狭い」 |
Yabusame: "...'S cramped." | |
三人は互いににらみ合い、コタツの中で死闘を繰り広げていた。 その滑稽な様をはたから見ていた八尾呂智は、はぁ、っとため息をすると、 宿禰はそれを見て慌てて立ち上がり、置いてかないじぇぇ~~ ようやく神社内は静かになった・・・・・幽霊の奇声を除けば。 |
The three stared each other down, while engaging in a desperate struggle under the kotatsu. Yaorochi looked on at this ridiculous scene, sighed deeply, At this, Sukune hurriedly got up and chased after them At last, the shrine grounds were quiet... save for the singing ghosts, at least. | |
藪雨「それで、八尾呂智さんたちは何しに来たの?」 |
Yabusame: "So why were Yaorochi-san and Sukune-chan here, anyway?" | |
ジンベイ「へぇ・・・・それじゃあ」 |
Jinbei: "Ehhh... So. Anyway." | |
少し遅れて部屋に入ってきたジンベイは、 玄鳥は全身から冷や汗が吹き出て、血の気が引いていくのを実感し、 |
Jinbei, having come into the room a little bit late, Tsubakura began gushing cold sweat from their whole body, felt their blood draining out of them, | |
ジンベイ「私が何で最近怒っているのかは、知ってますか?」 |
Jinbei: "Can either of you happen to guess why I've been so angry lately? Hm?" | |
結局、異変解決してこいと、 |
In the end, the two of them were punted clear out of the shrine | |
| |
~○---闡裡神社参道脇の茂みにて---○~ |
~---At a clump of bushes near the Senri Shrine Road---~ | |
鵐黒巫鳥はご機嫌だった。 |
Kuroji Shitodo was in a very good mood. | |
黒巫鳥「ここは・・・参道か、気がつかないうちに結構歩いたようだ」 |
Kuroji: "This is... the shrine road, huh? Looks like I walked quite a ways without realizing." | |
闡裡神社参道、あの神社の参道は妙に気味が悪い。 今この瞬間もそうだ、あたりは雪面であるにも関わらず、 ―――まるで雪自身が避けるように降り積もったみたいだ。 ナンセンスな事ではあったが、そう考えてしまうほど、 そんなことを考えながら草むらから参道に出ようとすると、、 その影の正体を考えながら参道に出てみると、 |
The Senri Shrine Road. That paved road leading up to the shrine always gave off a faintly uncanny feeling. ---It was as if the snow itself was deliberately avoiding the road as it fell. Utter nonsense, of course, but with the way the road seemed to ward away any human presence, one might almost start thinking that. As Kuroji pondered these things and stepped out onto the road, they saw two shadows swiftly crossing right in front of them... or rather, through the sky right above them. While thinking about the shadows' identity, Kuroji stepped once more out onto the road, and ran smack into another familiar face. | |
蛇穴丸「げぇ、いつかの悪党」 |
Saragimaru: "Geh--! Great. You're that scoundrel from before." | |
いつぞやの蛇だった。 |
It was that snake from before. | |
黒巫鳥「顔を覚えられてるとはね、売名が効いてるのかな?」 |
Kuroji: "So you remember my face, huh? Maybe all that self-advertisement is working?" | |
目の前にいる人間の表情が不気味に微笑んでいるのを見て、 |
As Saragimaru saw this human smiling creepily at them, | |
黒巫鳥「例の八岐大蛇もどきを尾行してたんだろ?」 |
Kuroji: "You're here because you're tailing after that Yamato-no-Orochi wannabe, aren't you?" | |
―――当たりなのか・・・ |
---They actually were...? | |
黒巫鳥「知ってるかな? 私は口が軽いことで有名なんだ」 |
Kuroji: "Did you know? I'm rather famous for being a blabbermouth." | |
ついでに嘘を付くのも得意だ。 |
They were also quite good at lying on the spot. | |
蛇穴丸「・・・口止めに何をさせる気だ...?」 |
Saragimaru: "...Are you saying you're gonna blackmail me in exchange for your silence...?" | |
どうやら効果は覿面のようだ。 |
The effect seemed to be immediate. | |
黒巫鳥「いや、大したことじゃない、最近妙に霊が多いだろ? |
Kuroji: "Oh, no, it's nothing major. You've noticed the strange amount of spirits lately, haven't you? Would you mind helping me collect them?" | |
蛇穴丸「・・・・・」 |
Saragimaru: "....." | |
蛇穴丸は無言で了承せざるを得なかった。 こうして黒巫鳥は現在進行中の用事を手軽に済ませる方法を獲得した。 |
Saragimaru was forced to agree in silence. And thus, Kuroji acquired a method of quickly finishing up their ongoing business. | |
蛇穴丸「・・・その手に持ってる看板はそれと関係あるのか?」 |
Saragimaru: "...Does it have anything to do with that signboard you're holding?" | |
蛇穴丸は黒巫鳥の右手に握られている |
Saragimaru looked at the object that Kuroji was grasping... | |
黒巫鳥「するどいな、人里に行ったときに偶然見かけたんだが、 |
Kuroji: "Sharp of you! I found this by chance on a trip to the Human Village. | |
その看板には、 【霊魂、買い取ります。 まとまった数が集まり次第、御連絡を。 っと記されていた。 |
The following text: 【We're buying souls! If you've gathered up a good amount, call us at this number. | |
蛇穴丸「・・・なんじゃこりゃ?」 |
Saragimaru: "...What in the heck?" | |
しかし自分には選択肢はないようだ、この悪党に従うしかない・・・ |
It seemed they had no choice, though. They were forced to comply with this villain... | |
蛇穴丸「ところで、なんで看板まで持ってきたんだ? |
Saragimaru: "By the way, why'd you take the whole sign with you? | |
それを聞きながら、黒巫鳥は持っていた看板を近くの茂みにポイッと投げ捨てた。 |
As they heard that, Kuroji tossed the sign into the nearby bushes. | |
黒巫鳥「番号の暗記なんて猿でもできる」 |
Kuroji: "Even a monkey could memorize a simple number." | |
蛇穴丸は思った。 |
Saragimaru thought, at that moment, | |
黒巫鳥「ライバルは少ないほうがいいだろ?」 |
Kuroji: "The fewer rivals you have, the better. Right?" | |
こうして、大した交友もないハズの二人は手を組むことになったが、 |
Thus did the two of them, despite not being friends or even really acquaintances, join together. |
Notes[edit | edit source]