Reactivate Majestical Imperial/Documentation/Readme
This is the readme.txt that exists in Reactivate Majestical Imperial.
readme.txt[edit | edit source]
連縁霊烈傳 ~ Reactivate_majestical_imperial
Len'en Reiretsuden ~ Reactivate Majestical Imperial
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◆1:あいさつ |
◆1: Greetings | |
The following text appears in v1.10a and up. | ||
この度は拙作「連縁霊烈傳 ~ Reactivate_majestical_imperial」を |
My sincerest gratitude for downloading this work, | |
今作は過去にリリースした連縁シリーズの第三弾の |
This work was previously released as the third shooter of the Len'en series. | |
これで新規プレイヤーさんの敷居も下がればなぁ、と思ってます。 |
I figured I'd lower the barrier of entry for new players with this. | |
久しぶりにプレイしたから、忘れてたシステムが多かったのは |
It's been a while since I last played this, so there's a lot of system mechanics I've forgotten. | |
↓ここからもテンプレ |
↓Also template from here on | |
The following text exclusively appears in v1.00a. | ||
この度は拙作、 |
My sincerest gratitude for downloading this work, | |
拙作は男の子か女の子かよくわからん奴等がよくわからん奴等を |
A game about various ambiguously gendered people blowing away other ambiguously gendered people, | |
第一弾、第二弾も無料配信中なんで、 |
The first and second entries of the series are available for free, | |
↓ブログ↓ |
↓Blog↓ | |
↓ダウンロードサイト直接↓ |
↓Direct download links↓ | |
~製作の感想スタート~ |
~Thoughts on making the game are GO~ | |
遅れた。 派手に遅れた。 ごめんちゃい。 |
It's late. Blatantly so. I'm sowwy. | |
いや~、本来の予定では3月中には完成させてる予定だったのに、 |
Eeehh, I was originally planning to have this done by March, | |
最後らへんは「ど、どにがぐ完成ざぜなぐぢゃ(涙目)」って感じで |
Towards the end, all I felt while working was "I jushd wandhish do be done (verge of tears)". | |
なにはともあれ、今作で「れんえんシリーズ」一区切りです。 |
In any case, with this installment, I'm taking a little break from the Len'en series. | |
兎にも角にも、クリア目指して頑張って! 御武運を! |
In any case, shoot for a clear and keep trying! Godspeed! | |
The following text exclusively appears in v0.50a, the second trial version of the game. | ||
この度は拙作、「鏈縁霊烈傳(れんえんれいれつでん):体験版」を |
My sincerest gratitude for downloading this work, | |
本作は男の子か女の子かよくわからん奴等がよくわからん奴等を |
A game about various ambiguously gendered people blowing away other ambiguously gendered people, | |
第一弾、第二弾もネットで無料配信中なんで、 |
The first and second shooters are available for free online, | |
↓ブログ↓ |
↓Blog↓ | |
↓ダウンロードサイト直接↓ |
↓Direct download links↓ | |
さて、冬コミからずいぶーん時間が経ってしまいました・・・ |
'kay, so last Winterket's been preeeeeeetty long ago now... | |
要するに時間が無かったのねん、ごめんなさい。 |
Long story short, I just didn't have the time. Sorry. | |
この後にも、とある四月馬鹿があるのでまだまだドタバタ押し寄せてくるし。 |
Gonna be one thing after the other happening to me later down the line, too, due to this thing called April Fool's. | |
それと今回は色々実験的な要素も入れてみたんで、普段に増して |
Also, I added a bunch of experimental mechanics into the game, so that's | |
それじゃあ、この辺で、バーイ! |
But yeah, for the time being: byeeeeeee! | |
The following text exclusively appears in v0.01a, the first trial version of the game. | ||
この度は拙作、「鏈縁霊烈傳(れんえんれいれつでん):体験版」を |
My sincerest gratitude for picking up my game, | |
今作は男の子か女の子かよくわからん奴等がよくわからん奴等を |
This is the 3rd entry in a series of "shrine maiden bullet hell shmup"-styled shmups (that wasn't a typo alright?), | |
第一弾、第二弾はネットで無料配信中なんで、 |
The first and second entries are available for free online, | |
↓ブログ↓ |
↓Blog↓ | |
↓ダウンロードサイト直接↓ |
↓Direct download links↓ | |
さて、今回ホントーに時間が無かったです。 |
Honestly, I didn't have time to spend on this, at all. | |
さて、初の冬コミサークル参加ですが、ガッチガチに緊張してます。 |
Anyways, this is my first time participating in the Winter Comiket as one of the circles, so I'm genuinely very nervous. | |
まぁオマケなんで気楽にプレイしていってね! |
I mean, this game's just a bonus that comes with the album, so no need to take it too seriously. Just enjoy yourself with it! | |
それじゃあ作業に戻らなきゃいけないんで、この辺で・・・ 頑張ってみてね! 御武運を! |
Welp, I have to get back to work now, so we part here... | |
それじゃあ、この辺で、バーイ! |
Well, that's about it. Bye! | |
The following text appears in pretty much all versions (with varying exceptions). | ||
◆2:このフォルダの含有物[b] |
◆2: This Folder's Contents | |
・Le03.exe -- ゲーム本体 |
・Le03.exe -- The game itself | |
◆3アンインストール方法 |
◆3: How to Uninstall | |
ゲーム本体が入ってるフォルダごと消去してください。 |
Please just get rid of the folder the game is in. | |
◆4:何か問題があったら |
◆4: In Case of Confusion | |
同フォルダ内の「FAQ.txt」の内容をご確認ください。 |
Check to see if FAQ.txt in this folder contains your answer first. | |
ご感想とか要望とかもドーゾ。 |
Let me know whatever impressions and requests you might have. | |
※====================================※ |
※====================================※ | |
◆5:今夜の晩御飯が親子丼でしたら |
◆5: We're Having Chicken and Eggs on Rice Tonight | |
僕と一緒だ! おいしいよね![c] |
Me too! I love the stuff! | |
◆6:更新履歴 |
◆6: Changelog | |
2013/12/12 Le03.exe ver 0.01a 体験版完成? |
2013/12/12 Le03.exe ver 0.01a Trial version done? | |
2017/10/19 Le03 ver 1.11a |
2017/10/19 Le03 ver 1.11a | |
2018/06/02 Le03 ver 1.20a ゲームレベル[Basic]と[Light]の追加、その他微調整 |
2018/06/02 Le03 ver 1.20a Added game levels [Basic] and [Light], other minor adjustments. |
Notes[edit | edit source]
- ↑ JynX's name was witten with an upper-case X in the trial version, but was changed to a lower case for the full versions.
- ↑ "Folder" (フォルダ) was written as "file" (ファイル) before being corrected in the full release.
- ↑ In the trial versions, the header was titled "We're Having Sukiyaki Tonight" (今夜の晩御飯がスキヤキでしたら), with the response being "<insert translation here>" (美味しく食べればいいじゃな、ふーん。)
- ↑ This changelog only appeared in v0.50a, which was removed from all full releases for unknown reasons.