Reactivate Majestical Imperial/Story/Yaorochi and Sukune's Scenario
Story | Extra Scenario | > |
Stage 1[edit | edit source]
堆積せぬ参道---雪 |
Shrine Road Where Nothing Piles Up — Snow | |
人肌の温もりが恋しくなる |
Despite being the season of longing for | |
BGM: 爛れ過ぎた平穏 〜 be motivated |
BGM: Decayed Tranquility ~ be motivated | |
Sese Kitsugai ENTERS | ||
Sese Kitsugai EXITS | ||
Yaorochi |
・・・結局あいつらコタツから出ようとしなかったな |
...In the end, it seems those guys chose to remain under the kotatsu. |
Sukune |
どうしゃすか? |
So what're we goin' to do now, |
Yaorochi |
こうなったら自分らで何とかするしかあるまい |
If things have come to this, we have no choice but to take action ourselves. |
Sukune |
ふがいない神主たちゃーのぉー |
Buncha cowardly excuses fer priestsh, chuu. |
??? |
ヘビってさぁ、うねうねしてるからさー |
Y'know, snakes are wiggly and all, so like... |
Yaorochi |
? |
? |
Sese Kitsugai ENTERS | ||
??? |
やっぱり骨なんて無いんだよね〜? |
They must not have any bones, right? |
Sukune |
うわ〜、无現里名物の天然ものだにょ〜 |
Uwah~. It's one of Mugenri's famous natural airheads, nyo~. |
Yaorochi |
・・・・お前、その頭の骨、どこで手に入れた? |
...Where exactly did you get that skull you're wearing? |
??? |
拾ったのよ〜、どこでかは忘れたけど |
I just picked it up! I forget where from, though. |
Yaorochi |
なるほど、お前が討ったわけではないのか |
I see. So it's not as if you slew its owner yourself. |
Sukune |
キミは何者だっちゃー? |
Who are ya, gyah? |
自分探し中の骸 |
A Corpse in Search of Themself | |
Sese |
セセだよー! 骨だよー! |
I'm Sese! I'm made of bones! |
Yaorochi |
骨集めが趣味と見える、墓荒しめ |
It seems that your hobby is bone-collecting. What a filthy little grave robber. |
Sese |
違うよっ! ハックツだよ! |
No, no! It's called excavation! |
Sukune |
ところでヤオロチさん、あのボウシって |
By the way, Yaorochi-san, where exactly did |
Yaorochi |
奴を弾けばいいだろう |
We can just shoot them down, and it'll be ours. |
BGM: ムクロマンサー 〜 抜け殻の夢 |
BGM: Cadaveromancer ~ Dream of an Empty Husk | |
Sese |
じゃぁ、セセが勝ったらその剣もらって良い? |
Then, if I win, can I take that cool sword? |
Yaorochi |
斬る |
Get cut. |
Sese Kitsugai DEFEATED | ||
Sese |
大人気ないな〜!! |
Ugh, you're so IMMATURE!! |
Yaorochi |
手を抜いたつもりだったんだがな |
Er, I was trying to go easy. |
Sese |
骨抜きにされたのはセセのほうだったかぁ〜 |
Looks like I'm the one who got de-boned in the end... |
Sukune |
あれ? 帽子とれないなぁ〜 |
Huh? This hat won't come off...! |
Sese |
首がとれそぉ〜〜〜 |
You're gonna pull my head ooooffff~! |
Yaorochi |
・・・・・ほどほどにな |
...Be gentle, now. |
Stage 2[edit | edit source]
堅氷に鎖された川 |
A River Enchained by Ice | |
流水は結氷し難い |
Flowing water rarely freezes. | |
BGM: くぐもる冷気、鎮もる霊気 |
BGM: A Muffled Chill, a Subsiding Aura | |
Tsugumi Umatachi ENTERS | ||
Tsugumi Umatachi EXITS | ||
Yaorochi |
先ほどから妙な奴がいるな・・・ |
Someone strange has been tailing us for a while now... |
Sukune |
霊を追っかけてたんですかにぇ〜? |
Were they chasin' after the spirits, nyeh~? |
Yaorochi |
どうも霊を利用してる奴がいるみたいだな |
It seems as if someone wants to make use of those spirits. |
??? |
あっ、お前っ! さっきから邪魔しおって!! |
Gah! You two! You've been gettin' in my way fer TOO LONG! |
Tsugumi Umatachi ENTERS | ||
Yaorochi |
・・・随分と随分だな.... |
I... that's certainly... something? |
??? |
牛ちゃうわ! 馬やっ!! |
Like hell it would be a cow! It's a HORSE!! |
Sukune |
季節がメチャクチャだぎゃ〜 |
You've got the seasons totally messed up, gyah... |
Yaorochi |
メチャクチャさを指摘してたらキリがないな |
If we start pointing out things that are messed up, we'll be here all day. |
??? |
うるさいやっちゃー! ボケー! |
Would you just shaddup already?! MORONS! |
Sukune |
君も霊を集めてるにょー? |
You're gathering these spirits too, nyo? |
茄子を綾なす騎手 |
Eggplant-Decorating Jockey | |
Tsugumi |
遊びじゃないがね 仕事や仕事! |
Yeah, but not for fun. This is work, ya know! WORK! |
Yaorochi |
お前単独の仕事ではなさそうだな・・・ |
It's unlikely that you're working alone... |
Tsugumi |
誰が言うか! |
Like I would tell ya! |
Sukune |
むっ! "蛇"は余計だっ! |
Geez! The "snake" part was unnecessary! |
Yaorochi |
そこだけが事実だったんだがな・・・ |
That was the only factual part, but moving on... |
BGM: ゲットレディー号 〜 to_run_around! |
BGM: Get Ready... Go! ~ to run around! | |
Tsugumi |
とにかく、お前らの霊、置いてってもらおうか! |
Anyway, drop those spirits already! |
Yaorochi |
まぁこっちも、お前の体に聞きたいことがある |
Well, all right. I have some things I'd like to ask you, too. |
Sukune |
ヤオロチはん怖いにょ〜♪ |
Yaorochi-han sure is scary, nyo~. ♪ |
Tsugumi Umatachi DEFEATED | ||
Tsugumi |
アンフェアや! |
That was unfair! |
Yaorochi |
宿禰一人でもう一回やるか? |
Would you like to go another round against just Sukune? |
Sukune |
え〜、いやですよ〜、疲れるにょ〜 |
Wha~at? I don't wanna~. I'll be exhausted, nyo~. |
Tsugumi |
もう走れなくなってしもうた・・・ |
My poor horse can't run any more, either... |
Yaorochi |
・・・・・そもそもそっちは後ろなんだがな |
....It's facing backwards to begin with, but whatever. |
Stage 3[edit | edit source]
巨人の隠れ穴 |
The Giant's Burrow | |
季節はずれの幽霊達は |
Until the hole in the barrier is sealed, | |
BGM: フォーリンゴースト |
BGM: Falling Ghost | |
Fujiwara no Iyozane ENTERS | ||
Fujiwara no Iyozane EXITS | ||
Yaorochi |
随分と深くまで来たな・・・ |
We've gone quite deep by now... |
Sukune |
いい感じの土やら岩やらがごろごろしてて |
There's a ton of nice dirt an' rocks around here. |
Yaorochi |
・・・"スクネ"なだけにか? |
...Perhaps a kunekune, to be precise? |
Sukune |
ん? ヤオロチしゃん、何か言ったにょ〜? |
Hm? Yaorochi-shan, didja say something~? |
Yaorochi |
・・・・・・・・・・・・ |
........... |
??? |
おぉ〜、寒いね〜〜 |
Woah, talk about a cold reception out there! |
Yaorochi |
・・・何がだ? |
...Of what? |
Fujiwara no Iyozane ENTERS | ||
??? |
みなまで言ったほうがいいのかな? |
Maybe you should try explaining that joke to your audience again? |
Yaorochi |
結構、すでに充分傷ついてるんでね |
No thank you. My pride is wounded enough already. |
Sukune |
あっ、どっかで見たと思ったら、 |
Ah! See, I thought ya looked familiar. |
時代錯誤の野心家 |
Anachronistic Ambitious Person | |
Iyozane |
おぉ、宿禰か! |
Ohh, Sukune! |
Yaorochi |
顔見知りとはな |
My, you two know each other? |
Sukune |
あの石笛、僕が創ったんだぎゃ〜 |
I made that stone flute they're holdin', gyah~. |
Iyozane |
大切に使わせてもらってるよ、 |
I'm using it with great care. |
Yaorochi |
『小枝』とは、中々良いものを持っているな |
Is that the Saeda? Quite the nice find you've got there. |
Iyozane |
流石は八岐大蛇、博識でいらっしゃる |
How knowledgeable of you! Though I suppose that's only to be expected of Yamata-no-Orochi. |
Yaorochi |
どうやらそちらも色々詳しいようだがな |
Seems you're rather well-informed about things yourself, though. |
Sukune |
むー、なんかのけ者・・・ |
Muu~. I'm kind of getting left out... |
Iyozane |
出世の準備♪ |
I'm on the road to success. ♪ |
Yaorochi |
出世? |
Success? As in your career? |
Iyozane |
私はこれから関白になるのさ〜♪ |
I'm going to become the Emperor's chief advisor~. ♪ |
Sukune |
へぇ〜! 随分と偉くなられて・・・ |
Hu~h! You're gonna be quite the bigwig, aren't you... |
Yaorochi |
時代錯誤だがな |
Don't you think that's a bit of an anachronistic role? |
Iyozane |
新たな皇がいれば、問題ないことさ |
Nope! Once we've got a new emperor, there'll be no problem. |
Yaorochi |
なるほど、狙いは分かった。 |
Ah, I see. I understand what you're planning now. |
BGM: 幽暗海峡ヨーソロー |
BGM: In the Gloomy Straits, Steady as She Goes | |
Iyozane |
なら、君達が儀式の邪魔だってのも、 |
And so you also understand that you two will be |
Sukune |
おぉう? 何か良くわからんじょ〜 |
Ooooh? That sure sounds like something I don't get, jyo~. |
Yaorochi |
最近になって初めて知ったんだが、 |
I only learned this recently, but as it just so happens, |
Iyozane |
そうはさせないさ! |
Like I would let you! |
Fujiwara no Iyozane DEFEATED | ||
Iyozane |
強いな〜、二人とも・・・ |
Yeesh, you two sure are strong... |
Sukune |
フジさん、何するつもりだったん? |
Fuji-san, what were you plannin' on doing exactly? |
Yaorochi |
行くぞ宿禰、一応急いだほうが良さそうだ |
Let's go, Sukune. It seems like moving swiftly would be in our best interest. |
Sukune |
あ〜れ〜、話聞かなくていいんですかい? |
Huu~uuuhh~? We're not gonna listen to what they hafta say? |
Yaorochi |
話は済んだ |
We've heard enough. |
Iyozane |
まぁ行くがいいさ・・・どうせさっきの奴等も |
Well, fine, go on ahead... It's not like that |
Yaorochi |
・・・誰か先に来ているのか |
...Someone else arrived before us? |
Sukune |
フジさん、元気でにょ〜♪ |
Fuji-san, take care~! ♪ |
Stage 4[edit | edit source]
結氷が産みし洞窟 |
The Cavern From Which Frost is Born | |
滝壺の奥には大きな洞窟が |
Deep beyond the waterfall basin, a giant | |
BGM: それぞれの思惑と足跡 |
BGM: Each of Their Thoughts and Footprints | |
Yaorochi |
寒いなぁ・・・氷だらけじゃないか |
It's so cold... There's nothing but ice in here. |
Sukune |
氷で埴輪つくりましょーか? |
How's about we make some haniwas out of ice? |
Yaorochi |
もはやそれは土器職人の範疇外じゃないか...? |
Isn't that already far outside of a clay potter's scope...? |
Sukune |
じゃあカマクラつくりましょーか? |
How 'bout a kamakura igloo, then? |
Yaorochi |
それは雪で作るもんだろ・・・・っと |
Those are made of snow... |
Sukune |
お、ホントですねー |
Oh, there really is! |
??? #1 |
! おい、止まれ |
Hey! Stop right there! |
??? #2 |
なんだ? また何か.... |
Huh? What's going on there....... |
Sukune |
あー、いつかの悪党だにゃー |
Ah, it's the scoundrel from last time, nyah. |
Kuroji Shitodo ENTERS | ||
Kuroji |
久しぶりだな |
It's been a long time. |
Yaorochi |
鵐の黒い奴か・・・それともう一人は・・・ |
It's the black Shitodo... and they're accompanied by... |
Adagumo no Saragimaru ENTERS | ||
??? |
・・・・・ |
.... |
Kuroji |
あぁ、どうやらお腹の具合がアレなみたいでな、 |
Ah, them. Apparently they're just feeling sick. |
Sukune |
む〜、秘密なのかぁ? |
Mmm~, are they keepin' a secret? |
Yaorochi |
まぁ別に興味ないがな、 |
Well, I'm not that interested anyway. |
Kuroji |
なぁに、単なるビジネスさ |
Oh, just a little business. |
Sukune |
まだ金に困ってるんだにゃ? |
Are ya still hurtin' for cash, nyah? |
Kuroji |
どっかの無名どもを倒しても |
Yes. As it turns out, defeating a couple of nobodies out |
Yaorochi |
相変わらず器の小さいやつだ |
They're as small-hearted as ever. |
Kuroji |
蛇ごときに龍の器が測れるものなのかな? |
Can a mere snake truly comprehend the size of a dragon's heart? |
Yaorochi |
・・・・・煽り文句も陳腐なもんだな |
...And it seems that your fighting words are just as stale. |
Kuroji |
陳腐な奴には、陳腐な煽りがお似合いさ |
Stale words fit for a stale old reptile! |
Sukune |
にゅーっ! いい加減にしないと怒るじょー!! |
Nyooooh! If you don't can it I'm really gonna get mad, jyo~!! |
Yaorochi |
もういい、斬れば減らず口も減るだろう |
Enough. Cutting you down should spare us your drivel. |
??? |
・・・・・! |
....! |
Kuroji |
『ほざいてないでさっさとかかって来い、 |
"Quit flappin' your gums and come at us already, |
??? |
・・・・・っ!! |
.....!! |
Yaorochi |
いい度胸だな |
You have some nerve. |
Sukune |
なんか可哀相なヒトだっちょ |
I kinda feel bad for them, whoever they are. |
BGM: キープザヒストリー |
BGM: Keep the History | |
Kuroji |
さ〜て、うるさいものには蓋を、だな |
We~ell then. Anything quarrelsome should be swept under the rug, as they say! |
Yaorochi |
少し違うが、今はそれが正しく思えるな |
You mean "troublesome", but right now, that sounds appropriate. |
Sukune |
耳栓つけちゃるじょ! |
Lemme plug up yer ears! |
Kuroji Shitodo AND Adagumo no Saragimaru DEFEATED | ||
Kuroji |
あっ、アイツ逃げやがった |
Ah. Looks like what's-their-name ran off. |
Yaorochi |
・・・一体何者だったんだ? |
...Who was that, in the end? |
Sukune |
ずっと顔を隠して戦ってましたね、 |
They were hidin' their face for the entire fight! |
Yaorochi |
奴がまともに戦ってたら、 |
If they had bothered to fight seriously, maybe the |
Kuroji |
どうやらこれ以上戦うのは意味がなさそうだ |
I suppose there's no point in fighting any further. |
Sukune |
クロジにゃんはアレが誰なのか |
Kuroji-nyan, who was that? |
Kuroji |
教えてもいいが、高いぞ? |
I can, but the price is high, you know? |
Yaorochi |
・・・止めておこう |
...Let's not ask. |
Sukune |
何で負けたのに偉そうなんじゃろね? |
Why're you bein' so bossy even though you lost? |
Kuroji |
フェアじゃない戦いに勝敗は存在しないからさ |
There's no such thing as victory or defeat if the fight's unfair to begin with. |
Yaorochi |
負けた奴が言っても虚しいだけだがな・・・ |
That just sounds hollow, coming from the loser's mouth... |
Stage 5[edit | edit source]
禊道〜魂の通り |
Road of Misogi ~ Spirits' Crossing | |
洞窟を進んでいると、 |
After proceeding through the cave, the | |
BGM: 夢に忘れた尊き蛍火 |
BGM: Sacred Fireflies, Forgotten in Dreams | |
Fujiwara no Iyozane ENTERS | ||
Iyozane |
あっ、もう来たのか! |
Ah, so you've came! |
Sukune |
あー! イヨさんだぎゃー、しつこいにょ〜 |
Oh! It's Iyo-san. Y'really are persistent, nyoh~. |
Yaorochi |
いつの間にか追い抜かれてたか |
They overtook us at some point, did they? |
Iyozane |
少し予定が狂ってるみたいだから、 |
It looks like our plan's gone a little off-kilter, |
Fujiwara no Iyozane DEFEATED | ||
Sukune |
ところで八尾呂智さん、フジイヨさんは何を |
By the way, Yaorochi-san, whattdya think |
Yaorochi |
おそらく・・・・・ |
Most likely... |
Sukune |
昔の魂ですかにょ・・・? |
An ancient spirit, nyo...? |
Yaorochi |
しないさ、この先ずっとな |
It won't. Not now, and not ever in the future. |
Sukune |
そりゃ可哀相にゃ〜 |
Aw. The poor thing, nyah~. |
Yaorochi |
悪例は他にも腐るほどある、 |
You can find unfortunate cases like that just about anywhere. |
Sukune |
あぁ・・・そういえばそうでしたのぅ |
Ahh... Now that you mention it, yeah... |
??? |
話をしてるところ悪いんだが・・・ |
Hey, sorry to butt into your conversation... |
Sukune |
おぅ〜? |
Oh~? |
Taira no Fumikado ENTERS | ||
??? |
今立て込んでるから、帰ってくれないかなー? |
But we're a little busy right now, so could you maybe leave? |
Yaorochi |
さっきの藤原の仲間か |
Are you in league with the Fujiwara from earlier? |
??? |
伊代真を退けてここまで来たのか? |
You struck down Iyozane to get all the way here? |
Sukune |
ワラザネさんの友達なのにゃ〜 |
I'm friends with Warazane-san, nyah~! |
??? |
? なんだこのヘンテコ埴輪は? |
Hm? Who's this weird haniwa? |
Yaorochi |
ただの置物だ、気にするな |
They're just for decoration. Don't worry about them. |
Sukune |
それはひどいにゃ〜、オロチンさん♪ |
Aw, that was so mean, Orochin-san! ♪ |
Yaorochi |
・・・・・ |
.... |
??? |
まぁなんだか知らないが、お引取りしてもらう |
Well, not sure I follow, but I'll be having you leave now. |
Yaorochi |
『平将門』・・・・狙いはそれだろ? |
"Taira no Masakado"... That's what your aim is, right? |
新帝の盃 |
The Vessel for the New Emperor | |
Fumikado |
へぇ〜、良く分かったな・・・ |
Heh~. You figured that out pretty quick... |
Sukune |
ぼくぁ初耳だひゃ〜 |
Firsht I've heard of it~. |
Yaorochi |
どうやら当たりだったみたいだな |
Looks like my guess was right on the money. |
Fumikado |
大した推理力だな、伊達にうねうねしてないな |
Pretty good deductive skills you've got! Ya don't beat around the bush, either. |
Sukune |
ついでにヌルヌルしますぎゃ〜 |
They do slither around the bush a lot, though~! |
Yaorochi |
デタラメを言うな・・・ |
Don't say such nonsense... |
Fumikado |
将門公の母君は大蛇だったと聞くが |
You know, I heard that Lord Masakado's mother was a giant snake too, |
Yaorochi |
関係ないな、血縁で言えば俺との繋がりは薄い |
That has nothing to do with me. If we're talking bloodlines, he and I are only distantly connected. |
Fumikado |
"都"を落とす |
Destroying the capital city. |
Yaorochi |
・・・・・ |
..... |
Sukune |
いひゃ〜! 大胆だっちゅーにょ! |
Wahh~! How bold, nyo~! |
Fumikado |
権力をあるべき場所に還すだけのこと、 |
I'm simply restoring the royal authority to its rightful place. |
Yaorochi |
外の歴史と同じ道を歩むことになるかも知れんぞ? |
Don't come crying to me if you end up retreading the outside world's history. |
Fumikado |
こんどは違う、この体・・・鬼の体と平家の血 |
This time is different. This body... is an oni's body with Taira family blood. |
Fumikado |
『鉄身』をも超えるこの"器"を親皇に捧げる |
This "vessel" surpasses even Masakado's legendary iron body. By offering |
Yaorochi |
ホムンクルスなのか、どうりで妙な瞳を持っている |
So you're a homunculus? No wonder your eyes are so strange. |
Fumikado |
欲を言えば闡裡の瞳が欲しかったところだが、 |
Honestly, I would've liked to get my hands on the Eye of Senri, |
Sukune |
闡裡の瞳? なんじゃらほい? |
Eye of Senri? Whassat? |
Yaorochi |
あの神社にそんなものがあるのか? |
Does that shrine even have anything like that? |
Fumikado |
知らんならいい、蛇と埴輪程度じゃ |
If you don't know, you don't need to. As long as you understand that |
Yaorochi |
・・・・さて。何のことだか? |
....Well now. What ever could you be referring to? |
BGM: ムーンチャイルド 〜 Homunculus Dream |
BGM: Moon Child ~ Homunculus Dream | |
Sukune |
分かりましぇんね〜♪ |
I sure as heck dunno~. ♪ |
Fumikado |
あくまで抗うか、どんな信念の下で私と闘う? |
You still defy me? What kind of conviction would drive you to fight me? |
Yaorochi |
信念など無い、という信念の下だ |
A conviction in not having any strong conviction. |
Fumikado |
どうやら、面倒事は避けられなさそうだね |
Looks like there's no sidestepping this particular nuisance. |
Sukune |
ごめんにゃー♪ |
Sorry, nyah~. ♪ |
Fumikado |
まぁ親皇の為に、磨き上げたこの体の |
Well, all right. I've honed this body to perfection for the True Emperor; |
Yaorochi |
アイドリングで終わりにしてやろう |
How about we finish things with that "warm-up"? |
Fumikado |
終わるのはお前らの命運だっ! |
Your fate is what's gonna be finished! |
Taira no Fumikado DEFEATED | ||
Fumikado |
くぅ〜、流石に二人相手はキツかったか・・・ |
Kuuhh~. I guess two on one was pretty tough after all... |
Yaorochi |
大した奴だな、一人でよく戦う |
You were quite the opponent. Even on your own, you fight well. |
Sukune |
結構キツかったでしゅな〜 |
Yeah! You were definitely tough, yanno~. |
Fumikado |
はぁ、まぁいいや・・・ |
*Sigh*. Well, whatever... |
Yaorochi |
どうも上手くいってなかったみたいだな |
It seems that things didn't go too well for you. |
Fumikado |
"アレ"の始末はお前らに任せることにするか |
I guess I can just let you guys deal with that thing afterwards? |
Sukune |
おや、何か面倒を押し付けられたっぽいじょ〜 |
Ooh, it looks like we just got somethin' real obnoxious foisted on us~. |
Yaorochi |
構想と経過の観測を怠るから、 |
You neglected to plan things out or observe your progress properly. |
Sukune |
・・・・・・ |
..... |
Fumikado |
ちぇ・・・・言わせといてやるよ |
Tch... Go ahead an' say whatever you want. |
Yaorochi |
ん? どうした、宿禰 |
Hm? What's wrong, Sukune? |
Sukune |
んや、都合の悪いことを忘れるのが得意だな〜 |
Nyah, I was just thinkin' that a certain someone is real good |
Yaorochi |
どういうことだ? |
What's that supposed to mean? |
Sukune |
なんでもないですにゃ♪ 節穴オロチンさん♪ |
Aw, nothin' at all~. ♪ Blind lil' Orochin-san~. ♪ |
Yaorochi |
・・・・・ |
..... |
Final Stage[edit | edit source]
木枯れの園 〜往き着く場所〜 |
Withered Grove ~Place of Arrival~ | |
色を失った花。 |
A flower that lost its color. | |
BGM: アフターオール |
BGM: After All | |
Sukune |
うんにゃ〜、何かおかしな所に来ちゃったぎゃ〜 |
Unya~h. Looks like we've arrived in a strange place, gyah~. |
Yaorochi |
異様な存在感がある花だな・・・ |
That flower has a truly bizarre strength of presence... |
Sukune |
そんで、あそこで寝てる子は誰っちゅーの? |
An' there's a kid sleepin' over there. Who'dya think they are? |
Yaorochi |
知らんが、たぶんさっきのホムンクルスが言ってた |
I have no idea, but I'd assume it's the "thing" |
??? |
ほぁ〜・・・ |
Hwaa~h... |
Sukune |
起きたっちゃ |
They woke up. |
Shion ENTERS | ||
??? |
・・・キミらはだれ〜? |
...Who are you~? |
Yaorochi |
誰がそんな汚い真似をするか |
Goodness, no. Who would do something so awful? |
Sukune |
そんな非道いことする奴、 |
I've never seen anyone who'd |
??? |
あは〜、キミ達は妙なニオイがするね〜 |
Ahah~. You two certainly have a strange smell~. |
Sukune |
! 臭くにゃい! 臭くにゃーいっ! |
...! I don't stink, nyah! I don't, nyah! |
Yaorochi |
おちつけ、まだクサイとは言ってないだろ・・・ |
Calm down. They didn't say you smelt bad... |
Sukune |
ちゃんと殺菌消臭しちょるもぉん・・・ |
I'm totally dis'nfected an' deodorized... |
??? |
ヌルヌルの方は奇麗なニオイだね、 |
The slimy one smells strangely clean. |
Yaorochi |
・・・・ヌルヌルって誰のことだ? |
...Who're you calling slimy? |
Sukune |
認めましょ〜よ、オロチンは〜ん♪ |
They're obviously talkin' about yo~ou, Orochin-ha~an. ♪ |
??? |
埴輪のキミも違う意味で純粋だね、 |
And you, little haniwa. You smell pure in a different way. |
Sukune |
・・・バカって誰のことだぎゃ? |
...Who're ya callin' a fool, gyah? |
Yaorochi |
認めろよ、バカ |
They are obviously talking about you, fool. |
??? |
いいニオイだね〜、うっとりしちゃう・・・ |
You two smell really nice~. I'm getting entranced... |
Sukune |
そうだぎゃ! いい臭いだぎゃ! |
Yeah, that's right, gyah! I smell great, gyah! |
Yaorochi |
さっきから何の話がしたいのか、 |
I'm not quite sure what you're getting at |
??? |
別に、意図なんてないよ? |
I'm not trying to "get at" anything? |
Sukune |
キミは何者なんだぎゃ? さっきのヒトのお仲間? |
What are ya, gyah? Are ya friends with that person from earlier? |
??? |
さっきのって緑髪の? たぶん違うよ |
You mean the green-haired one? Probably not. |
Yaorochi |
この花から産まれたのか・・・? |
So you were born from this flower...? |
総体から産まれし個体 |
An Individual Born from the Aggregate | |
Shion |
『ハルジオン』 |
A "Harujion". |
Sukune |
ハルジオン・・・なんか聞いたことあるようなぁ〜 |
Harujion... I feel like I've heard about that som'where before~? |
Yaorochi |
幻の花『ハルジオン』、周辺の生物から生命力を |
The legendary flower, "Harujion". It absorbs life force from all the living |
Shion |
毎回咲く場所が不特定だけど、 |
It blooms in a different place every time, |
Sukune |
あぁ! 思い出ちました、 |
Ahh! I remembered! |
Yaorochi |
その効力の強さゆえ、悪用・乱用を防ぐために |
Since it's so powerful, the Senri morons were supposed to |
Shion |
咲いちゃった♪ |
It already bloomed! ♪ |
Sukune |
役に立たない奴等じゃ〜 |
Whadda buncha useless palookas. |
Yaorochi |
しかし何故だ? ハルジオンが新たな生命を |
But why this? I never heard anything about the |
Shion |
だよね、どうやらこのハルジオンはちょっと変な |
I know, right? It looks like this Harujion went |
Sukune |
変な〜? |
Weird~? |
Shion |
生命力と共に、死霊も吸収しちゃったの |
It ate up a bunch of ghosts along with the life force. |
Yaorochi |
あぁ、さっきのホムンクルスの所為か |
Ah, that must be the homunculus's fault. |
Shion |
死者に生きてるモノの力を与えちゃ |
It's really, really bad to give a bunch of |
Sukune |
う〜ん? じゃあヤオロチはん、僕らもう |
Uhh? So what do we do now, Yaorochi-han? |
Yaorochi |
ここにいても寒さの根源を消すことは |
I agree. We can hardly eliminate the source of |
Shion |
えー、もう帰っちゃうの? 帰れると思ってるの? |
Eh, are you going back already? Do you seriously think I'll let you? |
Sukune |
思ってるじょ〜 |
We're thinkin' so~. |
Yaorochi |
お前は帰すつもりはないみたいだがな |
And you're thinking otherwise, I gather. |
Shion |
さっきのヒトには逃げられちゃったし・・・ |
That person who showed up before managed to escape from me... |
Shion |
君らのニオイを嗅いでたら |
And now that I've had a whiff of you two, |
Sukune |
食べられちゃうにょ!? オロチンさん可哀相・・・ |
You're gonna EAT us?! Poor Orochin-san... |
Yaorochi |
勝手に喰わすな |
Don't go feeding me to them, please. |
BGM: 縁から外れた名前 |
BGM: A Name Cast Off from Fate | |
Shion |
僕はただの幽霊じゃないみたいだよ |
It looks like I'm not your average ghost, though. |
Sukune |
別に苦しくないんにゃが・・・ |
I mean, mortal existence ain't really painful to begin with... |
Yaorochi |
話しても無駄だ、来るぞ |
It's no use talking, let's go. |
Shion |
ちゃんと呑み込んであげるよ、キミたちの全てを! |
I'll make sure to swallow you nice and properly. Every last little bit! |
Shion DEFEATED | ||
If player has continued | ||
If player has not continued and defeated Shion | ||
If player has not continued and lost all souls while fighting Shion | ||
Notes[edit | edit source]
- ↑ Original line: "It's giving me so much creative appetite, I'm feeling hungry!" (創造意欲が沸いてお腹がすくね〜 Souzou iyoku ga waite o-hara ga suku ne~). Yaorochi then pokes fun at the similarity between this phrasing and their name.