Book of the Cafe/Gameplay/Combat/Memory Archive

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The Memory Archive (記憶の書庫) is where the combat portion of the game can be accessed, along with the Quest and Postbox menus.

Overview[edit | edit source]

The main goal of all combat stages is to defeat all enemies within 20 turns. A battle is lost if all player units fall in battle; if 20 turns have passed without defeating all enemy units, all player units immediate get their health reduced to 0 and fall in battle, leading to a loss. While players are free to challenge any stage available in any order, the easy difficulty of a stage must be completed to unlock the normal difficulty variant, so on and so forth. Some Back Issue stages also require the player to have at least cleared the easy variant of the previous stage to move on to the next.

The following text can be seen by tapping the question mark (?) icon in the Memory Archive:


Memory Archive



●スタミナはステージを失敗しても消費しません! クリアした時のみ消費するので気楽にチャレンジしよー






It's finally here, the so-called story and combat part of the game.
● By clearing the entirety of "Evanescent Existence [Yabusame Houlen] Route" in the Back Issue Stages, you can obtain the S rank unit "Tsubakura enraku [EE]"! (Once after clearing it on Easy difficulty.)

● For now you can start by doing all the Daily stages and then move onto the Back Issue stages~.

● Stamina is not consumed if you fail a stage! It's only consumed when you manage to clear it so feel free to give it a go~!

● Due to various reasons, the story scenes are currently sealed off. The β version of the scenes will be added in a later update, along with the Unreal difficulty level.

● Stages with a specific unit requirement can not be played unless said unit is in your party. You can check who these unit(s) are by tapping the "!" mark next to the formation name.

● [Bombs] are specific skills that a unit can use without consuming MP or casting time.
 The number of bombs consumed differs depending on the skill and the number of bombs available each stage is predetermined.
 There are also stages where bombs are completely unavailable. A unit must have a Depth level of 01 or above to use bombs.

● When using a [Flash Bomb], a unit enters a "Flash Bomb Standby State" for a turn.
 If the unit is damaged during this state, they received reduced damage and perform a counter-attack.
 Depending on the skill, the counter-attack may not trigger if there are no targets within the skill's area of effect.
 Flash gauges are consumed to use flash bombs.
 The flash gauge automatically increases each turn, as well as with various actions.
 How many bars are needed varies with the skill.
 A unit must have a Depth level of 02 or above to use flash bombs.

● Skills with the [Homing] trait are used on specific enemy units.
 You can select your target by either tapping them directly on the stage, or by tapping their portrait on the right side of the screen.
 Homing skills hit their target no matter where they may move to.

Stamina[edit | edit source]

Each stage costs a certain amount of stamina to enter, although stamina is only consumed if the stage is successfully cleared. EXP and combat money are rewarded to the player proportionate to how much stamina was spent to enter the stage. Stamina can be recovered from the Stamina Recover Screen, which is accessible either by attempting to enter a stage with insufficient stamina, or by selecting the small plus (+) icon next to the stamina bar on the Memory Archive screen, stamina can be refilled up to 999 stamina points. At the start of the game you have 151 stamina points and stamina cap can be increased by leveling up your cafe, with max cap being 250 at level 100.

Stage Clear Rewards[edit | edit source]

All stages have a first-time clear reward of 50 ink gems, as well as a 1% chance of dropping a "1,000 Combat Unit EXP Card" every time clear. With the exception of the EXP and money daily stages, all combat stages have the following missions, which reward 30 ink gems each:

  • Clear without deaths.
  • Clear within 5 turns.
  • Clear within 10 turns.

Stage Pause Menu[edit | edit source]

By selecting the cog-like icon while in-combat, players can access the Stage Pause Menu, which options are as follows:

Menu Item Description
Give Up (あきらめる) End the battle immediately, the stage outcome is treated as a loss and consequently no stamina would be consumed.
Stage Information (ステージ情報) Review stage information, including clear conditions, stage effects, missions and enemy details.
Change Tactics (作戦変更) Change the tactics of all units.
Configuration (設定) Adjust BGM and SE volume.
Begin Auto-grind (自動周回開始) Begins auto-grind, in which the stage will be repeatedly challenged on auto-battle until either all stamina is consumed or a loss is occurs.

Types of Stages[edit | edit source]

Upon entering the archive, the following 6 options can be seen:

Left Options Right Options
Stage Type Explanation Stage Type Explanation
Main Story
The main story of Book of the Cafe. Daily Stages
Playable once per day to gain large amounts of EXP and money, as well as to obtain ZBCs, DISCs and Equipment Enhancement Items.
Sub Story
Currently Unavailable Event Stages
Acquire spell chips, spell enhancement items and other special event fights.
Back Issues
Re-experience the story of the Len'en series so far in the Book of the Cafe battle style, featuring commentary from NiLU and Tom C. Zemlja. (Only Evanescent Existence is currently available.) Memories of Fierce Battles
Challenge especially powerful fights.

Main Story Stages[edit | edit source]

Chapter 1[edit | edit source]

Stage Name Japanese Description English Translation Stamina Cost
Stage 1
?????? チュートリアルステージだよん It's the tutorial stage! Easy: 3
Normal: 4
Hard: 6
Unreal: 8
Dimesional Cave?: 01
本編スタートだよん It's the start of the main story!
Dimesional Cave?: 02
Dimesional Cave?: 03
Dimesional Cave?: 04
ステージ説明 Stage description.
Melanin in Black? ~ Colt Snake
(メラニンインブラック? ~ Colt Snake)

Back Issue Stages[edit | edit source]

Evanescent Existence: Yabusame Houlen's Route[edit | edit source]

The unit "Yabusame Houlen [EE]" is required for all battles in this section. In addition, the player is rewarded a "Tsubakura Enraku [EE]" unit for clearing the chapter on Easy for the first time. (If the unit is already owned, 100 Tsubakura Enraku [EE] unit discs are rewarded instead.)

Stage Name Japanese Description English Translation Stamina Cost
Stage 1
Dimensional Cavern ~D-Cavern~
Dimesional Cave: 01
最初のステージだ、がんばれ! It's the first stage, do your best! Easy: 3
Normal: 4
Hard: 6
Unreal: 8
Dimesional Cave: 02
敵が3体に増えたぞー The number of enemies has increased to three!
Dimesional Cave: 03
他よりちょっと強いやつがいるぞ! One of them is a bit stronger than the others!
Dimesional Cave: 04
さらに強い敵がふえたよー Even stronger enemies!
Melanin in Black ~ Colt Snake
(メラニンインブラック ~ Colt Snake)
ボス戦だー It's a boss battle
Stage 2
Spacetime Whirlpool ~Emancipation of Time~
Spacetime Whirlpool: 01
編成が変わったぞ!味方をニ体連れていけるよ〜 The formation has changed! You can now bring two allies~ Easy: 4
Normal: 6
Hard: 8
Unreal: 10
Spacetime Whirlpool: 02
敵が多いわ〜 Lots of enemies~
Spacetime Whirlpool: 03
今度は敵が少ないぞー This time there’s just a few enemies.
Spacetime Whirlpool: 04
Two man cellでいきましょう Let's do a two-man cell battle!
Churning Solid Diamond ~ Let's Joke!
(攪拌する剛体金剛 ~ Let's Joke!)
激闘、鵐アオキ!! A fierce battle against Aoki Shitodo!!
Stage 3
The One who Interferes and the One who Harvests ~Curious Encounter~
The One who Interferes and the One who Harvests: 01
味方を三体まで連れていけるぞ! 三体持ってない人はガチャろう! 墨石溜まってるでしょ!? You can bring three units with you! If you don't have three units, pull in the gacha! You have enough ink gems, right? Easy: 5
Normal: 8
Hard: 10
Unreal: 12
The One who Interferes and the One who Harvests: 02
敵がわらわら The enemies are swarming.
The One who Interferes and the One who Harvests: 03
こんな奴いたっけ? Were these things in the game?
The One who Interferes and the One who Harvests: 04
二対のモノクロ A monochrome duo.
In this World ~ Monochrome eye
(インディスワールド ~ Monochrome eye)
誰だお前!? Who in the heck are you!?
Stage 4
Fluctuating Existence ~Air Master!~
Fluctuating Existence: 01
四面だから四体までつれていけるようにしたよ Since this is the fourth stage, I'll let you bring four units. Easy: 8
Normal: 10
Hard: 12
Unreal: 15
Fluctuating Existence: 02
敵の数がふえたー The number of enemies has increased~
Fluctuating Existence: 03
もっとふえたー The number has increased even more~
Fluctuating Existence: 04
ザコが硬い! Pretty sturdy for a some trash mobs!
Air Master! ~ Soul Dualism
(エア・マスター! 〜 Soul Dualism)
えあますたー A i r M a s t e r
Stage 5
The Tower that Births the Sun, the Tower that Consumes the Sun ~Creation and Destruction~
The Tower that Births the Sun, the Tower that Consumes the Sun: 01
こっちは1体、むこうはうじゃうじゃ ボムなんて使用禁止だよ You got one unit, the enemy has you outnumbered, and no bombs allowed. Easy: 10
Normal: 12
Hard: 15
Unreal: 18
The Tower that Births the Sun, the Tower that Consumes the Sun: 02
今度はこっちは2体だ! けどボムは使用禁止だよ This time you can bring two units! But bombs still aren't allowed.
The Tower that Births the Sun, the Tower that Consumes the Sun: 03
まぁ次は3体だよね Now you can bring three units.
The Tower that Births the Sun, the Tower that Consumes the Sun: 04
はい4体 You guessed it, you get four units now.
End of History
決闘といきましょう Let's settle this with a duel.
Final Stage
The Bird of Sunrise that Casts a Shadow ~And the Opponent Dies~
The Bird of Sunrise that Casts a Shadow: 01
6面だし、6体つかえてもいいんじゃない? This is stage six, so why not bring six units? Easy: 12
Normal: 15
Hard: 18
Unreal: 20
The Bird of Sunrise that Casts a Shadow: 02
こんな奴らいたっけ? Am I supposed to know what these things are?
The Bird of Sunrise that Casts a Shadow: 03
いやいなかったやろ Well, I don't.
The Bird of Sunrise that Casts a Shadow: 04
増えんなや Now there's more of 'em!
Empire Power ~ Eternal Force
(エンパイアパワー 〜 Eternal Force)
特にコメントはないです I don't really have anything to say.
Extra Stage
The Land Outside Reality ~To the End of Time...~
The Land Outside Reality: 01
最大戦力でいってみよう You'll need all your fighting prowess for this. Easy: 14
Normal: 16
Hard: 18
Unreal: 20
The Land Outside Reality: 02
お前らまだ出てこんやろ Have all these guys shown up yet?
The Land Outside Reality: 03
なんやこいつら!? What's with these guys?!
The Land Outside Reality: 04
もうちょいでおしまい Almost there.
Eternal Dance Engine ~ Shall We Dance!!
(永劫舞踏機関 〜 Shall We Dance!!)
无現の頂点 The summit of unreality.

Evanescent Existence: Tsubakura Enraku's Route[edit | edit source]

The unit "Tsubakura Enraku [EE]" is required for all battles in this chapter.

Stage Name Japanese Description English Translation Stamina Cost
Stage 1
Dimensional Cavern ~D-Cavern~
Dimesional Cave: 01
玄鳥編かいしー Let the Tsubakura scenario commence. Easy: 3
Normal: 4
Hard: 6
Unreal: 8
Dimesional Cave: 02
敵が3体に増えたぞー The number of enemies has increased to three!
Dimesional Cave: 03
他よりちょっと強いやつがいるぞ! One of them is a bit stronger than the others!
Dimesional Cave: 04
さらに強い敵がふえたよー Even stronger enemies!
Melanin in Black ~ Colt Snake
(メラニンインブラック ~ Colt Snake)
ボス戦だー It's a boss battle
Stage 2
Spacetime Whirlpool ~Emancipation of Time~
Spacetime Whirlpool: 01
編成が変わったぞ!味方をニ体連れていけるよ〜 The formation has changed! You can now bring two allies~ Easy: 4
Normal: 6
Hard: 8
Unreal: 10
Spacetime Whirlpool: 02
敵が多いわ〜 Lots of enemies~
Spacetime Whirlpool: 03
今度は敵が少ないぞー This time there’s just a few enemies.
Spacetime Whirlpool: 04
Two man cellでいきましょう Let's do a two-man cell battle!
Churning Solid Diamond ~ Let's Joke!
(攪拌する剛体金剛 ~ Let's Joke!)
激闘、鵐アオキ!! A fierce battle against Aoki Shitodo!!
Stage 3
The One who Interferes and the One who Harvests ~Curious Encounter~
The One who Interferes and the One who Harvests: 01
味方を三体まで連れていけるぞ! 三体持ってない人はガチャろう! 人はガチャろう! You can bring three units with you! If you don't have three units, pull in the gacha! Humans are to gacha! Easy: 5
Normal: 8
Hard: 10
Unreal: 12
The One who Interferes and the One who Harvests: 02
敵がわらわら The enemies are swarming.
The One who Interferes and the One who Harvests: 03
こんな奴いたっけ? Were these things in the game?
The One who Interferes and the One who Harvests: 04
二対のモノクロ A monochrome duo.
Wings That Transcend Spacetime ~ M-Theory
(時空を越える翼 〜 M theory)
誰だお前!!!????? Who in the heck are YOU!!!?????
Stage 4
Fluctuating Existence ~Air Master!~
Fluctuating Existence: 01
四面だから四体までつれていけるようにしたよ Since this is the fourth stage, I'll let you bring four units. Easy: 8
Normal: 10
Hard: 12
Unreal: 15
Fluctuating Existence: 02
敵の数がふえたー The number of enemies has increased~
Fluctuating Existence: 03
もっとふえたー The number has increased even more~
Fluctuating Existence: 04
ザコが硬い! Pretty sturdy for a some trash mobs!
Air Master! ~ Soul Dualism
(エア・マスター! 〜 Soul Dualism)
えあますたー A i r M a s t e r
Stage 5
The Tower that Births the Sun, the Tower that Consumes the Sun ~Creation and Destruction~
The Tower that Births the Sun, the Tower that Consumes the Sun: 01
こっちは1体、むこうはうじゃうじゃ You got one unit and the enemy has you outnumbered. Easy: 10
Normal: 12
Hard: 15
Unreal: 18
The Tower that Births the Sun, the Tower that Consumes the Sun: 02
今度はこっちは2体だ! This time you can bring two units!
The Tower that Births the Sun, the Tower that Consumes the Sun: 03
まぁ次は3体だよね Now you can bring three units.
The Tower that Births the Sun, the Tower that Consumes the Sun: 04
はい4体 You guessed it, you get four units now.
End of History
決闘といきましょう Let's settle this with a duel.
Final Stage
The Bird of Sunrise that Casts a Shadow ~And the Opponent Dies~
The Bird of Sunrise that Casts a Shadow: 01
6面だし、6体つかえてもいいんじゃない? This is stage six, so why not bring six units? Easy: 12
Normal: 15
Hard: 18
The Bird of Sunrise that Casts a Shadow: 02
こんな奴らいたっけ? Am I supposed to know what these things are?
The Bird of Sunrise that Casts a Shadow: 03
いやいなかったやろ Well, I don't.
The Bird of Sunrise that Casts a Shadow: 04
増えんなや Now there's more of 'em!
Empire Power ~ Eternal Force
(エンパイアパワー 〜 Eternal Force)
特にコメントはないです I don't really have anything to say.
Extra Stage
The Land Outside Reality ~To the End of Time...~
The Land Outside Reality: 01
最大戦力でいってみよう You'll need all your fighting prowess for this. Easy: 14
Normal: 16
Hard: 18
Unreal: 20
The Land Outside Reality: 02
お前らまだ出てこんやろ Have all these guys shown up yet?
The Land Outside Reality: 03
なんやこいつら!? What's with these guys?!
The Land Outside Reality: 04
もうちょいでおしまい Almost there.
Eternal Dance Engine ~ Shall We Dance!!
(永劫舞踏機関 〜 Shall We Dance!!)
无現の頂点 The summit of unreality.

Event Stages[edit | edit source]

Currently, there are three event stages available:

Memories of Spells [Spell Chip Acquisition][edit | edit source]

Stage Name Japanese Description English Translation Easy & Normal Spell Chip Hard & Unreal Spell Chip Stamina Cost
Memory of [Fire/Flame]
スペルチップが入手できるといいね〜 I hope you get some spell chips~ Ig [All Slots] (Easy: 1% Normal: 3%) Crimson Lotus Sword [All Slots] (Hard: 1% Unreal: %3) Easy: 5
Normal: 10
Hard: 15
Unreal: 20
Memory of [Water/Ice]
スペルチップが入手できるといいね〜 I hope you get some spell chips~ Water Balloon [All Slots] (Easy: 1% Normal: 3%) Abrasive Jet [All Slots] (Hard: 1% Unreal: %3)
Memory of [Lightning/Thunder]
スペルチップが入手できるといいね〜 I hope you get some spell chips~ Thunder Shot [All Slots] (Easy: 1% Normal: 3%) Thunder God Sword [All Slots] (Hard: 1% Unreal: %3)
Memory of [Earth/Metal]
スペルチップが入手できるといいね〜 I hope you get some spell chips~ Hit Wit Rock [All Slots] (Easy: 1% Normal: 3%) Boulderbuss [All Slots] (Hard: 1% Unreal: %3)
Memory of [Wind/Explosion]
スペルチップが入手できるといいね〜 I hope you get some spell chips~ Electric Fan [All Slots] (Easy: 1% Normal: 3%) Air Cannon [All Slots] (Hard: 1% Unreal: %3)
Memory of [Phantom/Illusion]
スペルチップが入手できるといいね〜 I hope you get some spell chips~ Proton Gun [All Slots] (Easy: 1% Normal: 3%) Gensokick [All Slots] (Hard: 1% Unreal: %3)
Memory of [Light/Divine]
スペルチップが入手できるといいね〜 I hope you get some spell chips~ Mini-Light Bulb [All Slots] (Easy: 1% Normal: 3%) Charge Beam [All Slots] (Hard: 1% Unreal: %3)
Memory of [Dark/Nether]
スペルチップが入手できるといいね〜 I hope you get some spell chips~ Sneak Attack [All Slots] (Easy: 1% Normal: 3%) Poison Gas [All Slots] (Hard: 1% Unreal: %3)
Memory of [Null]
スペルチップが入手できるといいね〜 I hope you get some spell chips~ Karate Punch [All Slots] (Easy: 1% Normal: 3%) Double Swords [All Slots] (Hard: 1% Unreal: %3)

Memories of Spell Augmentation [Spell Enhancement Item Acquisition][edit | edit source]

Stage Name Japanese Description English Translation Easy Drop Rates Normal Drop Rates Hard Drop Rates Unreal Drop Rates Stamina Cost
Memory of [Strike]
スペル強化アイテムげっとー Get spell enhancement items~! Spell Enhancement Memory [1: Strike] ×5 (50%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [2: Strike] ×5 (50%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: Strike] ×5 (50%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [1: All] ×1 (10%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [2: All] ×1 (10%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: All] ×1 (10%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [1: Strike] ×5 (100%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [1: Strike] ×10 (50%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [1: Strike] ×15 (10%)
Enhancement Memory [2: Strike] ×5 (10%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: Strike] ×5 (10%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [1: All] ×1 (20%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [2: All] ×1 (20%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: All] ×1 (20%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [1: Strike] ×5 (100%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [2: Strike] ×5 (100%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [2: Strike] ×10 (50%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [2: Strike] ×15 (10%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: Strike] ×5 (10%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [1: All] ×1 (50%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [2: All] ×1 (50%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: All] ×1 (50%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [1: Strike] ×5 (100%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [2: Strike] ×5 (100%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: Strike] ×10 (100%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: Strike] ×10 (50%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: Strike] ×20 (10%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [1: All] ×1 (100%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [2: All] ×1 (100%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: All] ×1 (100%)
Easy: 5
Normal: 10
Hard: 15
Unreal: 20
Memory of [Slash]
スペル強化アイテムげっとー Get spell enhancement items~! Spell Enhancement Memory [1: Slash] ×5 (50%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [2: Slash] ×5 (50%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: Slash] ×5 (50%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [1: All] ×1 (10%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [2: All] ×1 (10%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: All] ×1 (10%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [1: Slash] ×5 (100%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [1: Slash] ×10 (50%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [1: Slash] ×15 (10%)
Enhancement Memory [2: Slash] ×5 (10%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: Slash] ×5 (10%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [1: All] ×1 (20%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [2: All] ×1 (20%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: All] ×1 (20%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [1: Slash] ×5 (100%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [2: Slash] ×5 (100%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [2: Slash] ×10 (50%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [2: Slash] ×15 (10%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: Slash] ×5 (10%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [1: All] ×1 (50%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [2: All] ×1 (50%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: All] ×1 (50%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [1: Slash] ×5 (100%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [2: Slash] ×5 (100%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: Slash] ×10 (100%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: Slash] ×10 (50%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: Slash] ×20 (10%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [1: All] ×1 (100%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [2: All] ×1 (100%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: All] ×1 (100%)
Memory of [Shot]
スペル強化アイテムげっとー Get spell enhancement items~! Spell Enhancement Memory [1: Shot] ×5 (50%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [2: Shot] ×5 (50%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: Shot] ×5 (50%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [1: All] ×1 (10%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [2: All] ×1 (10%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: All] ×1 (10%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [1: Shot] ×5 (100%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [1: Shot] ×10 (50%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [1: Shot] ×15 (10%)
Enhancement Memory [2: Shot] ×5 (10%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: Shot] ×5 (10%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [1: All] ×1 (20%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [2: All] ×1 (20%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: All] ×1 (20%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [1: Shot] ×5 (100%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [2: Shot] ×5 (100%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [2: Shot] ×10 (50%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [2: Shot] ×15 (10%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: Shot] ×5 (10%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [1: All] ×1 (50%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [2: All] ×1 (50%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: All] ×1 (50%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [1: Shot] ×5 (100%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [2: Shot] ×5 (100%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: Shot] ×10 (100%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: Shot] ×10 (50%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: Shot] ×20 (10%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [1: All] ×1 (100%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [2: All] ×1 (100%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: All] ×1 (100%)
Memory of [Magic]
スペル強化アイテムげっとー Get spell enhancement items~! Spell Enhancement Memory [1: Magic] ×5 (50%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [2: Magic] ×5 (50%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: Magic] ×5 (50%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [1: All] ×1 (10%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [2: All] ×1 (10%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: All] ×1 (10%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [1: Magic] ×5 (100%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [1: Magic] ×10 (50%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [1: Magic] ×15 (10%)
Enhancement Memory [2: Magic] ×5 (10%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: Magic] ×5 (10%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [1: All] ×1 (20%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [2: All] ×1 (20%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: All] ×1 (20%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [1: Magic] ×5 (100%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [2: Magic] ×5 (100%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [2: Magic] ×10 (50%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [2: Magic] ×15 (10%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: Magic] ×5 (10%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [1: All] ×1 (50%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [2: All] ×1 (50%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: All] ×1 (50%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [1: Magic] ×5 (100%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [2: Magic] ×5 (100%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: Magic] ×10 (100%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: Magic] ×10 (50%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: Magic] ×20 (10%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [1: All] ×1 (100%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [2: All] ×1 (100%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: All] ×1 (100%)
Memory of [Science]
スペル強化アイテムげっとー Get spell enhancement items~! Spell Enhancement Memory [1: Science] ×5 (50%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [2: Science] ×5 (50%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: Science] ×5 (50%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [1: All] ×1 (10%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [2: All] ×1 (10%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: All] ×1 (10%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [1: Science] ×5 (100%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [1: Science] ×10 (50%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [1: Science] ×15 (10%)
Enhancement Memory [2: Science] ×5 (10%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: Science] ×5 (10%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [1: All] ×1 (20%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [2: All] ×1 (20%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: All] ×1 (20%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [1: Science] ×5 (100%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [2: Science] ×5 (100%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [2: Science] ×10 (50%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [2: Science] ×15 (10%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: Science] ×5 (10%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [1: All] ×1 (50%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [2: All] ×1 (50%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: All] ×1 (50%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [1: Science] ×5 (100%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [2: Science] ×5 (100%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: Science] ×10 (100%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: Science] ×10 (50%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: Science] ×20 (10%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [1: All] ×1 (100%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [2: All] ×1 (100%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: All] ×1 (100%)
Memory of [Tricks]
スペル強化アイテムげっとー Get spell enhancement items~! Spell Enhancement Memory [1: Tricks] ×5 (50%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [2: Tricks] ×5 (50%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: Tricks] ×5 (50%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [1: All] ×1 (10%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [2: All] ×1 (10%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: All] ×1 (10%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [1: Tricks] ×5 (100%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [1: Tricks] ×10 (50%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [1: Tricks] ×15 (10%)
Enhancement Memory [2: Tricks] ×5 (10%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: Tricks] ×5 (10%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [1: All] ×1 (20%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [2: All] ×1 (20%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: All] ×1 (20%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [1: Tricks] ×5 (100%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [2: Tricks] ×5 (100%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [2: Tricks] ×10 (50%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [2: Tricks] ×15 (10%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: Tricks] ×5 (10%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [1: All] ×1 (50%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [2: All] ×1 (50%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: All] ×1 (50%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [1: Tricks] ×5 (100%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [2: Tricks] ×5 (100%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: Tricks] ×10 (100%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: Tricks] ×10 (50%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: Tricks] ×20 (10%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [1: All] ×1 (100%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [2: All] ×1 (100%)
Spell Enhancement Memory [3: All] ×1 (100%)

Memories of Weapon Acquisition [Implant Acquisition][edit | edit source]

Stage Name Japanese Description English Translation Easy Rates Normal Rates Hard Rates Unreal Rates Stamina Cost
[General Purpose] Memories
You can get equipment~!
The higher the difficulty level, the higher the chance you'll got some!
Bullet A [Red] (25%)
Bullet B [Red] (25%)
Stage Skip Ticket
Bullet A [Red] (50%)
Bullet B [Red] (50%)
Bullet A [Red] (25%)
Bullet B [Red] (25%)
Stage Skip Ticket
Bullet A [Red] (100%)
Bullet B [Red] (100%)
Bullet A [Red] (50%)
Bullet B [Red] (50%)
Bullet A [Red] (25%)
Bullet B [Red] (25%)
Stage Skip Ticket
Bullet A [Red] x3 (20%)
Bullet B [Red] x3 (20%)
Bullet A [Red] x2 (50%)
Bullet B [Red] x2 (50%)
Bullet A [Red] (100%)
Bullet B [Red] (100%)
Bullet A [Red] (50%)
Bullet B [Red] (50%)
Bullet A [Red] (25%)
Bullet B [Red] (25%)
Stage Skip Ticket
Easy: 10
Normal: 15
Hard: 20
Unreal: 25

Recipe Events[edit | edit source]

Recipe Events (料理イベント) contains various stages that reward the player with new recipes and recipe enhancement gems. Clearing a stage on easy for the first time additionally rewards players with the stage recipe.

Stage Name Japanese Description English Translation Easy Rates Normal Rates Hard Rates Unreal Rates Stamina Cost
Memories of [Straight From the Farm: Vegetable Sticks DX]
You can get recipes and their enhancment items here~!
The higher the difficulty the better the rewards!
Straight From the Farm: Vegetable Sticks DX [Enhancement Gem] (100%)
Recipe Enhancement Gem [General] (1%)
Straight From the Farm: Vegetable Sticks DX [Enhancement Gem] x3 (100%)
Recipe Enhancement Gem [General] (5%)
Straight From the Farm: Vegetable Sticks DX [Enhancement Gem] x6 (100%)
Straight From the Farm: Vegetable Sticks DX [Enhancement Gem] x3 (50%)
Recipe Enhancement Gem [General] (20%)
Straight From the Farm: Vegetable Sticks DX [Enhancement Gem] x10 (100%)
Straight From the Farm: Vegetable Sticks DX [Enhancement Gem] x6 (50%)
Straight From the Farm: Vegetable Sticks DX [Enhancement Gem] x3 (30%)
Recipe Enhancement Gem [General] (50%)
Easy: 10
Normal: 20
Hard: 30
Unreal: 50

Seasonal Events[edit | edit source]

Seasonal Events (季節イベント) contains various seasonal events. Currently only one such event stage is available, the April Fools Event (四月馬鹿イベント) stage in Month of the Rabbit [April] (卯月[四月]). The stage awards the S rank unit Rei-kun upon first clear and a chance of obtaining their discs.

Stage Name Japanese Description English Translation Easy Rates Normal Rates Hard Rates Unreal Rates Stamina Cost
April Fools Event
ハッピーエイプリルフール!!!! Happy April Fools!!!! Rei-kun Disc x20 (5%) Rei-kun Disc x20 (8%) Rei-kun Disc x20 (14%) Rei-kun Disc x20 (20%) Easy: 10
Normal: 15
Hard: 20
Unreal: 25

It should be noted that the drops are multiplied by 5 times during April.

Daily Stages[edit | edit source]

Daily stages offer the chance to earn items needed to enhance combat units. They cost no stamina to enter but may normally only be entered once per day. Thus they do not normally offer EXP or money upon clearing the stage. In the case of the EXP and money stages, EXP and money rewards are given according to the number of enemies defeated.

Stage Name Japanese Description English Translation Easy Drop Rates Normal Drop Rates Hard Drop Rates Unreal Drop Rates
Memory of Experiences [Earn EXP]
Search and destroy.
The higher the difficulty level, the higher the enemies' HP is, so choose wisely!
100 Combat Unit EXP Cards x25 (100%)
Stage-Skip Ticket x1 (100%)
1,000 Combat Unit EXP Cards x7 (100%)
Stage-Skip Ticket x1 (100%)
5,000 Combat Unit EXP Cards x3 (100%)
Stage-Skip Ticket x1 (100%)
10,000 Combat Unit EXP Cards x3 (100%)
Stage-Skip Ticket x1 (100%)
Memory of Wealth [Raise Money]
The higher the difficulty level, the more money you earn, but it will also become harder!
Stage-Skip Ticket x1 (100%) Stage-Skip Ticket x1 (100%) Stage-Skip Ticket x1 (100%) Stage-Skip Ticket x1 (100%)
Memory of Mutation [ZBC Acquisition]
ZBCがちょっと入手できるぞー You can get some ZBCs! ZBC (Black) x1 (100%)
ZBC (Black) x1 (50%)
Stage-Skip Ticket x1 (100%)
ZBC (Black) x2 (100%)
ZBC (Black) x1 (50%)
ZBC (Black) x1 (25%)
Stage-Skip Ticket x1 (100%)
ZBC (Black) x3 (100%)
ZBC (Black) x1 (50%)
ZBC (Black) x1 (25%)
ZBC (Black) x1 (10%)
Stage-Skip Ticket x1 (100%)
ZBC (Black) x3 (100%)
ZBC (Black) x1 (75%)
ZBC (Black) x1 (50%)
ZBC (Black) x1 (25%)
ZBC (Red) x1 (19%)
Stage-Skip Ticket x1 (100%)
Memory of Augmentation [Disc Acquisition]
I hope you can get some discs!
The most efficient difficulty levels are as follows:
Easy if you want D and C.
Normal for B.
Hard for A
Unreal for S.
Unit Disc [D] x16
Unit Disc [C] x8
Unit Disc [B] x2
Unit Disc [A] x1
Unit Disc [S] x1
Stage-Skip Ticket x1
Unit Disc [D] x8
Unit Disc [C] x4
Unit Disc [B] x4
Unit Disc [A] x1
Unit Disc [S] x1
Stage-Skip Ticket x1
Unit Disc [D] x8
Unit Disc [C] x4
Unit Disc [B] x2
Unit Disc [A] x2
Unit Disc [S] x1
Stage-Skip Ticket x1
Unit Disc [D] x4
Unit Disc [C] x2
Unit Disc [B] x1
Unit Disc [A] x1
Unit Disc [S] x2
Stage-Skip Ticket x1
Memory of Weapons [Weapon Augmentation]
You can get equipment enhancement items here~!
The higher the difficulty the higher rank the items!
Weapon Enhancement Material [S] (100%)
Weapon Enhancement Material [S] (50%)
Weapon Enhancement Material [A] x3 (100%)
Weapon Enhancement Material [A] x3 (50%)
Stage-Skip Ticket x1 (100%)
Weapon Enhancement Material [S] x2 (100%)
Weapon Enhancement Material [S] (50%)
Weapon Enhancement Material [S] x2 (25%)
Weapon Enhancement Material [A] x5 (100%)
Weapon Enhancement Material [A] x3 (50%)
Weapon Enhancement Material [A] x5 (25%)
Stage-Skip Ticket x1 (100%)
Weapon Enhancement Material [S] x3 (100%)
Weapon Enhancement Material [S] (50%)
Weapon Enhancement Material [S] x2 (25%)
Weapon Enhancement Material [S] x3 (10%)
Weapon Enhancement Material [A] x8 (100%)
Weapon Enhancement Material [A] x3 (50%)
Weapon Enhancement Material [A] x5 (25%)
Weapon Enhancement Material [A] x8 (10%)
Stage-Skip Ticket x1 (100%)
Weapon Enhancement Material [S] x5 (100%)
Weapon Enhancement Material [S] (50%)
Weapon Enhancement Material [S] x2 (25%)
Weapon Enhancement Material [S] x3 (10%)
Weapon Enhancement Material [S] x5 (5%)
Weapon Enhancement Material [A] x10 (100%)
Weapon Enhancement Material [A] x3 (50%)
Weapon Enhancement Material [A] x5 (25%)
Weapon Enhancement Material [A] x8 (10%)
Weapon Enhancement Material [A] x10 (5%)
Stage-Skip Ticket x1 (100%)

It should be noted that instead of the mission "Clear within 10 tuns", the EXP and money stages instead have "Clear without anyone escaping" as the third stage mission.

Memories of Fierce Battles[edit | edit source]

Memories of Fierce Battles features especially difficult stages. However, they offer additional first-time clear rewards compared to other stages and can provide an additional source for implants.

Stage Name Japanese Description English Translation Rewards (Easy) Rewards (Normal) Rewards (Hard) Rewards (Unreal) Stamina Cost
Strong Kurohebi
Defeat strong Kurohebi!
Clearing this nets you special rewards and equipment implants!
First Clear Rewards
BCN Knife
Ink Gems x100
Unit Disc [D] x500
ZBC (Black) x3

BCN Knife (5%)
First Clear Rewards
BCN Knife x2
Ink Gems x100
Unit Disc [C] x500
ZBC (Black) x10

BCN Knife (20%)
BCN Knife (5%)
First Clear Rewards
BCN Knife x3
Ink Gems x100
Unit Disc [B] x500
ZBC (Red) x1
ZBC (Black) x20

BCN Knife (40%)
BCN Knife (20%)
BCN Knife (5%)
First Clear Rewards
BCN Knife x5
Ink Gems x100
Unit Disc [A] x300
Unit Disc [S] x100
ZBC (Red) x10
ZBC (Black) x30

BCN Knife (80.1%)
BCN Knife (40%)
BCN Knife (20%)
BCN Knife (5%)
Easy: 10
Normal: 20
Hard: 30
Unreal: 40
Strong Aoji
Defeat strong Aoki!
Clearing this nets you special rewards and equipment implants!
First Clear Rewards
Sapphire of Ravermos
Ink Gems 50
Unit Disc [D] x200
ZBC (Black) x2

Sapphire of Ravermos (5%)
First Clear Rewards
Sapphire of Ravermos x2
Ink Gems x50
Unit Disc [C] x200
ZBC (Black) x5

Sapphire of Ravermos (20%)
Sapphire of Ravermos (5%)
First Clear Rewards
Sapphire of Ravermos x3
Ink Gems x50
Unit Disc [B] x300
ZBC (Red) x1
ZBC (Black) x10

Sapphire of Ravermos (40%)
Sapphire of Ravermos (20%)
Sapphire of Ravermos (5%)
First Clear Rewards
Sapphire of Ravermos x5
Ink Gems x50
Unit Disc [A] x100
Unit Disc [S]x50
ZBC (Red) x5
ZBC (Black) x20

Sapphire of Ravermos (80.1%)
Sapphire of Ravermos (40%)
Sapphire of Ravermos (20%)
Sapphire of Ravermos (5%)
Strong Jun
Defeat strong Jun!
Clearing this nets you special rewards and equipment implants!
First Clear Rewards
Ink Gems x100
Unit Disc [D] x500
ZBC (Black) x3

Washukitsu (5%)
First Clear Rewards
Washukitsu x2
Ink Gems x100
Unit Disc [C] x500
ZBC (Black) x10

Washukitsu (20%)
Washukitsu (5%)
First Clear Rewards
Washukitsu x3
Ink Gems x100
Unit Disc [B] x500
ZBC (Red) x1
ZBC (Black) x20

Washukitsu (40%)
Washukitsu (20%)
Washukitsu (5%)
First Clear Rewards
Washukitsu x5
Ink Gems x100
Unit Disc [A] x300
Unit Disc [S] x100
ZBC (Red) x10
ZBC (Black) x30

Washukitsu (80.1%)
Washukitsu (40%)
Washukitsu (20%)
Washukitsu (5%)
Strong Shou
Defeat strong Shou!
Clearing this nets you special rewards and equipment implants!
First Clear Rewards
Sea Hare Hat
Ink Gems x100
Unit Disc [D] x500
ZBC (Black) x3

Sea Hare Hat (5%)
First Clear Rewards
Sea Hare Hat x2
Ink Gems x100
Unit Disc [C] x500
ZBC (Black) x10

Sea Hare Hat (20%)
Sea Hare Hat (5%)
First Clear Rewards
Sea Hare Hat x3
Ink Gems x100
Unit Disc [B] x500
ZBC (Red) x1
ZBC (Black) x20

Sea Hare Hat (40%)
Sea Hare Hat (20%)
Sea Hare Hat (5%)
First Clear Rewards
Sea Hare Hat x5
Ink Gems x100
Unit Disc [A] x300
Unit Disc [S] x100
ZBC (Red) x10
ZBC (Black) x30

Sea Hare Hat (80.1%)
Sea Hare Hat (40%)
Sea Hare Hat (20%)
Sea Hare Hat (5%)
Strong Lumen
Defeat strong Shou!
Clearing this nets you special rewards and equipment implants!
First Clear Rewards
Spinning Disc of Almagest
Ink Gems x100
Unit Disc [D] x500
ZBC (Black) x3

Spinning Disc of Almagest (5%)
First Clear Rewards
Spinning Disc of Almagest x2
Ink Gems x100
Unit Disc [C] x500
ZBC (Black) x10

Spinning Disc of Almagest (20%)
Spinning Disc of Almagest (5%)
First Clear Rewards
Spinning Disc of Almagest x3
Ink Gems x100
Unit Disc [B] x500
ZBC (Red) x1
ZBC (Black) x20

Spinning Disc of Almagest (40%)
Spinning Disc of Almagest (20%)
Spinning Disc of Almagest (5%)
First Clear Rewards
Sea Hare Hat x5
Ink Gems x100
Unit Disc [A] x300
Unit Disc [S] x100
ZBC (Red) x10
ZBC (Black) x30

Spinning Disc of Almagest (80.1%)
Spinning Disc of Almagest (40%)
Spinning Disc of Almagest (20%)
Spinning Disc of Almagest (5%)

β Version Stages[edit | edit source]

In the β version, these stages do not cost stamina to attempt, regardless of difficulty level.

Stage Name Japanese Description English Translation Additional First Clear Rewards (Easy) Additional First Clear Rewards (Normal) Additional First Clear Rewards (Hard) Additional First Clear Rewards (Unreal)
Strong Kurohebi
つよいくろへびをたおそう Defeat strong Kurohebi! Ink Gems x100
Unit Disc [D] x500
ZBC (Black) x3
Ink Gems x100
Unit Disc [C] x500
ZBC (Black) x10
Ink Gems x100
Unit Disc [B] x500
ZBC (Red) x1
ZBC (Black) x20
Ink Gems x100
Unit Disc [A] x300
Unit Disc [S]x100
ZBC (Red) x10
ZBC (Black) x30
Strong Aoji
つよいくあおきをたおそう Defeat strong Aoki! Ink Gems x50
Unit Disc [D] x200
ZBC (Black) x2
Ink Gems x50
Unit Disc [C] x200
ZBC (Black) x5
Ink Gems x50
Unit Disc [B] x300
ZBC (Red) x1
ZBC (Black) x10
Ink Gems x50
Unit Disc [A] x100
Unit Disc [S]x50
ZBC (Red) x5
ZBC (Black) x20
Strong Evanescent Existence [Pre-release]
つよいやつらをたおそう Defeat the whole gang
powered up!
Ink Gems x100
Unit Disc [S] x100
Unit Disc [A] x100
Unit Disc [B] x100
Unit Disc [C] x100
Unit Disc [D] x100
ZBC (Black) x10
ZBC (Red) x10
Instead of the standard missions, the stage "Strong Evanescent Existence [Pre-release]" has the following missions on all difficulties, which reward 100 ink gems each:
  • "Clear within 5 turns."
  • "Clear within 7 turns."
  • "Clear within 10 turns."
Christmas Frontlines
今年のクリスマスは中止だ! This year's Christmas is cancelled!
Ink Gems x100
Christmas Ticket [Combat Unit] x10
Christmas Ticket [Cafe Employee] x10
Instead of the standard missions, the stage "Strong Evanescent Existence [Pre-release]" has the following missions on all difficulties, which reward 100 ink gems each:
  • "Clear without deaths."
  • "Clear within 7 turns."
  • "Clear within 12 turns."
生ハムを乗っけるとおいしい Delicious if paired with a piece of cured ham on top. Ink Gems x100
Melon Gacha x1
Ink Gems x100
Melon Gacha x3
Ink Gems x100
Melon Gacha x6
Ink Gems x100
Melon Gacha x10
β Version's 1-Year Anniversary
もう一年〜〜〜!!??? A year already~~~???!!
Ink Gems x1000