User:ClancHuranku/Evanescent Existence Guide/Extra Stage
Here, this ubiquitous truth
is a basic principle
The stage has a different background and music depending on the character, but the patterns are the same. Yabusame's version has more pauses and the enemies drop more items. Tsubakura and Suzumi's version have a dark background... one a stage where most bullets are black. have fun.
Beating the Extra with Yabusame unlocks Tsubakura (actually Tsurubami) and their ebic laser.
Since v1.10, beating it with Tsubakura (the real one) unlocks Suzumi, who's even more broken.
Completing the main game in Unreal unlocks Absurdly Extra and it's must be seen to be believed. This game's AbEx is actually much more reasonable than the other ones, but it's still ridiculous.
Road 1[edit | edit source]
Kill the beginning fairies as soon as possible. They fire aimed bullets though, so it's fine if you don't kill them in time unless you're on AbEx. If you miss a fairy there they will fire so many bubbles the game will slow down to around 10 FPS. Bomb or reset is that ever happens.
Go to the right and slowly make your way to the left. Repeat x4. The fairies here fire aimed bullets, but it can get overwhelming if you don't kill them in time. The very first wave can be done without even moving, so keep that in mind if you get trapped by the beginning bullets.
Kill the leftmost fairy, then the middle one while it's firing and finally the rightmost one.
Stream the black (or white) bullets and bubbles starting on the right, making your way to the middle fairy. Stay in the bottom for the rest of the wave.
If you're using Tsuba and end with 3.00 power at the last section on AbEx you're positively dead.
Midboss Spell Card #1 (Clause)[edit | edit source]
Disorientation "Southern Cross"
Go under the lowermost orb if you feel unsafe, though it can drop bullets to your position if you're unlucky.
You can speedkill this with Tsuba by following Clause, but it requires a bit of luck with their movement.
Don't even try to speedkill it in AbEx. Hug the lowermost orb like it's your lover and hope for the best.
Midboss Spell Card #2[edit | edit source]
Giant Planet "Last Jupiter"
Try to stay under the center at all times.
Or start on the left and go along the whirpool from there.
This spell in AbEx was noticeably buffed in v1.10. Now only Yabusame and Suzumi have a fighting chance.
If you're using Tsuba just spam bombs and flashbombs.
Midboss Spell Card #3[edit | edit source]
Pluto "Lost Fame"
The purple lanes curve towards you. Move carefully and dodge around them. Start around the center you give yourself more room.
This spell drops a life upon beating it, so try to not die until then (not applicable for AbEx).
The lanes are much longer in AbEx and it's extremely likely you'll get trapped. Bomb if that ever happens.
Road 2[edit | edit source]
Grab the life and immediately go to the right. Once you kill most fairies there go to the left and dodge the rest from there.
Stay at the bottom for the Stage 4 fairies and alternate between left and right to kill the rest.
Bomb if you can't handle the bullet spam, especially in AbEx.
You need at least 3 lives for Tsuru. Use the 10 million extend if you can.
Boss Normal Attack #1 (Tsurubami Senri)[edit | edit source]
Random spam of black bullets.
You can shotgun at the beginning with Yabusame and Suzumi.
Shotgunning is not feasible anymore in AbEx. This applies to most of Tsuru's attacks.
Just do your best to not die here, or in any of Tsuru's nons.
Boss Spell Card #1[edit | edit source]
Dark Card "Search Crescent"
The bullets are only visible inside the dark circles. The bullets themselves are random.
Shotgun it and slowly move down as it starts. Look ahead, stay under Tsurubami and hope for the best.
On AbEx, you'll pretty much have to bomb at least once in all of their spells.
Boss Normal Attack #2[edit | edit source]
Stay around the lower middle of the screen and use vertical movement to dodge the lanes.
The pattern is much tighter on AbEx, so you'll have to dodge the entire lanes. Bomb or flashbomb the one with two intersecting lanes.
Boss Spell Card #2[edit | edit source]
Mysterious Card "Monochrome Bivalence"
The spirals force you to the middle right, then to the middle left.
Keep an eye on the gray spam and black walls. Bomb or flashbomb if you get cornered.
At full power, Tsubakura can zip back to the center with a flashbomb and speedkill the spell.
Bombing this pattern can give you an extend.
You're even more likely to get walled here in AbEx. Speedkill this spell asap, or try to get the 20 million extend.
Boss Normal Attack #3[edit | edit source]
Based on Tsuru's 3rd non from Stage 3. Same strategy applies here.
If Tsuru spawns too many bubbles low on the screen you're screwed, especially on AbEx.
Boss Spell Card #3[edit | edit source]
Shadow Card "Blood that Cannot Escape from Advancing Age"
The orbs are aimed. Misdirect them and go to the center as they fire.
You can even spin this one.
Boss Normal Attack #4[edit | edit source]
Same as their first non, except they fire the spam to both sides now.
Boss Spell Card #4[edit | edit source]
Hot & Cold "Dim Room"
One of Tsurubami's easier spells, even on AbEx.
The idea is to stay on the bottom and go to a side when the bullets start flying to you.
You will have to stream the third and fourth waves.
Boss Normal Attack #5[edit | edit source]
Their fourth non, except the bullets are now short lasers.
Same strategy applies.
Boss Spell Card #5[edit | edit source]
Shrouding Paint "Blind Fire"
White lanes and black 3-ways, all while the screen flickers between white and black.
Use your shot to visualize better the bullets when the screen turns black. When the screen turns white you'll have to just trust your vision.
Bombing this on AbEx also gives a lot of points.
This spell drops a life upon defeat, so be sure to not die until then. Spam bombs is you have to.
Boss Normal Attack #6[edit | edit source]
Stay close to Tsuru and go along the pattern. Cut back to maximize damage.
Cutting back is impossible in AbEx, so you'll have to do it the long way and spin.
Boss Spell Card #6[edit | edit source]
Whirlpool Card "Spiral Galaxy Barrier"
AKA the spell that no one bothers to do.
After the third shot, stay close to the cluster of bullets on the left and start rotating carefully.
It can be difficult to position yourself, so bomb this spell if you don't want to risk it.
Tsubakura at full power can just sit in the bottom and barely even move. This isn't possible on AbEx.
Boss Normal Attack #7[edit | edit source]
Same as the last non, but denser and it's harder to cut back.
If you want to spin it (it's required on AbEx), you'll be forced to the left of Tsuru first and then you'll be forced to the top right corner.
This non can take a while with Tsubakura.
Boss Spell Card #7[edit | edit source]
Crane's Cry "Lamentations of the Crane's Cry"
Believe it or not, the lasers are static, even on AbEx. The safeposts are near Tsurubami and at the bottom. There is also a third safepost on AbEx at the middle.
The problem is the bullets, some of which spawn very low on the screen. Stick to a safespot and bomb if you get cornered by the bullets.
The safespots used to be directly below Tsuru, but now they are slightly to the left.
Boss Normal Attack #8[edit | edit source]
This non is divided in 3 parts.
- Random spam of gray amulets.
- A BoWaP-like pattern of black and red amulets. Start of the left of Tsurubami and go from there.
- Aimed black and red amulets.
This non is your last real chance for points. Bomb it to get the 30 million extend (or the 50 million is you already have it).
This is pretty much required for AbEx, as probably got your ass handed by the 6th and 7th spells.
Boss Spell Card #8[edit | edit source]
Engraving Card "The Clock that Doesn't Tell Time"
Survival #1.
Go above Tsuru, slightly to the left to give yourself a head start.
Spin alongside the black lasers. Bomb if you ever get stuck.
This spell can be cheesed with flashbombs, especially on AbEx, just use one if the black lasers catch up to you. Note that the black bullets move along with the lasers, so you'll get trapped by these if you're not careful.
Boss Spell Card #9[edit | edit source]
Bird's Eye "Pitch-black Eye"
Survival #2. Also the hardest part of the fight.
- Start right below the eye and go down when the wall appears. Go back up when that wall dissapears. Go to the middle left, then imediately go to the right as soon as the wall dissapears.
- Start right upper left and go to the right as soon as the wall dissapears. For the rest you basically rotate counterclockwise.
- Start on the right and go left as soon as the wall dissapears. Move diagonally for the rest of the walls.
- Go to the dead center of the screen (use the amulets of the background as a guide). Bomb if you ever get walled. You will have to use more than one.
If you can get through this spell, the fight is practically over.
Boss Spell Card #10[edit | edit source]
"Non-existent Seal [Empty Being]"
One of Tsuru's easier spells. Be careful though, as you'll probably be moribund from the survival.
Phase 1[edit | edit source]
Don't get distracter by the background.
Just dodge the bullets and bubbles normally. Misdirect the white wall after the black bubbles.
Phase 2[edit | edit source]
Random dodging. Just stay calm and don't get distracted.
Phase 3[edit | edit source]
More random spam.
The screen turns black as Tsuru dies, but that's about it.
EE is done, yay!