This is a list of all characters that appear in Emergency Everyday.
In Emergency Everyday, there are two playable characters to choose from. However, the second character is currently unknown; its silhouette resembles that of Daijin, the Stage 3 boss.
人智を超えたオタク Otaku Beyond Human Intellect |
Playable Character |
Statistics |
移動速度 ★★★ 攻撃範囲 ★★★★★ 攻撃力 ★★★ |
Movement Speed ★★★ Attack Range ★★★★★ Attack Power ★★★ | |
得手勝手な漢の子 Strong-Willed Child of Man | 健気な生霊 Brave Vengeful Spirit |
Big Boss and Shinkuu
Stage 1 Midboss, Stage 1 Boss |
生粋の黒いゲーマー True-Born Black Gamer |
Stage 3 Midboss, Stage 3 Boss, Playable Character (Presumably) |
Statistics |
移動速度 ??? 攻撃範囲 ??? 攻撃力 ??? |
Movement Speed ??? Attack Range ??? Attack Power ??? | |
Contents associated with Emergency Everyday | Story |
| |
Gameplay |
Documentation | |
Developers | |