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Also known as Freddy Bad Add
Born (2000-03-02) 2 March 2000 (age 25)
Location Russia
Gender Male
Occupation Spell Card Collector
Tsurubami Senri
Babel user information
ru-N Русскийродной язык этого участника.
en-4 This user has near native speaker knowledge of English.
ja-1 この利用者は初級日本語ができます。
Users by language

Hello there! I am fellow Len'en fan who does enjoy it a lot and thinks it didn't receive enough love from others. I am one of those few people who think Len'en > Touhou and I've created an account here to try to contribute with something. Also I'm very similar to Haiji Senri. :3 For now i work as spellcard collector by trying to add screenshots (Also as a hobby: recollecting screenshots of already uploaded cards). Maybe later I'll add something else to that.

In terms of Len'en skill of mine: I can say that it's okay, but still not enough for me... Achievement list is below.

I found Len'en after I cleared all of the touhou games on normal, I downloaded a lot of touhou fangames and Len'en project. I loved BGM, loved how hard it was and that fact it's made by one person too. When I started EE for the first time, I died on third stage which surprised me because it was easy mode... Still, I got motivated to keep playing because I already loved Yabusame, BGM and most of the enemy cast too. Then in one month I cleared EMS then RMI on both normal and easy and started patiently waiting for BPoHC while trying to improve myself in the meantime. Waiting was really worth it... Now it's my favorite game out of all I've ever played because of it's originality and BGM.

Favorite characters: Tsurubami Senri, Adagumo no Saragimaru, Shion, Tenkai Zuifeng, Yabusame Houren, Suzumi Kuzu, of course Haiji Senri and some others...

Outside of Len'en I like Touhou, Danganronpa, Neptunia series, Dynasty Warriors and Resident evil series. Maybe some more stuff i forgot to mention as well...

Contribution Stats[edit | edit source]

Spellcard screenshots uploaded: 648
 Easy mode: 137
 Normal mode: 137
 Hard mode: 137
 Unreal mode: 137
 Easy Extra mode: 18
 Extra mode: 45
 Absurdly Extra mode: 53

My Len'en achievements[edit | edit source]

Evanescent Existence[edit | edit source]
  • Normal clear (Both Characters)
  • Unreal clear!! (Yabusame)
  • Extra clear (Both Characters)
  • Absurdly extra clear (Yabusame)
  • Easy Extra no focus clear.
  • Spellcard collection progress: Complete! (187/187)
Earthen Miraculous Sword[edit | edit source]
Reactivate Majestical Imperial[edit | edit source]
  • RMI Hard clear (All teams)
  • Unreal clear (Yaorochi/Sukune)
  • Easy Extra clear (All teams)
  • Extra clear (YabuTsuba and YaoSukune)
  • Easy Extra no vertical clear (Yabusame)
  • Spellcard collection progress: 195/211
Brilliant Pagoda or Haze Castle[edit | edit source]

Current goals[edit | edit source]

  • Contribute 1000 spellcard screenshots total (Impossible Right now...)
  • Collect all Len'en 2 spellcards locally.. (Very Unlikely)
  • Len'en 2 ABEX clear (Unlikely)
  • Len'en 3 ABEX clear (YabuTsuba, but 30fps... OR YabuTsuba, but light mode)(Hard)
  • Fill out the High scores page by uploading my own replays for various nominations

    Other info[edit | edit source]

    Playing Len'en since: Aug 2016

    Playing Touhou and other shmups since: Jun:3 2016

    Second-rate Spellcard Screenshots (Of mine):[edit | edit source]

    Len'en 2 / 3 Spells, to be re-captured. (Wrong fonts due to Russian locale instead of Japanese one.)[ETA of completion: After exams :/]

    Invalid Spellcard screenshots that are still on wiki (Of mine):[edit | edit source]
