User:ClancHuranku/Evanescent Existence Guide/Stage 2
it may be necessary to include
futile movements and ineffective attacks
Road 1[edit | edit source]
Everything is aimed, as usual.
The only noteworthy thing is that the stage theme is in 3/4.
Midboss Spell Card (Aoji Shitodo)[edit | edit source]
Current Wave "Current Blast"
Current Rush "Current Blast Full"
For Easy and Normal, just misdirect the blasts while dodging the bullets and making sure you go back to the middle. You can do this around the middle of the screen to have more retreat space.
In Hard and Unreal, the blasts are much more frequent and can wall you if you are in a bad position. Here it's better to stick close to the blasts to have more space and avoid the dead middle of the screen.
This spell gives you a bomb after beating it, so don't be afraid to bomb if you get walled (unless you used them all in Stage 1).
Road 2[edit | edit source]
Basically the same as Road 1. Just don't go collecting items like crazy and save your bomb for later.
Boss Normal Attack #1 (Aoji Shitodo)[edit | edit source]
This non is divided in three parts:
- Omnidirectional blue and green bullets.
- Aimed spirals of blue and green bullets. Aoji fires two waves in Hard and Unreal.
- A long spiral of blue bullets. Just go along the flow of it. This one also gives you a lot of graze.
Note that the long spiral can wall you if you're to the left of Aoji and they're in a bad position. In that case you'll have to bomb or try to get close to them.
Boss Spell Card #1[edit | edit source]
Curve Card "Octo Spiral"
Distortion Card "Spiral Krake"
This spell is static, but the execution is very strict.
For Easy and Normal, you can just carefully go along the flow of the lanes. By the time you reach the upper middle of the screen the spiral will change orientation and let you damge Aoji.
In Hard and Unreal, however, you will get clipped if you try to go along the spiral. Instead, you need to route it.
Your route may vary, but the general idea is that you go along the flow when the spiral is active and cut back to a good position when it peters out. Tsubakura's speed is ideal for this spell.
...or just use whatever bombs in stock you have. Tsubakura can skip this spell with one bomb.
Boss Normal Attack #2[edit | edit source]
Misdirect the long spiral without running into the green bullets. Note that Aoji's movement affects the spiral, though this is not a problem on lower difficulties.
Boss Spell Card #2[edit | edit source]
Shitodo Card "Blue Wind"
Shitodo Card "Blue Storm"
Everything is influenced by your position. The blue bullets are aimed, while the big spirals actively avoid you.
Stay at the lower middle of the screen and dodge from there, while being careful to not bump into the bubbles or the big spiral.
Just stay at the bottom lmao.
Boss Normal Attack #3[edit | edit source]
Misdirect the spiral without running into the blue bubbles.
In higher difficulties, the spiral is big enough to wall you even if you misdirect it, so you may need to avoid the center as well.
You may need to stay unfocused with Yabusame.
Boss Spell Card #3[edit | edit source]
The spirals are static and the bubbles are aimed. The small bullets are random though.
In Easy and Normal, the spirals don't reach the center, so you can safely sit there. You'll still have to misdirect the bubbles though.
The spirals in Hard and Unreal do hit the center, so you'll have to avoid them as well. You can misdirect the bubbles to the left to give you more space to dodge the spirals.
There are so many bullets in this spell that bombing it is a guaranteed Extend, especially with Yabusame.
Boss Spell Card #4[edit | edit source]
Whirlpool Card "Plastic Vortex"
Rotation Card "Eastern Garbage Patch"
Misdirect the wall of bubbles while going inside the little pockets in the spiral.
Look ahead for the purple bullets so they don't clip you when misdirecting the walls.
This spell is easier higher in the screen, where you have more retreat space and you don't have to go inside the pockets to dodge the bubbles.
Like with "Leviathan", this spell has so many bullets you can get lots of points by bombing.