Unreal Indolence Record/2017-2019 Translations
The following is a transcription and English translation of all of JynX's blog entries from 2017 to 2019.
2019[edit | edit source]
11 November 2019[edit | edit source]
I set up a fan community on pixiv FANBOX. | ||
皆様の応援のおかげもあって連縁は今日、めでたく6周年になりました!! |
Thanks to everyone's support, Len'en has reached its 6th anniversary!! | |
そこで本題となるのですが、 |
This is where we get to the point: | |
このファンコミュニティでは、 |
In this fan community, | |
その他にも何かしらの形でご支援への感謝の気持ちをお届けできたらと考えておりますが、 |
I'm thinking of ways to express my gratitude for your support, | |
ファンの方々のひとつひとつの力を借りて『連縁』を形作っていくよう、 |
It is my intention to continue devoting myself to building up "Len'en" |
11 November 2019[edit | edit source]
It's the Len'en Anniversary~!! | ||
あああああああっっっーーーー!!!!! |
AAAAAAAaaa~~~~!!!!! | |
こちらプレミア公開で上映した6周年記念用動画、連縁カフェティザームービー第1弾でございます。 |
This is the video I prepared and premiered for the 6th Len'en Anniversary, it's Len'en Café Teaser Movie #1. | |
あーりーがーとーー!!!! |
THANK~ YOU~ SO~ MUCH~~!!!! |
9 November 2019[edit | edit source]
Len'en Anniversary: The Day Before | ||
前日の前日です、こんにちは記念日です |
It's the day before the day of the anniversay. | |
見ろです。 ミロのヴィーナスです。 |
Observe. It is the Venus de Milo. |
10 April 2019[edit | edit source]
This and That Regarding Len'en Ost for Sale on Melonbooks and Bandcamp, as Well as Public Release of the Text from the Album | ||
珍しく短いスパンでこんにちは、JynXです |
Hello once again after a short while, how rare, it's JynX. | |
1つめのお知らせ! |
For the first announcement! | |
どうぞよろしくお願いいたします! |
I'm counting on you! | |
そして2つめのお知らせ! |
Now for the second announcement! | |
これに関してはものすご~~く悩みました |
I pondered about this for a veeery long time. | |
Lightモードを実装した際にも考えたことなのですが、 |
I thought of this when I made Light Mode as well, | |
先日、『販売物の内容についての考察を公で共有することに抵抗を感じる』 |
The other day, I received a comment saying that, | |
そこで! |
And that's why! | |
しかーし! |
However! | |
そんなところで、今回のお知らせはおしまいです |
And with that, this ends the announcements this time. | |
これからも自由な作品であり続けるためにも、 |
So that I can continue creating freely, |
1 April 2019[edit | edit source]
Aprilpril | ||
ことしもぉぉぉぉぉぉぉこの日がぁぁぁぁぁ(以下略 |
This year tooooooooo, on this daaaaaay... (abbreviated | |
上の動画にもある通り、 |
As seen in the above video, | |
タイトルは |
The title is: | |
このアルバム |
This album is separated into | |
僕が制作したゲーム『連縁无現里』の曲の19曲に加えて、 |
In addition to the 19 songs in my game "Len'en Mugenri ~ Evanescent Existence", | |
さ ・ ら ・ に (はぁと) |
I n ・ A d d i t i o n (sigh) | |
オリジナルショートストーリや登場キャラのプロフィールなどが記された |
Each comes with a 20 page booklet, | |
▼詳しい情報&お買い求めはこちらから!!▼ |
▼For details and purchase go here!!▼ | |
頑張ったので一回休み |
I worked hard so I'll rest a spell |
2018[edit | edit source]
11 November 2018[edit | edit source]
Len'en's 5th Anniversary | ||
はぁ、連縁五歳ですって |
Aah, apparently Len'en is five years old now. | |
光陰矢のごとなんちゃらと言いますけど、早すぎて逆に遅く感じますわ(?) |
I'd say something like "time flies by like a fired arrow", but when things go by too fast doesn't it feel slow instead(?) | |
そんなこんなで5周年記念動画つくりましたー! |
Anyways, to celebrate I made a commemorative 5th anniversary video! | |
手間短縮のために途中からデバフ【口内炎】により滑舌が一層悪くなってる非合成音声が聞こえますが、 |
You will hear a non-synthesized voice that was debuffed by [Stomatitis] and couldn't speak as fluently, there in order to save time, | |
動画内で紹介してるグッズは「BOOTH」さんにて購入できるので、 |
The merchandise introduced in the video can be bought at BOOTH, so | |
▽Buy them here▽ |
3 June 2018[edit | edit source]
Update to the past 3 Len'en games! | ||
こんにちんわ |
Hello there, | |
こんかいは連縁の過去作 |
This time I've released updates for lower difficulty for past Len'en games: | |
連縁无現里[ https://www.freem.ne.jp/win/game/15994 ] |
Len'en Evanescent Existence [ https://www.freem.ne.jp/win/game/15994 ] | |
あと例のアンドロイド二体がアプデ内容を紹介してくれてますので、そちらもどうぞー |
Also the two usual androids will introduce the update content, so feel free to watch that too~. | |
制作することが多すぎてパンク寸前です |
There's too much to make and I'm about to go flat. |
1 April 2018[edit | edit source]
Long Time No Fools | ||
お久しエイプリル |
It's been a long April | |
今年もやってきましたねー! |
I did it this year too~! | |
今回は少し趣向を変えた一品となっております・・・・ |
This time is something made slightly according to my preferences.... | |
バーチャルアンドロイド「レイ」 |
Virtual Android "Rei" | |
ばくたーん |
Bursts onto the scene! | |
詳細は後日にでも・・・・ |
Details will be saved for another day.... |
9 March 2018[edit | edit source]
9 March 2018[edit | edit source]
Karaage Chicken Bento is Delicious | ||
ハロ~ JynXで~す |
Hello~ It's JynX~ | |
公式HPを更新したので報告しときますね |
I updated my official website so I'm reporting it here: | |
おもな変更点は |
The main changes are: | |
さらに、近日中にカフェの戦闘画面もお見せできると思いますぞ |
Also, I think I'll be able to let you see a fighting scene from Café soon | |
あとちょっとだけお待ちを~ |
Just wait for a bit more~ |
2017[edit | edit source]
20 December 2017[edit | edit source]
Official Len'en Goods on Sale!! | ||
連縁公式グッズ発売!!! |
Official Len'en goods on sale!!! | |
はい、発売しました。 |
Yep, they're on sale. | |
原作絵のアクリルフィギュア第一弾です! |
It's the first instalment of the original art acrylic figures! | |
藪雨ドーンっ! |
Yabusame boom! | |
玄鳥ドーンっ! |
Tsubakura boom! | |
いや~昔っから作ってみたかったんですよねぇ、個人的に欲しくて |
Well~ I've been wanting to make them for a while now, I just personally want them | |
販売ページは以下になります。 |
The following are the sales pages | |
Yabusame Figure [BOOTH] | ||
さて、今回の突然のグッズ販売ですが、 |
Now then, I've suddenly started selling goods | |
売上は主にゲームのせいさく費や僕のせいかつ費に使われます。 |
The sales would mainly be used to fund game production and on my personal life expenses. | |
好評だったらシリーズの他キャラやその他グッズも作っていきたいと思ってますので、 |
If it gets popular I might want to make other goods of other characters from the series as well, | |
全キャラ集めて飾りたいなぁ~ |
I want to collect all the characters and use them as decoration~ |
4 December 2017[edit | edit source]
Official homepage renewal! | ||
当サークル「トリック・ノスタルジー」の公式HPをリニューアルしました。 |
My circle, "Trick Nostalgie" had its official homepage renewed. | |
二次創作に関してのガイドラインのページなども追加したので、 |
I've added a page on guidelines about derivative works, so please read it if you'd like~ |
11 November 2017[edit | edit source]
Len'en's 4th anniversary and a new game announcement | ||
どーもJynXです。 |
Y'ello, JynX here. | |
四年間ってのは怖いですね。 |
The span of four years is kinda scary. | |
まぁそれは置いといて、四周年記念ってことで |
Eh, ah well, that aside, I thought I'd make an official announcement | |
「連縁カフェ ~ BOOK of the CAFE」 |
"Len'en Café ~ Book of the Cafe" | |
製作途中の画面も見せちゃいます。 |
Here, lemme show you some screenshots of the game during development. | |
※画面は超開発中のものです。 |
(still super in-dev) | |
見てのとおり(?)、カフェ経営ゲームです。 |
As you can see (?), it's a café management game. | |
動作環境はとりあえずAndroidを予定しています。 |
For now, I intend the target platform to be Android. | |
好評ならばiOSやブラウザ版も作るかもしれません。 |
If it gets popular enough, I might also make versions for iOS and web browsers. | |
来年にはβ版の配信でもできたらいいなぁー、って思ってますが、 |
Hopefully I'll be able to release a beta version sometime next year! ...Well, that's what I'd like to think, | |
とりあえず今回はこんなもんです。 |
Oh well, that's about it for this time. | |
連縁4周年、まだまだ走り続けたいと思います! |
I hope Len'en's fourth anniversary keeps going for as long as it can! |
16 October 2017[edit | edit source]
Update to the past three games of the Len'en Series! | ||
こんちは |
Heya there, | |
ゲームを3つリリースしたんでここでも報告しときやす。 |
I released three games so I'll make a report here. | |
第一弾:連縁无現里 ~ Evanescent Existence |
First instalment: Len'en Mugenri ~ Evanescent Existence | |
▼ダウンロード先(ふりーむ)▼ |
▼Download Site (Freem)▼ | |
第二弾:連縁蛇叢釼 ~ Earthen Miraculous Sword |
Second instalment: Len'en Tasouken ~ Earthen Miraculous Sword | |
▼ダウンロード先(ふりーむ)▼ |
▼Download Site (Freem)▼ | |
第三弾:連縁霊烈傳 ~ Reactivate_majestical_imperial |
Third instalment: Len'en Reiretsuden ~ Reactivate Majestical Imperial | |
▼ダウンロード先(ふりーむ)▼ |
▼Download Site (Freem)▼ | |
今回のアップデートで弾幕の難易度が全体的に緩和されました。 |
With these updates the danmaku difficulty has been eased as a whole. | |
さらに、3作品すべてに隠し自機を実装しました。 |
Furthermore, all three games have a hidden playablecharacter added to them. | |
ついでにゲームタイトルを「鏈縁」から「連縁」に変更しました。 |
By the way the game titles have changed from "鏈縁" to "連縁". | |
まぁ、今回の報告はこんなところです。 |
Well, that's about it for this report. | |
連縁4周年も近いので、何かしら発表できるように頑張りますかねぇ~ |
Len'en's fourth anniversary is comming up soon, so I'll work hard so that I can release something then~ |
20 June 2017[edit | edit source]
Compilation: Lie Dimension and CD released | ||
ここ数日でいろいろリリースしたので、まとめておきます~ |
These few days I released all kinds of stuff, so I compiled them here~ | |
●ゲーム |
●Games | |
★束方 嘘時空 ~ Fools_rush_in |
★Tabakata Lie Dimension ~ Fools Rush In | |
四月馬鹿企画「束方 嘘時空 ~ Fools_rush_in」を |
I released my April's Fools project, | |
◆音楽CD |
◆Music CDs | |
★現樂団の往古3 ~ 束方 繪夢時空~ |
★Reality Band’s Prehistory 3 ~"Eastern" Painted Dream Dimension~ | |
四月馬鹿企画「束方 繪夢時空」にて使用した曲を含め、 |
A CD including songs from my April's Fools project," "Eastern" Painted Dream Dimension", | |
★現樂団の往古2 ~ 束方懐幻想郷 ~ |
★Old Times of the Reality Band 2 ~Eastern Nostalgic Fantasy Land~ | |
過去にも「メロンブックス」さんにてDL販売していましたが、 |
It has been sold on "Melonbooks" as well but, | |
以上、最近のリリース情報でした~ |
The above is a report of the things I released recently~ |
1 April 2017[edit | edit source]
A collection of what I'm selling and distributing now | ||
例の動画を見てくれた方に分かりやすいように、 |
To make things simpler for those who watched the usual video, | |
音楽CD |
Music CDs | |
最新作 |
My newest work | |
~近日販売予定~ |
~Planned to be sold soon~ | |
現樂団の往古2 ~ 束方 幻想郷 ~ |
Old Times of the Reality Band 2 ~'Eastern' Nostalgic Fantasy Land~ | |
◆DL販売 |
◆Download Sales | |
現樂団の往古1.1 ~ 束方 廻怪綺談~ |
Old Times of the Reality Band ~'Eastern' Revolving Bizarre Romantic Story~ | |
◆DL販売 |
◆Download Sales | |
ゲーム |
Games | |
最新作 |
My newest work | |
成長要素ありなランダム即興弾幕STG! |
A random impromptu bullet hell STG with growth elements! | |
過去作 |
My past works | |
鏈縁蛇叢釼 ~ Earthen Miraculous Sword |
Len'en Tasouken ~ Earthen Miraculous Sword | |
鏈縁无現里 ~ Evanescent Existence |
Len'en Mugenri ~ Evanescent Existence | |
▼それぞれ無料公開中、そのうち簡易版的なものを作るかも?▼ |
▼They're all released free, and I might make easy versions sometimes?▼ |