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Next-Generation New Virtual Android
次世代型新バーチャルアンドロイド Next-Generation New Virtual Android | |
![]() Thumbnail of the video | |
Publisher | Trick Nostalgie |
Channel | Vtuberアンドロイド・レイくん&ゼロちゃん |
Released | 1 April 2019 |
Duration | 8:11 |
Platform | YouTube |
Link | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u5kE-fUkVVQ |
Next-Generation New Virtual Android (次世代型新バーチャルアンドロイド) is a YouTube video uploaded by Trick Nostalgie. It is the tenth video starring Rei, the seventh starring Zelo, and the first starring Lin. The video was released on April Fools' of 2019, following the tradition of April Fools' videos from JynX. The video is mainly to promote the first Len'en album, A World Outside Fantasy.
Video Description[edit | edit source]
レイくん記念日! 今日は新しいオトモダチと一緒に連縁初のアルバムのステマをゲロさりげなくやってみるよ!(╹◡╹) |
It's Rei-kun's birthday! We're vomitiously stealth-marketing the first ever Len'en album with our new friend! (╹◡╹) |
Transcript[edit | edit source]
Rei |
とりっく・のすたるじー ♪ |
Rei |
世界初・・・・ |
The world's first... |
Monochroid[Lin] = _Type_iX00[Rei] |
Monochroid[Lin] = _Type_iX00[Rei] | |
Rei |
バーチャルアンドロイド リン |
Virtual Android Lin. |
Banner |
琴弾鳥 |
Eurasian Bullfinch |
Rei |
「使 い 方 は 簡 単」っと |
"It's easy to use"... There. |
Zelo |
レイくん、なにやってんの? |
Rei-kun? What are you doing? |
Rei |
ん~、あのね |
Um, well. |
Zelo |
へ~ |
I see... |
Zelo |
レイくんが一人で? |
By Rei-kun alone? |
Rei |
いえす! |
Yes! |
Zelo |
・・・・どんなの? |
....How's it like? |
Rei |
それじゃあ紹介しよう! |
Let me introduce them then! |
A spotlight shines in the middle and Lin is raised up from an underground platform. | ||
Zelo |
とんでもないデザインだね |
What a design. |
Rei |
そりゃーそうよ! |
Of course! |
Zelo |
うん? ちょっと何言ってるかわからないです |
Um? I don't get what are you talking about. |
Rei |
擬人化って流行ってるじゃん? |
Gijinka is quite a trend, right? |
Zelo |
そだね |
Yeah. |
Rei |
そこでレイくん閃いたの! |
So I was sparked with an idea! |
Zelo |
どうして閃いちゃったんだろう? |
Why were you sparked...? |
Rei |
擬人化という文化を擬人化した存在 |
Gijinka of the culture of Gijinka! |
Zelo |
すっごい安直 |
That's a really cheap idea. |
Rei |
ケモ耳! |
Animal ears! |
Zelo |
節操がないね |
How inconsistent. |
Rei |
凄いのは見た目だけじゃないよ! |
It's not just its looks that are great! |
Zelo |
よく分かんないけど、喋るってこと? |
I don't really get it, but does that mean it talks? |
Rei |
そうそう、レッツトーク、リンたん |
Right right, let's talk, Lin-tan. |
Lin |
こんにちは、リンたんです |
Hello, this is Lin-tan |
Zelo |
なんかすごく聞いたことある声なんだけど |
That sounds really familiar. |
Rei |
声はゼロちゃんのを流用してみたよ |
I reused Zelo-chan's voice. |
Zelo |
やっぱり~ |
Just as I thought... |
Rei |
ちなみに外見はレイくんを流用しました |
By the way, I reused Rei-kun for its appearance. |
Zelo |
それはなんとなく分かってたけど・・・・ |
I kinda already knew that.... |
Rei |
大丈夫! ゼロちゃんの声は今アプデしてるから |
No worry! I'm updating your voice right now! |
Zelo |
アプデって、アプリじゃないんだから・・・ |
Update? You're talking like I'm an app... |
Rei |
アプデかんりょー |
Update complete. |
Zelo |
あー、いー、うー、えー、おー |
Ah~, Ee~, Uh~, Eh~, Oh~ |
Rei |
ゼロちゃんもパワーアップしたことだし、試運転ってことで、リンたんと一緒に |
Since we've powered up Zelo-chan as well, as a test run, |
♪:仮想平行次元 ~ Another dimenTion (アルバム収録曲) |
♪: Virtual Parallel Universe ~ Another dimenTion (Track from the album) | |
Zelo |
え? |
What? |
Rei |
そーーーー!! |
Yeeeeees!! |
Rei |
連縁初のサントラのぉ~~~~↑↑↑ |
Let's advertise~~~~↑↑↑ |
Rei |
リンたんも準備はいい? |
Are you ready too, Lin-tan? |
Lin |
″は゛い゛″ |
"YeS." |
Rei |
お、こっちは声帯機能がパワーダウンしたね |
Oh, vocal function powered down on them instead. |
Zelo |
僕の声が変わった意味なくない? |
What's the point of changing my voice then? |
♪:象牙の杯 ~ Cup of Eibon (アルバム収録曲) |
♪: Ivory Cup ~ Cup of Eibon (Track from the album) | |
Lin |
″本日より、連縁シリーズ初のサウンドトラック″ |
"From today onwards, both "Frontside" and "Backside" " |
Rei |
やったね! |
Yay! |
Zelo |
当アルバムはゲーム『連縁无現里』のサウンドトラックであり |
This album includes the soundtrack from "Evanescent Existence". |
Rei |
新曲はどれぐらいあるのかな? |
How many new songs are there? |
夢幻で无い世界 裏
A World Outside Fantasy Frontside
| |
Lin |
″ご覧のとおり、アレンジ・オリジナルなどが″ |
"As you can see, these are both arrangements and original tracks." |
Rei |
けっこう多いね~ |
That's quite a lot~. |
♪:君が足りない世界 (アルバム収録曲) |
♪: A World Lacking of You (Track from the album) | |
Lin |
″さらにショートストーリーや登場キャラクターのプロフィールなども書き下ろされた″ |
"In addition, each comes with a 20-page booklet," |
Rei |
ええええええええええええええええええええーー!!! |
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh~~!!! |
Zelo |
僕たちも頑張って手伝ったストーリーとキャラ説なので |
We also worked hard in helping with the stories and profiles, |
Rei |
これだけぇボリュームがぁあってぇ~~ |
With such volume~~ |
Lin |
″それぞれ一枚″ |
"Each of them is-" |
Rei |
・・・・なに? |
.... what? |
Lin |
?」?、蛻キ繧九◆繧√↓蝗帛香蜀?Λ繝シ繝。繝ウ逕滓エサ縺ァ縺 |
?」?、蛻キ繧九◆繧√↓蝗帛香蜀?Λ繝シ繝。繝ウ逕滓エサ縺ァ縺 |
Lin |
です デス DESU desu Death |
DeSu dEsU DESU desu Death |
Rei |
あぁ~! バグの音ォ~ |
Aah~! It's the sound of bugs~.[a] |
Zelo |
これ、大丈夫なの? |
Is... Is this fine? |
Rei |
大丈夫大丈夫~ |
It's fine. It's fine~. |
Zelo |
なにそのいらない回路 |
What's with that unnecessary circuit? |
Rei |
アルバムについての詳しい情報については『この先は君の目で確かめてくれ!』 |
As for details of the album: "Confirm it with your own two eyes later!" |
Zelo |
売上次第ではCDを刷ることもできるかも? |
Depending on how well it sells we might be able to print physical CDs? |
Zelo |
お買い求めは下の動画説明欄からのリンクからか |
To purchase please see the link in the description. |
Scene01 Take03 |
Scene 01 Take 03 | |
Rei |
はい、おっけー |
Yep, Okay~ |
Zelo |
えっ? |
Eh? |
Rei |
リンたんも絶好調だったね~~~ |
Lin-tan did great as well~~~! |
Lin |
............. |
............. |
Zelo |
・・・なんか喋らなくなったよ? |
...They kinda stopped talking? |
Rei |
喋らなくなった、っていうか壊れて喋れなくなった、かな? |
Rather than stopped talking, perhaps it's broken so it can't talk? |
Zelo |
オンボロすぎない? |
Isn't it too run-down? |
Rei |
ゲロオンボロだねー |
Vomitously run-down~! |
♪:蓮葉氷を跳ぶアリス (アルバム収録曲) |
♪: Alice Leaping Atop Lily Pad Ice (Track from the album) | |
Zelo |
やっぱりレイくんだけで1からモノクロイドを作るのは |
It seems that it's still impossible for Rei-kun |
Rei |
んー、もうちょっとマシなものになると思ったんだけどなぁ |
Hm~, and here I thought it would have become something more proper. |
Zelo |
鳥の目がないと作るのは難しいよ |
It's hard to do so without the Bird's Eye. |
Rei |
仲間が増やせると思ったんだけどな~ |
I just wanted to increase our number of friends~ |
Zelo |
けど継続して作っていけば、いつかは完成するんじゃない? |
Well if you keep at it, you'll complete it eventually, yeah? |
Rei |
んー、ソダネー |
Hm~, yeah~. |
Zelo |
あ、これはやる気のないやつだ |
Ah, they ran out of motivation. |
Rei |
お祭り気分で気まぐれに作ったものだからね |
It's because it's something I made on a whim in a festive mood. |
Zelo |
そっか、そういえば今日はエイプリルフールだもんね |
Oh yeah, now that you mention it, it's April Fool's. |
Rei |
そうそう、今日って・・・・エイプリルフールだよね |
Yep yep, today... is April Fool's. |
Zelo |
うん・・・・・え? なに? |
Yep..... Eh? What? |
Rei |
真実は君の目で確かめてくれ! |
Confirm it with your own two eyes later! |
Zelo |
えーーー |
Whaaaat?! |
A trash can is seen on screen. | ||
Zelo |
あー、あー、あっ、声もどった |
Ah~, ah~, ah. My voice is back. |
Rei |
やっぱりいつもの声がいいね~ |
In the end the usual voice is better right? |
Zelo |
ところでこの子、どうしよっか? |
By the way, what would we do with this one? |
Rei |
なんかしまっておくのにちょうどいい入れ物ないかなぁ? |
Let's just stuff it away somewhere, is there anything that fits it just right? |
Zelo |
うーん・・・・ |
Hm.... |
Notes[edit | edit source]
- ↑ A reference to an infomercial for bottles of "Hydrogen Water" pseudoscience product. At 0:20 mark of the video, the woman overly reacts to the "sound of Hydrogen".