Len'en TV Episode 1 (Commemorating 8 Years of Len'en!)
連縁TV 第1回放送(連縁8周年記念) Len'en TV Episode 1 (Commemorating 8 Years of Len'en!) | |
![]() Thumbnail of the video | |
Publisher | Trick Nostalgie |
Channel | Vtuberアンドロイド・レイくん&ゼロちゃん |
Released | 11 November 2020 |
Duration | 09:04 |
Platform | YouTube |
Link |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQuV0_W7dys (YouTube) https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Jb4y187Wg/ (bilibili) |
Len'en TV Episode 1 (Commemorating 8 Years of Len'en!) (連縁TV 第1回放送(連縁8周年記念)), is a YouTube video uploaded by Trick Nostalgie. It is the twelfth video featuring Rei. The video was premiered at 21:00 JST 11 November 2021 in celebration of the Len'en Project's 8th anniversary.
Video Description[edit | edit source]
- YouTube
連縁8周年! |
It's Len'en's 8th anniversary! |
- bilibili
谢谢 谢谢 八周年~!(╹◡╹) |
Thank you! Thank you! 8th anniversary~!(╹◡╹) |
Transcript[edit | edit source]
Pre-Premier Comments[edit | edit source]
Rei |
もうすぐ動画が始まりますが、1分ほど前からクソデカい音量でカウントダウンが始まるから気をつけてね~ |
The video's about to begin, but there'll be a ridiculously loud countdown about a minute beforehand so be careful~! |
Main Video[edit | edit source]
Rei |
とりっく・のすたるじー |
♪:損いのない功徳 〜 go_to_work...? |
♪:Unfailing Piety ~ go to work...? | |
連縁八周年 |
Len'en | |
Rei & Zelo |
ハッピーバーステー 連縁ー |
Happy birthday Len'en~~!! |
Zelo |
さて、始まりました 『連縁TV』第1回放送 |
So, we've begun. Welcome to the first episode of "Len'en TV"! |
Rei |
レイくんでーす |
-and Rei~! |
LED Sign |
☆★☆ 連縁八周年 ☆★☆ |
☆★☆ Len'en's 8th Anniversary ☆★☆ |
♪:仮想平行次元 ~ Another dimenTion |
♪:Virtual Parallel Universe ~ Another dimenTion | |
Zelo |
本日は11月11日、連縁第一作がリリースされた日 |
Today is the 11th November, the day that the first entry of the Len'en series was released. |
LED Sign |
懐かしいなぁ |
How nostalgic... |
Rei |
連縁ももう8周年だってさ、はやいねー |
Even Len'en is eight years old now, time sure flies~... |
Zelo |
僕たち全然登場してないから、なおさら早く感じるね |
We haven't made much of an appearance lately, so it feels even faster. |
Rei |
もうちょっと出番増やしてくれてもいいんじゃないかなー? |
Why can't we get more chances to show up anyways~? |
Zelo |
僕たち燃費悪いからね なかなか出せないんでしょ |
We aren't exactly efficient with our fuel, so we can't come out all that much. |
Rei |
時代はエコですか |
It's all about being ecological these days huh. |
LED Sign |
☆★☆ 連縁八周年 ☆★☆ |
☆★☆ Len'en's 8th Anniversary ☆★☆ |
Rei |
そういえばねゼロちゃん、レイくん気が付いちゃったの |
Oh yeah! Zelo-chan, I noticed something. |
Zelo |
なーに? |
Hmm~? |
Rei |
8周年の「8」って、横にすると「∞」なんだよ! |
The "8" in 8th anniversary, it becomes "∞" when you turn it over! |
∞ |
∞ | |
Zelo |
あぁー、じゃあ“むげん”りが登場する連縁にとっては |
Ahh, then it'd be an important number to the Len'en series! |
Rei |
けどこのことに気が付いたの |
But I didn't notice this until |
∞ |
∞ | |
Zelo |
もう少し早く気が付いてればもっと何かやってたのにねー |
We could've done something special if we noticed it earlier... |
Rei |
ねー |
Yeah... |
LED Sign |
あと1日早ければ・・・ |
Even if just one day earlier... |
Rei |
さて、それじゃあ今回は何をやるのかなー? |
So? What are we doing this time~? |
Zelo |
今回は連縁8周年に合わせて公開される |
This time we'll be announcing information related to the next update to Book of the Cafe β version, |
version 0.2.21 |
version 0.2.21 | |
Rei |
よーやくきましたかー |
Finally-! |
Zelo |
それでは順番に見ていきましょう! |
Well then, let's check them out one by one! |
LED Sign |
☆★☆ カフェ最新情報 ☆★☆ |
☆★☆ Latest BotC News ☆★☆ |
♪:トリオイド・トウケアット |
♪:Trioid Toykeat | |
第1弾 |
No. 1 | |
鳳聯藪雨[調理フォーム] |
Yabusame Houlen [Chef Form] | |
Zelo |
まずは新しく追加されるカフェ店員について |
First up, we have information regarding the new cafe employees. |
Rei |
以前から公表されてたやつだねー |
Ah the ones that were shown off before~! |
Zelo |
既存のキャラのマイナーチェンジですが、 |
They're just minor variations of existing characters, |
Rei |
特殊能力もちょっとだけ違うんだね |
Their special abilities are slightly different too. |
Zelo |
なんといっても特徴的なのはこのアニメーションだよね |
The most characteristic has to be these animations! |
Rei |
玄鳥さますてきー! |
Master Tsubakura looks wonderful~! |
第2弾 |
No. 2 | |
鳳聯藪雨[調理フォーム] |
Yabusame Houlen [Chef Form] | |
Zelo |
続いては新しい戦闘ユニットについて |
Next up is information regarding the new combat units. |
Rei |
これも前に公表してたねー |
Ah, these were shown off before as well~. |
Zelo |
こちらも既存のキャラとは性能が異なります。 |
These also have different stats compared to the pre-existing characters. |
Rei |
ステータスが微妙に違うんだね~ |
There are some slight differences in their stats huh~. |
Zelo |
技構成や固有特性、パーティースキルも異なります |
Their skills, inherent traits and party skills are different too. |
Rei |
新しいスペルも追加されてるやん! |
There are even new spells! |
Zelo |
これで戦略が広がるといいね |
We hope they'll expand your repertoire of strategies. |
Rei |
こっちもアニメーションがすてきー! |
These animations are great too~! |
Zelo |
これら新しいカフェ店員と戦闘ユニットは、 |
The new employees and units |
Rei |
みんな回せー!! |
Everyone go give them a spin~!! |
第3弾 |
No. 3 | |
Zelo |
カフェの内装アイテムも追加しちゃいます |
There are new options for interior decoration as well! |
Rei |
少しだけだけどねー |
Just a tad~! |
Zelo |
ハロウィン風の机・椅子・床・壁がそれぞれ追加されます |
Halloween tables, chairs, flooring and walls have been added. |
Rei |
ちょっと季節感ズレとんのとちゃう? |
Aren't we a bit late for that? |
“八”周年なだけに |
Well it is the 8th anniversary, and 8 is pronounced "ha" in Japanese. | |
Zelo |
次はクリスマスに間に合うといいねー |
I hope we make it in time for Christmas next time~. |
Rei |
内装ショップから買えるから |
You can buy these from the Interior Design Shop, |
第4弾 |
No. 4 | |
Zelo |
新しい料理も追加しますー! |
There's also a new dish~! |
Rei |
もしかしてーーーー??? |
Could it be......??? |
Zelo |
そう、レイくんがさっきから頭に乗っけてるソレ |
Indeed, it's that thing that's been on your head since a while back. |
Rei |
これかー |
This thing~? |
Zelo |
8周年記念のケーキです |
It's the 8th Anniversary Cake. |
Rei |
ハッピーバースデー |
Happy birthday! |
Zelo |
詳細はこんな感じです |
Details are as seen here. |
Rei |
めっちゃ作るの早いやん! |
Woah, making it takes no time at all! |
Zelo |
こちらは先ほど紹介した |
It's recipe can be obtained from the |
Rei |
ロウソクごと食べるんだぞ |
Remember to eat the candle too! |
第5弾 |
No. 5 | |
八周年記念 |
8th Anniversary | |
Zelo |
8周年を記念したログインボーナスも開催します! |
We also have login bonuses in commemoration of the 8th anniversary! |
Rei |
あ、なんだかソシャゲっぽくなってきたじゃない |
Oh, now ain't that quite social-networking game-like! |
Zelo |
ログインボーナスの内容ですが、 |
The login bonuses are: |
Rei |
合計で墨石6400個と |
So a total of 6400 ink gems, |
Zelo |
8周年にちなんでチケットとかが“8”枚なんだね |
By the way, you get 8 tickets because it's the 8th anniversary. |
Rei |
どうせなら10枚ずつ配ってくれれば回しやすいのにね |
Can't you just round it up to a nice and neat 10 though, for our convenience. |
Zelo |
雑なこだわりだよね |
Don't be so picky now. |
Rei |
12月になると終わっちゃうので早めに受け取ってねー |
It ends once December comes so make sure to collect it before that happens~! |
第6弾 |
No. 6 | |
Zelo |
8周年を記念したキャンペーンもやります! |
There's going to be a special campaign for the 8th anniversary too! |
Rei |
おっ、なにかなーなにかなー |
Ooh, what is it~? What is it~? |
Zelo |
開催期間はすべてのステージの入手できる経験値が2倍 |
During the campaign, all experience earned from stages are doubled. |
Rei |
2倍! |
Doubled! |
Zelo |
入手できる戦闘のお金が2倍 |
All combat money earned is doubled. |
Rei |
2倍!! |
Doubled!! |
Zelo |
アイテムドロップ量が2倍! |
All item drops are doubled! |
Rei |
2倍!!! |
Doubled!!! |
Zelo |
そんな感じです |
That's about it. |
Rei |
それだけかー、もう余ってきてるんだけど― |
That's all~? I'm already starting to have too much of those though... |
Zelo |
そんなこと言わないであげて |
Please don't mention that. |
Rei |
まぁ今後にも期待しますわ |
Well, I'll be looking forward to future events too. |
Zelo |
こちらも開催期間は11月いっぱいまでなので |
This campaign will be ongoing only for the rest of November, |
第7弾 |
No. 7 | |
♪:無限零点エゴエリス |
♪:Infinite Zero-Point Ego Eris | |
Zelo |
歴戦の記憶に8周年を記念して |
"Strong Evanescent Existence" has been pre-released |
Rei |
おー、なんかすごそう |
Ooh, seems like a doozy. |
Zelo |
このステージでは連縁无現里の登場ボス |
Your opponents in this stage |
Rei |
もうやけくそだね |
Oh they're getting desperate. |
Zelo |
過去最高難易度かもしれませんので、 |
It might be the toughest stage released yet, |
Rei |
難易度UNREALも早く来ないかなー |
I wish Unreal would come soon~... |
Zelo |
今のところ開催期限はないので、 |
There are no plans to ever take it away right now, |
Rei |
プレリリースだからいずれ消えるかもしれないけどね |
It is still a pre-release though, so it might go away some day. |
♪:空想自動人形 ~ Learning chance! |
♪:Imaginary Automaton ~ Learning chance! | |
Zelo |
さて、こんなところで |
Welp, that's about it. |
Rei |
思ったより多かったんじゃない? |
There's more than I thought there would be! |
LED Sign |
八周年なのに第8弾がない |
It's the 8th anniversary but there's no no.8... |
Zelo |
色々あって開発が遅れまくってるからね~ |
A lot happened and so development got delayed quite a bit, after all~... |
Rei |
世の中、努力より成果だよ? |
The world is more about results rather than effort, you know? |
LED Sign |
☆★☆ カフェ最新情報 ☆★☆ |
☆★☆ Latest BotC News ☆★☆ |
Zelo |
ところで今回のアプデで追加したものって、 |
Oh everything added in this update |
Rei |
β版ってそういうもんだもんで― |
That's what a β version's for after all~. |
Zelo |
「正規版ではもっと短いスパンで要素を追加しまーす」 |
"I'm going to add things more frequently in the full version~!" |
Rei |
ゼロちゃんに代弁させてんじゃねー |
Why'd they make Zelo-chan say it instead~? |
JynX's avatar appears on screen and explodes. | ||
JynX |
ぐわああああああ |
LED Sign |
爆発芸 |
Explosive art! |
Zelo |
さて、それではお次は連縁カフェの今後の予定です |
Moving on, the following are the future plans for BotC: |
LED Sign |
☆★☆ カフェ最新情報 ☆★☆ |
☆★☆ Latest BotC News ☆★☆ |
Rei |
お、どれどれー |
Ooh, what do we have here~? |
★今後の主な追加予定★ |
★Main Additions in the Future★ | |
Rei |
会話パートはずっと前から言ってるけど、 |
The dialogue thing's been mentioned ages ago, |
LED Sign |
もうちょい待ってね |
Please wait a bit more... |
Zelo |
なかなか納得いく形にならないんだってさ・・・ |
It seems that it just won't end up looking acceptable... |
Rei |
壁に装飾できるのはいいねー |
It'd be nice to decorate the walls though~! |
Zelo |
今まで壁は高いだけで殺風景だったもんね |
The walls are just tall and ruin the view right now, after all. |
Rei |
季節もののイベンってことは |
Seasonal events? |
Zelo |
それまでに間に合うといいねー |
If we can make it in time~. |
Rei |
っとまぁ、今回の放送はこんなところです。 |
Anyways, that's about it for this episode. |
Zelo |
すぐにアプデがくるはずだよー Twitterをチェケラー |
The update will be out real soon~! Check it out on Twitter~! |
♪:蓮葉氷を跳ぶアリス |
♪:Alice Leaping Atop Lily Pad Ice | |
Zelo |
さて、レイくん |
So, how did you feel |
Rei |
8周年記念にしては何かインパクトに欠ける放送でした。 |
It felt somewhat lacking for the 8th anniversary. |
Zelo |
今日は辛辣だね |
You sure are a tough customer today. |
Rei |
最近出番が少ないからねー ぷんぷんレイくんです |
It's because we haven't got to show up much recently~! I'm an angy, angy Rei-kun! |
Zelo |
(もう一人より出番はマシなんだから、 |
(Y'know we already have it better than a certain other person, |
A silhouette of NiLU briefly appears on the screen. | ||
Rei |
あっ・・・・ |
Oh.... |
Zelo |
そんなわけで、連縁も8周年! |
In any case, congratulations on the 8th anniversary! |
Rei |
できればもうちょっと展開を早くしてねー |
I wish the plot would progress a bit faster though~. |
Zelo |
僕らの出番ももっと欲しいしね |
I'd like for us to show up more too. |
Rei |
JynXがんばえー |
Fight on JynX~! |
Zelo |
それじゃあ今回はこのへんで |
And that's all for this episode, so- |
Rei & Zelo |
まったねー |
See you next time~! |
LED Sign |
まったねー |
See you next time~! |
制作:トリック・ノスタルジー |
Production: Trick Nostalgie | |
Zelo |
レイくん、コード踏んでる |
Rei-kun, you're stepping on a cord there. |
Rei |
んあー! |
Woah! |
Zelo |
今度掃除しなきゃね・・・ |
We'll have to clean this up sometime... |
Lin |
掃除ならばリンの出番です |
That'll be Lin's time to shine! |
Rei |
作業に戻りまーす |
Getting back to work... |
動画は以上となります |
Thank you for watching. |
Post-Premier Comments[edit | edit source]
Rei |
ご視聴ありがとーーーー!!! |
Thanks for watching~~~~!!! |
Notes[edit | edit source]
- ↑ アホ in Japanese, "idiot".