Len'en Project 5th Anniversary Video!
連縁project 五周年記念動画! Len'en Project 5th Anniversary Video! | |
![]() Thumbnail of the video | |
Publisher | Trick Nostalgie |
Channel | Vtuberアンドロイド・レイくん&ゼロちゃん |
Released | 11 November 2018 |
Duration | 17:38 |
Platform | YouTube |
Link | https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qJnV2D1VbIA |
Len'en Project 5th Anniversary Video! (連縁project 五周年記念動画!) is a YouTube video uploaded by Trick Nostalgie. It is the eighth video starring Rei, and the fifth starring Zelo. The video was released in celebration of the Len'en Project's 5th anniversary. The video contains important announcements such as merchandise and more information related to Book of the Cafe.
Video Description[edit | edit source]
連縁project五周年「おめでとー!」&「ありがとー!」 |
"Congratulations!" & "Thank you!" for the Len'en Project's 5th anniversary! |
Transcript[edit | edit source]
Introduction[edit | edit source]
とりっく・のすたるじー ♪ |
Banner |
鳥っくオァァァァ鳥ィーとォォ |
Trick or tweet![a] |
Rei |
こんにちはー、レイくんです |
Hello, Rei-kun here. |
Zelo |
ご無沙汰してます、ゼロちゃんです |
It's been a long while. This is Zelo-chan. |
Rei |
そういえばすっごい久しぶりだよね |
Now that you mention it, it has been a long while. |
Zelo |
僕ら燃費がすごく悪いからね、たまにしか動けないんだよね |
Our energy efficiency's poor, so we can only move once in a while. |
Rei |
レイくんは安いアンドロイドじゃないってことだね |
It just means that Rei-kun isn't some cheap android, yeah? |
Zelo |
お高くとまってるレイくんに質問、今日(11月11日)は何の日かな? |
A question for the haughty Rei: What day is it today (11/11)? |
Rei |
知ってるよ! |
I know! |
Rei |
数学者のジョン・ヘンリー・コンスタンティン・ホワイトヘッドの... |
It's the mathematician John Henry Constantine Whitehead's... |
An image with the phrase "from Wikipeida" (wikipediaより) slowly rises from the bottom of the screen, which is quickly replaced with the Evanescent Existence title screen once Zelo interrupts Rei. | ||
Zelo |
連縁project第一作がリリースされた日、つまり連縁記念日です |
It's the day the first game of the Len'en Project was released, in other words, the Len'en anniversary. |
Rei |
へ~~~ |
Huuuuh~. |
Zelo |
今年で五周年なんだってさ |
Apparently it's the 5th anniversary this year! |
Rei |
けっこう年くってんだね~ |
It's getting quite old huh~. |
Zelo |
僕らもなにかお祝いしてあげなきゃね |
We should do something to celebrate too. |
Rei |
そうだね! |
Yeah! |
Rei strikes a pose and a single jet of confetti blasts out from below the androids. | ||
Rei |
はい |
There. |
Zelo |
なに、いまの? |
What- what was that? |
Rei |
お祝い |
The celebration. |
Zelo |
・・・それだけ? |
...that's it? |
Rei |
これがレイくんの全力だったよぉ |
That was my full power, y'know. |
Zelo |
なんかレイくんが親善大使になった時の方がまだ派手だった気がする |
I kinda feel like the one for when you became the ambassador was flashier. |
A clip of the moment from that video is shown, which had two streams of longer-lasting confetti. | ||
Rei |
そうかなー? |
Is that so? |
Zelo |
まぁそれは置いといて |
Well, leaving that aside. |
Rei |
お、ゼロちゃん見せちゃう? アンドロイドの本気ってやつを |
Oh, will you show them? The true power of an android. |
Zelo |
それじゃあレイくんにはフリをやってもらおっかな |
Then, Rei-kun, set up for this. |
Rei |
あい |
Kay. |
Official Clear Folders[edit | edit source]
Rei |
重大発表その1! |
Important announcement #1! |
重大発表その1 |
Important announcement #1 | |
Zelo |
連縁公式クリアファイル発売! |
Official Len'en clear folders on sale now! |
Rei |
おー、クリアファイルだー |
Wow, it's a clear folder! |
Zelo |
絵柄は2つあります |
There are 2 versions with different illustrations: |
Rei |
使い回しだね |
Reusing assets, huh? |
Zelo |
コラ |
Stop it. |
Rei |
けどこのデザインなら普段使いしやすいんじゃないかな |
I think this design is good for regular use. |
Zelo |
二つ目は今回のために描き下ろした絵です |
The second one was drawn just for the occasion. |
The second folder features an illustration of Rei & Zelo. | ||
Rei |
ああぁああああぁ!!!! レイくんかわいいいーー!!! |
Rei |
ゼロちゃんもかわいいね |
Zelo-chan is cute too. |
Zelo |
う、うん、ありがと |
Y- yeah, thanks. |
Zelo |
ちなみにこれの反対側はこんなです |
By the way, the other side looks like this. |
The flipside features Yabusame Houlen and Tsubakura Enraku, the latter of whom Rei admires. | ||
Rei |
・・・・・・ |
...... |
Zelo |
? どうしたの? |
? What is it? |
Rei |
100枚注文しましょう |
Let's order 100 of these. |
Zelo |
循環取引でもするつもり? |
You plan to do round-trip transactions? |
Rei |
しかしこれでレイくんとゼロちゃんもグッズ化かぁ |
Even so, with this, even Rei-kun and Zelo-chan have become merchandise huh. |
Zelo |
嬉しいね |
You're happy huh. |
Rei |
印税入るのかなぁ? |
Wonder if we get any royalties? |
Zelo |
どうせ赤字だから入らないんじゃないかな? |
We're in the red, after all, so I'm afraid not. |
Rei |
世知辛いのね |
What a cold world. |
Zelo |
それじゃあ次の発表にいこっか |
Well, shall we move on to the next announcement? |
Rei |
はーい |
Okaay. |
Official Stickers[edit | edit source]
Rei |
重大発表その2-! |
Important announcement #2! |
重大発表その2 |
Important announcement #2 | |
Zelo |
連縁公式型抜きシール発売! |
Official Len'en stickers on sale now! |
Rei |
お、シールも出すんだ |
Oh, we're releasing stickers too. |
Zelo |
柄はこんな感じになってます |
Here's a sample. |
Rei |
模様みたいなものばっかりなんだね |
It's all pattern-like stuff huh. |
Zelo |
これなら普段使ってるものに貼ってもあまり恥ずかしくないかもね |
With this, you wouldn't feel embarrassed even if you stuck them on daily items. |
Zelo |
一部ボムのデザインは諸事情で変更されてるけど、あまり気にしないでね |
Some of the bomb designs were changed for various reasons, but pay it no mind. |
Rei |
大人の事情だね |
It's an adult problem. |
Zelo |
このシールも先ほどのクリアファイルも |
Both the stickers and the clear folders from before |
Rei |
在庫はどれぐらいあるのかな? |
How many of them are there in stock? |
Zelo |
制作者さんいわく、『ヒクほど刷ったのでマジでよろしくお願いします』だってさ |
According to the creator: "I made so much that I cringe. So I'm counting on you," is what I heard. |
Rei |
バカじゃないの? |
Are they stupid? |
Zelo |
来月あたりにはエスポワール号にでも乗っかってるかもね |
They might hop on the Espoir[b] sometime next month. |
Rei |
好きなだけ買ってあげてね♪ |
Buy as much as you like. ♪ |
Zelo |
売り上げは僕たちの燃料にもなるんで、どうかよろしくお願いします |
Some of the profits go to our fuel too. So thanks in advance. |
Official Acrylic Figures: Wave 2[edit | edit source]
Rei |
それじゃあ重大発表その3-! |
Well then, important announcement #3! |
重大発表その3 公式アクリルフィギュア 第二弾 発売ぃぃ!! ...予定
Important announcement #3 Official Acrylic Figures Wave 2 Now on Sale!!! ...that's the plan.
| |
Zelo |
公式アクリルフィギュア第二弾、発売・・・予定! |
Wave 2 of the official acrylic figures are... planned to be on sale! |
Rei |
またグッズですか |
Goods again? |
Zelo |
はい |
Yep. |
Rei |
それに"予定"ってどういうこと? |
And what did you mean by "planned to be"? |
Zelo |
製作費が足りなかったんだって |
I heard they didn't have enough money. |
Rei |
あ・・・・・ |
Oh..... |
Official LINE Stickers[edit | edit source]
Rei |
それじゃあ重大発表その4-! |
Moving on, important announcement #4! |
重大発表その4 公式LINEスタンプ 発売ぃぃぃ!!! ...予定
Important announcement #4 Official LINE Stickers Now on Sale!!!!! ...in planning.
| |
Zelo |
公式LINEスタンプ発売! 予定! |
Official LINE stickers on sale! That's the plan! |
Rei |
また予定ですか |
Planned again? |
Zelo |
なんか描く絵が多くて大変なんだってさ |
It seems there's too much artwork to draw. |
Rei |
へぇ~ |
Huh~. |
Zelo |
ちなみにこんな感じのスタンプになるみたいです |
By the way, the stickers are going to be like this. |
Two stickers are shown, one with Yabusame waving widely and saying "Yahoo!", and the other with Tsubakura lightly waving and saying "Yo.". | ||
Rei |
玄鳥さま! |
Zelo |
スタンプって1セットで40個ぐらい作れるらしいから、『お、全キャラ描けるじゃん』 |
Since a set of LINE stickers can have around 40 of them, they thought "Oh, I can include all the characters." |
Rei |
バカじゃないの? |
Are they stupid? |
Two more stickers are shown, one Sese Kitsugai waving and saying "I'm hooome!", and the other with Jinbei in a kotatsu saying "Welcome back.". | ||
Zelo |
けど審査が通るかわからないから、発売できるかすらもわからないんだってさ |
But we're not sure we can release it, since we can't even be sure if it'll pass approval. |
Rei |
発売できなかったらこの絵たちは何かに流用されるのかなぁ~? |
What will they be reused for if it's not approved~? |
Zelo |
あんまり裏事情を言わないの |
Don't talk about behind the scenes information too much. |
A World Outside Fantasy[edit | edit source]
Rei |
つぎー、重大発表その5-! |
Next, important announcement #5! |
重大発表その5 |
Important announcement #5 | |
Zelo |
今度はすごいですよ |
This one's a big one. |
Rei |
お? |
Oh? |
連縁サウンドトラックCD 発売ぃぃぃぃ!!!! ...決定
Len'en soundtrack CD Now on Sale!!!!!!! ...or at least, it's confirmed.
| |
Zelo |
連縁サウンドトラックCD『夢幻で无い世界[表]』発売決定! |
Len'en soundtrack CD "A World Outside Fantasy [Frontside]" confirmed to be on sale soon! |
Rei |
おー! これはいい情報だね! |
Oh! This is good information! |
連縁无現里 |
Evanescent Existence | |
Zelo |
ご要望の声も多かった音楽CDがようやく発売決定です! |
The highly requested music CD is finally confirmed to be in production! |
Rei |
決定ですか! |
Is it decided?! |
Zelo |
決定です! |
It's decided! |
Rei |
そいつはよかった! |
That's good to hear! |
Zelo |
よかったよね! |
Thank goodness indeed! |
Rei |
いつ? |
When? |
Zelo |
未定 |
Undecided. |
Rei |
・・・・・ |
..... |
Rei |
・・・ところでタイトルにある『表』ってどういう意味? |
...by the way, what's the "Frontside" on the title mean? |
♪:BlackBoxBug(収録予定曲) |
♪: BlackBoxBug (Song planned to be on the CD) | |
Zelo |
実はこのCDとは別に・・・ |
Actually, separate from this CD... |
Rei |
ええー! |
Zelo |
本編の曲の内、半分がこのCDに収録され、もう半分がもう一枚のCDに収録されます |
Half of the in-game songs are in one, and another half are in the other one. |
Rei |
なんでそんなめんどくさいことしたの? |
Why was it made so annoying? |
Zelo |
さて、なんででしょう? ヒント:容量 |
Why indeed? Hint: Capacity. |
Rei |
はい! |
Here! |
Zelo |
はい、レイくん |
Yes, Rei? |
Rei |
容量が足りなかった! |
The CD didn't have enough capacity to it! |
Zelo |
正解! |
That's right! |
Rei |
ヤッター |
I did it! |
Zelo |
正確に言うとダウンロード販売もするけど、せっかくならCDも刷りたいらしいので、CDの容量的に二枚になりそうらしいです |
Technically they will be available for download too, but since we're doing this anyways they wants to make CDs, and it seems in terms of capacity two are needed. |
Rei |
二枚組ってわけじゃなくて、二枚別々に出るんだね |
It's not a set of two, but two separate releases. |
Zelo |
ちなみに、本編の曲だけじゃなくて、このCDのために作った新曲やボツ曲もいくつか収録するらしいよ |
Also, it will include songs not only from the game, but a number of new songs for the CDs and unused songs too!. |
Rei |
おぉ、それは嬉しいねぇー |
Ooh, that makes me happy! |
Zelo |
あと、ちょっとしたストーリー尽きのブックレットが付いてくるみたいだよ |
Also, it comes with a booklet with a small story in it too. |
Rei |
実はそのストーリーはレイくん達も作るの手伝わされてるんだよね~ |
Actually, we are also helping with the story~. |
Zelo |
ねー |
Right~. |
Rei |
さてさて~? それではー、そろそろかなぁ? |
Well well~? Now then, I think it's about time? |
Rei |
みんなも待ってる"アレ"の情報は? |
Where's the information on "that thing" that everyone's waiting for? |
Book of the Cafe[edit | edit source]
Rei |
重大発表、その6-! |
Important announcement #6!! |
重大発表その6 |
Important announcement #6 | |
Zelo |
・・・・・・ |
...... |
Rei |
・・・・アレ? |
....Huh? |
? |
? | |
Zelo |
・・・以上です |
...that's all. |
お-の- |
Oh no. | |
Rei |
・・・・・重大発表、その7-! |
..... Important announcement #7! |
Zelo |
ありません |
There isn't one. |
Rei |
あれれ~ おかしいぞ~? |
What~? Isn't that strange~? |
Zelo |
それについて、制作者のJynXさんからビデオレターが届いてるよ |
About that, the creator, JynX, has sent us a video. |
VHS Tape |
秘 |
Rei |
いまどきVHSですか |
A VHS in this day and age? |
Zelo |
なんでも連縁カフェの紹介映像らしいよ |
It's apparently presentation footage of Book of the Cafe! |
Rei |
お、なんだぁ~ あるんじゃーん |
Oh, what~. So you do have something~! |
Zelo |
それじゃあさっそく見てみよっか |
Well then let's get to watching it, shall we? |
Rei |
あいあーい |
'Aight, 'aight. |
♪:This is Cafe ja nai |
♪:This is Cafe ja nai[c] | |
JynX |
みなさんこんにちわ、はじめましてー |
Hello everyone, nice to meet you~. |
JynX |
英語でも言った方がいいかな? |
Perhaps I should speak English too? |
JynX |
これ以上やると英語できないのがバレちゃいそうなので |
I feel like any more and it'll be revealed that I can't speak English. |
JynX |
今回は、現在制作中のゲーム「連縁カフェ」のカフェ画面を |
This time, I'll be showing café management gameplay of "Book of the Cafe". |
JynX |
いま見えてる画面がカフェ画面なんですが |
The screen you're looking at right now is the café management screen. |
JynX |
そしてこっちの机の方を見てみると、誰かが勝手に座ってますねぇ |
And here if we have a look at the tables, it seems someone took a seat without asking. |
JynX |
あんまり待たせるとアレなんで、メシをお見舞いしてやりましょう |
It's not good to leave them waiting, so let's make some food. |
JynX |
左から |
From the left, |
JynX |
それでは、テンインサンを選択した状態で台所をタップすると・・・ |
Well then, if we tap the kitchen while an employee is selected... |
JynX |
まぁ、今はこれしかないですか・・・ |
Well, is that all we have right now though... |
※食べられません |
※Inedible | |
JynX |
気にしないで作りましょう! |
Don't mind that, let's make it! |
JynX |
すると、店員さんがテクテクテクーって歩いていきます |
Once you press that button, the employee trudges over. |
JynX |
いやぁ~~~ のんびりしてますね~~~ |
Myyyy~. It sure is relaxiiing~... |
JynX |
それじゃあ店員を選択した状態で料理を回収しましょう |
Well then let's have an employee collect the food while having them selected. |
JynX |
そのあと、全自動でお客様が料理を食べ始めます |
Afterwards, the customers start eating automatically. |
JynX |
こんな感じで全自動カフェ運営ゲームとなってます |
It'll be a fully automated game like this. |
JynX |
あ、流し台にお皿が溜まってますね~ |
Ah, the plates are piling up in the sink~. |
JynX |
せっかくなんで、またこの間に料理を作っておきましょうかね |
Since we're here already, let's make another dish while they're at it. |
JynX |
こんな感じで役割分担をしつつ、 |
If we divide the roles like this, |
JynX |
店員さんには様々なステータスがありまして |
The employees have various stats, |
JynX |
次はレイアウトについて説明しますね |
Next let's talk about the layout. |
JynX |
この画面で机や台所などの移動や設置ができるようになります |
Here, you can move and place tables and kitchens, etc. |
JynX |
床も自由に、こんな風にレイアウトできます |
You can layout floors freely too. |
JynX |
ちなみに背景はこんな感じになってます |
By the way, the background is like this. |
JynX |
店の大きさも、今はこれぐらいですけども |
The café is this big for now, |
JynX |
さて、このカフェ画面ではお金集め、経験値稼ぎ、 |
Now then, in the café, you make money, grind for EXP |
JynX |
それでは最後となりましたが |
And lastly, |
制作者 |
The creator is | |
JynX |
どんどんと作業量が増えていきまして |
The workload started to increase gradually. |
JynX |
慣れない環境での初めてのアプリ開発ということもあって |
Because this was my first time developing a mobile app, |
JynX |
いや~、まだまだ やることもたくさんありましてねぇ |
Well~, I still have much to do. |
制作者 |
The creator is | |
JynX |
家具や内装の絵とか、エフェクトとか、音楽とかも作らなきゃならないし、 |
Artworks for the furniture and interior, visual effects, songs... |
JynX |
さて、それじゃあ僕からの紹介は以上とさせていただきます |
Well, that's it from me. |
Rei |
・・・・・ |
..... |
Zelo |
・・・・・ |
..... |
Rei |
色々言いたいことがあるんだけどさ、一つだけ言っていい? |
I have a lot of things I want to say, but can I say just one? |
Zelo |
いくらでもどーぞ |
Say as much as you want. |
Rei |
オキャクサマ、食べるの早くない? |
Aren't the customers eating really fast? |
Zelo |
そこ? |
That's what you're pointing out? |
Farewells[edit | edit source]
Zelo |
さて、今回の動画もお別れのお時間ですね |
Well, it's time to say goodbye for this video. |
Rei |
今回はたくさん喋って疲れたよぉ~~~ |
I talked a lot this time, I'm tireeeed~. |
Zelo |
レイくんの弾幕講座もいずれ続きをやらなきゃね |
We have to get back to Rei-kun's danmaku lessons eventually as well. |
Rei |
けどゲーム自体がまだできてないじゃーん |
But the game itself is not done yet. |
Zelo |
色々作ってて中々手が回らないみたいだね |
Seems like JynX is working on so many things that they can't juggle through them well. |
Rei |
レイくんたちがお手伝いできればいいんだけどねぇ |
I sure wish we can help... |
Zelo |
まぁ忘れたわけではないので、みなさん気長にお待ちください |
Well they didn't forget, so please wait warmly. |
Rei |
連縁も五周年を迎えることだし、 |
We've crossed Len'en's 5th anniversary, |
Zelo |
そうだね、みなさん今後ともよろしくお願いします |
Yeah, thank you for your support now and ever. |
Rei |
それじゃあまた次の動画まで |
Now then, until next time, |
Rei & Zelo |
まったねー |
Bye! |
Rei |
「にゃーん」って言わなくていいの? |
Don't you need to say "Meo~w"? |
Zelo |
あ |
Oh. |
Notes[edit | edit source]
- ↑ Originally a pun on the Japanese word for "bird" (鳥 tori) and how the phrase "Trick or treat" is phonetically rendered in Japanese, "torikku oa toriito" (トリックオアトリート).
- ↑ A reference to the ship Espoir from the gambling manga Kaiji. Debtors gamble on the ship in hopes of earning enough money to repay their debt.
- ↑ literally: This is Not Cafe