Len'en Anniversaries/2nd Anniversary Transcription
The following is a transcription and translation of the text seen in the right image.
Fumikado |
なんだこの棒は?? |
What is with these sticks? |
Iyozane |
都で人気のお菓子なんだそうですよ 『プリッツ』とかいう名前らしいです |
They are sweets that are popular at the Capital. They are called "Pretz". |
Fumikado |
小麦粉の味がしてウマいな!! |
It tastes like flour; it's delicious! |
Iyozane |
そりゃー 小麦粉の塊みたいなもんですからねぇ |
Well, that is because it is essentially a lump of flour. |
Fumikado |
帝め・・・ほんのり塩辛くてなかなか子意気なものを作る・・・ |
That Emperor... Just like them to create faintly salty and very child-like things... |
Iyozane |
いや、別に帝がつくったわけではないと思いますよ・・・? |
Uh, I do not believe that the Emperor creating them is the case here... |
Tsugumi |
ってか勝手につまみ食いしとるな? ワレ |
Like, why're we jus' eatin' 'em with our hands, anyway? |
Fumikado |
ダメなのか? |
Is that bad? |
Iyozane |
数に限りありますから・・・・・まぁ、1本だけですよ? |
There are only so many, so... well, could I have just one? |
Fumikado |
うむ、1本だけだな |
Very well, just one. |
Tsugumi |
その右手にいっぱい握っとるのはどういうつもりや? |
Yer holding a lot in yer right hand, so whaddaya really up to? |
Fumikado |
なんだこの棒は!? なんか黒いぞ? |
What is with this stick!? It's black? |
Tsugumi |
おい |
Oi. |
Iyozane |
あぁそれは『ポッキー』と言いまして、『プリッツ』の進化系だぞうですよ |
Oh, that one is called "Pocky"; it is an evolution of "Pretz". |
Fumikado |
どう進化してるんだ? |
How is it evolving? |
Iyozane |
チョコレートがついてます |
You put chocolate on it. |
Fumikado |
チョコなら知ってるぞ! 甘くて口に含むとトロトロしてスゴくウマいやつだな! |
I knew that! It is deliciously sweet and melts in your mouth, after all! |
Tsugumi |
知らん、って言ったらぶっとばしてたところや |
If ya'd said ya didn't know, I'd've bashed yer head in. |
Fumikado |
なるほど、じゃあこの黒い部分がチョコか・・・ 塩辛いのにチョコが合うのか? |
I see, so this black part is chocolate... yet the chocolate and saltiness go together? |
Iyozane |
さぁ? けど都では人気のようですし、合うんじゃないですか? |
Who knows? But it is popular in the Capital, so it likely does go together. |
Tsugumi |
そっちは塩辛くないんやで |
Ain't salty with the chocolate. |
Fumikado |
うむ、後で食べるとしよう・・・1本だけな |
Yes, I will eat one of those after this... just one. |
Iyozane |
そこにあるのは見本なんですから、あんまり食べないでくださいよ? |
Since those are samples, can you please not eat so much? |
Fumikado |
見本? ・・・・っていうか、伊代真たちは何をやってるんだ? |
Samples? ...So what are you two doing, Iyozane? |
Tsugumi |
・・・それを真似してお菓子を作っとるんやで |
...We're copyin' the sweets. |
Fumikado |
それまた、なぜだ? |
And again I ask: Why? |
Iyozane |
・・・・・このまえチョコレートを食べて感動したあげく、 |
.....Did you not say something along the lines of "I will become the ruler of sweets!" |
Fumikado |
おぉ! そうか、そう言えばそうだったな! |
Oh! I see. Now that you mention it, that is exactly how it was! |
Tsugumi |
・・・もう帰ってええ? |
...Can I go home yet? |
Iyozane |
いーよー・・・ |
Go ahead... |