I Tried a Touhou-Style Bullet Hell Shmup Made by My Wife
【無料STG】俺の嫁が作った東方風味の弾幕STGを遊んでみた 【Free STG】I Tried a Touhou-Style Bullet Hell Shmup Made by My Wife | |
![]() Thumbnail of the video | |
Publisher | BIGBOSS |
Channel | http://www.nicovideo.jp/user/1111312 |
Released | 8 June 2010 |
Duration | 21:40 |
Platform | Niconico |
Link | http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm10999751 |
[Free STG]I Tried a Touhou-Style Bullet Hell Shmup Made by My Wife (【無料STG】俺の嫁が作った東方風味の弾幕STGを遊んでみた ) is a Niconico video uploaded by BIGBOSS. The video shows what is essentially the trial version of Emergency Everyday, the enigmatic game made by Daijin that is thought to be the Len'en game JynX's upperclassmen were working on before they abandoned the project and gave JynX all the rights to it. It shows the game's main menu and stages 1 to 3. It features spoken commentary from BIGBOSS and written commentary from Daijin.
Video Description[edit | edit source]
完全に内輪ネタです。サーセン。 |
It's all inside jokes. Sorry 'bout that. |
Transcript and Translation of the Commentary[edit | edit source]
The following is a transcription and translation of Daijin and BIGBOSS' commentary, based on a transcription by Duskia (@MagusofTwilight on Twitter). Note that Daijin's commentary was written while BIGBOSS' commentary was spoken, and that the two were not in direct conversation with one another: BIGBOSS first played and recorded the game, Daijin then added her written commentary on both the game and BIGBOSS' gameplay, and finally BIGBOSS adds his voiceover in response to the video and Daijin's comments.
Title Screen & Main Menu[edit | edit source]
ヌカァン、BIGBOSSです。さてみなさんこんにちは。 |
Ba-boom![a] It's BIGBOSS. Hey there everyone. |
Daijin |
こんにちわ、うp主こと製作者の「大臣」です。 |
Hello. I'm the uploader and developer of this game, "Daijin". |
はいこんにちは。うp主こと...おお、このゲームすごいですね |
Alright, hey there. That's the uploader... Ooh, this game is amazing. |
Daijin |
今回は現在製作中のゲーム「鏈縁无現里(れんえんむげんり)」の |
This time I'm uploading a video on "Len'en Mugenri" |
「製作途中段階をうpするということなので」... |
"A game that is still in the middle of development"... |
Daijin |
あまり邪魔にならない所でこっそり解説とコメントをしていきたいと思います |
So I've snuck in some explanations and commentary where it won't get in the way. |
いやー、目立ちまくってますよ |
Nah it's totally standing out. |
Daijin |
ちなみに待っててもデモムービーとかは別に流れません |
By the way, it's not like a demo would play even if you waited on this screen. |
これがデモムービーじゃなかったのか...w |
Oh there's not gonna be a demo...? lol |
Daijin |
ただ単に曲が1ループするのを待っているだけです。 |
We're just waiting for the music to loop once. |
おー、作曲したというね |
Ooh, you composed this yeah. |
Daijin |
それにしても妙にふらふらと動くメニューとタイトルだ |
Even so, the menu and title sure are oddly swaying. |
でもぐるぐる回ってますけど |
That thing's spinning though. |
Daijin |
実は「Start」と「EXIT」以外は未実装だったりする・・・ |
Actually, apart from "START" and "EXIT", the rest are unimplemented... |
すげぇ、なんか、アイコンがおっきくなったりちっちゃくなったりしてる、横に揺れたw |
Whoa, the options get big and small, it slid to the side haha. |
Daijin |
さて、曲も1ループしたことですし、本編を始めましょう |
Now then, since the song has already played once, let's get right into it. |
これ4分あったら困ったんですけどね |
It'd be a problem if it was a whole 4 minutes long. |
Daijin |
主人公、自機キャラです |
The main character, aka the playable character. |
ひどい扱いです。被っているのは学帽的な? |
What cruel treatment. He's wearing a graduate cap or something? |
Daijin |
隠れキャラです。 |
That's a hidden character. |
ってかボスキャラじゃないのかよ |
Wait I thought he was a boss character? |
Daijin |
では、STGスタート! |
Well then, STG start! |
Stage 1[edit | edit source]
まず残機が多い。とりあえず7機。 |
First off, that's a lot of lives. 7 right off the bat. |
Daijin |
開幕弾幕、動かなければ当たりません。 |
The opening attack, you won't get hit if you don't move. |
1面の割に弾幕が鬼畜。これ攻撃範囲広いですね。 |
It's surprisingly fiendish for a stage 1 pattern. This is a wide attack range. |
Daijin |
青いのはパワー、オレンジのは点です。 |
The blue ones are power items, the orange ones are point items. |
パワーは4点MAX形式か。 |
So the power maxes out at 4 huh. |
Daijin |
パワーは赤にしようと思ったんですが、被っちゃうから・・・ |
I thought about making power items red but, that would overlap with a certain something else... |
「パワーは赤にしようと思ったんですが、被っちゃうから」まぁね。 |
"I thought about making power items red but, that would overlap with a certain something else..." Well. |
Daijin |
敵のグラフィックなんですが、実はこれテスト用に作ったやつなんですよね |
About the enemy sprites, it was actually just something I made as a test. |
ボム4個ですか。ボム4なんだ。 |
We have 4 bombs. Bombs 4. |
Daijin |
中ボス登場 |
The midboss appears. |
多分そうあの...来た、1面ボス。中ボス、妖精さん。 |
I think so anywa- There he is, the stage 1 boss. Midboss, Mr. Fairy. |
Daijin |
弾幕STGって他人のプレイを見ているとヒヤヒヤしますよね、なんか |
When watching someone else play danmaku STG games, you always get kinda nervous huh. |
赤青弾幕。 |
Red and blue bullets. |
Daijin |
プレイしている当人は余裕で避けてるらしいけど、なんか危なっかしく見える・・・ |
Even though the person playing is dodging it all with ease, it still seems risky to the viewer... |
「プレイしている当人は余裕で避けてる...」 |
"The person playing is dodging it all with ease..." |
Daijin |
さっきから自機狙いばっか・・・ |
It's all just been attacks aimed at the player... |
人工知能で会話するか... |
Maybe it talks with artificial intelligence...? |
Daijin |
開幕弾幕とまったく同じ、動かなければ当たりません |
Identical to the opening attack, if you don't move you won't get hit. |
キター!麻薬か? |
Here it comes! What is this a narcotic? |
Daijin |
会話スタート |
Conversation start. |
「くそ、大臣のヤツどこ行っちゃったんだ?」、セリンツ...扱い酷すぎるよ、本人泣いてるよ。うれし泣きだよ |
"Damn, where'd Daijin fly off to...?" Serintsu... You're way too mean! Daijin'll be crying. Tears of joy, that is. |
Daijin |
ボス登場 |
The boss appears. |
「あん?」お、ここでBIGBOSS登場です。と、深空(みそら) |
"Eh?" Oh, BIGBOSS shows up here. And, Misora.[c] |
Daijin |
小さい方は生霊です |
The small one's a spectre. |
いっしゅ、一周してる感じかなぁ? |
Is- is he supposed to be wrapped around BIGBOSS? |
Daijin |
細かいキャラ設定を知りたい方はコメント棚のリンク先を見てください |
If you want to know about the character backgrounds, please visit the link in the comment section. |
まだ乗っている。 |
He's still riding on 'em. |
Daijin |
しかしビッグボスの髮がキャラメルにしか見えない・・・ |
I can't unsee Big Boss's hair as caramel... |
「ビッグボスの髮がキャラメルにしか見えない」 |
"I can't unsee Big Boss's hair as caramel." |
Daijin |
無駄に長い曲名 |
A pointlessly long song name. |
お、「Stealthy Sneaking Snake」4S。 |
Oh, Stealthy Sneaking Snake. 4S. |
Daijin |
ボス戦です |
Boss battle. |
うーん、そんなにキツくはない弾幕。ちゃんとボスの体力出るんですね。 |
Hmm, the attacks aren't all that tough. And the boss health is displayed too. |
Daijin |
破砕擲弾(はさいてきだん) |
Disintegration Grenade |
「破砕擲弾」。さっきとあんまり変わんない気がする |
"Disintegration Grenade". I feel like it isn't that different from the last attack. |
Daijin |
初っ端からなかなか難易度の高いスペル 僕はこの弾幕苦手です |
A really difficult spell right off the bat. |
そういえばさっきデススマイルズ2やってきたんですよ。やっぱ面白いですね。 |
Oh by the way, I was playing Deathsmiles II just now. It really is fun. |
Daijin |
ナイススペルブレイク |
Nice Spell Break. |
ワインド(音声不明瞭)で良かった気がする。さて、若干難しくなってきたぞ。でもまだボムを使っていないというね。この余裕。 |
I feel like it was the right choice to wind [unclear]. Oop, it's gotten quite difficult now. Not that a bomb is needed yet. Such ample skill. |
Daijin |
避け方が凄く怖い・・・ |
That's a real scary way to dodge it... |
取ったスペカは全部反映されるんでしょうか |
I wonder if all captured spell cards are reflected? |
Daijin |
初見殺し |
A blind-run killer. |
長い、長い。ピチューン!ボム使えよー。 |
It's long it's long. Pichuun! Just use a bomb. |
Daijin |
けどダメだったらしい |
But it seems that he failed. |
さて、低速移動と高速移動。下の輪っかの広がり方がいい感じ。 |
Now then, alternating between focused and unfocused movement. I like how that wheel under Serintsu expands. |
Daijin |
ちなみに赤いばら撒さ弾は自機の方向に依存するので、ボスの上は安置じゃないです |
By the way the red scattering bullets are shot towards the player, so the area above the boss is not a safe spot. |
自機判定が見えにくくなる...これで終わりかな? |
It's kinda hard to see the hitbox... Is this the end? |
Daijin |
無事ボス撃破 |
The boss was defeated safely. |
この「スィームルグ」ってのがたぶん深空(みそら)のスタンド、じゃなくてスペカだったんでしょうね。 |
I think Simurgh is probably Misora's stand- I mean spell card. |
Daijin |
ちなみに残機は表示されているのは7つだけだけど、実際は100以上あります。 |
By the only 7 extra lives are displayed, but there's actually more than 100. |
「残機100以上あります」と。いくら死んでも良いじゃないかよw |
"There's more than 100 lives," it says. Then I can just die all I want lol. |
Stage 2[edit | edit source]
Daijin |
紹介プレイでコンティニューとかになったらテンション下がりますからね |
After all, if we had to use a continue or something during an introductory play, it would bring down the excitement. |
「コンティニューしたらテンション下がりますよね」 |
"If we had to use a continue or something during it would bring down the excitement huh." |
Daijin |
デフォでは残機3、ボム3の予定です |
The default is planed to be 3 lives and 3 bombs. |
いやその、死んだ時のゲームオーバーの画面と、コンティニューするときの |
Well no- Personally I think it's nice to show off like, the game over screen when you die, |
Daijin |
いきなり弾幕が濃くなってきました |
Suddenly the danmaku has become dense. |
「次元爆」。一瞬字が左で切れたから「二次元爆破」かと思った。 |
"Dimensional Explo-". For a brief moment I thought it was cut off to the left and that it said "2-dimensional Explosion". |
Daijin |
ボムです |
That's the bomb. |
爆破するとしたら三次元かな。リア充爆発しろみたいな。 |
If I were to blow anything up it'd be the third dimension. Y'know like "normies should all just explode" and stuff like that. |
Daijin |
っとツッコミたいですが、これは主人公の造語なんで仕方が無いんです。 |
That's what I would like to quip in with but, the protagonist coined this term so there's nothing I can do. |
それにしても攻撃範囲が広いな。 |
Still, that really is a wide attack range. |
Daijin |
つまり・・ |
And that means... |
なんか弾消ししてくれる敵がいたほうがね、盛り上がりそうですよね。 |
I'd like it better if there were enemies that erased bullets for you, would make it more exciting I think. |
Daijin |
ってことですね、命名したのは僕ですが・・・ |
Yeah... I was the one who named it though... |
ぱーん!て感じ。 |
BOOM! Just like that. |
Daijin |
どこかで見たことがある中ボス登場 |
A midboss I feel like I've seen somewhere else appears. |
「どこかで見たことがある中ボス」。弾の種類までどこかで見たことがありますよこれw |
"A midboss I feel like I've seen somewhere else". I feel like I've seen those bullet types somewhere else too lol. |
Daijin |
ちなみにこの途中に限り、避けやすいように弾幕の種類によって色分けをしてます |
By the way, just for this stage, I separated the danmaku by color according to their type, for your dodging convenience. |
なんかアイテムと、弾の色が結構違うからそこはわかりやすいね |
Actually, the item and bullet colours contrast quite well, so they're easy to tell apart. |
Daijin |
赤っぽいのは奇数弾 |
The reddish ones are aimed at you. |
これ当たんないので同じ色にしてもいいかも |
It's not like we're gonna get hit by them so it might've been fine to just make 'em the same colour. |
Daijin |
個人的な意見ですが、奇数は赤、偶数は青、ってイメージがあるんですよね |
It's just my personal opinion, but when it's aimed at you, it's red; when it's aimed around you, it's blue. They just give this image. |
「奇数弾・偶数弾」。避けます。なんか敵が全体的に虫っぽいです。 |
"Aimed at you, aimed around you". Dodging it all. All the enemies here feel insect-ish. |
Daijin |
アイテムが邪魔で弾が見え難いという罠 |
A trap called "the items are in the way so I can't see the bullets". |
アイテム邪魔すぎるw当たりましたねー。 |
The items are way in the way lol. They got hit... |
Daijin |
見事に罠にかかりました |
He got caught the trap splendidly. |
ほんと右下のAIが優秀なゲームですね。 |
Seriously the game's AI in the bottom-right is way too good. |
Daijin |
主人公はオタクなんでネット用語を多用します |
The protagonist uses a lot of internet terms since he's an otaku. |
お、きた。ハテナハテナハテナ。 |
Oh, here they are. Hatena hatena hatena.[d] |
Daijin |
出てきちゃった |
Here they are. |
酷いですね。微妙に重なってないか? |
How mean. They're overlapping in a bizarre way though, aren't they? |
Daijin |
何故シルエットだけかというと、一応僕はキャラ絵はZUNさんの絵を意識して描いてるつもりなんですよ |
As for why I drew the silhouettes only, well I do plan to draw my character art while being aware of ZUN's art. |
ほう、「何故シルエットだけかというと...」へぇー。 |
Ho, "As for why I drew the silhouettes only..." I see~... |
Daijin |
だから、この絵柄でこの二人を描くのはダメだと思ったからです |
So I thought it would be bad to draw these two in my art style. |
「ダメだと思ってます」それがお前のプライドかよ! |
"I thought it would be bad." So it's just your pride?! |
Daijin |
それをしていいのは上海アリス様だけだという僕のファンとしてのプライドです |
"The only one who can do this is Team Shanghai Alice", that's my pride as a fan. |
そうか...。流石のAIだ。このゲームには大臣の魂が乗り移っているようですね。 |
I see... That's AI for you. It seems Daijin's soul has been transferred into the game. |
Daijin |
ここ重要 |
This is important. |
1面ボス的にBIGBOSS&深空(みそら)が出たりするのかな? |
Perhaps it'd be a rerun of stage 1, where BIGBOSS and Misora show up again? |
Daijin |
しかし、二次創作と言っても、原作キャラはここしか出てこないんですよすね・・・ |
But still, even if I call this a derivative work, the characters from the original works only appear here... |
「原作キャラはここしか出てこないんですよね」ま、これ以上出しちゃダメでしょw |
"The characters from the original works only appear here," well they can't show up any more than this lol. |
Daijin |
二元創作というよりコラボ? |
Perhaps calling it a collab would be more appropriate than a derivative work? |
流石にアウトでしょw「天孫降臨的な意味」 |
That cannot possibly go lol. "Like the advent of the divine grandson". |
Daijin |
曲もまんま出てきちゃった |
That phrase shows up as is in the song too. |
曲がまんますぎるw |
It's way to obvious lol. |
Daijin |
使用樂器ZUNペットとピアノとパーカッションだけです |
Used instruments are ZUNpets, piano and percussions only. |
もう、まぁ敢えて東方のどっかのステージをランダムに流用とか、そんな感じにすれば良かったんじゃないかな |
Honestly at this point you could've just made something that plays a random Touhou stage theme and called it a day. |
Daijin |
この曲に限らず、音源は原作様とほぼ同じもの(SD-20)を使用してます |
It's not only this song, I basically used the same sound sources as the originals (SD-20). |
きたー!これは避けられる気が...する! |
Here we go! They can probably dodge this one... I think! |
Daijin |
けど殆どベタ塗りなので、原作とクオリティに雲泥の差があります |
I'm more or less putting them all over the place, so there is a world of difference in quality when compared to the original. |
これぐらいなら避けられる気がします。 |
I feel like I would be able to dodge that, at the very least. |
Daijin |
ちなみに、SE等もこの音源で作りました |
By the way, the SE and such was also made with that sound source. |
最初にそんな設定みたいなの無かった気がするんで...ピチューン! |
I don't remember seeing a difficulty being picked at the beginning... Pitchuun! |
Daijin |
あと、僕は絶対音感じゃないクセに耳コピだけで頑張っちゃったから、絶対どこか音外してますので |
Also, I did my best despite not having perfect pitch, so there will definitely be some parts where the notes are off. |
おおっ喰らいボム。 |
Ooh a death bomb. |
Daijin |
地味だけど中々ウザイスペルです |
It's plain but it's quite the annoying spell. |
まぁこの原色が多い弾幕って嫌いなんですよ。背景と合わさって見にくい。 |
I hate bullet patterns with a lot of primary colours. They blend in with the background and hard hard to see. |
Daijin |
最後結構危ないところでしたね |
It was pretty close near the end. |
キター!結構速い。wwまたもや喰らいボム。残り2発までよ。 |
Here it goes! It's quite fast. lolol Another death bomb. There's only 2 left. |
Daijin |
喰らいボム |
Deathbomb. |
あれ、これってスペカ中だっけ?スペカ中じゃないのか。大丈夫ですね。 |
Huh, we were in the middle of a spell right? We weren't? So it's alright? |
Daijin |
このレーザーは微妙に偶数弾なので、大きく動いたり、前に出たりしなければ当たりません |
These lasers are, oddly enough, aimed around you, so if you don't make big movements or dash upwards they won't hit you. |
初期位置からほとんど動いていないという。 |
And that's why they've barely moved from their starting position. |
Daijin |
本当はマスパみたいのを作りたかったんだけど、いいSEが作れなかったので、曲がるレーザーのテストがてらにコレにしました |
Actually I wanted to make something like Master Spark, but I couldn't make a good SE for it, so I ultimately made curvy lasers as a test and just went with this instead. |
これで終わりかな?スペカ。 |
Is that the end of the spells? |
Daijin |
このレーザーも先ほどと同じ使用(仕様?)で、大きく動かなければ当たりません |
These lasers are the same as the ones from before, so you won't get hit if you don't make big movements. |
あと安置とかありそうですね。上ぜんぜん来てない気がするけど。 |
Also there's apparently a safespot too, don't think they've been shooting upwards at all. |
Daijin |
ワインダーの役割をしているレーザーの中で、ワインダーみたいな弾幕を避けなきゃいけないという・・・結構高難易度です |
In the midst of lasers acting as winders, you have to doge winder-like danmaku... |
上にも来るんでしょう?自機狙い。 |
You're homing bullets work up there too, right? |
Daijin |
後ろから飛んでくるやつが特に厄介ですね |
Those that fly in from behind are particularly troublesome huh. |
いや全然ダメだったw |
Oh they couldn't survive at all lol. |
Daijin |
全くもってそのとおり |
Exactly.[f] |
タッグ組めたりするんですかね? |
Maybe they can tag team or something? |
Daijin |
ちなみにこの曲はまだまだ続きます |
By the way this song still goes on for a while. |
おー、スコアが伸びまくり。この調子だと頑張ればカンストしそう。 |
Ooh the score's really going up there now. We're gonna hit the maximum at this rate. |
Stage 3[edit | edit source]
だんだん弾が広がってきた。 |
The bullet range is getting wider and wider. |
Daijin |
シルクハットが凄い弾幕を出してます |
The silk hat is shooting out impressive danmaku. |
白黒。さっきよりイメージ的に白黒っぽい。 |
White and black. Feels more white and black than even the boss back there. |
Daijin |
そしてパワー不足で倒しそこねてます シルクハットのクセに堅い |
The hat was left undefeated in the end, due to a lack of power. |
あれは、「硬い」っていうか倒せないのかな? |
Was that just a sturdy enemy? Or was it invincible? |
Daijin |
凡ミスしましたね |
He made an average mistake huh. |
避けるだけみたいな弾幕かもしれません。 |
This might be one of those just dodge patterns. |
Daijin |
三面の時点で相当弾幕の難易度が高いです |
For stage 3 the patterns get quite difficult here. |
そんな感じがしてスゲー嫌だなー。 |
I really hate how it makes you feel. |
Daijin |
中ボススペル |
Midboss spell. |
きたPFP! |
There it is, the PFP! |
Daijin |
真ん中でぐるぐる回しているのは「PFP」です |
The thing spinning around in the middle is the "PFP". |
出た当時話題になった...! |
It was a whole thing when it was first discovered...! |
Daijin |
「PSP」じゃなくて |
Not a "PSP". |
いやー。UMD入りすぎでしょ。凄いですね。 |
Maan, there has to be waaay too many UMDs in there. It's amazing. |
Daijin |
ところで、この弾幕意外と事故率が高いと思います |
By the way, I think that the accident rate will be unexpectedly high for this pattern. |
そんな大した弾幕じゃなかった気がする。 |
I feel like it's nothing that great. |
Daijin |
どこかで似た弾幕を見たことがある気がするけど、気にしちゃだめ |
I feel like I've seen similar pattern before, but pay it no mind. |
そして...このギリギリさ。 |
And... That's real close again. |
Daijin |
しかし随分無茶な避け方するなぁ・・・ |
Anyways he sure used an absurd dodging method... |
これも硬いですね。この敵は倒せないのかな?あ、倒せた。 |
These enemies are tough too. Are they invincible? Oh, defeated one. |
Daijin |
そしてこの弾幕である |
And then there's also this pattern. |
さぁ、シルクハットは壊れるのか? |
Now then, can the silk hat be destroyed? |
Daijin |
ナイス喰らいボム |
Nice deathbomb. |
「ナイス喰らいボム」、ありがとう! |
"Nice deathbomb," thank you! |
Daijin |
しかしボム程度でくたばるシルクハットではなかった |
However, the silk hat wasn't goint to die from a mere bomb. |
「人にあった気がするんだけど、 |
"I get the impression that I ran into a couple people just now... |
Daijin |
二面の記憶を失っている主人公 |
The protagonist who lost memory of stage two. |
「強大な力」w大臣の力ですね。 |
"Some almighty higher power" lol. Daijin's power, you mean. |
Daijin |
一面二面ボスはみんな大臣と戦った後の手負い状態だったという設定です |
The setting is that both stage 1 and 2 bosses were in a wounded state after they fought and Daijin and lost. |
大臣なんかPSPじゃなくてハコマルでXXX(音声不明瞭)作ると思ったんですけど軽量化しやがったか... |
I thought Daijin would make an Xbox360 rather than a PSP [unclear], but they went for the lighter weight huh... |
Daijin |
僕と"同じ名前"のボスキャラ登場 |
The boss character with the "same name" with me appears |
出たー!「生粋の黒いゲーマー」。 |
There he is! The "True-Born Black Gamer". |
Daijin |
このゲームに出てくるキャラは皆、うちのサークルの連中と名前が同じなだけです |
All the characters that show up in this game share their names with the gang in my circle, that's all. |
ここは漆黒にしとくべきでしょ。 |
You should've made it black. |
Daijin |
幻想入りシリーズみたいな分身とは違って全く他人です |
It's not like they are our alter egos in a series that entered fantasy, they are totally other people. |
Daijin |
帽子にも「目」付いていないし。 |
There's no "eye" on their hat either. |
見た目はもちろん、性格等もまるっきり似てもいません |
Oh, guess I should add that, |
やはり三次元が一番ですね。 |
The 3rd dimension really is the best. |
Daijin |
けど僕もクセっ毛ボサボサ頭です |
But I also have a head of unkempt, frizzy hair. |
ふふっwこれは、吸い込めるのか!?大臣を吸い込めるのか!? |
Haha lol. Can it suck him up?! Can it suck Daijin up?! |
Daijin |
わざわざ会話を見やすくする為に、もう見飽きたであろう会話シーンをゆっくり読み進めてくれる深空の心遣いに感謝 |
Give thanks to Shinkuu's attentiveness, who slowly read through the conversations, which I'm sure they're already sick of, just to make sure the conversations are easy to read. |
この下の、フィールド的なので。吸い込めない。デジョンデジョン。 |
With this, field-like thing under Serintsu, I mean. It can't. Aww... |
Daijin |
だから暇だったんだよねうろうろ動いたりなんかして |
So I guess they were bored of it, and so is strolling around the screen and stuff. |
この間グレイズ稼げるバグとかあったら面白いのになぁ |
If only they found a bug that lets you get tons of graze here, that'd be funny. |
Daijin |
あと、大臣が手に持っているのは「PFP」です |
Also, the thing Daijin is holding in his hand is a "PFP". |
出た、「PFP」。手に持っているというか、なんか浮いてるよね。 |
There's the "PFP". They aren't really holding it though, it's kinda floating. |
Daijin |
長い会話です・・・ |
Long conversation... |
ちなみに大臣てのは女の子ですね。もちろん俺の嫁です。 |
By they way, this Daijin person's a girl. She's my wife, of course. |
Daijin |
ようやくボスBGMが流れてきました |
Finally the boss BGM started playing. |
BGM、東方っぽくないw |
This track isn't Touhou-ish at all lol. |
Daijin |
二分以上にもわたるムカつく大臣との会話が終わり、やっとボス戦です |
The annoying talk with Daijin that spans over 2 minutes is over, finally it's the boss fight. |
さあ、東方っぽくなった。これがトランペットの力です。独唱ZUNペット |
Oh, it's gotten Touhou-ish now. That's the power of the trumpet. A ZUNpet solo. |
Daijin |
ボスの周りでグルグル回っているのは「PFP」です |
The things spinning around the boss are "PFPs". |
この黒いの何でしょう? |
What are those black things? |
Daijin |
「PSP」じゃなくて (ry |
Not a "PSP", (abbreviated) |
なんか聞いたことあるメロディだな。 |
Feel like I've heard this melody somewhere else before. |
Daijin |
「FDS」 |
"FDS" |
ここはDS出してくると思ったんですがね。まぁ、誘導弾ですね。 |
I thought a DS would appear. In any case, it's a homing bullet. |
Daijin |
という何のひねりもない略です |
An abbreviation with no twists whatsoever. |
てか主人公からもね、結構赤弾が、自動で誘導してくれるので。 |
Actually the protagonist is shooting quite a lot of homing red bullets towards him as well. |
Daijin |
これも初見殺しですかね |
This is also a first-timer killer, huh? |
大臣柔らかいwカッチカチかと思ったけど |
Daijin's weak lol. I thought they'd be tougher. |
Daijin |
弾速がかなり速いです、瞬きはお勧めできません |
The bullet's are quite fast, I can't recommend blinking. |
速っ!フライングディスクしすぎでしょ!PSP4つぐらいある |
FAST! There's too many discs flying! There's like 4 PSPs there. |
Daijin |
惜しくも相打ち |
Regrettably a tie. |
大臣の方も運が悪かったんでしょ |
Daijin has poor luck too eh. |
Daijin |
星柄を描く弾幕 |
Danmaku that draws a star pattern. |
彼は何かと運が悪いんですよね。 |
He's just unlucky for some reason. |
Daijin |
この弾幕、見た感じはそうで無いかもしれませんが、かなり鬼畜です |
This pattern, you may or may not feel like you've seen it before, it's quite brutal. |
次元爆破。喰らいボムの判定が甘いのかな? |
Dimensional Explosion. Isn't this way too generous with death bombs? |
Daijin |
先ほどのシルクハットの弾幕が混じってます |
The danmaku of the silk hats from before are mixed in. |
まぁよく見るとこの大臣の周りの白黒の黒い弾がなんか3Dっぽく見えますね。 |
Looking at the white and black bullets around Daijin, the black ones almost look 3D. |
Daijin |
それにしても、自分が作った弾幕を他人が必死で避けているのを見るのって、なんかゾクゾクしますね・・・ |
Even so, watching others dodge danmaku that you made so desperately, makes you kinda excited huh... |
2つの輪っかがぐるんぐるん回ってる的な。 |
Just the way that the two circles are spinning around. |
Daijin |
視覚範囲制限弾幕 |
Visible range restricting danmaku. |
四角で囲んで、うにょうにょ~。ピチューン! |
Cornered on all four sides, squirm and squirm~! Pichuun! |
Daijin |
見たことあるような弾幕パターンでも二つ混じるとかなりキツイですね(当たり前) |
Mixing two danmaku patterns that were seemingly seen before makes it quite difficult. (Well duh) |
「黒牌『ブラックアウト』」。 |
Black Card "Blackout"[h] |
Daijin |
しかも中々堅いです |
And it's quite sturdy. |
もう大丈夫です。これもしかして、XXX(音声不明瞭)も、こっちの状態によっても、敵の防御力的なのが変化するんでしょうか? |
We're already good. Actually, does this [unclear] change the enemy's defence based on the player's situation? |
Daijin |
最終鬼畜通常弾幕 |
Final savage non-spell danmaku[i] |
若干ダメージが違ったように思ったんです |
I feel like the damange dealt changed a bit. |
Daijin |
ソ"ミ"ー・タイマー |
It's So"my" Timer. |
「ソミータイマー」!ww時間停止かよ! |
"Somy Timer"! Lolol it's a time stop! |
Daijin |
時間停止弾幕です、それもかなり酷い |
It's time stopping danmaku, that's also pretty harsh. |
なんかこれよく見たら小さいPSPなんですね。 |
Now that I look carefully they're tiny PSPs, I think. |
Daijin |
弾幕が高難易度なので、ボスの装甲は紙です |
It's a hard pattern, so the boss has paper for armour. |
そういうことか。種だと思いましたよ。 |
So that's what they are, I thought they were seeds. |
Daijin |
それでも彼はボムりません |
Even so he doesn't bomb, |
右下でいちいち「ボスボス」という度、BIGBOSSとそのステージのボスと区別が付かない。若干XXX(音声不明瞭)。 |
Every time they mension "boss" in the bottom-right corner, I can never tell whether it's about BIGBOSS or the stage boss. It's kinda [unclear]. |
Daijin |
さすが深空、 |
As expected of Shinkuu, |
「戦略的撤退だ!」「嘘こけ!」 |
"It's a strategic retreat!" "Ya dirty liar!" |
Daijin |
妙なフラグを立てて戰略的撤退をする大臣 |
Daijin raises some strange questions and flees strategically. |
EXステージ、自ら宣言していきましたね。 |
Extra stage, he said it himself. |
Final Comments[edit | edit source]
Daijin |
現段階ではここまでで終了です |
And that's where it ends at the present stage. |
「ここまでで終了です」、と。製品版楽しみですね。 |
"And that's where it ends," it says. Looking forward to the full version. |
Daijin |
いかがでしたでしょうか? |
So how was it? |
いやー、クリアした後の、一枚絵的なのが気になりますね、ストーリー。 |
I'm looking forward to the art that pops up once you clear the game, and the story. |
Daijin |
このゲームの完成は皆様のリアクション次第だと思いますので、どうか生暖かな御感想をよろしくお願いいたします。 |
We believe that this game's completion depends on everyone's reactions, so we're counting on you all to give your lukewarm thoughts. |
それでは皆さん、観て頂いてありがとうございました。 |
Well then, thank you so much for watching, everyone. |
Daijin |
では、ここまで視聽していただきまして、ありがとうございました |
Well then, thanks for watching up till now, thank you so much. |
ではでは、さようなら~ |
Well well, farewell~! |
Additional Information[edit | edit source]
- BIGBOSS referring to Daijin as their wife is probably another inside joke, which the video is apparently full of, according to BIGBOSS.
Notes[edit | edit source]
- ↑ Translated from the Japanese onomatopoeia "nukaan" (ヌカァン), which BIGBOSS explains on the Lapxus blog, LAP PLUS, as a combination of "nu", the sound of something appearing, and "kaan", the sound of something being blown away.
- ↑ Original line read "super the best", where super is homophonous with butterfly in Japanese, "chou".
- ↑ Despite being named "Shinkuu" in the profiles, BIGBOSS (the commentator) consistently refers to them as "Misora", potentially the name of the person Shinkuu is based on.
- ↑ It's unclear what BIGBOSS means here.
- ↑ A reference to Tenson Kōrin (天孫降臨), the descent of Amaterasu's grandson Ninigi-no-Mikoto to the mortal world
- ↑ This was in response to Serintsu's line, asking if the fight with Red-White and White-Black was really necessary.
- ↑ The name of a notorious error with the initial PSP-1000 consoles.
- ↑ The spell is actually titled "Brick-Out" rather than "Blackout".
- ↑ A small reference to the Touhou fan arrangement "Final Savage Sister, Flandre S." (最終鬼畜妹フランドール・S).
- ↑ This is a Japanese emoji for waving, usually written as "ノシ".