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Pixiv FANBOX is a platform allowing fans to support their favorite creators by donating a certain amount to them per month. On 11 November 2019, Len'en's 6th anniversary, JynX joined the website, allowing people to donate and support their work on the Len'en Project, in return, JynX posts various behind-the-scenes information on the Len'en Project and give progress reports regarding upcoming games. The page is updated every month.
Donation Plans[edit | edit source]
The donation plans, their price and their description are as follows:
お試しコース:¥100/月 お試ししてみたい人向けのコース、とりあえずこれで全内容を確認できるぞ! |
Trial Course: ¥100/Month Just for people who want to try it out, at the moment, you can access all the content just with this plan! |
ごはん食べていいんですか!?:¥300/月 JynXにエサ1食分あげます。 (※記事の内容はお試しコースと変わらない、いわゆる投げ銭です なにかしらの形でプラン別にお気持ちをお返しできたらと思ってます) |
Is it really OK for me to eat!?: ¥300/Month You treat JynX to a meal. (※You get to read the same posts no matter which plan you choose, it's what's called "throwing money away". I would like to somehow express my gratitude based on different plans.) |
こんな豪華なごはん食べていいんですか!!?:¥500/月 JynXにいいエサを食わせてあげます。 (※記事の内容はお試しコースと変わらない、いわゆる投げ銭です なにかしらの形でプラン別にお気持ちをお返しできたらと思ってます) |
Is it really OK for me to eat such a lavish meal!? : ¥500/Month You treat JynX to a fancy meal. (※You get to read the same posts no matter which plan you choose, it's what's called "throwing money away". I would like to somehow express my gratitude based on different plans.) |
作業時間がふえーる:¥1000/月 JynXの作業時間ががっつり増えます! ありがとう!! (※記事の内容はお試しコースと変わらない、いわゆる投げ銭です なにかしらの形でプラン別にお気持ちをお返しできたらと思ってます) |
I get more time to work: ¥1000/Month There's gonna be a big increase in JynX's work time! Thank you!! (※You get to read the same posts no matter which plan you choose, it's what's called "throwing money away". I would like to somehow express my gratitude based on different plans.) |
絵が1枚描けーるかも}}:¥2000/月 JynXが絵を一枚描けちゃうくらいの作業時間を獲得します。 ありがとう・・・ありがとう・・・・ (※記事の内容はお試しコースと変わらない、いわゆる投げ銭です なにかしらの形でプラン別にお気持ちをお返しできたらと思ってます) |
I might~ be able to draw an illustration: ¥2000/Month JynX gets enough time to draw a picture. Thank you... Thank you so much.... (※You get to read the same posts no matter which plan you choose, it's what's called "throwing money away". I would like to somehow express my gratitude based on different plans.) |
曲が1曲作れーるかも:¥5000/月 JynXが曲を1曲作れるぐらいの作業時間を獲得します。 こんなにいいんですか!? ほんっとうにありがとう!!!! (※記事の内容はお試しコースと変わらない、いわゆる投げ銭です なにかしらの形でプラン別にお気持ちをお返しできたらと思ってます) |
I might~ be able to compose a song: ¥5000/Month JynX gets enough time to compose a song. Can I really have this much!? Thank you so much!!!! (※You get to read the same posts no matter which plan you choose, it's what's called "throwing money away". I would like to somehow express my gratitude based on different plans.) |
一日作業できーる:¥10000/月 JynXが一日中作業ができるほどの作業時間を獲得します。 ああああありがとうございます!! 頂いたお気持ちとお時間は決して無駄にはしません!!! どうかご無理はなさらないようにしてくださいね・・・? (※記事の内容はお試しコースと変わらない、いわゆる投げ銭です なにかしらの形でプラン別にお気持ちをお返しできたらと思ってます) |
I can work for the whole day: ¥10000/Month JynX gets enough time to work on Len'en for an entire day. AAAAAAAA THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I would never let these feelings and time that I got from you go to waste!!! Please do not force yourself okay...? (※You get to read the same posts no matter which plan you choose, it's what's called "throwing money away". I would like to somehow express my gratitude based on different plans.) |
Translations[edit | edit source]
- Posts from 2025
- Posts from 2024
- Posts from 2023
- Posts from June 2022 to December 2022
- Posts from May 2021 to May 2022
- Posts from October 2020 to May 2021
- Posts from February 2020 to September 2020
- Posts from November 2019 to February 2020
External Link[edit | edit source]