Evanescent Existence/Story/Yabusame's Scenario
Story | Good Ending Bad Ending |
> |
Stage 1[edit | edit source]
次元洞窟 ~D-Cavern~ |
Dimensional Cave ~D-Cavern~ | |
この場所において必要なのは |
What's necessary in this place | |
BGM: エキゾチッククリスタル |
BGM: Exotic Crystal | |
Kurohebi ENTERS | ||
Kurohebi EXITS | ||
Yabusame |
う~ん、みんなどこに行ったんだろ~? |
Hmm, I wonder where everyone went~? |
Yabusame |
匂いも混ざっちゃてるなー |
Their scents are all mixed up, too. |
??? |
おっ、変なのがいると思ったら |
Oh, I thought there was someone weird around here... |
Yabusame |
ぁん? |
Huh? |
Kurohebi ENTERS | ||
Kurohebi |
なんだ、藪雨か |
And what, it's you, Yabusame? |
Yabusame |
おんやぁまあ、 |
Oh, wow~. |
得手勝手な影 |
Strong-Willed Shadow | |
Kurohebi |
なんだとはなんだ |
What do you mean, "and what"? |
Yabusame |
それはそっちの台詞でしょ |
That's what you just said. |
Kurohebi |
そんなことより、 |
That aside, |
Yabusame |
それはこっちの台詞だったよ・・・ |
That's what I just said... |
Kurohebi |
まったく、使えない奴だな・・・ |
Geez, you're no use at all... |
Yabusame |
烏蛇がここにいるってことは、 |
If you're here, Kurohebi, |
Kurohebi |
お前、『声』が聞こえなかったのか? |
Uh, didn't you hear the "voice"? |
Yabusame |
こぇ? |
Voice? |
Kurohebi |
何でも、[a]一番最初に最深部に到着した奴の願いを |
Yeah. It said that whoever reaches the deepest area first |
Yabusame |
なんだって~! |
Whaaat?! |
Kurohebi |
おかげで玄鳥(つばくら)に弾き飛ばされた |
Because of that, Tsubakura just beat me up and flew off. |
Yabusame |
あはは~、そうだろうね~ |
Haha~, that sure figures~. |
Kurohebi |
っということで、 |
And so... |
BGM: メラニンインブラック ~ Colt_Snake |
BGM: Melanin in Black ~ Colt Snake | |
Yabusame |
あはっ、暗殺だっけ~? |
Aha, you mean assassination? |
Kurohebi |
そゆこと |
Exactly. |
Kurohebi DEFEATED | ||
Kurohebi |
卑怯だぞ! 手負いの状態を狙うなんて |
This is unfair! You fought me after I had already been weakened! |
Yabusame |
え? ・・・ごめんね |
Eh? ...Oh, sorry. |
Yabusame |
・・・強くしすぎた? |
...Was I too rough with you? |
Kurohebi |
ムカッ・・・ |
Uggh... |
Stage 2[edit | edit source]
時空の渦 ~Emancipation of Time~ |
Spacetime Whirlpool ~Emancipation of Time~ | |
時にはその様を魅せる為に、 |
At times, in order to show off in such a way, | |
BGM: 錨さえ揺蕩ふ趨勢 ~ Lost_Anchorage |
BGM: Tendency that Sways Even Anchors ~ Lost Anchorage | |
Aoji Shitodo ENTERS | ||
Aoji Shitodo EXITS | ||
Yabusame |
ふ~、何なんだろ、この空間? |
Whew~. What's up with this weird space? |
Yabusame |
何か変なんだよね~、異次元みたいなー、 |
Something's really off here~. |
??? |
あ、やっぱり藪雨さんでしたか |
Ah, it's you after all, Yabusame-san. |
Yabusame |
あぁ! |
Ah! |
Aoji Shitodo ENTERS | ||
??? |
はい? |
Okay? |
Yabusame |
あ・・・うー、あ、『あおい』くん? |
Umm... Err, "Aoi"-kun, right? |
意志薄弱な末っ子 |
Weak-Willed Youngest Child | |
Aoji |
蒿雀(あおじ)です |
It's Aoji. |
Yabusame |
そんなことないよー? |
That's not true, you know? |
Aoji |
暗にですけどね・・・ |
Well, they didn't say it outright... |
Yabusame |
良く分かんないけど、 |
I don't really get it, |
Aoji |
はぁ・・・決め付けられても、 |
*sigh* ...Well, even if you say so, |
Yabusame |
けど~? |
Except? |
Aoji |
さっき会った玄鳥さんが言ってました |
There was something Tsubakura-san said earlier. |
Yabusame |
また玄鳥なのね |
Tsubakura again, huh. |
Aoji |
一番にゴールしたら |
They said that if you reach the goal first, |
Yabusame |
なんか変わってる・・・ |
Seems like it changed a bit... |
BGM: 攪拌する剛体金剛 ~ Let's Joke! |
BGM: Churning Solid Diamond ~ Let's Joke! | |
Aoji |
っということで・・・すみません藪雨さん |
And as such... I'm sorry, Yabusame-san, |
Yabusame |
・・・どういうことで? |
...As what? |
Aoji Shitodo DEFEATED | ||
Yabusame |
うん、やっぱり玄鳥に聞くのが一番だね! |
Yep, it looks like it'd be best to ask Tsubakura directly! |
Aoji |
玄鳥さんでしたら、 |
If you want to see them, |
Yabusame |
そっか、じゃあそっちに行ってみよー |
Is that so? Then I guess I'll try going that way. |
Aoji |
せいぜい良い旅路を~ |
Enjoy your trip~. |
Stage 3[edit | edit source]
介入者と収穫者 ~Curious_encounter~ |
The One who Interferes and the One who Harvests ~Curious encounter~ | |
この世界では |
Because, in this world, | |
BGM: エキストラマインド |
BGM: Extra Mind | |
"Tsubakura Enraku" ENTERS | ||
"Tsubakura Enraku" EXITS | ||
Yabusame |
さっき玄鳥っぽいのがいた気がするけど、 |
I think I ran into Tsubakura a minute ago, but... |
Yabusame |
なにか楽しそうだったな~、変だな~ |
They looked like they were having fun~. Talk about weird~. |
??? |
・・・こんなところでなにやってんだ? |
—ey, you! What are you doing in a place like this? |
Yabusame |
ん・・・? |
Hm...? |
"Tsubakura Enraku" ENTERS | ||
酒嚢飯袋な単彩 |
Loafing Monochrome | |
Tsubakura |
あ~、っと・・・やぁ、こんにちは、 |
Uhhhh... Um, yo, hello there! |
Yabusame |
ありゃ? なんかぎこちないけど、 |
Huh? You sound kind of stilted. |
Tsubakura |
いやいや・・・そんなことより、 |
No, no... Really, that aside, |
Yabusame |
えーっとね、グバッとしてズズゥーっと |
Umm, well, things sort of went all 'gworp', |
Tsubakura |
なるほどねぇ・・・ |
I see... |
Yabusame |
んー・・・なんかツマンナイ。 |
Mmm... Something's real dull about you. |
Tsubakura |
え? い、いや、別に・・・ |
Eh? No, it's nothing... |
Yabusame |
ふーん、ところで・・・ |
Hmmph. By the way... |
Tsubakura |
知ってるようなー、知らなくないようなー |
Maybe I know, and maybe I don't not know. |
Yabusame |
え、え・・・? |
Uh, huh...? |
Tsubakura |
そんなことより、急がなくていいのか? |
Anyway, who cares about that? Shouldn't you be hurrying? |
Yabusame |
そういえば、一番になったらどうなるの |
That reminds me, what happens if you get first? |
Tsubakura |
大金持ちになれるぞ |
You'll get rich! |
Yabusame |
また変わってる・・・ |
It changed again... |
Tsubakura |
まぁ取り敢えず、やっとくか~ |
Well, for now, shall we~? |
Yabusame |
なになに? 力比べするの? |
Do what? Compare our strength? |
BGM: インディスワールド ~ Monochrome_eye |
BGM: In This World ~ Monochrome eye | |
Tsubakura |
いやいや・・・これはテストだよ |
No, you see... This is a test. |
Yabusame |
・・・お前、ムカツク |
...You really are annoying. |
"Tsubakura Enraku" DEFEATED | ||
Tsubakura |
へ~! それなりだな! |
Ho~! You're pretty good! |
Yabusame |
あっ! こらっ! 逃げるな! |
Ah! Hey! Don't just run off! |
Tsubakura |
ついて来れない方が悪い |
It's your fault for not keeping up with me. |
Yabusame |
うぃ、ムカツキ認定! |
Now it's official, you really are annoying! |
Tsubakura |
また後でな、サラバダー |
See you later! Farewell! |
Yabusame |
あ、まてー! |
Hey, wait already! |
Yabusame |
・・・行っちゃったよ・・・ |
...They're gone... |
Yabusame |
とりあえず・・・追おう♪ |
For now... I guess I'll chase after them. ♪ |
Stage 4[edit | edit source]
上下する存在 ~Air Master!~ |
Fluctuating Existence ~Air Master!~ | |
同等の地平において圧倒的な |
Show off your overwhelming difference in power | |
BGM: 凍て緩むは凍み氷る心 |
BGM: The Frozen Heart is What Has Thawed | |
Hooaka Shitodo ENTERS | ||
Hooaka Shitodo EXITS | ||
Yabusame |
こっちのほうから匂いがする気が・・・ |
I thought I smelled someone from over here... |
Yabusame |
速いけど遅いなー |
They're really fast, but they're really slow, too... |
??? |
あれ? やっぱり藪雨か |
Oh? Well, if it isn't Yabusame. |
Hooaka Shitodo ENTERS | ||
Yabusame |
おっ、頬赤だったのかー |
Oh, so it was you, Hooaka! |
頭寒足熱で熱暴 |
Cool-Headed Hot-Heeled Thermal Runaway | |
Hooaka |
やっぱり・・・? |
As you thought...? |
Yabusame |
うん! |
Yeah! |
Hooaka |
俺も今さっき玄鳥に弾かれたところだ |
What a coincidence! I was just finished getting beaten up by Tsubakura myself. |
Yabusame |
おまえもかー |
You too, huh. |
Hooaka |
取り敢えず、負けといてやった |
I figured my best option was to lose nice and quick. |
Yabusame |
はいはい、言い訳ね |
Yeah, yeah, nice excuse. |
Hooaka |
お前も頑張れよー |
You'd better do your best, too! |
Yabusame |
それって弾けってこと? |
With what? Beating you up? |
Hooaka |
お、結構キてるのね? |
Woah, you're a little riled up, huh? |
Yabusame |
気分晴らしとく? |
Mind if I blow off some steam? |
Hooaka |
おけー、おけー |
Okay, okay. |
Yabusame |
やった〜 |
Hooray~! |
BGM: エア・マスター! 〜 Soul_Dualism |
BGM: Air Master! ~ Soul Dualism | |
Hooaka |
・・・ってオイッ |
...Okay, though, seriously now! |
Yabusame |
ご遠慮なく〜 |
No holding back, now~. |
Hooaka Shitodo DEFEATED | ||
Yabusame |
はぁ〜、たぶんスッキリした、 |
Aah~, that felt nice. |
Hooaka |
どうってことないぜ・・・ |
It was no biggie... |
Yabusame |
ところで、なんでそんなにボロボロなの? |
By the way, why are you so worn out? |
Hooaka |
まぁ・・・そうくるよな |
Welp... I saw that one coming. |
Stage 5[edit | edit source]
陽を娩む塔餤らう塔 ~Creation and Destruction~ |
The Tower that Births the Sun, the Tower that Consumes the Sun ~Creation and Destruction~ | |
相手に絶対的な敗北感を |
Gain a single instance of control over your opponent | |
BGM: 虚、実を表裏上ぐ |
BGM: The Untruth Patronizes the Truth | |
Kuroji Shitodo ENTERS | ||
Kuroji Shitodo EXITS | ||
Yabusame |
ちぇー、完全に見失っちゃったよ・・・ |
Bah, I totally lost sight of them... |
Yabusame |
それにしても何か凄く変な匂い・・・ |
Even so, there's such a weird smell... |
??? |
蜂蜜に砂糖を混ぜたら甘くなる |
Honey with sugar mixed in becomes disarmingly sweet.[b] |
Yabusame |
あ、黒巫鳥さんだー |
Oh, it's you, Kuroji-san! |
Kuroji Shitodo ENTERS | ||
曖昧で紙一重な考古学者 |
Ambiguously Paper-thin Archaeologist | |
Kuroji |
どうやらここは、いる者が持つ力に |
It seems that this place is influenced by the power |
Yabusame |
あれ? |
Huh? |
Kuroji |
私が得た能力から察するに・・・ |
Judging by my newfound power, I can assume that... |
Yabusame |
黒巫鳥さんって |
Did you have some weird power before, Kuroji-san? |
Kuroji |
ここに来てから身に付いた |
I've gained it since coming here. |
Yabusame |
相変わらず意地悪だー |
You're just as disagreeable as always. |
Kuroji |
どっかの別の黒い奴には劣るがね |
Still not as disagreeable as our other black-haired individual, though. |
Yabusame |
あ、そうそう |
Oh yeah, right. |
Kuroji |
会ったといえば会ったし、 |
If we want to say I "met them", then I did. |
Yabusame |
弾かれたんですね〜 |
So they beat you up too, huh~. |
Kuroji |
・・・・・ |
..... |
Yabusame |
そいつはどっちに行きましたか? |
Mind telling me where they went? |
Kuroji |
意地悪だと言ったのは、 |
You did just say I was disagreeable, |
BGM: エンドオブヒストリー |
BGM: End of History | |
Yabusame |
それじゃあ、 |
Well then, |
Kuroji |
手負いとはいえ、 |
Even if I'm already wounded, |
Kuroji Shitodo DEFEATED | ||
Yabusame |
それじゃ、教えてくださいな♪ |
Okay, please tell me. ♪ |
Kuroji |
玄鳥ならまだしも・・・・ |
I would have been fine if it had been just Tsubakura, but... |
Yabusame |
えへへー |
Ehehe. |
Kuroji |
影を放つ太陽に近づくことは |
I wouldn't recommend going near |
Yabusame |
あぁ、そうですか |
Ah, is that so? |
Kuroji |
この先には |
There's only ever going to be bad-natured people there, you see. |
Yabusame |
・・・予想がついたかも |
...I think I have a feeling who you're talking about. |
Kuroji |
その予想は確信へと変わるだろう |
That feeling will give way to conviction soon, I'm sure. |
Final Stage[edit | edit source]
影を放つ暘鳥 ~And the opponent dies~ |
The Bird of Sunrise that Casts a Shadow ~And the opponent dies~ | |
争い事で命を奪うなんていう |
In the first place, there are none here | |
BGM: 掌の上の星 |
BGM: A Star's Light in the Palm of One's Hand | |
Kuroji Shitodo ENTERS | ||
Kuroji |
しつこいようですまないが・・・ |
I must apologize for being so persistent... |
Kuroji Shitodo DEFEATED | ||
Yabusame |
うわー、凄くやな感じ・・・ |
Woah, I'm starting to get a real bad feeling about this... |
Yabusame |
面倒臭いよ〜・・・この匂い・・・ |
This smell... Just reeks of annoyance... |
??? |
『面倒』・・・とは、 |
"Annoyance"... |
Clause ENTERS | ||
Yabusame |
やっぱりクラウゼか・・・相変わらずだね |
It was Clause after all, huh...? You're the same as ever. |
「混沌」の異名を持ち重力を自在に操る永遠なる皮相浅薄 |
Eternal Senselessness Bearing the Alias of "Chaos" who Manipulates Gravity at Will | |
Clause |
やぁ藪雨 |
Salutations, Yabusame. |
Yabusame |
それ以上話さないでほしいなぁ♪ |
Alright, the conversation can stop right here, thank you. ♪ |
Clause |
玄鳥をお探しかな? |
Perchance are you looking for Tsubakura? |
Yabusame |
へぇ、それで負けたんだ |
Ah. And so you lost, then. |
Clause |
負けた? まさか! |
Lost? Most certainly not! |
Yabusame |
はいはい、分かったからそれ以上喋らないで |
Alright, I get it, so please don't explain any more. |
Clause |
僕はまだ自分の『能力』を |
It was simply that I have not yet mastered my "ability", |
Clause |
まぁ『強大』かつ『異質』なものだから使いこなすのに[a] |
Well, it is indeed a law of the world's providence that something |
Clause |
それに、僕は少し[a]『手加減』をしてやっていた |
In addition to that, I was "going easy" on them; |
Clause |
抑えられなくなってしまうからね |
I would find it quite difficult to hold "myself" back. |
Yabusame |
うるさいよぉ〜、誰か助けて〜 |
Oh god, shut up already~! Someone save me~! |
Clause |
まぁ『全力』を出さなくてもこの『能力』を |
Although, even without releasing my "full power", |
Yabusame |
分かった! |
I get it already! |
Clause |
くくくっ、まぁそう急かすな、 |
Heh heh, now do not be in such a rush. |
Yabusame |
よし分かった、黙らせる |
Alright, I get it, I'll shut you up. |
BGM: エンパイアパワー 〜 Eternal_Force |
BGM: Empire Power ~ Eternal Force | |
Clause |
『短』く儚い『気』力では自らが『損』 |
By focusing too much on "haste", |
Yabusame |
たしかに、気力がもたないね・・・ |
This certainly is wasting both my time and energy... |
Clause DEFEATED | ||
If player has continued | ||
If player has not continued | ||
Notes[edit | edit source]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 These highlighted in grey were removed in v1.10a.
- ↑ Potential wordplay with "甘くなる", which can mean both "to become sweet" and "to become lenient". Referencing Tsurubami using the alleged goal prize as bait?
- ↑ Originally "It seems that this space is heavily influenced by the power of those within it, and changes its form to match." (どうやらこの空間は、そこにいる者が持つ力に 大きく影響され、その姿を変えるみたいだな) before v1.10a.