Evanescent Existence/Story/Suzumi's Scenario
Story | Good Ending Bad Ending |
> |
Stage 1[edit | edit source]
次元洞窟 ~D-Cavern~ |
Dimensional Cave ~D-Cavern~ | |
この場所において必要なのは |
What's necessary in this place | |
BGM: エキゾチッククリスタル |
BGM: Exotic Crystal | |
Kurohebi ENTERS | ||
Kurohebi EXITS | ||
Suzumi |
次元間ねぇ・・・・ |
Interdimensional space, huh... |
Suzumi |
エキゾチックな物質がたくさんあるわね~ |
There sure are a lot of exotic materials around here~. |
Suzumi |
腕輪に加工して身に着けてたら |
If I made a bracelet out of them and wore it, |
??? |
げぇ、あんたは・・・・ |
Agh, it's you... |
Suzumi |
あら~、烏蛇ちゃんじゃない~♪ |
Oh my~, Kurohebi-chan, it's you~! ♪ |
Kurohebi ENTERS | ||
??? |
俺は会いたくなかったけどな |
Can firmly say the feeling's not mutual. |
Suzumi |
そうね、実は私も会いたくなかったわ |
Yeah, I hardly actually longed to see you again, myself. |
得手勝手な影 |
Strong-Willed Shadow | |
Kurohebi |
なんだよそれ |
What the heck...? |
Suzumi |
今はあまり時間がないから、 |
I'm a little strapped for time, |
BGM: メラニンインブラック ~ Colt_Snake |
BGM: Melanin in Black ~ Colt Snake | |
Kurohebi |
はぁ? やるつもりか? |
Hah? You wanna go? |
Suzumi |
そういうこと♪ |
Sure do! ♪ |
Kurohebi DEFEATED | ||
Suzumi |
はい、終わり |
Aaand we're done here. |
Kurohebi |
なんなんだよ、あんたは・・・ |
The heck's with you, anyway...? |
Suzumi |
今のあなたには興味ないのよ~♪ |
Don't care about you right now. Bye~! ♪ |
Stage 2[edit | edit source]
時空の渦 ~Emancipation of Time~ |
Spacetime Whirlpool ~Emancipation of Time~ | |
時にはその様を魅せる為に、 |
At times, in order to show off in such a way, | |
BGM: 錨さえ揺蕩ふ趨勢 ~ Lost_Anchorage |
BGM: Tendency that Sways Even Anchors ~ Lost Anchorage | |
Aoji Shitodo ENTERS | ||
Aoji Shitodo EXITS | ||
Suzumi |
次元がぐ~るぐるね~ |
This dimension's just twisting and turning~. |
Suzumi |
ってことは、あの子がいるわけね |
Meaning that they must be in here. |
??? |
あ、あなたは・・・・ |
Y-you're... |
Suzumi |
あら~、蒿雀ちゃんじゃない♪ |
Oh my~, if it isn't Aoji-chan, cute as a button! ♪ |
Aoji Shitodo ENTERS | ||
得意志薄弱な末っ子 |
Weak-Willed Youngest Child | |
Aoji |
なんであなたまでこんなところに・・・? |
Why is it that you, of all people, are in a place like this...? |
Suzumi |
もちろん、玄鳥様を追ってきたのよ♪ |
In order to chase after Tsubakura-sama, silly! Duh. ♪ |
Aoji |
玄鳥さん・・・ |
Tsubakura-san...? |
Suzumi |
あら? |
Oh my...? |
Aoji |
え! いや、そんなつもりは・・・ |
Eh?! What, no, that's not what I... |
BGM: 攪拌する剛体金剛 ~ Let's Joke! |
BGM: Churning Solid Diamond ~ Let's Joke! | |
Suzumi |
そんな悪い子は懲らしめとかなきゃね♪ |
Bad kids like you need to be disciplined. ♪ |
Aoji Shitodo DEFEATED | ||
Aoji |
うぅ・・・ |
Ghh... |
Suzumi |
蒿雀ちゃんが腹黒だからいけないのよ~♪ |
Aoji-chan, sweetie, it's no good being so two-faced. ♪ |
Aoji |
そんなつもりなかったのに・・・ |
But... I'm not... |
Stage 3[edit | edit source]
介入者と収穫者 ~Curious_encounter~ |
The One who Interferes and the One who Harvests ~Curious encounter~ | |
この世界では |
Because, in this world, | |
BGM: エキストラマインド |
BGM: Extra Mind | |
"Tsubakura Enraku" ENTERS | ||
"Tsubakura Enraku" EXITS | ||
Suzumi |
やっぱり回廊に潜りこめたわね |
And... Bingo! I've managed to slip into the Corridor. |
Suzumi |
苦労して色々な記憶に潜った |
It was tough work diving through all these different memories, |
??? |
・・・こんなところでなにやってんだ? |
...Just what are you doing in here? |
Suzumi |
あら~~~~♪ |
Yaaaaaaaaay! ♪ |
"Tsubakura Enraku" ENTERS | ||
酒嚢飯袋な単彩 |
Loafing Monochrome | |
Tsubakura |
あ~、っと・・・やぁ、こんにちは |
Uhhhh... Um, yo, hello there! |
Suzumi |
って言いたいところだけど、 |
Well, I was hoping you'd be, |
Tsubakura |
! ありゃ~、なんでバレてるんだ? |
! Aw, man~. How'd you figure it out? |
Suzumi |
"知ってる"からよ |
Because I just "know". |
Tsubakura |
ふ~ん・・・・ |
Hrmm... |
Suzumi |
それで貴方の正体を知る私を、 |
So, since I know your true colors, |
Tsubakura |
とりあえずひっ捕らえとくか |
For now? Guess I'll capture you. |
Suzumi |
端的でわかりやすいわね~♪ |
Frank and to the point. Lovely~. ♪ |
Tsubakura |
それに、お前の力も計っておきたいしな |
I'd like to measure your strength too, while I'm at it. |
BGM: インディスワールド ~ Monochrome_eye |
BGM: In This World ~ Monochrome eye | |
Suzumi |
あら~、私も闡裡神社神主になっちゃうの? |
Oh~? Am I going to become a Senri Shrine priest, too? |
Tsubakura |
・・・・色々知ってるなぁ |
...You sure know a lot. |
"Tsubakura Enraku" DEFEATED | ||
Tsubakura |
はぁ~ん、けっこう強いじゃん! |
Haaaaaah, you're pretty strong, ain'tcha! |
Suzumi |
あら、逃げるのね |
Oh, you're running off. |
Tsubakura |
二回戦はまた今度な |
See you later for the rematch! |
Suzumi |
・・・・まぁ、そうなるわよね |
...Well, I guess that's what it's gonna be. |
Stage 4[edit | edit source]
上下する存在 ~Air Master!~ |
Fluctuating Existence ~Air Master!~ | |
同等の地平において圧倒的な |
Show off your overwhelming difference in power | |
BGM: 凍て緩むは凍み氷る心 |
BGM: The Frozen Heart is What Has Thawed | |
Hooaka Shitodo ENTERS | ||
Hooaka Shitodo EXITS | ||
Suzumi |
温度差が激しいわね~ |
Whew, the temperature's fluctuating like crazy~. |
Suzumi |
さっきは寒かったけど、今は暑いわね~ |
It was freezing until just a minute ago, now it's blisteringly hot. |
??? |
うぃ~ なんでお前がいるんだよ~ |
Eeeek. What are you doing here...? |
Suzumi |
あら~、頬赤ちゃんじゃない♪ |
Oh my~, if it isn't Hooaka-chan!♪ |
Hooaka Shitodo ENTERS | ||
頭寒足熱で熱暴 |
Cool-Headed Hot-Heeled Thermal Runaway | |
Hooaka |
お前のせいで |
'Course, now that you're here, |
Suzumi |
随分と酷いこと言うのね |
You certainly say some horrible things, don't you. |
Hooaka |
お前の十八番だけどな |
Sounds like the sorta thing you're known for. |
Suzumi |
私は酷い"事"をするのが好きなのよ♪ |
Why, I would never! Doing horrible things is more to my liking. ♪ |
Hooaka |
最悪じゃねーか |
Ugh, you're the worst. |
Suzumi |
今日も酷い事していくわよ~♪ |
And I've come to do horrible things today, too. ♪ |
Hooaka |
二割増しでサービスしてやるかぁ |
I'll make sure to service you with 20% more effort than usual, then. |
BGM: エア・マスター! 〜 Soul_Dualism |
BGM: Air Master! ~ Soul Dualism | |
Suzumi |
命乞いはクーポンでも割引されないわよ♪ |
There's no discount on begging for your life, even if you use a coupon! ♪ |
Hooaka Shitodo DEFEATED | ||
Suzumi |
ま、こんなとこよね |
And that's that. |
Hooaka |
くそ~ |
Damn iiiit... |
Suzumi |
まだ世界に馴染んでないみたいね |
You haven't quite blended in with this world yet, it seems. |
Hooaka |
俺はデリケートなんでね |
I'm delicate, is why. |
Stage 5[edit | edit source]
陽を娩む塔餤らう塔 ~Creation and Destruction~ |
The Tower that Births the Sun, the Tower that Consumes the Sun ~Creation and Destruction~ | |
相手に絶対的な敗北感を |
Gain a single instance of control over your opponent | |
BGM: 虚、実を表裏上ぐ |
BGM: The Untruth Patronizes the Truth | |
Kuroji Shitodo ENTERS | ||
Kuroji Shitodo EXITS | ||
Suzumi |
さぁ~て、だいぶ見えてきたわね |
Aaaall right. It's just about within view, now. |
Suzumi |
无現里・・・・・ もうすぐね |
Mugenri... We're almost there. |
??? |
やっぱりお前だったか |
Just as I suspected, it really is you. |
Suzumi |
あら~、黒巫鳥ちゃんじゃない♪ |
Oh my~, Kuroji-chan, my precious, it's you! ♪ |
Kuroji Shitodo ENTERS | ||
曖昧で紙一重な考古学者 |
Ambiguously Paper-thin Archaeologist | |
Kuroji |
お前が神出鬼没なことは |
You're always in the wrong place at the wrong time. |
Suzumi |
驚かれないってのもさびしいわね~ |
But your lack of a reaction is such a downer... |
Kuroji |
物理的な刺激でなければ構わないさ |
As long as it's not physical stimulus, go right ahead. |
Suzumi |
あら? じゃあ精神的な刺激なら |
Oh? So as long as it's mental |
Kuroji |
・・・・前言撤回しておこうかな |
...Perhaps I should retract my statement. |
Suzumi |
チキンね~ |
Hah! Chicken~! |
Kuroji |
どうかな? 実際に死んでみないと |
I wonder about that? It's hard to know whether you're |
Suzumi |
・・・・ま、そうよね~ |
...Well, I guess that is true. |
Kuroji |
ところで |
That said, |
Suzumi |
冗談がお上手ね~♪ |
Ahaha, you always tell the best jokes~! ♪ |
BGM: エンドオブヒストリー |
BGM: End of History | |
Kuroji |
ちっ、結局はやらなくちゃか |
Tch, guess we'll have to do this, after all. |
Suzumi |
往生際がいいわね♪ |
It's good that you know when to give up. ♪ |
Kuroji |
サービスしなきゃいけないのはどっちかな? |
Which of us do you think ought to be serviced, hm? |
Kuroji Shitodo DEFEATED | ||
Kuroji |
くそっ、私もまだまだだな |
Damn it. I still have quite a ways to go... |
Suzumi |
変な能力を身に着けて |
Aw, too bad~. Did that weird power you received |
Kuroji |
らしくないことはするもんじゃないな |
I really shouldn't do things that are so unlike me. |
Suzumi |
ま、その程度じゃ |
Well, at this point, |
Final Stage[edit | edit source]
影を放つ暘鳥 ~And the opponent dies~ |
The Bird of Sunrise that Casts a Shadow ~And the opponent dies~ | |
争い事で命を奪うなんていう |
In the first place, there are none here | |
BGM: 掌の上の星 |
BGM: A Star's Light in the Palm of One's Hand | |
Kuroji Shitodo ENTERS | ||
Kuroji |
試してみたいものがもう一つあるんでね |
There's one last thing I want to try out. |
Kuroji Shitodo DEFEATED | ||
Suzumi |
・・・はぁ、なんか憂鬱ね |
...Haah, I'm starting to feel gloomy. |
Suzumi |
一人だとなんかさびしいわね |
It's so lonely all by myself. |
Suzumi |
それに・・・・ |
And to top it all off... |
??? |
クックックック・・・・ |
Keh heh heh heh... |
Suzumi |
あっそ |
Mhm. |
??? |
やぁやぁ・・・・久しぶりだねぇ |
Why, hello there... It has been a while. |
Suzumi |
あっそ |
Mhm. |
Clause ENTERS | ||
「混沌」の異名を持ち重力を自在に操る永遠なる皮相浅薄 |
Eternal Senselessness Bearing the Alias of "Chaos" who Manipulates Gravity at Will | |
Clause |
『君達』もまさかここに来ていたとわねぇ |
I never expected that "you lot" would make it to this place. |
Suzumi |
あっそ |
Mhm. |
Clause |
『偶然』っといえば君と僕にも |
Though on the topic of "coincidences", you |
Suzumi |
あっそ |
Mhm. |
Clause |
お互いに『秘密』を持つ者という |
The "coincidental similarity" that we |
Suzumi |
あっそ |
Mhm. |
Clause |
そしてお互いに『殺意』を抱いているいう |
As well as the "coincidental similarity" |
Suzumi |
あっそ |
Mhm. |
Clause |
君は『能力の秘密』を知る者を消したい |
You wish to erase all those who know "the secret of your ability". |
Suzumi |
あっそ |
Mhm. |
Clause |
僕は『闇の使徒』という肩書を持つという |
And I can not stand for others to be made aware of the "secret" that |
Suzumi |
あっそ |
Mhm. |
Clause |
これは僕が『崇高』な『任務』に就いている |
For that is "proof" concerning my "sublime" "duty", |
Suzumi |
あっそ |
Mhm. |
Clause |
まぁ、『情報屋』でもある君にとっては |
Although, to an "informant" such as yourself, |
Suzumi |
あっそ |
Mhm. |
Clause |
そもそも |
In the first place, |
Suzumi |
・・・・なんでこいつ |
...How are you even able |
Clause |
おや? だんまりを決め込んでたんじゃ |
Oh? Were you not giving me |
Suzumi |
ほんっと、むかつくわねぇ |
Seriously, you make me sick. |
Clause |
ほぅ、それは『随分』と『物騒』だねぇ |
Oho, what a "particularly" "disturbing" thing to say. |
Suzumi |
・・・・・別に今殺してしまっても |
...It'd be fine if I just murdered |
BGM: エンパイアパワー 〜 Eternal_Force |
BGM: Empire Power ~ Eternal Force | |
Clause |
くっはっはっはっは、いいだろう! |
Keh hah hah hah hah! Very well! |
Suzumi |
別にあなたの許可は求めてないわよ |
I wasn't asking for your consent, really. |
Clause |
『この僕』の『新たな』『能力』の前に |
You, too, shall kneel |
Clause DEFEATED | ||
If player has continued | ||
If player has not continued | ||