Evanescent Existence/Story/Prologue
The following is the prologue of Evanescent Existence, which can be found in story_le01.txt.
Prologue[edit | edit source]
これは今と昔の御話。 |
This is a story of both the present and long ago. | |
ここは人々の記憶の彼方に誕生し、今では忘れ去られた辺境の地。 |
This is a place born from beyond people's memories, now a forgotten frontier. | |
これは現実でない世界での御話。 |
This is a story of a world apart from reality. | |
この国は人と人でない者とが共に棲む場所。 |
This country is a place where both humans and non-humans live together. | |
これは人とそうでない者との御話。 |
This is a story of humans and non-humans. | |
そこに連れ攫われた、或いは囚われたヒト。 |
There are also people who were swept away here, or who were captured. | |
これはそのヒト達の御話。 |
This is a story about those people. | |
無限の縁と夢幻の理とが連なった地。 |
This is a land where limitless relations and illusionary laws are linked together. | |
これは失われてしまった御話。 |
This is a story that was lost. | |
意図して捨て去られた過去と現在、そして未来によって、 |
Thanks to the intentionally-discarded past, present, and future as well, | |
これは単なる御伽噺。 |
This is merely a fairy tale. | |
連縁无現里 ~Evanescent Existence~ |
Len'en Mugenri ~ Evanescent Existence ~ | |
~【前説】~ |
~ [Prologue] ~ | |
おバカな鳳聯藪雨らは、気が付いたら妙な空間にいた。(完) |
After coming to their senses, the foolish Yabusame Houlen and their friends have found themselves in a strange airspace. (End of prologue) |
Notes[edit | edit source]
- ↑ Wordplay on mugen no en ("limitless relations"), mugen no ri ("illusionary laws"), and Mugenri ("Unreal Land").