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Evanescent Existence/Documentation/Readme
This is the readme.txt that exists in Evanescent Existence. See here for the trial release version.
readme.txt[edit | edit source]
連縁无現里 ~ Evanescent Existence
Len'en Mugenri ~ Evanescent Existence
| |
| |
◆1:あいさつ |
◆1: Greetings | |
The following text appears in v1.10a and up. | ||
この度は拙作「連縁无現里 ~ Evanescent Existence」を |
Thank you very much for downloading "Len'en Mugenri ~ Evanescent Existence", | |
今作は過去にリリースした連縁シリーズの第一弾の |
This is an update which revises the difficulty, adds a new playable character, and changes some other stuff | |
これで新規プレイヤーさんの敷居も下がればなぁ、と思ってます。 |
I hope that this lowers the bar for new players. | |
それにしても過去の无現里は難しかったわ、ごーめんね! |
The previous version of Evanescent Existence was pretty hard... Sorry! | |
↓ここからもテンプレ |
(↓The text from here on out is also a template.)
| |
The following text exclusively appears in v1.01a. | ||
この度は拙作、「鏈縁无現里 ~ Evanescent Existence」を |
Thank you very much for downloading "Len'en Mugenri ~ Evanescent Existence", | |
某巫女さん弾幕STG風な当ゲームですが、 |
It's a shrine maiden bullet hell STG-styled game. | |
体験版に比べて難易度を格段に下げたつもりですが、 |
I was going to make this significantly easier than the trial version was, | |
けど少なくともクリアできる内容にはなってるはずなんで、 |
Well, it's supposed to be at least clearable, | |
それじゃあ頑張ってくださいね! |
With that, please work hard! | |
The following text appears in pretty much all versions (with varying exceptions). | ||
◆2:このファイルの含有物 |
◆2: This file's contents | |
・Le01.exe -- ゲーム本体 |
・Le01.exe -- The game itself | |
◆3アンインストール方法 |
◆3: How to uninstall | |
ゲーム本体が入ってるフォルダごと消去してください。 |
Please just get rid of the folder the game is in. | |
◆4:何か問題があったら |
◆4: In case of questions | |
同フォルダ内の「FAQ.txt」の内容をご確認ください。 |
Please check the "FAQ.txt" in the same folder this file is in. | |
ご感想とか要望とかもドーゾ。 |
Feel free to also voice your thoughts and requests and such. | |
※====================================※ |
※====================================※ | |
◆5:晩御飯がしゃぶしゃぶでしたら |
◆5: In case you're having shabu-shabu for dinner | |
こんなことしてないで、早くそばつゆと柚子胡椒を買ってくるんだ! |
Stop what you're doing and go buy some soba sauce and yuzu pepper, quick! | |
◆6:更新履歴 |
◆6: Changelog | |
2013/09/08 Le01&Le02 ver 0.01a 体験版完成 |
2013/09/08: Le01 & Le02: v0.01a - The trial version completed. | |
2017/10/19 Le01 ver 1.11a |
2017/10/19: Le01: v1.11a | |
2018/06/02 Le01 ver 1.20a ゲームレベル[Basic]と[Light]の追加、その他微調整 |
2018/06/02: Le01: ver 1.20a - Added the game levels [Basic] & [Light], along with other minor adjustments. |
Notes[edit | edit source]
- ↑ Removed in v1.10a as the file was deleted.