Earthen Miraculous Sword/Story/Yabusame's Bad Ending
Story | Good Ending A Good Ending B |
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The following material is hidden away from normal view to prevent spoilers. It contains ending dialogue and thus hidden away so that it meets the requirements provided by JynX. Please read at your own risk! |
闡裡神社にて、空は晴れていたが、心が曇りがかっている者がいた |
At the Senri Shrine, although the sky had cleared, there was a person who still had a clouded heart. | |
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なんとか逃げ果せた藪雨であったが、神器から逃れる事が出来たのに内心驚いていた。 |
Yabusame was somehow able to escape, but they were secretly amazed to have even managed that much in the face of an imperial treasure. | |
あれは果たして本当に神器だったのだろうか? |
Was that really one of the three treasures, in the end? | |
本当に神器だったなら、怪我もしないで逃げ帰ってくることが出来るなんて |
If it was, would it really have been possible for them to escape without injury? | |
そしてあの剣の柄に付いていた怪しい形をしたもの・・・ |
And that mysterious shape attached to the sword's hilt... | |
様々な疑問を抱きながら、藪雨はすっかり秋晴れた空を見ていた |
Yabusame looked up at the clear autumn sky, | |
あの空が再び曇る時までに、もう少し力を磨いておこうかな・・ |
Maybe they should polish their skills a bit more before the clouds roll in again... | |
藪雨は心の内で決意を示していた |
Yabusame affirmed their determination to themself. | |
To be continued... |
To be continued... | |
ROUTE1 Bad_End... |
ROUTE1 Bad Ending... |