Earthen Miraculous Sword/Story/Tsubakura's Scenario
Story | Extra Scenario | > |
Stage 1[edit | edit source]
永い参道--約束の土地 |
Long Shrine Road: The Promised Land | |
彼の地をヒトは无現里と呼ぶが、 |
Humans call that land "Mugenri", | |
BGM: 損いのない功徳 ~ go_to_work...? |
BGM: Unfailing Piety ~ go to work...? | |
Jun Amanomiya ENTERS | ||
Jun Amanomiya EXITS | ||
Tsubakura |
あーあ、早く帰ってお風呂入ってご飯食べて |
Ah, geeze. I just want to go home already, have a bath, eat dinner, |
Tsubakura |
・・・布団といえば、お前って洗濯どうすんの? |
...Speaking of fabric, how am I supposed to wash you?[a] |
Hat |
・・・・・ |
..... |
Tsubakura |
だんまりかい、独り言になっちゃうじゃない・・・ |
The silent treatment? Great, now I'm just talking to myself... |
??? |
あんなに空が曇ってちゃ・・・ |
With the sky around here being so cloudy... |
Tsubakura |
あぁん? |
Wha? |
Jun Amanomiya ENTERS | ||
??? |
洗濯物が乾かなくて難儀だろうに |
It'll be difficult to dry your laundry in the rain, you know? |
Tsubakura |
干し柿も碌なのが作れないだろうに |
It'll be tough to make dried persimmons worth a darn, too. |
??? |
しかしこんなところに空飛ぶ人間とは、 |
That aside, there's really a flying human 'round these parts? |
Tsubakura |
頭に傘、雨降り妖怪に決定 |
Got an umbrella on your head there. I deem you to be a rain youkai. |
進退両難あまがっぱ |
Raincoat Between a Rock and a Hard Place | |
Jun |
何故おぬしに決定権があるのか知らないが |
I really must wonder why you have the right to decide that, |
Tsubakura |
浄化決定 |
I also deem you a target for purification. |
BGM: カラクレナイ乃ナガグツ |
BGM: Crimson Boots | |
Jun |
またもや何~故? |
Once again, why?? |
Tsubakura |
早くお風呂でご飯でお酒でお布団で,おねんねなんでね |
Bath already, dinner, booze, crawl into bed. Or something. |
Jun Amanomiya DEFEATED | ||
Tsubakura |
ちょろいね、異変もあっけなく終了~、完っ! |
That was way too easy. The incident's over! Fin~! |
Jun |
それでもわちはやってないんじゃ・・・ |
But I haven't done anything, though... |
Tsubakura |
折角だから、人里に寄って |
Well, I'm already out here, |
Jun |
このまま放っとくんかい |
You're just going to leave things like this? |
Stage 2[edit | edit source]
迷えずの森 |
文字通り『蠢く』その森は |
That literally "wriggling" forest | |
BGM: ディープウェイヴァー |
BGM: Deep Waiver | |
Shou Amanomori ENTERS | ||
Shou Amanomori EXITS | ||
Tsubakura |
そろそろツッコミするけど、 |
I don't mean to burst anyone's bubble here, but why are the trees moving? |
Tsubakura |
迷わせたいのかねぇ、実際迷っちゃいそうだが |
Are they trying to make me get lost or something? I mean, it's working, but still. |
Tsubakura |
ウザったいから、一段落したら |
'S pretty annoying, so maybe I ought to just cut them all down~? |
??? |
お前か! 潤に悪いことをしたのは! |
So it's you! You're the one who was really mean to Jun! |
Shou Amanomori ENTERS | ||
Tsubakura |
ん、邪魔 |
Hm. Obstacle. |
??? |
おいおい止まれ、止まって |
Hey, hey, stop. Stop right there! |
Tsubakura |
なんだよ、これからお前の相手をするので |
What's your problem? I'm about to fight you, so I'm |
??? |
うん、ううん? かまってくれるの? |
Uh... huh? So you're paying attention to me? |
Tsubakura |
あたしゃそんなこと言ってないよん |
Ah ain't said nothin' bout that. |
歩く潤滑剤 |
Walking Lubricant | |
Shou |
あぁもうっ! 面倒くさいっ! |
Augh, whatever! You're so annoying! |
Tsubakura |
やめられない止まらない |
Can't stop, won't stop. |
Shou |
あ、そうだ、 |
Oh, all right. |
Tsubakura |
そりゃ良い案だ、健闘を祈る |
Great plan you got there. I wish you luck in battle. |
Shou |
だから止まれって、宵の仇っ! |
So hold it, already! I'm gonna get revenge for Jun![b] |
Tsubakura |
あ、やっぱり死んでたんだ、あれ |
Oh. They died after all, then. |
Shou |
死んでてたまるか! 縁起でもない! |
Like hell they'd die! Don't jinx them like that! |
Tsubakura |
確かに演技ではなさそうだな、 |
You sure don't seem to be acting. |
BGM: ずるべた海索麺 ~ Act_the_FOOL_HAHAHA |
BGM: Slimy Umisoumen ~ Act the FOOL HAHAHA | |
Shou |
いい加減にしろよ! 今から怒るからなっ! |
That's enough outta you! I'm really gonna get mad now! |
Tsubakura |
有限実行、無限実行、 |
"Put your limits where your mouth is"; "actions speak louder than limits." |
Shou |
後悔すんよ! |
Fine! I'll make you regret ever messing with me! |
Shou Amanomori DEFEATED | ||
Shou |
後悔したー |
I regret ever messing with you~. |
Tsubakura |
よく考えたら村から正反対の位置だった、 |
Now that I think about it, I was headed in completely the |
Shou |
まぁどうでもいっか、 |
Well, fine, whatever. |
Tsubakura |
雲ってはいるんだがなー、 |
Although it's still pretty cloudy... |
Shou |
晴れちゃダメなんだよー |
But I don't want it to be sunny! |
Stage 3[edit | edit source]
泥濘への一歩 |
A Step in the Mud | |
参道から人里へと通ずる道、 |
The path from the shrine road to the human village. | |
BGM: 帰路は失われど ~ KEEP_IN |
BGM: Though the Way Home is Lost ~ KEEP IN | |
Lumen Celeritas ENTERS | ||
Lumen Celeritas EXITS | ||
Tsubakura |
こんなことなら里の近くの雨降り妖怪やら,座敷童やらを適当に弾くんだったな |
If I knew this was gonna happen, I ought've shot down that |
Tsubakura |
けどもうすぐ里だな、 |
But, welp, the village should be right up here. |
??? |
犯人発見っ! |
Culprit spotted! |
Tsubakura |
なんで俺の周りはこんなのばっかなんだ? |
Why am I always surrounded by people like this. |
Lumen Celeritas ENTERS | ||
??? |
類は友を呼ぶ・・・、 |
Birds of a feather flock together... |
Tsubakura |
的を得ているかもな、案外 |
Huh. Actually, you might've hit the bull's-eye with that. |
??? |
こんなところに空飛ぶ人間・・・怪しい限りねぇ |
A human flying around in a place like this... you're definitely suspicious. |
Tsubakura |
怪しいのはそのとおりだが、 |
Well, I'll admit to being suspicious. |
無頓着に収束する恩光 |
Carelessly Converging Ray of Sunshine | |
Lumen |
ピッカピカッの発光生物は寒さ知らずなのさ! |
A sparkly, fluorescent creature such as myself knows no cold! |
Tsubakura |
発酵、妖怪酒・・・意外とアリかもな |
A fermentent creature?[d] Youkai saké... that might actually be pretty good. |
Lumen |
何か怖いことを想像してないかい? |
I feel like you're imagining something terrifying?? |
Tsubakura |
いやいや、気にせず蒸留されてくれ |
Oh no, don't mind me. Just lemme distill you a bit. |
BGM: プリズミックアクセル |
BGM: Prismic Accelerator | |
Lumen |
き、危険思想! 犯人確定!! |
D-dangerous idea alert! You're the culprit for sure!! |
Tsubakura |
かかってこーい |
Come an' get sooome. |
Lumen |
心も髪の毛も暗黒に染まったお前に、光あれっ! |
Your heart is stained as dark as your hair! May light shine upon thee! |
Lumen Celeritas DEFEATED | ||
Tsubakura |
ん? そういえば向こうの方、全然晴れてないな |
Hm? Now that I look at it, it's still cloudy over that way. |
Lumen |
少なくとも、あの曇り空はそこいらの妖怪の力を |
At the very least, the cloudy sky over there far surpasses |
Tsubakura |
へぇ、詳しいじゃん |
Huh. You sure know a lot. |
Lumen |
えっへん |
Ehehe. |
Tsubakura |
じゃあ、そのまま頑張って解脱しろよー |
Welp, you just do your thing and ascend to Nirvana already. |
Lumen |
輪廻から外れた者に、そもそも解脱なんてないさ・・・ |
Those cast out from the cycle of reincarnation can't ascend in the first place... |
Tsubakura |
お前は莫迦なのか阿呆なのか、 |
Are you an idiot, or are you just plain stupid? |
Stage 4[edit | edit source]
雲下、潤い腐る庭 |
The Sodden Decaying Garden Beneath the Clouds | |
日の光が当たらぬこの事態は、 |
With no sunlight shining down, this situation | |
BGM: 糠を舐りて米に及ぶ 〜 What's_the_matter? |
BGM: Lick the Bran to Reach the Rice ~ What's the matter? | |
Hibaru Kokutenshi ENTERS | ||
Hibaru Kokutenshi EXITS | ||
Tsubakura |
だいぶ暗くなってきたな・・・まだ日の暮れでは |
It's gotten real dark, even though it's not |
Tsubakura |
第一、どこに向かえばいいんだか |
For starters, where should I even go? |
Tsubakura |
雲の下を適当に行けば何か見つかると思ったが |
I figured if I just flew beneath the clouds, I'd find something, but... |
??? |
ややっ! 迷えるなんとか発見! |
My, my! I spy a stray such-and-such! |
Hibaru Kokutenshi ENTERS | ||
Tsubakura |
ラム肉は余り好きじゃないな、においがね・・・ |
I don't really like lamb meat, since it stinks... |
??? |
おややのや? |
Oh, what's this, what's this? |
Tsubakura |
人間だって迷子になるぞ? |
Even humans can wander astray, you know? In this labyrinth we call lif—[f] |
??? |
いやしかしこんなところに人間とは珍しい |
Jokes aside, though, humans are very rare to see around here. |
Tsubakura |
人の台詞を遮るなって、 |
Didn't the buddha Mahavairocana ever tell you |
陽気な取立て屋 |
Cheerful Debt Collector | |
Hibaru |
失礼、なにぶんセッカチが取り柄なもんで |
My apologies. Impatience is something I take pride in, after all. |
Tsubakura |
短所と捉えた方が、長所と成り得るんだがな |
I mean, it'd reflect much better on you if you took it as one of your flaws. |
Hibaru |
こちとら取立てで忙しい日々なんでね、 |
I'm quite busy collecting the debts people owe us, you see. |
Tsubakura |
鳥の取立てやねぇ・・・ |
A bird debt collector, huh... |
Tsubakura |
それとも略して鳥取だから? |
Or maybe we can just shorten "bird debt collector", "tori no toritate"... You from Tottori? |
Hibaru |
貴方も[j]お金にお困りでしたらどうぞウチの金融会社へ! |
It seems you're having money trouble. By all means, pay our financing company a visit! |
Tsubakura |
随分と勤労意欲のある営業方法だな、 |
Quite the work-dedicated business method you've got there. |
Hibaru |
あぁそうだ、そんなことより |
Oh, that's right. Besides that, |
Tsubakura |
お前の頭の中は随分と良い天気なんだな |
The weather in your head must be real nice, huh? |
Hibaru |
あの人は昔っからの常連様なんだけど |
They've been a regular patron since a long time ago, |
Tsubakura |
御天道様なら見ての通り、 |
If you're looking for the sun, it's hiding |
Hibaru |
なんと! まさか夜逃げするとは・・・ |
My word! To think it would flee under the cover of night...! |
Tsubakura |
なかなかユニークな洒落だとでも思ったのか? |
Did you think that was a nice, inspired joke or something? |
Hibaru |
それでは、貴方が立て替えるということで |
Now, with that, I'll have you pay the debt on its behalf. |
Tsubakura |
なるほど、つまり誰でもいいってことね |
Ah, I see. So any victim is fine. |
BGM: 二束三文マネービルダー |
BGM: Dime-a-Dozen Moneymaker | |
Hibaru |
リトル♪ |
Ri-toru~♪ |
Hibaru Kokutenshi DEFEATED | ||
Tsubakura |
脳味噌までリトルな奴だな |
Looks like even your brain was "little", in the end.[l] |
Hibaru |
ひぇ〜、お強い方でしたか、 |
Eeek, you were a tough customer?! |
Tsubakura |
お前みたいな奴に取り立てを任せる |
I can hardly imagine what your company was thinking, |
Hibaru |
何を!? こう見えても |
Excuse me?! Despite my appearance, |
Tsubakura |
どこから見ればそう見えないのか、 |
Just what part of you doesn't look like that? |
Stage 5[edit | edit source]
埴輪街道、儀式場前 |
The Road of the Haniwa Leading to the Ritual Site | |
素焼きの埴輪が |
Here on this path with unglazed | |
BGM: ラディカルヒストリー 〜 双眸に穿たれた記憶 |
BGM: Radical History ~ Memories Engraved in the Eyes | |
Sukune Katano ENTERS | ||
Sukune Katano EXITS | ||
Tsubakura |
随分と奇抜な建物だなぁ〜、いやはや素焼きとは... |
What an unconventional building. Unglazed pottery, my my... |
Tsubakura |
この曇り空の中心らへんに位置する・・・な |
And placed right in the center of the clouds... huh. |
??? |
臭くにゃーい! |
It doesn't stink, nyah! |
Tsubakura |
にゃー |
Nyaaah. |
Sukune Katano ENTERS | ||
??? |
臭くにゃいー! |
It DOESN'T stink, nyah! |
Tsubakura |
いや、そういう意味で言ったんじゃ・・・ |
Uh, no, that's not quite what I meant... |
??? |
臭くにゃーいょ! |
It doesn't stiiiink! |
Tsubakura |
うーん、そっか・・・じゃぁお前が悪臭の原因か? |
Err, all right... so are you the source of the foul smell? |
??? |
悪どい臭いがするのはおみゃーの方だよー |
Yer the one who smells like foul play! |
Tsubakura |
ちょっくら平和を取り戻しに |
Just to do a little peace-restoring. |
??? |
なんと! 正義の味方様でちだかー |
What?! So yer an ally of justice...? |
Tsubakura |
ってのは冗談だが |
Just kidding, though. |
??? |
えっ! だ、騙くらかされたぁー!? |
What! Y-you trick'd meee?! |
Tsubakura |
謀ったんじゃなくて冗談だ、 |
I wasn't tricking you, I was telling a joke. |
??? |
ひどいやっちゃー |
That was awful of ya... |
Tsubakura |
まぁ御天道様を取り戻しにきた訳だから |
Well, I am here to restore the sun, |
??? |
なんだい、やっぱり正義の味方様じゃーないか、 |
What? So yer on the side of justice after all! |
Tsubakura |
お前も単純な奴だな、その他大勢と同じで |
You're a simpleton, huh. Much like most others. |
??? |
うんにゃ、よく言われるっちゅー、えへっ |
Eeyep, I get that a lot! Heheh. |
Tsubakura |
その単純に免じて |
Mind letting me pass, then, |
??? |
残念ながら単純にダメー |
Sorry t'say it, but that's simply not happenin'! |
Tsubakura |
そんな立て札どこにも見当たらないが? |
I don't recall seeing any notice boards to that effect? |
??? |
そんなものは今から創るっちゃー |
Well, I can craft one up right now! |
Tsubakura |
出来上がるまで待ってるとでも思うのか? |
Do you seriously think I'll wait around until you're done? |
??? |
にゃに、ほんの数秒で出来るわいー |
Sure do! It'll only take a few secondsh. |
Tsubakura |
へぇ |
Huh. |
無垢なる天才埴輪 |
Pure and Genius Haniwa | |
Sukune |
僕ぁ『片埜 宿禰』、土であらゆる物の形を |
Th'name's "Sukune Katano"! I can sculpt the earth |
Tsubakura |
なる~、この建物もお前さんお手製ってわけね、 |
I see~. So this building is one of your handmade |
Sukune |
ご名答、僕があっちゅー間に創ったもんにゃー |
Correct indeed! I made the whole thing in only a moment'sh time, nyah! |
Tsubakura |
そりゃ随分と手抜き工事で |
Guess you must've cut a lot of corners while building it, then. |
Sukune |
手抜きなんてとんでもにゃい、 |
Cut cornersh?! Ya got some nerve! |
Tsubakura |
確かに、土で家を作るなんて無駄に凄い手間だな、 |
Making a whole house out of dirt is some stupidly impressive |
Sukune |
泥団子でも立派な作品、 |
Mud balls're yet another example of fine artwork! |
BGM: 埴輪相撲 〜 End_of_immolation |
BGM: Haniwa Sumo ~ End of immolation | |
Sukune |
僕が創ったらたとえ泥団子でも、兵器にもなる! |
If I'm the one makin' 'em, even mud balls make |
Sukune Katano DEFEATED | ||
Tsubakura |
ゲーム終了〜♪ |
Game over~. ♪ |
Sukune |
つ、つよっ・・・ |
S-so strong...! |
Tsubakura |
そうやって表層だけを重視してるからさ・・・ |
See, that's why. You value surface-level appearances too much... |
Sukune |
待っちくれ〜、 |
Wait up, wait up~. |
Tsubakura |
儀式か・・・ますます良い響きだ |
A ritual...? I like the sound of this more and more. |
Sukune |
待つ気なしかい |
Yer not gonna wait? |
Tsubakura |
もちろん。 |
'Course not. |
Sukune |
はぁ、こんな品性もセンスもなさそうな奴に |
Haaah. I can't believe I lost |
Tsubakura |
そう言うが、俺の作る泥団子は光るし浮くんだ[j]ぜ |
You may say that, but the mud balls I make both glow and hover. |
Sukune |
そんな泥団子があってたまるかぃー・・・ |
You call those mud balls...?! |
Tsubakura |
まぁステレオタイプはそこでしばらく寝てな |
Now, now, let's put the stereotypes to rest for the moment. |
Sukune |
ぐうぅー・・・ |
Guuu... |
Final Stage[edit | edit source]
儀式場内部~夕晴 |
Inside the Ritual Site ~ Clear Evening Sky | |
雲下に聳える強大な土器、 |
A giant clay container, rising beneath the clouds. | |
BGM: 悠久の眠りを、刹那の瞬きを |
BGM: An Eternal Sleep, a Passing Instant | |
Sukune Katano ENTERS | ||
Sukune |
寝てなんかいられるかーぃ! |
Ya think I'm just gonna sit down an' reeeest?! |
Tsubakura |
確かに、永眠するにはまだ早いぞ |
It's too early for your eternal sleep, true. |
Sukune |
今度はこっちが寝させちゃる!! |
Yer gonna be the one takin' a dirt nap thish time!! |
Sukune Katano DEFEATED | ||
Tsubakura |
あれまぁ・・・雲がパックリ割れてるわい |
My my... those clouds just split right open, they did. |
Tsubakura |
天孫降臨ごっこでもしてんのか? |
Tryin' to re-enact Ninigi's descent or something? |
??? |
そいつは良かった |
How nice of you to say that. |
Tsubakura |
お、なんかいる |
Whup, someone's here. |
Adagumo no Yaorochi ENTERS | ||
??? |
最後に目に焼き付ける光景としては満足か? |
Is this view satisfactory as the last thing that will be burned into your eyes? |
Tsubakura |
物騒な事を言うのが趣味のようだな |
Wow. Guess you make a hobby of saying pretty ominous stuff. |
??? |
今日は凄く気分がいいからな、だからだ |
I am in a supremely good mood today. That is why. |
Tsubakura |
気分によって趣味が変わると |
So your hobbies change according to your mood? |
??? |
あぁ、おそらくな |
Yes, most likely. |
Tsubakura |
度し難いな、自分自身の感情でさえ |
You don't even understand your own emotions perfectly? |
??? |
この世で自分の事以上に理解出来ない事なんて |
There is nothing in this world that's harder to |
Tsubakura |
理解不能、我思う故に吾亦紅(われもこう) |
Inconceivable. "I think; therefore I am burnet."[n] |
??? |
そう言うお前は自身の事を |
By that, do you mean to say that you understand |
Tsubakura |
愚問甚だしい、何せ俺はこの世で最も |
What a stupid question! After all, out of all the me's |
??? |
理解し難い言葉の列だな |
Quite an incomprehensible string of words. |
Tsubakura |
俺にはこんな陰気な曇り空が好きなお前の方が |
If you ask me, though, you and your fondness for these |
??? |
あぁ、この曇天か・・・ |
Ah, these clouds...? |
Tsubakura |
あら、そうなの? じゃ、あたしゃ |
Oh, will they? So then what did I do all this |
??? |
ご所望ならばこの程度の叢雲、 |
If you so desire, I can easily mow down and sweep away |
Tsubakura |
薙ぎ払う・・・雲を? |
Mow and sweep away... the clouds? |
大蛇の末裔 |
Descendant of Orochi | |
Yaorochi |
我が名は『徒雲 八尾呂智』、 |
My name is "Adagumo no Yaorochi," |
Tsubakura |
あぁどーも、『燕楽 玄鳥』 |
Er, yes, hello, I'm Tsubakura Enraku, |
Yaorochi |
そう、この劔との再会の記念日なんだ |
Why, none other than my reunion with this sword. |
Tsubakura |
その劔、只の剣じゃないな? |
That's not just any regular sword, huh? |
Yaorochi |
ほぉ、この霊力が分かるのか? |
Oh, can you sense its spiritual power? |
Tsubakura |
『天叢雲劔』か・・・・厄介だな(勘) |
Is the "Ame no Murakumo no Tsurugi"...? That ain't good. (just a hunch) |
Yaorochi |
っ! |
...! |
Tsubakura |
さて、なんでだろうな・・・? |
Hm, I wonder. How indeed...? |
Yaorochi |
この劔のことを知ってるということは・・・ |
If you know about this sword's true nature... |
Tsubakura |
どっかで聞いた事ありそうな台詞だな・・・・・ |
I feel like I've heard a line like that somewhere before... |
Yaorochi |
再び我々からこの劔を奪うつもりか? |
Do you intend to steal this sword away from us once again? |
Tsubakura |
おーい、聞けよばーか |
Helloooo? You listening, dummy? Anyone home? |
Yaorochi |
いいだろう、ならば丁度良い・・・ |
Very well. This works out perfectly... |
Tsubakura |
そんな霊験灼たかな剣の操、 |
Y'know, I'd hate for my blood to sully the honor |
Yaorochi |
神器の淵源『蛇叢剣(たそうけん)』、 |
Behold the origin of the imperial regalia, "Tasouken"! |
Tsubakura |
あーぁ、戦う気はもうないんだけどな〜、 |
Ahhh, god, I really don't feel like fighting any more, though~. |
Yaorochi |
覚悟はいいか? ゆくぞ |
Are you ready? Here I come. |
Tsubakura |
Looks like you're the kind of person who gets so into their own spiel that they | |
BGM: 深い徒雲の下で 〜 Mow_Down! |
BGM: Below a Deep Vanishing Cloud ~ Mow Down! | |
Yaorochi |
薙ぎ払ってくれる、 朝蜘蛛め! |
I shall mow thee down, spider of dawn![o][p] |
Adagumo no Yaorochi DEFEATED | ||
If player has at least 3 petals in the Cloud Flower gauge | ||
『・・・力を示せ』 |
"...Prove your power." | |
Tasouken LAST SPELL | ||
Tasouken DEFEATED | ||
If player has continued | ||
If player has not continued and didn't face Tasouken | ||
If player has not continued and faced Tasouken | ||
Notes[edit | edit source]
- ↑ Tsubakura is looking up at their hat for this line.
- ↑ The Japanese text actually says "revenge for Shou" instead of "for Jun", this has been confirmed to be an error by JynX but remains to be fixed in-game.[1]
- ↑ Tsubakura's phrase yuugen jikou, mugen jikou (有限実行、無限実行, lit. "limited action, limitless action") is a pun on the sayings yuugen jikou (有言実行, lit. "put your words into action") and fugen jikou (不言実行, lit. "take action without idle talk").
- ↑ Pun on hakkou (発光, "light-emitting") and hakkou (発酵, "fermentation")
- ↑ Pun on "lamb" and "rum", both pronounced ramu (ラム) in Japanese.
- ↑ This line is imitated by Yabusame in their Neutral scenario in Brilliant Pagoda or Haze Castle.
- ↑ Meant to be the sound of a skylark's cry. Can also be read as ri toru (利取る, "take debt"), in line with folklore about the sun owing debt to a skylark, which Hibaru is based on.
- ↑ Ichi-shō kashite ni-to toru (一升貸して二斗取る) literally means "lend one shou, take two to" (shou (升) and to (斗) being archaic units of volume). The cry of a skylark was likened to this phrase in ancient Japan.
- ↑ This conversation is an extended pun "tori" (鳥 bird), "toritate" (取立て debt collector) and the city "Tottori" (鳥取).
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 These highlighted in grey were removed in v1.10a.
- ↑ A reference to the famous Tottori Sand Dunes.
- ↑ "Ritoru" again.
- ↑ The Haji (土師) clan was an ancient Japanese clan founded by Nomi no Sukune, and tasked with production of Haji pottery by Emperor Suinin.
- ↑ Ware omou yue ni waremokou (我思う故に吾亦紅), a pun on the phrase ware omou yue ni ware ari (我思う、ゆえに我あり, "I think; therefore I am").
- ↑ "Spiders of dawn" (朝蜘蛛 asa-gumo, sounds like "Adagumo") are said to be a good omen, which one shouldn't kill.
- ↑ Tsubakura being called a "spider" is likely a reference to "Tsuchigumo". A historical Japanese derogatory term, sometimes written as "earth spider" (土蜘蛛), used to refer to renegade local clans.
References[edit | edit source]