Earthen Miraculous Sword/Story/Tsubakura's Good Ending A
< | Bad Ending | Story | Good Ending B | > |
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The following material is hidden away from normal view to prevent spoilers. It contains ending dialogue and thus hidden away so that it meets the requirements provided by JynX. Please read at your own risk! |
秋の日差しが土製儀式場に差し込む。 |
The autumn sunlight filtered down onto the clay ritual site. | |
レンブラント光線とも呼ばれるその光が照らす屋上では |
That light, sometimes known as Rembrandt rays, shone down onto the roof. | |
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玄鳥の容赦のないツッコミにダラダラダラ〜ンと崩れ落ちる八尾呂智。 |
At Tsubakura's merciless jab, Yaorochi crumpled to the floor with a big "fllllllllump". | |
それとほぼ同時に、儀式場の階段を駆け上り、屋上に姿を現した者がいた。 |
At just the same time, someone came running up the building's stairs and out onto the roof. | |
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かくして『栓抜き』に力を遷された神器。 |
Thus, the imperial treasure's power was transferred to a bottle opener. | |
その所為なのかどうなのか、それは神器としての力を引き出せないものとなっていた。 |
Perhaps for that reason, it was impossible to draw out its true power as a sacred treasure. | |
だが実際は八尾呂智はそんな力はどうでも良かったのかもしれない。 |
However, Yaorochi may not have actually cared about that power. | |
八尾呂智は剣の「力」を愛していた訳ではなかったのだから。 |
It wasn't the sword's "power" that they loved, after all. | |
だけれども、やはり使用用途が『栓抜き』となると複雑な気持ちであったであろう。 |
However, they did still feel rather conflicted about its utility being reduced to opening bottles. | |
八尾呂智の願いは七割程だけ叶ったといったところだろうか。 |
Perhaps one might say that Yaorochi's wish was about 70% granted. | |
それでも栓抜きを抱きかかえている八尾呂智は、 |
Despite all that, though, as they held the bottle-opener to their chest, Yaorochi's expression was like none they'd ever made in the past. | |
・・・しかし、神器で酒を開けるとは、なんとも罰当たり・・・ |
...But, doesn't opening saké with an imperial treasure seem a little disgraceful...? | |
To be continued ---- EXTRA_STAGE... |
To be continued in the Extra Stage... | |
ROUTE2 ALL CLEAR!! <玄鳥の言うとおり、 すげぇオチでした>。 |
ROUTE 2 ALL CLEAR!! <As Tsubakura said, that was one heck of a twist.> |